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A Student’s Dictionary

of Psychology and

An essential reference work for any student studying psychology for the first time, A
Student’s Dictionary of Psychology and Neuroscience (Seventh Edition) provides over
2,500 definitions of complex concepts in clear and accessible language alongside
helpful diagrams.
The dictionary offers comprehensive coverage of the main contemporary terms
in psychology and neuroscience. This new edition features updated references which
will be particularly relevant to the key areas of neuroscience and neuropsychology
and also to recent concepts of psychological significance, such as expanded coverage
of research methods, internet psychology, cognitive psychology and social psychol-
ogy. The dictionary also features end material with useful notes for constructing stu-
dent essays as well as key references and a list of common abbreviations. Extensive
cross-referencing allows students to follow up and identify further details of a given
topic, and mini-biographies of key psychologists help to provide relevant context.
A Student’s Dictionary of Psychology and Neuroscience is the perfect accompa-
niment for any student newly encountering this fascinating subject, those taking
related disciplines in the health or social sciences, or professionals wanting to famil-
iarise themselves with key terms and ideas.

Nicky Hayes is a well-known psychologist, writer and consultant. She is the Editor
of Testing International, the newsletter of the International Test Commission, is
actively involved in the British Psychological Society, and, at the time of pub-
lication, she is the President-Elect of the BPS. She is a Fellow of the British
Psychological Society, an Honorary Life Member of the Association of the Teaching
of Psychology and a recipient of the BPS Award for Distinguished Contributions to
the Teaching of Psychology.

Peter Stratton is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds, UK. Following a

distinguished career in developmental psychology, his work in child protection led
him to move into systemic family therapy and he became a founder and director of
the Leeds Family Therapy and Research Centre.
A Student’s Dictionary
of Psychology and
Nicky Hayes and Peter Stratton

Seventh Edition
Seventh edition published 2022
by Routledge
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605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158
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© 2022 Nicky Hayes and Peter Stratton
The right of Nicky Hayes and Peter Stratton to be identified as
authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections
77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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First edition published by Hodder Education Group 1989
Sixth edition published by Routledge 2017
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
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ISBN: 978-0-367-74647-6 (hbk)

ISBN: 978-0-367-71431-4 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-003-15889-9 (ebk)
DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
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About the authors vii

Preface viii
Acknowledgement ix

A–Z of psychology and neuroscience 1

Appendix 1: Key references 409

Appendix 2: Study notes – how to write an essay 415
Appendix 3: List of abbreviations 421
About the authors

Nicky Hayes  is a well-known psychologist, writer and consultant. Her interests

span the psychological discipline, which she sums up as an interest in the psychol-
ogy of everyday life. She is the Editor of Testing International, the newsletter of the
International Test Commission, and is actively involved in the British Psychological
Society. She has recently published specialised books on social psychology, neu-
ropsychology and research methods, as well as more general psychology books, all
of which are characteristically written in a clear and accessible style. Her academic
career included research into the psychology of interactive exhibits, growth in small
organisations, and the social psychological aspects of organisational culture. She
is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, an Honorary Life Member of the
Association of the Teaching of Psychology and a recipient of the BPS Award for
Distinguished Contributions to the Teaching of Psychology.

Peter Stratton  is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds. Following a

distinguished career in developmental psychology, specialising in the learning abili-
ties of neonates, he moved into systemic family therapy and became a founder and
director of the Leeds Family Therapy and Research Centre. He also established the
Leeds Attributional Coding System, and for many years applied this system in vari-
ous contexts through the work of the Psychology Business, alongside his academic
and educational work in the Psychology Department of the University of Leeds and
his work in family therapy at the Leeds Family Research Centre.

Times move on, and changes happen fast, so we have updated the entire volume
of this, our latest edition of A Student’s Dictionary of Psychology and Neuroscience.
Our coverage of both general psychology and neuropsychology has been signifi-
cantly extended, and we have included many other relevant psychological concepts
which have arisen from socio-technological developments. These include the areas
of well-being and mental health, internet-based research and psychotherapy, and
statistical and methodological developments. We hope that this means that those
studying psychology, neuropsychology, nursing, or any other related fields will con-
tinue to find this dictionary a useful support for their studies.
As ever, our mission to explain rather than simply define means, we hope, that
following up all of the relevant cross-references to a given topic should allow the
reader to acquire a reasonably full overview of the area. In that sense, we have
often referred to this dictionary as a kind of random-access textbook, rather than
just a dictionary of major terms. Since our belief is that many of the people who
use it in this way will be doing so in order to help them to write an essay, we have
also included useful tips on how to go about this at the end of this book. Essays are
one of the more common forms of assignment in psychology, but the tips are just
as relevant for someone trying to put together an introduction or a discussion for a
research project.
Apart from the inclusion of recent terminology, and the extension of our cover-
age of neuropsychology, our older definitions have been updated: the first edition of
this dictionary was published back in 1988, since which time psychology has moved
on in many ways. We have also included some time-tested classic references at the
end of the book, as well as a list of common abbreviations. We hope you will find
all these features useful.

Nicky Hayes and Peter Stratton


The existence of this dictionary owes much to the support and encouragement that
Helga Hanks has offered the authors during the preparation of the various editions
of this book.
AA See ambulatory assessment. normality. Abnormality can be defined
ABBA design An example of counterbal- in several different ways:
ancing of experimental conditions. The
first condition (A) is followed by two tri- (i) as behaviour that is different
als of the second condition (B), then by from the norm (i.e. unusual);
one of the first. The effect is to average (ii) as behaviour that does not con-
out order effects, although if all of the prac- form to social demands;
tice effects might take place during the first (iii) as statistically uncommon behav-
trial, it is better to run half of the partici- iour based on the assumptions of
pants with a BAAB sequence. Alternative the normal distribution;
use of the term is for experimental designs (iv) as behaviour that is maladaptive
in which one group of participants experi- or painful for the individual; or
ences the experimental conditions in the (v) as the failure to achieve self-­
order A then B, while the other group actualisation in the humanistic
experiences them in the order B then view.
A. The two uses can be distinguished by
examining the number of trials that each These criteria bring their own problems
participant is obliged to undergo. because, for example, they lead to the
classification of highly regarded individ-
aberrant Behaviour (or in biology, an
uals such as artists and social reformers
organism) that deviates from what is
as ‘abnormal’.
normal, expected or desirable.
abnormal psychology An old term for
ability A capacity, competence or skill.
the psychology of abnormal behaviour.
ability tests Psychometric tests that are This term has been largely replaced by
designed to measure what someone is clinical psychology when referring to pro-
already able to do, as opposed to what fessional practice.
they might be able to learn in the future.
abreaction A process used in some forms
See also aptitude test.
of psychotherapy, especially psychoanalyt-
ablation The removal or destruction of ically oriented ones, which involves the
part or parts of the brain by means of reliving of deeply hidden emotional expe-
surgical techniques, usually involving riences. During abreaction, the repressed
the cutting or burning away of the tis- emotional disturbance is brought to
sue concerned. consciousness, allowing recognition of
abnormal A term applied to behaviour its existence and the opportunity for the
or people who have been classed as not client to develop new coping strategies.
normal. It is a potentially controversial abscissa The horizontal or x-axis of a
label because of problems in defining graph. See also ordinate.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
2  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

absolute refractory period The period regional group. In some circumstances,

of a few milliseconds immediately after accent is taken as an important signifier
the firing of a neurone. During the abso- of social status, and may thus determine
lute refractory period, the neurone will the nature of social interaction between
not produce another electrical impulse, individuals. This was particularly
no matter how much stimulation it may noticeable in stratified societies such as
receive. See also relative refractory period. that of the UK in the twentieth century
absolute threshold The minimum but is gradually being eroded as regional
amount of stimulation required for accents become more common in the
an event to be detected. The absolute media. See also dialect, psycholinguistics,
threshold of a particular form of stimulus speech register.
is set at the point where 50 per cent of accommodation
the signals with that physical value are
(i) In biological terms, the process of
adjusting a shape to fit incoming
absolute zero The term is generally used information (e.g. the process by
to indicate a temperature of −273°C, which the lens of the eye adopts
but it can also refer to the lowest pos- a different shape when the eye is
sible point on any ratio scale. focused on distant objects than
abstract thought Thought that uses when it is focused on nearby
concepts which do not have an imme- objects).
diate material correspondence, such as (ii) In Piagetian theory, the process
justice or freedom. In Piaget’s theory of by which a schema, or cognitive
cognitive development, the capacity for structure, adjusts to new informa-
abstract thought is only acquired after tion by extending or changing its
the age of about 12 years. It is an essential form, or even by subdividing into
aspect of Piaget’s formal operational stage. a set of schemata with different
applications. See also assimila-
abuse tion, equilibration.
(i) The use of substances inappropri-
ately in a way that is damaging account analysis A research method
to the individual (e.g. excessive that involves analysing the accounts
alcohol consumption, sniffing that people give of their experience.
glue). See also addiction. Developed in answer to the need for
(ii) Inappropriate and harmful treat- psychological research techniques that
ment of another person. See also could deal with the subjective reali-
child abuse, domestic abuse. ties of human experience (as opposed
to measures of behaviour), account
analysis takes as its starting point the
acalculia A disorder caused by brain radical idea that what people say may
damage in which people are unable to have meaning. From there, it goes on
understand or manipulate number. See to assert that a systematic approach to
also dyscalculia. collecting people’s own versions of an
accent A distinctive pattern of pro- experience or event may be of value
nouncing words and phrases that to psychologists seeking to understand
is shared by members of a social or human experience. Account analy-
A 3

sis can take many forms, but generally achievement The successful reaching
involves two stages: of a goal. Used particularly to refer to
real-life successes and when evaluating
(i) a systematic approach to the col-
a person’s life.
lection of accounts, generally
through interviews; and achievement motivation The motiva-
(ii) a reflective technique that allows tion to accomplish valued goals and
the psychologist to extract ideas, to avoid failure. This concept became
themes or implications from the important in the 1960s as motiva-
data, such as discourse analysis, tion theory became less dominated by
attributional analysis or thematic physiological drives. It was generally
qualitative analysis. studied as need for achievement, com-
monly abbreviated to nAch. See also
Account analysis forms an important need for affiliation, motivation.
part of the ethogenic approach to the achievement test A test designed to
study of social behaviour propounded measure what a person has already
by Rom Harré. achieved (e.g. a statistics examination).
accounts The verbal descriptions that See also aptitude test, psychometric test.
people give of their experiences. An achromatic colours A range of hues
interpretivist approach treats the account that are judged to be all of one colour
as the object of study in its own right. (e.g. yellows or blues). Their wave-
For example, if someone describes get- lengths occur within a narrow band,
ting angry during an interaction, the although they may vary in intensity and
account might be taken as indicating saturation. ‘Achromatic’ usually means
something about their private emo- ‘all of one colour’.
tional state. Alternatively, researchers
might study the description itself as achromatopsia A type of specific brain
an example of the form and features of damage that impairs the perception of
accounts of emotional experiences. See colour without damaging other func-
also qualitative analysis. tions. See colour vision, V4.

acetylcholine A neurotransmitter that is acoustic To do with sound and sound

found at the motor end plate and is there- quality.
fore involved in muscle action. Some acoustic store The part of the working
military nerve gases exert their effect memory system that acts as a short-term
by the destruction of the enzyme which storage device for sounds and spoken
breaks down acetylcholine, causing the words.
latter to build up, producing uncon-
acquiescence bias The tendency to
trollable muscle spasms. Other drugs
respond positively or affirmatively in
prevent the uptake of acetylcholine
surveys, no matter what the content of
at the motor end plate by themselves
the question is. See also questionnaire
being picked up at the receptor sites,
and so blocking the uptake of the neu-
rotransmitter. The paralysing poison acquired dyslexia Dyslexia that has
curare operates in this way, and nicotine come about as a result of an accident,
has a partial effect of this kind. stroke or illness.
4  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

acquisition action pattern See fixed action pattern.

(i) A term used to indicate that a action potential The electrical impulse
particular skill or ability has been produced by a neurone when its stimu-
gained by an animal or human lation exceeds the threshold level, such
being. When applied to language, that the neurone fires. See also evoked
the term ‘acquisition’ is used to potential.
avoid drawing inferences about action research An approach to psy-
whether language has been learned chological enquiry that challenges the
or inherited. Stating that a skill idealised view of the psychologist as an
has been acquired implies that the ‘objective’ scientist, standing apart from
actual process by which the skill the subject matter and observing it dis-
was obtained is not the issue being passionately. Action research takes as
discussed at that particular time. its starting point the idea that the pres-
(ii) The phase during a conditioning ence of other people will always affect
procedure in which the response behaviour, so it is naïve to assume that
is learned or strengthened. See the activities of the researcher will not
learning. influence the behaviour of the subject.
Instead, an action researcher deliber-
acronym An abbreviation which con- ately acts as a change agent within a
sists of a ‘word’ made up of the initials of given situation and incorporates the
the set of words in a title or classification effects of these actions as an integral
(e.g. OCEAN for the Big Five personal- part of the outcome of the research.
ity factors of Openness to experience, Initially developed in an organisational
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agree­ context by Lewin (e.g. Lewin, 1946),
a­bleness and Neuroticism). Working action research has continued to be
groups or professions often develop acro- popular in organisational psychology.
nyms that outsiders do not understand as With the increased emphasis on eco-
a way of excluding non-members and pro- logical validity in psychological research,
ducing a feeling of cohesion. A common, action research has gradually gained
if slightly pedantic, distinction is between acceptance in several other areas of psy-
an acronym and an abbreviation, in that chological investigation. See also new
an acronym should form an actual word, paradigm research, participant observation.
while a group of initials that doesn’t form
a word is just an abbreviation. action research cycle Action research
is generally perceived as a cyclical
ACTH Adrenocorticotrophic hormone. activity, proceeding from an initial
acting out Expressing a wish, need or diagnostic or evaluation stage to the
motivation in overt behaviour, par- development of a change strategy, to an
ticularly when that wish or need is action and implementation stage, then
unrecognised or unconscious. Often back to another evaluative stage, and
the behaviour is aggressive and self-­ so on through the cycle (Figure 1). See
destructive and may be uncharacteristic also field theory.
of the person, who may have no idea action-specific energy The energy
why they behaved in that way. that is used to perform fixed action pat-
action disorganisation syndrome See terns, or innate behaviours. The idea is
frontal apraxia. that the energy is generated purely as a
A 5

Figure 1  The action research cycle

result of an instinctive drive to perform by which people seek to develop their

the activity and will overspill into dis- various potentials and to maximise their
placement activities if it is not used in personal growth, once their need for posi-
carrying out the particular action for tive regard from others has been satisfied.
which it has been generated. See also self-actualisation.
activation An increase in neurological acuity The fineness of discrimination
or physiological processing in one con- that a sense organ can achieve. Most
dition, relative to other conditions, or commonly used with reference to vision,
the stimulation of neural pathways. See where visual acuity indicates the small-
also deactivation. est objects that can be distinguished.
actor–observer effect A finding in attri- adaptation The process of adjusting
bution theory that for unwanted events, to an environment in such a way that
people tend to make dispositional attri- maximal benefit may be obtained from
butions about other people’s behaviour it, or at least in such a way that life
(e.g. if you drop a vase, I conclude that may be continued in a reasonably pro-
you are clumsy) while attributing their ductive manner. The term has highly
own behaviour primarily to the effects specific meanings in the following
of external circumstances (if I drop the fields:
vase, it must be because it was slippery):
a situational attribution. Research has
(i) Physiology – the adjustment of
found that depressed people are more
bodily organs to particular envi-
likely to make dispositional attributions
ronmental demands (e.g. the
about bad events that affect them, while
adaptation of the heart to living
people in a good or loving relationship
at a high altitude).
extend their situational explanations to
(ii) Evolutionary biology – how a
their partner’s unwanted events.
species changes in order to adjust
actualising tendency A term coined by to the opportunities offered by its
Rogers (1951) to describe the process environment.
6  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

(iii) Psychology – the process by adipose Fatty, or pertaining to fat.

which an individual achieves Adipose tissue in the body is the tissue
the best balance feasible between that stores fat, and adipocytes are cells
conflicting demands. specifically adapted for that purpose.
adipsia Cessation of drinking. The term
Piaget uses the term more specifically can also refer to a rare disorder produced
for the processes by which cognitive by damage to the hypothalamus and
structures are made to correspond to characterised by failing to feel thirst,
reality. See accommodation, assimilation, even when severely dehydrated.
adjustment Originally, adjustment was
addiction A state of physiological or regarded as little more than the avoid-
psychological dependence on some ance of maladjustment, but it became
substance, usually a drug, resulting in a goal for therapy with the emergence
tolerance of that substance such that of humanistic approaches to psycho-
progressively larger doses are required therapy. Modern therapists accept that
to obtain the same effect. Addictions many forms of adjustment are possible,
are most clearly identified by a failure thereby avoiding value judgements
to function adequately when the sub- about lifestyle. Broadly speaking,
stance is withdrawn (see withdrawal adjustment refers to the individual’s
symptoms). The most common addic- achieving a harmonious balance with
tions are to nicotine and to socially the demands of both environment
accepted drugs such as alcohol and and cognitions. The development of
caffeine, although illegal drugs (e.g. behavioural technologies to improve
heroin) and those initially taken as individual adjustment raised complex
medical treatment (e.g. tranquillis- ethical considerations (e.g. whether con-
ers) often cause more public concern. ditioning techniques to solve problems
Treatments have covered the full of sexual adjustment could be adopted
range of psychological and psychiatric without consideration of values and
techniques but behavioural and group morals).
methods are most widely used. In eve-
ryday use, the term has been stretched adolescence The developmental period
to include needs which have become between childhood and adulthood.
exaggerated to a degree that is damag- In some cultures, the transition is
ing to the individual (e.g. ‘addiction’ very brief and achieved through some
to television, violent exercise or food). form of rite of passage, but in Western
See also dependency. cultures, it extends from the onset of
puberty around 12 years of age to about
additive factors method An approach 17 or 18 years of age. Research on ado-
to analysing reaction time which divides lescence has tended to emphasise the
the response to a stimulus into four four developmental areas of competence,
stages: encoding, comparing, decision individuation, identity and self-esteem.
and response.
adoption studies Studies of heredity
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity that compare children with a specific
disorder. A form of attention deficit disor- genotype (e.g. identical twins) who have
der in which the person is judged to be been brought up in different adoptive
showing hyperactivity. families. The idea is that differences
A 7

between the twins must be environ- hatred. Broadly speaking, affect

mental in origin, while similarities are refers to any category of feeling,
likely to be genetic. However, a com- as distinct from cognition or
mon failing in these families is to omit behaviour.
control for the similarity of the environ- (ii) As a verb: to influence, to have
ment (e.g. in some cases, the children an effect. Note that the verb
have been brought up in the same dis- ‘to affect’ means ‘to cause’. ‘An
trict, and only a few streets away from effect’ is a result. See also effect.
one another). There is also some recent
evidence that there can be differences affect display Overt signs such as pos-
in DNA even between identical twins. ture, breathing, pupil dilation and raising
adrenaline A hormone and neuro- of fur, which indicate the emotional
transmitter produced by the adrenal state of the person or animal. See also
glands which is particularly associated autonomic nervous system.
with emotional states. Adrenaline is affect heuristic The use of emotional
involved in states of arousal, initiated judgements to influence decision-making.
by the action of the sympathetic divi-
affectionless psychopathy A term
sion of the autonomic nervous system.
used by Bowlby to describe a syndrome
It is released as a hormone by the adre-
in which an individual does not dem-
nal gland and serves to maintain an
onstrate any emotion, either positive
activated state of the body such that a
or negative, towards any other human
higher level of energy is produced by the
being. Affectionless psychopaths,
autonomic functions. It also acts within
according to Bowlby, are characterised
the brain as a neurotransmitter, where it
by a lack of social conscience and a high
again is involved in emotional states.
level of delinquency. See also psycho-
adrenergic pathway A ‘pathway’ or pathic personality.
familiar route in the brain that involves
neurones which release the neurotrans- affective blindsight The ability shown
mitter known as adrenaline. by some brain-damaged people who
lack conscious visual perception but can
aesthetics The study of the nature of nonetheless detect and distinguish
beauty, or of pleasing perceptual experi- between different emotional stimuli.
ences. See also positive psychology. See also blindsight.
aetiology The study of causation. This affective disorder A psychiatric term
term is particularly used to refer to the used to refer to syndromes in which
causes of illnesses and mental disorders. the person appears to be producing
affect inappropriate emotional responses.
Alternatively, it may refer to a pro-
(i) A term used to mean emotion but longed disturbance of mood or emotion,
covering a much wider spectrum as in mania and depression.
of feelings than normal emotions.
Affect includes pleasurable sen- affective domain The dimension or
sations, friendliness and warmth, domain of the human psyche that is
pensiveness, and mild dislike, as concerned with feelings, emotions and
well as extreme emotions such moods. See also conative domain, cogni-
as joy, exhilaration, fear and tive domain, behavioural domain.
8  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

afferent dysgraphia Additions or omis- agency The sense that we are in control
sions of strokes or parts of writing that of our own thoughts, actions and effec-
happen as a result of failing to utilise tiveness. A sense of personal agency has
visual and/or kinaesthetic feedback effec- been identified as an important part of
tively. See dysgraphia. psychological well-being. See also posi-
afferent neurone A nerve cell (neu- tive psychology, self-efficacy.
rone) that carries information in the agentic state The state proposed by
form of electrical impulses from the Milgram in which the individual surren-
sense organs to the central nervous sys- ders personal judgement and conscience
tem. Also known as a sensory neurone. to act as the agent of other people and
See also efferent neurone. do what they instruct. See autonomous
affiliation The sense of belonging to a state.
group. Nearly everybody feels a desire aggression A term used in several ways,
to belong, so affiliation has been treated commonly to describe a deliberate
as a need or motive. In everyday use, it attempt to harm another being. There is
can also describe the process of joining a no agreed definition, partly because the
group. See also affiliative needs, friendship. term is applied sometimes to behaviour
affiliative needs Needs that relate to a (hitting), sometimes to an emotional
sense of belonging with, or friendship state (feeling aggressive), and sometimes
towards, other people. This rests on to an intention (wanting to harm).
the idea that the wish for affiliation is a There are several classifications of differ-
kind of drive, so that the strength of the ent kinds of aggression, the most useful
need for affiliation (nAff) can be stud- distinction being between instrumental
ied in the same kind of way that other aggression, which is an aggressive act per-
physiological needs are studied. See also formed in order to achieve some other
motivation. objective, and hostile aggression, which is
motivated by antagonistic feelings and
affordances In J.J. Gibson’s ecological
emotions. See also amygdala, trolling.
model of perception, affordances are the
possibilities for action that are offered agnosia A disorder of cognitive process-
by a particular visual stimulus, or object/ ing in which the person cannot create
image in the visual field. The concept any meaning out of their sensory inputs.
is becoming more widely used in other See also integrative agnosia, Gerstmann’s
concepts, usually to indicate the possi- syndrome.
bilities for action offered by the object agonist A drug that causes a neurotrans-
or subject being referred to. See ecologi- mitter to have an increased effect. For
cal perception. example, it is suspected that cocaine
afterimage An image that remains in is an agonist for the neurotransmitter
the visual field after the original stimu- dopamine and that is why it produces
lation has ceased. Afterimages usually pleasurable sensations.
occur after particularly intense or pro- agoraphobia The most common form
longed stimulation of the retina (e.g. of phobia. Literally, it means fear of
after staring at an illuminated light open spaces, and it is usually associ-
bulb). See also negative aftereffects. ated with a fear of interacting with
age regression See regression. other people. Agoraphobia results in
A 9

a severe restriction of the sufferer’s to a problem is perceived very rapidly,

life, as he or she cannot enter any with little prior feeling that progress is
crowded area and may become unable being made towards the solution. An
to leave the house. Often, it is pos- example of insight learning, the aha!
sible to recognise some way that this experience was used by Gestalt theo-
makes it unnecessary for the person to rists such as Kohler to argue against the
have to tackle some source of anxiety. reductionist approach to human learning
Psychological treatments may attempt put forward by the behaviourist school.
either to reduce the symptoms of the See also creativity.
phobia using techniques such as sys-
AI See artificial intelligence.
tematic desensitisation, or to resolve the
underlying anxiety. aim The overall purpose of a piece of
research or study. The aim can often
agrammatism A condition in which the
become obscured or overwhelmed by
person can produce speech, but it lacks
the details involved in research design
grammatical forms, such as word end-
and statistical analysis, so it is important
ings or function words. See also P600,
for researchers to maintain awareness of
language areas.
the aim throughout the research process.
agraphia An impairment in writing AIP See anterior intraparietal area.
ability that results from damage to the
language areas of the brain. akinetopsia A type of specific brain
damage that impairs the perception of
agreeableness One of the main factors movement without damaging other
in the five-factor theory of personality, functions. See V5.
which reflects a tendency to be positive
and conciliatory in interpersonal inter- alarm reaction A term used to describe
actions and to seek positive affect from the series of physiological responses
the company of other people. brought about by the activation of
the sympathetic division of the auto-
aha! experience A sudden experience nomic nervous system. Investigated
of enlightenment, in which the solution systematically by W. Cannon, the

Ainsworth, Mary (1913–1999)

Mary Ainsworth was a Canadian developmental psychologist who was
widely influential in the development of our understanding of infant attach-
ment. In 1967, she published Infancy in Uganda, which was the outcome of a
lengthy African field study that allowed her to identify some of the cultural
variations in the care of human infants, and also some of the ‘universals’ of
human attachment. Back in the UK, she went on to investigate detailed
facets of attachment, and developed the strange situation technique, in which
a child is exposed to an unfamiliar situation and its behaviour towards its
caretaker is observed. This and other research resulted in the concepts of
secure and insecure attachment, which have been extensively used in child
therapy ever since.
10  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

alarm reaction involves, among other to the individual’s past choices. See also
changes, increased heart rate and blood heuristics, problem-solving.
pressure, producing an increased supply alienation A state of feeling or perceiv-
of oxygen to the muscles, changes to the ing oneself as separated from: (i) one’s
digestive system, including rapid diges- own feelings; or (ii) other people and
tion of sugars for increased energy, and society.
alterations in the composition of the
blood such that clotting occurs more alienist An early title for psychiatrists,
quickly. The effective result of these who treated ‘aliens’ (insane people).
changes is that the body is prepared for all-or-none principle The principle that
extended and demanding effort. a neurone either fires or it does not, with
alcoholic A person who has become no variation in the strength of the elec-
dependent on the drug alcohol. Many trical impulse. It was originally thought
problems dealt with by clinical psy- that all nerve cells operate according
chologists are caused or aggravated by to the all-or-none principle – implying
alcohol (e.g. some 30 per cent of cases a necessity for digital processing mod-
of physical child abuse). Alcoholism is els of brain functioning, and fostering
treated in a number of different ways by some computer simulation approaches
different practitioners, including clini- to understanding cognition. However,
cal psychologists, with varying degrees more recent evidence suggests that all-
of success. There is controversy over the or-none firing is uncommon within the
question of whether total abstinence is brain itself, and that cortical neurones
essential for anyone who has been an use variable coding.
alcoholic. Alcoholism is probably the allele One of a pair of genes. Most
most widespread and damaging addiction. organisms have pairs of chromosomes,
See also antabuse, Korsakoff’s syndrome. with matching genes situated on each
alexia A condition in which written chromosome. If the two alleles are dif-
words cannot be recognised. It may be ferent in form, one may be a dominant
complete or partial and is also some- gene over the other (e.g. in eye colour,
times called word blindness. It is not a brown is dominant over blue), or both
result of poor vision, nor is it caused by may contribute to the eventual pheno-
failing to understand words, since they type (e.g. as in skin colour, where both
can still be understood when spoken. alleles contribute to the final result).
See also pure alexia. Partial dominance is also possible.
alexithymia The inability to read one’s allocentrism A collectivistic character-
own emotional state. istic of personality that involves people
centring their attention and actions on
algorithm A routine procedure that will
other people rather than themselves.
produce a correct answer with enough
See also collectivism.
repetitions or applications. If an algo-
rithm exists for a problem, you know it allocentric coding Visual coding that
can eventually be solved simply by fol- is independent of the observer’s per-
lowing the procedure. Algorithms have spective (e.g. connecting the features
passed into common awareness through of two different objects with respect to
their use by social media engines to target one another, as opposed to egocentric
information and advertising according coding).
A 11

Allport, Gordon (1897–1967)

G.W. Allport exerted a fundamental influence on the development of trait
theory in the psychological understanding of personality. In an early study,
he went through the dictionary and extracted some 4,500 words relating to
personality, which he argued could be organised into three major types of
personality trait: cardinal (ruling passions or obsessions), central (basic to
shaping behaviour, although not as dominating as cardinal) and secondary
(traits that we only show occasionally or just to intimates). His idea of per-
sonality traits has continued to this day and is fundamental to many aspects
of psychometrics. Allport also went on to study many other aspects of social
psychology, including prejudice, rumour and religion.

allocentric space A spatial map in alpha waves Distinctive low-amplitude

which the items have been coded rela- low-frequency patterns of brain activity
tive to one another. See also egocentric shown on EEG readings, consisting of a
space. wave pattern of between 8 and 12 Hz,
characteristic of a state of wakeful relax-
allograph A letter that has been speci-
ation. Also referred to as alpha rhythms.
fied for its shape (e.g. by its case, or as
See also beta waves, delta waves.
print rather than script).
altered states of awareness Also known
allophone Different versions of the
as altered states of consciousness, this
same phoneme, where the differences
term refers to the idea that there are
relate to individual variations in speech
qualitatively different mental states
or acoustics.
that will result in various psychological
alpha The first letter of the Greek processes such as attention and motiva-
alphabet, often used to indicate pri- tion functioning differently. Sleep is
macy or importance (e.g. the dominant an obvious example, but more subtle
males in a baboon troop are sometimes changes in the waking state have also
referred to as alpha males). been studied, including hypnosis and
agentic state.
alpha level Also known as the ‘alpha
criterion’, this is the maximum proba- alternate-forms method A system for
bility of making a Type I error, as a result judging the reliability of a psychomet-
of the statistical analysis of a set of data. ric test, which involves comparing the
In student research, the alpha level is results produced by two different ver-
usually set at p<.05, but it can be made sions of the same test, given to the same
more stringent by choosing a different people at the same time.
level of statistical significance. altruistic behaviour Acting for the
alpha male A term used in ethology to benefit of others without regard to per-
describe a top-ranking or dominant male sonal cost or benefit. There has been
in a social group, and also used loosely a dispute about whether truly altru-
about men who display an extreme level istic behaviour ever occurs, largely
of stereotypical male characteristics. stimulated by sociobiology, but it is
See also dominance hierarchy. now generally recognised as a human
12  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

c­ haracteristic, with some anecdotal ambivert A person who has achieved

accounts of animal altruism. See also a balance between extreme introversion
reciprocal altruism. and extreme extraversion, as described
by Eysenck.
Alzheimer’s syndrome A condition
that resembles senile dementia, but which ambulatory assessment (AA) A gen-
can occur much earlier in life, with eral term for a range of data-collection
some sufferers even being as young as 40 methods, including self-report, obser-
years of age. It is regarded as a specific vation, and clinical or biological data
disease whereas dementia is a description collected in the course of the person’s
of a condition. everyday life. It is mainly used in clinical
contexts such as in health services. See
amacrine cells Retinal cells that make
also ambulatory self-report, Experience
cross-communications right across the
Sampling Method, Ecological Momentary
retina, linking rod and cone cells and
Assessment, diary method.
coordinating visual input. See also vis-
ual system. ambulatory self-report A form of ambu-
latory assessment in which the person
ambiguous Having more than one pos-
keeps a record of how they are feeling
sible meaning. An ambiguous stimulus
or other clinical data at various points
is one that can be interpreted in more
during the course of their day. See also
than one way (see Figure 2).
Ecological Momentary Assessment, diary
ambivalence The simultaneous exist- method.
ence of two opposed emotions,
Ames room A well-known visual illusion
motivations or attitudes (e.g. love–hate,
in which a room is constructed in such
approach–avoidance). Each feeling has
a way that, when viewed from a par-
its own separate origin, so the two can-
ticular viewing point, it appears to be
not be reconciled, and the person either
normal, but it actually has one corner
alternates between the two attitudes or
much farther away from the viewer. An
represses one of them.
appearance of equal distance is achieved
by carefully balancing the perspectives
of the room and the levels of the floor
and ceiling. The effect is that people or
objects of the same size appear to be of
different sizes (see Figure 3).
Ameslan A standardised sign language
used by deaf and/or dumb people in
America. A true language in its own
right, several primate studies have
involved the teaching of Ameslan to
gorillas or chimpanzees, with a degree
of success.
amnesia Loss of memory, normally
from physical causes. Retrograde amne-
sia refers to loss of memory for events
Figure 2  An ambiguous figure: B or 13? prior to the damaging event or disease;
A 13

Floor layout

Apparent view Viewpoint

Figure 3  The Ames room illusion

loss of memory of the few minutes lead- The amygdala has neural connections
ing up to severe concussion is the most right across the brain. It has been shown
common example. Anterograde amnesia to be involved in a wide range – possibly
refers to the loss of subsequent memory all  – emotional experiences, includ-
(e.g. impairment of the ability to code ing happiness, fear, empathy, friendship,
new memories after brain surgery or, as humour, prejudice, and bereavement;
found in Korsakoff’s syndrome, through linking with the insula to regulate and
long-term alcoholism). control negative emotions such as anger,
amodal Not tied to any particular per- and linking with the hippocampus in
ceptual system. consolidating emotional memories. See
also Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
Amphetamine A drug that stimu-
lates the central nervous system. It is anaclitic depression A depression
usually prescribed in order to raise caused in infants aged between 6 and
energy levels or to prevent sleep and is 18 months by prolonged separation
abused (e.g. as ‘speed’) for the same pur- from their mothers. The term was first
poses. Amphetamine is also used as an used by Rene Spitz and was an impor-
appetite suppressant to help dieters and tant concept in early studies of maternal
to control hyperactive children. deprivation.
amphetamine psychosis A state of anagram A puzzle or problem which
acute paranoia that develops as a result consists of words with their constitu-
of taking large amounts of amphetamine ent letters disarranged, such that all
over a period of time. of the necessary letters are present but
in the wrong order. The letters may
amusia An inability to process music –
be randomly listed (G AANMRA) or
that is, to perceive the sounds received
rearranged to resemble other words (A
as making up a musical form. Congenital
GRANMA). Anagrams are often used
amusia occurs when the amusia is a
in laboratory problem-solving tasks in
result of brain injury or misfunction.
cognitive psychology.
amygdala The part of the limbic system
anal stage The second of Freud’s psy-
that is particularly fundamental to emo-
chosexual stages, in which libido focuses
tion and emotional memory. It is a pair
on the anus. See also oral, phallic stage.
of almond-shaped structures located
deep within the medial temporal lobes analogue An object or phenom-
and quite close to the hippocampus. enon that corresponds to or resembles
14  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

another in at least some respects. The ported by neurological evidence, and in

term is used: AI it has been largely replaced by paral-
lel distributed processing.
(i) in theories of memory referring to analysis of variance (ANOVA) A sta-
information stored in the brain tistical procedure used to test whether
from which a representation or groups of scores differ from each other.
image of an object can be gener- The principle is that if the scores are
ated; not being influenced in different ways,
(ii) in biology for different charac- the variation (variance) of scores within
teristics of different species that each group will allow us to predict how
have the same functions; and much variation there will be between
(iii) in electronics for information the means of the groups. If it turns
shown through a continuously out that the group means vary more
variable quantity, such as ana- than expected, we conclude that the
logue (circular) clock faces as groups differ (and have therefore been
opposed to digital watches. influenced in different ways). Several
different sources of influence can be
analogy An image of speech that involves tested within a single ANOVA design,
comparison of two objects, emphasising and the complex relationships or inter-
the similarity between them. actions between them can be analysed.
analysand That which is being, or has See also F ratio.
been, analysed. Used sometimes to refer analytical frame The particular con-
to student analysts undergoing psychoa- text within which a study is set, which
nalysis as part of their training. establishes the boundaries as well as the
analysis purpose of the analysis. See also aim.
analytical psychology The system of
(i) Identifying the constituent psychopathology and treatment devised
parts or links of a whole so that by Carl Jung after his split from the
it can be better understood and Freudian school. It introduces concepts
interpreted (e.g. in statistical such as the archetype and the collective
analysis). unconscious.
(ii) A shorthand term for psychoa- analytical style The general approach
nalysis. taken to the analysis of a piece of
(iii) Any detailed exploration or eval- work. Mainly used in qualitative analy-
uation of a set of information. sis, the term can also refer to the level
of abstraction of the analysis which is
analysis-by-synthesis A term used to being carried out.
describe a cognitive model in which
the brain is seen as combining separate anaphor A pronoun or other word
pieces of information about an event that takes its reference from a previous
in order to make the best judgement phrase or sentence.
about the nature of that event. This anarchic hand syndrome Complex
was a popular model in the early days goal-directed movements of the hand
of artificial intelligence research, but its that are not voluntarily directed by the
summative approach has not been sup- hand’s owner. See also split-brain studies.
A 15

anchoring In social representation theory, anencephalic Without a cerebrum.

the process of making the social rep- Anencephalic infants usually survive
resentation easier to grasp by setting it for only a few days after birth, although
in a familiar context. In decision-making some have been kept alive for up to six
theory, anchoring refers to the process months. Anencephalic infants are of
of establishing a set reference point or interest to students of neonate function-
framework, from which an option is ing, as observable differences between
evaluated. them and normal infants only seem to
androcentrism The view that male emerge after the first few weeks, imply-
behaviour defines normality and that ing that cerebral cortex activity may not
female behaviour compares unfavour- play an important part in early infant
ably to this norm. behaviour. The well-documented case
of Noah Wall, an apparently anence-
androgens Hormones produced mainly phalic infant who received intensive
by the testes. They are responsible parental stimulation, showed signifi-
for the physical developments in the cant development of the cerebrum after
foetus that give rise to male character- birth. Since Noah did have a residual
istics, including the external genitalia. amount of cerebral matter to begin
Later in life, they influence sexual with, it is not known whether such
activity and the expression of geneti- development would be possible with
cally controlled characteristics, such as truly anencephalic infants. See also
the growth of a beard. See also testos- plasticity.
aneurism A localised region of an
androgyny The presence in one per- artery in which its membranes have
son (either male or female) of both become over-elastic, and can easily
male and female characteristics. In become stretched and ruptured. This
humans, there are no sex differences that produces an interference with blood
are present in one gender and not the flow to the brain, resulting in a cerebro-
other – it is more a matter of the preva- vascular accident, or stroke – that is, loss
lence and strength of each tendency. of functioning for key abilities, usually
Therefore, everybody mixes male and movement and/or speech. See also plas-
female characteristics to some extent, ticity.
and the term androgyny is reserved for
anger An emotion based on a high state
people who show both male and female
of arousal, often generated when some-
characteristics to a significant degree.
one else is judged to have violated a
Research indicates that individuals who
social norm of some kind. Anger is usu-
are psychologically androgynous tend to
ally a transient emotion, often confused
be mentally healthier than those who
with aggression although very different.
conform tightly to orthodox gender ste-
Partly because of this confusion and
partly because of its transience, there
anecdotal evidence Information quoted is relatively little direct research into
in support of an idea or theory that has anger, but it has been shown that it acti-
been obtained purely from everyday vates areas in the ventromedial cortex and
experience or accounts, rather than in the orbitofrontal cortex, and that its
from some form of systematic or con- strength is directly affected by adrena-
trolled study. line levels in the body. Researchers have
16  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

also found that regulation and modifica- or the computer as a living thing), and
tion of the expression of anger involves occurs extensively in the belief systems
input from the amygdala and the prefron- of most cultures. See also anthropomor-
tal cortex. phism.
anger management a form of psycho- ANN See artificial neural network.
therapy recently developed in response anodal tDCS A form of transcranial direct
to increasing concerns about violence current stimulation that increases cortical
including domestic abuse. See also non- excitation and results in increased levels
violent resistance. of performance. See also cathodal tDCS.
angst A mental disquiet or anguish anodyne A pain-relieving treatment or
considered by supporters of existential- agent.
ism to be the inevitable outcome of a
full appreciation of the implications anomaly A noticeable deviation from
of personal responsibility and personal what is expected or predicted.
choice. anomia A type of aphasia where the
angular gyrus That part of the person has consistent difficulties in pro-
cerebral cortex which is involved in the ducing the names of things they want to
decoding of visual symbols. The angular talk about.
gyrus receives input from the visual cortex anonymity The ethical principle of
and appears to process that information keeping the identity of a research par-
into a form equivalent to information ticipant private and concealed. See also
which has been processed by the audi- ethical issues, confidentiality.
tory cortex. The angular gyrus then
anorexia nervosa A disorder in which
passes messages on to the area known as
the person becomes unable to eat and
Wernicke’s area, where it is processed for
may starve to death. Anorexia is most
comprehension. Accordingly, the angu-
common among teenage girls and is
lar gyrus plays an important role in the
often initiated by excessive dieting.
process of reading, and it is thought that
Anorexia has been thought of variously
damage to this area is the root cause of
as arising from a distorted body image, as
certain dyslexias. See also language areas.
a subconscious attempt to return to pre-
anhedonia A clinical condition in pubertal physique and, by implication,
which the individual finds themselves social role, and as an expression of rebel-
unable to experience positive emotions. lion against domination by a mother
The condition has been associated with figure. See also bulimia, eating disorders.
excessive drug use.
anosmia The lack of a sense of smell:
animism The attribution of living anosmic individuals may be unable
qualities to inanimate objects or phe- to detect smells, or unable to identify
nomena, and frequently the attribution smells despite some form of detection.
of conscious awareness. Animism is a
ANOVA See analysis of variance.
powerful trend in human thought pro-
cesses, which has been studied mostly ANOVA interaction diagram A dia-
in the thinking of young children. It is gram that illustrates the way that two
commonplace in everyday speech (e.g. variables may interact with one another
referring to the family car as a person, in the data (see Figure 4).
A 17

Figure 4  ANOVA interaction diagram

ANOVA model of attributions See c­ ontracts to dilate the pupil of the eye,
covariance. while a different set constricts it).
anoxia A reduced supply of oxygen to antecedent Taking place before a rel-
the brain or other tissues. It is particu- evant event. An antecedent may be
larly likely to happen to a baby around the cause of the event, but it cannot be
birth and can result in brain damage. assumed that it was. See also causality.
See apnoea. antecedent variables Factors in an
ANS See autonomic nervous system. experiment that precede (happen
before) some other event. Because of
antabuse The commercial name for the time relationship, the antecedent
the drug disulfiram, which produces variable cannot have been caused by
an extreme reaction when taken in the subsequent event, and may even
conjunction with alcohol. Usually have been a cause of it. See causality.
administered by a skin implant that can
last for a month or more, antabuse is antenatal To do with the period before
used therapeutically in aversion therapy birth.
for alcoholics. The association between anterior Towards the front, or the most
extreme nausea and vomiting and alco- forward area. See also superior, posterior,
hol can sometimes produce a lasting inferior.
aversion to alcohol, helping the alco- anterior cingulate gyrus An area of the
holic to deal with the problem. brain in between the frontal lobes and the
antagonistic Having an opposite effect, limbic system, which has been classified
working against or competing with as belonging to either brain structure at
something else. Antagonistic muscles various times. It is involved in evalu-
work in opposite ways to one another ating risks and assessing the value of
(e.g. one set of muscles in the iris proposed responses, such as working
18  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

out whether an action is likely to be ropomorphism, while accepted as a

rewarded or punished. It is also involved scientific fallacy, is common to all
in processing bodily signals which char- human societies: even in modern tech-
acterise emotions, particularly disgust, nological cultures, it is common for
and it is active in detecting errors and human beings to attribute intention
monitoring complex responses, such as (either benign or malevolent) to the
those required for the Stroop test. See actions of computers, spiders, etc. See
also cingulate cortex. also attribution, animism, social represen-
tations, Lloyd Morgan’s canon.
anterior intraparietal area (AIP) A part
of the intraparietal sulcus that responds anticipation A mental state of readiness
to 3D objects or manipulable shapes. for a specific event. See also set.
anterior paracingulate cortex One of anticipatory schema A hypothetical
the ‘social’ areas of the brain – that is, an cognitive structure which represents
area dedicated to making sense of social likely events in the immediate future,
interactions. It is particularly concerned allowing the individual to adjust their
with thinking about decoding and pre- actions accordingly. The concept was
dicting other people’s intentions, and is put forward by Ulrich Neisser, who
located just above the cingulate cortex. proposed that the anticipatory schema
forms an essential cognitive component
anterograde amnesia A form of amnesia
in the cyclic process of perception. An
(i.e. loss of memory) in which the person
anticipatory schema consists of a set of
becomes unable to store new informa-
cognitions derived from the individu-
tion, although memories that were laid
al’s beliefs and experiences, based on
down before the amnesia-producing
observations of the situation, and con-
event remain intact and accessible. See
cerning the most probable outcomes of
also retrograde amnesia, amnesia.
action. This schema is used to select
anterograde memory Memory for appropriate behaviour and actions,
events that happened after brain dam- which in turn will change or modify
age which led to amnesia. See also the situation, producing a new sample
retrograde memory, retrograde amnesia, of observations. The new observations
anterograde amnesia. then modify the anticipatory schema.
Neisser considered this continuous
anthropology The study of different
perceptual cycle to be the key to under-
human societies, involving a particular
standing everyday human cognition
emphasis on social structures and belief
(see Figure 5).
systems. An anthropologist is one who
undertakes such a study, using either anticipatory systems theory A branch
non-participant or participant observa- of systemic sciences which claims that
tional techniques. anticipation of the future is a stronger
influence on behaviour than percep-
anthropometric To do with the meas-
tions of the past.
urement of parts of the human body, or
typical measures of the human body as antidepressants Drugs such as those
a whole. known as ‘tricyclics’, which are used to
anthropomorphism The process of treat severe depression.
attributing human characteristics to antilocution Encouraging social preju-
non-human objects or animals. Anth- dice by using verbal communication in a
A 19

