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A List Of Stative Verbs

State Verbs of Possession

 have*
 own
 possess
 belong

State Verbs of Mental States

 know
 believe
 understand
 doubt
 think (have an opinion)*
 suppose
 recognise
 forget
 remember
 imagine
 mean
 agree
 disagree
 deny
 promise
 satisfy
 realise
 appear
 astonish
 please
 impress
 surprise
 concern
State Verbs of Emotions

 Love
 Like
 Dislike
 Hate
 Adore
 Prefer
 Care for
 Mind
 Want
 Need
 Desire
 Wish
 Hope
 Appreciate
 Value
 Miss*

State Verbs of Senses

 Sound
 Hear*
 Smell*
 See*
 Taste*
 Touch
 Feel*
 Look*

Stative Verb of Measure, Cost, Abstract Verbs and Others

 cost
 measure
 weigh*
 owe
 be*
 seem
 fit
 depend
 matter
 appear*
 lack
 consist
 involve
 include
 contain
 …

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