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Unit 8 Review_Answer Key

1. A, since the MAD is 2; the expected variation is going to be twice the MAD
so, 29 and 37 show the expected variation.
D, the larger the size of the sample the more accurate the estimate is.

2. Sample 1 because it is similar to the large population in center and spread.

Also, the ratio (sample to large population is about 1 to 4)
3. 1.Answers vary. Correct responses should be close to 25 and 50

2.The estimate for sample 1 is probably more accurate since there is much
less variability in the data.

4. a. 8th grade had better results, the median is higher and the IQR is

b. 8th grade, the range in 8th grade is larger and the IQR is greater in 8th

5. 1, answers vary. Correct responses should be close to 25 and 50


2, the estimate for sample 1 is probably more accurate since there is

much less variability in the data.

6. 0.7 since 7 of the 10 reactions had more than 48 grams of the useful

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