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History of Classical Genetics

Chapter · February 2015

DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003094.pub2


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Oren Harman
Bar Ilan University


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History of Classical Introductory article

Genetics Article Contents

• Introduction
• Medical Men, Early Breeders, Hybridists
Oren Harman, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel and Hereditarians

Ehud Lamm, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel • Mendel and the Origins of Genetics
• The Rediscovery and Birth of Classical Genetics
Based in part on the previous version of this eLS article ‘History of • What Do Genes Do?
Classical Genetics’ (2006) by Oren S Harman. • What Are Genes Made of?

Online posting date: 16th February 2015

Classical genetics has its origin in the 1850s and entire genomes, which is typically done using advanced compu-
1860s, when the Moravian monk Gregor Mendel tational tools (this field is referred to as genomics). Historically,
attempted to formalise the rules of inheritance classical genetics has its origin in Gregor Mendel’s papers on
governing plant hybridisation. In 1909, the Danish inheritance in peas, published in 1866. By the time the results
and conclusions of Mendel’s garden pea experiments were redis-
biologist Wilhelm Johannsen proposed that there
covered in 1900, more was known about the role played by the
are two sources of variation: one arising from the
nucleus in inheritance, and traditional breeding experiments were
action of the environment and the other due to now supplemented by accompanying cytological investigations
variations in Mendel’s hereditary factors – entities focused on the chromosomes and, initially, aimed at solving out-
Johannsen called ‘genes’. When Mendel’s laws were standing questions relating to the mechanism of evolution. This
rediscovered in 1900, breeding experiments were dual approach involving breeding and microscopy was famously
wedded to cytological observation of chromo- championed by Thomas Hunt Morgan and his students in the
somes in the nucleus of organisms – most notably 1910s, in what became known as the Fly Room laboratory at
in the fruit fly – and classical genetics was born. Columbia University. Morgan and his students focused on trans-
The chromosome theory of inheritance that was mission (as opposed to development and evolution) and showed
that hereditary traits expressed in the phenotypes of fruit flies
formulated as a result of this work stated that
could be thought of as correlated to physical genes lined up on the
genes are located linearly on chromosomes and
chromosomes in the fly’s nucleus, implying that genes embodied
that chromosomal dynamics underlie the patterns the hereditary factors transmitted from generation to generation
of Mendelian inheritance. Towards mid-century, and that factor and trait were not the same entity (Danish biol-
this work culminated in models of what genes do, ogist, Wilhelm Johannsen, distinguished theoretically between
and what they are made of. ‘genotype’ and ‘phenotype’ in 1909). The English Mendelian,
William Bateson, had coined the term for the new science in
1905: Morgan and his crew were affecting the birth of modern
Throughout the period of classical genetics, there were empir-
ical observations of hereditary phenomena in bacteria and uni-
Introduction cellular organisms that seemed to involve the cytoplasm rather
than the nucleus and various suggestions were made regarding the
Classical genetics refers to the study of the laws of heredi- material basis for this heredity. Exhibiting non-Mendelian inher-
tary transmission in living organisms. It is distinguished from itance patterns, cytoplasmatic inheritance was generally thought
molecular genetics both temporally and in emphasis: classical to happen in exceptional cases and the changed traits were discov-
genetics preceded and made possible molecular genetics insofar ered to be stable for only a few generations compared to nuclear
as the localisation of the hereditary material and the elucida- inheritance. Consequently, cytoplasmatic inheritance remained
tion of the laws of transmission led to the examination of the outside the typical scope of classical genetics.
phenomena of heredity at the molecular level. It should also Once it was shown that genes lined up on the chromosome, at
be distinguished from the study of gene frequencies in popu- least as mathematical abstractions, could be responsible for the
lations (referred to as population genetics) and the analysis of transmission of physical traits between generations in organisms,
classical genetics turned to two separate, but ultimately related
eLS subject area: Science & Society problems: What do genes actually do? And what are genes actu-
How to cite: ally made of? The first of these questions originated in biochem-
Harman, Oren and Lamm, Ehud (February 2015) History of ical investigations of ‘inborn errors of metabolism’ in humans
Classical Genetics. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. initiated by the English physician, Archibald Garrod, in the first
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003094.pub2 decade of the twentieth century and, ultimately, led to the notion

eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

History of Classical Genetics

that one gene creates one enzyme or, more generally, one protein. psychological diseases that ran in families. Particularly influential
The second of these questions grew both out of techniques and was the voluminous work of Prosper Lucas, Traité philosophique
concepts developed in physics, such as X-ray-induced mutagen- et physiologique de l’hérédité naturelle (1847–1850), that devel-
esis, X-ray crystallography and heredity defined as the transfer of oped a general notion of biological heredity which went beyond
information, and out of classical biochemical methods, culminat- the analogy of the passing of property through generations used
ing in the elucidation of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid heretofore. This specifically biological notion developed through
(DNA) by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. The pur- the early decades of the nineteenth century, and by 1830, the term
suit of the understanding that biological function and structure heredity was widespread (the English term was first used in print
are intimately connected signalled the birth of molecular genetics in 1863). This notion united various aspects that were previously
from its classical genetics origins. While molecular investiga- considered distinct: inheritance of normal and pathological sim-
tions of heredity have tended to complicate the classical picture, ilarities, species-typical and individual similarities and maternal
especially with respect to the connections between transmission and paternal influences. First developed for understanding human
and development, they have also succeeded in highlighting the heredity, the notion of heredity spread to theoretical and practical
power of its simple models and logic. The relationship between work on plants and animals.
the two, in particular the question whether classical genetics can But what were the hereditary laws governing the hybridisation
be reduced to molecular genetics (in a technical sense of being of plants and animals? Why, for one, did certain characteristics
logically derivable from), has been a key question in the develop- disappear in one generation only to suddenly reappear in the
ment of philosophy of biology. next? Why were some crosses ‘true-breeding’, whereas others
produced progeny that differed from either parent? Why was
‘inbreeding’ sometimes successful and sometimes a failure? And
Medical Men, Early Breeders, what was the phenomena of heredity anyway: was it a physical
force, like gravity, a fluid or perhaps a particle or particles? Was
Hybridists and Hereditarians the contribution of egg and sperm equal or was the sperm the
main agent or perhaps merely the trigger activating the beginning
In the eighteenth century, investigators were busy trying to settle of divisions of the egg into the adult form? No one knew for sure.
one of the outstanding questions relating to life: How, from the As the nineteenth century unfolded, however, plant hybridisers in
union of male and female sperm, does an organism develop? Does particular began to define the kinds of experiments and methods
the male sperm somehow provide form to the formless matter of that might point to a solution to some of these questions. They
the female egg, initiating a progressive transformation as Aristo- began by attacking a central problem: Were the divisions between
tle had argued (the ‘epigenetic’ theory) or was a miniature of the species truly absolute, or were species simply varieties writ large?
adult (and indeed of all adults to come) already present in the male The stakes, both economic and agricultural, and philosophical
sperm to begin with, development consisting in mere enlargement and religious, were very high indeed.
of the miniscule ‘animalcules’ aided by the nutrients of the female A leading early figure in these investigations was the German
egg (the ‘preformationist’ theory)? Interpretation remained diffi- naturalist J.G. Kolreuter (1733–1806), one of the first to carry
cult, however, and it was not until the nineteenth century that the out experiments in hybridisation as exercises in biology rather
‘babushkian’ (miniature Russian wooden dolls in which smaller than for practical economic reasons. Kolreuter demonstrated, a
and smaller identical dolls are encapsulated) preformationist the- century before Mendel, that different characters ‘segregated’ in
ory began to wane. It then became clear that if epigenesis is the hybrid progeny, that is, different characters were inherited
real, hybridisation of different varieties and species of plants and independent of each other. The Englishman Thomas Andrew
animals should give rise to new forms. Furthermore, such new Knight (1759–1838) is also of particular importance for the his-
forms might affect not only the immediate offspring but also sub- tory of classical genetics. Knight first identified the common
sequent generations. When Swedish taxonomist, Carl Linnaeus garden pea as ideal for crossing experiments having grasped that
(1707–1778), introduced in the 1760s the notion that hybridis- its breeding can be tightly controlled as the structure of its flow-
ation occurs in nature and can produce entirely new species, a ers prevents pollination from outsiders; the pea would always
raucous debate about the possibility of transmutation and multi- breed true. Knight also showed that while the progeny of a cross
plication of species ensued, with stark theological implications. between two true-breeding pea parents (F1 ) were always uniform
Attention now focused on hereditary constitution as evidence in appearance, a cross between the F1 s produced progeny (F2 )
amounted that environmental conditions did not have the power to exhibiting the characters present in the initial parent generation.
dramatically alter or ‘degenerate’ the characteristics of an organ- A generation later, in 1824, two of Knight’s compatriots, J. Goss
ism; earlier theories of adaptation held that distinctive character- and A. Seton, described the phenomenon of dominance (once
istics of the breed represented adaptations to the locality in which again, in peas): certain traits in one parent completely overshadow
the breed lived. Experimental plant hybridisers and animal breed- the expression of other traits in the other parent, such that, for
ers set out to test this revolutionary possibility. See also: History instance, all the progeny of a pure-bred yellow-flowered parent
of Developmental Biology and a white-flowered parent would have yellow flowers. Already
The idea that there is a single general explanation for the sim- a number of important pieces of the puzzle were being assem-
ilarity between parents and offspring, what we would now call bled: the early experimenters had grasped that hybridisation of
heredity, developed in the late eighteenth century through the sexually compatible, yet varying, true-breeding plants – those
work of French physicians. They were primarily concerned with whose offspring really did resemble themselves when they were

