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1. What is friendship?
2. How many close friends should a normal person have?
3. Do you have a best friend?
4. What do you usually do with your friends?
5. What qualities do you look for in a friend?
6. How can a person maintain a friendship?
7. How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a
8. How can a friendship end?
9. Can a man and a woman be close friends?
10. Are there any differences between male and female friendships?
11. What is the best way to meet new friends?
12. How does friendship benefit people?
13. Did you have a best friend at school? Why did you like them?
14. Should we try and keep in touch with old school friends?
15. Has social media allowed us to make more friends?
16. Should a husband and wife be best friends?
17. Has a friend ever disappointed you?
18. Is it possible to have close friends who are much older or younger?
19. If a close friend commits a minor crime, should you tell the police?
20. Is it possible to be friends with someone who committed a serious
21. Can people with very different interests be friends?
22. Is it possible to be friends with someone from a totally different
23. Can a person be happy and well-adjusted without any friends?
24. Is there a famous person you would like to be friends with?
25. Is it possible to make new friends when you are very old?
26. Can a boss be friends with his or her employees?
27. If you were the boss, would you give jobs to your friends?
28. Are friends sometimes more important than family?
29. Is it OK to borrow money from friends?
30. Are you good friends with your family members?
31. What things should friends never do?

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