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Basics of Buddhist Studies

and Buddhism in Nepal

Subject Code: BBS 603 FM 50 PM 25
M. R. Shakya
2075/10/21 (4th Feb, 2019) +
2075/11/15 (27th Feb, 2019)
The course is divided into four sections.
a) Basics of Buddhism,
b) Buddhist philosophy,
c) Buddhism in Nepal and
d) Buddhist Literature.
Section A : Basics of Buddhism
In the basics of Buddhism, the life of Buddha, origin and
development of Buddhism and the basic teachings of the
Buddha are discussed.
 Life of Buddha- It is generally believed that Siddhartha,
the prince of Shakya kingdom of Kapilavastu, was born in
Lumbini in 6th century BC (623 BC / 563 BC). His birth is
important event in the world. If he was not born, there
will be no appearance of Buddhism. So Siddhartha's birth
event, his childhood and early life is important. Similarly,
His renunciation is also important for the attainment of
Buddhahood. Thus the causes of renunciation are also
important. Then we have discussed about the attainment
of Buddhahood, spread of dharma and finally his death or
attainment of final Mahaparinirvana at Kusinagar.
Show your acquaintance with Birth and Early Life of Prince Siddarth.

 Prince Siddhartha was born on full moon day of Baishakha at Lumbini grove in
Nepal around sixth century BC.

 Siddhartha’s Family- King Suddhodana z'4f]bg Father) Queen Mayādevi dfofb]jL

Mother ) and second Queen Mahāprajapati Gotami (Gautami) dxfk|hfklt uf}tdL .
Suddhodana has Younger brothers - Suklodana, Amritodana, Dhautodana,
Ghanitodana. Siddhartha’s - brother Nanda & elder sister Nandā Mrs Yasodharā,
son Rāhula, Cousin brothers Ānanda, Mahanam, Anurudha, Bhaddiya & Devadatta
 Birth day- Full Moon day of Baisakha (May), Taiwan- the second Sunday of May,
Japan April 8.The UN Headquarters and other UN offices and missions observe Day
of Vesak on full moon day of Vesak since 1999
 Sage Asita cl;t (Kāladevala sfnb]jn) predicted that royal baby will be a Buddha.
 Prince was named Siddhārtha l;4fy{ on the 5th day of his birth. Examining the
auspicious (32 major and 80 minor) marks of the child seven out of eight Brahmans
raised two fingers and said the child would either become a Universal Monarch
rqmjtL{{ /fhf (cakkravarti king) or Buddha. But the youngest, Kondañña sf]08Go Brahman
raising only one finger declared that the child’s Buddhahood is sure, eternal.
 Queen Maya died seven days after Siddharth’s birth. Mahaprajapati Gotami
adopted the prince.
Early Life or Childhood of Siddhartha
 Education from Visvamitra ljZjfldq Luxurious life as a prince-The king and queen
surrounded their son with every luxury and comfort. Siddhartha’s days were spent
in the palace and its beautiful gardens, playing and learning with his cousins,
friends and companions. His best friends were his cousin Ananda, his attendant
Chandak 5Gbs and his horse Kanthak sGys Siddhartha was a kind and gentle child,
and everyone who met him loved him, except his cousin Devadatta. Devadatta
hated Siddhartha. He hated his kindness and his compassion, and the fact that he
was loved so dearly by everyone in the palace. Devadatta used every opportunity
he could get to pick a fight with Siddhartha, or to create trouble for him.
 Siddhartha married his beautiful cousin Princess Yashodhara at the early age of 16.
But she give birth a son Rahula /fx'n at the age of 29.
He spent delicate life in the palace, entertained with female musicians, dancers.
 Renunciation - dxflelgiqmd0f At the age of 29
 Siddhartha renounce the palace on the full moon day of Ashadha observing four
sings – an old man, a sick man, a dead man and a monk. Siddhartha was born in
Lumbini on full moon day of Baishaka, he attained Buddhahood (Perfect
Enlightenment) at Bodhagaya on full moon day of Baishaka and passed away into
final Mahaparinirvana at Kusinagara at the age of 80 on full moon day on
Bakshaka. These three events were happned on full moon day of Baisakha. So
Baisakha Purnima is important day for Buddhists. Buddha’s last word is ‘All the
composite things will be passed away. Work hard to gain your own salvation.’
xGbbflg lejvj]], jo wDdf ;+vf/f cKkdfb]g ;Dkfb]y .
The basic teachings of the Buddha are Trisarana, trilakshana, paticcasamuppada,
ariyasacca (Aryasatya cfo{;To) etc. Among them we focus on Four Noble Truths or
Highlight the importance of Four Noble Truths.
Four Noble Truth is the key concept of Buddhism. Why?