Figure 5  The perceptual cycle

particularly negative way (e.g. by using with clearly recognised, real and imme-
emotively loaded words and metaphors). diate dangers, but can be damaging both
anti-positivism An approach to psychologically and physically when the
research that emphasises the human anxiety persists, as in occupational stress
interpretation of meanings and impli- or unresolved unconscious conflicts. See
cations; introduced as a challenge state anxiety, trait anxiety.
to hardline positivism. See qualitative anxiety disorder A general term for psy-
research, hermeneutics. chological disorders in which chronic
antisocial personality disorder A anxiety, with debilitating consequences,
personality problem in which the indi- is a prominent feature. Includes panic
vidual shows a chronic disregard for attacks and phobias.
social conventions or acceptable behav- anxiolytic drugs Drugs used to treat the
iour, typically acting in a disruptive or symptoms of anxiety.
disturbing manner. See also sociopathy.
anxious attachment See insecure attach-
Anton’s syndrome The mistaking of
visual imagery as visual perception,
which occurs in some blind people. apathy A mental state character-
anxiety A stressful state resulting from ised by lack of interest in everyday or
the anticipation of danger. Anxiety has momentous events and involving a dis-
a physiological component (the alarm inclination to exertion or effort in order
reaction or fight or flight response), a cog- to effect or achieve results of any kind.
nitive aspect, particularly in narrowing The state is characteristic of depression.
attention, and a subjective experience aphagia A lack of eating, which can
of discomfort. Each of these components be induced experimentally by lesions in
may help the person to deal effectively the lateral hypothalamus. Animals with
20  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Figure 6  Types of aphasia

aphagia show no interest in solid food, waterfall effect and stroboscopic motion
to the point of starvation. Aphagia is stimuli.
believed by some physiological psy-
appeasement behaviour Actions car-
chologists (although not all) to be a
ried out by an animal that serves to
mechanism in anorexia nervosa.
stop or deflect aggressive behaviour
aphasia A disorder of speaking, some- from another. The term is particularly
times brought about by lesions in one of applied to antagonistic encounters
the language areas of the cortex which is deriving from territorial or sexual
particularly involved in speech produc- selection conflicts. See also instinctive
tion (Figure 6). The affected individual behaviour, sign stimulus.
has serious problems in articulating
apperception The conscious awareness
words, although they have no difficul-
of an act of perception, with focused con-
ties in understanding language.
centration on its full meaning.
apnoea (apnea) Temporary stopping of
apperceptive agnosia A failure to rec-
breathing, common among premature
ognise objects, thought to be due to an
babies. It is present in some adults dur-
impairment in perceptual processes. See
ing sleep and is believed to result in the
also associative agnosia, agnosia.
destruction of brain cells through anoxia
in extreme cases. Apnoea is often asso- appetitive behaviour
ciated with snoring and can result in Behaviour that is directed towards the
uncontrollable sleep during the day, so satisfaction of some kind of desire, want
being a cause of road and other acci- or need.
dents. applied psychology A general term
apparent motion A term used to used to classify areas of psychology in
describe visual illusions that provide an which theories are put to use in dealing
appearance of movement even when no with practical, non-laboratory situa-
such movement is actually occurring. tions. Applied psychology traditionally
Examples of this are found in the phi includes clinical psychology, educational
phenomenon, the autokinetic effect, the psychology, industrial psychology and
A 21

o­ ccupational psychology, but also includes sensory feedback or muscle control. It

other fields where psychological theories results in the person having problems
may be put to use, such as environmental with motor planning. They may be
psychology or study skills. willing to perform an action, but find
appreciative inquiry A model of social it difficult to carry out the movements
discussion and investigation that is involved. See also optic apraxia.
based on the idea of the ‘unconditional aptitude The ease with which a person
positive question’, exploring possibili- will acquire a new set of skills or abili-
ties, opportunities and strengths rather ties. An individual is said to have an
than focusing on problems or criti- aptitude for a particular skill if he or she
cisms. Appreciative inquiry involves learns that skill more rapidly and with
bringing in large numbers of people to more ease than other individuals with
the discussion and exploring the posi- the same prior knowledge.
tive insights they have to offer. It has aptitude test A form of psychometric test
achieved some popularity as a manage- designed to assess someone’s potential
ment tool and is promoted as a solution or suitability for different types of occu-
to wider social problems. See also posi- pation. See also attainment test.
tive psychology.
archetypes Classic, powerful images
apprehension which, according to Carl Jung, are held
in the collective unconscious and recur
(i) In colloquial terms, a feeling of frequently in folk art and mythology.
unease or dread concerning some Examples of Jungian archetypes are
future event. the earth mother, the sea as a symbol
(ii) In cognitive terms, the mental of rebirth, the omnipotent father, the
grasping or full comprehension of inaccessible virgin and the knave.
a concept or idea. arcuate fasciculus A bundle of white
matter (i.e. myelinated neurone fibres)
approach–avoidance conflict A pattern that connects Broca's area in the fron-
of behaviour often seen when an organ- tal lobes with Wernicke's area in the
ism is inclined or required to approach temporo-parietal region, and is there-
something that has simultaneously fore considered to be a key aspect of
attractive and aversive qualities (e.g. a ­language processing in the brain. See
parachute jump). The individual tends also language areas.
to oscillate between approach behav- arousal A state in which the sympathetic
iour and avoidance behaviour, with division of the autonomic nervous system
approach behaviour typically dominant is activated, producing an alarm reac-
when the event or stimulus is more dis- tion, or a longer term response to stress.
tant in time or space, and avoidance Arousal is characterised by very high
becoming more characteristic when levels of adrenaline in the bloodstream
the event or stimulus is closer. See also and results in a general state of readiness
­conflict. to react in the organism. Depending on
apraxia A motor disorder caused by cognitive and environmental factors,
brain damage in the posterior parietal this may result in anger, anxiety, exhila-
lobe, i.e. caused by damage to higher ration, excitement or, if the arousal is
brain ­centres, rather than by failures of frequent and prolonged and the energy
22  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Argyle, Michael J. (1925–2002)

Michael Argyle was a major figure in British social psychology. His research
concentrated on the positive applications of psychology and its use in helping
people with social difficulties and established the importance of non-­verbal
communication. He developed many techniques of social skills training to
help people improve their social interactions and to provide ways of improv-
ing the social functioning of people with learning difficulties and those with
neurotic and psychotic problems. Later in his career, his interest in shifting
the emphasis of social psychology away from its concentration on problems
led him to develop research into areas such as the psychology of happiness.

is not dissipated by regular demanding short periods of time. The articulatory

exercise, in long-term stress disorders. loop is where incoming information is
arrhythmic Irregular, lacking in rhythm. rehearsed in order to retain its imme-
diacy, and therefore its availability for
artefact (artifact) Anything that has information processing.
been constructed. Used particularly
about objects that have been made for articulatory suppression A term used
everyday living by earlier civilisations. in connection with the working memory
Within psychology, the word is most model, and referring to the suppres-
likely to be applied to aspects of data that sion or blocking of the activity of the
result from the process of the research articulatory loop. This is usually achieved
and so do not provide any information by asking the participant to undertake
about the subject of the research, even some other cognitive task instead, such
though they seem to. For example, when as counting backwards in threes.
patients are interviewed about their artificial insemination The intro-
experience of hospital treatment, if they duction of sperm into the uterus of a
are still in hospital with the medical staff female by technical means rather than
around, their reports will be much more by sexual union. As the donor of the
positive than when they are at home. So sperm may be unknown to mother and
the positivity of the accounts becomes child, the technique has implications
an artefact of the situation. for family relationships and the possible
articulation selection of genetic characteristics.
artificial intelligence (AI) An area
(i) Clear verbal expression. of research which aims to develop
(ii) Free movement through the action computer systems that will allow the
of a joint, sometimes extended to computer to develop novel solutions to
mean the assembly of joints and problems, or to produce other forms of
levers that make such movement ‘intelligent’ behaviour such as gather-
possible (e.g. in robotics). ing relevant information to aid expert
decisions. It is hoped by those involved
articulatory loop The part of Baddeley’s that computer systems which can ‘rea-
model of working memory that per- son’ will eventually be able to produce
forms rehearsal of information held for the same kinds of outcomes as those
A 23

p­ roduced by human cognitive pro- group members had been primed to give
cesses. Work on artificial intelligence obviously wrong answers to a relatively
has tended to concentrate on: simple problem, and the real participant
had to answer openly, after the majority
(i) knowledge-based systems, known had answered. See bandwagon effect.
as ‘expert systems’, which are capa- Asperger’s syndrome A condition char-
ble of limited decision-­making on acterised by difficulties in non-verbal
the basis of prior input from a communication and social interaction,
number of human experts; which are generally accompanied by
(ii) human–machine interface res­ repetitive patterns of behaviour car-
earch, such as the development ried to the extent of actually interfering
of voice recognition systems; and with, or restricting, the person’s eve-
(iii) robotics, involving the develop- ryday living. Asperger’s syndrome is
ment of sensing and manipulation considered to be a mild form of autistic
devices such as might be suitable spectrum disorder, but it is different from
for manufacturing processes. most of the others in that the person’s
use of language and intellectual abilities
See also computer simulation, parallel dis- are unaffected.
tributed processing. assertion training A series of therapeutic
artificial neural network (ANN) See techniques designed to enable the per-
neural network. son to take an active or dominant role
in social interaction.
Asch effect A term used to describe
conformity arising despite awareness assimilation One of two processes by
that, if the individual stated their which a schema in Piagetian theory is
own judgement openly, they would be considered to develop. New information
responding differently to the rest of the is said to have been assimilated when it
group, and others would become aware is fitted into an existing schema and so
of their dissent. Asch’s studies of con- can be understood in relation to earlier
formity involved a research participant learning. Assimilation and accommo-
placed in a situation in which the other dation are considered to be continuous

Asch, Solomon (1907–1996)

Originally a Gestalt psychologist, Solomon Asch is most widely known for his
research into conformity, in which he made the (then) remarkable discovery
that people would be prepared to lie outright rather than disagree with the
majority, even on a relatively simple task. The Asch effect generated a vast
amount of research, and the basic observation remains fundamentally valid to
this day – although of course it can be influenced by situation, motivation and
even knowledge of previous Asch studies! One of Asch’s most famous students
was Stanley Milgram, who took Asch’s work further to investigate just how far
social obedience could extend. The work of these two psychologists, Asch and
Milgram, has become seminal to any study of social psychology.
24  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

cognitive processes, c­ ontributing to cog- assumption An idea or set of ideas that

nitive adaptation. See also equilibration. is taken for granted in the formulation of
an argument or theory. If made explicit,
association The linking of one thing
it is sometimes called an axiom.
with another in sequence. Associative
learning is learning that has been acquired astigmatism A disorder of vision in
as a result of the connection of a stimulus which lines at certain angles are not
with a response. During the period when perceived with the same acuity as
psychology was attempting to account lines of different orientations. Recent
for all behaviours as stimulus–response research suggests that astigmatism may
connections, association was seen as the arise from the irregular development
central psychological process underpin- of simple cells or complex cells in the
ning all others. lateral geniculate nuclei of the thalamus –
involved in the primary decoding of
association cortex An older term given
visual information.
to those parts of the cerebral cortex that
did not seem to have a specific, local- asymmetrical Lacking in balance or
ised function. They used to be thought evenness.
of as the areas in which basic perceptual ataxia A neurological problem in which
information is associated with more the coordination of muscle movements
general knowledge, but modern brain is impaired. It can arise from several
scanning research indicates that there causes but is generally believed to result
is more localisation of complex cogni- from some form of impairment of the
tive functioning than could have been cerebellum. See also optic ataxia.
detected using earlier research methods.
See also equipotentiality. attachment A close, emotionally mean-
ingful relationship between two people
associative agnosia A failure to recog- in which each seeks closeness with the
nise objects, thought to be due to an other and feels more secure in their
impairment in memory for those objects, presence. The attachment between
and possibly linked to impairment of mother and infant has been exten-
information transmission in the ventral sively studied, and some writers apply
visual stream. the term only to the relationship of the
associative learning Learning that in­­ infant to the mother. Attachment has
volves making connections or associations been the subject of much theorising by
between stimuli. Classical conditioning is John Bowlby. There is substantial evi-
the main example of associative learning, dence that the quality of attachments
but see also one-trial learning. in infancy affects exploration and play
in the short term and a wide range of
associative priming The way that cognitive and social functions through-
­reactions to a stimulus are faster if that out childhood. However, it is no longer
stimulus is associated with a stimulus believed that the infant always forms
that has been previously presented. See a major attachment exclusively to the
also priming. mother. Attachment theory has been
assortative mating The tendency for extended by Pat Crittenden and others
organisms (including humans) to select to become a major theory of adult rela-
those with characteristics similar to tionships and the role of attachment in
their own as sexual partners. psychopathology. See also insecure attach-
A 25

ment, bonding, contingency, imprinting, attenuation

monotropy, strange situation technique.
attainment test A test designed to (i) The shortening or limiting of an
assess the knowledge and skills that an object or event.
individual has obtained, either through (ii) In cognitive theory, a term used by
experience or through following a Triesman to refer to the weaken-
­prescribed course of training. See also ing of a signal being processed,
aptitude test, psychometric test. as an essential part of a model of
selective attention. See filter models.
attention A directed focus of awareness,
such that the individual is maximally
attitude A ‘mental set’ held by an indi-
prepared to respond to a signal or other
vidual that affects how that person
sensory input. See selective attention.
regards events and organises their cog-
attention deficit disorder (ADD) nitions. Attitudes are commonly held
A classification of children who are to have three essential components or
judged to have an inability to sustain dimensions:
attention. Such children are likely to be
disruptive in school or at home, and if (i) a cognitive dimension, involving
the condition is serious they are likely the beliefs and rationalisations
to have educational difficulties. The use that ‘explain’ the holding of the
of this diagnostic label means that the attitude;
condition can be treated as a kind of (ii) an affective dimension, involving
illness. Previously, these children were the emotional aspects of the atti-
labelled as hyperactive or as suffering tude, such as likes, dislikes, feelings
from ‘minimal brain damage’. ADD is of distaste or affection; and
often treated with drugs such as Ritalin, (iii) a behavioural dimension that
which are related to amphetamines. involves the extent to which the
Although these drugs are usually used as individual is prepared to act on
stimulants, they also help to maintain the attitude that he or she holds.
attention, which seems to be the effect
that is helpful to those concerned.
However, recent approaches also include:
attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
der (ADHD) Those children in which (iv) a conative dimension, concerned
ADD shows itself primarily in the form with intentionality.
of a high level of activity.
attentional bias The understand- See also prejudice, stereotype.
able tendency to focus attention on
attitude scale A quantitative technique
potentially threatening stimuli rather
for measuring attitudes. Attitude scales
than neutral ones when both are pre-
can take many forms: one of the most
sented simultaneously. See also selective
frequently encountered is the Likert
scale, which offers an ordinal level of
attentional blink The inability to report measurement usually indicating pref-
a target stimulus if it appears soon after erences; but attitude scales can take
another, reported stimulus. See also other forms as well, such as the semantic
selective attention. differential. The challenge in attitude
26  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

measurement is in developing scales they incline towards stable causes (ones

which can incorporate the affective and that are unlikely to change in the future),
conative attitude domains as well as the global causes (affecting many things),
cognitive. and internal–external causes (such as
attribution The process of ascribing character or situation). For example, of
reasons or causes to events. Causal two people who have failed an examina-
attributions are often concerned with tion, one may attribute the cause to the
suggesting the possible motives or inten- room being noisy (unstable, specific and
tionality underlying people’s actions, and external), while the other may believe
a number of researchers have explored it is due to their being stupid (stable,
how variations in attributions can have global and internal). Martin Seligman
wide-reaching effects. See also attribution and others have produced evidence that
theory, covariance, animism. individuals who incline towards using
a stable, global and internal pattern of
attribution theory An extensive area of attributions may be particularly vul-
social psychology dealing with the ways nerable to depression. See also personal
in which people attempt to account for attributions, controllable attributions, Leeds
their own and other people’s behaviour. Attributional Coding System.
It is most concerned with the kinds of
causes by which individuals account for audience effects The effects produced
their experiences – attributions about by the presence of other people on an
negative life events are considered to individual’s behaviour. See also social
be particularly important. Attribution facilitation, evaluation apprehension.
theory has been used to improve and audition The process of hearing.
extend helplessness theory and is exten- Auditory signals are processed by means
sively used in cognitive therapy. Strictly, of a complex auditory system. The outer
attribution theory deals with how peo- ear, or pinna, collects the signals and
ple come to have their beliefs about the focuses them inward, the middle ear
causes of events and behaviour, while amplifies the signals, the inner ear trans-
attributional theory deals with the dif- duces the signals into electrical impulses,
ferent forms (or attributional styles) that and the auditory nerve transmits the sig-
such beliefs may take. See also covari- nals to the brain via a crossover junction
ance, social attribution. with the auditory nerve from the other
attributional analysis A research ear. Some primary decoding of the signals
technique that involves analysing the occurs in the inferior colliculi of the mid-
attributions people make in conversa- brain, and they are eventually interpreted
tions or written communication, to in the auditory cortex of the cerebrum.
identify underlying meanings or pat- auditory agnosia A form of agnosia that
terns. See also Leeds Attributional Coding is restricted to input through hearing.
System, discourse analysis, covariance.
auditory cortex That part of the cerebral
attributional error See fundamental
cortex that is involved in the interpre-
attributional error.
tation of sensory messages received by
attributional style The theory that hearing. The auditory cortex is located
individuals tend to believe in particular on the temporal lobe of the cerebrum,
kinds of causes for a wide range of effects. immediately below the lateral fissure,
Styles may vary in the extent to which and is organised into three areas: the
A 27

core, which is the primary auditory cor- encouraged to participate in decision-

tex and responds to characteristics of making and to express their opinions,
the sounds; the belt area, surrounding but the parent nonetheless has the final
the core, which codes content at the authority. This was in contrast with an
front and location at the rear; and the autocratic approach, in which the child
parabelt area, which deals with complex is not encouraged to express an opinion;
functions such as speech identification or a laissez-faire approach, in which the
and auditory memory. See also sensory parent has little involvement in the
projection areas, planum temporale. process of decision-making. The model
authoritarian leadership style See auto- has also been applied to leadership styles.
cratic leadership. See also authoritarian personality.

authoritarian personality A specific, authority figure A person who repre-

rigid pattern of personality character- sents power or established dominance
ised by punitive approaches to social in some way.
sanctions and high levels of prejudice autism A serious disorder appearing
towards out-group members. Adorno towards the end of infancy, in which
showed that the cognitive styles of the child withdraws from all social con-
highly prejudiced right-wing conserva- tact, which seems to be aversive and
tives had two distinctive traits: distressing. Activity is directed towards
inanimate objects and may give evi-
(i) rigidity – maintaining a belief dence of quite high intelligence, but
system even in the face of direct speech is usually minimal. Although it
evidence showing that it is is often called infantile autism, or child-
untrue or inefficient; and hood autism, the condition can persist
(ii) intolerance of ambiguity – a ten- throughout the person’s life. There is lit-
dency to take sides quickly and to tle agreement about the cause, although
be unable to cope with equivocal a majority of those who work in the area
positions. probably believe in an organic predispo-
sition, and there is even less agreement
about treatment. See also theory of mind,
Adorno concluded that this was due to
broken-mirror theory.
defence mechanisms – highly prejudiced
individuals had to protect themselves autistic Thought and fantasy deter-
against ambiguities which might chal- mined entirely by the person’s needs
lenge their ideas. Moreover, they had and wishes and not constrained by real-
often been brought up by cold and highly ity in any way. Daydreams are autistic,
authoritarian parents, producing a reac- as is the isolation from immediate social
tion formation whereby the child would contact through the absorbed use of
displace his or her aggression towards iPhones and portable music, but the
authority figures onto minority groups in term is usually reserved for the more
society. Adorno measured authoritarian- extreme and permanent removal from
ism using the F scale (F for fascism). See reality, such as is found in schizophrenic
also prejudice, social identity theory. thought, and is characteristic of some
conspiracy theories.
authoritative A term used by Baumrind
to describe a style of parenting or a autistic spectrum disorders The concept
child-rearing style in which children are of autistic spectrum disorders was intro-
28  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

duced in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic autohypnosis Hypnosis that has been
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders self-induced. Many forms of hypno-
(DSM-V), which groups together a range therapy concentrate on building up the
of developmental disorders, emerging individual’s own skills in autohypnosis
during early childhood and characterised so that they can develop strategies of
by four sets of symptoms: social and com- coping behaviour for dealing with stress-
munication difficulties, stereotyped or ful events.
repetitive behaviours, sensory issues, and autokinetic effect A visual illusion
cognitive difficulty or delay in cognitive involving the apparent motion of a sta-
processing. Autistic spectrum disorders tionary dot of light when it is perceived
may not include all of these, but generally in a totally dark environment. The light
include three out of the four. There are appears to move in rapid jerks, because
conditions identified as autistic spectrum of the minute tremors made by the eye-
disorders: autism itelf, Asperger’s syn- ball.
drome, childhood disintegrative disorders,
and PDD-NOS (pervasive developmen- automatic processing The cognitive
tal disorders not otherwise specified). processing of information without con-
It is open to question, particularly with scious awareness or intention.
respect to the last of these syndromes, automatic prompts Particularly popular
whether the classification represents a in diary studies, but relevant in other
real problem or a trend to medicalise forms of online research, these are digital
untypical or unusual forms of childhood reminders to participants which are set
behaviour that in previous times were to happen automatically at preset inter-
regarded as normal but distinctive or vals, without the active involvement of
unusual. the researcher. See also diary method.
autobiographical memory Personal mem- automatic routines Actions or
ory of the development or experiences of sequences of actions which have
our own selves throughout our lifetimes. become so habitual that we no longer
See also memory, direct retrieval, generative need to pay attention to them. Much
retrieval, ­hyperthymestic syndrome. complex skill learning consists of
developing automatic routines (such
autochthonous A term used to describe
as changing gear while driving). One
a state arising primarily from events
of the most powerful demonstrations of
within the individual, such as thirst or
automatic routines in cognition is the
Stroop effect, which shows how the auto-
autocratic leadership A style of matic subroutine of reading conflicts
leadership characterised by lack of con- with the visual identification of colours.
sultation or negotiation, and making See automatisation.
frequent use of arbitrary commands.
automatic writing Writing that is per-
Also known as authoritarian leadership.
formed without conscious awareness by
See also laissez-faire, democratic leader-
the writer. It is usually elicited under
ship, authoritative.
hypnosis, but it can be produced by sit-
autogenic Originating from the self; ting undisturbed for a long period and
self-initiated (e.g. autogenic training in writing continuously with no attempt
which the individual is trained to have to control what is produced. After sev-
internal control of their own relaxation). eral hours, the product may give an
A 29

u­ ncensored glimpse into the uncon- more quiescent functioning such as

scious. Or it may not. digestion, tissue growth and repair, the
automatisation The process of learning storage of blood sugars and the building
a skill or technique so well that it no up of bodily reserves. The parasympa-
longer requires conscious thought. See thetic division is thought to be involved
also skill acquisition, automatic routines. in the passive emotions such as depres-
sion, contentment or sadness. There
autonomic Resulting from the activa- seem to be individual differences in the
tion of the autonomic nervous system. balance between sympathetic and para-
autonomic nervous system (ANS) A sympathetic arousal, and in the overall
network of unmyelinated nerve fibres lability (see labile) of the autonomic
running from the brainstem and spinal nervous system (see Figure 7).
cord to the internal organs, which can autonomous morality The third of
activate the body rapidly, preparing Kohlberg’s three levels of moral devel-
it for action. The ANS has two main opment, in which the individual is
parts, the sympathetic and the parasym- considered to have reached a point
pathetic divisions. Activation of the where he or she arrives at moral judge-
sympathetic division results in the body ments and decisions on the basis of his
being rapidly prepared for action, pro- or her own reasoning, rather than sim-
ducing the alarm reaction. It is strongly ply by accepting the ideas laid down by
involved in active emotions such as society. In the first stage of this level,
excitement, fear or anger. Activation the person accepts social rules and
of the parasympathetic division involves moral codes because he or she considers

Parasympathetic Sympathetic
division division

pupil dilates

heart rate

lungs expand


adrenal glands
are stimulated
Figure 7  Connections of the ANS
30  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

them to have been democratically with the result that the pigeon’s behav-
established for the common good. In iour is shaped so that eventually it will
the second stage, a more individual peck the disc despite never having been
judgement is achieved, and the person directly reinforced for doing so. See also
may eventually come to reject some behaviour shaping.
commonly accepted social values that autostereogram A complex two-
they feel to be unjust or immoral. dimensional image that appears to be
autonomous stage of skill acquisition three-dimensional if looked at for a
When a skill has been developed so thor- prolonged period. Popularly known as
oughly that it doesn’t need conscious ‘Magic Eye’ images, they appear at first
attention, but can be performed more or to be composed entirely of random col-
less automatically. See also skill acquisi- oured dots or small shapes but resolve
tion, cognitive stage of skill acquisition. themselves into apparently 3D images
autonomous state A central concept to those with relatively balanced bin-
in the theory of obedience developed by ocular vision. See also stereoscope.
Milgram, in which he proposed that availability heuristic The ‘shortcut’ in
human beings, as social animals, have human decision-making in which infor-
two alternative and mutually exclusive mation that is readily available (e.g.
‘states’ of social being. One of these as a result of having been recently dis-
is known as the autonomous state, in cussed) is weighted more heavily than
which people act as independent, self- other, equally significant information.
governing individuals, and in which their In other words, it is the idea that people
personal conscience and morality inform make decisions using the information
and direct their choices of action. The which comes most readily to mind.
other, known as the agentic state, occurs avatar A fictional representation of a
when people act simply as an agent for character, such as is used in computer
others higher up in the social order. gaming to represent the player.
autonomy A state of independence and average
self-determination in the individual,
considered to be the ultimate goal of
therapies based on humanistic psychology (i) A colloquial term used to mean
and existentialism. ‘usual’, ‘commonplace’ or some-
times ‘typical’.
autopagnosia An inability to localise (ii) An everyday term used to describe
body parts (e.g. pointing to the elbow a statistical measure of central
instead of the knee) on oneself, other tendency, normally the arithmetic
people or pictures, while still being able mean.
to use these parts effectively. This is
one of the disorders that challenges the aversion therapy A technique of
sensory-functional distinction. behaviour therapy that involves using clas-
autoshaping A procedure in operant sical conditioning to develop alternative
conditioning in which a neutral stimu- behaviour patterns in the individual.
lus is associated with a reinforcer, for It is achieved by the association of
example, by making a disc change col- unpleasant stimuli or consequences
our whenever a food pellet is delivered, with the maladaptive behaviour, such
A 31

that the behaviour comes to be avoided. axis A line along which objects can be
See also antabuse. arranged according to some measure, as
aversive Leading to avoidance behav- when people are given a position along
iour. A stimulus or event that is a line that indicates increasing height.
unpleasant (such as an electrical shock) A graph usually consists of more than
would be described as aversive. one axis (the plural is ‘axes’; see x-axis,
y-axis, and z-axis). Objects can also be
avoidance learning The training of placed at given distances from an axis,
behaviour through a process of negative and rotate around it, as the earth rotates
reinforcement, such that an aversive stim- around the North–South axis.
ulus fails to take place if the behaviour
is demonstrated. Avoidance learning is axon The elongated ‘stem’ of a neu-
extremely resistant to extinction. rone, by means of which the electrical
impulse is passed from one region of the
avoidant attachment A relationship style nervous system to another. The axon is
in which the infant (or adult) avoids that part of the neurone found after the
close emotional contact with the parent cell body, according to the direction of
(or partner). See insecure attachment. travel of the impulse. In afferent or sen-
awareness A subjective state of being sory neurones, the elongated part of the
alert or conscious; cognisant of infor- neurone found before the cell body is
mation received from the immediate known as the dendron.
environment. See also altered states of
babbling Vocalisation produced by See also delayed conditioning, simultane-
infants, which includes the full range ous conditioning, trace conditioning.
of human phonemes. In his book Verbal balance theory The idea that we need
Behaviour, B.F. Skinner argued that lan- to maintain a state of cognitive equilib-
guage acquisition occurred as a result of rium between the different attitudes that
behaviour shaping, with infant babbling we hold, and that our social cognitions
as the operants, conditioned through the will, if necessary, become modified in
Law of Effect. order to create or perpetuate such a bal-
Babinski reflex A reflex shown by new- ance. Cognitive dissonance is a variant of
born babies in which scratching the this theory.
sole of the foot produces extension of balanced design An experimental
the toes. Absence of the reflex indi- design in which sources of variation
cates a damaged motor system in a baby. such as practice, fatigue or gender of
Conversely, organic damage is indicated subjects are balanced so that they will
if the reflex is present in an adult. not be responsible for differences
baby talk The style of speech adopted between groups. See ABBA design.
by adults when talking to a baby, some- balanced scale A test or questionnaire
times called motherese. in which sources of bias in the items are
back-propagation A learning mecha- counterbalanced. For example, half of
nism used in connectionist modelling in the items should be true and half false,
which actual responses are compared to so that any preference to answer ‘yes’
correct ones. does not distort the outcome. See also
backward conditioning A variant of questionnaire.
classical conditioning in which the uncon- bandwagon effect The tendency,
ditioned stimulus (UCS) precedes the shown by all people, to believe a claim
conditioned stimulus (CS). There is some or hold an attitude if they believe that
disagreement over whether backward most other members of their group have
conditioning is really possible. If it can that belief. See also Asch effect, Barnum
occur, it is certainly difficult to achieve. effect.

Bandura, Albert (1925–2021)

Bandura is, in an understated way, one of the most influential figures of
twentieth-century psychology. He has been a major figure in the social
cognitive aspects of psychology, in one form or another, for over 50 years.
This includes a lengthy period in which social aspects of cognition were
only accepted as a result of his experimental demonstrations of modelling

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
B 33

and imitation, which ensured that, even during the behaviourist heyday, there
was some recognition that not all learning consisted exclusively of stimulus–
response connections and conditioning. In later years, Bandura developed an
interest in personal agency and self-directedness, and contributed greatly to
the psychological understanding of self-efficacy beliefs.

bandwidth The amount of informa- Barnum effect An effect named after

tion that a communication channel can the circus entrepreneur T.P. Barnum,
carry. For example, the amount of infor- whose motto in dealing with the gul-
mation that the copper wire of a phone lible public was ‘there’s a fool born
line can carry is its bandwidth. The every minute’. It is used to describe
term is used about actual communica- the widespread acceptance of certain
tion channels both in electronics and in common beliefs, e.g. astrological predic-
the nervous system (for example, in the tions, which are written in such general
optic nerve) and also about hypotheti- terms that they can be readily applied
cal channels in models of information to anyone, but which are read by the
processing. credulous as being an exact description
bar chart A statistical diagram in which of their own individual character or cir-
the frequency, or amount, of two or cumstance. In cognitive terms, it refers
more discrete variables is indicated by to the tendency for people to engage in
the length of a bar for each one. A his- selective perception, noticing only what
togram is a particularly accurate form of they wish to believe and ignoring that
bar chart. which does not accord with their expec-
barbiturate A widely used drug, gener-
ally given to promote sleep or to control baroreceptors Receptors that detect
epilepsy. Barbiturates are highly addic- blood pressure.
tive and commonly abused, producing BAS The British Ability Scales The
amnesiac disorders in long-term users. British Ability Scales (BAS) were

Bartlett, Frederic (1886–1969)

Frederic Bartlett is known as one of the pioneers of memory research. Rather
than study memory in the abstract, like Ebbinghaus, Bartlett was interested
in the human sense that people make of the information they are trying to
remember. In a series of famous studies featuring the serial reproduction of a
traditional Native American story called ‘War of the Ghosts’, he showed
how we adjust and change information in order to make sense of it and to
integrate it with what we already know. Bartlett is also one of the first psy-
chologists to use the concept of the schema – a credit which is often errone-
ously attributed to Piaget.
34  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

introduced in 1996 to overcome some a few seconds before a stimulus and the
of the problems with intelligence tests. recordings used to show whether the
It aims to provide standardised tests for heart rate after the stimulus is consist-
assessing a child’s cognitive ability and ently different; or the number of cigarettes
has had three main phases of develop- smoked per day may be recorded for a
ment. The BAS-III, 2011 is individually month before a treatment starts, to see
administered and designed for use by whether there is any change.
educational and clinical psychologists
basic emotions Categories of e­ motion
for the assessment of children referred
that are common to humans in all
for learning difficulties and behavioural dif-
­cultures, and generally considered to be
ficulties. It can assess up to 20 aspects of
innate. The six generally accepted basic
a child’s current intellectual functioning
emotions are happiness, sadness, disgust,
across the age range from 3 to 17.
anger, fear and surprise.
basal age On tests graded by age, the
basic needs The most compelling
highest age level beyond which which
human needs, such as those for food and
all of the items are passed. It may be
the avoidance of pain. In Maslow’s the-
called ‘basal mental age’ in intelligence
ory, these are at the base of a hierarchy
of needs, and other requirements, even
basal ganglia A group of cells in the for physical safety, will be ignored until
white matter of the frontal lobes which they are satisfied.
are associated with movement, cogni-
basic trust The development in an
tion, emotions and learning. They link
infant of total trust that the mother
with nuclei in the cerebral cortex, thala-
will provide for, protect and not harm
mus and cerebellum. The basal ganglia
the infant. It is the first of Erikson’s
are particularly concerned with regu-
eight stages of lifespan development
lating the action, helping to organise
and is proposed as the most important
and inhibit movement by maintaining
task that the infant must complete. It is
a balance between stimulating muscle
achieved as a result of the security pro-
cells and inhibiting them, to produce
vided by good mothering. Erikson also
smooth action. They do this through
pointed out that a capacity for mistrust
two pathways: an excitatory pathway
is sometimes useful, too.
which stimulates movement, and an
inhibitory pathway which reduces it. basilar membrane A membrane that
They have also been shown to be active runs the length of the cochlea, in the
in the brain's reward pathways. See also inner ear, on which hair cells are located
Parkinson’s disease, Huntingdon’s disease. that effect the transduction of auditory
vibrations into electrical impulses. The
base rate or baseline The level or fre-
impulses are transmitted to the auditory
quency at which a function is operating
cortex by the auditory nerve.
before any experimental or therapeutic
procedures have been started. Measures battered baby syndrome A term coined
taken before an intervention is started by C. Henry Kempe in 1962 in a paper
may be used as a prediction of what the that first alerted the medical profession
level of functioning would have been to the widespread existence of infants
without the intervention. For example, who had been injured by their parents.
baseline heart rate may be measured for See also child abuse.
B 35

Bayley Infant Development Scales Empirical work is particularly concerned

Measures of infant development that with changes in inherited tendencies
assess infants on mental and motor tasks. as a result of selection pressure, and
First developed in the 1920s, and based with environmental influences on the
on the work of Arnold Gesell, they are expression of these tendencies. Practical
still the most widely used infant assess- considerations result in much of the
ment. The norms are based on normal work being carried out with organ-
infants and rely heavily on the ability isms with very short breeding cycles,
of the infant to perform motor tasks, but such as fruit flies (drosophila). Applied
the scale is now used almost exclusively behaviour genetics has a history of a few
to assess the general development of thousand years in, for example, horse
children with motor impairments. breeding. See also eugenics.
behaviour The movements or actions behaviour modification The therapeu-
that a person or animal performs. If tic technique of treating psychological
something is referred to as ‘behavioural’, difficulties by dealing solely with the mal-
it means that it is only concerned with adaptive behaviour that they produce.
actual behaviour, and not, for instance, The process of behaviour modification
with any cognitive aspects of an action or operates from the assumptions that
performance. disturbed behaviour consists of inappro-
priate responses to stimuli arising from
behaviour analysis A systematic
maladaptive learning, and that new
method of observing behaviour that
responses may be acquired as a result of
generally involves identifying discrete
new learning. The therapy is based on
categories of activity, and taking regular
conditioning techniques. Some researchers
time samples during an observational
use the term behaviour modification to
period. At these times, the number
refer to those forms of treatment based on
of occurrences in each category is
operant conditioning and imitative learn-
recorded and noted. Although some-
ing (e.g. token economy), and use the term
what mechanical, the method can be
behaviour therapy to refer to techniques
useful in identifying recurrent patterns
based on classical conditioning (e.g.
of problematic behaviour, which may
aversion therapy). In practice, behaviour
then be addressed or challenged by pro-
modification is used for training to create
fessional therapists.
or increase the desired behaviour, while
behaviour disorder A general term used behaviour therapy is used to treat psycho-
to cover a wide range of psychological logical disturbance.
disorders in which the behaviour of the behaviour shaping The production
person is the major concern. More spe- of novel behaviours through the sys-
cifically, it applies to conditions such as tematic adjustment of reinforcement
psychopathic personality, addictions and contingencies – in other words, by
hyperactivity. One feature of behaviour rewarding simple behaviours until they
disorders is that they usually involve are established in the organism’s reper-
symptoms that are likely to bring the toire of actions and then rewarding only
sufferer into conflict with society. See those variants of it which produce behav-
also conduct disorders. iour that is closer to the desired outcome.
behaviour genetics The study of the Once that in turn is established as a
influence of genes on behaviour. frequent behaviour pattern, only behav-
36  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

iour which is even closer to the desired do. See also cognitive domain, conative
outcome will be rewarded. Behaviour domain, affective domain.
shaping can be used to produce behav- behavioural genetics The study of the
iours that are completely unlike anything relationships between genetic inherit-
in the organism’s previous repertoire, ance and behaviour and/or cognition.
such as pigeons playing table tennis. See, for example, imprinting.
behaviour therapy The process of behavioural neuroscience The study of
treating abnormal behaviour by using cognitive or social neuroscience in non-
conditioning techniques to modify mala- human animals.
daptive symptoms. Behaviour therapy
includes techniques such as aversion ther- behavioural pathogens Factors in a per-
apy, systematic desensitisation and implosion son’s lifestyle that produce poor health
therapy. See also behaviour modification, and which can be addressed by psycho-
cognitive behaviour therapy. logical methods (e.g. smoking, excessive
behavioural analysis Part of the proce-
dure in behaviour modification in which behavioural psychotherapy Psychotherapy
the relevant behaviour is analysed in in which the emphasis is on getting the
detail. The idea is that this analysis will person to behave differently (e.g. by imi-
reveal the conditioning processes that tating successful models) so that they
sustain it. discover new ways of coping with their
problems and stresses.
behavioural assessment A detailed anal-
ysis of the various behaviours, including behavioural sciences A general term
indicators of emotions and cognitive used for those sciences that are concerned
processes, that a person displays in a rel- with the understanding of behaviour,
evant context. Behavioural assessment such as psychology, ethology and popula-
is usually carried out to identify the tion genetics.
objectives of a programme of behaviour behaviourism The school of thought
modification. It generally depends on described by J.B. Watson in 1924, in
careful unobtrusive observation. which he argued that, to be truly sci-
behavioural coding A research process entific, it was necessary for psychology
in which categories of behaviour are to concern itself only with that which
defined and placed on a grid, as part of could be directly observed, namely the
a structured observation. Then the cate- behaviour of organisms. Watson consid-
gory is ticked or checkmarked whenever ered that a complete understanding of
that behaviour is observed. human behaviour would eventually be
developed through the analysis of psycho-
behavioural correlates of attention logical phenomena as complex chains of
The changes in behaviour or physi- learned stimulus–response connections.
ological state that people show when The behaviourist approach, developed
they are attending to something, such as especially in America and Britain in the
turning one’s head towards the source of first half of the last century, proposed that
a sound. See also orienting reflex. only the study of measurable behaviour
behavioural domain One of the four was objective, and therefore scientific,
domains of the psyche. The behavioural and that therefore psychologists should
domain concerns what people actually study only behaviour and ignore ‘mental’
B 37

processes. Behaviourists also considered to reject true but implausible ones, even
that all human behaviour ultimately con- when their validity has been demon-
sisted of links between a stimulus and a strated. See also problem-solving.
response, in much the same way as living belladonna A drug, atropine, is derived
matter consists of cells. This inherently from the plant belladonna, which
reductionist argument led to much criti- dilates the pupils of the eye. Since pupil
cism of the approach, which eventually dilation is a significant non-verbal cue
resulted in a considerable decline in indicating interpersonal attraction, the
its popularity. However, behaviourist drug was used as a cosmetic, especially
assumptions left their mark on accepted in Italy – hence the name belladonna,
methodology within psychology and meaning ‘beautiful lady’.
formed the dominant background against
which the challenges posed by new para- belt region An area in the secondary
digm research and qualitative analysis were auditory cortex, located in the temporal
evaluated. See also association, condition- lobes, which receives information from
ing, stimulus–response learning. the primary auditory cortex and also from
the medial geniculate nucleus, and is con-
belief bias The tendency to accept cerned with coding the content and
invalid but plausible explanations and location of sounds.

