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Leadership and Philosophy

Christina Morales-Cota

College Name, Grand Canyon University

Course Number: EAD-501

Mary Murray

May 25, 2022


Transactional Leadership

Most leadership models are that of transactional leadership. This refers to the exchange between

the leader and their followers (Northhouse, 2019). Transactional leadership is the same as

student-teacher interaction. Where there is that communication where rewards and consequences

are given during a certain time and when certain behaviors are displayed (Miller, 2019).

Transactional leaders are geared more towards a teacher giving a certain grade to a student for

work being completed, this is what the text correlated it to be like.

This type of leadership to most people is not taken well or lightly as most people notice a lack of

trust and replationship between leaders and followers. Although there are some positives as well

such as promoting employee motivation and achievable goals. The opposite of transactional

leadership is tranformational leadership.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is the type of leadership where a certain individual will

connect and create an environment where a connection is made with both the leader and

followers. This type of leadership pays most attention on the wants and needs of the followers

and tries to meet those needs. This type of leadership is more about empowerment than it is


Servant Leadership

A servant leader is one who will be attentive and care about their followers. The followers are

put first. The leader will help the followers achieve their goals and their full potential

(Northouse,2019). Servant leaders are basically serving their followers and doing what is best for

the followers. This type of leader will put the needs of their followers over their own needs. This

leadership style comes natural to some and not something that can be learned.

My Philosophy

My values and the beliefs I have come from the life experiences I have had both in the

world and at work. Any person in any leadership position should always be respected no matter

how they do their job. We will always have an opinion on how a leader leads. My thoughts on

this matter is that that in order to be respected and liked I do need to be assertive but also one

who is someone followers can talk to. Having that communication level and be approachable for

my followers. I am never going to be “above” my followers as we are all people doing our jobs

to the best of our ability.

In the educational world I feel that many decisions and goal creations can’t be made by

one person. I would need to have a team of followers to help with their input and their thoughts

as a well. In order to have a successful school environment I would need to have effort from

everyone who works at the school. This would ensure the success of all of our students and staff.

I must maintain respectful and positive interactions with my staff at all times that would make

me a great leader.

After going through all 3 of the leadership roles the one that I mesh with the most is

servant leadership. I am a very ethical person who wants to help my followers by making sure

they are taken care of. I will work for them and not against them. I would want the input from

my followers, and not only listen to them but also implement what they have to say and really

take into consideration. I would do my very best to ensure that I am attentive to the needs and

concerns of my followers at all times.

I firmly believe that a leader can display different leadership characteristics. So I can take

a little from everything I have learned and implement it to being the best leader I can be. One

thing that is very important to me is accountability. I would always hold myself accountable as

well as everyone around me. I strongly believe in being fair and that is something I will

wholeheartedly ensure I do at all times. I will make sure that I give my staff and students

everything that they need to be successful in their educational journey. I want to be involved in

each and every classroom and helping them to be successful and also celebrate those successes.

Even the tiniest success needs celebration, as it will motivate my staff.

I have been around some of the best leaders, I recently just worked for one. He was

actively involved in the success of the school. He paid attention to his followers and ensured that

we had what was needed to succeed. He lead by example and that I something that I will take

from him and implement as a leader one day. Constantly keeping open communication with my

staff is imperative for everyone’s success. I will ensure and to the best of my ability make sure

that my staff, students and families needs are being met academically and socially.

As I continue on my journey I know that my philosophy will be constantly changing. As I

learn more and implement and understand more. I will grow into the leader I want to be by going

through courses as well as the hands on with my principal mentor. My ideas and thoughts will

change throughout my educational path in this program. I know by learning and growing I will

become the leader that I was meant to be.



Anastasia “How toe Develop a Leadership Philosophy that inspires”. Cleverest May


What is servant Leadership

Northhouse, P. Leadership: Theory and Practice (8th ed.) Los Angels Sage.

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