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Recount text is a text that retells events or someone’s experiences in the past
(Teks recount adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau
pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau).


retells events or someone’s experiences in the past.
(Tujuan/Fungsi Sosial teks Recount adalah untuk menceritakan kembali
kejadian-kejadian/peristiwa-peristiwa atau pengalaman seseorang di masa


(Struktur teks Recount adalah) :

 ORIENTATION ( Pengenalan tokoh) : tells the readers/listeners who

was involved in the story, what happened, where the story took
place, and when it happened.
(Memberikan informasi tentang latar cerita yaitu siapa saja yang terlibat dalam
cerita, kapan peristiwa terjadi, di mana peristiwa terjadi, dan apa yang terjadi
pada waktu itu.)
(menceritakan kepada pembaca/pendengar tentang siapa yang
terlibat di dalan cerita,apa yang terjadi, di mana cerita tersebut
terjadi/berlangsung, dan kapan peristiwa itu terjadi)

 EVENTS (Kejadian-kejadian/Peristiwa-peristiwa/Rentetan peristiwa) : tell

readers/listeners about what happened in what sequence/tell the sequence of events
(menceritakan kepada pembaca/pendengar tentang apa yang terjadi secara
urutan/menceritakan urutan/rangkaian peristiwa/kejadian).

 RE-ORIENTATION (Simpulan/Rangkuman/Penutup Cerita) : summarises the

events/conclution of the experience optional
(ringkasan peristiwa/kesimpulan/akhir/penutup cerita)..


Using past tense (Menggunakan kata keja bentuk ke–2 /Verb 2/Past Tense)
Ada dua jenis kata kerja, yaitu:
A. Regular Verb (Kaata Kerja Beraturan), yaitu:
 dengan menambahkan akhiran –d atau –ed pada akhir kata kerja.
 Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf “e”, maka ditambahkan dengan
akhiran –d.
 Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf “y”, maka huruf “y” dirubah
menjadi huruf “I”, lalu ditambahkan dengan akhiran _d.
 Sedangkan kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf mati (konsonan, maka
ditambahkan akhiran –ed.
 Kata kerja yang terdiri dari tiga huruf dan berakhiran dengan huruf mati,
maka huruf terakhir didobel, lalu tdiambahkan -ed
Infinitive/ Past Tense/ Past Participle Meaning
Verb Base/Verb 1 Verb 2

accept accepted Accepted menerima

arrive arrived arrived tiba
bake baked baked memanggang
cook cooked cooked memasak
listen listened listened mendengar
mop mopped mopped mengepe
play played played bermain
walk walked walked berjalan
wash washed washed mencuci
watch watched watched menonton

B. IRREGULAR VERB (Kata kerja Tidak Beraturan), yaitu:

 kata kerja yang berubah bentuk pada bentuk ke-2 dan ke-3
Infinitive/ Past Tense/ Past Meaning
Verb Base/Verb 1 Verb 2 Participle
 eat ate eaten makan
 drink drank drunk minum
 do did sone mengerjakan/melakukan
 go went gone pergi
 see saw seen melihat
 sleep slept slept tidur
spoken spoken berbicara
 speak
swept swept menyapu
 sweep
took token mengambil
 take

Using action verbs (menggunakan kata kerja action : looked, went, met, etc)
Using linking verbs (Menggunakan linking verbs : was, were, saw, heard)
Using adjectives or adverbs (Menggunakan kata-kata sifat atau kata keterangan:
beautiful, nice,funny, comfortable, pretty, blue, hot, big, wooden)
Using conjunctions menggunakan kata-kata penghubung : and, but,etc)
Using time connectives : (Menggunakan kata penghubung waktu :
The next, or the next day, …
At once, …
After that, and
Finally//the last/ At the end)
Using adverb of time, like: (Menggunakan kata keterangan waktu, seperti) :
Last vacation (Liburan yang lalu),
Last holiday (Liburan hari raya yang lalu),
Last week (Minggu lalu),
Last month Bulan lalu),
Last year Tahun lalu),
Last Monday (Hari Senin lalu),
Last Saturday (Hari Sabtu Lalu),
Last Sunday (hari Minggu yang lalu),
Yesterday, etc.
Using adverb of place, like (Menggunakan keterangan tempat, seperti), :at my house,
Using adver of manner, like: slowlyKata slowly berasal dari kata sifat slow yang
ditambah dengan akhiran “ly”
Using personal participant (mengenalkan, seperti I, my group, my uncle, my aunt,
my friend(s), my classmate, my family, my parents, etc;
 TYPES OF RECOUNT TEXT (Jenis-jenis teks recount)
1. Personal Recount :these usually retell an event that the writer was personslly
involved in;
(Adalah teks recount yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi
Contoh: Pengalaman pribadi, diari, biografi.

2. Factual Recount : recording an incident, e.g,

(Adalah teks recount yang berisi laporan kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi).
Science experience
Police report

3. Imaginative recount : writing an imaginary role and giving details of event,

(Adalah teks recount berisi kejadian yang dibuat-buat atau fiksi).
. e..g,
A day in the life of a pirate.
How I invented.