Bem, Sandra R.L. (1944–2014)

Sandra Bem was a major figure in the development of gender role psychology
and gender schema theory. Her pioneering work challenged the common
assumptions of gender differences, highlighting the damaging consequences
of single-sex role stereotypes at a time when these were prevalent in psychol-
ogy and in society as a whole. Her early development of the Bem Sex-Role
Inventory showed how men and women can demonstrate both male and
female characteristics, leading on to research which showed how androgeny
was a more psychologically healthy condition for both sexes. Bem’s research
formed a significant foundation for social and political change regarding
equal rights and opportunities.

benign Used to describe conditions that their availability may cause people
that do not pose any significant threat. to put up with an unsatisfactory situa-
Its opposite is ‘malignant’. tion instead of taking positive action to
benzodiazepines A group of commonly deal with their problems.
prescribed minor tranquillisers such as bereavement The experience of losing
Valium. They are a form of barbiturate, a friend, relative or acquaintance as a
producing muscle relaxation, decreased result of their death. Typically, a person
anxiety and sedation, and are widely who has lost someone very close will
used to help people to cope with tran- pass through several emotional states,
sient difficulties. Benzodiazepines are often starting with a period of shock
not antidepressants, and there is concern and numbness, often accompanied with
38  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

cognitive disorganisation, and then selected, which results in that sample not
cycling through anger, denial, depres- being representative of the population as
sion, guilt and anxiety before eventually a a whole. The classic example was a survey
state of resolution or acceptance becomes of American electors that was conducted
dominant and the individual adapt to by randomly selecting respondents from
their new lives. See also attachment. the telephone directory, thereby exclud-
beta waves A wave pattern observed ing all of the voters who could not afford
in EEG recordings characteristic of an telephones at that time. See also repre-
alert, wide-awake individual. See also sentative sample, WEIRD sample.
alpha waves, delta waves. Big Five personality factors See five-
between-group design A form of experi- factor theory.
mental design that compares the results bilateral Occurring on both sides. In
obtained from two separate groups of neuroscience, this usually means both
participants. Because this makes results sides of the cerebrum, but the word is
vulnerable to distortion arising from also used in many other contexts.
individual differences in the participants
concerned, data of this kind need to be bilateral transfer The demonstra-
analysed using independent-measures sta- tion of a skill learned by one side of
tistics. See also within-subjects design. the body (e.g. the right hand) by the
other half (demonstrated by the left
between-group variance A measure of
hand). Bilateral transfer can be demon-
the variation found among the means
strated with many motor skills – practice
of a number of samples. The measure
with one side will usually produce an
is divided by the within-group variance
improvement in performance by the
to give an F ratio. These measures are
other side.
usually computed within an analysis of
variance. See also variance. bimodal distribution A set of scores that,
bias A systematic distortion. The term is when plotted as a frequency distribution,
used in two related ways in psychology, shows two separate peaks. Usually, this
either as bias when making judgements indicates that the scores do not all come
(see prejudice), or as distortion of a sta- from the same population, but from two
tistical result because some factor was binomial distributions, although it may
operating that had not been accounted mean that the source population itself is
for in the research design (see artefact). bimodal (see Figure 8).
biased sample An error in the way binary A term used when there are
in which a particular sample has been two separate aspects of something, for

mode A mode B

Figure 8  A bimodal distribution

B 39

e­ xample, hot or cold. Binary is some- psychology, and particularly in knowl-

times used for the claim, or wish, that edge representation, which has to do
there are only two distinct sexes, male with linking together particular con-
and female. It is also used in computing cepts or features, in order to perform
for systems that can only take the value mental operations. For example, if one
0 or 1, making the information they deal wanted to exclude the rich and famous
with binary digits, abbreviated to bits. from a simulated model of personality
binaural cue An indication of the direc- and consumerism, it would be neces-
tion of a source of sound arising from sary to bind together the two features
differences in the sounds reaching the ‘rich’ and ‘famous’, so that the two
two ears. For example, a sound which features were treated together. In eve-
originates from one side will reach the ryday language, we use conjunctions,
ear on that side marginally sooner than such as ‘and’ or ‘but’ to do this, but
it reaches the other ear. A crossover computer simulations require specialist
point for the auditory nerve means that symbols or instructions to make the
the difference can be detected and the connections clear in the context; and
direction of sound analysed. the way these connections should be
represented has become known as the
binding problem A problem encoun- binding problem.
tered by those working in cognitive

Binet, Alfred (1857–1911)

Alfred Binet was a major figure in developmental psychology. Like Freud,
he had studied mesmerism and hysteria under the neurologist Charcot, and
he became Director of the Sorbonne Psychological Laboratory in 1894. His
major contribution to modern psychology was the concept of age-related
intelligence and the first intelligence test, developed with Theodore Simon in
1905, in order to identify children who required more educational assistance
than standard French schools could provide. Binet insisted that the new tests
should not be regarded as measuring fixed ability, but rather as an indica-
tor of the current development of the individual. He was deeply concerned
that they should not be used as any kind of social label, but as a guide for
educational assistance. This was somewhat ironic in view of the IQ test’s
subsequent history.

binocular convergence See binocular eyes than for objects further away). See
disparity. also depth perception.
binocular depth cues Indicators of dis- binocular disparity The difference in
tance that depend on the use of both the retinal image received by the two
eyes. The main binocular depth cues are eyes. The disparity between two images is
binocular disparity and the convergence greater for objects close to the eyes, and
of eye muscles (convergence is greater the difference is used to judge the distance
when looking at objects closer to the of nearby objects. See also stereoscope.
40  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

binocular rivalry When two different 20

stimuli are presented at the same time, 19
one to each eye. For an auditory equiva-
lent, see cocktail party effect. However,
unlike the auditory version, in binocu-
lar rivalry, the perceived stimulus will 16
alternate between the two eyes, unless 15
one eye is significantly dominant over 14
the other. 13
binocular vision Vision obtained by 12
comparing the images received by two 11
eyes, such that depth perception can be 10
achieved by comparing the disparity 9
between the two images. See also autos- 8
tereogram, binocular disparity. 7
binomial distribution This applies to 6
data that have two mutually exclusive 5
outcomes (heads/tails, adult/child), and 4
it indicates the proportion of each ratio 3
of scores which would be expected for 2
each sample size. For example, if a coin
is repeatedly tossed in sets of 20 times
each, the distribution will indicate how Figure 9  A typical binomial distribution
often you would expect to get 20 heads,
how often you would expect 19 heads how the body is working (e.g. blood pres-
and one tail, and so on. The actual pro- sure or galvanic skin response readings).
portions obtained can be compared with Typically, the person engages in relaxa-
the expected proportions, to see whether tion exercises while being provided with
it is reasonable to suppose that the scores such feedback, and it has been demon-
came from the specified population (in strated that an effective reduction of blood
this example, whether the coin is unbi- pressure and heart rate may be achieved
ased) (see Figure 9). With large samples, in this way. Biofeedback is sometimes
the binomial distribution becomes very cited as an example of the practical appli-
similar to a normal distribution. cation of operant conditioning, although
biodiversity A measure of the variety this has been disputed on the grounds
of animals, plants and microorganisms. that the reward – knowledge of results –
Greater biodiversity in a given habitat is a cognitive rather than a behavioural
is generally regarded as an indication of reinforcement.
the health of that environment. There biogenic A term applied to behaviours or
is concern that human activity is having characteristics with a biological origin.
significant effects of reducing biodiversity. biogenic amines A group of chemical
biofeedback A term used to describe a compounds that are known to be par-
process by which control of autonomic ticularly important in the functioning
functioning can be learned if the indi- of the nervous system. They include cat-
vidual is provided with information about echolamine and histamine.
B 41

biological anthropology The study of illness by physical methods such as drugs,

the behavioural and anatomical evolu- brain surgery or electroconvulsive therapy.
tion of human beings. biomedical model A way of looking at
biological clock The idea that organisms health problems or psychological disor-
contain a mechanism which maintains a ders that attributes them primarily to
fairly constant rate and which is respon- disturbances in biological functioning,
sible for controlling biological rhythms which can be adjusted using medical
such as the sleep/wake cycle. See also techniques. See also biopsychosocial model.
biorhythm, circadian rhythm. biopsychology The study of the biologi-
biological determinism The argument cal sources of individual functioning.
that human nature or human character- The term usually has a slightly differ-
istics arise as an inevitable consequence ent emphasis to psychobiology, but there
of biological characteristics. See also is no universally agreed meaning for
reductionism. either label.
biological motion The ability to detect biopsychosocial model The idea that
the presence of animal or human bod- health-related behaviours such as healthy
ies from motion cues alone. Studies lifestyles or addictions arise through a
showing movements of limbs and joints combination of biological, psychological
through light-emitting diodes as points and social factors, rather than being caused
in an otherwise dark environment show by any one of these alone (Figure 10). The
that human beings are remarkably good term applies to the view that conditions
at this. The perception of biological such as depression are not simply a con-
motion has been associated with activity sequence of disturbed brain functioning
in the superior temporal sulcus. that should be treated just with medica-
biological preparedness A state of read- tion. See also biomedical model.
iness for a particular kind of learning, biorhythm General swings or fluctua-
which comes about as a result of genetic tions of biological functioning, such as
factors. For example, a young gosling is circadian rhythms or the menstrual cycle.
biologically prepared to learn to identify Longer-term biological rhythms, such
and follow its mother soon after birth as annual variations, have been demon-
(see imprinting), bees are biologically strated in many animals, but evidence for
prepared to learn to identify flower-like their existence in human beings is not
scents, and humans are biologically pre- clearly established. The term has also
pared to respond preferentially to other been adopted by an industry that claims
humans, as opposed to other animals or to calculate variations in functions such
objects, from birth. This form of learn- as creativity from the individual’s date of
ing is achieved much more easily than birth. See also Barnum effect, zeitgeber.
the learning of other information. bipolar Having two ends.
biological reductionism The idea that bipolar cells Cells that pick up informa-
everything can be explained purely by tion from one source and pass it on to
reference to biological functions. See another set of cells without apparent
also reductionism. modification, such as are found in the
biological therapy The treatment of second layer of the retina, or in some
psychological disturbance or mental parts of the auditory system.
42  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Figure 10  The biopsychosocial model

bipolar constructs or concepts The proposed by Otto Rank in the early

claim that, in human thought, concepts days of psychoanalysis, but was largely
are defined in terms of opposite poles. abandoned. It has been revived more
For example, the concept of honesty recently in relation to concern about
entails the opposite pole of dishonesty. the technological nature of some meth-
The most well-known theory con- ods of managing birth.
structed on this basis is George Kelly’s bisexual A person whose sexual prefer-
theory of personal constructs. ence includes people of the same sex as
bipolar depression A disorder of affect well as those of another sex.
that involves swings between the two bit A term used in information theory to
extremes of mania and depression. The define a unit of information. A bit of
condition is regarded as having a bio- information is not a vague amount, but is
genic origin, and the swings can be halted precisely defined as the amount required to
by continuous treatment with lithium. choose between two equal alternatives – it
The disorder has also been called manic halves the uncertainty. For example,
depression or manic-depressive psychosis. if you were searching for a randomly
birth cry A reflex cry that signals the chosen word in this dictionary, one bit
start of breathing immediately after would tell you which half it was in, two
birth. It is possible for breathing to start bits would narrow it down to a quarter,
without a birth cry. and three bits to an eighth. Fourteen
bits would identify a specific word out of
birth rate The annual number of live 166,917. The word ‘bit’ is a contraction
births per 1,000 people in the population. of ‘binary digit’.
birth trauma An attempt to explain black box A term used to describe an
psychological disturbance as resulting early approach to psychological theory
from the trauma of being born. It was in which the internal workings of the
B 43

organism were regarded as unknowable (ii) claiming that it is not important

as if they were taking place inside a ‘black to know what is going on in the
box’. This leaves the options of either: box, and that only the relation-
ships between input and behaviour
(i) guessing what is going on in the should be studied.
box by observing the relation-
ships between inputs to the box The second approach was the one cho-
and its consequent behaviour; or sen by the supporters of behaviourism.

Blackmore, Susan (1951–)

Susan Blackmore is known for her work on consciousness, and has been a
significant influence on the establishment of memetics – the idea that some
ideas are ‘infections’, and follow Darwinian principles as replicators in popu-
lar culture. She is also a vigilant sceptic in the field of parapsychology, having
conducted experimental work in the field, and is has been a frequent con-
tributor to newspapers and other media on that subject.

Blaint’s syndrome Severe difficulty in – for example, they may dodge to avoid
spatial processing usually arising from an object thrown towards them. See
bilateral lesions of the parietal lobe. It also affective blindsight.
consists of a group of symptoms includ- block design A method of designing the
ing simultanagnosia, optic ataxia and optic presentation of experimental material
apraxia. in which the same or similar stimuli or
blank slate See tabula rasa. conditions are presented together, or in
blind scoring When the observer is a clear sequence. See also event-related
unaware of the status of the event that is design, counterbalancing.
being scored (e.g. which condition of an blood pressure The force with which
experiment has produced the behaviour blood travels through the arteries and
being observed). veins of the body. High blood pressure
blind spot A specific location on the is a reliable indicator of long-term stress
retina of the eye where the neural fibres and a precursor to many stress disorders.
of the ganglion cells in the retina bunch blood–brain barrier A characteristic
together to form the optic nerve. The of the blood supply to the brain that
blind spot is so named because this part prevents many substances from passing
of the retina contains no photosensi- from the blood to the brain tissues. It
tive cells, but it is not normally noticed not only protects the brain from many
because the brain ‘fills in’ the area such poisons but also prevents some poten-
that it appears to be continuous with tially useful drugs from being used in the
the general background. brain.
blindsight A condition of some people bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence One
who are completely blind in the sense of of Gardner’s seven forms of intelligence.
having no visual awareness but who can This type deals with the ability to learn
still make some use of visual i­nformation and execute complex physical skills.
44  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

body image The idea held by each indi- Obstetric practices in many Western
vidual of what their body is like. There hospitals have been changed to facilitate
is evidence of a physiological basis for bonding, but the significance of contact
a body image at birth, but each infant between mother and baby immediately
has to learn which parts of the universe following birth is still a matter of con-
are not part of its own body. Later, the troversy. Some writers reserve the term
body image extends beyond a represen- ‘bonding’ for the mother’s feelings for
tation of the body and comes to reflect her baby, and ‘attachment’ for the
an evaluation of bodily characteristics. infant’s relationship to the mother. This
The ‘normal’ pattern is to overestimate usage assumes that there are two differ-
such characteristics as head size and ent, one-way processes, rather than a
attractiveness. Body image is an impor- transactional shared relationship. See also
tant part of self-image. See also phantom postpartum depression.
limb, body-schema. borderline disorder A disorder of per-
body language A general term used to sonality. The term was originally applied
describe those aspects of non-verbal com- to people judged to be on the borderline
munication (NVC) that involve direct between neurosis and psychosis, particu-
use of the body, such as gesture, posture larly those believed to have an underlying
and proxemics. psychotic disorder but who were coping
reasonably well. It is now used much more
body-schema The body-schema is the broadly when describing people who show
internal representation that an individual instability in their emotions and interper-
has of his or her own body. According to sonal relationships, but whose symptoms
Piaget, the very first schema formed by do not fit any diagnostic system.
the infant develops from the first ‘me –
not me’ distinction. For the older per- boredom effects False research results
son, it includes ideas and memories of obtained from a psychological study as a
how the body is, has been and could be, result of the participants becoming bored
which is the main way it is differenti- with carrying out tedious, predictable or
ated from the body image. repetitive tasks. See also practice effect.
bottom-up An approach to research or
body-size effect An illusion in which
theorising which begins with the smaller
inaccurate perception of one’s own
known details of the issue concerned, and
body size results in misjudgements of the
attempts to build them into a meaningful
size of perceived objects.
whole. See also top-down, reductionism.
BOLD Acronym for blood oxygen bottom-up approach An approach to
level-dependent information, used in research that sees theorising as a kind
MRI scanning. of jigsaw puzzle, in which the pieces are
bonding The formation of a strong rela- factual information about the subject
tionship (attachment), usually applied to under study, obtained through narrowly
mothers and their infants, and usually focused research. Bottom-up theories
during the period immediately follow- ignore higher-order levels of function-
ing birth. Some claim that a strong bond ing, in contrast to top-down approaches,
may be formed at first contact between which take those as their starting
mother and baby, a view that has been point. Inevitably, each approach has its
called the ‘Araldite theory’ of bonding. advantages and also its disadvantages.
B 45

See, for example, emergent properties, p­ rocessing, and the term can also apply
reductionism. to Gibson’s ecological perception theory.
bottom-up processing Perceptual bounded rationality The idea is that
processing that is initiated by the char- people are rational within their own
acteristics of the stimulus and leads environmental and cognitive bounds –
on to higher forms of cognitive activ- in other words, that the decisions we
ity, as opposed to top-down processing, make or the arguments we put forward
which begins from the higher levels. are valid for our own personal worlds,
Marr’s computational theory of percep- even if not in an objective sense. See
tion is a classic example of bottom-up also personal constructs.

Bowlby, John (1907–1990)

John Bowlby originally trained as a psychiatrist and later became interested
in the effects of separation on the development of the child. With James
Robertson, he created some upsetting films of the effects on children of being
separated from their parents for periods of over a week, which had a powerful
effect on the ways in which children are treated in hospital and in temporary
care. His theory of maternal deprivation was taken as saying that even brief
separations from the mother during infancy can cause permanent damage,
but there is still controversy as to whether Bowlby really made this strong
claim. He did, however, include ‘mother working full-time’ on a list of situ-
ations that might damage children, producing a social debate which has not
died down since the 1950s. He then turned to ethology as a source of under-
standing and developed his theory of attachment, which has become one of
the more important theories in developmental psychology.

Boyd-Franklin, Nancy (1950–)

Nancy Boyd-Franklin is a psychologist and writer who has been active in
the development of family therapy and identity theory, specialising in issues
affecting the assessment and treatment of black Americans experiencing
mental health difficulties. She contributed to the development of new thera-
peutic approaches in both individual and family therapy. She has published
several books, which have emphasised the need for therapeutic approaches
to be culturally, socially and economically sensitive.

box whisker diagram See box-plot by using a square shape to indicate the
­diagram. median with lines (whiskers) coming
box-plot diagram A form of statistical out from top and bottom (or left and
diagram that indicates the median and right) to indicate the range (Figure 11).
semi-interquartile ranges of sets of scores, See also dot-plot diagram.
46  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Figure 11  A box-plot diagram

bracketing Systematically identifying or simply the cerebrum is meant must be

and setting aside preconceptions, beliefs deduced from the context.
and opinions that might influence the brain scan A general term used to
interpretation of qualitative data. See describe a non-invasive method of stud-
phenomenological research. ying the living brain. There are many
brain A general term used to describe types of brain scans, but they tend to
the complex of neural structures devel- fall into three main categories: CAT or
oped at the forward or top end of the CT scans, PET scans, and fMRI scans.
spinal cord (Figure 12). In casual usage, CAT scans map the brain by taking
however, many psychologists refer to a number of X-ray photos that form
the ‘brain’ when in fact they mean the ‘slices’ of the whole brain and combin-
cerebrum or the cerebral cortex (e.g. split- ing them to build up a full image. PET
brain studies). Whether the whole brain scans (positron emission tomography)

Figure 12  The brain

B 47

work by ­monitoring a small amount of a­ pplication of deprivation, debilitation

radioactive chemical that is put into and dread (the three Ds), so that the
the blood supply and indicates the victim becomes amenable to adopting a
increased uptake of blood by active completely new belief system or ideology.
brain cells. The third main approach The process may depend on some form of
is functional magnetic resonance imaging identification.
(fMRI), which works by identifying the
brainwaves Overall electrical activity
responses of water molecules in the brain
of the brain that can be detected outside
to magnetic stimulation, and is a rapid
the skull by an electroencephalogram. Or,
procedure that can be used to moni-
in colloquial use, a good idea.
tor cognitive processes as they happen.
It is a popular method for researchers, bridging inferences In reading, these
partly because of its accuracy, but also are inferences made to link the current
because there are no X-rays or radioac- and preceding parts of a text, in such a
tive substances involved. See also False way as to increase their plausibility and
Discovery Rate, magneto-encephalography, coherence.
transcranial direct current stimulation.
brightness The intensity of light stimu-
brainstem See medulla. lation.
brainstorming A technique for devel- brightness constancy The percep-
oping new ideas, commonly used in tual adjustment by which we perceive
advertising work and other problem- objects as being of similar brightness
solving situations. A group engages in despite seeing them in widely varying
a period of intensive concentration light intensities. Brightness constancy
in which any idea at all that comes to arises because of the capacity of our
mind – regardless of how inappropriate perceptual system to work in context
it might seem – is noted. There is an and to deal with relative differences
agreement not to reject or ridicule any in intensity rather than with absolute
suggestion at this stage. At the end of ones. For example, we perceive a piece
that period of time, all of the ideas so of paper in a dark cellar to be brighter
generated are examined for their poten- than a piece of coal in daylight, even
tial value as a solution to the problem though the latter actually reflects more
at hand. Some recent research indicates light.
that a group may produce more ideas if
the individuals work on their own and Broca’s aphasia The inability to formu-
then pool their suggestions. The term late speech, resulting from damage to
has become common in everyday usage Broca’s area.
for any type of idea-generating session, Broca’s area An area of the cerebral
but the distinctive and most important cortex at the base of the frontal lobe,
aspect of brainstorming as a technique is usually on the left hemisphere, which is
that the idea-generating stage should be mainly concerned with the production
entirely separated from the evaluation of speech and the formulation of words.
stage. See also lateral thinking, groupthink Damage to Broca’s area can produce
aphasia. See also language areas.
brainwashing The technique of
operating total control over a per- Brodmann’s areas Brodmann devel-
son’s environment, with a consistent oped a technique for dividing up the
48  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Broadbent, Donald E. (1926–1993)

Donald Broadbent was a key figure in the development of cognitive psychol-
ogy during and after the Second World War. His dual interest in engineering
and the developing subject of psychology led him to study with Bartlett at
Cambridge, where he became concerned with designing technological envi-
ronments that were suitable for human use. His early research into selective
attention was a major stimulus to information-processing models of human cog-
nition. Although his subsequent research led him to reject this approach and
emphasise the importance of probability and motivation in cognition, it was
never as influential as his early work had been.

cerebral cortex for the purpose of map- broken-mirror theory A theory of

ping its different areas. Brodmann’s autism which proposes that the social
areas consist of 52 regions of the cortex, difficulties encountered by autistic peo-
labelled BA1–BA52, which are based ple are the result of dysfunction of the
on the relative distribution of cell types mirror system.
across the cortical layers.

Bruce, Vicki (1953–)

Vicki Bruce has been a major contributor to the psychological understand-
ing of perception in general, and face recognition in particular. Her perceptual
research has contributed to a variety of different social applications, ranging
from the design of new coins to raising awareness of the legal shortcomings
of eyewitness testimony. She is acknowledged as an international authority on
the neuropsychology of face recognition and person memory, is a Fellow of
the Royal Society and was made a Dame of the UK in 2015.

Bruner, Jerome S. (1915–2016)

Bruner was a major figure in the cognitive revolution of the 1960s and 1970s,
representing the ‘human’ side of cognitive psychology, as opposed to more
mechanistic, information-processing approaches. His work emphasised the
active nature of human cognition and the role of meaning and intentionality.
He regarded cognitive development as being closely linked to culture, and his
research included studies of the role of cultural amplification in the child’s
cognitive development, as well as research into the development of representa-
tion. Bruner was also instrumental in introducing the Western psychological
community to the work of Vygotsky, and in developing the concept of cultural
input as scaffolding, supporting and structuring cognitive development.
B 49

bulimia or bulaemia A disorder of eat- news reports stated that none of them
ing involving phases in which very called the police (although this may not
large quantities of food are consumed, be true). Much research has been con-
followed by vomiting, taking laxatives, ducted on the factors that determine
or intense exercise. The victim there- whether onlookers will intervene or
fore gains little nutritional value from not, and the area has come to be known
the food and may lose weight rapidly. as bystander intervention.
Bulimia is considered to be closely bystander calculus model A theory for
related to anorexia. interpreting the behaviour of bystand-
burnout A condition that develops ers that sees people as calculating the
when a worker has been under continual perceived costs and benefits of help-
stress. In this state, people suffer from ing versus not helping, and responding
fatigue, lack of motivation and depres- accordingly. See also bystander interven-
sion. The most common outcome is to tion, social impact theory.
leave (or lose) the job in which burnout bystander intervention The involve-
occurred. Burnout is seen as a particular ment of onlookers in situations where,
risk in the helping professions and can for example, help is required by another
be extremely difficult to reverse. person. The likelihood of bystander
bystander apathy A somewhat moralis- intervention has been shown to depend
tic label applied by social psychologists on several factors, such as the onlooker’s
to the phenomenon whereby onlook- definition of the situation, the presence
ers fail to help in emergencies, even of other people who might be expected
though they may be upset by what is to provide the help needed and, to
happening. Concern about bystander a lesser extent, the characteristics of
apathy was aroused by the case of Kitty the victim. The most powerful factor
Genovese, who was stabbed to death influencing the decision as to whether
in New York in 1964. About 40 people to intervene appears to be diffusion of
heard her screams for half an hour, but responsibility.
CA See conversation analysis. inherent in the use of terms such as
CAL See computer-assisted learning. ‘mother’ or ‘parent’, and allowing for
a wider range of possibilities. Despite
calibration Adjusting a scale to provide being apparent opposites, the two terms
appropriate measures. Once a scale has are used with identical meanings.
been set up, for example, of non-verbal
expressions of increasing anger, data carpentered environment An environ-
can be gathered to give a measure of the ment in which there are many straight
strength of feeling at each point of the lines and right angles (e.g. in modern
scale. buildings). Carpentered environments
are highly characteristic of Western
cancellation task A form of visual search society, and this has been cited by
task in which the person has to identify some researchers (e.g. Gregory) as a
all the instances of a certain type of possible explanation for some cultural
stimulus presented as part of an array, differences in perception (e.g. that some
and cancel them out. It is often used to geometric illusions are perceived more
diagnose visual neglect. or less strongly by people from different
cannabis See marijuana. cultures) (see Figure 13).
Cannon–Bard theory A theory of emo- Cartesian dualism The ­philosophical
tion put forward in the 1920s, in which position proposed by Descartes that
it was stated that the psychological expe- the mind and the body are separate
rience of emotion and the physiological entities, each with its own way of
reactions produced by the body (see auto- ­operating. Cartesian dualism formed
nomic nervous system) were completely the fundamental assumption of Western
independent of one another. Compare medicine, which sees the body as a
interactionism, James–Lange theory. See machine and the mind as being almost
also alarm reaction. entirely separate, and it has also influ-
Capgras syndrome A syndrome which enced (or distorted) many other areas
is thought to result from a deficit in of knowledge, including psychology.
the emotional component of face rec- Gilbert Ryle described it as believ-
ognition, in which the person reports ing that the human mind is a ‘ghost
that their partners, family members or in a machine’, and was influential in
friends have been replaced by imposters showing that dualism is an unhelpful
or ‘body doubles’. assumption. Although the position is
no longer widely supported when it is
cardiac muscle Heart muscle. The term stated explicitly, it continues to be an
‘cardiac’ refers to the heart. assumption of much scientific research.
caregiver/caretaker A general term used Everyday language, too, makes it easy to
to refer to the person who looks after a slip into assuming a separation of mind
child, thus avoiding the ­assumptions and body. See also dual-aspect theory.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
C 51

Figure 13  A carpentered environment

cascade model In cognitive psychology, one particular case or individual. Case

this is a form of information processing studies are extremely important in
in which information passes from one many areas of psychology, as they allow
level to the next before it has been fully for an in-depth analysis of unusual cir-
processed at the first level. In general cumstances and their outcomes, which
research contexts, it is a way of obtaining may in turn throw light on more normal
a sample whereby each person asks several psychological events (e.g. the outcome
others to participate in a study, and they of localised brain damage may serve to
in turn ask several more – an approach highlight the functions of a particular
also known as snowball sampling. area of the brain). They are also used
in situations where a detailed account
case history A detailed account of the
rather than a limited set of standard-
background and previous experience of
ised measures is required. However, the
a single patient or client, which may be
method has its own problems (e.g. sub-
important in therapy or in the under-
jective decisions about which aspects to
standing of a particular psychological
describe) and difficulties of replication.
phenomenon, such as anterograde amnesia.
castration threat anxiety A Freudian
case-series study A form of research
concept, referring to the anxiety expe-
method that involves investigating
rienced by the young boy during the
several people with similar cognitive
Oedipus complex. In Freudian theory, the
impairments. This allows the researcher
young boy’s sexual interest is directed
to make meaningful comparisons, to
towards his mother, and his father is per-
identify symptoms in common and also
ceived as a rival for the mother’s love. As
to map out some of the variation between
a result, the child supposedly develops a
fear that the father (being bigger and
case study A psychological study more powerful than he is) may deal with
involving the detailed investigation of the competition by castrating him.
52  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

CAT scan Computed axial tomography, categorical perception In cognitive

often referred to as a CT scan: a non- psychology, this is the term used when
invasive technique for examining the a sound which is in between two pho-
structure of the brain, which consists of nemes is perceived as being either one
building up a three-dimensional picture or the other of its neighbours, rather
of the brain. This is achieved by taking than being perceived as the intermedi-
multiple X-ray photographs or ultrasound ate sound that it really is.
images of the brain in a series of sections.
categorical variable A variable that can
The sections are then combined using
only vary by fitting into one category or
a computer. The resulting image shows
another – in other words, nominal data.
up deformed or damaged tissue, and also
See levels of measurement, nominal scale.
blood clots or areas where the blood sup-
ply has been interrupted. See also brain categorisation Classifying things, events
scan, ­magnetic resonance imaging, positron or people into categories, or sets. In social
emission tomography. identity theory, categorisation involves
grouping people into categories on the
catastrophe theory A mathematical the- basis of chosen characteristics. If the
ory that deals with changes of state which category is one that the observer wants
are sudden, substantial and not easily to see as indicating inferiority (e.g. a
reversible (e.g. walking off a cliff). Many different class or race), social categorisa-
psychological phenomena look like this, tion forms the basis for stereotyping. The
with examples ranging from the sponta- term is also used for the process, funda-
neous reversals of perception of a Necker mental in much qualitative research, of
cube, through experiences of insight grouping basic codings into higher-order
(aha! experience), to the sudden onset of concepts. For example, references in
a phobia. It is always difficult to record the data to playing sport, dancing and
significant psychological phenomena in a watching television might be grouped
form that can be entered into a mathe- under the category of ‘leisure activities’.
matical equation, and it is uncertain how See also grounded theory.
useful catastrophe theory is to psychology.
category specificity The idea that the
catatonia A state in which the muscles
brain represents different categories of
are extremely tense. The person may
information in different ways, or in dif-
stay in a fixed posture for several hours,
ferent areas.
and in some cases, if one moves a limb
to a different position it will stay there. category-specific deficits Disorders
It is usually seen in people diagnosed as resulting from certain types of brain dam-
schizophrenic. If it is their major symp- age, in which memory for some semantic
tom, they are classified as suffering from categories but not others is impaired.
‘catatonic schizophrenia’. catharsis The sudden release of tension
catecholamines A group of biogenic amines, or anxiety resulting from the process of
including adrenaline and dopamine, uncovering repressed trauma or ideas dur-
which play a role in neural transmission in ing psychoanalysis. In a wider context,
the brain. It is suspected that an excess of the process of catharsis is seen as the
catecholamines may be involved in schizo- satisfying release of built-up emotional
phrenia. energy, often through displacement (e.g.
C 53

an enthusiastic support of team sports). and other organelles specific to the

Compare cathexis. cell’s general functioning.
cathexis A term used in psychoanalytic centile The point on a scale such that
theory to refer to the investment of a given percentage of the relevant
intense energy, desire or meaning in a population would score at or below that
person, object or event. In many ways, point. For example, if the 60th centile
cathexis can be thought of as being the for height in a given population is 1.75
opposite of catharsis. metres, 60 per cent of those people will
be of that height or shorter.
cathodal tDCS A form of transcranial
direct current stimulation that decreases central coherence The ability to use
cortical excitation, and results in all of the information involved when
decreased levels of performance. See interpreting a situation or spoken com-
also anodal tDCS. munication.
caudal To do with the tail or rear end. central dyslexia The disruption of read-
See also cephalo-caudal. ing that results from difficulty in accessing
meaning or translating to speech, occur-
causal attribution A reason given for
ring after the visual word form has been
why an event or characteristic occurred.
pro­cessed. See also deep dyslexia, pure alexia.
See attribution.
central executive The core component
causal relationship A connection
in the theory of working memory. The
between two variables in which changes
central executive controls the interac-
in one are the direct initiator or cause of
tions between the long-term memory and
changes in the other.
the currently active visual and phono-
causality The process by which an event logical processors.
such as the action of a person or thing
central fissure Also known as the central
brings about some kind of effect. A fun-
sulcus or the fissure of Rolando, this is a
damental cognitive process is to be alert
deep groove which runs from the top of
to causal effects, or contingencies. Among
the cerebrum downwards, separating the
other implications, the recognition of
frontal and parietal lobes of the cere-
contingencies is essential for operant con-
brum. The motor projection area is located
ditioning to occur. Attribution theory is the
on the frontal edge of the central fissure,
study of how people decide which cause
and the somatosensory projection area is
of an event to pay attention to.
located along the parietal edge.
CDS See child-directed speech.
central gray See periaqueductal grey.
ceiling effect An effect that occurs when
central nervous system (CNS) The
a test is too easy, such that most people
general name given to the network of
score near the top (or ceiling) of the
nerve fibres and supporting cells that
scale. The result is that the test is unable
form the brain and the spinal cord. The
to distinguish between individuals. The
central nervous system coordinates and
opposite situation is known as a ‘floor
regulates the major functions of the
body, and links with the other systems
cell body The part of the neurone that of the body, such as the endocrine ­system
contains the nucleus, the ­mitochondria and the autonomic nervous system, to
54  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

maintain integration and effective func- and the inability to conserve number
tioning of bodily and cerebral processes and volume.
(see Figure 14). cephalo-caudal Literally ‘from head to
central sulcus See central fissure. tail’. A description applied to the devel-
opment of motor coordination in infants
central tendency See measures of central
by Gesell, who undertook some of the
first systematic observations of infant
centration A Piagetian term that refers development, and who proposed that
to the preoperational child’s tendency infant development was largely matu-
to focus on one central characteristic rational, and therefore always consistent
of a problem to the exclusion of other in direction. See also proximo-distal.
features (e.g. judging the volume of a cerebellum A structure at the back of
jar of liquid purely by a single dimen- the brain, which is responsible for the
sion such as height, rather than taking mediation of voluntary movement and
into account other dimensions such balance. Part of the midbrain, it has been
as width). Centration is considered by described as a ‘mini-brain’, forming a
Piagetians to be a manifestation of ego- distinctive wrinkled bulge under the
centricity, which can lead to the inability back of the cerebrum. The cerebellum
to perform the process of decentration, is highly convoluted, has two distinct
lobes and its major function appears to
be the coordination of physical move-
ment. It receives sensory input from
the kinaesthetic nerve fibres and from
the organs of balance in the inner ear
as well as input from the motor and
sensory areas of the brain, and coordi-
cord nates actions into smooth sequences
of behaviour. See also pyramidal motor
spinal cerebral cortex The outer part of the
nerves cerebrum, which has six or seven lay-
ers of neurones, and which covers the
whole of the surface. The cerebral cor-
tex consists of grey matter, and it is in
the cortex itself that the information-
processing functions of the cerebrum
are believed to take place. The remain-
der of the cerebrum, below the cortex,
consists of white matter, which is made
up of myelinated nerve fibres that trans-
mit information from one part of the
brain to another. Parts of the cerebral
cortex have highly localised functions,
such as the language areas or the sensory
Figure 14  The central nervous system projection areas. Historically, some areas
C 55

of it appeared to have a generalised the muscles become stiff or paralysed.

information-processing function and Intelligence may be unaffected, but peo-
were referred to by the term association ple with cerebral palsy often have their
cortex. Such areas used to be considered cognitive ability underestimated because
to conform to the principle of equipoten- of their uncontrolled movements.
tiality (i.e. they operate ‘en masse’, with cerebrospinal fluid The fluid that fills
the overall amount of cortex involved the ventricles of the brain and the cen-
being more important than the specific tral canal running through the spinal
location of that cortex). This model is cord. It carries nutrients to the neurones
no longer current as a result of informa- of the central nervous system.
tion from brain scans which imply that
there is more specificity to the cortex cerebrovascular accident (CVA) See
than was previously thought. See also aneurism.
cerebral hemispheres, cerebrum. cerebrum A structure of the brain that
cerebral hemispheres The two halves of forms the largest part of its mass in
the cerebrum, which are joined by a band human beings and cetaceans. The cer-
of nerve fibres known as the corpus cal- ebrum is concerned with the processing
losum. In general, the left hemisphere of information and the coordination
mediates the functioning of the right side of voluntary responses, and as such, it
of the body, while the right hemisphere is also concerned with thinking and
is concerned with the left side. Split-brain other cognitive functions. The cer-
studies indicated that the two cerebral ebrum is divided into two cerebral
hemispheres, while ­similar in their gen- hemispheres, each of which has specific
eral structure and in the p­ rojection areas, areas that deal with localised functions,
were concerned with different aspects such as the sensory projection areas.
of ‘higher’ mental functioning, the left Anatomically, each hemisphere of the
hemisphere being more concerned with cerebrum is divided into four lobes – the
language, logic and mathematical func- frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal
tioning, while the right hemisphere was lobe and the occipital lobe (see Figure 15).
thought to be more concerned with See also cerebral cortex.
spatial, artistic and musical abilities. chameleon effect The spontaneous
However, these differences have been mimicry of gestures or facial expressions
considerably exaggerated in popular cul- during positive interpersonal exchanges.
ture, and evidence from brain scans shows See also mirror neurone, postural echo.
that both hemispheres are involved in
change blindness A failure to notice the
both types of function, although not
appearance or disappearance of objects in
necessarily to the same extent. It has also
two alternating images. See also attention.
been shown that one hemisphere can
take over the functions of the other in Charles Bonnet syndrome A condi-
the event of severe lesion or hemispherec- tion resulting from an eye disease, in
tomy. See also cerebral cortex. which people form extremely vivid and
explicit visual hallucinations, which they
cerebral palsy A condition in which
may sometimes mistake for reality.
there is difficulty in motor control,
resulting from brain damage and usually chartjunk Irrelevant and unnecessary
incurred around the time of birth. The data and/or information included in the
most common form is spasticity, in which presentation of statistical results.
56  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

parietal lobe

frontal lobe

occipital lobe
temporal lobe
Figure 15  Lobes of the cerebral hemispheres

chemotherapy The treatment of a research, and the chi-square indicates

­disorder or clinical problem by means of how likely it is that the differences could
drugs. Chemotherapy became a popu- have resulted from chance variation.
lar method of treatment for psychiatric child abuse A general term for all forms
disturbances during the 1950s when psy- of abuse of children. Physical injury was
choactive drugs such as chlorpromazine the first form to be widely recognised
(Largactil) and diazepam (Valium) were (see battered baby syndrome) and is still
introduced. The stronger drugs allowed the most common form to be reported.
the treatment of people with extreme However, it is now recognised that other
behavioural disorders to p­ roceed without forms of child abuse may be at least as
physical restraint, and as such became common, though they are often more
widely used very quickly. Nowadays, the difficult to identify. The major forms of
spectrum of psychoactive drugs available abuse can be grouped under the head-
is extremely wide, including such groups ings of physical, emotional and sexual,
as antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, See emotional abuse, failure to thrive,
tranquillisers, amphetamines, barbiturates physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse.
and several more. There is considerable
debate as to the ethics and usefulness of child-directed speech (CDS) A special
many forms of chemotherapy for psychi- form of speaking that parents and other
atric or psychological disorders. See also adults use with small children. While
benzodiazepines. not the same as baby talk, it is character-
ised by simple sentence structures and
chi-square (χ2) A non-parametric statis- an emphasis on relevant nouns.
tic that is applied to nominal data. The
expected frequency of each event is com- child-rearing styles A generalised term
pared with the frequency obtained in the used to refer to characteristic ways of
C 57

handling or dealing with one’s children. chromatic colours Colours of varying

Between the 1940s and 1960s, there was wavelengths, which are perceived as
a considerable amount of research into having different hues (e.g. blue, red,
the effects of child-rearing or parenting ­yellow). See also achromatic colours.
styles, much of which proved inconclu- chromosome Strings of DNA that
sive. One problem seems to have been appear as thread-like structures, arranged
that no account had been taken of the in pairs, in the nucleus of a cell shortly
effects of the child on the parents. See before division. Chromosomes carry the
transaction, authoritative. genes that determine the physical char-
childhood amnesia The way that early acteristics of the individual, and as such
memories become lost as the child are large-scale units of heredity.
grows older. Five-year-olds often have chronic Continuing over a period of
quite clear memories of being 1 or 2 time. The term is usually applied to
years old, but these fade with time, and illnesses to distinguish persisting condi-
have usually completely disappeared by tions (such as a depression that has been
the time the child is 11 or 12. going on for years) from those that are
chlorpromazine A widely used antip- not expected to last, or at least that have
sychotic drug, which is a derivative of only just started and had a sudden onset.
phenothiazine. Chlorpromazine has Those conditions are described as acute.
a sedative effect, caused by raising the chronological age The age of an indi-
threshold for sensory information in vidual measured by standard units (e.g.
the brainstem, reducing sensory input in months or years). In the original for-
to the reticular formation of the brain, mulation of the intelligence quotient by
blocking the uptake of the neurotrans- Binet, the measurement was obtained by
mitters adrenaline and noradrenaline comparing the chronological age of the
in the sympathetic division of the auto- child with its mental age. In this way,
nomic nervous system, and also blocking a comparison could be made as to how
the uptake of acetylcholine by nerve the child compared in learning skills
fibres of the parasympathetic division. with its contemporaries. Chronological
Chlorpromazine is sold under the trade age is measured from birth, and so may
names Largactil and Thorazine. See be misleading when applied to prema-
also chemotherapy. ture babies, who are biologically younger
choice reaction time The time some- than infants born at full term of the same
one takes to respond to a signal when chronological age. The age counted from
experimental conditions require a the date of conception is called the ‘ges-
choice to be made. In general, reaction tational age’. See also mental age.
time increases as the number of choices chunking The process by which short-
increases, in such a way that, if the reac- term memory can be extended. Miller’s
tion time is plotted against the square 1956 theory stated that short-term
root of the number of choices, a straight memory was of limited capacity, able to
line will be obtained. deal with only 7 plus or minus 2 items at
chromatic adaptation Changes in the a time. However, by grouping items of
sensitivity to colour when the back- information into meaningful ‘chunks’,
ground lighting is altered. See also that capacity could be extended consider-
colour constancy. ably (e.g. the figures 1, 0, 6, 6 would form
58  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

four units treated separately, but just one of alertness). Many individuals show pro-
‘chunk’ if perceived as the date 1066). nounced circadian rhythms, becoming
cingulate cortex This is a large area of ‘attuned’ to their daily cycle. Disruption
the brain located immediately above of these cycles, such as occurs when trav-
the corpus callosum (Figure 16). It is elling from one time zone to another,
often considered part of the limbic system can produce an uncomfortable period of
and has complex functions. The ante- readjustment known as jet lag. Extensive
rior cingulate cortex is involved in pain research by Kleitman and others has
perception: both in terms of the direct investigated natural human periodicity
experience of pain and also through in cue-free environments, such as caves
the regulation of pain as a result of the in which lighting and temperature are
release of opiates and enkephalins. It is kept constant. Physiological correlates
also active in meditation and mindfulness of diurnal rhythms (e.g. fluctuations in
states. Other areas of the cingulate cortex body temperature) and the relationship
are actively involved in emotions such as between circadian rhythms and perfor-
happiness, disgust, and social emotions mance have been studied in this way
such as embarrassment; and also with (Figure  17). Circadian rhythms are also
memory, learning and risk evaluation. The known as diurnal rhythms when referring
ridge which forms the cingulate gyrus has to functions that occur during the day,
also been found to be involved in the and nocturnal rhythms for night-time
detection of emotional and cognitive activities. See biological clock, zeitgeber.
conflicts. See also multiple-demand net- circular reactions These were consid-
work, anterior cingulate gyrus. ered by Piaget (e.g. Piaget, 1959) to be
an essential mechanism of cognitive devel-
circadian rhythm A term used to describe opment during the sensorimotor stage. In
bodily cycles that last for approximately circular reactions, the result of an action
24 hours (e.g. cycles of temperature and triggers a repetition of that action, or

Figure 16  The cingulate cortex

C 59

Figure 17  Circadian rhythms

some variation of it. As a result, actions ‘diamonds’ suit in a pack will show the
are repeated and become practised, diamond symbol, will be rectangular,
and so competences are acquired and etc. By contrast, although ‘having four
schemata are developed. At first, such legs’ would be an identifying property of
reactions involve only the infant’s own the concept ‘tables’, not all members of
body and are called primary circular the class would possess that identifying
reactions. Later, the child progresses to property. ‘Tables’ would therefore be a
secondary and tertiary circular reactions. probabilistic concept rather than a classi-
cal concept.
clairvoyance Seeing or perceiving with-
out being physically present or receiving classical conditioning The procedure
direct sensory input from the target. of pairing an originally neutral stimulus
A considerable amount of research in with a stimulus that reliably produces
parapsychology has been devoted to inves- a response, so that the neutral stimu-
tigations of clairvoyance, particularly lus comes to produce a version of the
in the form of ‘distance viewing’ – response on its own. In Pavlov’s original
identifying scenes from a distance of experiment, the neutral stimulus, called
several hundred miles away. The mili- the conditioned stimulus or CS, was a
tary potential of the research meant bell which rang at the same time that
that it attracted more funding than most the effective stimulus of food, called the
parapsychology topics, but the outcomes unconditioned stimulus or UCS, was pre-
were hotly disputed and remain equivo- sented. Eventually, the bell on its own
cal. Other studies of clairvoyance include came to produce some of the responses
investigations of the actions of mediums that food had elicited, such as saliva-
and other ‘psychic’ practitioners. tion. These responses are called the
conditioned response or CR. The origi-
clandestine recording The process of
nal full response to food was called the
generating secret or hidden recordings
unconditioned response or UCR. Pairing
of events, unknown to the participants.
an arbitrary CS with a UCR may
See also deception.
require over 100 trials before condi-
classical concept A term referring to tioning becomes established. However,
the classification of human concepts when the UCR is a strong emotional
following work by J.S. Bruner and oth- response, such as fear, classical con-
ers on the development of thinking. ditioning can be achieved in a single
Classical concepts are those in which trial. Although it has been studied in
the identifying properties of the con- the laboratory, there are many everyday
cept are shown by every member of that situations in which stimuli are paired in
class. For instance, all the cards of the such a way that classical conditioning
60  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

will occur (see Figure 18). See also eye- genuine and warm relationship with the
blink response. client, which will allow that individual
claustrophobia An anxiety disorder in to explore possibilities and options
which a person experiences intense freely. See also actualising tendency, posi-
anxiety about being, or imagining being, tive regard, unconditional positive regard.
in enclosed or tight spaces such as lifts clinical interview An approach to inter-
and locked rooms. Claustrophobia can viewing children that is less ­formal than
severely restrict many aspects of a per- a research interview, and is designed to
son’s life. Treatments range from a allow them to display their modes of
psychoanalytically based therapy which thinking. Clinical interviewing was a
looks for the origin of underlying fears to major component of Piaget’s research.
cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) clinical neuropsychology The study
which works directly on the symptoms. of how the brain and nervous system
See desensitisation, agoraphobia. function, in psychological terms, using
claustrum This is a thin layer of interneu- information gained from investigating
rones, only two or three centimetres long, clinical cases. These include people
which is located below the deepest part with head injuries, brain tumours or
of the lateral fissure. It has connections disease, or people with specific mental
right across the brain, linking with many deficits such as the inability to recognise
areas of the cerebrum and limbic system, faces or recall names. In recent years,
particularly those concerned with atten- advances in brain scanning technology
tion and sensation. It appears to be a have led to significant developments in
major brain structure – if not the major clinical neuropsychology.
brain structure  – ­associated with human clinical psychology The branch of applied
consciousness. psychology that is concerned with the use of
client-centred therapy A form of psy- insights and methods obtained from the-
chotherapy developed by Carl Rogers, oretical psychology, research and clinical
based on a humanistic approach, in experience to assist people with problems
which the individual is considered to in living, or with psychological difficul-
be the only person who can develop ties. Over the last 60 years, the profession
solutions or approaches to his or her has shifted from providing assessments as
problem, and the role of the therapist is requested by psychiatrists to functioning
to facilitate such development. Because as independent therapists. Clinical psy-
the therapist is frequently dealing with chologists may use a range of techniques,
highly approval-seeking individu- such as cognitive therapy, behaviour therapy,
als, the onus is on the therapist to use psychotherapy, family therapy and biofeed-
non-­directive therapy and to develop a back. The major specialisms are defined

Figure 18  Stages of classical conditioning

C 61

in terms of client groups (i.e. general practice, participants are well aware of
adult, child, mental handicap, neurol- the social requirements of an interview,
ogy and the elderly). However, clinical and will usually only give closed answers
psychologists are increasingly to be found (such as just saying ‘no’ in response to
as independent practitioners, working in the question above) if they want to make
community bases or working alongside some point. See also questionnaire fallacy.
general medical practitioners, and they
closure A tendency to perceive incom-
are also sometimes employed in industry.
plete objects as being complete. A
cloning A technique which makes use triangle with its corners missing will, at a
of the fact that the genetic ‘blueprint’ glance, be seen as the more familiar com-
for a whole animal is reproduced in the plete triangle (see Figure 19). The term
genes and chromosomes of each cell is also used to refer more generally to the
nucleus in its body. By culturing small preference for completeness so that, for
groups of undifferentiated cells, it is pos- example, an unfinished emotional task
sible to develop a complete individual like expressing dissatisfaction – not ‘get-
of the same species, which is genetically ting something off the chest’ – leaves us
identical to its parent animal. Successful with a wish to complete the process.
cloning has been achieved in many differ-
ent species of animal, ranging from frogs cluster sampling A method of obtain-
to sheep. The cloning of human beings to ing a research sample that uses a
create a tightly stratified society forms a ‘natural’ group (e.g. all the children in
favourite theme of science fiction writers a class, or all of the PE teachers working
but is unlikely to catch on in a big way, as for Highland Council).
the production of new human beings by CNS See central nervous system.
traditional methods would appear to be
both popular and effective. coaching A form of personal devel-
opment in which the individual is
closed questions Questions that may supported by another person, or coach,
be asked during a research or a thera- whose role is to provide training, advice
peutic interview that can be answered and guidance. It is most commonly used
using simple categories. An example in work or organisational contexts, but
would be: ‘Have you gained insight into a similar approach known as life coach-
your own behaviour as a result of study- ing involves individuals providing the
ing psychology?’ See open questions for same roles to people to help them deal
a more productive version of this ques- with their everyday lives and problems.
tion. Closed questions can be responded
to in a way that closes down that part of coaction A term used to describe the
the conversation, and so are regarded as process of acting jointly with another
bad practice in interviews. However, in person (e.g. working together on a task).

