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Laura Santiago Paula

Hi, Friends I will have a week off from work, and I plan to travel with my boyfriend, where do
you recommend I should go?

*Laura nombra una ciudad que recomienda y dice porque y que recomieda hacer alla

*Santiago Dice “yo creo que seria mejor ir a________” porque ______ hay xyz actividades

Both are very good options, I think Laura's option is better than Santiago's, I'll tell you later
which one I chose

(otro dia)

Reunamonos este fds a comer, *What is your favorite restaurant?

I want something gourmet, we should go to the Battuto restaurant, I love the risotos there,
especially the salmon and vodka risoto, what do you think Santiago?

Mi restaurante fav es _____, es mas barato que Battuto restaurant…. Compara su opcion con
la de paula

Santiago tiene razón, veámonos en___ restaurant a las 7pm

(Compare two aspects (barato y variedad de cosas) )

(otro dia)

*What is your favorite movie ? (Compare two aspects with another movie)

My favorite movie is “el origin” because it has the best actor in the world leonardo dicarprio,
the best script and story quality

Mi película fav es _____ pienso que tiene mejor guion que la de paula …….y es mas actual


Duración menos de 1 min 30

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