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DENT 3K/ 2022-2023

Module 2 Post-task
Correlate cell injury with some pathologic conditions of the body like cancer, inflammation and
the effect of infectious agents in the body. Construct a whole page insightful answer.

Cell damage, regardless of its cause, has emerged as a critical event in the development of
cancer. Cell damage. which could result in cellular death, could also be the start of a gradual
cell reversion process that leads to mature or stem cells to progressive immaturity through
division. The genetic instability and mutational alterations that accompany cell damage and
rejuvenation may predispose normal cells to neoplastic transformation or develop cancer cells
toward clones with greater malignant potential. Thus, cell injury shows that lifestyle is the
primary upstream initiator of cancer formation, while this does not exclude randomness as an
unavoidable contributor to the disease. Cancer is presently treated with cell-killing agents.
Simultaneously, it is well acknowledged that agents with a high potential for cell damage play a
role in the development of malignant tumors. Apoptosis has been identified as an anti-cancer
defensive mechanism. Apoptosis of (prejcancerous cells leaves empty niches that can be
repopulated by more aggressive sub-clones. As a result, apoptosis drives tumor growth by
increasing proliferative pressure and promoting clonal selection.

Emerging data suggests that cell death's molecular mechanisms play a regulatory function in
inflammation, and that the molecular alterations associated with distinct types of cell death have
varied effects on the course of inflammation. It is obvious that as cells die, they trigger a series
of important events. One example is the fast recruitment of innate immune components from the
bloodstream as part of the inflammatory process. In vivo cell death triggers an inflammatory
reaction. Injured cells send out "danger signals," which warn the host that the cell is about to
die. Some of these molecules bind to cellular receptors, causing the production of
proinflammatory mediators to increase. Other molecules produced by dead cells promote the
production of extracellular mediators. The inflammatory response is then orchestrated by the
mediators, which elicit the various vascular and cellular components. Dead cells release danger
signals that activate dendritic cells and increase the production of immunological responses to
antigens in and around the dying cells, in addition to generating inflammation.

Infectious microorganisms differ from other harmful agents in that once they get access to cells
or tissues, they can multiply. Infectious microbes range in size from protein molecules with no
nucleic acids, such as prions, to microbes. such as viruses and bacteria, to macroscopic
parasites, and they all harm cells in different ways. Many bacteria produce toxins, while viruses
tend to disrupt the host cell's DNA synthesis in the development of their own gene products.
The inflammatory and immunological responses against the infectious microorganism aggravate
injury in many infectious illnesses.

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