Figure 19  Closure

62  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

coarticulation The way that someone’s conform to the relevant code of conduct
production of a specific phoneme is is the basis for the issuing of licences to
affected by the phonemes immediately practise professionally.
preceding and following it. codes of language A description of
cocaine A drug obtained originally from styles of language use that distinguishes
the coca plant and used as a local anaes- two main ‘codes’ of language: elaborated
thetic. Freud is credited with reporting codes, which involve a wide vocabulary
the first medical use. The drug also and extensive use of nouns and explicit
produces a sense of euphoria if taken descriptions; and restricted codes, involv-
internally, and is often used as a recrea- ing a more restricted vocabulary, a
tional drug. It can produce dependency. preference for pronouns, and the use of
cochlea The coiled tube in the inner ear implicit in preference to explicit descrip-
that transduces sound vibrations into tion. These codes were first described by
electrical impulses (see Figure 20). See Bernstein, who argued that:
also organ of Corti.
(i) elaborated codes were used far
cocktail party effect A term given to
more by middle-class than by
one of the well-established phenomena
working-class families; and
of selective attention – the way that indi-
(ii) the language code used would
viduals are able to monitor unattended
facilitate or inhibit cognitive
information subconsciously, such that
development, owing to elaborated
they pick up highly sensitive informa-
codes being less dependent on con-
tion (e.g. their own name) even when
text, and therefore more amenable
attending to entirely different stimuli,
to abstract conceptualisation.
and when they are unaware of the rest
of the unattended message.
Bernstein’s work was heavily criticised,
code of conduct A set of binding rules notably by Labov, as being elitist.
concerning appropriate behaviour and
procedures, which must be observed by coding Also referred to as encoding, the
practising professionals. Agreement to term is generally taken to refer to ways

(endolymph) tectorial

bone hair cells


auditory (perilymph)
Figure 20  Section through the cochlea
C 63

in which information is represented cog- a­ ccommodation between species. The

nitively (e.g. for storing in memory or concept is similar to that of transaction in
for association with other information). development.
Memories may be coded in a variety of cognition A general term used to
ways, using many different modalities refer to the ‘higher’ mental processes.
(e.g. kinaesthetic or enactive coding, visual Cognition would generally be taken to
coding or coding by iconic representa- include such forms of mental activity as
tion, auditory coding). Coding is also thinking and conceptualisation, mem-
an essential part of qualitative research ory, representation and mental imagery,
techniques such as grounded theory when perception and attention, reasoning and
a hierarchical set of codes is applied to decision-making.
interview material.
cognitive Referring to cognition.
See also schema, representation.
cognitive architecture The overall
codon A sequence of three nucleotide framework being used to represent
bases which make up an amino acid. It human cognition, or to model it in the
is used to summarise a specific genetic case of computer systems.
instruction produced by the activity of
cognitive behaviour therapy A method
of psychological therapy derived from
coefficient A numerical value that indi- behaviour therapy but extended to take
cates the strength of a relationship, as in account of the patient’s cognitions. The
correlation coefficient. More generally, a objective is to modify both maladaptive
coefficient indicates how much a varia- behaviours and maladaptive beliefs. See
ble is modified. For example, a ball with also cognitive therapy.
a coefficient of elasticity of 0.9 keeps 90
cognitive bias modification Cognitive
per cent of its momentum when it hits
training (e.g. of memory or problem-­
a hard surface, and so will bounce more
solving) that is typically designed to
than a ball with a coefficient of 0.4.
reduce bias, either from attention pro-
coefficient of determination A number cesses or from patterns of interpretation.
that expresses how much of the varia- cognitive development The way in
tion in a data-set can be accounted for which cognitions develop during child-
by a particular correlation. It is normally hood. The major and most detailed
calculated by multiplying the correla- theory of cognitive development is that
tion coefficient by 10, then squaring it produced by Piaget, although his theory
to obtain a percentage (e.g. a coefficient is largely restricted to the ways in which
of 0.6 would account for roughly 36 per thinking and understanding change
cent of the data). through childhood. One of Piaget’s
coevolution A concept which acknowl- most important contributions was to
edges that natural selection is not a establish that the thought and logic of
one-way process. While a species is young children is not an inferior ver-
adapting to its environment, the pres- sion of adult thinking, but has its own
ence of that species will be having effects rules and is well adapted to the needs of
on the environment, including other the child. Cognitive development is not
plants and animals. In this way, evolution just a process of getting better at adult
needs to be seen as a progressive mutual modes of cognition but is a ­complex
64  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

progression through different kinds of have argued that cognitive mapping

thinking and understanding. Other forms the basis of all internal representa-
approaches to cognitive development tion. See also hippocampus.
include research into metacognition,
cognitive miser Someone whose think-
social cognition and the child’s theory of
ing patterns characteristically involve
mind. See also genetic epistemology.
minimal levels of time and effort. See
cognitive dissonance A concept put also principle of parsimony.
forward by Festinger, in which the main
cognitive model An attempt to outline
proposal is that people strive to main-
the theoretical mechanisms involved in
tain consistency between their differing
a particular cognitive process, such as
cognitions. Should a noticeable incon-
problem-solving or selective attention. A
sistency arise, this will produce a state
cognitive model is particularly likely to
of cognitive dissonance, which the indi-
emphasise the role of information process-
vidual experiences as uncomfortable
ing, as opposed to, say, habits or emotions.
and attempts to correct. Dissonance is
reduced by adjusting one of the beliefs cognitive neuropsychology An approach
or attitudes involved in the inconsist- to cognitive psychology that focuses on
ency so that the conflict disappears. See combining neurological information with
also balance theory. knowledge about cognitive processes.
This includes the study of brain structure
cognitive domain One of the four
and functioning as it relates to psycho-
domains of the psyche, this one being
logical ability (e.g. the study of acquired
concerned with reasoning, thinking
dyslexia as a result of brain injury).
and understanding. See also behavioural
domain, conative domain, affective domain. cognitive neuroscience An approach
to research that aims to explain cogni-
cognitive map An internal representation
tive processes in terms of neurological
of a specific or general area that forms a
plan or outline which can guide behav-
iour. The idea of cognitive maps was put cognitive processes Mental activities
forward by Tolman following work in such as thinking, reasoning, memory,
which he demonstrated that rats which the understanding and interpreting of
had been allowed to explore mazes freely language, perception, decision-making, and
would perform better when subsequently so on. The term is also used to describe
reinforced than rats which had not had specific activities within these areas,
such an experience. Tolman used the such as the way in which textual infor-
concept of cognitive maps to illustrate mation is processed and interpreted
one of the ways in which cognition might during the act of reading.
be involved in learning, at a time when
cognitive processing The act of working
learning was largely conceptualised as
on cognitive information by altering its
a reflexive, stimulus–response process.
structure, changing its form or exploring
Later research on cognitive maps in
its meanings and implications.
humans demonstrated, for instance, the
way in which areas familiar to an indi- cognitive psychology The branch of
vidual would be perceived as larger and psychology that is concerned with the
more complex than distant ones. Some study of cognition. Cognitive psychol-
cognitive theorists, including Tolman, ogy is generally taken to include the
C 65

study of perceptual processes, attention, must be very active to modify the way
memory, imagery, language, concept forma- in which the patient thinks, insisting
tion, problem-solving, creativity, reasoning, on correct logic and challenging unre-
decision-making, cognitive development alistically pessimistic assumptions. Beck
and cognitive styles, but has often been described specific techniques for use in
assumed to exclude learning. cognitive therapy, but the term is now
being used for a wider range of less well-
cognitive revolution The period
defined approaches based on similar
between the 1950s and the 1980s in
principles but applicable to a wider range
which mental information-processing
of conditions. See also attributional style,
displaced behaviourism as the major
cognitive behaviour therapy.
focus of research interest in psychology.
See also behaviourism, social revolution. cognitivism A way of looking at psy-
chology that sees information processing
cognitive skill Competence in a defined as being the core and source of all
cognitive task. The term is used in the behaviour. See also computer metaphor.
study of skills to separate those skills
such as verbal fluency and chess play- Cohen’s d A measure of effect size.
ing, in which the cognitive component coherence A measure of validity used in
is most important, from motor skills, in discourse analysis. It is concerned with
which the physical activity is what mat- the way that new information relates to
ters most. previous work, either by confirming or
challenging it.
cognitive stage of skill acquisition The
initial stage of skill acquisition, in which cohesion The tendency of members of
the individual is consciously aware of a group to stick together rather than
all of the procedures involved and how separate as individuals. See also social
they should be connected. Behaviour identity theory.
or understanding at this stage tends to cohort Any grouping of people or ani-
be slow and relatively clumsy until the mals. The term is most often used in
skill becomes more practised. See also psychology to refer to people of similar
autonomous stage of skill acquisition. age, although the interest may be that
cognitive styles Distinctive patterns they share some common experience.
of cognition that characterise indi- For example, European people who were
viduals. Work on cognitive styles has born between 1935 and 1945 share the
included investigations of convergent fact that their early childhood would have
and ­divergent thinking, field dependence been affected by the Second World War.
and forms of intelligence. cohort design A form of research
cognitive therapy In its narrow sense, design in which a group of partici-
an approach to the treatment of depres- pants is selected and then followed up
sion developed by Aaron Beck. Beck sees at intervals (e.g. the children born in a
depression as resulting from a combina- particular year, or the members of a class
tion of a negative evaluation of the self, a of students graduating on one particular
negative view of present experiences and occasion).
events, and negative expectations of the cohort effect The effect of belonging to
future. The sufferer then uses faulty logic a particular cohort. The cohort effect
to maintain this outlook. The therapist is usually seen as a complication in
66  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

d­ evelopmental studies, because it may light of differing wavelengths. Colour

produce a difference between people of is detected by the analysis of the wave-
different ages that has nothing to do with length of the light reflected from an
ageing. For example, differences in IQ object. In normal white light, the light
between 40-year-olds and 60-year-olds in reflected will show the true colour,
the year 2000 may have been affected by but under coloured lights an object
the different ways in which children were may reflect the light of a very different
fed in the 1940s and 1960s. hue, owing to the mixture of colours.
cohort model The idea that word rec- However, the brain compensates for
ognition begins by the initial sound this by using its prior knowledge of the
triggering off a cohort of possibilities, object and by adaptation to the viewing
which is then narrowed down as more conditions, so the object is perceived as
sounds are produced, or by the context. keeping its true colour.
colour vision The ability to detect the
collective unconscious The concept,
specific wavelengths of light reaching
proposed by Carl Jung (e.g. Jung, 1964),
the eye, which facilitates fine discrimi-
that the human race has developed a
nation of detail and the use of colour as
shared unconscious mind which con-
a signalling medium. Colour is detected
tains universal images called archetypes.
to some extent by the cone cells of
collectivism This is the moral or epis- the eye, but the full mechanisms by
temological stance that emphasises the which human beings detect colour are
group and the importance of its interests complex and not yet fully understood.
above those of the individual. See also See V4, opponent processing, Young–
allocentrism, individualism. Helmholtz theory.
colour blindness The inability to detect commisurectomy A surgical process of
certain wavelengths of light. Most cutting the corpus callosum that con-
colour-blind individuals are red/green nects the two hemispheres of the brain.
colour-blind, that is, they are unable to After the operation, the two hemi-
distinguish between particular shades of spheres can no longer communicate
red and their equivalent shade of green, and so the functions that are localised
but occasionally individuals are blue/ within each can be studied. The opera-
yellow colour-blind. Colour blindness is tion is only ever carried out for medical
found in about one in ten males, and it purposes, usually of reducing epileptic
is much rarer in females. It arises from a seizures, but studies of these patients
faulty gene carried on the X-chromosome, have provided valuable information
which in women is usually counteracted about the different specialisations of the
by the normal equivalent allele on the hemispheres. See split-brain studies.
other X-chromosome. However, males
communication The process of transmit-
have only one X-chromosome, and the
ting information to another individual
Y-chromosome is shorter, so there is no
or group of individuals, and having it
chance of a ‘healthy’ gene to correct the
received and interpreted by them.
Communication may be voluntary or
colour constancy The process by which involuntary – the individual who unwit-
the perceptual system compensates for tingly signals that they are nervous by
the appearance of objects seen under fidgeting, etc., is communicating this
C 67

to the observer, although not voluntar- comparative psychology The branch

ily. Communication in human beings is of psychology that involves drawing
complex and varied, and can be roughly comparisons between different species
classified into three general types: to gain insight into the mechanisms of
behaviour. Some psychologists see the
(i) verbal communication (using lan- value of comparative psychology as being
guage or codes which stand for to shed light on human functioning,
language); while others regard an understanding
(ii) personal non-verbal communica- of animal behaviour as a legitimate goal
tion (such as the use of dress, in itself. Much early comparative psy-
posture, gesture or gaze to com- chology was in fact the study of a single
municate); and species of artificially bred laboratory rat,
(iii) ritual (the use of highly struc- but the increasing popularity of ethologi-
tured events or environments, or cal observation has broadened its scope
familiar patterns of activity, to to include the study of the abilities and
communicate). cognitive capacity of many other species.
Comparative psychology includes many
branches of learning theory (especially
It is also possible to regard social net-
those in the behaviourist tradition),
working and other forms of internet
ethology, and any area of psychology that
activity as a fourth category, particu-
has been influenced by studies of animals
larly given the extensive use of imagery
(e.g. early theories of attachment).
in such communication.
comparison groups These are groups in a
communication channel The vehicle by
research study which are used as the base-
which information is carried to its recipi-
line for comparison with those particular
ents. This could be television, a computer,
groups or conditions which are of direct
a magazine, a mobile phone or other
interest to the researcher. In experiments,
external devices, but could also be a part
they are referred to as control groups, and
of the nervous system. See also bandwidth.
there are rigorous requirements for the
community psychology The applica- control groups in randomised control trials.
tion of psychology to improving life The more general term is used in other
for members of the community. The research methods as well, to describe
focus of community psychologists has groups from which data have been col-
been mainly on people whose capac- lected, and which are used to interpret
ity is reduced in some way (e.g. those observations from the group which is the
who have lived in institutions for a long main focus of interest.
time). The term is used particularly
compensation Using other resources to
for setting up environmental condi-
make up for a deficit (e.g. when a blind
tions such as sheltered housing, which
person makes exceptional use of sound
will make it possible for such people
stimuli). In psychoanalytic terms, it is a
to engage in some participation in the
way of overcoming, or at least conceal-
­general community. See social exclusion.
ing, a defect in personality, particularly
co-morbidity The diagnosis of more in Adler’s theory of compensation for
than one psychological disorder in the feelings of inferiority. Note that com-
same individual. pensation does not necessarily mean
68  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

overcompensation. In neurophysiology, into simple shapes and patterns. For a

compensation refers to the process in full description, see simple cell.
which an intact part of the brain may take
complex correlation a correlational
over the functions of a damaged part.
relationship between more than two
competence The ability to perform variables. Using complex correlations
tasks or carry out procedures in a way a researcher can explore relationships
which means that they are likely to be among several variables all in the same
completed successfully. study. They might be using partial corre-
competitive drugs Drugs that compete lation to see how two variables correlate
for the same neurotransmitter receptor once you remove the statistical rela-
site as the ‘natural’ neurotransmitter – for tionship with a third variable. Complex
example, nicotine, which is taken up by correlational research can be used to
acetylcholine receptor sites, inhibiting explore possible causal relationships
their function and producing feelings of among several variables using tech-
lethargy. niques such as multiple regression which
can take a chosen outcome variable and
complementary needs hypothesis The see which of the others correlate most
idea that people form relationships with strongly with it. Factor analysis will find
one another because qualities in each out how variables group together in a
person satisfy unmet needs in the other. way that suggests there is an underlying
This is the psychological version of the factor to which they contribute.
lay principle that ‘opposites attract’, and
acts as a counterbalance to the matching compliance Conforming to accepted
hypothesis. patterns of behaviour, or aquiescing
in decisions. Kelman draws a distinc-
tion between conformity to others or to
social norms arising from compliance,
(i) description implying that the and conformity arising from the inter-
phenomenon in question is com- nalisation of the group norms or values.
plicated, probably having many Compliance is perceived as an outward
influencing factors. conformity, with the individual reserv-
(ii) A noun used to describe a ing opinion or inwardly disagreeing.
­complicated mass (e.g. ‘a ­complex
of reasons’). componential intelligence The part of
(iii) In terms of psychoanalytic theory, Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
a noun used to describe a set of that deals with mental processes and
emotionally charged phenomena aptitudes. Componential intelligence is
and feelings (e.g. the Oedipus considered to have three main elements:
(i) metacomponents, which are the
complex cell A type of neurone found in higher-order processes involved
the visual cortex of the brain. Discovered in, for instance, planning and
by Hubel and Wiesel in 1968, complex decision-making;
cells form part of a hierarchical arrange- (ii) performance components, which
ment of cells that serve the function are involved in actually carrying
of coding incoming visual information out a task, such as the ability to
C 69

count or calculate, or reason logi- computer metaphor Thinking of the

cally; and brain as if it were a computer. Using
(iii) knowledge-acquisition compo- what we know about computers as a
nents, which are concerned with metaphor in this way was especially
how we go about acquiring or useful in the early days of information
learning new information. theory because it provided a whole lan-
guage in which to talk about the brain
See also intelligence test. as an information processor. However,
it also distorted some areas of cogni-
compulsion A repetitive, stereotyped tive psychology by de-emphasising the
behaviour that is both unnecessary and human side of cognition.
unwanted, but which the individual still
feels they have to carry out. It is usu- computer simulation The use of com-
ally associated with obsessions. See also puters to replicate human thought
obsessive–compulsive disorder. strategies and patterns of behaviours.
Research on computer simulation has
compulsive personality disorder See involved the study of the use of heuris-
also obsessive–compulsive disorder. tics in reasoning, and of probabilistic
computational modelling The construc- judgements in decision-making. It is
tion of computer programs designed to hoped by those involved that such
replicate a function or process observed research will eventually shed light on
in animals, humans or society in general. human cognitive processes. In industrial
psychology, computer simulation often
computational theory of perception provides a safer, cheaper or more ethi-
A theory developed by Marr, who cal way of examining what will happen
proposed that we are able to identify to the process being simulated under a
objects because of various computations variety of conditions. See also artificial
or calculations applied by the brain to intelligence.
the visual image received by the retina.
Computational theory emphasises the conative To do with intentionality. The
characteristics of edges and bounda- conative domain was one of the three
ries in the visual image, and suggests domains of the human psyche outlined
that the brain uses these to build up an by Galen in the second-century BC, the
increasingly complex series of represen- other two being the affective domain and
tations of the object, until eventually a the cognitive domain. This distinction
three-dimensional picture can be pro- was maintained in attitude theory, where
duced. a given attitude was considered to have
three components:
computed axial tomography See CAT
(i) an affective or emotional compo-
computer-assisted learning (CAL) The nent;
use of computer programs written to ena- (ii) a cognitive or rationalised com-
ble students to learn at their own pace. ponent; and
The user works through factual material (iii) a conative or behavioural com-
and exercises, with corrective feedback ponent, which is concerned with
from the computer. Also known as the individual’s tendency to act
‘computer-­assisted instruction’ (CAI). on the attitude in question.
70  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

However, in more recent years, it has conceptualisation The process of organ-

been recognised that conation is not the ising information into specific concepts
same as behaviour. Conative means ‘to or categories. Also used to describe the
do with will and intention’, and as such first stage in speech production, when
is a fourth domain. In many ways, this ideas are first formed.
represents a seriously neglected area of concordance interval A way of express-
human psychology. ing where the mean is likely to fall in
conative domain The domain of human 95 per cent of a set of samples. See also
personality or human nature that is variance.
concerned with intentionality, will, concordance studies Family studies
decisions and planning. In early mod- which aim to assess genetic similarity
els, the conative dimension was seen within families and so calculate the
as acting in conjunction with the affec- probability that a member of the family
tive and cognitive domains of personality. will develop an inherited psychological
With the advent of behaviourism, and or physiological disorder.
its determinist view of human nature,
the conative domain disappeared and concrete operational stage This is the
a behavioural domain was substituted. third of Piaget’s four stages of cognitive
More recently, psychologists have development, characterised by the child’s
begun to investigate conative aspects fascination with the material world
of human nature again, and the term is and strong inclination to collect facts
beginning to reappear. and statistics. Children in the concrete
operational stage were considered una-
concept A set of ideas and proper- ble to deal fully with abstract concepts,
ties that can be used to group things and able to deal only with those aspects
together. It is a generalised idea that of experience that had a material equiv-
may be abstract (e.g. ‘justice’) or con- alent or which could be represented
crete (e.g. ‘furniture’). Human cognitive in a concrete fashion, although recent
processes are often considered to pro- research suggests that this may have
gress by the formation and elaboration been overemphasised. The stage was
of concepts, resulting from increased considered to last from approximately
experience. See also classical concept, 7 to 11 years of age. See also genetic
construct, probabilistic concept, schema, epistemology, formal operational stage, pre-
mental model. operational stage, sensorimotor stage.
concept formation The name given to the concurrent Occurring at the same time.
process by which an individual comes to
concurrent validity The degree to
develop mental categories that will allow
which a test or measurement agrees
objects and events to be classified and
with another measure of the same
grouped together. A considerable amount
thing, taken at the same time – for
of research into cognitive development
example, personality test results for an
has emphasised concept formation. See
interviewee, and their interview data.
also classical concept.
Evaluation of a newly constructed test
conceptual priming A form of prim- may include investigating whether it
ing that is based on the meaning of the gives similar results to a well-established
stimulus. test. See also validity.
C 71

conditional positive regard A concept independently, at which point the

introduced by Carl Rogers, which refers response is said to have become a condi-
to the satisfaction of the basic need for tioned response. See classical conditioning.
positive regard in human beings. The term
conditioned stimulus A stimulus that
refers to approval, love or respect which
brings about a response as a result of
is given only as a result of the individ-
repeated association with an unconditioned
ual behaving in ‘appropriate’ or socially
stimulus. See also classical conditioning, con-
acceptable ways. A person who has
ditioned response.
encountered nothing but conditional
positive regard throughout their life will, conditioning A term used to describe
according to Rogers, become unable to the process of learning. Learning is con-
satisfy their need for self-actualisation. sidered by behaviourist psychologists to
Autonomous action, or exploration of be the process of acquiring and repro-
their own potential, involves taking a ducing specific behavioural responses
certain amount of risk, in that it could under specific conditions – hence the
conceivably result in social disapproval. term ‘conditioning’. There are normally
Having, or forming, a relationship that considered to be two major forms of
provides unconditional positive regard for conditioning: classical conditioning and
the individual provides the security for operant conditioning.
such self-­actualisation to take place, and conditions Different organisational fea-
this is the goal of Rogerian client-centred tures of a study, designed to generate
therapy. outcomes which can be compared with
conditioned reflex A physiological one another. See also control condition,
reflex, or autonomic response, produced control groups, comparison groups.
in response to a stimulus that would not conditions of worth A concept pro-
normally produce such a reaction, but posed by Carl Rogers concerning the
has come to do so as a result of the pro- way the individual’s self-concept is
cess of classical conditioning. affected by the conditional positive regard
conditioned reinforcer An event that they have experienced through-
or stimulus which has acquired the out life. Conditions of worth are an
property of strengthening a learned internalised set of values by which
(conditioned) response, such that individuals assess their own behaviour.
the learning is less likely to become In people who have experienced only
extinguished. See also secondary rein- conditional positive regard throughout
forcement, conditioned response. life, such conditions of worth may have
come to represent unrealistically high
conditioned response (CR) A response
standards of conduct, giving the indi-
that is produced under specific conditions
vidual a constantly negative self-concept
as a result of being associated through
through a sense of personal failure, and
a training process with a conditioned
inhibiting the expression of their need
stimulus. The training process consists of
for self-actualisation.
repeatedly pairing a novel stimulus with
one that will elicit the desired response conduct disorders A group of behaviour
automatically. After a while, the new disorders in children in which aggression
stimulus will come to elicit the response or the breaking of rules is involved.
72  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

conduction aphasia The inability to that confirms what the person already
repeat spoken language, or to read believes or wishes to believe.
aloud. See also aphasia.
conflict The result of opposed motives
cone cells Cone-shaped cells found applying simultaneously. Most conflicts
in the retina of the eye that effect the (e.g. between the desire to stay and fin-
transduction of light waves into electri- ish an essay versus the duty to go out with
cal impulses, which are subsequently friends) are easy to resolve. Some are
transmitted to the brain for interpreta- much more difficult and result in an ina-
tion. Cone cells contain iodopsin, which bility to act and the abandoning of both
breaks down on exposure to light, and objectives. (If you really could not decide
are particularly concentrated in the whether to write or go out, you might
fovea, the central area of the visual solve the problem by sitting in front of
field, so colour perception is better your computer and daydreaming about
there; while rod cells, sensitive to light going out.) Difficult conflicts of various
and dark, are more prevalent towards kinds have been studied experimentally,
the edge of the retina. Different cone often with rats. Approach–avoidance
cells are maximally sensitive to light of conflicts in which a goal is both desired
different wavelengths. The two major and feared are the most common, and
theories of colour vision, the theory of readily result in inaction. Avoidance–
trichromatism and the opponent processing avoidance conflicts (choosing between
theory, are both based on the fact that the frying pan and the fire) can easily
there are three types of cone, which are occur and are very stressful if a choice
sensitive to different wavelengths of has to be made. Usually of less concern
light, and therefore responsive to three are approach–approach conflicts, when
different colours, but the theories disa- going towards one desired goal means
gree as to how colours are combined. leaving another (the mythical donkey
that starved to death halfway between
confabulation The process of construct-
two piles of food).
ing memories so that they fit with an
opinion or view of what the memory conformity The social process by which
should be about. Through confabula- people in a group or in a social situation
tion, a memory becomes adjusted or act in a certain way purely because it
changed, often as a result of discussions appears to be socially acceptable – that
that have reshaped the meaning of the is, they go along with the social expecta-
event. See constructive memory. tions apparent at the time. Conformity
confidence level See statistical signifi- is often divided into compliance (con-
cance. forming while inwardly disagreeing) and
internalisation (conforming as a result of
confidentiality The ethical principle internal agreement with the behaviour).
that details concerning individuals who The three main types of conformity are:
have participated in research projects
should be kept private and not made
Normative conformity – ­conforming as
available to anyone other than those
a result of the existence of strong
researchers who need to know. See also
social norms directing the accepted
anonymity, ethical issues.
confirmation bias A tendency in decision- Informational conformity – conforming
making to accept only information with others on the grounds that
C 73

they are better informed about the eye colour) or caused during gestation
situation. (e.g. hearing impairment due to rubella
Ingratiational conformity – conformity during foetal development).
with the specific purpose of achiev-
congenital amusia See amusia.
ing social approval, or a feeling of
‘belonging’. congruence A general term used to refer
to behaviour, attitudes or ideas that are
The classic experiment in the field was in accord and not in conflict with other
conducted by Solomon Asch, who behaviour, attitudes or ideas. See also
instructed groups of people to pretend to balance theory.
misjudge the length of a line, and found
that members of the group who had conjunction fallacy The mistaken
not received this instruction felt under belief that a combination of two events
strong pressure to conform. Conforming is more likely to happen than those
to group pressure is sometimes called the events happening singly. See also
Asch effect. decision-­making.

confounding Confusing research data connectionism The theory that learn-

or the research question by introducing ing is achieved by processes in which
additional factors or influences. See also the connections between neurones are
confounding variables. reinforced by use. As a result, neural
networks are set up that in some way
confounding variable A factor or vari- represent the experience of the organ-
able in a study that causes a change in ism. Connectionism is the fundamental
the dependent variable (the measures principle of many approaches to computer
being obtained), but which is not the simulation inherent in the use of parallel
independent variable or main condition distributed processing systems to simulate
of the study. Many of the techniques of human reasoning. The ability of such sys-
experimental methodology are ways of tems to produce novelty, in the form of
dealing with confounding variables. If, unexpected or unanticipated outcomes
for example, the sex of the research par- (emergent properties), has been hailed as a
ticipants is likely to influence a result, major breakthrough in the development
this may be dealt with: of artificial intelligence. See also Hebb.

(i) by eliminating the factor (use only connectionist models Theories based
female research participants); on the principle of connectionism.
(ii) by controlling for sex (equal connector neurone Neurones found in
numbers in each group so that the grey matter of the brain and spinal
the effect cancels out); or cord that link and pass impulses on to
(iii) incorporating it as a variable other neurones. Connector neurones
in the design (record male and are also known as relay neurones or
female participants separately multipolar neurones. They are spidery
and examine the effect of sex on in form, having several dendrites that
the dependent variable). enable the transmission or receipt of
information to or from many other neu-
congenital A characteristic that is built rones (see Figure 21).
into the person. Congenital character- connotative meaning The meaning
istics may be genetically specified (e.g. that is implicit in a particular term or
74  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience


cell body
synaptic button

Figure 21  A connector neurone

phrase, although possibly not made by Freud, and non-conscious when they
explicit. See also denotative meaning. are simply processes which are carried
consanguinity Literally, ‘being of the out without awareness. Processes that
same blood’, it means that two people can be brought into consciousness, but
have genes in common, being descended only with difficulty, are said to be precon-
from the same parent or member of a scious or subconscious.
previous generation. The word usually conscious process A mental process of
appears in the context of marriage. Most which the individual is aware, as it is
societies forbid marriage between close happening.
relatives – inbreeding – as such pair-
ings are more likely to produce genetic consciousness The awareness of one’s
defects in any offspring. own mental processes. The state of being
aware of one’s perceptions, thoughts
conscience An acquired mental frame- and feelings is vivid and undeniable, but
work for making judgements about extremely difficult to study. The major
the moral ‘rightness’ or ‘wrongness’ of issue is whether consciousness has any
actions. The idea of conscience contains function or whether, as the behaviourists
strong overtones of duty and obligation. claim, it is just a by-product of behaviour.
Doing things that conflict with the con- As developments such as information theory
science causes internal anxiety or distress. have provided a language for describing
See also moral development, superego. private mental events, psychologists are
conscientiousness One of the main fac- returning to the study of phenomena such
tors in the five-factor theory of p­ ersonality, as consciousness. There is some sugges-
which reflects a tendency to undertake tion from brain scanning research that the
tasks in a systematic and responsible man- part of the brain known as the claustrum
ner, to respect social obligations and to may be a crucial neurological structure in
value moral and ethical principles highly. the experience of consciousness. See also
conscious Available to awareness.
Mental activities or contents that are consensus A common or generalised
not available are called unconscious when agreement, usually concerning social
it is thought that they are being actively norms or acceptable behaviour, but also
suppressed in ways originally described used to refer to agreement between the-
C 75

ories or ideas. In the covariance model from their disposition, and not the
of attribution theory, consensus is one of situation. See also consensus, distinc-
three factors believed by Kelley to influ- tiveness.
ence the kind of attribution made for a
consolidation The process by which
specific situation or event. If a person is
momentary or ephemeral changes in
observed shouting, a relevant question
brain activity are altered into permanent
is whether everybody else is shouting.
structural changes in either the brain or
If so, then the condition is one of high
in cognitive processes such as memory or
consensus and it is assumed that there
learning. See also reconsolidation.
is something about the situation that is
responsible for the behaviour. If nobody conspecific Applying to or including
else is shouting (low consensus), then other members of the same species.
the behaviour will tend to be attributed constancy See perceptual constancy.
to some characteristic of the individual.
See also consistency, distinctiveness. constancy scaling The process by which
the perceptual system adjusts to dis-
conservation The ability to recognise tance, by mentally ‘scaling up’ objects
that volume, number or mass does not that are far away, such that they are not
change when the physical appearance perceived as being smaller. It is consid-
of the way in which they are presented ered that constancy scaling may provide
changes. In Piagetian theory, the abil- an explanation for certain visual illusions
ity to conserve is developed towards the (e.g. the Ponzo illusion).
end of the preoperational stage. Prior to
that time, if the child is presented with, constitution The inherited physiologi-
for example, two identical balls of clay cal structure of an individual. There
and one of them is rolled into a sausage have been attempts to relate psycho-
shape, the child will say that the longer logical tendencies to the physical type
one contains more clay. Piaget consid- of the individual, notably in Sheldon’s
ered this to arise from the process of somatotype theory of personality, but
­centration – the child’s tendency to focus relationships are weak and inconsistent.
on a single, central attribute of objects construct A term used in George Kelly’s
rather than taking several different personal construct theory to define con-
aspects of its appearance into account. cepts or mini-theories in a precise
However, more recent studies (e.g. by way. It is proposed that each person’s
Donaldson) have demonstrated that the cognitive system uses a limited set of
language used to the child and the social bipolar constructs (e.g. illness–health
situation of the experiments may have and honest–­dishonest) to understand
produced the result, and that children and make sense of their worlds. A large
may be able to conserve at a much ear- part of the theory is concerned with the
lier age than Piaget suspected. See also relationships between constructs (e.g.
naughty teddy, social cognition. a particular individual may have the
consistency One of three factors in idea that honest people tend also to be
Kelley’s covariance model of attribu- healthy). See also core construct.
tions. The more consistently a person construct validity A test of the validity
produces the observed behaviour, the of a psychometric test or measurement
more likely we are to see it as arising that involves seeing whether it makes
76  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

sense in terms of accepted theory. See Umberto Maturana, Kelly and Piaget are
also validity. major examples of constructivist theories
constructionism See social constructionism. in psychology. Lev Vygotsky rejected
Piaget’s approach, arguing that the mean-
constructive memory The general term ings a person holds have been created
given to memory for meaningful material through interaction with others. See also
that has been affected by the individu- positivism, social constructionism, discourse
al’s own pre-existing schemata, values analysis, zone of proximal ­development.
or attitudes. Since Bartlett, it has been
observed that people rarely remember consultative register A reasonably for-
events or information accurately, but mal type of speech register often used
instead tend to adapt their memories when speaking with strangers.
to make more sense and accord with consumer psychology The application of
their own cognitions and cognitive styles. psychological principles to understanding
This is known as constructive memory. consumers or customers. The marketing
There is a case for arguing that most industry was an early user of behavioural
human memory for social events and principles, but psychoanalytic concepts
experiences is constructive rather than dominated by the middle of the twen-
factual. See also confabulation. tieth century. Today, there is a much
constructive perception A theory of per- broader range of psychology to draw on,
ception spearheaded by Richard Gregory and consumerism has become a more
that emphasises how perceptions are important component of Western society.
organised, structured or developed as Psychology is used extensively in market
a result of cognitive processes such as research both for research techniques
expectation, emotion or memory. In and for the interpretation of findings on
other words, our perceptions are not sim- consumer behaviour. In advertising, the
ple ‘snapshots’ of reality but express and areas of perception, memory, habituation,
reflect our cognitive processing, even humour and aesthetic judgement are cru-
though they may feel perfectly ‘real’ as cial. Decision-making is relevant to how
images of the external world. Gregory people decide to allocate their incomes,
proposed this theory as an explanation while consumer activities in areas such
for visual illusions, and it is often con- as choice of organic foods, fashion and
trasted with the theory of direct perception health are not yet well understood. Other
spearheaded by J.J. Gibson. areas could benefit from much more
attention to psychological knowledge. For
constructivism The view that cogni-
example, ‘relationship marketing’ pays
tion is about constructing a coherent
little attention to psychological research
system of meaning within the person,
into human relationships. Consumer psy-
rather than about understanding real-
chology seems likely to continue to grow
ity. Constructivists are likely to regard
as a user of psychology and a source of
reality as unknowable, and also of less
employment for psychology graduates.
significance for the social sciences than
the meaning systems that people create. contact hypothesis The idea that preju-
However, they do not claim that real- dice can be significantly reduced if two
ity does not exist, just that it is a more groups have sufficient everyday con-
effective strategy to explore how we tact with one another. Unfortunately,
construct meanings. The theories of while the contact hypothesis has some
C 77

v­ alidity, history shows that it is not dependent, and that re-establishing a

proof against the manipulation of social context will provide cues which facili-
identification by others (e.g. politicians). tate the retrieval of memories. Similarly,
the context of a communication or an
contagion The communication of a
utterance may be an important influ-
disease by direct or indirect contact.
ence on how it is understood. See also
In psychology, the term is also used to
state-dependent learning.
describe the involuntary repetition of
innate behaviours such as yawning. context-bound Limited to one p­ articular
setting and not applicable to others. The
contaminating variable An unplanned
phrase ‘context-bound’ is particularly
aspect of the experimental situation or
used to refer to Bernstein’s descriptions
experience which has a random and
of restricted codes of language. He argued
undesired effect on the data. See also
that the restricted code preferred by
confounding variables.
working-class language users is closely
content analysis The quantitative analysis tied to the specific situation in which
of verbal material, such as information the utterance is made, owing to its reli-
obtained during interviews, from open- ance on pronouns rather than nouns,
ended questions in questionnaires, or and on nuances of the tone of voice.
from reference material (e.g. children’s This, Bernstein argued, serves to inhibit
reading books). Content analysis initially abstract thought and conceptualisation in
involves the identification of a number the restricted language code user.
of defined categories – usually predefined
context-specific Relating only to that
by the researcher, but sometimes devel-
particular situation or environment and
oped as a result of an initial inspection of
not applying in other circumstances.
the data. Once the categories have been
defined, the number of times that each contextual intelligence The part of
category of information occurs through- Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence,
out the material is counted. In the case which emphasises that intelligent acts
of more active data, such as the con- always take place within a context.
tent analysis of video recordings, simple Something that is an intelligent thing
counting may be replaced by timing the to do in one context may be stupid in
duration of the activity of interest. See another. Contexts range from being
also qualitative analysis. very specific, such as the demands of the
immediate circumstance or situation,
contention scheduling The idea that
to very broad, such as the assumptions
when several schemas are activated at
made by an entire culture or society.
one time, the most appropriate one
will be selected. Damage to the conten- contiguity How close two stimuli are
tion scheduling mechanism has been together in time. For example, in clas-
proposed as an explanation for action sical conditioning, this would mean the
errors made by patients with prefrontal closeness in time of the conditioned stim-
lesions. See also prefrontal cortex, lesion. ulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus
context The general setting or envi-
ronment in which an event or a contingency Any case in which one
phenomenon occurs. There is evidence event has a raised probability of follow-
to suggest that memory is highly context- ing another. In such circumstances, an
78  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

observer is likely to assume that the first (ii) That significant events early in
event caused the second. Reinforcement life will have permanent conse-
schedules are examples of contingencies quences (e.g. Freud’s belief that
that have been experimentally manipu- early trauma is responsible for later
lated. Research with infants has shown psychopathology). This is known
a high degree of alertness to events as the ‘main effects’ model. It can
that are contingent on an action of the be contrasted with transaction as an
infant. For babies, contingent events are alternative explanation for lasting
only likely to be provided by caregivers, effects.
and so this alertness is believed to play
an important part in orienting babies Continuity is a major issue in develop-
towards members of their own species. mental psychology because the evidence
More generally, providing infants with for either form of continuity has been
contingent events has been suggested as very weak, despite good theoretical rea-
a basic process of attachment and of the sons and common-sense assumptions
development of self-efficacy beliefs. See which suggest that it should be true.
also transactions.
continuous variable A variable, such as
continuity The expected consistency of height, that can take any value within
various characteristics as the individual a range; as distinct from a discrete vari-
develops. Most developmental psycholo- able such as being pregnant, which can
gists expected the intelligence quotient to only be one of a set number of values. A
stay reasonably constant as the child continuous variable can take any value,
grew older, but it is now recognised that including fractions, so with enough
its continuity has been overestimated. In data, it is always possible to find a score
fact, there is remarkably little continuity between any other two.
in any kind of measurable characteristic contralateral On the other side. This
over anything more than short time peri- term is of interest to psychology because
ods. Most psychologists, like most other most of the brain’s relationship with the
people, seem to believe in continuity, rest of the body is contralateral (e.g. the
and some are producing more sophisti- left cerebral hemisphere controls the right
cated models of development to account side of the body).
for the lack of continuity in their data.
See also transaction. control condition One of the condi-
tions in a research study in which the
continuity hypothesis The belief that independent variable does not operate.
later functioning can be predicted from Participants in the control condition
a knowledge of that individual earlier in give a basis for comparison with the
their life. There are two forms of conti- experimental condition. For example,
nuity hypothesis: in a study of the effects of inducing
stress, the control condition would be
(i) That characteristics such as the one in which participants were not
­personality and intelligence are subjected to stress. See also experimental
relatively stable so that if they are group.
measured at a certain age, they control group A group in an experi-
will predict the strength of equiv- ment that is used for comparison with
alent characteristics later in life. an experimental group. The control
C 79

group experiences all of the condi- ­therefore should not be challenged. See
tions of the study in the same way as also autonomous morality, pre-moral stage.
the experimental group, with the sole
conventional norms Accepted rules of
exception of the independent variable. In
conduct that are approved by society in
this way, by comparison of the results
general. See also social norms.
produced by the control group and the
experimental group, the effects of the convergent evolution Sometimes
independent variable may be observed referred to as parallel evolution, this is
without contamination from the experi- a process whereby the same or similar
mental situation itself. evolutionary pressures produce an out-
come that is extremely similar to an
control processes Processes that use
outcome produced in an entirely unre-
feedback in order to keep the function-
lated species. The classic example here
ing of a system within defined limits.
is the octopus eye, which bears a number
The term has its clearest use in engi-
of structural similarities to the human
neering and physiology, and has been
eye despite having evolved indepen-
extended to psychological functions by
dently in a species (almost) unrelated to
analogy. See also homeostasis.
human beings. See also evolution.
controllable attributions Attributions
of a kind which imply that the person convergent thinking Problem-solving
believes they have control or at least that works consistently towards a
influence over an event or situation defined solution; a way of thinking that
(e.g. believing that you passed an exam assumes there is a single right answer
because of your hard work is a control- and that the way to reach that answer is
lable attribution). In attributional analysis, to work directly towards it. It has been
it is not always clear whether the con- pointed out that within the educational
trollability is intended to apply just to system, students are trained in conver-
the cause, just to the outcome, or to both. gent thinking, and that intelligence tests
depend entirely on convergent think-
convention A general term sometimes ing ability. Rather less justifiably, it is
used for a large gathering or conference, then assumed that convergent thinking
but more commonly used to describe is opposed to creativity and is inferior to
established ways of doing things – for creative or divergent thinking. It could be
example, the usual modes of procedure argued that the reason why most peo-
or behaviour in experiments or in every- ple use convergent thinking most of the
day life. time is that it works for most problems.
conventional morality This is the second
converging operations An approach in
of the three levels of moral development
which several methods with differing
proposed by Kohlberg. Individuals at
strengths and weaknesses are used to
this level consider that society’s rules are
tackle a given research problem or issue.
moral by definition. In the first stage of
See also triangulation.
this level, the individual adopts moral
codes in order to avoid social sanc- conversation analysis (CA) An aspect
tions. In the second stage of this level, of the study of discourse in which
such moral codes or rules are seen as attention is paid to the ways that peo-
intrinsically right because they facilitate ple operate their conversations. The
the smooth operation of society, and research process is to collect naturally
80  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

occurring conversations and produce a sum is cut, such that the two hemispheres
very detailed transcript in which pauses, operate independently and cannot pass
intonation and stresses are indicated information to each other.
along with the words. CA then investi- correlated-measures t-test See depend-
gates how people manage aspects of the ent t-test.
conversation such as coordinating taking
turns, and the ‘repair processes’ by which correlated-subjects design See repeated-
people correct misleading impressions. measures design.
correlation A statement of a relation-
conversion effect When a change in
ship between two variables, such that
public or private attitudes occurs as a
changes in one tend to be accom-
result of minority influence.
panied by changes in the other. In a
coordinates The number on each axis positive correlation, when one variable
that indicates how an event scores on increases, the other increases (e.g. tall
that variable. On a graph, the coordinates people tend to be heavier, while shorter
of the event on the x- and y-axes together people tend to be lighter, so there is
show exactly where it is positioned. therefore a positive correlation between
coping behaviour A general term given height and weight). If two variables
to behavioural strategies or techniques show a negative correlation, then as
that allow an animal or human to one increases, the other decreases (e.g.
reduce the amount of stress experienced reaction times get longer as the visibility
in a given situation. of the stimulus diminishes). A perfect
positive or negative correlation will
core analysis The main analytical pro-
show changes in the two variables that
cess involved in grounded theory, which
are exactly proportional to one another,
involves exploring concepts that have
whereas a weaker correlation will show
emerged from the data and using these
more variability in the extent to which
to reinterpret the data in an iterative
the two measurements match up. A
cycle. See also qualitative analysis.
common mistake is to assume that if two
core constructs A term used in per- variables are correlated, the changes
sonal construct theory to describe those in one must be causing the changes in
constructs that are most closely associ- the other. For example, if there is more
ated with a person’s self-concept. Core crime in a locality where many residents
constructs are ones with which the indi- are of a particular ethnicity, it is easy to
vidual identifies strongly, and tend to be assume that the ethnicity is the cause of
utilised in a wide variety of situations. the crime rather than some third fac-
core principles The principles of tor which correlates with both such as
respect, integrity, competence and unemployment or poverty. See also cor-
responsibility that form the core of the relation coefficient, scattergram, coefficient
ethical guidelines operated by research- of determination.
ers and practitioners in psychology. See correlation coefficient This is a numeri-
also ethical issues. cal statement of the extent to which
corpus callosum The band of neural two variables vary together. A correla-
fibres that connects the two cerebral tion coefficient is expressed as a number
hemispheres. Split-brain studies involve between +1 and 1, with +1 representing
the study of behavioural and learning a perfect positive correlation (i.e. when
changes produced when the corpus callo- one variable increases, the other shows
C 81

an increase which is precisely propor- correspondence bias Another name for

tional to it) and −1 representing a perfect the fundamental attributional error.
negative correlation (i.e. one where a correspondent inference theory A form
decrease in one variable shows a precisely of attribution theory that uses the three
proportional increase in the second). In characteristics of consistency, consensus
situations where there is little or no rela- and distinctiveness to attribute blame or
tionship between the two measurements, responsibility. See also covariance, fun-
the correlation coefficient will be close to damental attributional error.
zero. See also Pearson’s product–moment
correlation, Spearman’s rank–order correla- cortex A general term which is used
tion coefficient. to refer to the outer layers of biological
structures, and in particular the brain.
correlation matrix A way of presenting In psychology, it is generally used to
a number of correlations between a set mean cerebral cortex, and its associated
of variables. The variables are listed at adjective is cortical.
the head of the columns and the start of
the rows, with the correlation between cortical blindness A form of blindness
the two variables being recorded at the that results from damage to the visual
intersection. The matrix has the same cortex rather than to the eye or optic
form as the mileage grid in a road atlas. nerve. See also hemianopia, blindsight.
Statistical packages allow users to dis- cost–benefit analysis A process in which
play significant correlations so that it is an attempt is made to quantify the costs
easy to see how the variables relate to and the benefits of a given course of
each other (see Figure 22). action. If it is possible to compare the
correlation test A statistical technique estimates of cost and benefit, a decision
used to assess the degree to which two or can be made about which action will
more variables vary with one another. produce the best ratio of benefit to cost.
See correlation. cot death See sudden infant death ­syndrome.

