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MID-2 Question paper

Sri sarathi institute of engineering and technology

Btech IVth year branch: CSE
Semester: 2 Subject name: Distributed systems
Mid- ii max.marks- 30
1) Explain how operating system layer support the common middleware 10M
2) A)What is a thread and process? Differentiate between process and thread 5M
B)Explain how a new process can be created in distributed system with an example. 5M
3) How is distributed OS different from network OS? 10M
4) A) Explain how operating system layer support the common middleware. 5M
B) Explain core OS(operating system) functionality with the help of a neat diagram. 5M

1) Explain the file service architecture with neat diagram. 10M
2) A) Explain the mutual exclusion algorithm (multicast synchronization) in 5M
distributed systems.
B) Explain how mutual exclusion is handled in distributed systems. 5M
3) A) What is meant by failure assumptions and what are failure detectors. 5M
B) Write about multicast communication. 5M
4) explain peer-to-peer systems& write characteristics of peer-to-peer systems, 10M
and also describe IP and overlay routing for peer-to-peer applications.

1) A) Explain distributed transaction system model. 5M
B)How are transactions recovered in distributed systems? What are the 5M
tasks of recovery manager?
2)What is meant by concurrency control? how it is important for distributed systems. 10M
3) A)What is replication? discuss in detail the motivations for replications. 5M
B)Write about active and passive replications. 5M
4) Write about distributed deadlocks. Explain how distributed deadlocks can be detected. 10M

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