2 eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

History of Classical Genetics

self-fertilised – could go a long way in helping crack the mystery same way; when two different factors unite in the ‘zygote’, one
of heredity. When the German R. Wagner (1805–1864) began to will be dominant and one recessive; factors for one trait assort
argue at mid-century that analysing a mass of data of hybridisa- independently of factors for another trait. Mendel was able to
tion experiments could be helpful, the stage was set for someone deduce these conclusions from the 3:1 dominance ratios he found
to come along and put the pieces together. See also: Koelreuter, in the progeny of the crosses between F1 hybrids (i.e. in F2 s) and
Joseph Gottlieb the 9:3:3:1 ratios he found when breeding for two traits simulta-
neously. Albeit with one major caveat, these would serve as the
rules governing basic inheritance of simple traits in living organ-
Mendel and the Origins of Genetics isms. Mendel was after the essentials, not the exceptions, and that
is what he got.
The fact that Mendel’s paper of 1866 wallowed in obscurity until For reasons that are often debated, and despite the fact that
it was rediscovered in 1900 is often mentioned to emphasise the the relevant personages of the time were aware of the paper
extent to which this pea-breeding Augustinian monk from Brno (with the exception of Darwin who held a copy but, alas, com-
was isolated and living in the scientific backwaters of nineteenth pletely innumerate, never bothered to read it), Mendel’s results
century Europe. Nothing could be further from the truth. Moravia went unnoticed for over 30 years. Significantly, however, dur-
of the mid-nineteenth century was a hotbed of plant and ani- ing this period important developments in cytology were made,
mal breeding (focusing on apples and sheep in particular), and chief among them Oscar Hertwig’s description of the sperm enter-
the very town whose monastery Mendel served sported two of ing the nucleus of the egg and initiating fertilisation; Walther
the most august Pomological and Oenological Associations in Flemming’s description of the stages of cell division (mitosis);
Europe, with strong connections, among others, to the Horticul- August Weismann’s postulation of the need for a reduction divi-
tural Society of London, of which Knight was president. Brno’s sion during the creation of gametes (termed ‘meiosis’ in 1905)
own Natural Science Society, of which Mendel was a founding and the naming of the stringy nuclear constituents, the ‘chro-
member, included as members luminaries such as Johannes Purk- mosomes’, by Wilhelm Waldeyer in 1888 (the entire set was
inje, Rudolf Virchow, R.W. Bunsen and Franz Unger, some of dubbed ’chromatin’ a few years earlier, in reference to the ability
the greatest biologists of the age. The life circumstances that led to observe it under a light microscope using dyes). What remained
Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) to the monastery at Brno and that now was to figure out the correct relationship between what was
kept him there may have been serendipitous (an injured father being observed in the nucleus and what Mendel had deduced from
who needed to be replaced on the family farm and Gregor’s inabil- his breeding experiments.
ity to replace him due to a weak constitution; the incredible failure
to pass a schoolteacher’s licensing exam despite a well-earned
physics degree from the University of Vienna – twice!), but once The Rediscovery and Birth
settled down, there was hardly any one as prepared as Mendel of Classical Genetics
to tackle the problem of hybridisation. He was well trained in
statistical reasoning, well connected and situated in the heart of In 1900, three botanists – Hugo de Vries in Amsterdam,
Europe’s attempt to figure out how heredity works. Most impor- Carl Correns in Tübingen and Erich von Tschermak in
tantly, he had the land and the peace of mind to sit down and Vienna – independently rediscovered Mendel’s ratios. While
breed peas. the extent to which each of the three men truly understood
Mendel comprehended that the solution to the long-held prob- the significance of their own discoveries is still debated, it is
lem of an agricultural (and therefore economic) nature, namely, clear that the public recognition of Mendel as the antecedent
the inability to predict with precision the outcomes of hybridi- constitutes a social act of attribution, with the ‘rediscovery’
sation of different breeds of plants, constituted the key to the in 1900 functioning as the first step. A new breed of scien-
solution of a problem of much more general interest, namely, tists – ‘Mendelians’ – now claimed knowledge of the workings
the laws governing inheritance in all living organisms. Hav- of hereditary transmission. In Amsterdam, de Vries performed
ing read Kolreuter, Knight and Wagner, Mendel chose Pisum experiments on the evening primrose and concluded in 1903
sativum – the garden pea – and set to work making thousands that spontaneous, internal and discontinuous ‘mutations’ in the
of crosses from which he hoped to statistically deduce the laws hereditary substance constituted genetic mechanisms capable of
of heredity. Mendel purposely chose seven characteristics vari- explaining evolution. de Vries, the Englishman William Bateson
ably present in 22 distinct true-breeding varieties of the pea (seed and other leading Mendelians came to believe that Darwin’s the-
colour, position of flower, form of pod etc.), which he knew seg- ory of evolution by natural selection was wrong on two counts:
regated independently (there was no ‘luck’ involved as is often evolution was neither gradual nor brought about by selection; it
intimated), and set to work between 1856 and 1864 making all the was disruptive and motored by discontinuous, internal changes
possible crosses between them and scoring the results. The 1866 to the hereditary material unaffected by the environment. The
paper, Experiments in Plant Hybridization, detailed what would Mendelians were challenged by a ‘Biometric School’ led by Dar-
later become known as Mendel’s laws: each parent contributes win’s first cousin, Francis Galton and his student Karl Pearson,
one of two ‘factors’ (Anlagen) that segregate independently into that rejected the recourse to unseen, theoretically postulated dis-
sexual gametes; the ‘gametes’ recombine in the next generation crete factors responsible for heredity, defining heredity instead
to form an individual; it makes no difference whether a ‘factor’ based on perceivable, continuous and measurable physical vari-
is inherited from the mother or father – they both behave in the ations in organisms. The theory of evolution itself was at stake,