Figure 22  A correlation matrix

82  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

counselling The term has two rather many other contexts as well, the feel-
opposed meanings: ings produced in the therapist by the
patient. These are regarded as a valu-
(i) A form of therapy derived from able clue to aid understanding of what
the non-directive therapy of Carl is happening to the patient and the
Rogers in which the client is sup- effect that they have on people in their
ported while they gain insight outside relationships. If the therapist
into their problem and work on notices feelings of irritation or a wish to
finding their own solution. protect the patient, this can be used to
(ii) Guidance on practical personal help the patient to understand what is
problems such as vocational going on in the session and to clarify the
choices and problems in study- effects that they have on other people.
ing. These counsellors take the It will also help the therapist to identify
position of expert and are much the nature of the patient’s transference.
more active in providing infor- covariance An approach to attribution
mation, offering advice, etc. theory that identifies blame and respon-
sibility in terms of consistency (whether
counterbalancing A strategy used in the the person always acts in that way), con-
design of those experiments in which sensus (whether other people act in that
it is possible that the order of presen- way) and distinctiveness (whether the
tation of the conditions of the study person only acts that way towards that
could produce an unwanted effect, particular target).
such as a practice effect or a fatigue effect.
Counterbalancing involves systemati- covert Hidden or disguised; non-­
cally varying the order of presentation apparent.
of the conditions such that, for exam- covert attention Internal shifts of
ple, half of the participants would have attention that do not involve external
condition A followed by condition B, physical signs such as changes in eye
while the other half would have condi- movement or breathing.
tion B first, followed by condition A.
See also order effect, ABBA design. covert orienting The change of atten-
tion from one location to another
counter-conditioning In behaviour ther- without involving movement of the
apy, the conditioning of a response that is eyes or the body. See also orienting.
incompatible with an existing undesir-
able behaviour. Someone who is afraid covert research Research in which the
of spiders might be trained to relax person who is carrying it out remains
whenever they think of a spider, so that hidden from the participants, or at least
their first reaction prevents them from their role as a researcher is concealed.
feeling fear. See also systematic desensi- As a result, the participants are unaware
tisation. that any research is taking place. While
covert research was regarded as accept-
counterfactual reasoning The ability to able and even desirable in the first half
argue or reason about non-existent con- of the twentieth century, the subse-
nections or events. quent emergence of ethical issues such as
counter-transference In psychoanalytic informed consent as important principles
therapy, but presumably occurring in in psychological research meant that it
C 83

became less routine and more explicitly no real idea of whether creativity happens
justified by researchers. because of characteristics of the indi-
vidual, or because of particular kinds of
CR See conditioned response.
circumstances. We clearly need a creative
creative intelligence A form of intel- solution to these problems, but we do not
ligence that is concerned with novelty have much idea of how to achieve this.
and developing creative or new forms of
output rather than simply solving pre- credibility The extent to which some-
existing problems. thing can be believed. In research
terms, credibility indicates the plausi-
creativity The ability to produce novel bility or authenticity of a document or
products or solutions to problems. statement and can be a relevant issue in
Creativity has been studied as a coun- qualitative research.
terpart to intelligence, represented by
divergent and convergent thinking abilities, cretinism A severe congenital condition
respectively. However, it is difficult to caused by a lack of thyroxine, some-
devise relevant tests as a creative response times because of a lack of iodine in
is by definition unpredictable, so cor- the pregnant mother’s diet. The result
rect answers cannot be specified in is severely stunted physique and brain
advance. In fact, there is no agreed way development.
of measuring how creative any particu- crib death See sudden infant death
lar achievement may be. Moreover, it is s­ yndrome.
probably even less appropriate than with
criterion A standard or yardstick by
intelligence to think of creativity as a
which a judgement or evaluation is
quality of which an individual has a cer-
made. One use of the term is for the
tain measurable amount. Despite these
level of probability required for a statis-
difficulties, E. Paul Torrance produced a
tical result to be regarded as statistically
test of creativity which includes classic
significant. The usual criterion for stu-
items such as ‘How many uses can you
dent projects is a probability level of less
think of for a brick?’ and claimed that
than 0.05. See alpha level.
results obtained from the test showed that
school education reduces a child’s creativ- criterion validity A way of assessing the
ity. The classic theory of creativity is that validity of a test by comparing the results
it requires preparation (doing the ground- of the test with an existing measure, or
work), an incubation period (a period of criterion. Often a test is easier to apply
unconscious processing), inspiration (a than a real-life example of the thing
sudden insight) and verification (check- being measured. So if the test appears
ing that the solution works). Subsequent to give results that are close to the cri-
theories, for example, those of Edward de terion measure, then it is assumed that
Bono, often involved claiming that crea- it can be used instead. For example, a
tivity results from a random element in pen-and-paper test of aggression might
thinking. It seems unlikely that Leonardo give results that are close enough to a
da Vinci’s output could be accounted for criterion of violent behaviour to be used
in this way. The present state of the field instead of observing the person in situ-
is that we have no plausible theory of how ations where such behaviour is likely.
creativity happens, no reliable way of Unfortunately, there are not many
measuring the creativity of a person, and cases in psychology in which there is
84  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

a ­measurable absolute criterion. For Cronbach’s alpha A correlation measure

example, we cannot say what the ‘real’ of a scale’s reliability. To be considered
intelligence of a person is, and so we acceptable, a psychometric scale should
cannot check the validity of a new IQ usually have a reliability measure some-
test in this way. The best we can do is to where between 0.7 and 0.8.
compare its results with well-established
cross-cueing The process observed in
tests such as the WAIS.
patients in split-brain studies, by which
critical period A time period during one hemisphere of the brain transmits
the development of the individual in information to the other. In a typical
which a particular function can readily experiment, an object may be shown to
be acquired. Outside that specific age one side of the person’s brain only. Later,
range, it will be difficult or impossible the object is shown to the other side of the
to acquire the function. The function brain, and the person is asked questions
may result from physical development about it. Although in such patients the
(maturation) or from prepared learning. corpus callosum has been cut so no direct
Imprinting in ducklings is a well-known transmission of information between the
example, and in human infants if three- cerebral hemispheres is possible, people
dimensional vision is not achieved by may produce feedback on the correctness
the age of about two years, then it may of the answer offered by an impercepti-
never be acquired. According to a strict ble nod, frown or other physical signals.
definition, a critical period is a well- This is recognised by the other side of the
defined time during development, and brain, so the question can be answered
the function should be impossible to correctly. Cross-cueing of this nature can
achieve either before or after this period. often be extremely rapid and subtle.
However, outside of physical growth
cross-cultural study A study that
processes, examples of strict critical
involves comparing people from differ-
periods are rather rare. It is now known
ent cultures.
that even imprinting can be achieved
well after the end of the normal criti- cross-modal transfer The transfer of
cal period. In human development, it is information from one sensory mode
now more common to speak of sensitive to another. For instance, figure-ground
periods, but even this looser term has ­perception learned as a result of experi-
often been applied too enthusiastically. ence with touch may also be applied
For example, it is not very helpful to when the subject is using vision. This
refer to a critical or sensitive period for kind of transfer is frequently found with
language acquisition when language can those who have acquired a new sensory
be acquired at any time during a period function (e.g. people blind from birth
of at least 12 years, and possibly longer. who have obtained their sight through
an operation performed in adulthood).
critical value The value of a test statistic
which must be obtained in order to state cross-sectional study A method of
that the results have achieved statistical research in developmental psychology
significance. For some significance tests, that involves comparing individuals of
the value obtained has to be higher different age groups (e.g. measuring the
than the critical value, while for others moral judgements of 6-year-olds, 10-year-
it has to be less – it depends on which olds and 14-year-olds). Such an approach
test is being used. is cheaper and easier to carry out than
C 85

a longitudinal study, in which the same cultural psychology The branch of

children would be repeatedly measured psychology that is concerned with
at different ages, but it may present other explaining how societies and cultures
problems. One example is post-war stud- influence, shape or even determine psy-
ies of psychological decline with ageing. chological processes. Cultural psychology
Older people were found to have lower has been particularly concerned with
intelligence quotients than a younger sam- challenging the ethnocentricity apparent
ple. However, this was probably due to a in much psychological research, wherein
cohort effect, because their diet and edu- the white North American culture has
cation as children in 1920 were inferior been used as the norm or standard for
to the diet and education available to all of humanity. The idea that the rest of
the younger sample who were children the world does not automatically share
in 1970. Thus, age differences found the same values or principles, while a
through cross-sectional samples may not revelation to some, is producing a much-
be a direct result of the ageing process, and needed balance in modern psychological
subsequent longitudinal studies showed a research. See WEIRD samples.
very different picture, with mental prac- culture A general term used to describe
tice emerging as a major factor in the the set of accepted ideas, practices, val-
decline or otherwise of intelligence. ues and characteristics that develop
crystallised intelligence A form of intel- within a particular society or set of peo-
ligence that reflects how good the person ple. Although most modern societies are
is at dealing with clearly structured, pre- multicultural to some degree, the word
dictable types of problems. It draws on ‘culture’ is often, although not accurately,
existing knowledge such as vocabulary, used interchangeably with ‘society’.
arithmetic or general information. See
culture-free and culture-fair tests During
also fluid intelligence, multiple intelligences.
the 1960s and early 1970s, ­considerable
CS See conditioned stimulus. efforts were made to develop psychometric
CT scan See CAT scan. tests (e.g. IQ and personality tests) that
would avoid cultural bias by being free
cue Something that gives an idea or a
from reference to culture altogether. In
hint about something. More specifically,
practice, the diversity of cultures was so
a cue is a piece of information that acti-
great that such tests proved impossible
vates a schema. A cue in memory theory,
to develop. Researchers had to content
for instance, is a remembered item that
themselves with an attempt to establish
connects with further information,
tests that, instead of being completely
allowing the individual to retrieve more.
free of cultural influences, allowed a fair
In perception, a cue is the item of infor-
assessment of those from other cultures.
mation that is used by the brain to direct
Such culture-fair tests are psychometric
the interpretation of specific stimuli. A
tests that do not provide an advantage to
depth cue, for example, is that part of the
members of one culture over another. In
information which is used to calculate
practice, however, culture-fair tests are
how far away something appears to be.
also extremely difficult to achieve, owing
cultural neuroscience An interdiscipli- to cultural diversity that produces differ-
nary approach to knowledge that links ences not only in background knowledge
cultural psychology, neurogenetics and and skills but also in motivation and
neuroscience. attitudes to tests. It is also very difficult
86  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

for those compiling the tests to be fully muscle action, but does not affect the
aware of their own cultural assumptions. actions of i­nvoluntary muscles. Animals
It could also be argued that, since the cul- that have been injected with curare die
ture itself is not fair, a biased test will give from suffocation but, if respirated artifi-
more accurate predictions (e.g. a test that cially until the curare has worn off, will
gives an advantage to middle-class aca- stay alive. Consequently, curare has
demic values will more accurately predict proved useful in several psychological
which children will do best in school). studies investigating, for example, the
effects of muscle actions on cognitions.
culture-specific Occurring in, or
belong­ing to, a particular culture. cutaneous To do with the skin.

cumulative frequencies Ways of count- cybernetics A general theory of active

ing nominal or ordinal data in which systems in terms of processes of con-
sets are arranged in order and the quan- trol and communication. Cybernetic
tities in each set are added to the sum systems identify goals and use nega-
of those in the previous sets. For exam- tive feedback to find ways to reduce the
ple, graphs which plot the totals to each distance from the goal. Since its intro-
weekly date of cases of Covid-19. The duction by Norbert Wiener in 1948,
steepness of the curve at any stage, and it has been central to developments
whether the curve is rising or falling are in artificial intelligence and attempts to
easy to recognise and interpret. explain human functioning in terms of
information processing, and is an essential
cumulative record or cumulative curve process in maintaining a stable state
A graph in which each successive point or homeostasis in biological, social and
shows the total number of responses up psychological systems. It has become
to that time. It can be used to show the abbreviated to ‘cyber’ in many current
progress of operant conditioning and has uses such as cybersecurity, and as cyborg
the advantage that the steepness of the in the combination of human and artifi-
curve gives a direct indication of the cial in a single organism.
rate of responding.
In psychology, cybernetic processes have
curare A paralysing poison used in blow- been proposed as the basis for the Big
pipes by some South American Indians Five personality factors and as explaining
for hunting. Curare achieves its effect by psychopathology, while family therapists
being picked up at receptor sites in muscle discuss families and other interactional
fibres, thus blocking the uptake of ace- groups as cybernetic systems. There is
tylcholine such that messages from the now a Cyberpsychology section of the
central nervous system are not received. British Psychological Society. See five-
Curare therefore prevents voluntary factor theory, family therapy, systems theory.
dark adaptation The process by which
light-sensitive cells in the retina adjust
their sensitivity to light, such that they

will fire even in response to very faint

stimuli. Full dark adaptation in the

human being takes approximately 20

minutes, beginning with a rapid period


of adaptation while the cone cells adjust,


followed by a longer period for the rod

cells to achieve maximal sensitivity. Psychopathy
dark triad A group of three personal- Figure 23  The dark triad
ity traits that represent unpleasant or
malevolent personal qualities. The three
‘the data is …’. Unfortunately, there is
traits are narcissism, Machiavellianism
no standard singular word for a collec-
and psychopathy, each of which incor-
tion of data, but ‘result’ or ‘information’
porates minor undesirable traits such
will often suffice.
as egotism, selfishness and the tendency
to manipulate others. Some research- data-driven technique Any approach
ers have argued that the Dark Triad to analysing data in which the form of
traits can be mapped onto the five-factor the analysis is shaped by the data rather
theory of personality traits but as polar than by fitting the data into an exist-
opposites. For example, psychopathy ing structure. For a major example, see
might be regarded as a polar opposite of grounded theory.
agreeableness, while Machiavellianism data scaling Ways of adjusting data such
would be an opposite of conscientious- that meaningful comparisons or statis-
ness, and narcissism an opposite of tical tests can be performed, such as in
extraversion. Other researchers have the use of T scaling or stannine scores.
found a less clear one-to-one relation-
data-set The set of scores or other data
ship between the five factors and the
obtained from one group of participants
Dark Triad, although there is a general
in a study.
consensus that some kind of negative
correlation between them does exist database An organised collection of
(Figure 23). data such as research papers or other
documents, usually presented in digital
data A general term for all forms of
form and structured so that individual
recorded information. Usually, the term
elements can be readily accessed.
is used for the scores obtained in a sur-
vey or an experiment. Note that ‘data’ is datum A single score or other item of
a plural word, the term for a single score data. Datum is the singular of the word
being ‘datum’, so it is wrong to write data.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
88  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

daydreaming The activity of engaging volunteer effects. However, the growth of

in fantasies or imaginative speculations ethical concerns in psychology means
during quiescent waking periods. Some that deception can only be used where
research suggests that daydreaming may it is absolutely unavoidable: alternative
be instrumental in promoting positive strategies must be adopted wherever
mental health for the individual, pos- possible. See also double-blind control,
sibly through the clarification of goals ethical issues.
and ambitions. decibel (db) A measure of sound levels.
db See decibel. The decibel scale involves a progression
deactivation A decrease in neurological which is nearly logarithmic, such that a
or physiological processing in one con- doubling in perceived intensity is repre-
dition, relative to other conditions. See sented by an increase of approximately
also activation. three units on the decibel scale.

debriefing A verbal summary of the decision-making The study of how peo-

nature and purpose of a study or activ- ple go about making decisions, and the
ity, given to participants once the study factors which may mislead them into
has ended. See also ethical issues. making decisions that are not optimal.
Research into decision-making includes
decay Reduction in the size or strength the study of the knowledge frame of the
of something over time. Using the word decision and the heuristics that lead to
decay implies that there is no specific sources of bias such as anchoring, entrap-
cause of the reduction – for exam- ment, hindsight bias and groupthink. See
ple, in the decay of a memory trace. also satisficing, own-age bias, affect heuris-
The output of a sensory nerve that has tic, availability heuristic.
been briefly stimulated will decay rap-
idly. Habituation is a process in which decision support system A computer-
response strength decays over repeated ised system constructed in order to help
exposure to the stimulus. people make decisions in situations
where the problem cannot be clearly
decentration The process by which an specified.
individual is able to step out of their own
mental perspective, and to take another decision theory Any theory that
person’s point of view. According to attempts to explain how decisions are
Piaget, the ability to ‘decentre’ only made. In practice, the term is most
emerges during the preoperational stage, often applied to theories that apply
and forms a part of the gradual reduc- mathematical models to human deci-
tion of egocentricity which Piaget saw as sion processes. See also receiver-operating
central to cognitive development. characteristic curve.

deception Deliberately misleading peo- declarative knowledge Factual knowl-

ple or causing them to believe what is edge about the world. See also procedural
known to be untrue. In psychologi- knowledge.
cal research, this refers to misleading declarative memory A form of long-term
experimental participants as to the pur- memory that involves memory for both
pose of a particular study. Deception facts (semantic memory) and events (epi-
used to be the norm in psychological sodic memory), and is essentially about
research and was even considered to be knowing. It is also sometimes described
absolutely necessary in order to avoid as explicit memory.
D 89

deconstruction The process of identi- default mode network A group of neu-

fying how scientific theories, literature ral networks in the brain that are more
and social science reflect the social active when the brain is at rest than
assumptions and conventions of their when the person is engaged in an active
time, or of those propounding the theo- task. See also resting state paradigm, func-
ries. For example, in deconstructionist tional integration.
terms, the association of Konrad Lorenz defence mechanism A strategy that
with the German Nazi party would not protects the ego or self-concept from
be seen as unconnected with the theory real or imaginary threats. First pro-
of aggression that he propounded. posed by Freud, defence mechanisms
deduction Drawing conclusions about may take many forms, of which a few
specifics from general principles. As one of the most common are: repression,
of the major forms of reasoning, deduc- reaction formation, projection, rationali-
tion has been studied by psychologists sation, identification with the aggressor,
interested in cognitive areas such as intellectualism and denial. Although
problem-solving. See also induction. Freud classified defence mechanisms as
neurotic or psychotic, the fact is that
deductive methodology The approach
everybody uses them sometimes as a
to research that has been dominant in
way of avoiding unwanted information
psychology, and which uses research to
about themselves or the outside world.
test predictions from theory. See also
However, they all have the disadvan-
hypothetico-deductive method, induction.
tage of distorting one’s understanding
deductive reasoning Reasoning that is of reality.
based on the principle of establishing a
defensible space An approach to hous-
set of premises, or statements which will
ing design that emphasises perceived
automatically produce a particular con-
ownership of open areas and has been
clusion. See also induction.
shown to reduce crime and vandalism.
deep dyslexia Dyslexia in which the See also environmental psychology.
person’s comprehension of words is
deficiency motive A motivation that
affected. See also surface dyslexia.
arises because of a perceived deficiency
deep dysphasia A condition that pro- of some kind. The deficiency can range
duces significant difficulty in repeating from physiological needs (e.g. food) to
spoken words, or non-words. The dif- higher needs, such as the desire for
ficulty may involve both lexical and recognition. Deficiency motives are dis-
semantic errors. tinguished from ‘abundancy motives’, in
deep structure A term coined by the which it is judged that the organism is
linguist Noam Chomsky to describe the trying to acquire more of the material
universal properties of basic grammar, than is needed for comfortable survival.
supposedly common to all languages. degeneration In neurophysiology, the
It was the similarities of deep structure deterioration of neural tissue that
which allowed for Chomsky’s pro- occurs through lack of stimulation,
posed innate language acquisition device, injury or lack of nutrients. In stimulus
a theoretical construction by which deprivation studies, some damaged per-
he explained the infant’s readiness to ceptual functioning that was originally
acquire human language. thought to result from cognitive deficits
90  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

was later found to be caused by neural alograms of people in deep sleep. Delta
degeneration. waves begin to appear during the third
level of sleep and are most common dur-
degrees of freedom (df) The number of
ing level 4 sleep. See also sleep cycles.
possible options for variation that exist
in a data-set. For example, if a set of two delusion A belief that is mistaken yet
scores have a given total, then the first firmly held, despite contradiction by
score can vary, but if it does, the other evidence and logic. Delusions of gran-
one must be fixed in order to reach the deur may occur in schizophrenia, and
desired total. This gives one degree of delusions of persecution are common in
freedom. A set of three scores producing paranoia.
a fixed total would have two degrees of
delusions of control The sense or belief
freedom, and so on. The size of the score
that one’s thoughts and actions are
on a statistical test needed for a given level
under external control, and not subject
of significance will depend on the number
to personal volition. The opposite of
of degrees of freedom, so tables of signifi-
agency beliefs.
cance are generally arranged accordingly.
demand characteristics Those features
degrees of freedom problem A term
of an experimental or similar setting that
used in neuroscience to describe the
elicit unusual or situation-­dependent
way that there are potentially an infi-
forms of behaviour from subjects par-
nite number of motor solutions which
ticipating in the study. These would
can come into play to produce a single
include factors such as experimenter
action on an object.
effects producing bias, expectations held
deindividuation The process by which by the participant as to the ‘correct’ way
individuals come to feel that they are sim- to behave in a psychological study, the
ply part of a corporate entity, such as group effects of trivialised or meaningless tasks
or crowd members. Deindividuation that necessitate uncommon strategies to
involves the individual surrendering their deal with them, and the wish to give the
immediate perception of independence experimenter the result they want. See
and autonomy, and feeling as though they also implacable experimenter.
have merged anonymously with the other
dementia A neurocognitive disorder
people involved. It is commonly found
that results in a gradual impairment of
in military units in action and is often
a person’s ability to think and remem-
believed to be common in mobs. See also
ber, until the cognitive abilities of that
diffusion of responsibility.
person are so damaged that they are no
delayed conditioning A form of classical longer able to function independently.
conditioning in which the conditioned stim- The term is now used almost exclusively
ulus is presented several seconds before for permanent physical deterioration of
the unconditioned stimulus, but with both the brain. The most common form is
coming to an end at the same time. By senile dementia, which can occur in
comparison with simultaneous conditioning old age (but is less common than many
or trace conditioning, delayed conditioning believe) and has a variety of causes. See
is considered to be the most effective. also Alzheimer’s syndrome.
delta waves Long slow wave patterns democratic leadership An approach to
that can be observed in the electroenceph- leadership in which the leader consults
D 91

with team members, and decisions are the support or aid of another. In
generally taken on the basis of consen- this sense, the term was formerly
sus. See also laissez-faire. used to describe the relationship
dendrites The branched structures at of an infant to its mother but
the end of the axon of a neurone that are has now largely been replaced by
used for the transmission or reception of attachment.
neurotransmitters, and so contribute to (ii) A term used to describe reliance
either the excitation or the inhibition of on a particular drug or therapy,
the electrical impulses through synaptic which falls short of physiological
transmission. A dendrite characteristically addiction but is characterised by a
ends in a swelling, or synaptic knob, which psychological reliance such that
carries vesicles containing a neurotrans- the individual feels unhappy or
mitter. Receptor sites on the dendrites of uneasy in its absence.
the adjoining neurone pick up the neuro-
transmitter. See synapse. dependent t-test A two-sample statistical
test for interval scale and ratio scale data,
dendron That part of the elongated
where the two samples consist of paired
stem of a neurone that is found before
data sets taken from the same indi-
the cell body, taking the same direction
viduals under differing conditions. It is
as that in which the impulse travels. See
also known as related-measures t-test,
also axon.
repeated-measures t-test or correlated-­
denial A defence mechanism or aspect measures t-test. See also t-test,
of one’s own psychological functioning independent t-test.
in not acknowledging the existence of a
dependent variable The variable that is
threatening event or utterance. Denial
measured as an indicator of the outcome
is most commonly found in children,
of an experiment. If an experiment is set
although it is not uncommon as an
up to assess the effect of coffee on the
adult defence mechanism.
speed of essay writing, the dependent
denotative meaning The specific or sym- variable would be the measure of writ-
bolic meaning of an utterance or term. ing speed. The dependent variable is
The denotative meaning of something so named because, if the experimental
is that which is simply and necessarily hypothesis is valid, its value will depend
contained in the use of that term, with- on the condition of the independent vari-
out any of the additional associations or able that has been set up.
implications which a listener may under-
stand. See also connotative meaning. depictive representations Cognitive
representations which are similar to
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) The images or pictures, in that they organise
compound that forms the basic units of information spatially and graphically.
chromosomes and is therefore fundamen- See iconic representation.
tal to reproduction.
depolarising Reducing two conditions
dependency or positions from their extremes to
something more moderate or similar.
(i) A term used to express an unbal- For example, depolarising an argument
anced relationship in which one involves getting both participants to
individual relies consistently on modify their positions slightly so that
92  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

they can find room for agreement, or u­ ncontrollable to this list. There is evi-
can agree to differ. dence that habitually explaining things
in this way is associated with depression,
depressant A drug that reduces or
especially for people who encounter
depresses physiological functioning,
a significant number of negative life
particularly central nervous system activ-
events. The work on depressive attribu-
ity. Alcohol is the most widely available
tional style grew from Seligman’s theory
depressant, although its effects may be
of learned helplessness.
concealed temporarily by its capacity to
induce euphoria. The term may also be deprivation Having some important
applied to psychological influences that resource or positive environmental
have the effect of lowering mood. See condition removed, usually producing
also stimulant. distress or at least discomfort. See also
privation, maternal deprivation.
depression A reduced state of both physi-
ological and mental functioning, usually depth cue A perceptual factor that gives
associated with feelings of unhappiness. an indication of how far away an object
The most common symptoms are a loss or image is. See also depth perception,
of interest and inability to enjoy any monocular depth cue.
experiences, sadness, loss of appetite, depth interview A technique of gen-
sleep disturbances (especially early in the erating data for qualitative research.
morning), passivity, and suicidal thoughts Participants are interviewed individu-
or intentions. However, even very severe ally in a way that is designed to get them
depressions may only involve a few of talking in detail about significant issues
these symptoms. The term is used for a in their lives. Depth interviews are used
very wide range of conditions, extend- extensively in qualitative research.
ing from ‘ordinary unhappiness’ through See also focus group, interview, semi-­
to psychotic disorders. Psychologists will structured interview.
therefore indicate when they are using the
depth perception The interpretation
term to refer to a serious clinical condi-
of distance from sensory information.
tion either by the context or by attaching
Depth perception relies on two main
further labels – either ‘clinical depres-
sets of depth cues, namely binocular depth
sion’ or a specific term for a particular
cues and monocular depth cues. Binocular
form of depression. The more common
cues include retinal disparity, bin-
of these are bipolar depression, endogenous
ocular convergence of the eye muscles
depression (thought to be caused inter-
and accommodation of the lens, while
nally), exogenous or reactive depression,
monocular cues include height in the
and psychotic depression. Other forms
plane, superposition, shadow, gradient
of depression are ‘agitated depression’, in
of texture and colour, relative size, and
which the individual is agitated, restless
motion parallax. Auditory depth per-
and irritable, and ‘retarded depression’
ception involves the interpretation of
when they are slow, apathetic and diffi-
attenuated signals, such that sounds
cult to get moving.
which are further away are fainter,
depressive attributional style An binaural comparisons, and phase shifts
attributional style in which people are in the wavelengths of sound, such that
likely to explain bad events in terms sounds which come from further away
of causes that are stable, global and appear to be muffled compared to nearer
internal. Some would add personal and ones.
D 93

descriptive statistics Statistics that fiable cause. This assumption leads to

summarise or illustrate data sets (e.g. as a definition of science as being about
summary tables, measures of central ten- finding causes. Within psychology, deter-
dency or diagrams). See also inferential minism is strongest among behaviourists
statistics. and Freudians. Both approaches were
desensitisation A procedure that will attempts to account for all of human
reduce the responsiveness of the person behaviour in terms of fundamental causes.
concerned. It is used mainly for behav- The assumption has been undermined by
ioural techniques that reduce or eliminate physicists deciding that at the basis of
inappropriate emotional responses, usu- all matter, the principle in operation is
ally anxiety. The basic procedure is to indeterminism. More broadly, the shift
present weak forms of the feared stimulus against determinism has taken the form
while using stronger forms of a stimulus of postmodernism. In practice, most psy-
that produces a response incompatible chologists seem to regard themselves as
with anxiety. The strength of the feared freely choosing (non-deterministically) to
stimulus is then gradually increased with- study the (deterministic) causes of behav-
out triggering the fear response. This is iour. This is yet another example of the
called systematic desensitisation and is an actor–observer effect. See also existentialism.
example of counter-conditioning. development The processes of change
determinism The belief that everything and growth over the lifespan. One
that happens is the result of an identi- aspect is physical development, which

Deutsch, Diana (1938–)

Diana Deutsch is famous for her research in the psychology and neurology
of music perception. She established the neural and experiential foundations
of absolute pitch, showing that it was more common in speakers of tone
languages such as Mandarin and Vietnamese, and arguing that it could be
acquired with appropriate infant experience. She also identified a number
of music and speech illusions, which gave key insights into aspects of neural
organisation relating to hearing.

is strongly influenced by genetic ten- have difficulty with reading and make
dencies. The other is psychological mistakes in a characteristic form (e.g.
development, which is much more getting words and letters in the wrong
directly influenced by environmental order). The term ‘developmental’ is
factors. See also lifespan. added primarily to distinguish it from
acquired dyslexia, in which the difficulty
developmental disorders Disorders that starts later in development.
appear to result from a failure of devel-
opmental processes, and which can be developmental norms The expected level
expected to distort future development. of performance of children at a specific
age. For example, in a given population,
developmental dyslexia The basic form the norms for the number of words spoken
of dyslexia, shown by children who might be 50 at age 18 months, 400 at age
94  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

3 years, etc. Developmental norms can be importance of play and creativity, and,
used to give a precise indication of how more recently, the family.
uncommon any unusual performance deviant-case analysis A measure of
by a child may be. Identifying a level of validity used in discourse analysis, in
performance as being exceptionally poor which deviation from or the breaking of
is only the first step in deciding whether a pattern provides important informa-
any further action is desirable. See also tion to the researcher.
deviation In everyday terms, an expres-
developmental psychology The psy- sion of how different a particular
chological study of development. Some behaviour is from accepted social norms
distinction is made between develop- or assumptions. In statistics, it refers to
mental psychology, which is the study how much a particular score differs from
of the laws and processes of develop- the mean for that group. See also stand-
ment, and child psychology, which is ard deviation.
more focused on empirical techniques
for studying children at specific ages. diagnosis The process of applying a
However, the terms are often used fairly label to a medical or psychological
interchangeably, and the phrase ‘experi- condition. Because it evokes the episte-
mental child psychology’ has come into mology of medical conditions there is a
use to preserve the distinction. Major move in clinical psychology to replace
theories of development have been diagnosis with formulation as a newer
propounded by Freud, Gesell and Piaget, alternative. This shifts the focus from
among others. All of the large-scale labelling the patient towards deciding
theories were established in the first half what treatment is needed.
of the twentieth century, and most are Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
restricted to childhood. However, there Mental Disorders (DSM-V) This is
is reason to believe (or at least hope) produced by the American Psychiatric
that development continues throughout Association, and is subject to periodic
adulthood. The field of lifespan develop- reviews. It is generally referred to as
mental psychology has therefore become DSM, followed by the version number:
active in recent years, but as yet has no the version at the time of writing being
major theory as a basis. In fact, develop- DSM-V, published in 2013. The manual
mental psychology in general seems to was produced as an attempt to standard-
be proceeding quite adequately at pre- ise diagnosis, and it can be a useful way
sent without much reliance on overall of finding out what is currently regarded
theories of development. Instead, there as good practice in diagnosis in the
are theories to deal with restricted areas United States. However, the empirical
such as attachment and language, and a evidence for its reliability and validity
focus on a number of more or less practi- have been disappointing, although per-
cal issues. The areas of greatest interest haps not less so than for any other
include the growth of cognitive and psychiatric technique. DSM-V gen-
social competence, the nature–nurture or erated considerable debate about its
genetic–environment debate, the ques- reclassification of some conditions, e.g.
tion of continuity, the way in which a combining several previously specified
child develops a theory of mind, applica- problems under the general heading
tions to education and to parenting, the of ‘Autistic Spectrum Disorders’, and
D 95

also about its inclusion of new psychi- entirely new outcome (referred to as the
atric disorders, such as ‘Oppositional synthesis). The synthesis combines ele-
Defiant Disorder’, to classify teenagers ments of both arguments, and so avoids
who challenged their parents' or teach- seeing the issue as an ‘either/or’ conflict.
ers' authority. Psychological therapists The clearest example of dialectics in psy-
have challenged DSM’s increasing ten- chology is the modern perception of the
dency to assume that human problems classic nature–nurture debate. While the
are medical conditions caused by brain two were seen to be opposing influences
dysfunction, and there is a growing for many years (development as produced
preference for use of the International by either genetics or environment), they
Statistical Classification of Diseases and are now viewed as working together in
Related Health Problems instead. a dialectical relationship in which each
dialect A distinctive pattern of gram- contributes to the other’s functioning,
matical forms and vocabulary that and also to the final outcome. The end
originates from a particular region. The result is a synthesis of both genetics and
point at which a dialect becomes distinc- environmental experience that amounts
tive enough to be seen as a language in to more than just the sum of the two
its own right is largely a matter of social processes operating independently. For
and political judgement, rather than of example, some aspects of the environ-
any linguistic criteria. Some linguists, for mental experience might not occur if
instance, regard the West Indian Creole the individual did not have the genetic
dialect or Hong Kong English as distinc- attributes that attracted them, while
tive languages in their own right, since, some aspects of genetic potential may
although they may have originated as never become fully realised without the
forms of English, they contain their own environmental circumstances that bring
distinctive grammatical forms and vocab- them out and encourage them to develop.
ularies. The same situation pertains to a dialogical self This is a theoretical
number of European languages, such as approach that is concerned with how
Flemish, where considerable social action the internal sense of self and the exter-
was required in order for it to be regarded nal dialogue with society interconnect.
as a separate language rather than a The idea is that the internal self actu-
regional dialect. It may be observed, ally comprises a number of different
therefore, that the social recognition of ‘selves’, each of which has different
an extremely distinctive shared form of social connotations and connections.
speech as a language rather than a dialect It also includes our awareness of sig-
has everything to do with the acknowl- nificant others and our ideas about their
edged social status of the group which own minds and how they work. These
uses that form of language, and relatively internal personas provide the basis for
little to do with the linguistic structure of a continual dialogue concerning the
the form of speech itself. See also accent, self and the external world, and they
psycholinguistics, speech register. shape our communications and inter-
dialectics A form of argument or theoris- actions with the external world. What
ing in which one argument (referred to it all boils down to is the idea that the
as the thesis) is combined with another, inner self is not simply individual and
apparently opposing argument (referred separated from society, but extended
to as the antithesis), to produce an into its society and inextricably linked
96  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

to it, and the ‘other’ is not external or diaschesis When a brain lesion in one
separate, but also part of ourselves. location disrupts the functioning of
dialogism In literature, this means the other areas of the brain that are struc-
representation of the author’s thoughts turally intact.
through a dialogue between two or more diathesis-stress model Also known as the
characters. In psychology, it has to do vulnerability model, this is a way of look-
with the way that we incorporate differ- ing at mental illness which emphasises
ent ‘selves’ or the viewpoints of different that although the person’s vulnerability
people, in dialogue with each other, as to the problem may come from genetic
part of our own sense of self. factors, it is their lifetime experience and
diary method A research method, social stresses which result in the men-
often used in developmental psychology tal illness actually developing. So the
and increasingly in clinical contexts, origins of the problem lie in the interac-
in which a detailed written record of tion between genetic vulnerability and
chosen aspects of behaviour is kept environmental factors. Contrast with
over time. In child research, the diary nature–nurture debate.
is often written by parents, which not dichotic listening task A method for
only makes life easier for the researcher investigating selective attention by pre-
but also means that information can be senting two different messages through
recorded about times and events that the two sides of a set of headphones,
are not available to the researcher. and asking the research participant to
More recent research has seen diaries attend to one message only. Dichotic
take the form of online blogs, which listening tasks are usually moni-
allows for closer monitoring by the tored by asking the person to engage
researchers concerned. See also quali- in ­shadowing – that is, speaking the
tative research, Ecological Momentary attended message out loud as they lis-
Assessment, Experience Sampling Method. ten to it (see Figure 24).

attended ear non-attended ear

“So this is a lovely “David, your house

place for a holiday
for young and old
alike ... etc etc”

Figure 24  A dichotic listening task

D 97

dichotomous variable A discrete v­ ariable, measured intelligence. See also short-term

such as being pregnant, which can only memory.
take one of two values.
digital Coded in simple on–off (binary)
dichotomy The division or distinction units, as in computerised information.
which has been achieved by separating This is also the traditional view of the
an object, principle or process into two firing of neurones. See also all-or-none
parts or aspects. principle.
dichromatism A term used to describe digital records A general term used to
forms of colour vision in which the indi- refer to electronic records which have
vidual is lacking in sensitivity to specific been converted into binary code. It
wavelengths of light. Normal colour therefore applies to all information
vision is trichromatic in that three major stored in computers and also to infor-
wavelengths make up any given colour, mation stored in other electronic forms,
but some colour-blind individuals use e.g. on CDs and DVDs.
dichromatic vision (i.e. using two major
diglossia The ability to speak more
wavelengths only) to interpret specific
than one version of one’s own lan-
hues. See also colour blindness.
guage (e.g. being able to converse freely
DID See dissociative identity disorder. in a regional dialect and also in formal
diencephalon Also sometimes referred ‘received pronunciation’ English).
to as the forebrain, this is a group of diploid Having a full complement of
subcortical structures in the grey matter chromosomes (i.e. a pair of each kind).
which includes the thalamus, hypothala- Different species have different num-
mus, the pineal gland, the mamillary bers of pairs of chromosomes. See also
bodies and the pituitary gland. haploid, gene, meiosis.
difference threshold See relative ­threshold. dipole A pair of positive and negative
diffusion of responsibility The process electrical charges, separated by a short
by which individuals may fail to act in a distance.
situation requiring bystander intervention dipole modelling A method of deal-
as a direct result of the presence of sev- ing with the inverse problem by making
eral other onlookers. The perception is assumptions about how many regions of
that this implies that the responsibility the brain are actually critical in produc-
is shared, which reduces the pressure on ing observed scalp potentials. However,
each separate individual to act. these are probabilistic judgements, and
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) A if accuracy is required it is preferable
technique that measures the differences to use fMRI or another scanning tech-
in concentration of white matter and grey nique.
matter using MRI imaging. direct perception A model of percep-
digit span The number of unrelated tion developed by J.J. Gibson which
digits (numbers or letters) that a per- emphasised that in the real world, most
son is able to recall accurately after just if not all of the information required
one hearing. In most people, it is usu- for accurate perception is actually pre-
ally within the range of 7 ± 2 and shows sent in the visual field (e.g. gradient of
a (relatively weak) correlation with texture or superposition). Even if it is not
98  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

apparent from a static viewpoint, this yses of photographs, murals or even

information becomes evident through toothpaste packaging.
movement and interacting directly discourse analysis A general term cov-
with the world. Consequently, there is ering various ways of analysing spoken
no need for inference or hypothesis test- or written communication. The term
ing in real-world perception. See also ‘discourse’ avoids the assumptions built
­bottom-up processing, ecological percep- into terms such as ‘conversation’. Many
tion, compare top-down approach. discourse analyses adopt a constructiv-
direct reciprocity The idea that we pro- ist approach, but this is not inevitable.
vide help to others in order to receive There are a number of techniques of
help from them at some future date. See discourse analysis, such as identifying
also altruistic behaviour. the recurrent semantic themes of a dis-
direct retrieval A form of autobiographi- course, or its use of metaphor. Linguists
cal memory in which information is apply a more specific meaning to the
recalled involuntarily, as the result of term, relating to natural breaks in the
some environmental or social cue. See discourse. See also content analysis, social
also generative retrieval. representations, conversation analysis.

directed forgetting Forgetting that hap- discourse markers Spoken words or

pens because of a deliberate intention phrases that do not contribute directly
to forget – either by the person or, for to the literal content of what is being
example, through a hypnotic instruc- said, but enhance the communication
tion. See also denial. in other ways (e.g. by indicating the
speaker’s attitude towards it). See also
directed retrospection A research discourse analysis.
technique in which people are asked to
categorise, pretty well immediately, the discovery learning A form of educa-
thoughts they have just had. See also tional practice studied particularly by J.S.
protocol analysis. Bruner, in which students operate mainly
by deduction and inference, with guid-
directed thinking Thinking that is ance and resources being provided by the
directed towards a particular goal (e.g. teacher. Discovery learning emphasises
problem-solving). the student’s own activity and enquiry,
discontinuity A break in a sequence or rather than the teacher’s transmission of
set of actions. In most psychological con- information. See also schema.
texts, this implies that earlier and later discrete variable A variable such as the
characteristics (i.e. those separated by the total of scores on a questionnaire, that can
break) are entirely independent and will only have one of a set number of values,
have nothing to do with one another. as distinct from a continuous variable such
discounting principle The idea that the as height. If it can only take one of two
existence of other possible causes reduces values, it is called a dichotomous variable.
the role or importance of another spe- discrimination
cific cause.
discourse Deliberate or conscious forms (i) The skill of distinguishing one stim-
of communication. Discourse is usually ulus from another, possibly learned
taken to mean words, but some e­ xamples through selective instrumental
of discourse analysis have included anal- learn­ing or classical conditioning.
D 99

