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Cyber Crime: Crime committed using a computer and the internet to steal data or

information is called cyber crime.

For example:
 Stealing credit card information
 Breaking government websites

Categories of cyber crime:

(a) Using computer as a target: Using a computer to attacks other computer, e.g.
hacking, virus/worms attack etc.
(b) The computer as a weapon: Using a computer to commit real world crime e.g. cyber
terrorism, credit card fraud etc.

Types of cyber crime:

(a) Hacking
(b) Credit Card Fraud
(c) Virus Dissemination
(d) Cyber Terrorism
(e) Computer Vandalism
(f) Software Piracy
(g) Spoofing

(a) Hacking: Unauthorized access into any computer system or network. Those who
do hacking is called hackers.
Types of hacker:
(i) White Hat Hackers: White hat hackers try to find out the loopholes of the
security measures of a system. They are also called ‘Ethical Hackers’.
(ii) Black Hat Hackers: Black Hat Hackers get into a system for dishonest
(iii) Gray Hat Hackers: Gray hat hackers enact a blend of both black hat and white
hat activities. They often look for vulnerabilities in a system without the owner’s
permission or knowledge. If issues are found, they report them to the owner, sometimes
requesting a small fee to fix them.
(b) Credit Card Fraud: Credit Card Fraud can occur when unauthorized users gain
access to an individual's credit card information in order to make purchases, other
transactions, or open new accounts.
To avoid Credit Card Fraud, the banks are now make a privacy so that one can’t use the
others credit card because of the mobile security code and two steps verification.

(c) Virus dissemination:

Virus: A virus is a kind of software that attacks data and information, and it has the
power to increase its number. When a virus enters the computer, it gradually increases in
number and attacks the data stored there, and finally makes the computer unusable
infecting the entire device. The full form of ‘VIRUS’ is ‘Vital Information and
Resources Under Siege’ which indicates taking control of important information or
demanding something. For examples: a booting virus attacks the booting sector of the
hard disk. Stone, Vienna, CIH, Folder, Trojan horse etc are some most common viruses.
It was named by Professor Fred Cohen, a renowned researcher of University of New

The symptoms that the computer and ICT devices are infected by a virus:
 Opening a file and program takes longer than the usual time.
 The memory has little space, leading to a slow performance of the computer.
 Showing unexpected messages incompatible with the works while running the
 Installation of a program takes longer than usual time.
 The running files take more space.
 The machine shuts down during booting or working time.
 The names of the folders are replaced with cryptic names.

A virus can cause the following damage:

 It can erase any save data or file.
 It can corrupt data.
 Abrupt and unexpected messages can be viewed on the computer.
 The display of the monitor can be corrupted.
 The entire system can be slowed down.
How to keep your computer free of virus attack?
 Keep regular backup of your important files.
 Be aware that most current viruses arrive as e-mail attachments.
 It is impossible for any anti-virus program to protect against all new viruses, so
your best protection is to be very cautious about opening e-mail attachments.

(d) Cyber Terrorism: Use of internet based attacks in terrorist activities. There are
laws to prevent cyber crimes.

(e) Computer Vandalism:

(i) Damaging or destroying data rather than stealing.
(ii) Transmitting virus.
(iii) Ethical way to deal with computer vandalism is not to give permissions to software
without reading the agreements.

(f) Software Piracy: Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine

(g) Spoofing: The word ‘spoof’ means to trick, or deceive. Therefore, in the IT world,
spoofing refers tricking or deceiving computer systems or other computer users.
Spoofing can take place on the internet in several different ways:
 E-mail Spoofing
 IP Spoofing
 Fake Identity
How do you prevent your computer system free of spoofing?
 Always keep your computer system updated with a good anti-virus software.
 Do not open the mail if you do not recognize the sender.
 Ignore any mails which come without sender names.
 Ignore any mails which have your name in the sender details.
 Do not open any mails if it has only a link in the body of the message.
Cyber law:

Safety tips for cyber crime:

 Use anti-virus software.
 Insert firewalls.
 Uninstall unnecessary software.
 Maintain backup.
 Check security settings.
 Never give your full name or address to strangers.

Cyber Security: Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related

to the internet. Its objective is to establish rules and measure to use against attacks over
the internet.
Advantages of Cyber Security:
Defend us from critical attacks.
Browse the safe website.
Internet security process all the incoming and outgoing data on our computer.

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