 Dukkha Aryasatya (Noble Truth of Suffering), Dukkha Samudaya Aryasatya (Noble Truth
of Cause of Suffering), Dukkha Nirodha Aryasatya (Noble Truth of Cessation of
Suffering), Dukkha Nirodhagāmini Pratipada Aryasatya or Margasacca (Noble Truth of
the Path leading to Cessation of Suffering) Satya=Aryasatya
 Buddha states -ofjlsj~r d] leDvj] Od];' rt";' cl/o;Rr];' Pj+ ltkl/j§+ åfb;fsf/+
oyfe"t+ `f0fb:;g+ g ;'lj;'4+ cxf]l; . g]j tfjfx+ leSvj] ;b]js] nf]s] ;df/s] ;a|Dxs]
;:;d0fa|fDxl0fof khfo ;b]jdg':;fo cg'Q/+ ;Ddf;Daf]lw+ cle;Da'4f] lt kRr~`fl; ._ -It
is through not understanding, not realizing four things, that I as well as you had to
wander so long through this round of rebirths.
 -As long as the absolute true knowledge about these Four Noble Truths was not quite
clear in me I have not declared that I had attained Unsurpassed Enlightenment.
 One can't get liberation or Nirvana without understanding and practicing of Noble
Truths. Without Four Noble Truths there is no Buddhism. Therefore all sect of Buddhism
accepts Four Noble Truths. In other words, without realization of Dukha no one wants
to escape from it. If someone thinks that there is no suffering in this world, then why
should he thought about liberation from sufferings. So it is necessary to realize or
understand the Noble Truth of Suffering, Origin of Suffering, Cessation of Suffering, and
the Path leading to the end of Suffering. In brief Buddha says 'O Monks, I will teach only
two things that is Suffering and Cessation of Suffering.
Explain the First Noble Truth with reference to eight types of suffering.
 Buddha teaches Four Noble Truths to pancavaggiya monks in his first
discourse or the Turning of the Wheel of Dhamma. (Cattāri- ariyasaccāni
rQfl/ cl/o ;Rrflg (catuaryastya rt'–cfo{;To in Sanskrit) Cattāri =Four; Ariya
=Noble; Saccāni= Truths (Saccha = Satya)
 The Four Noble Truths are: Noble Truth of Suffering b'Sv cl/o ;Rr -b'Mv cfo{;To_,
Noble Truth of the origin of Suffering b'Sv;d'bo cl/o ;Rr , Noble Truth of
cessation of Suffering b'Svlg/f]w cl/o ;Rr) and Noble Truth of the Path leading
to cessation of Suffering b'Svlg/f]wufldlg kl6kbf cl/o ;Rr.
 What is Dukkhasacca ? Buddha teach us not ordinary sufferings but he
states universal suffering real suffering. Eight types of Succerings are-
 1) Birth is suffering; 2) old age is suffering; 3) sickness is suffering;
4) death is suffering; 5) contact with unpleasant things is suffering;
6) separation from pleasant things is suffering; and
7) not getting what one wishes is also suffering,
8) in short, the five groups of existence (pancaskandha k~r:sGw) is
suffering i, e, form, feeling, perception, formation and consciousness -¿k,