(ii) The practice of drawing arbitrary alternatives. It is now largely regarded as

distinctions between one set of a product of its time, with the modern
people and another, such as is model of ageing emphasising activity,
found in a group of highly preju- engagement and the adoption of different
diced individuals taking steps to social roles.
limit or restrict access to privi- disgust A negative emotion contain-
leges or resources by a minority ing strong elements of rejection and
group. See also prejudice, social repulsion. Disgust is one of the uni-
identification. versal emotions, found in all human
societies, and it is thought that it might
discriminatory stimulus A stimulus in have its evolutionary origins in avoiding
operant conditioning that provides a cue the ingestion of contaminated food-
to indicate when a particular response is stuffs. There are two major brain areas
appropriate or not. involved in disgust: the insula and the
discursive To do with discourse. Also anterior cingulate gyrus, both of which
used to describe an explanation that is link with other brain areas involved in
elaborate rather than being concise. emotions. See also moral disgust.
disembedded thought Thinking that dispersion The way that a set of scores
is not applied in a relevant context, is spread out or scattered. See measures
but is required to take place independ- of dispersion.
ent of context. Many of the criticisms displaced aggression Aggressive behav-
of Piagetian approaches to the under- iour directed towards a target that
standing of the child’s cognition is not the original source of frustra-
centre around the idea that the child tion. Typically, aggression becomes
was required to engage in disembed- displaced because the original target
ded tasks. When these tasks were put is unreachable, or because it would be
in an appropriate social context, chil- inexpedient for the individual to direct
dren were noticeably more successful at aggression towards the original source.
them. See also naughty teddy. For instance, it may be risky for some-
disengagement A theory of ageing pro- one to express directly the aggressive
posed by Cumming and Henry in the early feelings generated by an unpleasant
1960s, according to which the elderly boss, and such feelings may become dis-
undergo a process of systematic disen- placed on to family members instead.
gagement or withdrawal from society,
displacement The process of channel-
reducing their amount of participation in
ling undesired or inexpedient impulses to
and integration with society. The process
alternative outlets. An example would be
was thought of as a way of coping with
the application of aggressive tendencies
the deaths and illnesses of partners and
to becoming the best chess player in the
friends and as a possible preparation for
college. When the outcome of displace-
approaching death. Cumming and Henry
ment is regarded as socially desirable, the
proposed that this behaviour had a pos-
process is also called sublimation.
sible biological origin. The theory was
heavily criticised, mainly on the grounds display rules The amount of self-control
that the social pressure on old people to or regulation of emotional expression
withdraw from society was high, and that, that is expected in the presence of other
for many, society traditionally offered few people. See also face.
100  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

disposition A tendency to behave in a reverse inference is not always an

particular way. When used by develop- appropriate explanation.
mental or clinical psychologists, the term
implies an inherited tendency and is used
dissociation of function The idea that
interchangeably with predisposition.
cognitive functions are separate and dis-
When used in the context of motivation
tinct, such that when one cognitive
and personality, it is a general term for any
function is damaged or impaired, others
relatively stable behavioural tendency,
continue to work appropriately and are
and no genetic basis is implied.
dispositional attribution Believing that
a person’s behaviour is caused by their dissociative disorders A group of dis-
character or personality, rather than the orders in which the usual connections
situation that they are in. People are between memory, identity and conscious-
usually more likely to make disposi- ness have been broken.
tional attributions about the behaviour dissociative identity disorder (DID)
of other people, and to account for their A rare condition in which a person
own behaviour in terms of the situation functions with two or more distinct
they were in – the actor–observer effect. personalities. The personalities may
See also covariance, fundamental attribu- alternate, and each has their own mem-
tional error, situational attribution. ories and social life, while seemingly
dissociation quite unaware of each others’ existence.
Contrary to popular belief, DID is not a
(i) A separation of two parts of an form of schizophrenia, but a development
individual’s mental life so that of a phenomenon that is quite common
each can function separately and normal in childhood. It was previ-
or even in contradiction to the ously called multiple personality disorder.
other. Extreme forms are amnesia See dissociation.
and dissociative identity disorder, but dissonance A state in which a cogni-
milder forms are more common tive discrepancy is produced between
(e.g. when someone is competi- two events, such that one cognition
tive at work but not at home). is in direct contradiction to another.
(ii) In neurology, the term is used to Typically, cognitive dissonance results in
refer to impaired cognitive func- an attitude change, such that the disso-
tions that have arisen as the result nance is reduced.
of localised brain damage, while
other similar or related cogni- distal stimulus A stimulus that is out
tive functions have been left there in the real world. Contrast with
intact. Double-dissociations occur proximal stimulus.
when two apparently independ-
distance cues See depth cue.
ent cognitive functions have been
impaired by the same localised distance effect The observation that
injury (in more than one individ- people find it easier to determine which
ual). While dissociations are useful of two numbers is the larger if there is
for indicating possible localisation a significant distance between them,
of function, it needs to be borne while they take more time to process a
in mind that the cortex has mul- judgement about two adjacent or simi-
tiple connections, and that simple lar numbers.
D 101

distinctiveness A concept in attribution divergent thinking Thought that

theory that concerns how unique an event ranges far more widely than is conven-
or behaviour is. Distinctiveness is one of tional. Tests of divergent thinking are
three major criteria used to formulate often included in creativity tests, as it is
attributions for any given situation based assumed that highly creative individuals
on their covariance. The other criteria will be able to utilise novel frameworks
are consistency and consensus. If a person more readily than those with a more
is shouting on a particular occasion, we conventional style of cognition. See
might ask whether they usually shout in also convergent thinking.
other contexts as well. If not, the condi- divided attention A situation in which
tion is one of high distinctiveness, and two tasks are performed at the same
we would tend to assume that there is time. See also selective attention, dichotic
something about the situation that is pro- listening task, multitasking.
ducing the behaviour. If other occasions
produce shouting (low distinctiveness), dizygotic twins Twins who have devel-
then we would attribute the behaviour as oped as a result of the simultaneous
a characteristic of the person. production of two ova by the mother,
both of which have subsequently been
distraction A strategy for emotion regu- fertilised and developed fully. Unlike
lation that involves diverting attention monozygotic twins, they resemble each
away from the emotive stimulus or other genetically only to the extent that
situation, and focusing on information ordinary brothers and sisters do. Dizygotic
which is neutral or positive. twins are also known as fraternal twins.
distributed practice A procedure dur- DLPFC See dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
ing learning in which time gaps are
interspersed during the practice. For DNA See deoxyribonucleic acid.
example, if you were trying to learn the document analysis Research that is car-
contents of a chapter, you might take a ried out by examining written or online
short break at the end of each section. records or other forms of documentation.
This approach has been found to lead
dogmatism A personality trait involv-
to more effective learning than massed
ing rigid adherence to a chosen point
practice, in which no breaks are taken.
of view, and intolerance of people who
distribution The pattern made by a set hold alternative positions. See also
of scores when grouped according to fre- authoritarian personality.
quency. Theoretical distributions are the
pattern that would be produced by scores domain specificity The idea that a given
that conformed precisely to a math- neural node or cognitive module will
ematically defined function. The most respond specifically to one type of input
important of these in psychology is the (e.g. colours or faces) but not to others.
normal distribution, but each statistic has domestic abuse abuse that takes place
its own distribution. within the home, usually between
distribution-free tests See non-­parametric adults as child abuse can be seen as a
statistics. separate category.
diurnal rhythm A biorhythm in which dominance A term used loosely by
activity and alertness peak during the ethologists to refer to privileged access
daytime. It is a form of circadian rhythm. to resources, rights of way, or the
102  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

g­ eneration of appeasing treatment by which increases dopamine levels in the

other members of a social group. brain. The implication here is that a
dopamine deficiency may be causing the
dominance hierarchy A concept first
proposed in 1922 by Schjelderuppe-
Ebbe after observation of a consistent dopamine hypothesis The hypothesis
order of precedence (the pecking order) that schizophrenia is caused by an excess
among hens when the latter had been of dopamine in the limbic system.
given restricted access to food supplies. dopaminergic Involving the actions of
Dominance hierarchies became popular the neurotransmitter dopamine.
as ethological concepts throughout the
1950s and 1960s and were considered to dorsal Towards the top. See also ventral,
present a basic model of social organisa- lateral, medial.
tion for most animals, but the common dorsal auditory stream The dorsal
assumption of linear dominance hierar- auditory stream is concerned with the
chies has been increasingly challenged location of the origin of sounds and
by ethological research in recent years. preparing for auditory guided action. It
dominant gene A gene that is more passes along the upper (dorsal) side of the
likely to be expressed in the individual’s auditory cortex and makes connections
development than a matching gene with the motor cortex in the parietal
(allele) with a different physical impli- lobe, and with areas of the frontal cor-
cation. For example, if an individual tex. It is known as the ‘where’ route for
inherits a gene for red hair and a gene sound information, and helps to prepare
for dark hair from their parents, the the body for movement (e.g. towards or
dark-haired gene, being dominant, will away from the sound). Compare ventral
be the one that is expressed. ­Red-hair stream, ventral auditory stream.
genes are recessive and will only be dorsal stream There are two neural path-
expressed in the phenotype if both alleles ways which are described as the dorsal
code for red hair. stream: the dorsal visual stream and the
dominant hemisphere The half of the dorsal auditory stream. While the term
brain that controls language function usually refers to a neural pathway in the
and usually other aspects of dominance visual system, it is also used for a neural
such as handedness. For most people, pathway in the auditory system, so it is
the left hemisphere is dominant, and important to establish the relevant con-
they are right-handed. See also hemi- text if using or reading the term.
sphere bias. dorsal visual stream The dorsal visual
dopamine A neurotransmitter involved in stream is involved in attention and visu-
reward and motivational pathways in the ally guided action. It is known as the
brain, and possibly implicated in some ‘where’ route for visual information,
psychiatric disturbances. The tranquil- concerned with locating objects and
liser chlorpromazine (Largactil) seems to events no matter what they actually are.
work by blocking dopamine receptor sites, It is a neural pathway that goes from the
while amphetamines produce an increase visual cortex to the parietal lobes. See also
in the levels of dopamine and noradrena- ventral stream, ventral visual stream.
line. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
can be alleviated by the drug L-dopa, An area of the cortex that is involved in
D 103

manipulating information in working may show normal ability on one task

memory. For example, it becomes more but impaired ability on another, while
active if someone is presented with a someone else with apparently the same
recognisable sequence of numbers rather problem shows the reverse effect.
than a random set. double obligation dilemma The ethical
dot-plot diagram A way of bringing issue involved when the use of deception
together a group of data sets for com- would make a very significant contribu-
parison, in which the mean of each set tion to our social knowledge or awareness
is represented by a dot, and the extent but might involve distress or anxiety on
of its standard deviation is indicated the part of individual research partici-
by a line on either side of that dot. pants. See also ethical issues.
Dot-plot diagrams deal with ratio or Down’s syndrome A congenital disorder
equal-­interval data, while box-plot dia- in which the individual possesses an
grams are used for ordinal data. See also extra chromosome, giving rise to a series
box-plot diagram, meta-analysis. of distinctive physiological character-
double bind A situation in which the istics, often accompanied by mental
individual appears to be confronted with retardation and language difficulty. It
alternatives, but in fact whatever they was once called ‘mongolism’, a term
do will be wrong. For example, a father that originated because of a (very) slight
might forbid his son to climb a tree. If the resemblance of children with Down’s
boy climbs the tree, he is punished for dis- syndrome to people of Mongolian
obedience, but if he does not, his father descent, but that term is no longer used
indicates that he is disappointed at the in psychological literature.
boy being so ‘soft’. Double binds seem to dream analysis Finding hidden meanings
be particularly common in families, and in disguised symbolic form by interpreting
Gregory Bateson, who invented the term, the content of dreams. Dream analysis is
initially proposed that schizophrenia was an important tool of the psychoanalytic
caused by g­ rowing up in a family in which schools of thought proposed by Freud and
double binds were used frequently. This Jung. It is considered to form an impor-
theory has now been abandoned, but tant set of clues to the unconscious mind
systemic family therapists recognise that because dreaming is thought to express
double binds are a common and destruc- unconscious wish fulfilment expressive
tive feature of many disturbed families. of the individual’s deepest conflicts and
double-blind control An experimen- desires.
tal control in which neither the person dreaming Mental activity that occurs
conducting the experiment nor the during sleep. Dreams typically have
research participants in the study are vivid imagery, an emotional content,
aware of the experimental hypothesis or and usually occur in a particular sleep
conditions. Double-blind controls are phase (REM sleep). They also have the
precautions against experimenter effects, characteristic of being rapidly forgot-
and are considered essential in tests of ten on waking. It seems that all humans
new drugs or assessments of therapeutic dream, but most dreams are not remem-
procedures. But see also deception. bered. Freud proposed that the function
double-dissociation The observation of dreams was to preserve sleep by seem-
that some people with brain damage ing to fulfil wishes that would otherwise
104  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

disturb the sleeper. More recent theories the decline of the theory. See also sec-
propose that dreams are the by-product ondary drives.
of the processing of information that drug A chemical substance, usually
has come in during the day and needs non-nutritive, which exerts an effect on
to be incorporated into the cognitive the body. See also recreational drugs.
system. See also lucid dreaming.
DSM-V See Diagnostic and Statistical
dreamwork A term used by Freud to Manual of Mental Disorders.
refer to the complex process by which
unconscious wishes and fantasies are DTI See diffusion tensor imaging.
disguised in dreams, appearing in sym- dual-aspect theory The idea that mind
bolic form. It is a fundamental aspect and brain are two aspects of the same
of dream analysis. See also latent content, thing, but described at different levels of
manifest content. analysis.
drive An energised state in which the dualism See Cartesian dualism.
person or animal is motivated by the
dual-memory theory A model of memory
need to satisfy some lack or want (usu-
first proposed by William James in 1890,
ally physiological in nature).
and later developed by (among oth-
drive-reduction theory The theory ers) Miller, and Atkinson and Shiffrin.
that motivation occurs, and behaviour is Dual-memory theory postulates two
energised, mainly or entirely as a result independent memory systems, namely a
of the need to alleviate or reduce drives. limited-capacity, immediate or short-term
It is a rather negative theory in that it memory (STM), and a large-capacity,
assumes that all drives produce tension long-term memory (LTM). The Atkinson
or arousal so that the organism is always and Shiffrin model proposes that STM
motivated to minimise drive states. forms a first stage to LTM storage, and
The failure to encompass enjoyment that material is transferred from STM to
and activities that deliberately increase LTM by means of rehearsal (see Figure
arousal (such as horror movies, explora- 25). See also levels of processing.
tion and skydiving) was one reason for

Figure 25  A dual-memory model

D 105

dual-process dependency model A way more likely to overestimate their abili-

of analysing social influence by separat- ties than people who are more skilled.
ing normative social influence coming See also self-efficacy.
from knowledge that has been directly dyad A pair, usually of people, who are
learned from others about norms and engaged in some kind of interaction.
socially accepted standards, from infor-
mational social influence, which has dyadic interactions Interaction
been learned more indirectly from the between just two people, usually but not
media, etc. The dual-process dependency inevitably face to face, with no one else
model assumes that these two forms of involved.
influence are entirely separate, and exert dynamic equilibrium A state of a sys-
different pressures on the individual. tem which is unchanging, not because
Dunning-Kruger effect The finding all of its components are locked into
that people who are less skilled are fixed positions (static equilibrium), but

Dunn, Judy (1939–)

Judith Frances Dunn specialised in social developmental psychology and pio-
neered a number of methods for studying the natural, everyday behaviour
of pre-school children. Her ethological studies of young children formed a
significant part of the Oxford Pre-School Research Project, spearheaded by
Jerome Bruner, and showed how pre-school children were far more socially
sophisticated than had previously been thought. The research revealed how
such children applied their social knowledge in family interactions such
as teasing, comforting, and emotional play. Dunn also showed how some
toddler tantrums appeared to be directly related to the child's feeling that
their personal rights or entitlements had been abrogated in some way. Her
research paved the way for a greater understanding of pre-school children's
social awareness, including research into TOM (theory of mind).

Dweck, Carol (1946–)

Carol Dweck is primarily concerned with the relationship between learn-
ing, achievement and intelligence, arguing that the beliefs people have
about where their intelligence comes from are key to their achievement.
She was an early researcher into self-efficacy beliefs and achievement in chil-
dren and is most known for developing Mindset theory. This distinguishes
between a growth mindset, which contains a developing or incremental idea
of intelligence and emphasises success based on perseverance and hard work;
and a fixed mindset which sees intelligence as originating from innate and
unchangeable ability. The theory has been successfully applied in many con-
texts and is increasingly popular with educators and trainers.
106  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

because the components are continu- plan and organise deliberate behaviour.
ally changing in relation to each other It is thought to arise from damage to the
in such a way that the system as a whole prefrontal cortex.
is stable. It can be a useful metaphor dysfunctional Working or operating in
for human systems that are much more such a manner as to be a positive handi-
likely to become stable (or stuck) in this cap to the individual or originating body.
dysgraphia A type of learning difficulty
dynamometer A device for measuring that involves difficulty in writing (i.e.
muscular strength, particularly of hand with performing the physical actions
grip. involved in writing). It often overlaps
dys- A prefix which is generally used to with other disorders such as difficulties
mean faulty or presenting a problem. in writing at speed but does not seem to
be related to difficulties of comprehen-
dysarthria Impaired ability to contract
sion. Dysgraphia has been associated
the muscles, resulting in difficulty in
with the misfunctioning of a specific
movement. It is associated with lesions to
writing area, known as Exner’s area, in
the cerebellum and the left basal ganglia.
the frontal lobe. See also phonological dys-
dyscalculia A difficulty with perform- graphia, dyslexia, suface dysgraphia.
ing arithmetical calculations, similar
dyslexia A general term for disorders
to dyslexia and generating many of the
involving a failure to learn to read,
same debates. When caused specifically
or specific difficulties in the inter-
by brain damage the disorder is generally
pretations of words or letters, despite
referred to as acalculia. There is general
adequate general intelligence. Dyslexic
agreement that the developmental dis-
problems may take many forms, and
order dyscalculia does exist, but debates
there are a number of theories as to
centre around whether observed prob-
origins, and various therapies. See also
lems in many instances actually arise
developmental dyslexia, phonological dys-
from the disorder or have other causes,
lexia, phonological mediation.
such as emotional reactions acquired
from inappropriate learning experiences. dyspraxia An impairment in the ability
to perform deliberate actions. See also
dysexecutive syndrome A cognitive
orofacial dyspraxia.
impairment that affects the ability to
eardrum The part of the ear that forms (anvil) and stapes (stirrup). They are
a barrier between the outer ear and the then passed on to the cochlea for transduc-
middle ear. The eardrum, or tympanic tion into electrical impulses (Figure 26).
membrane, is a taut membrane that eating disorders A general term for dis-
vibrates in response to sound. These turbed behaviour involving food. Such
vibrations are transmitted to the middle disorders include anorexia nervosa and
ear, where they are amplified by three bulimia.
small bones known by their approximate
shapes as the malleus (hammer) incus EBA See extrastriate body area.

Figure 26  Structure of the ear

Ebbinghaus, Hermann (1850–1909)

Hermann Ebbinghaus is famous for pioneering the systematic study of
­memory, and for establishing rigorous laboratory methods to ensure standardi-
sation of both subject matter and research procedures. He did this by using
lists of nonsense syllables (consonant-vowel-consonant groups with minimal
prior meaning) and carefully standardised procedures, and identified a num-
ber of consistent memory processes, such as the four Rs (recall, recognition,
redintegration and relearning savings), which described different degrees of
remembering. Although not the first, he is often credited with being one of
the most influential of the early experimental psychologists, partly because
of his vigorous defence of the experimental approach.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
108  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

echoic memory A very brief form of perception disappear. For example, many
immediate or short-term memory for visual illusions are based on ‘snapshots’ of a
sound information, which fades quickly. scene or image and result in hypothesising
We may, for instance, be reading or about the likely implications of the visual
concentrating on something else, and stimulus. In the real world, however, per-
only become aware that the doorbell ceivers move around, which means that
has rung because of the brief echoic other aspects of perception such as gra-
memory it has left behind. dient of texture, superposition and motion
echolalia The repetition of the last parallax become relevant, and an appar-
heard item of speech, sometimes exactly ent illusion disappears. Gibson argued
and sometimes with what appears to the that perception does not involve hypoth-
listener to be a mocking intonation. It is esising when it is studied in its ecological
sometimes, though by no means always, context rather than as a decontextualised
a symptom of an underlying psychiatric phenomenon. See also direct perception.
disorder such as schizophrenia. See also ecological validity Validity is concerned
echopraxia, mirroring. with the question of whether a given psy-
chological technique really assesses that
echopraxia The automatic and often
which it purports to measure. Ecological
uncontrollable copying of other peo-
validity is, as its name suggests, concerned
ple’s actions or movements, sometimes,
with whether a given technique truly cor-
though not always, a symptom of an
responds to its equivalent in an everyday
underlying psychiatric disorder. See also
‘natural’ setting. The issue centres around
postural echo, mirroring.
whether artificially controlled labora-
Ecological Momentary Assessment tory simulations of human situations can
(EMA) A form of diary method that really be considered to be equivalent to
involves sampling what the person is the behaviour that human beings display
doing in their everyday lives at random during the course of their everyday lives,
moments throughout the day. It has four given what we know about demand char-
distinct characteristics: (i) events or phe- acteristics and self-fulfilling prophecies. For
nomena are recorded as they occur; (ii) example, it is questionable whether mini-
the recordings depend on careful, usually mal group studies of social identification are
randomised timing; (iii) the record- really examples of the same psychological
ings will often involve repeated events, processes as social identifications pro-
which can be usefully compared; and duced by belonging to a given ethnic or
(iv) they are made in the person’s own occupational group since they are highly
environment. The method has become confined and restricted laboratory studies
more widely used with the availability that deliberately exclude all the complex-
of mobile phones. See also Experience ities of social life. The term is particularly
Sampling Method, ambulatory assessment. associated with J.J. Gibson’s approach to
ecological perception The approach to studying perception in realistic settings.
perception proposed by J.J. Gibson, who See ecological perception.
argued that it is not possible to understand ecology The study of the interactions
perceptual processes outside the con- between organisms, other organisms,
text of the person’s (or animal’s) active and their natural environments.
engagement with the physical world.
ECT See electroconvulsive therapy.
When that context is taken into account,
many of the problematic aspects of visual edema See oedema.
E 109

educable mentally retarded An American educationally subnormal (ESN) A

term corresponding to the obsolete British classification for children who are
category of educationally subnormal, and ­unable to cope with normal schooling.
implying a delayed mental development A Government Act in 1981 ruled out
such that the child cannot cope with the use of all of the terms which had
normal schooling, but is still educable if been set up to label children with men-
special help is provided. Specifically, the tal or physical handicaps, so these terms
category is applied to children with an are now obsolete. When a child has
IQ between 50 and 69. Below 50, the ‘special needs’ a report is prepared by
American term is ‘trainable mentally an educational psychologist which defines
retarded’. See also educationally subnormal, the strengths of the child and the areas
mental handicap. in which special help will be required. It
educational psychology One of the major is hoped that this will prevent children
professions of psychologists. In the UK, from experiencing labelling which inevi-
practitioners are employed within the edu- tably becomes derogatory and difficult
cational system to deal with psychological to remove. See also special child.
issues concerning children in school and EEG The electroencephalogram, which
to assess and monitor the progress of chil- is a recording of changes in the overall
dren with special needs. They are usually electrical activity of the brain. EEGs are
based in School Psychological Services or taken by attaching several electrodes
Child Guidance Clinics. In some areas, to different parts of the scalp and using
the work is largely taken up with assess- these to detect neural activity in the
ing children who are having difficulties different regions of the brain. A poly-
in school and making recommendations graph converts these fluctuations into a
about which kind of educational setting graphical record and/or sends them for
they need. Other areas have been able to computer analysis so that particular pat-
develop much more varied work, ranging terns of activity or responses to specific
from therapy with individual children stimuli can be identified. Specific fre-
and their families, through curriculum quencies (alpha, beta and delta waves) are
development and teacher training, to con- reliably associated with different mental
sulting with the school on more effective states (Figure 27), and patterns of EEG
management structures. Training courses response can be used to identify a dispo-
usually last for three years and award a sition to fits (seizures) and other forms of
doctorate, but require the applicant to brain dysfunction or levels of sleep (Figure
have a good psychology degree, training as 28). More recently, it has been shown
a teacher and two years of teaching expe- that people can control their EEG out-
rience before starting the course. put to some extent given appropriate

Figure 27  EEG patterns in waking

110  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience


level I

level II

level III

level IV

Figure 28  EEGs in sleep

biofeedback, which has opened the door predict the sensory consequences of an
to the development of prosthetic devices action. For example, the reason why we
which can be controlled by mental are unable to tickle ourselves is that the
activity. See also error-related negativity. efference copy of the action is sent to
effect the sensory projection area, so we know
what to expect and therefore the unpre-
(i) When used as a noun, an effect dictability in the stimulation is lost.
is a result or outcome (e.g. ‘the efferent neurone See motor neurone.
effect of his or her action’).
effort after meaning A term used by
(ii) When used as a verb, it means to
Bartlett to describe the ways in which
bring about a consequence (e.g. ‘I
individuals attempt to organise their
may effect a change in your under-
memories, and to make sense of them,
standing’). This is an entirely
if necessary altering the content of the
different meaning from ‘affect’,
specific information in order to do so.
and students need to be care-
ful not to confuse the two, as the efMRI See event-related functional
entire meaning of a sentence may magnetic resonance imaging.
be changed by such a mistake. ego In Freudian theory, the part of the
personality structure that deals with
For more detail, see affect.
external reality and balances the pres-
effect size The extent to which a par- sures coming from the id and superego.
ticular variable being investigated Literally, the word means ‘I’, and its
has produced a result. In studies with more general use is to refer to the sense
human beings, because of the com- of identity or self.
plex range of factors that are always
ego-defence mechanisms See defence
involved, effect sizes are rarely large,
but even small ones can be statistically
significant. The effect size supplements ego-ideal The image an individual holds
probability assessments, indicating how of the person they would like to be. Also
much importance should be attached to known as the ideal self-image.
the statistical significance of the find- ego-state A term from transactional anal-
ings given the size of the sample. ysis that describes the basic structures of
efference copy A representation or feelings which lead to a person adopting
copy of a motor signal that is used to particular ways of relating to someone
E 111

during an interaction. At any one time, reduction of egocentricity. When used of

a person may be relating as a parent, an adults, the term has implications of self-
adult or a child. ishness, although perhaps it should just
imply a delayed cognitive development.
egocentric coding Visual coding that is
See genetic epistemology.
entirely dependent on the person’s indi-
vidual perspective, by comparison with egoism A tendency to give an exces-
allocentric coding. sively high priority to one’s own needs
and wishes, and a correspondingly low
egocentric heuristic A strategy com- priority to those of other people. For a
monly used when listening to others, in comparison, see egotism.
which what is said is interpreted entirely
with respect to idiosyncratic, personal egotism A consistent tendency to over-
knowledge rather than with respect to value oneself, and therefore to undervalue
knowledge that is held in common with other people. It differs from egoism in
the speaker. that egotists tend not to be interested
in other people, whereas egoists need a
egocentric space The map of the imme- good understanding of others in order to
diate (or distal) environment that is exploit them. Egotistical attitudes tend to
coded entirely in respect to the person’s be clearly displayed, whereas egoism may
awareness of the position of their body. need to be concealed to be effective. See
also Dark Triad.
egocentric speech Speech that is simply
involved in monitoring and directing eidetic imagery Commonly referred to as
the child’s internal thought processes photographic memory, eidetic imagery is a
and has no communicative function. memory that has been encoded by means
According to Piaget, this is a significant of a particularly detailed visual image,
part of the child’s acquisition of speech. such that the individual is sometimes able
It forms a valuable tool of thought, with to identify details from the image which
which the child performs mental opera- are unlikely to have been noticed on first
tions on the external world. exposure. Eidetic imagery is relatively
common in children, occurring in about
egocentricity or egocentrism A central 10 per cent of cases, but tends to disap-
concept in Piagetian theory, egocentricity pear around late adolescence, and is rare
refers to the idea that children take their in adults. See also iconic representation.
own perspective as central, assuming that
other people have the same understand- eigenvalue A quantity calculated in
ings, motives and needs as themselves. multivariate statistics which indicates
It is not a moralistic concept and has the contribution of one factor, or inde-
nothing in common with selfishness or pendent variable, to the variance of the
egotism, but instead is concerned with dependent variable. Its most common
the child’s perception of association and use is in the appraisal of factors in psycho-
causality. The process by which the child metric tests, as it can describe the variance
gradually comes to differentiate itself from of each factor in a factor analysis.
the external world, through the develop- Einstellung A term coined by the
ment of the body-schema, to recognise Gestalt school of psychology to refer
that objects have permanent existence, to mental sets that influence problem-­
and to be able to achieve decentration and solving by inducing a rigidity of thought.
see things from another’s viewpoint are, This then precludes the perception of
for Piaget, significant milestones in the alternative strategies or solutions.
112  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

elaborated code A term used by this refers to the electrical impulse

Bernstein to refer to the form of lan- produced by a neurone when it is stim-
guage commonly used by middle-class ulated. See also all-or-none principle,
families, characterised by extensive use synaptic transmission.
of nouns, explanations and synonyms. electrical potential A term often used
Bernstein’s use of the term ‘code’ is to refer to the electrical impulse, or spike
contentious, as are many other parts of electrical energy, that is generated by
of his theory. This is mainly due to the a neurone when it fires.
theory having been associated with the
verbal deprivation hypothesis of class dif- electrical stimulation of the brain
ferences in language use, which argues (ESB) See ESB.
that restricted language use implies electrocardiogram (ECG) A recording
restricted cognitive possibilities. See of the electrical discharges that appear
also codes of language, restricted code. on the surface of the body as a result
elaboration In cognition, the addition of the activity of the heart. In psychol-
of information to a representation or ogy, the ECG is used mainly as a way
schema that already exists in the cogni- of recording the rate at which the heart
tive system. This may involve absorbing is beating, as changes in heart rate may
new information (through assimilation) indicate the presence and strength of a
adjusting the schema to encompass new number of processes such as stress and
information (through accommodation) or the orienting reflex.
linking the representation to other stored electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) A
information. See also elaborative inference. treatment for endogenous depression that
elaboration mnemonics Ways of storing involves passing an electrical current
information by deliberately expanding through the brain, thus simulating a
each item of information to be stored. severe epileptic fit. This controversial
This is done by exploring relevant related treatment induces temporary amnesia
information and adding details (e.g. and can result in the alleviation of some
images) or working to transform the infor- forms of reactive depression. However,
mation in some other way. Elaboration is there is considerable concern both as to
thought to work because it encourages how appropriately it is actually used in
cognitive processing of the information. See the psychiatric context, and with regard
also mnemonic, levels of processing. to the possibility of long-term damage
to memory and concentration.
elaborative inference This is the adding
of detail to an existing memory or cog- electrode A device that will pick up
nition by drawing on prior knowledge or or transmit electrical activity wher-
theories. See also elaboration mnemonics. ever it is placed on the body or scalp.
Traditionally electrodes used for psy-
Electra complex A term introduced chological research have taken the form
by Jung as a female counterpart of the of a small metal disc, coated with a jelly
Oedipus complex. Most theorists, includ- to improve electrical contact, and fit-
ing Freud, rejected use of the term. See ted to a larger adhesive disc so that it
also penis envy. can be securely attached to the skin.
electrical impulse A short burst of elec- However, improvements in technology
tricity. In most psychological contexts, have resulted in more sensitive elec-
E 113

trodes that can be used more simply, e.g. ism as a form of argument concerns its
attached to a net which can be ­fitted assumption that complex behaviour,
over the scalp. whether it be social or individual, can
electroencephalogram See EEG. be explained simply by reference to its
component parts. This does not take
electromyography (EMG) A method for into account the emergent properties
measuring the amount of electrical activ- that become apparent when elements
ity associated with muscle ­movement. are combined into a higher-order whole.
electroshock therapy (EST) American For instance, it would not have been
term for electroconvulsive therapy. possible to predict that group decision-
making can result in highly polarised
EMA See Ecological Momentary
decisions simply from looking at the
decision-making patterns of individual
emblems A category of non-verbal sig- group members (see group polarisation),
nals identified by Ekman and Friesen, or to have identified the phenomenon
which involves those non-verbal cues of groupthink from research into indi-
which have a direct and culturally vidual cognitive processes.
understood meaning, and which stand EMG See electromyography.
for something. Gestures with specific
meanings, or uniforms denoting specific emic approaches Approaches to knowl-
role functions, are examples of emblems. edge that address indigenous local
phenomena or experiences which are
embodied cognition The idea that the culture-specific rather than universal.
movement or internal state of the body See also etic approaches.
can be used in cognition. See also enac-
tive representation. emojis or emogees Small images of faces,
symbols and objects used to express
embodiment The sense that the self is information or emotion in text. They
located within the body. are self-contained keyboard characters
embryo An organism in the earliest which work across different platforms.
stages of development following con- Compare emoticon.
ception. In lower species, the animal emoticon Punctuation marks, letters
is called an embryo until hatching or and numbers usually read sideways
birth. In humans, the period of the and arranged to represent an emotion
embryo extends to two months after or sentiment, e.g. ;) as a winking face.
conception, by which time different Compare emoji.
organs are becoming visible, and the
term foetus is then used until birth. emotion Subjective feelings that have
a positive or negative value for the
emergency reaction See alarm reaction. individual. Beyond this statement, the
emergent properties Properties or definition must depend on the particu-
characteristics that appear in groups lar theory of emotion being held. Most
or complex combinations, and which current theories regard emotions as a
could not have been predicted from combination of physiological responses
the characteristics of the individual ele- with a cognitive evaluation of the situ-
ments which make up that group. One ation. The idea that emotions are the
of the chief arguments against reduction- source of action has become less popular,
114  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

and in fact, the term has only a remote capability, as well as overprotection and
link with any idea of motion, having limitation of exploration and learning,
come into English from the French word or preventing the child from partici-
emouvoir, meaning ‘to excite’. Some def- pating in normal social interactions. It
initions would reserve the term emotion may involve seeing or hearing the ill-
for fairly intense and fairly brief experi- treatment of another such as a parent.
ences. It is certainly useful to distinguish It includes serious bullying (including
emotions from states (such as hunger, cyberbullying), causing children to
sexual desire and frustration), which feel frightened, or the exploitation or
may give rise to emotions, and also from corruption of children. Some level of
behaviours such as aggression, which may emotional abuse is involved in all types
indicate the presence of an emotion, but of maltreatment of a child, though it
which are not themselves emotions. See may occur alone. See child abuse.
also basic emotions, mood. emotional disorder A set of disorders
emotion generation A term used to in which children show high levels of
describe a spontaneous emotional reac- shyness, anxiety and dependency. The
tion to a situation or event. term is also used more broadly to refer
emotion regulation The use of deliberate to a wide range of psychological dis-
strategies to change or adjust emotional turbances that involve inappropriate
or mood states, most commonly used to emotional experiences, such as mania
minimise negative emotions. Regulation and depression. For this sense, an alter-
of emotional expression involves activa- native term is affective disorder. See also
tion of the amygdala and the orbitofrontal conduct disorders, affect.
cortex in the brain. See also mindfulness. emotional intelligence (EI) A term
emotional abuse Emotional abuse is the used to describe social and emotional
persistent emotional maltreatment of sensitivity, which is a combination of
another person, thereby causing severe complex skills essential for smooth social
and persistent adverse effects on their interaction and maintaining social har-
well-being. It is often associated with mony. Although previously overlooked,
physical abuse. It can be inflicted on they are now considered to be a basic
both adults and children and when the form of intelligence in their own right.
victim is another adult it is classed as While those who score highly in emo-
a form of domestic abuse. When some- tional intelligence tests generally tend
one manipulates situations in order to to promote social harmony, high scores
undermine their partner’s mental state in some aspects of EI are also apparent
it may be called gaslighting. in those high in machiavellianism and
similar traits. See also dark triad.
Emotional abuse of children may take
the form of conveying to them that they emotional stability A more neutral term
are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or used to describe the trait of neuroticism
valued only insofar as they meet the in the five-factor theory of personality.
needs of another person. It may feature emotive A description of behaviour
age or developmentally inappropriate as expressing an emotion. Usually, use
expectations being imposed on children. of the term implies a strong emotion,
These may include interactions that though the actual emotion may not be
are beyond the child’s developmental identified.
E 115

empathy A feeling of emotional under- the child. As the child develops and its
standing and unity with another, such world widens, further forms of represen-
that an emotion felt by one person is tation are added to its repertoire, such
experienced to some degree by another as iconic representation and symbolic rep-
who is empathic to them. The term is resentation. See also embodied cognition.
sometimes used when indicating how encoding The processing of information
much capacity an individual has to be in such a way that it can be represented
empathic towards others. It is thought internally, for memory storage. The term
to be important for psychotherapists to is also used when data are transferred
be empathic. Neurological studies have into a standard form such as a computer
shown that empathy involves a complex file. See also encoding specificity.
of brain areas, including the paracingu-
late cortex, the medial prefrontal cortex encoding specificity The idea that
and the superior temporal sulcus, as well retrieval from memory will depend on
as other parts of the limbic system. The the overlap between the information
prevalence of mirror systems in the brain available at the time of retrieval and
is thought to reflect the importance of the information stored in the memory
empathy in human social evolution. See trace. For example, if someone is trying
also WEG. to remember a sentence such as ‘the girl
was dancing’, then ‘music’ might form
empathy-altruism model The idea an effective cue to stimulate retrieval,
that altruistic behaviour is motivated by whereas ‘coat’ probably would not.
empathic concern for other people.
encounter group A therapeutic tech-
empirical Such as can be measured. nique devised by Carl Rogers, in which
Empirical observations are those that can clients are placed in a situation which
provide a level of objective data which facilitates openness and honesty about
can be assessed in one form or another. their self-concept and their feelings con-
Using the term ‘measure’ loosely, almost cerning the others in the group. Once the
all psychological forms of investigation initial barriers were down, Rogers con-
may be considered to be empirical. sidered that such a group would provide
empiricism A philosophical school of the emotional support and unconditional
thought, highly influential in psychology, positive regard needed for each member to
which argued that only that which can deal with their problems and to explore
be directly observed or measured can be their options for personal growth. See
meaningfully studied. See behaviourism. also client-centred therapy.
enactive representation According to endocrine system This is the general
Bruner, this is the first mode of repre- term for a system of glands, distributed
sentation developed by the young child. throughout the body, which release
Enactive representation involves the hormones into the bloodstream. The
storing of information in the form of endocrine system is generally involved
kinaesthetic sensations, such as the way in the maintenance of specific condi-
that most adults recall the sensation of tions of the body, such as pregnancy or
a fairground waltzer or helter-skelter. In aroused states, rather than in particular
the world of the infant, ‘muscle memo- acts or behaviours. The main gland of
ries’ would be adequate to cope with the endocrine system would appear to be
most of the information encountered by the pituitary gland, which is located in the
116  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

brain and directly connected to the hypo- which has been directed by personal goals
thalamus. The pituitary sends messages to or intentions. See also exogenous orienting.
many of the other glands of the system endorphins A group of neurotransmit-
and is closely linked to the homeostatic ters, mainly found in the limbic system,
mechanisms of the body. Some of the which were originally termed ‘endog-
other glands of the endocrine system are enous morphine’. This later became
the pineal gland, the thyroid and thymus contracted to endorphin, and the group
glands, which are involved in growth includes the similar enkephalins. They
regulation and immune mechanisms, the are substances with chemical structures
testes, and the adrenal glands (Figure 29). closely resembling morphines, produced
endogenous Within the body. Compare in the brain in response to demanding
exogenous. exercise, pain, anxiety or fear. It is con-
sidered that the feelings of euphoria that
endogenous depression Depression that
often accompany strenuous exercise are
has come about without any appar-
produced by the actions of endorphins,
ent cause, and which persists over an
and that the similar experience produced
extended period of time. The term implies
by the opiates heroin and morphine
that the depression originates within the
occurs as a result of their being picked
individual, rather than being a response
up in receptor sites specific to endorphins.
to external circumstances. See also reac-
tive depression, depressive attributional style. engineering psychology The applica-
tion of psychology to human–machine
endogenous orienting Attention that has
interaction. It includes the selec-
been directed by the aims or goals of the
tion and training of people to operate
person doing the perceiving. See also selec-
machines, and advice on the design of
tive attention, exogenous spatial attention.
machines so that they can be efficiently
endogenous spatial attention Attention used by human operators. See also
directed towards a particular location, applied psychology.

Figure 29  The endocrine system

E 117

engram An outdated expression, the environmental psychology The study

physical form in which an experience is of how the environment influences
recorded in memory. See memory trace. and channels individual behaviour.
enkephalins A specific set of neuro- Environmental psychology includes the
transmitters belonging to the general study of such factors as territoriality and
group of endorphins that are produced in personal space, ergonomic design, and the
response to pain or demanding exercise. physical attributes of surroundings.
environmentalism The doctrine that all
entorhinal cortex The area of the brain
significant determinants of behaviour
immediately surrounding the hippocam-
are to be found in the environment.
pus. It has been shown to be involved in
Strict behaviourism is one version of
transferring memories for long-term stor-
age. See also perirhinal cortex, rhinal sulcus.
EPI The Eysenck Personality Inventory, a
entrapment The process in decision-­
questionnaire designed to assess people
making whereby it becomes difficult to
on the two personality traits of extraver-
make the decision to get out of a bad situ-
sion and neuroticism (see neurosis).
ation because too much has already been
These were proposed as the two main
invested in trying to make it work. The
traits underlying individual differences
American war in Vietnam was a classic
in personality, each representing several
example of entrapment and carried on
second-order traits.
for many years even after it was appar-
ent that America could not win. A more epidemiology A research technique in
mundane example would be that of feel- which the distribution of the events or
ing unable to scrap an old car because of other features under study is plotted
the money that has already been paid out in order to identify patterns or regu-
to keep it on the road – the owner feels larities. Distributions are usually plotted
obliged to try to keep the car on the road, geographically (e.g. studying whether
even at additional cost, because otherwise identified cases of incest are more preva-
the money that has already been spent is lent in some areas of a city than others).
seen as wasted. See also heuristics. Alternatively, other forms of distribution
may be applied (e.g. as in epidemiologi-
environment The total external context
cal studies of the incidence of Covid-19
in which an individual operates. The
in subgroups within the population).
concept of environment is usually used
to include both physical surroundings and epigenetics Changes to the way that
their characteristics and social contexts a gene is expressed which have been
and interactions. However, it may be used driven by the environment. For exam-
more specifically to include all the differ- ple, it has been shown that early abuse
ent facets of the physical but to exclude or neglect can influence glucocorticoid
the social aspects. See also ecology. receptors, such that they respond differ-
ently from those in animals or humans
environmental determinism The view
who have not experienced early stress-
that behaviour, personality or psycho-
ors of this type.
logical characteristics originate as a direct
consequence of individual learning and epilepsy The most common serious neu-
environmental influences, and are not rological condition, usually symptomatic
significantly influenced by innate factors. of an underlying brain disorder. Everyone
118  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

has a seizure ‘threshold’ (i.e. a potential to which acts as a brief store of integrated
have epileptic seizures, which are unpre- information about an event or situation.
dictable but transient abnormal electrical episodic memory Memory for specific
discharges in the brain). Seizures can events, episodes or phenomena. See
manifest themselves in different ways, also semantic memory.
depending on which area of the brain is
involved. Generalised seizures involve epistemology The study of knowledge,
both hemispheres of the brain simulta- and the ways in which what counts as
neously, producing a temporary loss of knowledge may vary from one disci-
consciousness, whereas partial seizures pline or field to another. For example,
begin in a localised area of the brain a similarly worded question about the
and may produce few visible symptoms. family might occur in both sociology
Epilepsy can be managed by medication, and psychology examinations, but differ-
with reasonably high success rates, and in ent epistemological demands would be
some very extreme cases, it can be treated applied in the evaluation of the answer.
by surgery, most commonly the removal In the sociology examination, the student
of the temporal lobe of the brain. Earlier would be required to consider the rela-
treatments involved severing the corpus tionship of the family to society, while in
callosum – see split-brain studies. the psychology examination a considera-
tion of interpersonal processes and roles
epinephrine The American name for would be more appropriate. What counts
adrenaline. as knowledge in each subject is differ-
epiphenomenalism The kind of ent, and it is the consideration of such
account or theory in which a phenom- differences that is the subject matter of
enon is seen as an emergent property of epistemology. See also postmodernism.
some more fundamental process, and EPQ Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
therefore to be studied in terms of the See Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI).
more basic process. An epiphenomenal
approach would see the mind as being equal-interval scale A system of meas-
just a direct outcome of brain activity. urement in which the difference in value
between consecutive units is consistent
episode analysis According to Harré, it throughout. For example, in an equal-
is episodes, rather than acts or actions, interval numbering scale, the difference
that should form the basic unit of between 30 and 31 is of exactly the same
social analysis since that is the more magnitude as the difference between
meaningful unit in human experience. 36,005 and 36,006. Equal-interval scales
Harré proposed that episodes could be with a fixed zero are known as ratio
viewed using a dramaturgical metaphor, scales. Children are introduced to ratio
which would encourage the researcher scales from a very early age, as they first
to consider social roles, social scripts, learn to count, and adults continue to
non-verbal signals, discourse and social use them (e.g. in dealing with money).
meaning, and many other facets of social See levels of measurement.
psychology, providing a more rounded
equilibration In Piagetian theory, the
view of what is happening than conven-
process by which schemata are developed
tional approaches. See also ethogenics.
to take account of new information. If
episodic buffer A passive and rapidly new information that is encountered
decaying component of working memory, fails to fit into an existing schema, the
E 119

individual is thrown into a state of cogni- localised but were organised across the
tive discomfort known as disequilibrium. whole of the association cortex, and
Through the two processes of assimila- it was the overall amount of cortex
tion and accommodation, the schemata involved, not its location, which deter-
are adapted or adjusted such that the mined effective function. See also Law
new information can be handled and the of Mass Action.
cognitive balance is restored. This is the equity theory The idea, from social
process of equilibration. exchange theory, that people choose
equilibratory senses The kinaesthetic relationships in which they will benefit
senses based on receptors in the semi- to about the same extent as they con-
circular canals of the inner ear, such as tribute. There is some evidence that
equilibrioception and proprioception. if people feel either disadvantaged or
equilibrioception The sense of balance. over-advantaged in a relationship, they
will be dissatisfied.
equipotentiality The now outdated
principle outlined by Lashley after his ergonomics The study of the relation-
investigations of the cerebral cortex, that ship between energy expenditure and
those areas termed association cortex, work. As such, ergonomics includes the
concerned with learning and memory, study of design and physiological limita-
seemed to be equal in their potential tions, and of other factors influencing
to carry out these functions – in other efficiency in both mechanical and
words, that such functions were not human–machine systems.

