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Nama / Npm : Maudhy Putri / 2110070100067


Hello everyone

My name is Maudhy Putri, Maudhy for short. I am 18 years old. I am currently a student
of Baiturrahmah University in the Medical Education study program, where becoming a doctor
has been my dream since childhood. Here I have some very big dreams that I want to realize
and I want to tell you guys a little bit about my dream.

My dream for the next 1-5 years is to be able to actually go to college (where medical
school is not easy, but I still enjoy doing it), graduate on time, have achievements in academics,
get scholarships, and can speak English smoothly haha.

And my dream for the next 5-10 is that I can continue my education as a specialist
doctor, namely a pediatrician. And I also hope that in the future I can become a person who is
useful to many people and can also motivate many people. And my dream that I want to be
true -truly make it happen is to make my parents happy and make the pilgrimage of my
parents, where my parents are parents who always support whatever I do (positive). And my
parents are my idols. And my last dream is maybe the dream of all women in this world is to
marry a man who is loved or loves, kind, pious, handsome, broad-minded, smart,
compassionate, and devoted to parents. And I hope that later my little family will become a
harmonious family.

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