j]bgf, ;+1f, ;+:sf/, lj1fg_
What is Samudayasacca, Nirodhasacca and Mārgasacca ?
Samudayasacca- Craving -t[i0ff, kfln t0xf_ is the cause of suffering. Craving leads to
rebirth, combined with pleasures and lust, finding pleasure here and there. They
are – three types of creaving
1.Kāma taņhā (sfdt[i0ff) sensual craving
2.Bhava taņhā (ejt[i0ff) craving for existence in higher worlds
3.Vibhava taņhā (ljejt[i0ff) craving for annihilation pR5]b ljej or non-existence.
Nirodhasacca - the extinction of suffering, Extinction of craving, eradication of
craving, detachment from craving is nirodhasacca, mukti, nirvana.
Mārgasacca - the path leading to cessation of suffering. They are Noble Eightfold
Path cl/of] c¶lËsf] dUuf] -cfo{ci6flËsdfu{_
Right Understanding ;Ddflbl§ -;Dos\b[li6_ Right Thought ;Ddf;ÍKkf] -;Dos\;+sNk_
Right Speech ;Ddfjfrf -;Dos\jrg_ Right Action ;DdfsdGtf] -;Dos\sdf{Gt_
Right Livelihood ;DdfcfhLjf] -;Dos\cfhLljsf_ Right Effort ;Ddfjfofdf] -;Dos\Jofofd_
Right Mindfulness ;Ddf;lt -;Dos\:d[lt_ Right Concentration ;Ddf;dflw -;Dos\;dflw_
What is Noble Eightfold Path? Explain its significance in Buddhism.
Right Understanding - understanding the four noble truths and understanding wholesome and
unwholesome karma (action) -sDd;stf ;Ddflbl§_ etc. To believe on Kamma and its result
Right Thought - Three types of Samyaksankalpa- 1. thought free from lust -g]SvDd ;+sKk_ 2. thought
free from ill-will -cJofkfb ;+sKk_ 3. thought free from cruelty –cljlx+;f ;+sKk_
Right Speech - abstaining from 4 types of speeking- 1. lying or false speeking -d';fjfb lj/lt_ 2.
malicious talk or backbiting -;Dkmknfkjfrf lj/lt_ 3. harsh language –lk;'gjfrf lj/lt_ 4. vain talk or
nonsensical, meaningless talk -km?;jfrf lj/lt
Right Action]- abstain from three types of bodily bad actions – 1 killing, 2 stealing, 3 sexual
Right Livelihood]- avoiding deceit, fraud, bribe 5n sk6 l/Zjt and five trades- arms, living beings,
flesh, intoxicating drinks, poison trading. Do good job for livelihood.
Right Effort]- effort to avoid and overcome evil actions, effort to develop and maintain good
Right Mindfulness– four types of mindfulness 1 Kayanupassana 2 Vedananupassana 3
Cittanupassana 4 Dhammanupassana. These all are vipassana meditation. This is also called
Satipatthana meditation
Right Concentration are concerned with 40 types of samatha meditation practice.
Without following the Noble Eightfold Path no one can get Nibbana or liberation. One can get
peace, prosperity and happiness in his/her life by following this path. It is the actual practice of
Buddhism. It makes a man Noble. It will purify our mind. It is a path leads towards cessation of
What are the outcomes of First Buddhist Council ?