Contoh : Personal Recount

Teks 1

Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We visited my uncle’s

Orientation house. It had a big garden and a lot of colorful flowers and tennis court.

On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum and went up to

the top of monument which had the golden symbol of the spirit of our
Events nation. From the top we could see the beauty of the metropolitan city.
On Saturday we went to Ancol beach to see Dunia Fantasia nd Dolphin

On Sunday we went to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah and then we went

Reorientatio home. We really enjoyed our holiday.

Text 2
.A Visit to Soe
Orientation Last vacation my uncle invited me to visit him in Soe, Nusa
Tenggara Timur. I went there with my father and mother. First, we
flew to Surabaya and then we continued our journey to Kupang.

We arrived at El tari, the airport of Kupang, in the afternoon and spent

the night at a hotel in Kupang. The name of the hotel is Astiti. Kupang is a
lovely city. I was able to watch people travelling by public transportation in
the evening. The public transportation was very unique. They were colorful
with a very loud voice of tape recorders.
The next day, we continued our journey to Soe by a rented car. The
journey was amazing. Soe was uphill so we went up and up. The scenery was
Events beautiful. We crossed a long bridge called the Wilhelmina Bridge. We also
enjoyed the traditional houses along the street. After a two hour journey, we
finally arrived at Soe. A traditional beverage and ate traditiona
My uncle was very happy to meet us.He took us around Soe village.
Soe was green and the people were nice. We drunk a traditional beverage and
ate traditional food made of corn. I liked the food, but I didn’t like the drunk. It
was too strong. We spent one night in Soe and the next day, we went back to
Kupang. On our way back, we stopped at Mr. Damias’ shop to buy a
traditional musical instrument called sasando. Mr. Damias even demonstrated
how to play it to us.
Re-Orientation We flew backText
to Semarang
3 on that day. It was a great fun to see the
beauty ofLast
Tenggara Timur.
I went to Kupang with my brother to visited our aunt
On the first day, our cousin took us to Rote. From Kupang, It took us 1
½ hours on the fast ferry. The waves there were very strong. We visited a
Events fishing village there. After that, we went on a small boat to see a seaweed
farming project.

Re-Orientation Finally, we came back home in the evening. That was one of our great
holiday in Kupang and we were so happy.
Aktivitas (Fokus pada teks tulis)
Siswa bekerja secara kelompok
1) Bacalah bahan bacaan 1 dan fahami penjelasan beserta contohnya
2) Bacalah bahan bacaan 2 kemudian diskusikan :
a) Pengalaman apa yang ada dalam teks bahan bacaan 1 tersebut
b) Kejadian apa saja yang dialami oleh orang tersebut
c) Kesan yang dialami oleh orang tersebut
3) Bacalah kembali contoh teks dalam bahan bacaan tersebut kemudian kerjakan pada
LK 01 tentukan:
a) Orientasi
b) Events
c) Reorientasi
4) Diskusikanlah unsur kebahasaan teks yang ada dalam teks tersebut!
5) Diskusikanlah fungsi sosial/tujuan komunikatif tersebut
6) Bacalah dua contoh lagi teks recount yang ada dalam bahan bacaan 1 dan 2 kemudian
membandingkan dua contoh teks tersebut pada LK 02
7) Simpulkan Hasil diskusi tentang teks recount yang baru saja dipelajari
8) Tulislah sebuah teks recount tentang pengalaman Anda ketika liburan semester
kemarin Pada LK 03
Student’s work Sheet {Lembar Kerja Siswa}
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik 1. Memahami Struktur Teks Recount
LK ini bertujuan sebagai tempat latihan pada aktivitas pembelajaran teks tulis pada pemahaman
struktur teks recount

Text 1


Events -

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik 2. Membandingkan dua teks recount

LK ini bertujuan sebagai tempat latihan pada aktivitas pembelajaran teks tulis pada aktivitas
membandingkan dua teks recount

Recount Texts Text 2





Recount Texts Text 3





Lembar Kerja 3. Menulis teks recount

LK ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana peserta didik mampu menulis teks tecount.
Tulislah sebuah teks recount tentang pengalaman Anda ketika liburan semester kemarin dengan
mengacu pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :

1) When did you spend your holiday? (Kapan kamu menghabiskan liburanmu)?
2) Where did you go? (Ke manakah kamu pergi)?
3) How did you go there? (Dngan apakah kamu pergi ke sana)?
4) Who did you go with? (Dengan siapakah kamu pergi)?
5) Wahat dod you do there? (Apakah yang kamu kerjakan di sana)?mu?
6) How did you feel? (Bagaimanakah perasaanmu)?

Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer!

Read the text to answer question no. 1 to 4!

Last month I went to Kupang with my brother to visit our aunt. On the first day, our cousin took
us to Rote. From Kupang, it took us 1 ½ hours on the fast ferry. The waves there were very
strong. We visited a fishing village there. After that, we went on a small boat to see a seaweed
farming project. Finally, we came back home in the evening.That was one of our great holiday in
Kupang and we were so happy.