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History of Classical Genetics

because the nature of evolution depended on the definition of to demonstrate a number of other characters similarly transmit-
heredity. See also: Bateson, William; Pearson, Karl ted by genes. Marshalling the Belgian cytologist and Jesuit priest
Then, in 1902, Walter Stanborough Sutton, a graduate student Frans Alfons Janssens’ observation of homologous chromosomes
in Edmund B. Wilson’s laboratory at Columbia University, study- wrapping around each other during meiosis to create cross-like
ing the morphology of chromosomes of lubber grasshoppers, structures termed ‘chiasmata’, Morgan now immediately under-
concluded that the phenomena of germ-cell division, as observed stood that here was the cytological corollary to a genetic theory
under the microscope, and heredity, as evidenced by Mendelian of crossing-over, and the true explanation of Bateson’s ‘linkage’.
breeding experiments, have the same essential features – that If genes were lined up along the chromosome, like beads on a
is, purity of units (chromosomes, traits) and their independent string and if homologous chromosomes exchanged genetic mate-
transmission. The significance of the insight was immediately rial (crossing-over) during the process of gamete formation as
understood: if cytology and Mendelism were describing the same Janssens had thought, then it stood to reason that genes that were
phenomena, then the chromosomes could be the physical bear- close to each other on the chromosome (i.e. that were linked)
ers of heredity. Wilson named this surmise the Sutton–Boveri would have a better chance of passing on together to the same
hypothesis, and cytogenetics, the method of consistent applica- gamete than genes that were further apart. The frequency with
tion of cytological observations to the results of breeding exper- which independent assortment of phenotypic traits occurs could
iments at the core of classical genetics, was born. Three years provide a measure of the relative physical closeness of the genes
later, in 1905, Wilson at Columbia and Nettie M. Stevens at Bryn on the chromosome. On the basis of this logic, Morgan and his
Mawr, Pennsylvania, concluded independently that sex determi- students used frequency data (a statistical measure) to draw the
nation was due to the segregation and reunion of the X- and first genetic maps, that is, to plot the physical position of fly
Y-chromosomes – a clear instance of a Mendelian pattern of genes along their chromosomes. The book Morgan et al. pub-
inheritance. This constituted strong evidence that the hereditary lished in 1915, The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity, became
material existed on the chromosomes. the tome of classical genetics, powerfully establishing the notion
In 1909, the Danish biologist Wilhelm Johannsen proposed that that chromosomes are the physical bearers of heredity, genes are
there are two sources of variation: one arising from the action distributed linearly along them and crossing-over and recombi-
of the environment on the developing organism and the other nation between such genetic elements takes place during meiosis
due to slight variations in Mendel’s hereditary factors – entities and is a potent source of genetic variation. See also: Bridges,
Johannsen now called ‘genes’. The ‘genotype’ was the sum of all Calvin Blackman; Genetic and Physical Map Correlation;
