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Vision :- To create professionally competent engineers in the field of Information Technology to achieve social transformation through

Subject : Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Subject Code: ITC604

What is data science?

Explain data science with one of the application.
Explain applications of data science.
Differentiate between Business Analytics and Data Science.
Differentiate between Data Science and Data Analytics.
Differentiate between data mining and Data Science.
Explain roles of data scientist.
Explain different techniques to deal with missing data in dataset.
Define Degree of freedom.
Explain Linear Regression in brief.

Explain with example under fitting and over fitting.

The distance of the vectors from the hyperplane is called the margin which is a separation of a line to the closest
class points. We would like to choose a hyperplane that maximizes the margin between classes. Which options
are true for the margin? (Select two)

(A) Hard margin — if the training data is linearly separable, we can select two parallel hyperplanes that separate
the two classes of data, so that the distance between them is as large as possible.
(B) Hard margin — if the training data is linearly separable, we can select two parallel hyperplanes that separate
the two classes of data, so that the distance between them is as small as possible.
(C) Soft margin — doesn’t allow some data points to stay in either incorrect side of hyperplane and between
margin and correct side of the hyperplane.
(D) Soft margin — allows some data points to stay in either incorrect side of hyperplane and between margin
and correct side of the hyperplane.

Write short note on visualizing distributions.

Explain in detail Data Analytics lifecycle.
What are the tools required for exploratory data analysis.

Consider a scenario where a new planet is discovered by a group of astronomers. Now the question is whether
it could be ‘the next earth?’ The answer to this question will revolutionize the way people live . Apply decision
tree .

What are types of ML?

Write short note on linear regression.
Explain in detail types of EDA.
Explain ANOVA test in detail.
Explain , Kmeans, Hierarchical clustering, SVM.

K-means Clustering will group these locations of maximum prone areas into clusters and define a cluster center
for each cluster, which will be the locations where the Emergency Units will open. These Clusters centers are
the centroids of each cluster and are at a minimum distance from all the points of a particular cluster,
henceforth, the Emergency Units will be at minimum distance from all the accident prone areas within a

M 1:To impart quality education by keeping pace with rapidly changing technology.
M2: To encourage young minds for research and entrepreneurship.
M 1:To impart quality education by keeping pace with rapidly changing technology.
M2: To encourage young minds for research and entrepreneurship.

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