Erikson, Erik (1902–1994)

Erik Erikson was a developmental psychoanalyst most widely known for
coining the term ‘identity crisis’, and for his lifelong development theory.
Developed at a time when much psychoanalytical theory focused only on
childhood, Erikson’s assertion that psychological development continued
throughout adulthood and even into old age was radical, and resulted in
his influence extending into mainstream psychology, as well as within the
psychoanalytic world. His idea was that each stage of life required the resolu-
tion of certain psychological conflicts, and the way that these were resolved
formed the foundation of how that person went about resolving later ones.
See also lifespan, psychosocial stages.

ERP See event-related potential. spouse might judge that errors

Error are not random mistakes but are
informative about some underly-
ing emotion or motivation.
(i) In cognitive research, the term (ii) In statistics an ‘error term’ is not
used to describe mistakes or slips, a mistake, but a measure of how
for example, memory failures or far away a particular observation
the omission of an action in a is from the mean. If the mean
sequence. A psychotherapist or height in a particular population
120  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

is 1.5 metres and a specific person EST See electroshock therapy.

is 1.8 metres tall, the error term esteem needs One level of the hierarchy
for them is 0.3 metres. of human needs proposed by Maslow.
Esteem needs include the need for
error bars Ways of indicating how achievement and social recognition and
much variation is associated with any are considered to achieve importance
given point on a graph. Error bars form once physiological, safety and social needs
the ‘whiskers’ on a box whisker or box- have been met. See also self-esteem.
plot diagram.
esthetic See aesthetics.
error-related negativity A distinctive
ethical Concerned with rights and
pattern in EEG recordings that shows
wrongs. Owing to the scope of psycho-
up when a mistake is made.
logical interests and the potential for
error variation The amount of variation psychological damage, ethical issues
that occurs within the groups in an anal- have become of great importance in
ysis of variance (ANOVA) calculation. modern psychology. They include such
ESB The usual abbreviation for a form aspects of psychological practice as the
of direct electrical stimulation of the use of deception in experimental work, the
brain that appears to function as a investigation of characteristics that are
powerful reinforcer of behaviour, and potentially threatening to the self-concept
to give highly pleasurable sensations. (cf. Milgram’s work on obedience), the
Experiments conducted in the 1960s use of animals in research, and questions
seemed to imply that there was a direct of confidentiality in professional practice.
pleasure centre in a particular region of the Professional psychological associations
hypothalamus. Stimulation of this area in and academic departments have special
rats, given as a reward for lever-pressing, committees that evaluate and provide
produced an extremely high response guidance on ethical issues, and it is now
rate, and in terminally ill cancer patients an automatic requirement that any new
produced reports of feeling ‘wonderful’ or research project must be scrutinised and
‘happy’ (Campbell, 1973). It was thought approved by an ethics committee.
that this might be the root of all moti- ethical guidelines A set of rules drawn
vational states. However, the ‘pleasure up by a professional body that set out
centre’ concept presents some difficulties. the principles which should be observed
For instance, unlike other forms of learn- in conducting research. Ethical guide-
ing, it extinguishes very quickly. The lines are used to inform the work of
effect is also not linked to one particu- ethics committees, which give permission
lar location in the brain: animal studies for research to be carried out. See also
show that self-stimulation can occur from ethical issues.
electrodes implanted in the amygdala, the ethical issues The set of concerns
lateral hypothalamus and the orbitofron- about the conduct of research and the
tal cortex, and appear to tap into wider treatment of research participants that
reward pathways in the brain. resulted from an increased awareness of
ESM See Experience Sampling Method. the social responsibility of science in the lat-
ter part of the twentieth century. Ethical
ESN See educationally subnormal.
issues became particularly influential as a
ESP See extrasensory perception. reaction to the manipulative and often
E 121

damaging research conducted from the ing at the arguments of those belonging
1930s to the 1970s, in which participants’ to different social groups, although dif-
rights were often disregarded, and many ficult to recognise when we are looking
suffered distress, pain or even lasting at our own. Arguably the most powerful
damage. See also ethical guidelines, eth- benefit of education, travel, contact with
ics committee, informed consent, deception, others of different backgrounds, etc., is
debriefing, confidentiality, double obligation that it can sometimes have the effect of
dilemma, presumptive consent. reducing the extent of the individual’s
ethics committee A group of knowledge- ethnocentricity. Regrettably, however,
able people brought together to evaluate this is not an inevitable consequence of
proposed research, in order to ensure any of these experiences. See racism.
that it will conform to the appropri- ethnography A set of research tech­ni­
ate ethical guidelines. Ethics committees ques first developed by anthropologists
became necessary as a reaction to many for the study of other cultures. It was
research projects carried out in the first then taken up by sociologists in studying
two-thirds of the twentieth century, subcultures within their own societies
which disregarded the rights of, or conse- (e.g. the study by Whyte, 1934) of urban
quences to, research ‘subjects’ including gang culture, reported in his book Street
other animals in the name of ‘science’. Corner Society. Because it is difficult to
The growth of the social responsibil- recognise the rules and processes of a
ity of science movement from the 1970s culture when you are living in it, the
onward eventually saw the demise of techniques of ethnography are essen-
this attitude and the acceptance of ethi- tial for social psychologists who want to
cal issues in research. The complexity of analyse how a culture works. The first
ethical issues and problems such as the step is to gather data, usually by obser-
double obligation dilemma makes commit- vation and interview, but the researcher
tee involvement rather than individual may join the people being studied in
judgements necessary. participant observation, and may also use
ethnocentricity A condition in which other material such as letters, internet
the perceptual framework and social activity, diaries, and cultural products
assumptions of an individual are entirely such as magazines and television. A rich
bounded by, and defined in terms of, description is then created and checked
the experience of their own social, eth- back with well-informed members of
nic or national group. Ethnocentricity the cultural group. Finally, the insider’s
is therefore a form of cognitive (or form of description is converted to a
rather sociocognitive) set, which leads psychological or ‘expert’ account. See
to assumptions about one’s own group’s also netnography.
practices, beliefs or assumptions as setting ethnomethodology The study of the
the standard of ‘rightness’ or objectiv- common-sense knowledge by which
ity and thus leads to undervaluing, or social actors know how to behave. We
even failing to recognise, alternatives. are usually not fully aware of the knowl-
Probably deriving from mechanisms of edge we draw on to operate socially, in
social comparison, ethnocentricity appears which case it is called ‘tacit knowledge’.
to be a fundamental and extremely com- Discussed extensively by the sociologist
mon aspect of human thinking. It is Garfinkel in 1967, the method involves
clearly recognisable when we are look- making social assumptions apparent by
122  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

taking action which directly challenges determining social interaction. Account

them. While sociological research of analysis, in Harré’s model, has two stages,
this kind often involved performing acts the first being the process of collecting
which were considered to be socially the accounts themselves, and the second
unacceptable or even outrageous, psy- consisting of a critical reflection of the
chological examples tended to be less meanings contained in those accounts.
extreme; but the principle of disturbing See also emergent properties, new paradigm
a system in order to identify its elements research, qualitative analysis.
and processes has been used very effec- ethological observation Observing
tively, for example by family researchers. behaviour in the natural environment.
One useful research technique used to
uncover this tacit knowledge is conversa- ethology The study of behaviour in
tion analysis. the natural environment. Ethological
studies of animal behaviour have been
ethogenics An approach to social conducted throughout the twentieth cen-
enquiry outlined by Rom Harré in an tury, and were systematised by the work
attempt to identify some of the more of Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen.
meaningful aspects of social interac- More recently, the ethological approach
tion. Properly speaking, ethogenics is a has been applied to the study of human
philosophy rather than a methodology, behaviour, most notably in the fields of
but there are two outstanding methodo- mother–infant interaction and non-verbal
logical implications of the ethogenic communication.
approach. The first of these is that it
is the episode, rather than the act or etic approaches Approaches or forms of
action, which should constitute the knowledge which are considered to be
basic unit of social enquiry since social valid across cultures, aiming to address
life is experienced in real life as a suc- the universality of traits or characteris-
cession of meaningful episodes. Harré tics. See also emic approaches.
suggests that a dramaturgical metaphor eugenics A set of political beliefs based
may be helpful in episode analysis. If an on the idea that intelligence and person-
episode is thought of as being similar to ality are fixed inherited characteristics
an act in a play, then a number of fea- determining role and position in society.
tures of the situation become significant Eugenicists believe that breeding should
in interpreting it – characters, setting, be restricted among those of the ‘lower’
scripts, non-verbal communication, prior classes of society, and that those of
episodes, plot and so on. Analysis of subnormal intellect or undesirable per-
these different aspects of the episode sonality should be sterilised to prevent
would therefore link diverse areas of the spread of such genetic characteris-
psychological knowledge to provide an tics. Eugenic ideas were widespread in
insight into what is going on. The sec- Western Europe and America before the
ond methodological implication of the Second World War, mainly as a result of
ethogenic approach is that the accounts the work of Francis Galton, and formed
which people give of their experiences the basis of the Nazi policy of ‘extermi-
should be taken to have equal validity nating’ those considered to be of inferior
to an external ‘objective’ analysis, since racial characteristics. Eugenic laws were
the way in which we perceive and expe- also enacted (and in some cases are still
rience social life is just as important in current) in several states of the USA,
E 123

and there are many cases on record of assessed or appraised by others, which
individuals classified as mentally subnor- can distort research results by causing
mal having been involuntarily sterilised people to act in ways that are different
as a result of these laws. In the UK, they from their usual manner. See also audi-
were more likely to have been kept ence effects.
in institutions, and so prevented from
event sampling An observational tech-
engaging in procreative sexual activity.
nique in which the occurrence and
euphoria Extreme happiness; a feeling form of specified events are noted each
of being elated or ‘high’. time they occur. The technique is used
for observational studies of relatively rare
European social psychology A school of events such as quarrels between children
thought in social psychology that derived in a playground. See also time sampling.
from theories developed by European psy-
chologists, particularly through the 1970s event-based prospective memory A
and 1980s. One of the central theories form of prospective memory that involves
in this approach is that of social identity remembering to do something or perform
theory, particularly associated with the an action when the situation becomes
work of Henri Tajfel (e.g. Tajfel, 1981). appropriate (e.g. to buy a needed item of
Social identity theory is concerned with stationery when shopping).
how people internalise social group event-related design A method of
membership and interact as representa- designing the presentation of experimen-
tives of their social group, rather than tal material in which different stimuli or
as individuals. Another core theory in conditions are intermixed together. See
European social psychology is that of also block design, order effect.
social representations, developed by the
French psychologist Serge Moscovici event-related functional magnetic
(e.g. Moscovici, 1984). This is concerned resonance imaging (efMRI) A form
with the shared beliefs that emerge in of functional magnetic resonance imaging
society and which serve to legitimise and that compares the patterns of electri-
rationalise social action. The third area of cal activity resulting from two or more
interest is research into social and collec- different events (e.g. giving correct or
tive attributions, for example in the work incorrect responses on a memory test).
of Miles Hewstone (e.g. Hewstone, 1989). event-related potential (ERP) The
European social psychology can therefore amount of change in the electrical
be perceived as a body of theory spanning activity of an area of the brain, meas-
several different levels of explanation in ured at the scalp, which is linked to the
social life. It emerged particularly with timing of a particular cognitive event
the foundation of the European Journal or the response to a stimulus. See also
of Social Psychology in 1971, and has been inverse problem, P600, N400.
proposed as a marked contrast to the
evoked potential A measure of brain
individualistic, largely problem-centred
activity obtained by taking an EEG
and, some say, reductionist approach
reading at the same time as exposing the
represented by much of American social
individual to some form of stimulation
psychology. See also social attribution.
– usually visual. The resulting changes
evaluation apprehension Also known in the EEG record are known as the
as ‘test anxiety’, this is the fear of being evoked potential. In practice, the stimu-
124  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

lus is u­ sually applied repeatedly and the See also coevolution, sociobiology.
responses averaged so that the signal can exchange errors Errors of speech in
be distinguished from the background which words or parts of words swap
noise of general brain activity. places.
evolution A gradual process of genetic excitation The process by which a neu-
change in which the genetic character- rone is rendered likely to fire. Excitation
istics of a whole species are altered over of neural impulses occurs either through
many generations, effecting a physi- direct stimulation of sensory neurones
cal change which serves to adapt the from sense receptors receiving informa-
individuals of that species more fully tion from the environment, or through
to their environment. Individuals in the stimulation of a number of excitatory
a species do not change, but owing to synapses making connections with that
the genetic reshuffling that occurs as a particular neurone.
result of sexual reproduction, or to muta-
tion, each individual varies genetically excitation transfer When the arousal
from its parents. If the variation is one caused by one set of stimuli becomes
that confers an advantage in terms of transferred to another (e.g. when the
the adaptation of the animal to its envi- arousal caused by economic anxiety
ronment, then that individual is likely becomes transferred into aggressive
to become stronger and healthier, or in behaviour towards out-group members,
some other way more likely to breed and as in scapegoat theory).
to pass on its favourable genetic charac- excitatory synapse A synapse that,
teristic to its offspring. Gradually, over when stimulated, renders the neurone
time, weaker members of the species receiving the neurotransmitter more
become less efficient at surviving, and so liable to generate an electrical impulse.
the ‘new’ genetic characteristic becomes Although stimulation from a number of
more widespread in the population. This excitatory synapses is usually required to
process is known as natural selection. set off the nerve impulse, reception of
Over millions of years, this results in the the appropriate neurotransmitter serves
development of whole species that are to lower the threshold of response of the
specialised to their environment. neurone, thus contributing to the even-
tual production of the impulse.
Although evolutionary arguments are
frequently voiced to explain relatively executive functions Functions that are
recent changes in modern humankind, concerned with bringing together and
these are unlikely to have much sub- coordinating information from a range of
stance, owing to: other sources, usually for the purposes of
decision-making. A central executive with
this type of role is a feature of current mod-
(i) the relatively few generations
els of working memory. In neuropsychology,
involved in ‘modern’ life styles;
the term refers to the control processes,
usually cortical in origin, needed to coor-
(ii) the tendency of humankind to
dinate the operation of more specialised
modify its environment to suit
areas or components of the brain.
itself, thus obviating the need to
alter the species to suit the envi- existentialism A philosophical approach
ronment. which argues that individuals can only
E 125

be understood in terms of their existence techniques, but really caused by the fact
in the world and the choices with which that the client expected to feel better
they are faced. Existentialists emphasise as a result of the treatment. See also
self-determinism rather than environ- ­placebo, self-fulfilling prophecy, YAVIS.
mental or developmental determinism and Experience Sampling Method (ESM)
stress the responsibility that each indi- A type of diary method in which partici-
vidual has for his or her actions within pants are asked to stop and make a note
society, on the grounds that we are always of what they are doing at specific inter-
free to act differently, to say ‘no’, and to vals during the course of the day, week
accept the consequences. Existentialism or relevant research period.
was extensively propounded by Jean-
Paul Sartre and has been taken up by experiential intelligence The part of
many psychological theorists. Probably Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelli-
most notable of these was R.D. Laing, gence that is concerned with what the
who, in The Divided Self, proposed an individual has learned from their own
existentialist theory of schizophrenia that personal experience.
directly challenged orthodox psychiatric experiment A form of empirical inves-
approaches and stimulated investigation tigation or study in which variables are
of several alternative forms of therapy in manipulated in order to discover cause
cases of psychological disturbance, such and effect. An experiment will involve
as family therapy. at least one independent variable, which
Exner’s area An area of the brain will be set up in such a way as to pro-
located towards the base of the frontal duce changes in a dependent variable.
lobe, just above Broca's area, and in front experimental control The organising
of the primary motor cortex. Damage to of the conditions of an experiment in
this area has been shown to produce such a way that unwanted variables are
­difficulties in reading and writing. See unable to exert any influence over the
also dysgraphia. outcome. Total experimental control is
exogenous Outside the person. Compare generally recognised as an unachievable
endogenous. goal in psychological research, largely
owing to the inconvenient habit pos-
exogenous depression A depression sessed by human beings of consciously
that is believed to have been caused by reacting to and thinking about their
external events, usually called a reactive situation.
experimental design The process by
exogenous orienting Attention that is which an experimental study is organ-
externally guided by a stimulus. See also ised so as to allow for investigation of the
endogenous orienting, selective attention. possible effects of the independent variable
exogenous spatial attention Attention upon the dependent variable, with as little
directed towards a particular location, contamination as possible by confound-
which has been directed by an external ing variables. See also counterbalancing,
stimulus, such as a sudden sound or flash experimenter effects, matching.
of light. See also exogenous orienting. experimental group A subgroup of the
expectancy effect An improvement research participants in an experiment
appearing to result from therapeutic who all receive the same version of the
126  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

experimental condition. When there is Wundt, Herman Ebbinghaus and

only one experimental condition, the William James, were simultaneously the
experimental group is compared with the last of the experimental philosophers.
control group. In more complex designs, experimental psychology Those
there may be several experimental groups, branches of psychology that are firmly
each experiencing a different condition. based on laboratory experimentation.
experimental hypothesis Also known The term was used to cover such areas
as the alternate or alternative hypoth- as learning, memory and perception,
esis, this is the prediction that the but it has now been largely replaced by
outcome of an experimental procedure the wider area of cognitive psychology.
will occur as a result of the variables experimenter effects Experimental prob-
under investigation. In reality, the lems producing a biased result brought
experimental hypothesis can never be about by the influence of an experi-
fully proven; instead, the null hypothesis menter (e.g. through research participants
can be refuted with varying degrees of responding to the person who conducts
certainty. See also statistical significance. the experiment). Experimenter effects
experimental method The use of con- may occur indirectly, because of the per-
trolled experimental situations to test sonal characteristics of the experimenter
hypotheses. The term is rather vague, (e.g. their age, sex or other such feature),
largely because there is no agreed defi- or directly, as a result of the beliefs or
nition of what constitutes an experiment. unconscious bias being transmitted to the
research participants, and producing a
experimental neurosis It is possible to
self-fulfilling prophecy. The latter is usually
induce apparently neurotic behaviour in
controlled by using the double-blind control
laboratory animals by training them to
technique. See also demand characteristics.
perform a task and then gradually mak-
ing it impossible. Experimental neurosis expert systems Artificial intelligence sys-
was first studied by Pavlov and presented tems which are designed to carry out
as a basis for the controlled study of neu- tasks of organising information in ways
roses in humans. Subsequently, doubts that support human decision-making.
were raised about whether the mental expertise A high level of competence
states of the animals were really simi- produced by a considerable amount
lar to those of neurotic humans, and of practice, and resulting in extremely
the research was abandoned. A similar skilled knowledge and/or behaviour.
process occurred more recently with the
study of learned helplessness. explicit memory Memory that involves
the conscious retrieval of information.
experimental philosophy The branch See also explicit memory bias, declarative
of philosophy that, during the eight- memory.
eenth and nineteenth centuries, became
increasingly concerned with the study explicit memory bias The tendency
of the human mind, and which drew on of explicit memory to retrieve more
empirical observations for its conclusions. negative information than positive or
Experimental philosophy became trans- neutral information. See also impact
muted into psychology towards the end bias, implicit memory bias.
of the nineteenth century. The ‘found- exploration Activity undertaken in order
ing fathers’ of psychology, Wilhelm to gain information. Vigorous exploratory
E 127

behaviour is characteristic of the young expressed emotion can be high or low

of many species and is often studied in and may be evaluated by a taped inter-
conjunction with play. Daniel Berlyne view known as the Camberwell Family
proposed a major distinction between Interview. Expressed emotion is a specific
diversive exploration, in which the envi- diagnosis and is very different from the
ronment is investigated to identify sources positive of being emotionally expressive.
of possible interest, and specific explora-
extended cognition The use of technol-
tion, in which attention is focused on a
ogy of various kinds to amplify cognitive
specific object or phenomenon. Specific
capacity (e.g. the use of print for stor-
exploration is usually more systematic in
ing knowledge, computing to increase
investigating the properties of the object.
the capacity for calculation, or web
Some research has investigated which
resources to search for information).
properties of objects are most likely to
elicit exploration, but a major reason for external attributions See internal
being interested in exploration is that it ­attributions.
appears to originate largely within the external locus of control An aspect
child or animal. It is therefore a potential of locus of control which refers to a ten-
source of self-motivated learning. Creating dency to believe that control of events,
the conditions for exploration is an or more specifically of reinforcements,
important process in self-directed educa- is outside the person. See also internal
tion, creativity, and systemic therapies. locus of control.
exposure therapy A general term for external validity A subjective tech-
treatments of phobias or anxiety disorders nique used in phenomenological research
that deal with the problem by expos- in which the participants evaluate
ing the person to the relevant stimulus, themes emerging from the analysis. If
either gradually as in systematic desensiti- the theme is judged to be appropriate by
sation, or in a concentrated episode as in the participants, it is considered to be a
implosion therapy. valid representation of the phenomenal
expressed emotion Emotion that is process. In that sense it is very differ-
apparent to an observer by being shown ent from assessments of validity in other
in facial expression, posture, gesture or research methods.
other non-verbal cues. Expressed emotion extinction
is often genuine, but can be simulated
such that it does not reflect an under-
(i) A term used in both classical and
lying emotional state. The profession of
operant conditioning to refer to the
acting is based on such simulation.
dying out of a response as a result of
In family therapy, expressed emotion is lack of reinforcement. In behaviour
a somewhat misleading label for a form therapy, learned associations, such
of family interaction which is critical, as phobias, are treated by proce-
hostile, and emotionally over-involved. dures designed to effect extinction
It has been shown to be a major factor of the stimulus–response connec-
in worsening the condition of a member tion, by organising circumstances
who is trying to cope with any of a large in such a way that it will not be
number of disorders such as depression, reinforced (see Figure 30). See also
schizophrenia or social anxiety. The spontaneous recovery.
128  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

likelihood of response

spontaneous recovery

number of trials since last reinforcement

Figure 30  Extinction

(ii) In neurological contexts, this term in the control of movement. Compare

is sometimes used to describe an pyramidal motor system.
outcome of damage to the parietal extrasensory perception (ESP)
lobe that produces a lack of aware- Perception that does not depend on
ness of a stimulus in the presence the usual sensory processes. ESP is one
of competing stimuli. For exam- of the classes of paranormal phenom-
ple, if a stimulus is presented to ena and, in common with other forms,
either the right or the left side of evidence that it actually happens is
the area being fixated on, the per- contentious. There is also the rather
son will perceive its presence. But odd scientific status that if it could be
if two stimuli are presented simul- explained in terms of known laws, it
taneously, one to the left and one would cease to qualify for the title. See
to the right of fixation, someone also parapsychology, telepathy.
with a parietal lesion may only
perceive one and be completely extrastriate body area (EBA) An area
unaware of the presence of the of the visual cortex that responds more
other. See also neglect. to whole bodies and body parts than to
faces or objects.
extraneous variables Additional influ- extraversion A term originally coined
ences or factors that can affect research by C.G. Jung to describe individuals
results, and which cannot be or have who are outward-directed and sociable
not been completely controlled by the in their behaviour. Extraversion as a per-
research design (e.g. the state of the sonality trait was adopted as one of the
weather, or the participant’s family main personality dimensions by Eysenck
interactions prior to the study). in his two-factor model of personality, in
extrapyramidal motor system A system which he included such second-order
in the brain which processes uncon- factors as risk-taking, impulsiveness and
scious, automatic movement. It consists sociability. See also EPI.
of a linking neural pathway between the extreme scores Scores that occur at
cerebellum and the basal ganglia that con- the outer edges (upper or lower, or in
nects a set of brain structures involved the case of modal data most or least
E 129

c­ ommon) of distribution or data-set and identify patterns, including those that

in this respect are substantially different are unexpected. Such patterns might
from the rest of the data-set. Where they be missed by more formal techniques
are substantially different they can make of analysis that specify in advance what
the calculation of the mean misleading. comparisons should be made. An eye-
For example, a mean for average income ball test may also detect artefacts and
which includes a few people who earned gross errors in the data. It is therefore
around a million will be higher than useful in checking that the data are not
what the majority of people earn. See badly corrupted (see GIGO), and in
mode, semi-interquartile range. choosing which statistical tests will be
extrinsic External, or deriving from most appropriate.
sources outside the individual or situa- eyeblink response This term is com-
tion. Contrast with intrinsic. monly used in two contexts:
extrinsic motivation Motivation that
comes from outside the person, such (i) To describe the tendency to
as working to receive gifts or pay- blink more rapidly when under
ments. Extrinsic motivation is generally stress or in conditions of anxi-
regarded as less desirable than intrinsic ety, which means that it has been
motivation because the performance is used as an indicator of lying. See
likely to stop rather quickly as soon as also polygraph.
the motivator is withdrawn. However, (ii) To describe a reflex reaction to
Allport believed that a process he called a puff of air at the corner of the
the ‘functional autonomy of motives’ eye. This reflex is easy to condi-
operated so that eventually an extrin- tion and has been used in many
sically motivated behaviour becomes classical conditioning experiments.
valued for its own sake. Research using this form of
conditioning has indicated the
eye contact Mutual gaze, or the amount
involvement of both the cerebel-
of time that two people spend looking
lum and the hippocampus in the
at each other simultaneously. Eye con-
formation of memory.
tact is sometimes taken as an indicator
of intimacy; eye contact with unknown
individuals tends to be avoided. eyeblink startle response A blink that
Prolonged eye contact with neutral or has been elicited by a sudden and unex-
hostile facial expression is taken as a pected stimulus such as a loud bang. See
threat gesture and tends to be responded also eyeblink response.
to by either aggressive or avoidance eyebrow flash A recognition signal that
behaviour. It is a powerful signal in all consists of rapidly raising the eyebrows
primates, including human beings. as a greeting to the individual who is
eyeball test The process of visually recognised. The eyebrow flash seems to
examining a data-set, usually when the be common to all human cultures, and
raw data have been reduced to a man- to some other species. It is therefore
ageable form by some kind of processing. considered to be innate.
While the process is open to bias, and eyewitness testimony Evidence given
cannot lead to statistical conclusions, in court by witnesses to an event or
it does make use of human capacities to crime. This is a major area of research
130  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

in psychology, largely owing to research Research into eyewitness testimony

led by Elizabeth Loftus, who showed how draws on theories and research into per-
vulnerable such testimony is to exter- ception, memory and thinking. See also
nal influences such as the phrasing of own-age bias, misinformation effect, false
questions or other forms of suggestion. memory.

Eysenck, Hans Jurgen (1916–1997)

One of the more controversial figures in psychology, Eysenck studied psy-
chology under Cyril Burt, whose belief in inherited intelligence was absolute.
Eysenck adopted a similar position, from which he vigorously joined in the
nature–nurture debates of post-war psychology. His work at the Maudsley
hospital in London generated an interest in personality, which he also saw
in terms of fixed, inherited traits, and in conditioning processes. Despite
obtaining his data mainly through self-report questionnaires such as the
Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and despite his nativist stance, Eysenck
identified himself as a behaviourist. Perhaps the most valuable manifesta-
tions of this identification were his many challenges to psychoanalysis, which
began in the 1950s and continued through to the 1980s.

Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) neuroticism–­stability can be measured.

A personality assessment created by A later version, called the Eysenck
Hans Eysenck. The EPI presents a Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), also
rating scale from which the dimen- aims to measure psychoticism. See also
sions of introversion–extraversion and five-factor theory, Dark Triad.
5-hydroxytryptamine See serotonin. (hostility towards those who challenge
F ratio The statistic obtained when one authority); (iv) anti-intraception (a
measure of the variance of a set of scores tough-minded punitive approach); (v)
is divided by a second measure of vari- superstition and stereotype (a belief that
ance. When the degrees of freedom of events are externally controlled rather
the two sources of variance are known, than controllable by the individual);
tables can be used to judge the prob- (vi) power and ‘toughness’ (a tendency
ability that the ratio could have arisen to behave in a dominating manner);
by chance. The main use of F ratios (vii) destructiveness and cynicism;
is in analysis of variance. Another use (viii) projectivity (a tendency to pro-
you may encounter is because the t-test ject unconscious impulses onto others);
relies on the two groups that are being and (ix) sex (an exaggerated concern
compared having been drawn from with sexual misbehaviour). The F in the
populations with the same variance. name of the scale refers to Fascism. See
You can test this assumption by divid- also prejudice.
ing the smaller variance by the larger face
and checking the tables to see whether
the ratio is significantly greater than (i) The front part of the head, impor-
1 (1 is what it will be if the two vari- tant in non-verbal communication.
ances are identical). Note that whether (ii) A concept of self-esteem and
or not your two groups have different respect, particularly important
means, finding that one has a signifi- in Asian cultures, in which com-
cantly higher variance than the other petition is seen as less important
may be important in its own right. For than a resolution to a deal or
example, imagine two teaching tech- agreement that allows both par-
niques that produce the same average ties to gain esteem and maintain
result for a group of students but the ‘face’, during and as a result of
first has much lower variance than the the transaction. See also uncon-
second. You would use the first method ditional respect for persons.
for training in which it is essential to
minimise mistakes, but the second if face inversion effect The finding that
you were hoping to produce a few stu- faces are much harder to recognise
dents with exceptional abilities. when seen upside down, whereas other
F scale A measure of authoritarianism objects are relatively easy to identify.
developed by Adorno as part of his author- face recognition The way that we
itarian personality theory. It mea­sured identify familiar faces as belonging to
authoritarianism through nine sub-traits: people that we know. A major model
(i) conventionalism; (ii) auth­oritarian sub­- in this area was proposed by Bruce and
missiveness; (iii) ­authoritarian aggression Young (1986), who proposed that face

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
132  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

r­ ecognition is a distinct cognitive skill, facial muscles by recording the electri-

and that the brain has specific face recog- cal discharges of the muscles. The aim
nition units, which come into play when is to obtain a systematic and objective
we encounter people that we have met measure of facial expression by mapping
before. Lesions to or deficits in these the muscle tensions occurring in differ-
units can produce prosopagnosia. See ent expressions.
also other-race effect, Capgras syndrome. facial expression Characteristic pat-
face recognition unit (FRU) Neural terns of arrangements of the muscles in
units proposed by Bruce and Young the face, which provide important non-
(1986) in their model of face recogni- verbal cues in social interaction. Facial
tion, which contain stored knowledge expression may be used either to express
of familiar faces, including their three- understanding, attitudes and emotions,
dimensional structure. An alternative or as specific cultural signals with clearly
model based on neurological research defined meanings. Some researchers have
(Haxby et al., 2000) suggests that these found that basic emotional expressions
neural units might not exist as inde- seem to be common to all human cul-
pendent entities, but that the superior tures, and are also found in blind babies,
temporal sulcus processes the dynamic which would seem to imply that they are
aspects of faces while the fusiform face innate. However, other facial expressions
area is involved in recognising familiar show cultural variability and seem to be
faces. Other parts of the brain may also acquired through social interaction.
contribute input to face perception. See facial feedback hypothesis The idea
also person identity node, part-whole effect. that our experience of emotion arises at
face validity An assessment of the validity least in part from our interpretations of
of a test obtained by inspecting the items the arrangement of our facial muscles.
and judging whether they are likely to The effect is used in studies of mood
generate a measure of what you want the when people are asked to make, say, a
test score to measure. It is entirely possi- depressed face as part of a procedure for
ble for a test with good face validity to be changing their mood through muscular
a poor measure, and for one with low face feedback, as in a facial affect programme.
validity to be effective. But it can still be facilitator A person whose role in a
a useful preliminary indication. therapy or research group is to help the
facial affect programme A strategy for process go in the right direction. It is used
inducing behavioural change by making to describe the person running a group,
the individual aware of the sensations in order to avoid using a label such as
arising from facial expressions that are ‘leader’ or ‘trainer’, which would imply
different from those they use habitually. that they are controlling the process –
It is thought that encouraging the con- even if they are, really.
tinued use of positive facial expressions factor analysis A statistical technique
will provide positive feedback, both much loved by psychometricians, which
through social interaction and through involves the analysis of large and com-
muscular interpretation. See also facial plicated sets of data in such a way as to
feedback hypothesis. draw out the underlying pattern of cor-
facial electromyography A technique relations. Groups of measures that all
for measuring the degree of tension in intercorrelate are identified as a ‘factor’,
F 133

and the researcher can then examine otherwise of a theory of mind (TOM). In a
the measures to see what they all have typical false belief task, Child A watches
in common, and then speculate about while Child B hides an object. Child B
the cause of or reason for the grouping. then goes out of the room, and Child A
The technique requires a large amount continues to watch while the researcher
of calculation, usually undertaken by moves the object to a different hid-
computer. It also requires an ability to ing place. Child A is then asked where
interpret the results provided. See also Child B will look for the object when
eigenvalue, psychometrics, mediating vari- they return. Children who have devel-
able, moderating variable. oped a theory of mind will recognise that
factors Variables that can affect the Child B is unaware of the researcher’s
item being researched. In factor analy- activities, and will therefore look in the
sis, each grouping of variables is called original hiding place. Those without a
a factor. See also independent variable, theory of mind, such as very young or
confounding variable. autistic children, will predict that Child
B will look in the place where the object
failed studies Studies which have really is. See also mindblindness.
not achieved the expectations of the
researcher, usually by generating non- false consensus effect The tendency
significant results, and are therefore to assume that one’s own attitudes or
not put forward for publication. See file- actions are typical of most people (i.e.
drawer problem. to overestimate their frequency in the
general population).
failure to thrive (FTT) A condition of
poor growth in infants, usually defined False Discovery Rate (FDR) A tech­ni­
as being in the bottom 3 per cent for que for correcting statistical comparisons
that age, sex and population. In some which is about identifying the important
cases, there is a physiological problem few measures from among many others.
that accounts for the poor growth, but It has the effect of producing a more
in the majority of cases there is no conservative estimate than might be
organic cause and the condition is called observed without this correction, reduc-
‘non-organic failure to thrive’. FTT ing the likelihood of a Type 1 error, and
was once believed to be a direct result was developed specifically to deal with
of emotional deprivation, and in its cases where there might be a large num-
extreme form was called ‘deprivational ber of measures from a relatively small
dwarfism’. It is now widely recognised sample – e.g. aspects of the genome, or
that the basic problem is that the child measures of the random activity of neu-
does not receive enough food to sustain rones in research based on brain scanning.
appropriate growth, although this in See also family wise error.
turn is likely to result from emotional false memory A memory that feels
or other difficulties of the parent, the real to the individual experiencing it,
child, or both. See also child abuse. but has arisen as a result of suggestion
fallacy A false assertion used as the basis or other factors distorting the original
for a sequence of logical argument, or stored information. See also eyewitness
for a belief. See questionnaire fallacy. testimony.
false belief task A research procedure falsifiability The idea that a scientific
used in order to identify the presence or prediction can be shown to be untrue
134  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

by empirical investigation. Karl Popper summation of random processes. See

argued that falsifiability lies at the heart also false discovery rate.
of scientific research, and conventional fantasy The conscious mental construc-
experimental design is based on this tion of images of events or objects. It is
principle. See also hypothetico-deductive generally a pleasurable activity that may
method. indicate psychological health and may
family therapy An approach to psy- be useful in creatively exploring pos-
chological treatment in which the sible courses of action. The content of
whole family is the focus, rather than fantasy, like that of dreams, may reflect
an individual patient. Recently, meth- major unresolved conflicts, and exces-
ods have been developed from systems sive investment in fantasy may indicate
theory which recognise that, while the the existence of psychological problems.
behaviour of a component may seem See also daydreaming.
strange when it is seen in isolation, it FAS test A test of verbal fluency in
will make much more sense in the con- which people are asked to generate as
text of the complete system. Applied many words beginning with F as they
to individuals, and recognising that can, in a limited period of time. It is
families are one of the most significant sometimes used to detect people with
systems within which most people func- lesions in the left lateral area of the pre-
tion, this approach has led to a new way frontal cortex, who often show particular
of looking at psychological disturbance. impairment in this task.
It assumes that in many cases, the
‘symptoms’ shown by an individual are fatigue effect An experimental effect
a meaningful response to their circum- brought about by the person being tired,
stances. More specifically, disturbed bored or otherwise affected by the dura-
behaviour is likely to be an attempt to tion of the experimental procedure. It
regulate relationships, or solve prob- can contaminate experimental results
lems, within the family. So if a person because it may appear that people are
is sent for treatment the therapist works less good at later tasks when in fact they
with the family to find solutions that are just getting tired or fed up. See also
free the individual from their symptoms counterbalancing, order effect.
and help the family members to support FBA See fusiform body area.
each other in the future. The literature
FDR See False Discovery Rate.
contains many examples of spectacular
success using ‘systemic family therapy’, feature detection theory The idea that
but rather fewer systematic evalua- we recognise objects by comparing them
tion of the techniques. See also Leeds with a stored ‘list’ of distinctive features.
Attributional Coding System. See also pandemonium model.
Family Wise Error (FWE) A statisti- Fechner’s law A principle in psycho-
cal technique used to correct for errors physics which states that the sensation
in statistical comparisons. It is based on experienced by an individual increases
the number of tests which have been as a logarithmic function of the stim-
conducted and assumes that sufficient ulus intensity. In other words, the
tests will show a smoothness in their physical increase in stimulation required
collated outcomes, as a result of the for a perceived increase in intensity is
F 135

not constant but is systematically greater field dependence/independence An

for higher intensities. For example, aspect of cognitive style concerned
switching a light on may be perceived as with whether a person is dominated
a substantial increase in brightness when by context when making judgements
the room was previously dark, but may be (field dependence), or whether they
hardly noticeable during bright sunlight. can ignore distracting contextual infor-
See also absolute threshold, just noticeable mation (field independence). It may
difference, relative threshold, Weber’s law. be tested by the accuracy with which
feedback Information that enlightens a person can judge the orientation of a
the individual about the effect or out- line when it is surrounded by a frame at
come of a course of behaviour which has a different angle, or when the person is
been enacted by that person, thus allow- in a chair that can be tilted away from
ing a sequence of actions or behaviour the vertical. Large individual differences
to be modified if necessary or desirable. have been found that seem to relate to
See also biofeedback, negative feedback. other areas of cognitive functioning,
and have been explored extensively in
FEF See frontal eye field. educational research.
feminist research A term used for field experiment Experiments con-
research that aims to be compatible ducted in the real-world environment
with, and to advance, feminist con- but involving some experimental
cerns. Some feminists insist that the manipulation of the natural setting.
term also implies a specific kind of
methodology, which rejects rigid, posi- field study Research carried out in the
tivistic assumptions and is more reflexive natural setting in order to achieve eco-
and respectful of its sources. Others do logical validity. A field study may involve
not see this as a necessary characteristic simple observation, participant observa-
of feminist research as such but see its tion, or may be a field experiment.
focus as providing a counter to implicit field theory An approach to psychol-
patriarchal assumptions in traditional ogy originated by Kurt Lewin in 1936.
research. See also deconstruction. Lewin's field theory emphasised that
feral children See wolf children. human behaviour should be analysed in

Festinger, Leon (1919–1989)

Leon Festinger is perhaps most famous for his theory of cognitive dissonance,
which showed how people will reduce the tension arising from incompat-
ible beliefs and actions by changing beliefs that contradict behaviour, rather
than changing behaviour to fit in with beliefs. Festinger also developed social
comparison theory, which formed an important backdrop to Tajfel’s later
development of social identity theory, and also identified the importance of
propinquity (i.e. physical closeness) in the formation of relationships. His
emphasis on real-world research was developed as an outcome of studying
under the social psychologist Kurt Lewin.
136  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

terms of the situation as a whole, tak- eral principles of perceptual organisation

ing into account its various contexts, that served to make up figure-ground
e.g. psychological, social, economic and discrimination. These were collectively
physical contexts. and not simply in known as the Law of Prägnanz, and
terms of individual acts. Lewin’s work included the principle of closure, and the
originated from Gestalt psychology and principle of ‘good Gestalt’.
was strongly influential in the work of figure-ground perception This is a gen-
later social psychologists, particularly in eral term used to refer to those aspects
Europe. See European social psychology of perception that derive from figure-
fight or flight response See alarm ­reaction. ground organisation. For instance, it
figuration A form of objectification in includes areas such as pattern perception,
which an idea becomes attached to a which is dependent on the organisa-
specific image, concept, or concrete tion of visual information into figures
item (e.g. the way in which the concept against backgrounds.
of ‘green’ has become used to represent file-drawer problem The recognition that
ecological activities of various types). the criteria used by journals, and the pro-
See also social representations. fession of research psychology generally,
figurative language Language that can result in bias in reporting research
involves imagery, metaphor or idiom, findings. Specifically, dozens of research-
and is not expected to be taken literally. ers could have attempted replication of an
important finding, each one discovering
figure-ground organisation The ten- that their research failed to produce the
dency of our visual perception to organise same results. Knowing that journals do
incoming information (which arrives in not generally publish negative findings,
the form of light waves of varying inten- most of the researchers will not write the
sities and wavelengths) into meaningful research up, and the others may find their
units or figures set against a background paper rejected by the journal. So all the
(see Figure 31). Figure-ground organi- negative findings end up in filing cabinet
sation was intensively studied by the drawers or their modern digital equiva-
Gestalt psychologists, who identified sev- lents, while the original report remains
unchallenged. The technique of meta-
analysis can produce estimates of whether
a file-drawer bias might be significant,
and recent attempts to counteract this
problem have contributed to the replica-
tion crisis in modern psychology.
filial imprinting Imprinting on sib-
lings rather than the mother. See also
filter models Theoretical models of
plausible cognitive mechanisms. The
best-known filter models were put forward
to explain the process of selective atten-
tion by psychologists such as Broadbent,
Figure 31  Figure-ground organisation Triesman and Deutsch. Each of these rep-
F 137

resented a more or less complex attempt inference that the individual acting has
to explain how incoming information is beliefs and desires, and is acting accord-
channelled such that only a selected part ingly. See also second-order intentionality.
of it is received, rather than the over- fissure A deep groove or channel. In
whelming whole (see Figure 32). psychology, this generally refers to the
first-order intentionality A degree grooves on the surface of the brain. See
of intentional stance which makes the also cerebral cortex.


right ear
(attended) short-term
left ear


right ear control
(attended) short-term attenuating
left ear
own name long-term
recognition unit memory
for own name

Figure 32  Filter models of selective attention

Fiske, Susan (1952–)

