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Ruffled Baby Cardi

Design by Anna Trofimenko

This simple in knitting, seamless baby ruffled cardigan will be a favorite casual wear!

Skill level: Intermediate.

Sizes: 6, (12, 18) months. Instructions are given for smallest size, with larger sizes in parentheses. When
only 1 number is given, it applies to all sizes.
Finished measurements: chest 9 (10.5, 12) inches (buttoned), length 11 (13, 15) inches.

size 6 (4.0 mm) 36-inch circular needles or size needed to obtain gauge
stitch markers
5 (6, 6) 1.5 cm buttons
tapestry needle

Yarn: 50% virgin wool, 50% acrylic, 100g skein = 262 yds, yarn weight 4 (medium), 2 (3, 3) balls in blue

Gauge: 18 sts and 36 rows = 4 inches in garter st. To save time, take time to check your gauge.
Standard fitting: 2-4 inches

Special abbreviations:
W/T (Wrap and Turn) – work to st to be wrapped, bring yarn to front between needles, slip next st to RH
needle, move yarn to back and slip the wrapped stitch to the LH needle, turn the work leaving the rem sts
kfb – knit in front and back of stitch
m1 – make 1

Note: work decreases as follows – sl1, k2tog, knit rem sts to the last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. Edge sts are worked
as follows – 1st st of every row is slipped, the last in knitted (all sts are included to the stitch counts).
Cast on 36, (40, 44) sts, knit 12 rows decreasing 1 st at each side in every even row (6 times at RS) till you
have 24, (28, 32) sts, knit 7 more rows casting on at the end of the last two rows 7 (8, 8) sts, now you have
38 (44, 48) sts. Next row at RS work as follows: sl1, k22 (25, 27), W/T, k6 (8, 8), W/T, knit rem sts.

Ruffled Baby Cardi
Design by Anna Trofimenko

Note: Buttonholes are made in every 18 th RS row starting from the 8th (first buttonhole) as follows: knit all as
the pattern says to the last 5 sts, bind off 2 sts (buttonhole), in the next row cast on 2 sts over the bound off
Work following row at WS: sl1, k8 (10, 11), k1fb, put a stitch marker, k1fb, k3 (3, 4), k1fb, put a stitch
marker, k1fb, k6 (8, 8), k1fb, put a stitch marker, k1fb, k3 (3, 4), k1fb, put a stitch marker, k1fb, k9 (11, 12).
Work even, increasing number of sts according to your stitch markers in every row at WS 17 (18, 19 times)
till you have 182 (196, 208) sts. Knit 1 row, in the next row sl1, k27 (30, 32), m2, move 41(43, 46) sts into a
waste yarn, k44 (48, 50), m2, move 41 (43, 46) sts into a waste yarn, k28 (31, 33), you have 104 (114, 120)
sts on your needles.

Knit the body until the length measures 5 (6, 6) inches from the armholes increasing 2 (2, 3) times in 4 sts
(under the armholes) to get 112 (122, 132) sts in the end.

Lace pattern
Row 1: (WS) sl1, k1, *yo, p8, yo, k2* rep 9 (10, 11) times, yo, p8, yo, k1, p1.
Row 2: sl1, p2, *k8, p4* rep 9 (10, 11) times, k8, p3.
Row 3: sl1, k2, *yo, p8, yo, k4* rep 9 (10, 11) times, yo, p8, yo, k2, p1.
Row 4: sl1, p3, *k8, p6* rep 9 (10, 11) times, k8, p4.
Row 5: sl1, k3, *yo, p8, yo, k6* rep 9 (10, 11) times, yo, p8, yo, k3, p1.
Row 6: sl1, p4, *k8, p8* rep 9 (10, 11) times, k8, p5.
Row 7: sl1, k4, *yo, p8, yo, k4, yo, k4* rep 9 (10, 11) times, yo, p8, yo, k4, p1.
Row 8: sl1, p5, *k2, k2tog 2 times, k2, p11* rep 9 (10, 11) times, k2, k2tog 2 times, k2, p6.
Row 9: sl1, k5, *yo, p6, yo, k5, yo, k1, yo, k5* rep 9 (10, 11) times, yo, p6, yo, k5, p1.
Row 10: sl1, p6, *k1, k2tog 2 times, k1, p15* rep 9 (10, 11) times, k1, k2tog 2 times, k1, p7.
Row 11: sl1, k6, * yo, p4, yo, k6, yo, k3, yo, k6* rep 9 (10, 11) times, yo, p4, yo, k6, p1.
Row 12: sl1, p7, *k2tog 2 times, p19* rep 9 (10, 11) times, k2tog 2 times, p8.
Rows 13-14: sl1, knit all sts to the end.
Row 15: sl1, k1, *yo, k2tog* to the last 2 st, k1, p1.
Rows 16-17: sl1, knit all sts.
Row 18: cast off (RS).

Pick up 2 sts from the armhole, 41 (43, 46) from the waste yarn and 2 from the armhole, put a stitch
marker, join in circle and continue knitting using Magic Loop method with 45 (47, 50) sts. Knit all rounds in
garter stitch (knit one row and purl the next to receive it) until the sleeve measures 6,5 (7.5, 8.5) inches,
decreasing 1 st before and after stitch marker (k2tog) 6 (7, 7) times every 8th round. Cast off (WS).

Weave in ends. Block. Sew buttons opposite buttonholes.

Should you have any questions regarding this pattern, please, visit the
Test-knit topic
or contact me directly via

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