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' Program: AutoLbl.mb
' Version: MapInfo 4.0
' The AutoLabel application places text object labels in the Cosmetic
' Layer of the active Mapper. The label values are determined by the
' selected in the Autolabels dialog. This dialog and the type of
' labels produced are based upon the MapInfo 3.0 Draw AutoLabels
' Concepts that are featured:
' Using a string array in a PopupMenu dialog control.
' Constructing a Run Command.
' Using MapperInfo() and LayerInfo().
Include "MENU.DEF"

'Sample Application common routines

Include "..\Inc\AUTO_LIB.DEF"

' MapBasic Main Routines

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub ExitAutoLabels
Declare Sub AboutAutoLabels
Declare Sub DrawAutoLabels
Declare Sub GetListMapTbls(ByVal nMapID As Integer)

Define ALL_LAYERS "All Layers"

Define SEL_LAYER "Selection"

Global gsMapTblList() As String

Global gbOverlap, gbDuplicate As Logical

' Main
Sub Main()
Create Menu "&AutoLabels" as
"&Draw AutoLabels..." Calling DrawAutoLabels,
"&About AutoLabels..." Calling
"E&xit AutoLabels" Calling ExitAutoLabels

Call set_tools_menu("&AutoLabels")

'Default option values for labeling.

gbOverlap = FALSE
gbDuplicate = FALSE

' Auto-Load support global variables.
gsAppDescription = "Autolabel"
gsAppFilename = "autolbl.mbx"
End Sub

' ExitAutoLabels
Sub ExitAutoLabels
End Program
End Sub

' AboutAutoLabels
Sub AboutAutoLabels
Dialog Title "About AutoLabels"
Control statictext Title "The AutoLabel application places text"
position 10,10
Control statictext Title "object style labels in the Cosmetic
Layer" position 10,19
Control statictext Title "of the active Mapper. Labeling options"
position 10,28
Control statictext Title "are set in the Draw AutoLabels dialog."
position 10,37
Control statictext Title "This dialog, and the labels created"
position 10,46
Control statictext Title "by this utility, are identical to the
autolabel" position 10,55
Control statictext Title "functionality provided by previous
versions of" position 10,64
Control statictext Title "MapInfo." position 10,73

Control OKButton
position 63,96
End Sub

' DrawAutoLabels - Displays labeling options for the user and
autolabels the
' selected layer. Uses AutoLabel function which places text object
labels in the
' cosmetic layer.
Sub DrawAutoLabels
Dim iTblPos As SmallInt
Dim sOverlap, sDuplicate As String

'Check for an active Mapper window.

If NumWindows() Then
If WindowInfo(FrontWindow(), WIN_INFO_TYPE) = WIN_MAPPER Then
'Build a list of valid layers in the map for labeling.
Call GetListMapTbls(FrontWindow())

'Display the list the overlap and duplicate options for the
user to select.
Dialog Title "Draw AutoLabels"
Control StaticText Title "Label Layer:"
Position 8,8
Control PopupMenu Title From Variable gsMapTblList
Position 60,6 Width 80 Value 1 Into iTblPos
Control CheckBox Title "Allow &overlapping labels"
Position 8,28 Value gbOverlap Into gbOverlap
Control CheckBox Title "Allow &duplicate labels"
Position 8,40 Value gbDuplicate Into gbDuplicate
Control OKButton
Position 22,60 Width 50
Control CancelButton
Position 78,60 Width 50

If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) Then
'Set the appropriate key word for the AutoLabel run command
If gbOverlap Then sOverlap = "On"
Else sOverlap = "Off"
End If

If gbDuplicate Then sDuplicate = "On"

Else sDuplicate = "Off"
End If

'If All Layers has been selected then don't include the Layer
clause in the statement.
If gsMapTblList(iTblPos) = ALL_LAYERS Then
Run Command "AutoLabel Window "+FrontWindow()+
" Overlap "+sOverlap+" Duplicates "+sDuplicate
ElseIf gsMapTblList(iTblPos) = SEL_LAYER Then
Run Command "AutoLabel Window "+ FrontWindow()+
"Selection Overlap "+sOverlap+" Duplicates "+sDuplicate
Run Command "AutoLabel Window "+FrontWindow()+" Layer "+
gsMapTblList(iTblPos)+" Overlap "+sOverlap+" Duplicates
End If
End If

Note "A Mapper Window must be active to Draw Cosmetic Labels."
End If
Note "A Mapper Window must be open to Draw Cosmetic Labels."
End If
End Sub

' GetListMapTbls - Populates the gsMapTblList() array with layer
names from the
' Mapper that are "normal" (not thematic, raster or cosmetic).
Sub GetListMapTbls(ByVal nMapID As Integer)
Dim i, j As SmallInt

j = 0
For i = 1 To MapperInfo(nMapID, MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS)
j = j + 1
ReDim gsMapTblList(j)
gsMapTblList(j) = LayerInfo(nMapID, i, LAYER_INFO_NAME)
End If

If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) <> 0 Then

j = j + 1
ReDim gsMapTblList(j)
gsMapTblList(j) = SEL_LAYER
End if

'Add the additional option of "ALL Layers" to the list.

j = j + 1
ReDim gsMapTblList(j)
gsMapTblList(j) = ALL_LAYERS
End Sub

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