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Karl W. Böer and Udo W. Pohl

1 Low-Temperature Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 Superconductive Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Cooper Pairs and Condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 The Critical Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect and Type I or Type II Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Josephson Tunneling and SQUID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 High-Temperature Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 Ceramic High-Tc Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Normal-State Properties of High-Tc Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 The Superconductive State of High-Tc Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Mediating-Partner Models for High-Tc Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

There exists a large diversity of superconductors following different mechanisms
to achieve the superconducting phase. Low-temperature superconductivity
appears in metals and degenerate semiconductors; it is induced by the formation
of electron pairs in a bipolaron state referred to as Cooper pair. The supercon-
ductive state is separated from the normal-conductivity state by an energy gap
below the Fermi energy. This gap appears at the critical temperature and widens
as the temperature decreases. In type I low-temperature superconductors an
external magnetic field is expelled from the bulk up to an upper value, which

K. W. Böer
Naples, FL, USA
U. W. Pohl (*)
Institut für Festkörperphysik, EW5-1, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

# Springer International Publishing AG 2017 1

K. W. Böer, U. W. Pohl, Semiconductor Physics,
2 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

eliminates superconductivity. In type II superconductors an array of flux lines

penetrates into the bulk above a lower critical field, creating a mixed normal and
superconductive phase up to the upper critical field.
High-temperature superconductivity of type II is observed mostly in layered
compounds such as cuprates and iron pnictides, with critical temperatures exceed-
ing 100 K. Superconductivity in these materials is usually carried by hole pairs and
requires sufficient doping. The mechanism of pair formation differs from that in
metals and involves an interaction with spin fluctuations. The symmetry of the
layered superconductive system and of the superconductive gap is lower than in the
basically isotropic metals; in cuprates pairs with a lateral d symmetry are found.

Anderson RVB model  BCS theory  Ceramic superconductor  Cooper pair 
Critical temperature  Cuprates  Flux-line lattice  High-Tc superconductor 
Isotope effect  Jospehson tunneling  London penetration depth  Magnetic
ordering  Meissner phase  Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect  Organic
superconductor  Pnictides  Superconduction energy-gap  SQUID  Two-fluid
model  Type I and II superconductors  Vortices

1 Low-Temperature Superconductors

1.1 Superconductive Solids

Superconductivity denotes the occurrence of zero electrical resistance and the

expulsion of an external magnetic field below a characteristic critical temperature.
There exist two classes of semiconductors that show superconductivity,
low-temperature superconductors and high-temperature superconductors, which
follow different paths to become superconductive.

Inorganic Superconductors The low-temperature superconductors are metals or

highly doped semiconductors with their superconductivity carried by electron-
related quasiparticles. These materials become superconductive at very low temper-
atures – almost exclusively well below 30 K. Most high-temperature superconduc-
tors have a semiconducting antiferromagnetic ground state and can be doped with
sufficient carrier density to become superconductors at higher temperatures (albeit
still low, typically 40 . . . 150 K). They have highly anisotropic lattices, and their
conduction mechanism is linear or layer-like with a superconductivity usually carried
by hole-related quasiparticles. A list of some superconductive materials is given in
Table 1. For a complete list of classic low-temperature superconductors see Harshman
and Mills (1992). High-temperature superconductors are discussed in Sect. 2.
Low-temperature superconductivity in semiconductors was predicted by
Gurevich et al. (1962) and by Cohen (1964), and in 1964 it was observed in
Ge1xTe, SnTe, and SrTiO3 (Hein et al. 1964; Schooley et al. 1964). Transition
temperatures are typically below 1 K, and depend on the stoichiometry, which
Superconductivity 3

Table 1 Various Type Material Tc (K)

superconducting materials
High Tc HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ 135
and their transitions
temperature Tc Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10+δ 125
YBa2Cu3O7 92
Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 89
La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 39
Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 24
RbCs2C60 33
Low Tc Nb3Ge 23.2
Nb 9.25
Pb 7.20
Ta 4.39
Hg 4.15
Sn 3.72

a b
H3C Se Se CH3 S S S S
H2 C CH2

H3C Se Se CH3 S S S S

Fig. 1 Chemical structure of molecules in organic superconductors. (a) tetramethyl-

tetraselenafulvalene (TMTSF), (b) bisethylenedithio-tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF)

influences the carrier density. The critical temperature increases with increasing
carrier density, i.e., decreasing stoichiometry. When the electron density exceeds
1020 cm3 in SrTiO3, the transition temperature again decreases (Appel 1966).
Many-valley semiconductors have a higher critical temperature as they have a larger
density of states, since the density-of-state mass is increased.

Organic Superconductors A variety of organic semiconductors have been

observed to become superconductive at low temperatures (typically below 10 K) –
for a review, see Ishiguro et al. (1998). The superconductive phase was first
discovered in compounds based on quasi-one-dimensional conducting radical
salts, including the TMTSF2X salts (Jérome 1994), where TMTSF denotes
tetramethyl-tetraselenafulvalene (Fig. 1a) and X is an electron acceptor such as, e.g.,
AsF6, TaF6, or ClO4. The molecules arrange in a stacked order with a relative good,
nearly one-dimensional normal conductivity along the stacking direction. Most of
these compounds become superconductive only at high hydrostatic pressure, see
Table 2; an exception is the similar structure TMTTF2ClO4, where TMTTF denotes
tetramethyl-tetrathiafulvalene with Se of TMTSF being replaced by S. The chemical
structure of the molecules in two superconducting compounds is depicted in Fig. 1.
Most attention is devoted to two new classes with (ET)2X structure, having a
critical temperature of 12 K, and of fullerites with Tc up to 33 K. In superconductors
based on the BEDT-TTF compound usually the abbreviation ET is used for this
molecule. The molecules form planes which are separated by anions like, e.g., I3 or
4 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