the organism’s genes, whereas the ‘phenotype’ were the charac- Linkage and Crossing over; Morgan, Thomas Hunt; Muller,
ters it displayed, products of both the underlying genes and the Hermann Joseph; Sturtevant, Alfred Henry
actions of the environment. Johannsen considered the genotype There remained the matter of the nature of evolution. If
as more fundamental and empirically robust than the gene: genes heredity was particulate and discontinuous as Morgan and the
were theoretical entities postulated to explain phenotypic differ- geneticists had shown, how was it that many traits were observed
ences that result from the whole genotype. He initially doubted to be continuous and gradual, as the biometricians amply demon-
that genes were spatially discrete and separate units and remained strated? The solution was ingenious: unlike Mendel’s simple
critical of work that reduced the genotype to a set of genes linked model whereby one ‘factor’ determines on trait, many characters
on chromosomes. Mendelism constituted the study of the trans- in organisms are determined by a number of small genes; they
mission of the genes from generation to generation: ‘The elu- are ‘polygenic’. Polygenic inheritance produces traits that look
cidation of the phenomena of heredity and variation’, William as if they are blending and continuous, when in fact they are
Bateson had written in a letter to Darwin’s old friend Adam Sedg- determined by the actions of an aggregate of underlying, particu-
wick in 1905, ‘in other words, to the physiology of Descent, with late genes. Part of the story of the grand ‘evolutionary synthesis’,
implied bearing on the theoretical problems of the evolutionist affected by leading investigators, such as R.A. Fisher, J.B.S.
and systematist, and application to the practical problems of the Haldane and Sewell Wright, was to show that both the
breeders, whether of animals or plants’. This was the definition of Mendelians and the Biometricians held a piece of the truth:
what the Mendelians were after, and Bateson called it ‘genetics’. evolution is normally gradual, working on continuous pheno-
The name stuck. typic traits, yet variation is based on discrete changes – mutations,
In 1905, Bateson and his collaborators had discovered a trou- recombination and so on – to the underlying genes residing at
bling exception to Mendel’s laws: certain traits appeared more the cellular level. In 1933, Morgan was awarded the Nobel
frequently than expected in tandem and were passed down to Prize in physiology or medicine for his pioneering work in
the next generation together. Free assortment, it seemed, did not the establishment of classical genetics. See also: Dobzhansky,
always hold true: certain traits were ‘linked’. Across the Atlantic, Theodosius; Evolution: History; Haldane, John Burdon
in the laboratory adjacent to Wilson’s at Columbia, Thomas Hunt Sanderson; Wright, Sewall
Morgan had began a research programme based on the breed-
ing and cytological investigation of the chromosomes of the fruit
fly Drosophila melanogaster, initially aimed at figuring out how What Do Genes Do?
heredity could explain evolution. In 1910, Morgan observed in
some of the flies a heritable mutation – a white eye instead of If the models of classical genetics had been successful in describ-
the normal red – and, together with his three graduate students, ing the process of genetic transmission, they had nonetheless said
Calvin Bridges, Hermann Muller and Alfred Sturtevant, went on little about what genes actually do. If factor and trait are not