After the mahaparinirvana of Buddha a major event is happened in the history of

Buddhism. That is the first Buddhist Council held at Rajgriha Vebhar Mountain Under the
leadership of Ven. Monk Mahakashyapa. Five hundred arhat momks participate the council.
Monks Upali, Ananda and Mahakashyapa were the resource persons. Why the council was
held and what is done in the council is important. The major outcome of the Council is the
collection of Buddha's teaching in a systematical way. The Compilers collect Buddha's
teaching into the following five different ways-
 Dhamma and Vinaya- Discourses of Rule or Discipline taught by Buddha
 Three pitakas (Tipitaka) - Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka and Abhidharma Pitaka
 Five Nikayas - Dighanikaya, Majjhimanikaya, Samyuttanikaya,
Anguttaranikaya and Kuddakanikaya
 84000 Dharmaskandhas (One theme/topic is one dharmaskandha. Q. is one A.
 Nine Angas- nine fold division of dharma (Sutta, Geyya,
Veyyakarana, Gatha, Udana, Itivuttaka, Jataka,
Abhutadhamma, Vedalla )
 After first council we discussed about second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth
councils, separation of Buddhist Sangha and rise of Mahayana and Vajrayana. Then
we studied Buddhist teachings.
Why Buddhist Order split into two sects in
the Second Buddhist Council?
 Because Vaisali monks broken out ten rules prescribed for them.
 a) they wanted to some change in vinaya, to be liberal but the
orthodox monks do not accept it. They wanted to establish the
rules as it is which are taught by the Buddha. There should be
no change on then. This is the first cause to split the Sangha.
 b) Liberal monks also rejected some teachings saying that they
are not the words of Buddha. This is the second cause to split
the Sangha.
 c) Finally some liberal monks speak against Arhat monks. They
raised question against orthodox Arhat monks.
These disputes make split or schism in the Sangha.
Section B: Buddhist Philosophy
Early Buddhist Philosophy is based on Three Nature – Anitya
(impermanence), Dukkha (suffering), Anatta or Anatma (selflessness)
There are four philosophical schools in Buddhism. These philosophical
schools were developed after the Mahaparinirvana of the Budhha
1. Vaibhasika
2. Sautrantic Hinayana
3. Madhyamika
4. Yogacara. Mahayana
Vaibhasika philosophy focus on the existence of the dharmas or things in
three times i,e, past present and future. But Sautrantika does not accept
it. They also denied Abhidharma as Buddha vacana.
Madhyamika focus on emptiness of all phenomena (sunnyata). But Yogacara
believes mind-only.
Mahayana is also divided into 'Paramita Naya' and 'Mantra Naya'. Now the
goal of Hinayana became Arhathood where as the aim of Mahayana became
Why Madhamakas believe on the doctrine of Emptiness or Sunnyata ?

 A new school of thought emerged in Buddhism when Nagarjuna(2nd century AD), the
South Indian Buddhist Master presented a theory of emptiness or Sunyata. Sunyata
doctrine became so popular that Later Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism follows it as
their main principle. Thus it is important that how they prove the theory of emptiness
or Sunyata? Nagarjuna proves the sunnyata doctrine on the basis of law of dependent
origination and four point analysis of production. Pratityasmutpāda explains that all things
exist depending on a combination of causes and conditions.
 Nāgārjuna states that if the things are dependently originated or cannot exist
inherently, then they have no independent self-existence and therefore empty. For
example the sprout, which exists dependent on the seed, earth, water, air and sunlight,
it has no self-existence and thus empty.
 four point analysis of production

production by itself, by other, by both and without cause (svata, parata, ubhayata,
ahetuta). They all are not possible. Thus all things are non production and empty (sunya).
Any product have no inherent existence. All are dependently originated.
This is called the philosophy of Madhyamaka. Although Vajrayana Buddhism accepts mind
only theory, they also follow the doctrine of sunyata.
Yogacara Philosophy or Mind only Theory
 Now the next important is the Yogacara philosophy (mind only theory). All the things are not
sunya as described by Madhamakas. Something there is really exists that is citta (vijnapti) or
mind. Only mind exist. The apparently real objects (which we see the world) are none other
than mind. Without mind other external things are empty or sunya.
 Yogācāra believes that there is no existence of external objects. Only the mind or 'vijnapti' exists.
The apparently real objects (k|ToIf b]Vg] kbfy{) of the world are none other than mind.

