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1. Are you a talkative person? Prove it with some facts.

I consider myself a talkative person. I easily find topics for conversation, I can
easily support any conversation, I am also very curious.
2. When having a conversation, are you the one who’s talking all the time or do
you rather stay silent and listen?
I prefer to speak. But if a person is unpleasant or uninteresting to me, then I
prefer to listen and be silent.
3. How do you feel about giving a talk in public? How often do you have to do
Now I do not participate in any public speaking. But when I was still at school,
I took part in all public performances and was the host on them.
4. What bad conversation habits do you know? (Think of 5-7 ideas)
-interrupting a person, arguing, incoherent speech, repeating one’s thought
several times, looking at the phone during a conversation

2. of talk is cheap - used to mean that it is easy to say that one will do

words fail someone - used to say that a person does not know what to say .

It’s all Greek to me - an expression that is difficult to understand for the sayer.

At a loss for words - unable to think of anything to say

Beyond words - an overwhelming situation where one cannot find words to

express ones emotions.

Plain English - clear, simple language

Eat one’s words - to admit that something you said before was wrong

It goes without saying - said to mean that something is so obvious that it does
not need to be said or explained

Speak the same language- to understand each other well because of shared ideas
and feelings

Talk a mile a minute - very quickly

Mince one’s words - to say what you mean clearly and directly, even if you
upset people by doing this

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