Table 2 Organic Compound Tc (K) P (bar)

superconducting materials
(TMTTF)2ClO4 1.4 1
with their transitions
temperature Tc and ambient (TMTSF)2PF4 1.1 6500
pressure P (TMTSF)2AsF6 1.1 9500
(TMTSF)2TaF6 1.35 11000
β-(ET)2I3 1.5 1
κ-(ET)2I3 3.6 1
κ-(ET)2Cu(NCS)2 10.4 1
κ-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl 12.8 1.3
κ-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br 11.6 1
Sr6C60 6.8 1
K3C60 19.3 1
K2RbC60 23 1
Rb3C60 29.4 1
RbCs2C60 33 1

Cu[N(CN)2]Br. The molecules arrange in various phases with orderings in fishbone

or checkerboard structures, yielding two-dimensional conductivity. Similar to the
TMTSF2X salts they are type II superconductors (Sect. 1.4).
Superconductors based on the insulator fullerene C60 form a three-dimensional
isotropic solid crystallizing in an fcc arrangement. Conductivity is achieved by
doping with a alkali dopants such as Rb to form, e.g., Rb3C60 molecules.

1.2 Cooper Pairs and Condensation

We will first review basic properties of the conventional low-temperature supercon-

ductors, although this type of superconductivity is mostly observed in metals and
thus beyond the scope of this book; for a general overview, see Buckel and Kleiner
(2004). According to the Bardeen–Cooper–Shrieffer (BCS) theory (Bardeen et al.
1957), superconductivity originates from the formation of electron pairs; for
reviews, see Schrieffer (1964), deGennes (1966), and Allen and Mitrovic (1982).
Such Cooper pairs can undergo Bose–Einstein condensation when the denominator
in the distribution function f (defined by Eq. 91 of chapter ▶ “Carrier-Transport
Equations”) vanishes. Superconductivity is assigned to this condensation (Blatt
1961; Onsager 1961). The BCS theory predicts that the lowest energy state of
such electron pairs is separated from higher energy states of unpaired electrons by
an energy gap, which prevents any damping of the electron transport at low
temperatures. For this damping, scattering events must occur with energy transfer.
However, since all states below the bandgap are occupied, no such scattering is
possible for the Cooper pairs. They can move through the lattice as condensed
bosons without energy loss, similarly to superfluid helium.
Superconductivity 5

Electrons are fermions with energies up to some eV due to the Pauli principle, i.e.,
with thermal energies corresponding to very high temperatures. Since the transition
to superconductivity occurs at quite low temperatures, an interaction operating at
such energies is required. The model of superconductivity is based on the idea of
forming electron pairs which are bosons; these quasiparticles follow Bose–Einstein
statistics and can condensate into a common ground state. Electrons can form such
pairs despite the strong Coulomb repulsion if they have opposite spin; they are
assisted in pair formation by lattice polarization as evidenced by the isotope effect
(Sect. 1.3). This assistance can be imagined by recognizing the polarization well
created by an electron,1 which at sufficiently low temperatures traps another electron
in the same well, forming an electron pair. This pair is sometimes referred to as a
bipolaron, see Sect. 1.2.2 of chapter ▶ “Carrier-Transport Equations.”
The electron interaction with the lattice, necessary for pair formation, can be
modeled by assuming emission and absorption of phonons from paired electrons,
which results in eigenstates below those of two independent electrons. Pairs formed
between two electrons with opposite spin and wavevector directly at the Fermi
surface of a metal or a highly degenerate semiconductor at T ! 0 K are called
Cooper pairs. With pair formation, the electrons can lower their energy to occupy a
state at an energy Δ below the Fermi energy EF,
ECp ¼ EF  Δ, with Δ ffi ℏωD exp  (1)
gð EF Þ V

Here ωD is the Debye frequency, g(EF) is the density of states at EF, and jV j is the
interaction energy, which is of the form

 2 2 ℏωq
V ¼ Mkq   2 ; (2)
½Eðk þ qÞ  EðkÞ2  ℏωq

with Mkq as the electron–phonon matrix element; ωq is an average phonon frequency

typical of the lattice, with ωq ffi ωD/2. A reduction in energy is possible despite full
occupation of every single energy state below EF by electrons, since Cooper pairs are
bosons and as such can condense at a lower ground-state energy.
An energy Δ per electron is gained when Cooper pairs are formed. This renders
the filled Fermi sphere unstable, and provides the driving force for Bose–Einstein
condensation of such pairs. When condensation of Cooper pairs takes place, the
excited states for individual electrons are given by
EðkÞ ¼ ðE  EF Þ2 þ Δ2 ; (3)

The polaron state introduced in Sect. 1.2 of chapter ▶ “Carrier-Transport Equations”.