 All things are perception (cognition cg'e"lt) only, because of the appearance of non-existent
objects. Just as there may be the seeing of non-existed hair by someone affected by optical disorder
(ltld/ /f]uLn] s]zu'R5f b]Vg]em}), and illusory town (Gandharva Nagara uGwj{ gu/ ) in the sky. There is no
gandharva nagara in the sky, but sometimes we see the town like place on the cloud which is actually
not exist. Similarly, we see the external person though he is not really exists. It is only a mind
appearance. To prove the mind only doctrine, Vasuvandhu j;'jGw' gives various examples in his treatise
Vijñapti-mātratāsiddhi lj1lKtdfqtfl;l4

One of them is the view that a single object appears differently to different sentient beings. For
example, a cup of water or milk appears to us as water or milk, but it would appear as nectar to the
gods, as molten iron to the hell beings and as blood to the hungry ghost. A single object appears
differently to different beings of six realms in samsara according to their karma. If the water exists
everybody must be perceived the same thing. Thus there is no water. It is mind only.
Bodhicitta Generation - Two types of traditional methods to generate bodhicitta
1. Seven instructions on cause and effect -x]t'kmnsf] ;ft pkb]zåf/f_
2. Exchange of self with others -cfTdk/fjt{gåf/f_
Among them seven instructions on cause and effect method was taught
by Buddha to Maitreya Bodhisattva and then by Maitreya to Asanga. Thus
is called Maitreya- Asanga Tradition. And the second one is known as
Manjushri- Nagārjuna Tradition.

a) Seven Instructions on cause and effect

1. Equanimity ;dtf - equal behave to all friend and enemy.
2. Awareness of mother sentient beings dft[;+1fefjgf- all beings should be treated as mother.
3. Remembering their kindness dft[u'0ffg':d[lt
4. Repaying their kindness k|To'ksf/
5. Immaculate love dg1 d}qL – clean, unstained, pure loving kindness. Each moment wishes
'May all be happy‘
6. Altruistic Attitude cWofzo lrQ – responsibility to liberate all beings.
7. Bodhicitta generation af]lwlrQf]Tkfb - May I be enlightened for the benefit of all
sentient beings.
b)Exchange of self with others Method