1. What is the topic of the text above?

A. A visit to fishing village
B. Seaweed farming project
C. A long trip from Kupang
D. Great Holiday in Kupang

2. The writer went to Kupang because ...

A. His brother wanted to see a seaweed farming project
B. He longed to see his aunt
C. He had never gone to Kupang before
D. He wanted to spend his holiday

3. What did they do before coming home?

A. Visited a seaweed farming project
B. Sailed to Rote with his cousin
C. Visited a fishing village there
D. Went to Rote by fast ferry

4. “That was one of our great holidays in Kupang and ...”.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
A. sad B. bad C. lucky D. fantastic

Text for no. 5-7!

It was almost 6 a.m. Andy was hurriedly packing up his things. He had to catch up the 7 a.m.
train to Surabaya. At 6.30 a.m. a taxi was coming to pick him up. He asked the driver to rush
because his train was at 7 a.m. The traffic was very crowded. When he arrived at the station, the
time showed 7.15 a.m. The train had already left.

5. What can you learn from the text?

A. Driven the car himself C. Worn his watch
B. Left earlier D. Left the thing

6. Why was Andi late to arrive the station? Because ...

A. he took taxi C. he got up late
B. the driver driving slowly D. the driver was late
7. Andi arrived at the station ... the train already left.
A. but B. and C. so D. it

Text for no. 7 -9!

My family and I went to Bandar Lampung last school (8) ….. We went by car and we left our house
in Jakarta at 6.00 a.m. It (9) ….. about eight hours to get to the city center. We stayed in a hotel. It is a
small hotel. On the first day, we had a city tour. We enjoyed some delicious cuisines of the city. On
the second day, we went to Pahwang island and stayed there for two days. We wet swimming,
snorkeling, and sailing to other smaller Islands. The view was amazing and the local people were
very friendly. We really had a time (10) ….. we felt very tired.
8. A. examination B. meeting C. holiday D. party
9. A. took B. paid D. sold D. ran
10. A. and B. because C. although D. therefore

Text for no. 11 – 13!

Last week my family and I went to the zoo. When went to the zoo at 7 in the morning. we
went to there by car.
At 9 am, we got in the zoo. We saw birds and reptiles. Before having lunch, we went for a
ride on the elephant. My little brother was very afraid. The elephant moved shaking.. Dad
held my little brother, My Mother saw out side..
After lunch we saw some birds in the park. In the afternoon we returned home. We were very
tired but happy. It was interesting holiday.

11. What is the text about?

A. Lunch in the zoo C. We were happy
B. My experience last holiday to the zoo D. The zoo was interesting
12. What did they do after lunch ?
A. Rode an elephant C. Went home
B. Went to the zoo D. Saw birds
13. “The elephant moved shaking”
The closest meaning of the underlined word is...
A. waving C. alarming
B. vibrating D. trembling
Text for no. 14-18!

A Visit to Soe
Last vacation my uncle invited me to visit him in Soe, Nusa Tenggara Timur. I went there
with my father and mother. First, we flew to Surabaya and then we continued our journey to
We arrived at El tari, the airport of Kupang, in the afternoon and spent the night at a hotel in
Kupang. The name of the hotel is Astiti. Kupang is a lovely city. I was able to watch people travelling by
public transportation in the evening. The public transportation was very unique. They were colorful with a
very loud voice of tape recorders.
The next day, we continued our journey to Soe by a rented car. The journey was amazing. Soe was
uphill so we went up and up. The scenery was beautiful. We crossed a long bridge called the Wilhelmina
Bridge. We also enjoyed the traditional houses along the street. After a two hour journey, we finally
arrived at Soe.
My uncle was very happy to meet us.He took us around Soe village.
Soe was green and the people were nice. We drunk a traditional beverage and ate traditional food made of
corn. I liked the food, but I didn’t like the drunk. It was too strong. We spent one night in Soe and the next
day, we went back to Kupang. On our way back, we stopped at Mr. Damias’ shop to buy a traditional
musical instrument called Sasando. Mr. Damias even demonstrated how to play it to us.
We flew back to Semarang on that day. It was a great fun to see the beauty of Nusa Tenggara

14. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To retells the writer’s experience in the past.
B. To inform someone about the scenery of Soe
C. To tell someone how to go to Soe.
D. To describe a trip of journey.

15. When did the writer and his parents go to Soe?

A. Last night C. Last month
B. Last vacation D. last year
16. How did the writer and his parents go there? By …
A. bus. C. a rented car.
B. plane D. motorcycle.

17. “We drunk a traditional beverage and ….. (paragraph 4)”.

The antonym of the underlined word is …..
A. old B. large C. modern D. antique

18. What did the writer’s and his parents do at Mr. Damias shop?
A. Bought a traditional musical instrument.
B. Bought some traditional foods.
C. Played a traditional musical.
D. Watched a fashion show.

19. From the text, we know that the writer was …..
A. sad B. happy C. anxious D. disappointed

20. Arrange the following jumbled words to make a good sentence!

Last week – my family – I – went – and – to – the zoo.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 6 - 7. C. 2 – 1 - 4 – 5 – 3 – 6 - 7.
B. 1 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7 D. 2 - 5 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 7.

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