4 eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

History of Classical Genetics

synonymous, then what is it that the factor does in order to bring

about the trait? Morgan and his Fly Group, and to a great extent
What Are Genes Made of?
much of American genetics, had made a conscious decision to Alongside the investigation of what genes actually do, came the
focus, at least experimentally if not in thought, on transmission
investigation of what they are made of. Morgan had postulated
genetics (how genes are passed from generation to generation) at
the physical existence of genes on the chromosomes, but this
the expense of development (how genes play a role in affecting
was based on a statistical inference gleaned from the results
the growth of an individual organism). Recent historical schol-
of breeding experiments. An early landmark on the road to the
arship has shown that this narrative tends to exclude the much
elucidation of the physical nature of the gene was achieved by
broader conception of genetics practised in Germany in partic-
Morgan’s former student, Hermann Muller, who in 1927 showed
ular, where physiological and developmental genetics remained
central investigations throughout the first half of the twentieth that genes were actual physical entities by exposing the chromo-
century. Moreover, members of the Morgan circle used the power- somes of flies to X-rays and observing that the physical changes to
ful tools they developed for studying fruit-fly genetics to address the chromosomes induced by the radiation resulted in mutations
development, evolution and other biological questions that went expressed in the phenotype of the flies. Max Delbrück, a physicist
beyond laws of transmission. Mid-century classical genetics, turned geneticist working in Berlin in the mid-1930s, combined
however, is often perceived as a science of transmission genet- X-ray experimental data and quantum mechanical reasoning to
ics, concerned primarily with explaining patterns of inheritance. account for mutations in terms of the chemical and physical
It was in England, and from the unexpected quarter of medicine, behaviour of atoms. Delbrück moved to the United States in 1937
that the first important clues about gene action emerged. Treating and began independent collaborations with the Italian refugee
patients afflicted with alkaptonuria, a disorder that causes painful geneticist Salvador Luria and the chemist Alfred Hershey that
arthritis later in life, the physician Archibald Garrod showed that resulted in the formation of the Phage Group, an informal net-
the disorder followed a Mendelian pattern of inheritance and work of viral and bacterial geneticists focused on the study of
manifested itself in the absence of an enzyme specialising in the bacteriophage – a tiny virus that infects bacteria and multiplies
breakdown of homogentistic acid (which is excreted in the urine rapidly inside the host. Delbrück the physicist envisioned this
of alkaptonuria patients, and which turns black upon exposure to system as the biological analogue to the hydrogen atom: sim-
air – the telltale sign of affliction with the disorder). As the pat- ple, easy to study and pregnant with information about the nature
tern of inheritance of the disorder suggested that a single recessive of transmission and its material. See also: Cold Spring Har-
gene was at work, Garrod deduced that the failure to synthesise bor Laboratory; Delbruck, ̈ Max Ludwig Henning; Hershey,
the enzyme must be due to a defect in the gene. In a lecture to Alfred Day; History of Bacteriology; History of Molecular
