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Why Try Programme – Reality Ride Mrs.


Key concepts – Reality Ride

Goals Driving force
Environments How do I switch tracks
Challenges Crossroads
Decisions Passengers
Stuck in a loop Harder but worth it track

 Each decision we make has a consequence

 What we do today can impact what happens tomorrow
 We all experience challenges in our environment
 Each new day is an opportunity to make better decisions and switch tracks


 What have been some of the consequences I have had to face as a result of my
 Has there been a time in my life when I feel like I am stuck in the loop?
 What would it take for me to get to the harder but worth it track?
 What do I have no control over?
 What do I have control over?
 What problems do you keep having repeatedly?
 Where is the pivotal point on the easy fast track?

Once we are tired of feeling angry, sad, lost or confused, we need to try to do something

What is your current reality?

How would your reality change if you moved to the other track?

Notice the harder but worth it track requires a support system

Why Try Programme – Reality Ride Mrs. O’Callaghan

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