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As we all know by now, climate change has caused poor quality of air, detrimental effects on

food and water quality, and of course the worsening weather, that all have significant health

Currently being a student nurse and eventually a future nurse in the field, I have come to realize
that health care plays a vital role in dealing with the consequences of climate change. This includes the
frequent interruption experienced by the health care facilities during power outages or whenever there
is a calamity, this situation makes it difficult for the health care providers to deliver quality care to the
patients. Aside from that, patients suffering from the health effects of climate change are treated by the
health care providers and professionals, which may increase their workload and result to an additional
problem. To sum it all up, the health care facilities and providers are the ones responsible to the
patients affected or made ill by climate change. This situation can become a health burden if the climate
change will keep on worsening and the number of people affected will continue to increase.

The authority of the country needs to do an extra effort in addressing climate change than just
treating the problem it has caused. People should also be educated on how they can reduce their
contribution to climate change and at the same time benefit their health, such as eating more plant-
based food and lessen animal-based food, use of active transport (walking or riding a bicycle) and
reducing the use of manufactured products to lessen excess energy consumption. Let us remember that
modifying our actions will not only benefit our own selves but this will also greatly contribute in the
betterment of our environment and aid in reducing the demand for health care delivery in the future.

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