the Royal College of Physicians in 1908, Garrod suggested that Biology; Muller, Hermann Joseph; Mutagenesis
alkaptonuria was an ‘inborn error of metabolism’, and coined the What genes were actually made of was still unknown. Beadle
adage ‘one gene, one enzyme’ to describe what genes actually do. and Tatum’s work, because it associated genes with enzymes,
See also: Genes: Definition and Structure tended to bolster the widely held belief that genes were made
Garrod’s deduction was lent further support in the 1940s, in of protein. If they were concentrated in the nucleus, genes could
Nobel Prize winning work carried out by George Beadle and be either protein or DNA, and chemical analysis had shown that
Edward Tatum at Stanford University on the orange breadmould, DNA was a much simpler molecule than protein, hence a lesser
Neurospora crassa. Having worked with the Russian geneticist candidate to be the bearer of genetic information. But in 1944,
Boris Ephrussi in Paris in the 1930s on the genetic determina-
a group at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research led by
tion of eye colour in Drosophila, Beadle became convinced that
Oswald T. Avery reported that it had succeeded in transforming
genes somehow shape biochemical pathways. He and Tatum now
a non-infectious bacteria into an infectious one, it had carefully
irradiated Neurospora with X-rays and showed that moulds with
isolated the ‘transforming’ factor, and the factor was DNA. An
certain defective genes due to radiation could not produce the
older gentleman with a retiring personality, Avery shied away
enzymes required for the breakdown of the simple elements of
from pressing the point, and most biologists continued to believe
their diet. Garrod studied a naturally occurring genetic defect
in humans, whereas Beadle and Tatum studied an artificially that genes were made of protein. In 1952, however, Hershey and
induced defect in a fungus, but they both reached the same con- Martha Chase, both members of the Phage Group, showed that
clusion: one gene, one enzyme. This result tended to support the when a bacteriophage infects a bacterial cell, it is DNA and DNA
conclusions reached by J.S. Huxley in his earlier work demon- alone that is injected into the bacteria; the protein coat of the virus
strating the action of ‘rate genes’ affecting eye colour in the fresh- invariably remains outside, discarded. This was strong evidence
water shrimp, Gammarus, and those of R. Scott-Monscrieff based that DNA was in fact the genetic material. See also: Avery,
on her study of the genetics of flower pigmentation in distinct Oswald Theodore; Macleod, John James Richard; McCarty,
strains of snapdragon, Antirrhinums. In the 1950s, the Ameri- Maclyn; Nucleic Acids as Genetic Material
can chemist Linus Pauling perceived that sickle cell anaemia in During this period, the metaphor of information grew in promi-
humans is caused by a defect in haemoglobin and that the disease nence in biology. The notion of information that was developed
is inherited in simple, Mendelian manner. Pauling thus gener- in various guises by the mathematicians Claude Shannon, Alan
alised Garrod’s adage even further, and ‘one gene, one enzyme’ Turing, John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener, inspired the
now became one gene, one protein. See also: Beadle, George idea that genetic transmission involves the transmission of infor-
Wells; Pauling, Linus Carl; Tatum, Edward Lawrie mation. This frame of thought was implied already in 1943 by

