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December 16, 2021

To my beloved Parents,

What I want to say about you both is that you are nice and caring. You
both may be mean sometimes but you are also very loving. You both
gave me a chance to be part of Pilar College and I’m very thankful that
you both care about my education. You sacrificed all of your money just
to pay for my school intuitions. You both buy me things I need like new
clothing, school supplies, etc. You have helped me with studying and
helped me understood the lesson. You both have helped me with
complicated school assignments. I’m so glad that you guys are my
parents. When I first came to Pilar College and have online class, I was
very anxious and shy. I cried when I did school works cause they were
hard. But dad told me to just not give up easily. The assignments were
hard at first but when I got used to them and understood the lesson, I
wasn’t stress or crying anymore. Although I may still be shy talking to
my classmates cause I’m afraid that they’ll judge me. But I have made at
least 2 friends. But we don’t talk that much but I still consider them as
my friends. I was shy opening my camera in class cause I lack
confidence. But you both always say that I should open my cam because
It’s required. You both helped me with a lot of things. You have gave
me honest opinions about my performance tasks. Like my poster in
Filipino. Mom told me that I need to fix the color of the title and she was
right. It made it look even better. I just want to say that mom and dad,
thank you for giving me an amazing education at Pilar College and let
me meet new teachers and classmates. I want to say again that thank you
for spoiling me with so many love and always giving me courage. I love
you both and I hope that you will continue to spoil me and my brother
with so many love.

From your daughter,

Zahra Margrette A. Schuck

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