6 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

which has a minimum at E = EF, and creates a gap of 2Δ between the ground and
excited states for two paired electrons. This energy gap makes superconductivity
plausible: it does not permit any scattering with an energy exchange of less than 2Δ.
An electron can only be scattered when the displacement of the Fermi sphere in an
external field exceeds 2Δ:

ℏ2 h i 2ℏ2 k δk
ΔE ¼ ðkF þ δkÞ2  ðkF  δkÞ2 ¼  2Δ: (4)
2m m
Therefore, the current density j ¼ e n v ¼ e n ℏ k=m must remain below a critical
current density jcrit, above which superconductivity vanishes:

j ¼ jcrit : (5)
ℏ kF

With typical values for Δ ffi 1 meV, n ffi 1022 cm3, and kF ffi 108 cm1, we obtain
jcrit ffi 107 A/cm2 in an order-of-magnitude agreement with the experiment. In a
classical sense these high current densities indicate a very high drift velocity vD of
superconducting electrons: j = envD yields vD on the order of 104 cm/s at jcrit.

1.3 The Critical Temperature

Cooper-pair formation requires pairs of electrons with k" and k# at the Fermi
surface. The density of such pairs decreases with increasing temperature, following
Fermi-Dirac statistics. Since the gap energy Δ is a function of available electrons,2 Δ
shrinks with increasing temperature and vanishes at a critical temperature Tc, which
can be estimated from a numerical integration of Eq. 1, yielding

k T c ffi ð2=3:5Þ ΔT¼0 : (6)

Since T c / Δ / ωD / 1= M, we expect an increase in the critical temperature with
decreasing mass M of the oscillating atoms. With different isotopes of a given
element, only the mass changes while all other parameters are left unchanged.
Such an isotope effect of Tc is indeed observed3 and shown for Hg (a solid below
39  C) in Fig. 2.
The superconductive state can be approximately described as consisting of a
superfluid liquid of Cooper pairs, which is mixed with a liquid of normal
electrons; the density ratio of both is determined by the temperature: the density

g(EF) was used in Eq. 1 at T = 0 K.
Exponents β in Tc / M–β are 0.5 for isotopes of Hg, Cd, and Tl, 0.48 for Pb, 0.47 for Sn; also
smaller effect are observed, e.g., β = 0.33 for Mo and 0.2 for Os.
Superconductivity 7

Fig. 2 Isotope effect of the

critical temperature Tc for 4.18
samples of Hg isotopes with
different mass M, according to
data from Reynolds et al. 4.17

4.16 Hg199.7

Tc (K) 4.15


.0700 .0704 .0708 .0712

1/√M (amu -1/2)

of Cooper pairs decreases as the temperature increases. Above Tc no Cooper pair

can exist and the gap vanishes. Therefore, all carriers above Tc are normal
electrons. Below Tc, more and more electrons condense as Cooper pairs. Evi-
dence for such a two-fluid model can be obtained from optical absorption and
ultrasound attenuation. Only the Cooper pairs have an energy gap, yielding a
far-IR absorption edge. Only the free electrons provide ultrasound attenuation;
Cooper pairs cannot be split by the low energy of ultrasonic phonons. This model
yields a temperature-dependent density ratio between electrons and Cooper pairs
and provides evidence for a temperature-dependent gapSuperconduction gap
Δ(T ), as shown in Fig. 3.

1.4 Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect and Type I or Type II


Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect A superconductor is characterized by a second effect

in addition to the vanishing resistance: an externally applied magnetic field is
expelled from a superconductor when cooled below Tc; this phenomenon is
referred to as the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect (Meissner and Ochsenfeld 1933).
Such a perfect diamagnetic behavior cannot be explained solely by a vanishing
resistivity. For this, Maxwell’s equations of electrodynamics must be modified, as
performed by the phenomenological London theory for superconductors with the
London equations
8 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

Fig. 3 Temperature 1.0

dependence of the energy gap
Δ, depicted in reduced units; 0.9
for absolute values of Tc see
Table 1. Symbols are 0.8
experimental results, the solid
curve is calculated from the 0.7 BCS theory
BCS theory (After Townsend
0.6 Sn

and Sutton 1962)
0.5 Ta

0.4 Pb

0.3 Nb



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

@ B @js E
js ¼  and ¼ (7)
@r μ0 λ 2 @t μ 0 λ2

where js is the superconducting current density and λ is the London penetration

depth4 of the magnetic field (London and London 1935). The penetration depth
denotes the exponential decrease of an externally applied magnetic field B inside the
superconductor according to B ¼ Bsurface expðz=λÞ. It is on the order of 500 Å in
typical metals. With increasing temperature the penetration depth increases
according to

λðT Þ ¼ λðT ¼ 0Þ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (8)
1  ðT=T c Þ4

as shown in Fig. 4. When the penetration depth exceeds the thickness of the wire
carrying the current, superconductivity has vanished.

Type I or Type II Superconductors Superconductors that expel the magnetic

flux as described in the previous section are called type I superconductors. They
show diamagnetic behavior with χ mag = 1, created by surface currents within the

λ is related to the density of superconducting carriers ns by λ ¼
mCp = μ0 q2Cp ns , where
mCp = 2mn and qCp = 2e.
Superconductivity 9

Fig. 4 Temperature- 1.0

dependent penetration depth
of an external magnetic field Eq. 8
according to the BCS theory 0.8
or nonlocal approximations as
indicated; the green curve
shows the dependence
according to Eq. 8 (After 0.6 BCS

