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Laboratory assistants

Task : Read and translate the article below

Laboratory assistants are responsible for helping technologists and

scientists during lab tests and research. They possess in-depth knowledge of
basic laboratory techniques and equipment. Their duties include processing
samples, classifying results and recording findings.
The responsibilities of lab assistants include:
- To receive, classify and label samples
- To prepare samples for testing using various lab equipment
- To conduct lab tests, analyze results and document the findings
- To comply with the correct procedures, policies and health and safety
- To maintain all laboratory records
- To document all activities, results and report back to management
- To clean and sterilize all equipment and work area
- To research relevant topics and gather information
- To undertake administrative tasks, such as filling in the forms or
answering the phone

Vocabulary: lab = laborator (short for laboratory); in-depth knowledge =

cunostinte aprofundate; findings = rezultate, constatari; to comply with = a
respecta (legi, regulamente, etc); to undertake = a indeplini (sarcini); fill in =
a completa (un formular, o fisa, etc)

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