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Chapter I

Business Talent Is Not Brought From Birth!

Bob Sadino is the sole owner of Kem Chicks,PT Boga Catur Rata, PT Kem Foods and PT Kem Farms.
He's popular because have unusual ways of managing their business. Stephen Covey, once said
"leaders are not born or made. They are self-made". This is what happened to Bob Sadino, a child of
a successful public servant who became a big businessman. "To become a businessman, talent or
offspring are not needed. I am not a descendant of entrepreneurs, can be entrepreneurs!" said Bob

Can Start a Karrier as a Worker, as long as
Bob experienced, usually if we work in a large company then we will understand how a large
machine works and as employees we can learn about the process because we are part of the big
machine. While if we work in a small company, learn about how to build ideals and ways to realize
these ideals in the real world. So it does not matter if we are still working as employees in a company
as long as we keep our enthusiasm for learning, not being swayed by the safe zone.

There is no instant success
This is exactly how Bob views his life choices. He doesn't mind experiencing bitter times and about
failure, he warns us that there is no instant success! The success must go through a process. Failed,
sad, hurt, tears. Don't want to be fooled by the instant !.

Don't Forget Relation
It is very important for us to establish relations with as much as possible. Also be good with
everyone you meet because we never know, from which hand God will channel his sustenance to us.

When Trapped, Our Brains Are Even Smarter
That's the human brain. In a state of urgency, it will bring out the best abilities. If you want to get the
best ideas related to the business you want to do, make yourself trapped first.

Be Stupid
According to Bob, if we want to be successful in business we must be stupid. A stupid is never too
dizzy to move, the important thing to do first.If he just stuck thinking. An idiot also always feels
himself in need of advice from others. He will hear input from others. Learn and continue to learn
about the areas they practice. because he always feels he doesn't know and needs to always study.

Stupid people is easier to be entrepreneurs than smart people
Stupid people is not accepted to work everywhere because they are inconclusive. What do they do
then? They struggle hard to get money so that they can pay job applicants, namely smart people.

Stupid People Is Braver Than Smart People
One of the advantages of idiots is that they never think long. They don't want to bother thinking
about what will happen if they fail. They also don't want to think about the risks in front of them.This
is what makes idiots richer experience from smart people because they always follow their desires.
The Fool (Should) Not Arrogant
If there are fool people who are arrogant, it's wretched. People like this should be eradicated.
Instead, humble ignorant people have many advantages. They prefer to hear the advice of others.
That's where their destiny changes.

The Best Business Ideas Are To Be Run
People who want to start a business usually already have their own business ideas. But they are too
afraid to start, because they think about the risk of failure. As a result the idea is just an idea, never

If You Want to Succeed, Make Yourself Hungry
"I (formerly) impoverished myself and made conditions where I had no choice. The condition of
having no choice turned out to be very powerful. Like magma that was churning inside a volcano,"
said Bob once. This means that if we really have made up our mind to build a business, then we have
to go all out! We must be prepared to do anything including sacrificing many things to make our
business work.

Business Is Just One First Step
The theory is what makes it look complicated. "Just one first step. There is a pebble, I get rid of it.
Step again. Meet the thorn, I pull it. Step again. Facing the hole, I jump over. Step again. Meet the
fire, I back away. Step again. Keep going and overcome the problem" said bob about the principle in
business. So, don't worry about the risk at the beginning. Just go ahead.

Be a Street Person
In reality what happens in the field is not always the same as the calculations on paper. This is why
street people can be ordinary, more intelligent and creative in dealing with problems. Their
intelligence comes from experience rather than from school theory.

No Need to Plan
Make a plan if it is persistent. But to live it, be flexible in accordance with what will happen later.
With Bob's opinion, "it is useless to have a plan, the person who decides is God," said Bob reasoned.

Don't Be Afraid to Create the Market
"The market is looking for," said Bob. "The market must not be sought, hoping for luck then finding
it. The market must be created". By creating a market, of course we will easily become leaders in
that market. The term cool is market leader.

Thinking Out of the Box
Business people must have the ability to see a few steps ahead. Can smell the opportunity to come,
even though the opportunity itself has not yet appeared. To do it all, business people must have the
ability to think out of the box. Although sometimes the idea of the idea can not be understood by
ordinary people. It's not even rare to be considered crazy.

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