Fetter and Walecka 1971) local

0.4 BCS


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

penetration depth λ that induce a magnetization M which perfectly cancels the

external field H inside the superconductor according to M = χ mag H = H.
Above a critical magnetic field Hc, the entire superconductor becomes normal
conductive. The phase boundary between the normal and superconductive states
can empirically be described by
h i
HðT Þ ¼ HðT ¼ 0Þ 1  ðT=T c Þ2 ; (9)

where B(T = 0) = μ0 H(T = 0) is usually on the order of 0.01 . . . 0.1 T for Al and V,
respectively, as examples. All superconductive metals are type I, except for Nb.
Type II superconductors have two critical magnetic fields, Hc1 and Hc2. Below
Hc1, the superconductor displays type I behavior. Above Hc1, the magnetic field
penetrates into the superconductor, and microscopic flux lines, also called vortices,
are formed in a regular trigonal close-packed pattern: the flux-line lattice imaged in
Fig. 5. The period of the pattern grows with decreasing magnetic field, and the flux
of the magnetic field through one elementary vortex cell is a constant, referred to as
the magnetic flux quantum Φ0 = h/(2e). The area of a vortex is partially normal-
conductive and increases at higher temperatures (for constant field) on the expense of
the superconductive area outside the vortices (Fig. 5b, c), until above Tc no super-
conductive area remains.
Above Hc2, the type II superconductor becomes normal-conductive. Typical
fields Hc2 are an order of magnitude higher than Hc1 with the maximum known
value at ~60 T for PbMo6S8, a Chevrel-phase superconductor. A typical phase
diagram for type I and type II superconductors is shown in Fig. 6.
The flux-line pattern is influenced by crystal defects. Flux lines may move in the
presence of a current that creates Lorentz forces normal to these lines. Consequently,
10 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

a b c

1 µm 1 µm

Fig. 5 (a) Schematic of magnetic vortices ( flux lines) in a type II superconductor (blue rectangle).
Red circles indicate currents shielding areas outside the penetrating magnetic field. (b) Plane-view
imaging of flux lines (bright spots) emerging from the surface of the high-temperature supercon-
ductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ using magnetic force microscopy with a magnetic-tip cantilever. A
constant external field B ffi 2 mT is applied at T = 5.1 K. (c) Same as panel (b) at T = 38.1 K
(After Schwarz et al. 2010)

a b

H H normal-
conductive phase

normal-conductive phase Hc2


Hc Shubnikov phase

Meissner phase super-
conductive phase
Tc T Tc T

Fig. 6 Phase boundaries between normal and superconductive states. (a) for type I and (b) for type
II superconductors, with critical field boundaries indicated

some minor power dissipation is observed in such type II superconductors above Hc1.
Some crystal defects are known to pin flux lines and thereby create a more stable
superconductor at high fields – see Matsushita (2014). This is important for NMR
imaging, where high and extremely constant fields over long periods are required.

1.5 Josephson Tunneling and SQUID

Tunneling between two superconductors through a very thin insulating layer pro-
vides the most direct evidence for the energy gap. If both superconductors are metals
Superconductivity 11

a E E E
ΔV = 0 ΔV ¹ 0 E

g( E)
eΔV g(E) metal/metal
g(E) metal 1 metal 2 g( E)
insulator metal 1 metal 2

0 < T < Tc
b ΔV = 0
ΔV ¹ 0
2Δ conductor, T = 0

Voltage ΔV
g( E) g( E)
g(E) super- eΔV g(E) ΔV = Δ / e
metal conductor
metal super-
insulator conductor

Fig. 7 Tunneling through a thin insulating layer between two metals: (a) both metals are normal
conductors; (b) one metal is a superconductor: current flow requires at T = 0 a voltage exceeding
Δ/e. (c) I-V characteristics of the tunnel current for a metal-metal junction (straight red curve) and a
metal-superconductor junction at T = 0 (green curve) and at T > 0 (light green)

in their normal-conductive phase, tunneling proceeds at T  0 K without threshold,

see Fig. 7a.
If one of the metals is a superconductor, no current flows near zero bias. Only
when electrons are elevated above the gap does a small current flow (Giaever
tunneling – Fig. 7c light green curve for 0 < T < Tc). With further increased bias,
electrons from below the Fermi surface can be drawn across the barrier (Josephson
tunneling, Fig. 7c green curve), and the tunneling current increases steeply.

Superconducting Quantum-Interference Device The flux of an externally

applied magnetic field enters a type II superconductor in integer multiples of flux
quanta Φ0 = h/(2e) (Sect. 1.4). This applies also for the magnetic flux through a
superconductive ring, which is given by

Φring ¼ Φext þ L js ¼ i Φ0 ; (10)

here L is the inductance of the ring, js is the superconducting current induced by the
magnetic field, and i is an integer. Thus, although the externally applied flux Φext and
the current js are continuous quantities, the magnetic flux inside the ring is not; this
can only be fulfilled if js oscillates with an amplitude jL js j  Φ0 =2 , when an
externally applied magnetic field is continuously increased: the current in the ring
js completes the total flux in the ring to an integer multiple of Φ0.
The induced superconducting current js can be measured using a superconducting
quantum-interference device (SQUID); a schematic of the setup is given in Fig. 8.
12 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

Fig. 8 Superconducting ring

with two Josephson junctions
(red thin insulators), building j
a superconducting quantum-
interference device (SQUID)
j1 j2


Two very thin insulators are introduced into the superconductive ring considered
above. They constitute tunnel junctions (Josephson junctions) between two super-
conductors similar to the junction depicted in Fig. 7b. At a Josephson junction the
current js tunnels through the barrier, and the two collective wavefunctions of the
Cooper pairs on both side of a junction experience a phase difference γ. The phase
difference is related to the maximum critical current density jc through such a
junction by js ¼ jc sin γ . Using this relation, the current in the ring with two
Josephson contacts can be written

js ¼ jc =2 ð sin γ 1  sin γ 2 Þ; (11)

with phase differences γ 1 and γ 2 at the two junctions.