eLS © 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5

History of Classical Genetics

the quantum physics pioneer Erwin Schrödinger in his visionary References

book What is Life?, but was largely metaphorical.
The real clincher came with the description of the structure of Allen GE (1978) Thomas Hunt Morgan: The Man and His Science.
DNA, a Nobel Prize winning feat accomplished by James Watson Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
and Francis Crick at Cambridge University in 1953. Watson, Carlson EA (1966) The Gene: A Critical History. Philadelphia,
a young American member of the Phage Group, and Crick, a London: W. B. Saunders.
British physicist struggling to complete a dissertation in biology, Carlson EA (2004) Mendel’s Legacy: The Origin of Classical Genet-
used the X-ray crystallographic photographs taken principally by ics. Plainview, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Press.
Rosalind Franklin at Kings College, London and the biochemist Judson HF (1996) The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revo-
Erwin Chargaff’s 1:1 nucleotide ratio, together with other chem- lution in Biology. Plainview, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
ical and physical assumptions about the molecule, to construct a Press.
tinker-toy double-helical model of DNA in which complemen- Kay LE (2000) Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the Genetic
tary nucleotide base pairs – adenine with thymine, cytosine with Code. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
guanine – comprise the rungs of a twisting molecular ladder. The Keller EF (2000) The Century of the Gene. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
model immediately suggested to Watson and Crick a copying University Press.
mechanism that could explain how genetic information is passed Kohler R (1994) Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the
down from generation to generation. When the two strands of the Experimental Life. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
Müller-Wille S and Rheinberger J-J (2012) A Cultural History of
double helix would separate, two single strings of complimentary
Heredity. Chicago, IL and London, UK: The University of Chicago
nucleotides would each be able to form a template for the cre-
ation of a new double helix identical to the original. Moreover, the
Olby R (1994) The Path to the Double Helix: The Discovery of DNA.
sequence of nucleotides could be analogous to a sequence of let-
New York: Dover Publications.
ters in a sentence indicating the sequence of amino acids making Orel V (1996) Gregor Mendel: The First Geneticist. Oxford, UK:
up a protein. What remained was to figure out the code and basic Oxford University Press.
molecular machinery by which information in the form of DNA Schwartz J (2010) In Pursuit of the Gene From Darwin to DNA.
is translated into the amino acids strung together to construct pro- Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
teins, the basic building blocks of living organisms. See also: Watson JD (1968) The Double Helix. New York: Atheneum.
Chargaff, Erwin; History of Molecular Biology; Molecular
Biology: The Central Dogma; Crick, Francis Harry Comp-
ton; Watson, James Dewey Further Reading
Once this was accomplished principally in the 1960s and
into the 1970s, gene function could now begin to be studied Allen GE (1978) Thomas Hunt Morgan: The Man and His Science.
at the molecular level. The development of the technique of Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
recombinant DNA in the 1970s, table-top sequence-determining Carlson EA (2004) Mendel’s Legacy: The Origin of Classical Genet-
machines in the 1980s and computerised databases of entire ics. Plainview, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Press.
genetic sequences of different organisms in the 1990s and into Judson HF (1996) The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revo-
the twenty-first century have been major accomplishments of the lution in Biology. Plainview, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
molecular age. Molecular investigations have tended to empha-
Kay LE (2000) Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the Genetic
sise the role of the mechanisms responsible for the differential
Code. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
expression in time and in place of genes and the role of genes
Keller EF (2000) The Century of the Gene. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
in development. The results have complicated some of the earlier University Press.
models of classical genetics: the one gene, one enzyme model, for Kohler R (1994) Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the
instance, has had to be modified with the discovery of develop- Experimental Life. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
mental and structural genes alongside those coding for functional Olby R (1994) The Path to the Double Helix: The Discovery of DNA.
proteins. The assumptions of classical genetics, however, con- New York, NY: Dover Publications.
tinue to underpin the crafts of agricultural breeding and genetic Orel V (1996) Gregor Mendel: The First Geneticist. Oxford, UK:
counselling, whereas molecular genetics has generated the tech- Oxford University Press.
nology of genetic engineering. Almost 150 years after the pub- Schwartz J (2010) In Pursuit of the Gene from Darwin to DNA.
lication of Mendel’s momentous paper on the hybridisation of Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
peas, genetics is a burgeoning, multidisciplinary field, rich in Watson JD (1968) The Double Helix. New York, NY: Atheneum.
promise for understanding heredity, development, evolution and
disease. See also: Genes: Definition and Structure; Genetic
Counselling; History of Physiology

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