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Hey Guys

Welcome back to my capstone project and YouTube channel optimal soccer training with Santiago

Today I will be introducing you guys to my third video in a series of four, that will include prime training
and effective workouts for intermediate soccer players

Today we will be focusing on passing and receiving (first touch)

Passing and receiving the ball are one the main factors that go into the sport of soccer

Passing is performed almost every second of the game

The importance of passing

Passing assists in maintaining ball control by managing it on the ground between different players with
the goal of moving it up the field.

Passing is the most effective strategy for teams to create scoring opportunities against their opponents.

Moving on to receiving and first touch

A good touch keeps the ball close so that it's protected from the opposition.

Bringing the ball under your control quickly and efficiently can provide you more time before you're
under pressure.

Now our first drill is directional one touch and pass

What will happen here is

You will receive a pass through those cones, make a first touch, and play it either side with both feet,
getting an equal number of touches and passes with your right and left foot

Always remain on your toes and ready, complete 3 sets of 10 reps

Now next drill

One Touch Passing

In one touch Passes are made at 15-20 meters. They must be regulated inside a small space and have a
maximum of 1 touch.

Now complete 3 sets of 30 seconds

Third drill, double cone high step

What we will do here is

Your partner will then pass the ball on the ground or in the air to you, and you will either hit a pass first
time back to them or take two touches based on the variation of the side received, your right foot on
the right side and your left foot on the left side.

complete 4 sets of 30 seconds

Final drill is Ball juggling

Juggling helps you improve your dribbling skills in soccer. When you juggle, you learn how to control the
ball in all sorts of ways.

Juggling the Soccer Ball will Improve Your Single Leg Strength: As a soccer player, you are constantly on
one leg, trying to balance, and put your body in good positions. Juggling will improve your single leg
strength and balance

This wraps up my third video

Thank you guys so much for watching!

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