If this ring is connected to an external current source, the current entering the ring
splits into two parts. If a small external field B applied, a screening current js begins
to circulate in the ring to cancel the applied external flux. In one branch of the ring js
is in the same direction as the applied current, j1 ¼ j=2 þ js, and it is opposite in the
other branch, yielding j2 ¼ j=2  js . When the current in either branch exceeds the
critical current density jc of the Josephson junction, a voltage ΔV appears across the
junction. If the external flux is further increased and eventually exceeds Φ0/2, an
increase of the flux to 1 Φ0 is energetically more favorable than a stronger
shielding current to prevent a flux from entering into the ring. The screening current
thus flows in the opposite direction. Every time the flux increases by multiples of Φ0/
2, js changes direction and hence oscillates as a function of the applied external
magnetic field. The period corresponds to the addition of a single flux quantum Φ0 to
the flux already penetrating the ring.
SQUIDs are very sensitive magnetometers and are widely used for measuring
magnetic properties of materials, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or biology for
studies such as magnetoencephalography (MEG).
Superconductivity 13

2 High-Temperature Superconductors

2.1 Ceramic High-Tc Superconductors

Transition temperatures exceeding the highest observed in metals have been reported
for the class of high-temperature superconductors (also termed high-Tc supercon-
ductors), which are all type II superconductors. These are usually layered com-
pounds that are semiconductors at or above room temperature. In 1986 the
perovskite-type ceramic La2xBaxCuO4 was found to become superconductive
near 30 K (Bednorz and Müller 1986; Tc was later specified to 35 K), substantially
above the highest Tc value of a conventional superconductor (Nb3Ge, 22.3 K).
Shortly after this discovery further ceramic compounds with even much higher Tc
values surpassing the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77 K) were found: Y-Ba-Cu-
O, Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O, and Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O. Later also other structures such as the
pnictides were discovered, see Fig. 9. Over 150 high-temperature superconducting
compounds with Tc exceeding that of Nb3Ge were found; they may be roughly
divided into cuprates, bismuthades, and iron pnictides (Chu 1997) – in addition to
the fullerenes mentioned with organic superconductors in Sect. 1.1, carbon nano-
tubes, and various other inorganic compounds. Some ceramic superconductors are
listed in Table 1.

150 HgTlBaCaCuO
100 BiSrCaCuO HgBaCaCuO FeSe film
Critical temperature Tc (K)


30 LaBaCuO
Nb3Sn PuCoGa5
20 YbPd2B2C
NbN K3C60 CaC6
10 PuRhGa5
Pb Nb UBe13
CeCu2Si2 UPt UPd2Al3 CeCoIn5 YbC6
Hg 3 LaOFeP
1900 1940 1980 1990 2000 2010

Fig. 9 History of discovered superconductors. High-temperature cuprate superconductors are

indicated by red circles, iron pnictides by orange squares; conventional low-temperature super-
conductors are marked by green circles. Note the change in abscissa scaling at the year 1980 and the
change in ordinate scaling at Tc = 50 K
14 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

A common feature of the ceramic superconductors is the layer structure. A prominent

large family are the superconductive cuprates; they comprise La-M-Cu-O-type com-
pounds (M = Ba, Sr, Ca), Y-Ba-Cu-O-type compounds like RBa2Cu3O6+x (R = Y, La,
Ca, or a rare-earth element), and Bi-, Tl-, Hg-type compounds like, e.g., TlmBa2Can1
CunO2n+m+2+δ (m = 1,2; n = 14). They all have CuO2 layers, which carry the
superconductive electron system. The other layers serve as dopants to provide the
carriers (“charge reservoir”) and couple the stacked layers. At least two of such weakly
coupled layers are needed to create superconductivity, and Tc increases with the number
of these layers. The cuprates are reviewed in detail by Plakida (2010). Another prom-
inent family are the more recently found iron pnictides such as, e.g., MFFeAs (M = Ca,
Sr, Ba, Eu) with doping by La3+ ions. The pnictides have conductive FeAs layers
playing the role of the CuO2 layers in the cuprates. The lattice structure of some cuprate
superconductors is shown in Fig. 10. Their structure is usually closely related to the
perovskite structure, with alternating layers of CuO2 planes and an oxygen deficiency.
The critical temperature of high-Tc superconductors increases with increasing carrier
density, similar to semiconducting low-temperature superconductors. The carrier den-
sity is generally low (typ. 5 1021 cm3) compared to conventional superconductors
(5 1022 . . . 1023 cm3). The doping properties are outlined below for cuprates;
similar properties are also found for the iron pnictides (Ishida et al. 2009).
Undoped cuprates are often Mott insulators with antiferromagnetic ordering of
the spins of the Cu2+ ions, which have an incomplete d shell (3d9) with one hole spin
S ¼ 12ℏ. The antiferromagnetic correlations in cuprates create a pseudogap, which is
detrimental to superconductivity and is of a different origin than the superconducting
gap. Superconductivity appears upon doping, as depicted in the universal phase

a Cu
O Cu


Fig. 10 Unit cells of superconductive cuprates with CuO2 layers. (a) La2xSrxCuO4, (b)
YBa2Cu3O6, (c) HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8
Superconductivity 15


Tc (K)


