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_____1. What tool is used to smooth out ridges on the nails, give nails a healthy shine and remove
any surface stain?
A.acetone B.nail brush C.nail buffer D.pumice stone
_____2. What do we call the tool that is use to push back and loosen the cuticles?
A.cuticle nail pusher B.cuticle nipper C.cuticle remover D.cuticle scissors
_____3. Which of the following implements is used to shape the free edges of the nail with the coarse
side and bevel the nail with the finer side?
A.nail buffer B. nail cutter C.nail file D.nail nipper
_____4. What tool is used to cut cuticles and dry skin around the nails?
A. cuticle nipper B.cuticle remover C.cuticle scissors D.tweezers
_____5. What tool is used to remove excess nail polish?
A.emery board B.nail buffer C.nail file D.orangewood stick
_____6. What cosmetic is applied to the nail plate before the application of colored polish?
A.base coat B.cuticle oil C.lacquer coat
_____7. What do you call the articles used in any nail care service which are durable or permanent
and are handheld?
A.cosmetics B.machines C.materials
_____8. What tool is used to cut or trim the nails?
A.nail buffer B. nail cutter C.nail file D.nail nipper
_____9. What do you call the process of assessing the personal need of the client before any care
service is rendered?
A.argumentation B.consultation C.conversation D.dictation
_____10. What is the next step after assessing your client’s need?
a. give the client a hug
b. give the requested beauty service
c. prepare the client
d. prepare the tools and implements
_____11. How do you receive a client who enters your salon for a beauty care service?
a.with a frown
b. offer some snacks
c. make her wait for a while
d. smile and greet her courteously
_____12. Which of the following is NOT a step in preparing the client for manicure service?
a. Consulting the client
b. Giving recommendations to the client
c. Sanitizing/sterilizing the tools and equipment
d. Organize manicure table
_____13. Which of the following is the first step in preparing equipment to be sanitized? directions on disinfectant
B.dispose sanitizing solution and used towels
C. measure and mix the disinfectant as directed
D. wipe the surface dry with paper towel to dry it
_____14. If you want to thin out nail polish which of the following will you use?
A.acetone B.base coat C.solvent D.thinner
_____15. In sterilizing manicure implements, which of the following chemicals should be used?
A.antiseptic B.disinfectant C.thinner D.solvent
_____16. Which of the following can be used to soften and lubricate the skin around the nails?
A.cuticle oil B.cuticle remover C.nail bleach D.nail cleaner
_____17. Which of the following is the first step when performing manicure?
A.apply cuticle remover
B.dry fingertips
C.loosen cuticle
D.remove old nail polish
_____18. How do you file the nails?
A.file the nails as you wish
B.file the nails in sawing action
C.file the nails in circular motion
D.file the nails from corner to center then corner to center
_____19. What are you going to use in removing old nail polish?
A.Use wet wipes with alcohol and wipe the nails
B.Use a cotton dipped in nail polish remover and wiped the nails
C.Use a cuticle nail pusher then push back and loosen the cuticles
D.Use an orangewood stick then push back and loosen the cuticles
_____20. What is the next step in manicure after softening the cuticles?
A. dry fingertips
B. trim the cuticles
C.loosen the cuticles
D.clean under free edge
_____21. What prior step should be done before loosening the cuticle?
A.buff the nail
B.trim the cuticles
C.apply cuticle remover
D.clean under free edge
_____22. How do you shape the nails?
A.According to yourself
B.According to the desire of the client
C.According to the desire of your boss
D.According to the length/size of the nails
_____23. What is the last step in performing manicure?
A.Apply top coat
B.Apply hand massage
C.Apply instant quick dry
D.Apply colored nail polish
_____24. Which of the following steps in manicure is an optional?
A.Trim cuticles
B.Buff the nails
C.Loosen cuticles
D.Clean under free edge
_____25. Which of the following is the first step when applying nail polish?
A.apply base coat
B.apply cuticle remover
C.apply enamel
D.apply top coat
_____26. Which of the following nail polish are you going to apply first?
A.base coat B.colored polish coat D.quick dry
_____27. Which of the following nail polish are you going to apply first?
A.base coat B.colored polish coat D.quick dry
_____28. What step are you going to do before the application of nail polish?
A.trim cuticles
B. buff the nails
C.apply hand massage
D. clean under free edges
_____29. In applying nail polish, what stroke are you going to use?
A.single coating B.double coating C.long stroke D.short stroke
_____30. When are you not going to apply nail polish to your client?
A. when the nails are bitten C.when the nails are stained
B.when the nails are long D. when the nails are weak

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