1. Equanimity of self with others cfTd;dtf/k/fTd;dtf - Every people wants happiness. No

one likes suffering. I also do the same. Thus no difference between me and other, I need
to love all like myself.
2. Fault of self-cherishing cfTd:g]xdf bf]if – self-cherishing if faulty. It is because of self-
cherishing I am experiencing the suffering, wandering the misery world. I can't release
from suffering without giving-up self-cherishing.
3. Cherishing others k/:g]x – In comparison to other beings I am a small or one unit of
whole sentient beings. So I have to give preference to others first. I must love others.
4. Exchange of self with others cfTdk/fjt{g – It does not mean transform oneself with
others. But surrender oneself to the happiness of others. To give more important to others
than oneself.
5. Giving & Taking n]gb]g – It is not actually transactions of materials, but the wishes of
taking others pain by oneself and giving one's happiness to other. In the Ratnāvali Text
mentions Bodhisattva should think that May their sins ripen for me and all my virtues for
 In this way a Bodhisattva should generate Bodhi-mind with great loving kindness and
compassion to others.
Section C: Buddhism in Nepal
 There are many sources which describe Buddhism in Nepal. Two of
them are literary sources and archaeological sources.
Svayambhupurana is a literary source which describes the glory of
Svayambhu Mahacaitya and sacred places of Nepal Mandala. Purana
means myth. The events described in Puran are difficult to prove
historically. According to Svayambhupurana the first Buddha came to
visit Nepal was the Vipasvi Buddha from Bandhumati city. At that time
Nepal Valley was a big lake called Nagarhad, 14 km in diameter.
Vipasvi Buddha put a seed of Lotus in the lake from which grows a
thousand petals lotus flower. There appeared a self-originated
Adibuddha in the form of light on the top of lotus. It is called
Svayambhu Adibuddha. To pay homage to the Svayambhu six Buddhas
and Bodhisattva Manjushri came to Nepal. They preach the dhamma.
Thus Buddhism exists from the very beginning or before Shakyamuni
got enlightened. Although it is a mythical account, the places,
mountains, rivers, holy tirthas are still exist as described in it and the
Newars of the Valley follows the religion and culture according to this
purana. Each Baha and Bahi of Kathmandu Valley contains a caitya in
the courtyard. It is the representation of Svayambhu Mahacaitya. They
worship caitya from birth to death.
Discuss the role of Buddhist Monasteries (Baha Bahi ) in Licchavi
and Medieval Nepal.
 Another important point of Buddhism of Nepal Mandala is
the Baha and Bahis. They are the center for performing
Buddhist activities of Newar. Although Buddhist
monasteries were developed from Kirata period, its full
phase development can be seen from Licchavi period.
 The Licchavi rulers were very much positive towards
Buddhism. Some of them declare as 'Sugata Sasana
pakshapati', i,e, the follower of Buddhism. They construct
Buddhist monasteries. Some rulers became monk. They
provided financial assistance to the Buddhist monasteries.
In medieval period Buddhist monasteries are categorized
into Baha, Bahi and Branch Bahas.
 Baha Bahis or Monasteries are the main places of ritual
performance. All Newar Buddhists perform ritual pujas
and other cultural and social activities in Baha Bahis.
Therefore, the Baha and Bahi of ancient and medieval
Nepal plays an important role in the promotion and
protection of Buddhism in Nepal.
Lhosar is the main festival of the Sherpa, Tamang, Gurung and Thakali.
Four types of Lhosar - Tola Lhosar , Tamu Lhosar, Sonam Lhosar, Gyalmo Lhosar
Tola Lhosar falls on Paush sukla pratipada observed by Gurungs in Nepal,
Sikkim, Bhutan, Tibet
Tamu Lhosar falls on Paush sukla dvadasi, observed by the Gurung’s

 Samatha and Vipassana Meditation in Therava Practice

 There are two types of meditation described in Theravada Buddhism. They are
Samatha and Vipassana. Samatha meditation is the concentration of mind or the
tranquility of mind. There are 40 types of Samatha meditations are described in Pali
literature. It is also called Samma Samadi. The passions or defilements are pacified in
this meditation. The passions are ceased in Vipassana meditation. Vipassana
meditation brings us into Nirvana the liberation.
 Vipassana is Samma Sati. The four types of Satipatthana – mindfulness of body.
mindfulness of feeling, mindfulness of citta, and mindfulness of dharma are called
Vipassana meditation. Buddha explains these Satipatthanas are the medium of the
purification of beings.
Section D Buddhist Literature
Throw light on the books of Sutta, Vinaya and Abhidhamma Pitaka.
 Sutta, Vinaya and Abhidhamma are called Tipitaka. The books of Tipitaka are as follows