100 insulator

0 0.1 0.2 0.3
undoped underdoped overdoped Doping p
optimum doped

Fig. 11 Schematic phase diagram of a cuprate superconductor, indicating the dependence of Tc on

doping; p is given in units of holes per Cu atom. An antiferromagnetic phase occurs at low doping,
superconductivity appears in an intermediate doping range

diagram of a cuprate with p-type conductivity in Fig. 11. Doping with holes is
achieved,5 e.g., in La2xMxCuO4, by substituting La3+ ions with divalent ions such
as Ba2+, Sr2+, or Ca2+. The critical temperature Tc/Tc,max is an approximately
parabolic function of the hole concentration, with a maximum near 0.16 holes per
Cu atom in the superconducting layer (Tallon et al. 1995). A similar phase diagram
applies for cuprates with n-type conductivity, which are a minority of the ceramic
copper-oxide-based superconductors. They differ in their magnetic texture and
doping dependence (Zhang and Bennemann 1995), and their critical temperature is
generally somewhat lower (~30 K).
The critical temperature of superconductivity can often be raised when hydro-
static pressure is applied, as noted for organic superconductors in Table 2 and as
earlier found for La2-xBaxCuO4 by Chu et al. (1987). This effect can be mimicked in
ceramics by replacing some atoms apart from the superconductive layer with smaller
atoms, e.g., Ba with Sr.
It is instructive to discuss first the properties of these materials at temperatures
above the superconductive transition temperature.

2.2 Normal-State Properties of High-Tc Superconductors

Experiments on high-temperature superconductors yield complex and often irregular

results, although some generic trends are found, and a couple of general conclusions
are drawn in Sect. 2.4. Here we point out a few prominent findings.

Doping can also be performed by changing the composition with oxygen. An excess of oxygen
extracts electrons from the environment to form O2 ions; these electrons partly come from the
CuO2 layers, leaving holes.
16 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

optimum doped underdoped


T (K)
I SC M x=0.08
ρ (mΩ cm) 0.8
0.1 0.2 0.3
x x=0.12

0.4 x=0.15
0 100 200 300
T (K)

Fig. 12 Resistivity ρ of La2xSrxCuO4 single crystals within the CuO4 plane as a function of
temperature; the composition x is the family parameter. Solid lines are measurements at zero
magnetic field; at low T (symbols) superconductivity is suppressed by applying a high field
(60 T) which exceeds the upper critical field. Inset: dependence of the critical temperature Tc on
the Sr composition x; I, SC, and M denote insulating, superconducting, and metallic, respectively
(After Boebinger et al. 1996)

The conductivity in ceramic superconductors is highly anisotropic, with σ k =σ ⊥ =

102–105 near the transition temperature. The conductivity within the Cu-O layers of
cuprates is metallic,6 whereas the current perpendicular to these layers is substan-
tially reduced, probably due to tunneling through barriers. Rather unusual is the
ubiquitous temperature-linear increase of the resistivity above the transition temper-
ature depicted in Fig. 12 for La2xSrxCuO4 with compositions 0.075  x  0.15
that show superconductivity; in contrast, at compositions x  0.07 that become not
superconductive, the more common behavior of the resistivity is observed: it
changes / T2, indicating electron–electron scattering. A further peculiarity of the
linear dependence is the wide range without saturation at higher temperatures
(Gurvitch and Fiory 1987). Such saturation is commonly found in transition metals,
when the mean free path approaches the interatomic distance (Ioffe-Regel limit). Up
to now there exists no microscopic theory to describe such transport properties along
with the observed pseudogap behavior and the pairing mechanism. For a review see
Hussey (2007); see also an early review by Batlogg (1991).
The Hall coefficient of the high-Tc cuprates shows a strong temperature depen-
dence instead of an expected near-constant behavior that prevails for non-
superconducting compositions (Hwang et al. 1994; Segawa and Ando 2004). As

Metallic conductivity is found above the Néel temperature, which, e.g., for undoped YBa2Cu3O6+x,
is quite high (500 K for x = 0, decreasing with doping). Below this temperature antiferromagnetic
ordering leads to an energy gap and consequently to insolating behavior.
Superconductivity 17


Hall coefficient RH (10-9 m3/C)

Tc=60 K
2.5 YBa2Cu3O6+x

2.0 Tc=74 K

1.5 Tc=91 K



0 100 200 300 400 500
T (K)
Fig. 13 Hall coefficient RH of differently doped YBa2Cu3O6+x single crystals with B k c as a
function of temperature for samples with various critical temperatures Tc (After Harris et al. 1992)

an example the 1/T dependence of YBa2CuO7 above the transition temperature is

shown in Fig. 13. The temperature and doping dependence of the Hall effect is
related to complex topological changes of the Fermi surface, which are not yet fully

2.3 The Superconductive State of High-Tc Superconductors

In conventional low-temperature superconductors the wavefunction of cooper pairs

is generally isotropic and shows virtually no dependence on the orientation of k; it
has s symmetry. This applies also for the Fermi sphere and the superconduction
energy-gap (Fig. 7), which appears below Tc at the Fermi surface.
Ceramic superconductors are different. The model system of the cuprates is
characterized by the superconducting CuO2 layers illustrated in Fig. 14. Without
doping there is one electron (correspondingly one hole) in the d x2 y2 orbital of each
copper ion; in absence of magnetic ordering this yields metallic conductivity of a
half-filled band. Doping with holes disturbs the magnetic order (lowers TNéel), until
eventually superconductance occurs. Holes coupled to a pair repel each other and
hence do not form a wavefunction with s symmetry, where the probability for both
holes is maximum at the same place. Since the angular momentum of the pair must
be even, L ¼ 2 ℏ is the smallest possible angular momentum, yielding d symmetry
for a Cooper pair in cuprates and hence also for the symmetry of the superconductive
18 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

Fig. 14 Schematic of the

CuO2 layer in a cuprate Cu O
superconductor, showing the
half-filled d x2 y2 orbital of a
Cu ion and the px, py orbitals
of adjacent O ions


d x 2- y 2

The d-wave nature of cuprate superconductors was confirmed by many experi-

ments, most directly by nodes observed in the excitation spectrum using angle-
resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) for mapping the Fermi surface in
momentum space (Platé et al. 2005; Koitzsch et al. 2004). The results clearly show
that the density of carriers in the superconducting state and also the energy gap to
normal-state carriers has four lateral nodes in k space with a symmetry corresponding
to d character. Such a symmetry is also found in experiments on tunneling currents.
The superconduction gap Superconduction gap can directly be measured using
scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). Measurement of the tunneling conductance
at one point of the sample yields the surface-near local density of states (LDOS),
averaged over the in-plane angles of k. In low-temperature superconductors the
conductance and correspondingly the DOS vanish below Tc (Fig. 7b); above Tc the
conductance has a U shape centered at zero bias in STS measurements with peaks
Δ. In high-temperature superconductors the nodes in Δ(k) result in a linear
increase of the DOS, yielding a V shaped conductance centered at zero bias in STS
measurements with a peak separation of 2Δp depending on doping, see Fig. 15.
In the superconductive state, the critical current density is also anisotropic (jck =
jc⊥ ffi 103). This provides a further indication that superconductivity occurs within
the plane of such layered crystals and may be interrupted by interfacing normal
conducting layers. In Bi1.6Pb0.6Sr1.8CaCu2Ox also an in-plane anisotropy of the
critical current density was measured (Nakayama et al. 2000).
All high-Tc superconductors show type-II behavior, with low critical fields and
substantial flux-line movements, causing some residual power dissipation. The flux-
line lattice “melts” at temperatures7 well below Tc, when thermal fluctuations of the

The flux-line melting temperature is about 75 K for a material with Tc = 93 K, and is somewhat
lower for Tc = 125 K material.
Superconductivity 19

Fig. 15 Differential

Conductance dl/dV (normalized)

conductance of differently Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x T = 4.2 K
single crystals measured using underdoped
scanning tunneling Tc=74.3 K
spectroscopy. Horizontal lines
indicate zero conductance for optimum doped
the respective vertically offset
Tc=92.2 K
spectra. Positive and negative
sample bias results in electron
tunneling into unoccupied and
out of occupied electronic Tc=83.0 K
states, respectively (After
Renner et al. 1998)

-300 -150 0 150 300

Bias VSample (mV)

vortex positions become comparable to the generally small coherence length of the
Cooper pairs. The critical current density may be increased if the flux lines are
pinned by, e.g., point defects (Theuss 1993), or radiation damage induced by neutron
bombardment (van Dover et al. 1989; Terai et al. 1997). The pinning mechanism is
discussed by Matsushita (2014), see also Xu et al. (1995) and Schwarz et al. (2010).
The upper critical magnetic field H c2 ðT Þ has a large value and a large slope @H c2 =@T.
From critical-field measurements, the size of the quasiparticles can be determined
(Tajima et al. 1988). In EuBa2Cu3O7, they display a pancake shape, with coherent
lengths of 35 Å diameter and 3.8 Å height lying in the Cu-O plane.

2.4 Mediating-Partner Models for High-Tc Superconductors

Even after three decades of intensive research there exists no all-encompassing

microscopic model on the origin of high-Tc superconductivity, in contrast to the
BCS theory valid for low-temperature superconductors. Still a number of conclu-
sions are generally agreed (Leggett 2006):

• High-Tc superconductivity originates from the formation of Cooper-pair-like

carrier pairs.
• In the cuprates the superconductive electron system is located in the CuO2 layers,
in the iron pnictides correspondingly in the FeAs layers.
• In the two-dimensionally layered high-Tc superconductors the Cooper pairs form
independently in the different layers, i.e., there is hardly hopping from one layer
to another.
• Cooper pairs are not coupled by an electron–phonon interaction like those in
low-temperature superconductors. There are indications for an at least predomi-
nant electronic pairing of wavefunctions.
20 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

Superconductance in ceramic compounds appears at sufficient doping (Fig. 11).

Doping with holes generally leads to higher critical temperatures as doping with
electrons. The mediating partner required to provide the coupling of the quasi-
Cooper pair also needs to be a boson. As such, one may consider resonance valence
bands (Anderson 1987), magnons (Chen and Goddard 1988), spin fluctuations
(Schrieffer et al. 1988; Schrieffer 1991), plasmons (Tajima et al. 1991; Bill et al.
2003), and excitons.
Electron interaction with spin fluctuations are prominent in high-temperature
superconductors. There are essentially two mechanisms creating hole (or electron)
pairs. Intersubband hopping in a lattice with antiferromagnetic order lowers the
electronic kinetic energy and may induce pairing by antiferromagnetic exchange.
This mechanism is proposed by Anderson (1987) and is outlined in the following.