Sutta Piṭaka Vinaya Piṭaka Abhidhamma Piṭaka

1.Dighanikāya 1.Pārājikā 1. Dhammasangini
2.Majjhimanikāya 2.Pācittiya 2. Vibhanga
3.Sanyuttanikāya 3.Mahāvagga 3. Dhātukathā
4.Anguttaranikāya 4.Culavagga 4. Puggalapaññati
5.Khuddakanikāya 5.Parivāra 5. Kathāvatthu
6. Yamaka
1) Khuddakapātha 7. Patthāna
2) Dhammapada
3) Udāna
4) Itivuttaka
5) Suttanipāta
6) Vimānavatthu
7) Petavatthu
8) Theragāthā
9) Therigāth
10) Jātaka
11) Niddesa
12) Patisambhidāmagga
13) Apadāna
14) Buddhavansa
15) Cariyāpitaka
Nine Vaipulya Sutras of Nepal
 1. Astasahasrika Prajnnaparmitasutra- The perfection of wisdom sutra. All
the phenomena of the world are illusory nature like dream. They are empty.
 2. Gandhabhyuhasutra- Sudhana Shresthi Daraka surch for Bodhi practice.
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva told him Seven rules of Practice of Bodlhicitta. It
is called Saptavidhanuttara Puja and popular among Newars and Tibetan.
 3. Dasabhumikasutra – Ten stages of Enlightemnent. Bhumi = stage. After the
fulfilment of ten Bhumi a bodhisattva can attain Buddhahood.
 4. Smadhirajsutra- About 3oo subjects of Samadhi (meditation) are described.
 5. Lankavatarasutra – It is the text of Vijnanavada. Alaya 1, Klistmano 1 and
Prbriti 6 =8 types of consciousness are discussed. This Sutra is told to Ravana
6. Sadharmapundarikasutra – focused on Only one vehicle Buddha yana.
Abalokitesvara concept might have been developed from this text.
 7. Guhyasamajatantra (Tathagataguhyaka) – Describe about tantra, Mandala,
mudra, pancabuddha and female consort tara. Knowledge of Mahanudra
siddhi, wisdom of Buddhahood are discussed.
 8. Lalitvistarasutra -Life of the Buddha
 9. Suvarnaprabhasasutra- Protection from bad omens, planet, misfortune etc.
are desctibed. Mahasattva Bodhisattva offer his won flesh to hungry tigress.
The story of Namo Buddha was discussed.
Internal Examination Questions
2075 Magh

 1. Discuss Four Noble Truths as a key concept of Buddhism.

 2. How to generate Bodhicitta? Explain the method of seven instructions
on cause and effect.
 3. Show your acquaintance with Birth and Childhood of Prince Siddarth.
 4. Make a list of Sutta, Vinaya and Abhidhamma pitaks of Pali literature.
 5. Why Madhyamakas believe on Philosophy of emptiness.
 6. Write Short notes on the following (any two):
 a) Lhosar Festival
 b) Samatha and Vipassana Meditation
 c) Svayambhupurana
Model Questions

 Throw light on the books of Pali Sutta, Vinaya and Abhidhamma Pitaka.
 Describe four major schools of Northern Buddhism.
 Show your acquaintance with Nine Vaipulya Sutra texts of Nepal.
 Show your acquaintance with principle Buddhist sites of Nepal Mandala.
 Show your acquaintance with Theravada Monasticism.
 Point out the difference between Baha and Bahis of Nepal Mandala.
 Why Siddhartha left the palace ? Describe the causes of his renunciation.
 Throw light on Navanga and Dvadasanga Buddha vacana.
 Throw light on the history of Buddhism during Licchavi period.
 Write short notes on
Maratika Cave, Dumje festival, Triratna in Buddhism. Second Buddhist Council.
Eightyfour thousand Dharmaskandha, Bigu Gompa. Muktinath
Questions asked in your internal exam is also very important. Revise them.
Old Questions
2074 Poush
1. Why Prince Siddartha left the Palace ? Describe the causes of his renunciation.
2. Describe the philosophy and theory of Yogacara.
3. Throw light on Navanga and Dvadasanga Buddhavacana.
4. Point out different between Baha and Bahi Architecture of Kathmandu Valley.
5. Highlight the role of Dharmaditya Dharmacarya on the revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal.
6. Write short notes on (any two)
a) Muktinath b) Nyingmapa Sect of Buddhism c) Bigu-Gompa of Dolakha.

1. Why is Dukha arya satya ? Discuss on eight types of sufferings.
2 Discuss briefly on the prominent sects of Buddhism of Northern Nepal.
3. Why does Yogacara believe on mind only theory ? Elucidate.
4. Throw light on Nine fold (Navanga) Buddhavacana.
5. Show your acquaintance with principle Buddhist sites of Nepal Mandala.
6. Write short notes on (any two)
a) Yarting Festival b) Triratna in Buddhism c) Concept of Arhat

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