The Anderson RVB Theory The formation of Cooper pairs by phonon interaction
in low-temperature superconductors can be imagined as trapping of an electron in the
lattice-deformation funnel created by another electron (Sect. 1.2). In a high-Tc super-
conductor, the role of phonons is in Anderson’s RVB model replaced by spin-density
waves8 (Anderson 1987): the spin of a moving electron creates a spin-density wave
around it, causing a nearby electron to fall into the spin depression created by the first
electron. Since the Coulomb repulsion prevents pairing of the two electrons on the
same lattice site, the pairing occurs at near-neighbor lattice sites. The symmetry of the
Cooper pair is hence not s-like as in the classical BCS theory. In the cuprates the pair
wavefunction has dx2 y2 symmetry instead (Tsuei et al. 1997; Kirtley et al. 2006); this
reflects the symmetry of the Cu orbitals in the Cu-O layers as indicated in Fig. 14.
In Anderson’s resonating-valence-bond (RVB) theory there exist magnetic singlet
pairs in the undoped insulating magnetic phase of cuprates (Fig. 16). These pairs
become Cooper pairs when the insulator is sufficiently strongly doped (Fig. 11),
providing a predominantly electronic and magnetic mechanism for superconductiv-
ity (Lee et al. 2006). Doping with holes in cuprates destroys the antiferromagnetic
order of the two-dimensional Mott insulator and creates a disordered state like a spin
liquid of resonating valence bonds. Spin fluctuations play also a major role in the
pairing of the iron pnictides (Hosono and Ren 2009).

Charge-Fluctuation Models Within the classical BSC theory a high critical tem-
perature Tc is connected to a large energy of the mediating boson, which may
basically be an exciton or a plasmon. Considering an exciton as mediating partner,
two groups of electrons are required: more localized electrons providing the cou-
pling and the coupled electrons in the superconducting band. The excitons in
cuprates may result from a charge transfer according to Cu2+O2 ! Cu1+O1
(Varma et al. 1987, Varma 1997). Such a charge-transfer excitation can induce
pairing with s or dxy symmetry. For a review, see Little (1992).

All high-Tc superconductors are strong spin-density wave systems.
Superconductivity 21

a b

Fig. 16 Schematic of the two-dimensional Cu-O layer in a cuprate superconductor (a) in the
insulating undoped case showing antiferromagnetic orientation of the spins, and (b) doped with a
hole located at a Cu ion

The two-dimensionality and van Hove singularities close to the Fermi energy
favor charge instabilities and thereby the possibility of pairing by charge fluctua-
tions. Also the occurrence of specific plasma excitations is enhanced by such
conditions, basically allowing for plasmon-induced pairing. The two-dimen-
sionality9 and increasing ionicity10 supports the formation of tightly bound excitons,
which can survive higher temperatures.

Resume on Mediating-Partners The present status indicates that the pair forma-
tion in high-temperature superconductors could actually comprise more than one
singular mechanism. Spin fluctuation certainly contributes to pairing as a major part,
which may be substantially assisted by charge fluctuations that in turn enhance
electron–phonon interaction.

3 Summary

Superconductivity was in early days believed to be restricted to metals and to

temperatures below 25 K. It involves Cooper pairs of electrons, which can be formed
due to phonon interaction. Bose–Einstein condensation of such pairs creates a
bandgap that eliminates damping of the transport, which still occurs for the
remaining normal electrons. An injection of electrons above the gap, via Giaever
tunneling, shows conductivity of normal electrons in superconductors. The density

Confinement of three-dimensional excitons to two dimensions leads to a substantial increase of the
exciton binding-energy see Sect. 2.1 of chapter ▶ “Excitons”. The superlattice-like (2D) structure of
the ceramic superconductors could provide such a confinement.
Here excitons, or polarons, become more tightly bound (Frenkel excitons). Earlier observation of
heavy-fermion superconductors (Stewart 1984; Joynt and Taillefer 2002) may point toward the assistance
of more tightly bound polarons (with mn ffi 200 m0) in forming superconducting compounds, (e.g.,
CeCu2Si2 or UPt3).
22 K. W. Böer and U. W. Pohl

of superconducting Cooper pairs increases with decreasing temperature at the

expense of normal electrons, causing an increasing superconduction bandgap for
Cooper pairs, an increasing critical current (above which superconductivity van-
ishes), and a decreasing penetration depth for a magnetic field – the Meissner field
expulsion. Above the temperature-dependent critical field, these type I supercon-
ductors become normal conductive. Type II superconductors enter a mixed
Shubnikov phase above a lower critical magnetic field, with a regular pattern of
flux lines penetrating the superconductor. The density of these (partially normal-
conductive) vortices increases for increasing field, until above the upper critical field
superconductivity vanishes.
High-temperature superconductivity is found mostly in perovskite-type solids,
with transition temperatures exceeding 100 K. In the large family of cuprates
superconductivity occurs in the CuO2 layers and is usually carried by quasiparticles
related to pairs of holes. Generally undoped compounds are insulating due to
magnetic ordering of the spins located at the Cu ions; these cuprates require doping
of the layers beside the CuO2 layers with sufficient holes to generate superconduc-
tivity. Unlike in low-temperature superconductors the wavefunction of Cooper pairs
is anisotropic with in-plane d symmetry, yielding a corresponding symmetry of the
Fermi surface and the superconduction energy-gap. Similar conditions are found for
the more recently discovered family of iron pnictides, where the superconductive
electron system is carried in FeAs layers. The microscopic mechanism for pair
formation in high-temperature superconductors differs from that found in typical
metals. While spin fluctuations certainly play a major role, a generally accepted
model is still to be developed.

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