Susan Fiske’s research was initially concerned how prejudice and discrimi-
nation are influenced by social relationships – positively by cooperation,
and negatively by issues of competition and power – but later moved more
exclusively into the question of sexism and gender relations. She developed
the idea of ambivalent sexism, showing how sexism could be either hostile,
reflecting negative gender stereotypes, misogyny and so on, or ‘benevolent’,
reflecting gender stereotypes which actually acted to disempower those of
the other sex – e.g. the idea that women need to be protected by men.
138  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

fit p­ re-programmed so that all members of

the species show the behaviour when it
(i) Statistically, how specific data is needed. In theory, neither learning nor
match up to general sets (good- practice is needed for the behaviour to be
ness of fit), or to measures of central performed perfectly, although in reality
tendency. it can be disturbed by unusual environ-
(ii) In evolutionary terms, fitness mental situations – in other words, if the
refers to how well an organism is researcher tries hard enough. Fixed action
adapted to its environment. patterns have been intensively studied
(iii) In everyday use, the term has two by ethologists, and involve sequences of
meanings: whether a person or ani- behaviour that have been inherited as a
mal is generally healthy and able complete unit. See also sign stimulus.
to engage in demanding physical fixed-interval reinforcement A rein­-
activity, or how well something force­ment schedule in which reinforce-
conforms to or completes another. ments, or rewards, are given only after
a set period of time since the last rein-
five-factor theory The five-factor model forcement became available. After a
of personality, also known as the Big suitable acquisition period, this method
Five, reflects the major personality traits of administering reinforcement tends
measured by psychometric tests. It was to produce a high level of responding
first developed in response to the prolifer- around the time of the reinforcement,
ation of personality traits being measured and a low rate of responding at other
by numerous tests. Factor analysis showed times. It has a low resistance to extinction.
that responses to these traits clustered
around five major groups, reflecting fixed mindset A belief that intelligence
higher-order factors which were named derives from innate ability and is not
extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, susceptible to improvement through
agreeableness, and openness to experience. experience. The idea is that the individu-
The first three traits to be identified were al's ability to learn or develop is therefore
neuroticism, extraversion and openness limited, and achievement or success
to experience, often summarised as NEO. depends on innate capacity rather than
Conscientiousness and agreeableness on effort. Compare growth mindset.
were added to make the Big Five, as those fixed-ratio reinforcement A reinforce-
traits reflected sets of factors that didn’t ment schedule in which reinforcements,
seem to be covered by the first three. See or rewards, are given only after a set
also personality trait, EPI, Dark Triad. number of responses has been made
fixation In psychoanalytic theory, the fail- since the last reinforcement. Fixed-ratio
ure to progress from an earlier stage of reinforcement schedules produce a very
development (e.g. oral fixation) or an rapid response rate but have a low resist-
earlier relationship (e.g. mother fixa- ance to extinction.
tion). The term is also used more broadly fixed-role therapy A method of treat-
with reference to any relationship that ment derived from personal construct
is seen as inappropriately intense and theory in which the client agrees to
dependent. adopt particular ways of behaving that
fixed action pattern A complex are clearly different from (although
sequence of behaviour that is genetically not opposite to) their usual style. The
F 139

method seems to be particularly effec- deal with unusual or unpredictable

tive in undermining a belief that only circumstances. See also crystallised intel-
one kind of behaviour is possible. ligence, triarchic intelligence, intelligence.
flashbacks Intense emotional memories fMRI A type of MRI scan that provides
of specific events or situations, often a dynamic image of blood oxygenation
traumatic, that come back to the per- in particular areas of the brain, often as
son suddenly and involuntarily. They the person undertakes particular activi-
are often associated with post-traumatic ties. It is particularly useful because it
stress disorder, but may also result from shows which areas of the brain are being
the inappropriate use of hallucinogens. used at any given time for a particular
function. For more detailed informa-
flashbulb memory A form of memory
tion, see functional magnetic resonance
that is associated with powerful expe-
imaging. See also PET scans.
riences, and in which the memory
contains a high level of contextual focal therapy An approach to psy-
information as well as the specific infor- chotherapy in which a specific focus
mation. Researchers have investigated (problem) is identified early in the ther-
flashbulb memory using questions such apy and efforts are concentrated on this
as ‘Where were you when you heard that focus for the remainder of treatment.
President Kennedy was shot / Princess The method was developed as part
Diana died / Space Shuttle Challenger of the attempt to make psychotherapy
exploded / the Twin Towers collapsed?’, shorter and more cost-effective.
and these studies show that people retain focus group A form of group interview
extremely clear memories of exactly that was developed in market research
where they were and what they were (see consumer psychology) as a cost-
doing at the particular moment of time effective way of gathering the views of
when they heard the news. However, consumers. They were originally called
there is reason to doubt the accuracy of focus groups because the job of the
flashbulb memories, vivid though they interviewer (moderator) was to bring
may be. See also confabulation. the group to focus on the issue. The
flooding See implosion therapy. conclusion about the general wishes of
the group would then be apparent. As
flow The apparent movement of the techniques for analysing group qualita-
visual field that occurs as a result of tive data have developed, there is less
the perceiver moving around and being stress on working the group towards
active in their environment. Flow is a a consensus, but the name is still used
central construct in Gibson’s theory of for the increasing variety of group
direct perception – also known as eco- discussions. Much of what social psy-
logical perception – which argues that chologists and psychotherapists have
the visual field itself contains enough learned about how people function in
information for the perceiver to navi- groups can be applied to research using
gate around its world, without the need focus groups. Factors such as conformity
for additional cognitive inference. This and social desirability may produce an
is in direct contrast to Richard Gregory’s unproductive consensus, especially if
theory of constructive perception. the interviewer allows their motivations
fluid intelligence A form of intelligence to be visible. Oppositional behaviour
that is creative and adaptable, and can or simply showing off by individu-
140  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

als can also reduce the usefulness of a context for retrieval; and inadequate
focus group. Focus groups can be used processing during storage (see dementia,
to research what people want, but are levels of processing theory).
often used by marketeers and politicians formal operational stage The last of
to find out how to make what they have Piaget’s four stages of cognitive develop-
already decided to offer acceptable to ment. In the formal operational stage,
the public. See also Leeds Attributional the child has become capable of abstract
Coding System. thought and can conceptualise pos-
focus of expansion The point in the sibilities that are outside their direct
visual field towards which the viewer experience. Piaget considered this to be
is moving. This point does not seem the highest form of cognitive activity,
to move, but the rest of the visual field and one that is shown only in human
appears to expand around it as the beings, and from the age of about 12 years
viewer gets closer. See also motion paral- at the earliest. The preceding stages he
lax, ecological perception. viewed as steps towards this point, illus-
trating the stages by which abstract logic
focused attention See selective attention. had evolved. See also genetic epistemology.
foetus An organism in the later stages formula A symbolic way of expressing
of gestation, up to the time of birth; in a set of statistical calculations or other
humans, from the ninth week after con- kinds of theoretical relationships.
ception. Before this time, it is called an
embryo. fornix The fornix is the name given
to the curved structure in the brain
forebrain See diencephalon. which runs underneath the corpus cal-
forensic psychology The application losum and arches over the hippocampus
of psychology to legal matters, includ- and other internal brain structures. It is
ing work on the reliability of witnesses, considered to be the main communica-
evidence given by children, the conse- tion structure of the limbic system and
quences for children of possible court is therefore implicated in experiences
actions, parole decisions, and the causes such as emotional responses, memory
of criminal behaviour. Forensic psy- and sexual arousal.
chologists may be employed to examine forward model In neuropsychology, this
criminal acts and draw conclusions is the idea that we use the brain’s aware-
about the perpetrator. ness of motor programmes to predict
what an action will feel like, and what
forgetting The failure to retrieve infor-
its effect on a proposed target will be.
mation when it is wanted. Broadly
See also mirror systems.
speaking, theories of forgetting can be
sorted into seven major approaches: fovea That part of the retina that receives
decay theory (the idea that mem- the clearest and most sharply focused
ory traces gradually decay over time image. The fovea is roughly central to the
unless they are strengthened by being retina, and is composed entirely of cone
retrieved); interference theory; amnesia cells that, through their discrimination of
brought about through physical causes; colour, allow for the distinguishing of fine
motivated forgetting; lack of appropriate details, at the cost of some loss of sensitiv-
cues for retrieval; lack of the relevant ity to faint signals. See also rod cells.
F 141

fractional anisotropy A form of dif- free recall The act of producing memo-
fusion tensor imaging that measures the ries without the use of specific cues, or
concentration of water molecules in the other forms of memory assistance or
white matter of the brain, indicating its structuring.
concentration in particular areas or neu- freeloaders People who receive the
ral pathways. benefits of collective action, without
framing effect A source of errors in contributing to it themselves. See also
problem-solving that arises from the social loafing.
influence of irrelevant situational fac- frequency A count of the number of
tors (e.g. the place someone is in at the times an event, or the score in a given
time, or the social context). category, occurs. Frequency data are
fraternal twins Twins which have tested by non-parametric statistics such as
developed from two separate ova, such a sign test or chi-square.
that they bear the same resemblance frequency polygon A descriptive statis-
and relationship to each other as nor- tic which shows frequencies as a shape,
mal siblings. Twins of this kind are also with the x-axis forming the base of the
known as dizygotic twins. See also identi- shape and consecutive points on the
cal twins, monozygotic twins. y-axis (the frequencies) joined by a
free association A technique much straight line and joining to the x-axis at
utilised by Freud and subsequent psy- start and end points.
choanalysts, as they believed that it frequency theory A theory concern-
provides important clues to the workings ing how information contained in
of the unconscious mind. Free association sound waves is transmitted to the brain.
consists of the individual producing an Frequency theory states that the wave-
uncensored, non-calculated account of length, or frequency, of the sound affects
what they are thinking and feeling dur- the rapidity of transmission of electrical
ing the session. Because the spontaneous impulses along the auditory nerve, with
expression avoids intervention and pos- sounds at higher frequencies producing
sible censorship by the ego (the conscious more rapid transmissions. When the fre-
mind), the nature of the responses made quency rises to a point that would require
during a free association session indicates firing at a more rapid rate than the neu-
the concerns and preoccupations of a rones concerned can manage, the volley
person’s unconscious. The agreement principle comes into effect, with neurones
to engage in free association is called taking it in turns to fire, producing bursts
the ‘basic rule’ of psychoanalysis and is or volleys.
regarded as essential for its success.

Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939)

Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis, an attempt to provide a complete
account of human psychology, and then to base a method of treatment on
it. Freud proposed that the child develops through a progression of oral, anal,
phallic, latency and genital stages, incorporating the Oedipus complex and the
142  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

development of the id, ego and superego. This developmental frame, showing
how the unconscious is formed, provides a basis for Freud’s account of adult
psychopathology. He saw coping with anxiety as a major drive and argued
that we build defence mechanisms to protect the ego against threat from the id
and the superego. Within therapy, he recognised transference of feelings for
familiar people on to others, such as the psychoanalyst. Psychoanalysis had a
profound impact not only on psychology but also within sociology, literature
and Western society in general. Many of the strongest ideas, such as repres-
sion or the continuity hypothesis, have become so widely accepted that they are
no longer seen as particularly Freudian.

Freudian slip A mistake that can be in both positive and negative emotions,
interpreted as revealing unconscious the hippocampus, which is all about
wishes, fears, etc. Freud argued that all memory storage, the nucleus accum-
apparently accidental errors of this kind bens which is associated with reward
reveal something of the unconscious. and reinforcement, and the ventrome-
Friedman’s ANOVA A statistical dial prefrontal cortex, which is active
technique allowing researchers to iden- in emotional regulation. Friendship also
tify and locate significant differences activates brain areas associated with
between several different samples. See loving and attachment, and long-term
also analysis of variance. friendship involves neurones in the glo-
bus pallidus normally associated with
friendship A relationship between peo- movement, although the reasons for
ple which has at least some elements that are as yet unclear.
of affection, trust, shared interest and
commitment, and which lasts over time. frontal apraxia Also known as action
There are four areas of the brain which disorganisation syndrome, this is a dis-
respond particularly strongly to friend- order that results from damage to the
ship: the amygdala, which is involved frontal lobes, in which people have no

Frith, Uta (1941–)

Uta Frith trained in clinical psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry in
London. She pioneered research into autism, dyslexia and other developmen-
tal challenges, and argued strongly for autism to be seen as a developmental
condition rather than as a response to negative parenting. Frith proposed
that autism has two distinctive characteristics: a lack of ‘implicit mentali-
sation’, or the ability to know one's own mental state, and ‘weak central
coherence’, meaning that autistic people are good at processing detail but
have difficulty integrating information from different sources. Her research
contributed directly to the idea that a deficit in theory of mind (TOM) is a
significant aspect of autism.
F 143

difficulty with object recognition or theoretical model has achieved wide-

using isolated objects, but have dif- spread popularity and is supported by
ficulty undertaking routine tasks that comparative studies of overcrowding in
involve several steps or subgoals – such animals, as well as by studies of human
as making a cup of tea. See also apraxia. behaviour, although the validity of the
frontal eye field (FEF) The part of the original theory was undermined by its
frontal lobes that is responsible for vol- assumption that frustration inevitably
untary movement of the eyes. leads to aggression, disregarding other
factors and influences.
frontal lobe The general term given
to the front part of the brain, located FTT See failure to thrive.
above the lateral fissure and in front of functional autonomy of motives See
the central sulcus. In the early part of extrinsic motivation.
the twentieth century, the frontal lobe functional fixedness A form of
was thought of as the seat of aggression, Einstellung, or mental set, in which the
from the discovery made by Monitz in individual is unable to deviate from
1930 that chimpanzees which had expe- using objects in a manner consistent
rienced lobotomy (the surgical removal with their normal functioning. For
of the frontal lobe) showed a decrease in instance, in a problem-solving exercise,
aggressive behaviour. This led to con- functional fixedness may prevent some-
siderable popularity for lobotomy as an one from realising that something such
operation to treat those with psychosis. as a jug, usually used to contain liquids,
The discovery that similar results could could also be turned upside down and
be achieved by the severing of connec- used as a support. See problem-solving.
tions between the frontal lobe and the
rest of the cortex just above the lateral functional integration The way that
fissure (leucotomy) led to equal popular- different areas or networks in the brain
ity for the latter operation. However, it communicate with one another. See
transpired that many other functions also resting state paradigm, default mode
were also impaired, including generally network.
the capacity for autonomous function- functional magnetic resonance i­maging
ing and decision-making. Although the (fMRI) A method of brain scanning
frontal lobe has few localised functions, that images the oxygen uptake of brain
it seems to be involved in much gener- cells, and thereby indicates which brain
alised cortical activity. See also occipital cells are in use at any particular time.
lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, frontal It works by identifying the magnetic
apraxia. fields of water molecules in brain cells,
FRU See face recognition unit. which are influenced by the strong mag-
netic field of the scanner, and slightly
frustration Both the act of preventing different when the cell is using blood
an organism from reaching a goal and than when it is quiescent. A whole
the emotion aroused in the organism by fMRI brain scan only takes about two
this experience. ­seconds, so researchers can use this
frustration–aggression hypothesis method to explore brain activity and
The proposal, particularly associated cognition (e.g. by asking the person to
with Leon Berkowitz, that aggression is read a word, or think of a special event).
caused by some kind of frustration. This The scan then indicates changes in the
144  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

activity of different areas of the brain perceived pitch of the sound, but see
as they do it. It is a popular method for also missing fundamental phenomenon.
researchers, partly because of its accu- funnelling Organising a questionnaire
racy, but also because there are no X-rays in such a way that the first questions
or radioactive substances involved. See are very broad in scope, but later ones
also multiple-demand network, multi-voxel become increasingly tightly defined and
pattern analysis, event-related functional focused.
magnetic resonance imaging.
fusiform body area (FBA) A region of
functional neuroanatomy The analysis the inferior temporal cortex that responds
of physical areas and structures of the preferentially to whole bodies, rather
brain in terms of the physiological or than to body parts. See also ­fusiform face
cognitive functions that they are known area.
to be involved in, or to determine.
fusiform face area The area including
functional specialisation The way that the fusiform gyrus in the temporal cortex,
different regions of the brain are special- which forms part of the face recognition
ised to deal with different functions. system, but is also involved in recognis-
functionalism The claim that psycho- ing other objects. See also fusiform gyrus.
logical phenomena are best understood fusiform gyrus A part of the fusiform
in terms of their functions rather than face area in the underneath part of
their structure (the claim of structural- each cerebral hemisphere. In the right
ism). Concepts such as adaptation and hemisphere, this area is involved in face
role, and therapeutic methods such as recognition, and the same applies to the
systemic family therapy, represent a func- area on the left hemisphere in illiterate
tionalist approach. adults. As literacy develops, however,
fundamental attributional error The this area on the left hemisphere responds
general tendency to attribute people’s more to reading, and particularly to the
behaviour to internal causes, charac- interpretation of letters and words. See
ter or dispositions. Attribution theory has also face recognition unit.
shown that we consistently overesti- future shock One of several theories
mate such causes and underestimate about the stress imposed by transitions
the influence of circumstances. The and life events. The idea was introduced
effect is so strong that we even attribute in a book with the same title by Alvin
the behaviour of inanimate objects to Toffler to describe what he claimed
motivations and dispositions (see ani- were the traumatic effects of our present
mism). However, an exception may be rapid progress into the future. Toffler
made when a person explains their own proposed that people could be protected
behaviour (see actor–observer effect). against the effects of change by main-
taining some areas of stability in their
fundamental frequency The lowest
frequency component of a particular
sound. This normally determines the FWE See Family Wise Error.
g See general intelligence factor. galvanic skin response (GSR) Also
GAF See Global Assessment of Functioning known as galvanic skin resistance, this
scale. is a highly sensitive measure of arousal,

Galton, Francis (1822–1911)

Francis Galton was a pioneer of systematic measurement and developed sev-
eral statistical techniques, including the concepts of correlation and regres-
sion. He set up a Psychometric Laboratory in London, which members of the
public could visit and, for a penny, obtain a range of personal measurements,
such as lengths and widths of parts of the body, and strength of grip or kicks.
Using these data, Galton found that human capacities tended to fall along
a normal distribution curve. Reasoning that psychological abilities were
presumably dependent on physical ones, he then concluded that capacities
such as intelligence, too, must be normally distributed. Unfortunately, this,
together with studies of high-achieving families, led him to develop the idea
of eugenics, or selective breeding of human beings to promote higher intelli-
gence or other desirable characteristics, which ultimately became the ration-
ale for the Nazi concentration camps, as well as US immigration and other
discriminatory social policies.

registering even such slight increases next throw. This universal tendency has
in arousal as are produced by a disturb- been of interest to cognitive theorists,
ing thought or a slight twinge of pain. as it is a failure to follow probabilistic
It refers to the electrical resistance of logic, and so may shed light on how
the skin, which changes as a result of humans assess probability. It may best
increases in the rate of sweating. GSR be seen to reflect the fact that genuine
detectors form an important component instances of random sampling without
of polygraphs, which record a range of replacement are uncommon in real life,
physiological indicators of psychologi- rather than as a failure to judge proba-
cal events, and are sometimes used as lie bilities accurately. The gambler’s fallacy
detectors. is therefore a normally effective strategy
gambler’s fallacy A belief that if a that becomes inappropriate in certain
chance event occurs, then it is less likely rather artificial circumstances.
to occur on the next trial. If red comes game The psychological uses of this
up several times running on a roulette term are similar to the ordinary mean-
wheel, there is a (mistaken) tendency to ing except that the idea of playfulness is
believe that black is more likely on the usually absent, so a game is an activity
DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
146  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

within defined limits in which all of the gaslighting A form of emotional abuse
participants operate according to agreed in which a person with power in a rela-
rules. Eric Berne, in his book ‘Games tionship works to cause the other to
People Play’ argued that much social doubt their memories, emotions and
interaction can be regarded as a game, perceptions and even, eventually, their
with plenty of scope for problems when sanity. The objective is to demoral-
the rules and the limits of the game are ise the victim and make them totally
not made explicit. Game theory is a dif- dependent on the abuser to define what
ferent approach, which expresses the is real. The term comes from a novel
rules of the game in mathematical terms and film in which a husband makes his
so that the possible strategies can be pre- wife doubt her sanity by, among other
cisely identified and their consequences tricks, repeatedly reducing the gas sup-
predicted. See also zero-sum game. ply so that the (gas) lighting became
game theory An approach to the unstable while insisting that she was
mathematical modelling of social inter- imagining the changes.
actions that is largely concerned with gate control theory A theory of pain
how an individual’s success in making control which holds that pain aware-
choices is influenced by the decisions of ness is mediated by ‘gates’, or neural
others. Although still popular in some pathways which permit the passage of
areas of cognitive psychology, game theory information about nociception. Control
tended to fall out of favour as psycholo- of these gates either chemically or psy-
gists increasingly recognised its inability chologically may be useful in mediating
to take account of more complex social or reducing chronic pain.
factors. See also payoff matrix, individual-
ism, prisoner’s dilemma. Gaussian distribution See normal distri-
gamification The process of converting
psychometric tests into a form which is gaze cueing A term describing how the
challenging and preferably fun or inter- direction of one person’s eye gaze can
esting for the testee – often resembling automatically cue another person or
a video game. The idea is that this will group of people to look in that direc-
facilitate motivation and application. tion. See also joint attention.
gaming Engaging in digital games. These GDPR see General Data Protection
may be platform-based, Internet-based, or Regulation.
stand-alone, and include many types of
game, such as sporting replications, action- gender identity The awareness individu-
adventure games or problem-­solving als have of themselves as a member of
games. The term is most commonly used their sex. It emerges from the relation-
for prolonged engagement with computer ships between the beliefs they have about
games, often through an Internet-based appropriate sex-role behaviour, and their
­network. See also avatar. perception of themselves. For example, a
small man who regarded size and muscu-
Ganong effect The observation that an
larity as indicators of masculinity might
ambiguous phoneme is more likely to be
modify his gender identity accordingly.
perceived as a sound which produces a
Gender identity used to be regarded as
word rather than as a non-word.
a relatively clear-cut consequence of
GAS See general adaptation syndrome. biological gender, although that was
G 147

never unproblematic. However, recent results from a particular combina-

improvements in social tolerance mean tion of genes and environment,
that it is now regarded as much more of a such as the development of lung
social and personal choice. See also trans- cancer as a result of smoking. See
sexual, heterosexual, identification. diasthesis-stress model.
gene A unit of heredity that consists of gene X-environment interactions See
a small segment of a chromosome made gene-environment interplay.
up of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Each
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
gene exerts its influence on the body by
A long-term response to stressful stimu-
triggering protein synthesis – usually
lation identified by Selye in 1949. It is
the production of an enzyme, but some-
characterised by extremely high levels
times a protein that contributes to the
of adrenaline in the bloodstream but
production of a particular type of cell
without the rapid heart and pulse rates
in the body. The word gene is also used
and changes to internal organs nor-
loosely and erroneously in sociobiology
mally associated with adrenaline release
to mean ‘a unit of natural selection’.
and the alarm reaction. Selye’s research
gene-culture coevolution The idea indicated that the effects are always the
that while culture can influence gene same, regardless of the source of the
frequencies in a population, genes may stress. GAS has been shown to result in
simultaneously influence culture (e.g. increased susceptibility to illness, pos-
through physiological predispositions). sibly through a decline in the number
gene-environment correlations See of white blood cells and antibodies pro-
gene-environment interplay. duced by the body. See also arousal.

gene-environment interplay The General Data Protection Regulation

interaction between genes and their (GDPR) Legislation enacted by the EU
environment. This is generally consid- and adopted by many other countries
ered to involve four types of mechanism: worldwide, in order to protect people’s
rights to privacy and protection of their
(i) Direct environmental influences digital information. The legislation
affecting the timing and degree argues that personal information may
of functioning of the genes (e.g. only be released in six types of circum-
an enriched diet in childhood stance: consent (i.e. with the person's
producing a larger individual). informed agreement); contract (fulfill-
(ii) Heritability, which varies according ing contractual obligations with the
to environmental circumstances. person whose data it is); public task (e.g.
(iii) Gene-environment correlations, complying with legal obligations); vital
which are genetic influences on interest (e.g. medical information about
people’s exposure to different the person whose data it is or another
environments (e.g. genotypes may individual); legitimate interest (e.g. per-
influence whether people seek out forming a task in the public interest);
risk-taking experiences or highly and legal requirement (complying with
stimulating environments). legal obligations of the data controller).
(iv) Gene X-environment interactions general intelligence factor (g) The idea
that happen when a person’s sus- of one overall capacity of intelligence,
ceptibility to a trait or problem as suggested by Galton and Spearman.
148  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Many psychologists consider this to in many different contexts and don’t

be a contentious view, arguing that appear to be related to a single stimulus
intelligence is a combination of many or set of stimuli.
differing skills and attributes. However, generation gap The differences in atti-
most intelligence tests are based on the tudes and expectations that become
assumption that a generalised intelli- apparent between widely differing age
gence factor, or ‘g’, can be calculated as groups, as a result of changes in society
a result of administering a set of special- and culture over the decades.
ised subtests, and it is as a consequence
of this belief that the intelligence quo- generative retrieval The deliberate
tient, or IQ, has been so widely applied. or voluntary retrieval of details about
See also triarchic intelligence. autobiographical memory. See also
direct retrieval.
general mental ability tests Another
term for intelligence tests and one genetic(s)
that is preferred in occupational test-
ing circles since its use circumvents (i) In the singular, concerning the
the controversial issues and criticisms origin of something. Used particu-
­associated with the terms intelligence test larly to refer to the development
and IQ. of abilities and characteristics of
children (see genetic epistemology),
general problem-solver (GPS) A
but also applied to the develop-
­computer program, devised in the
ment of characteristics in a species
early 1970s, that emphasised the use of
or the development of the species
­heuristics in tackling specific problems,
itself. See also ontogeny, phylogeny.
and which formed the prototype for
(ii) In the plural, genetics refers to the
many subsequent attempts at computer
study of genes and their actions. See
simulation within the general field of
also behaviour genetics, Lamarckian
artificial intelligence.
genetics, Mendelian genetics.
generalisation The process by which a
learned response will occur in more situ- genetic determinism The idea that human
ations than those in which it was first psychological characteristics are deter-
learned – it will also be applied to simi- mined primarily by genetic mechanisms,
lar situations. See also conditioning. established at conception. For example,
generalisation gradient The relation- H.J. Eysenck argued that the personal-
ship between the strength of a given ity traits of extraversion and neuroticism
response and the similarity of the trig- were genetic in origin and unlikely to be
gering stimulus to the original stimulus. significantly affected by environmental
When eliciting a generalised response, experience. Its converse – environmental
a stimulus that is very similar to the determinism – asserts that human charac-
original stimulus will produce a strong teristics have been produced primarily by
response, while one that is less similar environmental influences. In fact, both
will evoke a weaker response. forms of determinism are exaggerating the
case. See also dialectics.
generalised anxiety disorder A non-
specific psychological problem that genetic engineering The process of
consists of high levels of anxiety or altering genetic characteristics through
panic attacks which can be generated microscopic surgical or chemical inter-
G 149

vention, usually by inserting a new that carries information about the

gene or section of chromosome into an nature of individual development, and
existing one, such that when the chro- which is found in each cell nucleus.
mosome is replicated, the new portion is Genetic transmission may be asexual,
also replicated and becomes part of the in which case the information is trans-
organism’s overall genotype. mitted in very much the same form as
genetic epistemology The title for a it was in the parent organism, or it may
theory of the growth of knowledge and be sexual, in which case each individual
understanding. It is usually reserved in the next generation receives a new
for Jean Piaget’s theory charting the set of genetic information, formed as a
development of the child’s cognitive combination of genes from each parent.
functioning through a series of stages, See also allele.
in the belief that ‘ontogeny recapitulates geniculostriate pathway This is a neural
phylogeny’ – that is, that the develop- pathway which transmits visual informa-
ment of the individual organism reflects tion from the retina through the lateral
the stages through which those organ- geniculate nuclei to the primary visual
isms have evolved. Piaget argued that cortex. Found only in birds and mam-
cognitive development took the form mals, it works alongside but is distinct
of a gradual reduction of egocentricity, from another pathway, the tectopulvi-
in which the child passed through four nar pathway, which also connects these
stages: the sensorimotor stage, the preop- areas but appears to have evolved earlier
erational stage, the concrete operational and to deal with more basic functions
stage and the formal operational stage. of vision.
See also conservation, circular reactions,
genital stage In psychoanalytic theory,
naughty teddy, Lamarckian genetics.
the final stage of psychosexual develop-
genetic psychology The psychology of ment, beginning at puberty, in which
development (not of genetics). It covers the adult forms of sexual desire and
the psychological development of both activity are acquired.
individuals and species, but the term is
genogram A standardised way of repre-
no longer widely used.
senting a family tree showing the main
genetic reductionism The idea that an connections between successive genera-
understanding of genetic influences is tions. Used in therapy to give a visual
all that is needed to understand human summary of the family structure.
behaviour or human social phenomena.
genome The complete set of genetic
While this links with genetic determinism,
information in an organism.
and can be seen as another facet of that
particular belief structure, the difference genome-wide association study
is that determinism refers to causality – (GWAS) A phenotype-led study
what has caused this to occur – while involving thousands of participants,
reductionism is concerned with what which uses small variations of the
we need to study in order to understand genome to identify ‘hot spots’ (i.e. areas
something fully. See also reductionism. where individuals of the same phenotype
genetic transmission Passing informa- have distinctive genetic similarities).
tion from one generation to the next genotype The term used to describe the
by means of DNA, the genetic ­material full set of genes possessed by an individual,
150  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

which have been replicated throughout genotypes are used to identify variations
the cells of the body. Because many genes in the phenotype. See also phenotype-first.
will not encounter the circumstances in geometric illusions Forms of visual
which they would become active, and illusion that have their effect through
others are recessive, so that their action the way the perceptual process deals
is suppressed by a dominant gene, less than with static visual forms such as line
50 per cent of the characteristics coded drawings.
in the genes actively contribute to the
structure or characteristics of the individ- Gerstmann’s syndrome A set of four
ual (the phenotype). However, all of the cognitive deficits (acalculia, finger
components of the genotype are available agnosia, agraphia and left-right disorien-
for passing on to offspring. tation) occurring together, which are
believed to result from damage to the
genotype-first An approach to genetic left parietal lobe.
analysis in which different alleles or

Gesell, Arnold L. (1880–1961)

Gesell developed a theory based on the maturation of the nervous system,
claiming that its development is fully controlled biologically. He observed
that foetal and neonate development is cephalo-caudal and proximo-distal, and
he argued that behaviour arises from the fixed order in which the physiology
of the child unfolds, and the set of stages through which it proceeds. Most
existing assessments of infant development are based on the Bayley Infant
Development Scales, which were created using Gesell’s theory and observa-
tions. Apart from his theory, Gesell was a gifted observer of child behaviour
and an early user of film and photography. He provided a good example, rare
in psychology, of descriptions (at six-month intervals from birth to ten years)
of what real children were like. However, just as Skinner pushed condition-
ing beyond its limits as an explanation for all behaviour, so did Gesell with
biological explanations. In both cases, psychologists have learned from the
process, but have not accepted the more extreme claims.

Gestalt principles of perception An approach of the behaviourism school in

attempt to describe the important fea- America. Gestalt psychology emphasises
tures of perceptual functioning through the holistic nature of the human being
a set of principles that are consistent and opposes stimulus–response reduc-
with the Gestalt emphasis on wholes. tionism, on the grounds that the whole is
See also Law of Prägnanz. more than the sum of its parts, and that
Gestalt psychology A form of psychol- there are many aspects of perception,
ogy, popular in Europe in the first half of memory and learning processes which
the twentieth century, which gathered cannot be understood in terms of col-
support in opposition to the mechanistic lections of smaller units, but which are
G 151

complete and unitary in themselves. The was one of the influential concepts in
Gestalt emphasis on cognitive psychology the later development of mindfulness.
provided an important background to gestation The period before birth when
the cognitive revolution of the 1960s the embryo or foetus is growing, or ‘ges-
and 1970s. tating’, in the womb.
Gestalt therapy A method of psycho- gesture A mode of non-verbal communi-
therapy developed by Fritz Perls that cation in which information is conveyed
works in the ‘here and now’ rather by movement, usually (but not always)
than the past, and aims to increase the of the hands and arms. Gestures tend to
person’s awareness of how all of their vary considerably from one culture to
psychological processes are integrated. another, and the same sign may have a
The emphasis on understanding the very different meaning even in neigh-
person as a whole is derived from Gestalt bouring countries.
principles of perception. Gestalt therapy

Gibson, Eleanor J. (1910–2002)

Eleanor J. Gibson became known as the ‘grand dame’ of American devel-
opmental psychology. In the UK, she was best known for her research into
infant depth perception, particularly studies involving the visual cliff. Eleanor
Gibson was concerned that cognition should be understood in terms of the
way that it relates to environmental demands and the survival require-
ments of the organism. Her later research into child cognitive development
reflected that concern.

Gibson, James J. (1904–1979)

The husband of Eleanor Gibson, James J. Gibson is recognised as one of the
most influential theorists in the field of perception. His theory of ecological
perception argued that it was important to understand perception from the
point of view of the ecological function which it served for the organism.
As a result, he directly challenged the top-down theories of perception put
forward by Gregory and others, arguing that there was no need for inference
in perception because the visual field – or more specifically the optic array
– contained enough information to make sense of incoming information,
particularly when the movements of the observer and their interactions with
their environment were taken into account. He therefore emphasised aspects
of perception such as the flow of the optic array, and the affordances for inter-
action offered by objects within the visual field. See also ecological perception.
152  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

GIGO An acronym for ‘garbage in, gar- your whole future career). When the
bage out’ – produced by computer users cause has only minor consequences, it is
to point out that if one’s data are rubbish, described as a specific attribution.
then running them through a sophisti-
globus pallidus A part of the basal gan-
cated statistical program on a computer
glia which is involved in the regulation
will just turn them into different rubbish.
of voluntary movement, but is also
glia An alternative term for glial cells. activated in long-term friendships and
glial cells Small cells that are found maternal love – a connection which is
among the neurones of the nervous not yet fully understood.
system. Their main function seems to go/no-go test A test of response inhibi-
be to provide nutrients and to absorb tion in which the person is required to
excreted waste from the neurones. respond accurately to a series of trials in
Global Assessment of Functioning which they are presented with a rapid
(GAF) scale A scale used to measure sequence involving some stimuli they
‘psychological health’ that focuses on should respond to and other stimuli
how well adapted the individual is to to which they should not respond. It
their circumstances. reflects activity in the medial prefrontal
cortex, as does the Stroop test.
global attributions Attributions in
which the chosen cause is of a kind that goal setting theory The idea that work-
is likely to affect many outcomes (e.g. ing towards and achieving goals is a
attributing your unusually intensive fundamental part of human motivation.
revision to the fact that the result of the Goal setting is used in some psychother-
exams that you are taking will influence apies and in training.

Goleman, Daniel (1946–)

Daniel Goleman is most well known for his book on emotional intelligence.
In it, he argued that IQ should not be taken as the main factor in work-
place success or leadership; but that non-cognitive skills such as the abil-
ity to interact well with others, and to recognise non-verbal indicators in
interactions, were much more important. Goleman’s ideas became widely
acknowledged in both psychology and management and led to the develop-
ment of a number of psychometric instruments designed to assess levels of
emotional intelligence, as well as specific arguments concerning its precise
structure in psychology, and the acceptance of emotional intelligence as a
factor in management theory.

gonads A general term used to describe cal model. For example, if a hypothesis is
the sex glands – either the testes or the that gender does not influence whether
ovaries. people drink wine, a survey of wine
goodness of fit How well data that are drinkers would be expected to have
the outcomes of a study correspond with numbers of men and women that do not
those anticipated by a particular statisti- differ significantly. See also fit.
G 153

GPS See general problem-solver. grammar. Neurological studies have

gradient of colour One of the monocular shown a specific event-related potential
depth cues that indicates the distance of in the brain known as the P600, which
objects from the observer. Gradient of happens in response to grammatical
colour refers to the way in which the col- anomalies, and begins to develop even
ours of distant objects appear to be greyer in relatively young children.
and less vivid than those of close objects. grandmother cell The hypothetical
The brain utilises the relative intensity of idea that there are specific neurones in
the colour to deduce probable distances. the brain that only respond to one spe-
gradient of texture One of the monocular cific stimulus, such as the sight of one’s
depth cues that indicates the distance of grandmother.
objects from the observer using the extent grapheme A basic unit for describing
to which fine details of texture can be dis- writing, in much the same way as a
criminated. Nearer objects have a finely phoneme is a basic unit for describing
detailed appearance, whereas those that spoken sound. The idea is that writing is
are further away appear to be smoothed made up of combinations of graphemes.
out, and detail is lost (see Figure 33). However, this does not mean that a
grammar A set of rules set up to specify grapheme simply corresponds to a letter,
how a language is constructed. Grammar since a single letter may contain more
is more concerned with syntax than with than one grapheme ‘element’.
semantics, but particularly within psy- graphemic buffer A form of short-term
cholinguistics it is likely to be concerned memory store that holds information
with both. The objective of grammar is about individual letters immediately
to have a set of rules that will generate prior to spelling a word.
all acceptable sentences within a lan- grey matter or gray matter The term
guage, but no others. As with logic, there given to the densely packed mass of
may be a problem in that a particular set neuronal cell bodies and unmyelinated
of rules that does the job may not cor- fibres found on the inside of the spinal
respond to the rules that humans use to cord and on the outside of the cerebrum.
achieve the same objective. The most See also white matter.
widely accepted form of grammar in psy-
cholinguistics is that produced by Noam grid cells Neurones within an animal’s
Chomsky, known as transformational medial temporal lobes that respond when

Figure 33  Gradient of texture

154  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Gregory, Richard (1923–2010)

Richard Gregory specialised in the study of visual perception, and in par-
ticular optical illusions. He became well known in psychology partly as the
author of one of the first truly accessible textbooks (Eye and Brain), but
also because of his work on optical illusions, and the experience of a blind
person who had sight restored in later life. Gregory proposed a top-down
model of perception, suggesting that the brain makes inferences from limited
information based on its past experience and knowledge, which was chal-
lenged by Gibson for real-world perception, but remains a likely explanation
of many less real-world experiences. He was also the founder of the Bristol
Exploratory, one of the first hands-on science centres that illustrated in prac-
tice many of his theoretical observations. See also visual illusions.

it is in a particular location in a part of These may be standards of behaviour,

their environment. These cells operate achievement, attitude or other character-
in such a way that they produce a repeat- istics, but they are generally considered
ing grid-like structure, so cells may fire in to be what counts as acceptable and used
multiple locations, but always in respect as the criteria to which group members
to the same position within that cell of should conform. In psychometric tests,
that grid. See also hippocampus. group norms are data sets which describe
the distribution of particular test results
grounded theory A data-driven approach in given categories of the population,
to research that specifies that data allowing the tester to assess the typicality
should be acquired in ways which ensure or otherwise of a specific person's results.
that it has not been influenced by theo- They are an important part of the vali-
retical assumptions. The data are then dation of normative tests and need to be
explored in detail, until some organisa- kept up to date. See also validity.
tion of the material, such as recurrent
themes or principles, emerges. Using this group polarisation The emergent prop-
information, theoretical claims can then erty of groups in which people can be
be made through a process of induction. shown to make more extreme decisions
A grounded theory analysis requires sev- when acting as a group than when they
eral stages of in-depth exploration of the are acting as individuals. This was first
data, involving an iterative and rigorous identified with the risky-shift phenom-
examination of themes and implications enon, in which groups were shown to
arising from that exploration. It is a pow- make riskier decisions than would be
erful technique, but demanding for the made by the individuals that comprise
researcher if done well, and therefore them. However, more recent research
not for the faint-hearted. Or those look- shows that, under certain conditions,
ing for an easy option. See also qualitative groups may also make more cautious
analysis, core analysis, interpretative phe- decisions, so the term group polarisation
nomenological analysis. was adopted as one which described the
phenomenon without making assump-
group norm The generally accepted tions as to the direction in which the
standards of a particular social group. group would shift.
G 155

group selection theories Models of evo- with a high level of consensus and group
lutionary processes which are based on loyalty. Groupthink is the phenomenon
the idea that a trait may evolve because whereby a consensual view of real-
it helps the species as a whole to survive. ity emerges within the group, so that
Although popular in the 1960s, through unpleasant (and more realistic) alterna-
the work of Wynne-Edwards and others, tives to the way in which the group sees
this approach to understanding evolu- the world are not taken into considera-
tion was largely discredited in favour of tion. Attempts to bring more realistic
individual survival mechanisms, and in perspectives to bear on the situation are
particular by the dominance of sociobiol- dismissed or perceived as evidence of
ogy in the 1980s. In more recent times, disloyalty. The process therefore results
with the increased awareness of coevo- in the group making silly or at times
lution and similar mechanisms, some tragic decisions. The classic example of
variants of group selection theories are groupthink was the American military
beginning to be regarded as academi- decision to invade Cuba at the Bay of
cally acceptable once again. Pigs – a decision that turned out to be
group test A psychometric test that is a military disaster, and one which could
administered to several people at once have been easily foreseen if those mak-
by a single tester, such as some of the ing the decision had been able to make
classroom-type intelligence tests. a realistic appraisal of the situation.
Similar considerations apply to the dis-
group therapy Psychotherapy which astrous launch of the Challenger Space
involves a number of people who come Shuttle. Groupthink can occur in any
together at agreed intervals for the pur- tightly knit group with strong leadership
poses of the therapy. There are many and was therefore also apparent in many
different forms of group therapy, cor- of the governmental decisions made
responding to most of the varieties of during the Thatcher and Blair years in
individual therapy, but all could be the UK. Investigations of groupthink
claimed to have three major advantages suggest that conscious and deliberate
over individual therapy: efforts to promote debate and to admit
unwelcome possibilities are required to
(i) cost-effectiveness, as a single overcome it. See also decision-making.
therapist sees several patients
simultaneously; growth mindset The idea that intelli-
(ii) group processes that aim to ensure gence is not fixed but can develop and
that the participants will have gen- increase given experience, effort and
uine interactions with each other learning. This type of mindset results in
and real emotional experiences; positive self-efficacy beliefs, and encour-
which will relate meaningfully to ages perseverance and effort. Compare
their experiences in daily life, and fixed mindset.
which can be used effectively by growth motive A term used in human-
the group therapist; and istic psychology models of personality to
(iii) the support offered by group describe the tendency of human beings
members to one another. towards personal growth and develop-
ment, not only through the acquisition
groupthink One of the emergent proper- of new skills and experience but also
ties that can occur in tightly knit groups through cognitive re-evaluation and an
156  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

increased sense of personal control and why those with a keen sense of smell
autonomy. Humanistic psychologists find their sense of taste appears to be
consider this to be a very basic motive inhibited if the nose is blocked.
in the human being, and fundamental gustatory cortex An area found behind
to an understanding of mentally healthy the somatosensory projection area and just
behaviour. See also self-actualisation. above the lateral fissure, which processes
GSR See galvanic skin response. gustatory information and has links
gustation The sense of taste. Although with both pleasure and avoidance path-
previously thought to be closely linked ways in the brain.
to olfaction, this sense involves different gustatory perception The perception of
neural pathways. Taste information is taste, which uses sense receptors in the
registered by taste receptors throughout tongue and in the nasal epithelium. See
the mouth which transduce different gustation.
combinations of chemicals into elec- GWAS See genome-wide association
trical information. This then passes study.
through the medulla and thalamus to the
gustatory cortex. Olfactory perception is gyri The plural of gyrus.
often stimulated at the same time, for gyrus A ridge on the cerebral cortex. See
example when eating food; which is also sulcus.
habit In behaviourist terms, a habit is a sex-linked trait, although the psycho-
described simply as a stimulus–response logical implications of the disorder are
learning sequence. In cognitive psy- obscure.
chology, it is seen as a set of automatic hallucination A vivid and convincing
routines and subroutines in which the mental image that may appear in any
individual engages, and which, owing sensory modality. The person experi-
to frequent exercise, requires little con- encing it may be unable to believe that
scious cognitive input. In everyday life, no sensory stimulation was involved.
it is a routine or procedure which we do Although hallucinations such as hear-
often, without consciously planning to ing voices are not uncommon in the
do it. The learning process involved in general population and carry no stigma
acquiring a habit may involve classical in many cultures, they are regarded as
conditioning, but will not be habituation. one of the most reliable signs of schizo-
habituation A very basic form of learn- phrenia. They may also be caused as a
ing that involves gradually ceasing to side effect of psychoactive drugs. See also
respond to a repeated non-significant Charles Bonnet syndrome.
stimulus. Ceasing to notice the tick- hallucinogen A drug that induces hal-
ing of a clock is a typical example. lucinations or other unusual forms of
Habituation can be distinguished from perception. The most commonly used
fatigue by the fact that a small change in hallucinogens are psilocybin and LSD
the stimulus will result in the response (lysergic acid diethylamide), but there are
reappearing, a process called ‘dishabitu- many others, including mescaline and
ation’. Habituation is essential in that the hallucinogen contained in the fly
it allows organisms to concentrate on agaric mushroom. Traditionally, hallu-
those properties of stimuli which have cinogens have formed an integral part
significance for them, and to avoid hav- of religious and social ceremonies in
ing the cognitive system overloaded many parts of the world. In the West,
with irrelevant information. For exam- they are normally used as recreational
ple, car drivers do not habituate to the drugs, although there have been several
sight of red at the top of a traffic light, instances of artists and creative writers
but they are likely to have difficulty in utilising their effects to obtain special
remembering the colour of the stripes insights for their work and one or two
painted on the poles. investigations of their usefulness in cer-
haemophilia A genetic disorder that tain kinds of therapy.
results in excessive bleeding when the halo effect An effect in which people
body is even slightly wounded, owing or objects who are judged positively on
to an inability of the blood to clot. one characteristic are also judged posi-
Haemophilia is found in many psychol- tively on others. For instance, a person
ogy textbooks, as a classic example of who is judged to be physically attractive

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
158  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

is more likely also to be perceived as to ­produce a complete set of chromosomes

being more amusing or intelligent than to form a new individual. See also diploid,
a physically less attractive individual of gene, meiosis, mitosis.
a similar personality. See also impression
happiness A central focus in positive
psychology, happiness is a positive state
handedness The term for specialisation of being, in which the person is aware
in the use of one hand that develops that they are in a positive mood and
in humans during the first years of life. content with being so. Happiness can
Often the preferred foot or the preferred be an ephemeral state for some and a
eye is not on the same side as the preferred common one for others, but although it
hand. Handedness is thought by some to has been traditionally seen as a personal-
be related to hemisphere dominance. Since ity trait, modern researchers have shown
the right cerebral hemisphere controls that it is possible to learn to become
the left side of the body, and vice versa, more generally happy, through appre-
people who are right-handed are thought ciation of the positive aspects of living
to be left-hemisphere dominant, while and the challenging of negative attribu-
left-handed people are right-hemisphere tions. Neurological studies have shown
dominant. However, the evidence relat- that happiness activates areas right
ing handedness to cerebral dominance is across the brain, particularly includ-
often contradictory, despite the plausi- ing the superior parietal lobule. It also
bility of the idea. activates areas associated with nega-
tive emotions, including the amygdala,
haploid Having half the usual number the insula, the prefrontal cortex and the
of chromosomes – just one from each cingulate gyrus, although it activates dif-
pair. Some social insects such as bees ferent groups of neurones within those
and ants are mostly haploid, as are repro- structures.
ductive cells (ova and sperm), which
combine with cells from the other parent haptic To do with the sense of touch.

Harré, Rom (1927–2019)

Rom Harré was a distinguished social philosopher and psychologist. He
developed the social psychological approach known as ethogenics, which
identified two important methodological approaches: episode analysis and
account analysis. Episode analysis takes the view that real everyday living is
experienced as a series of episodes, and that the episode is therefore the most
meaningful unit to adopt in any study of social experience. Account analy-
sis emphasises the importance of discourse and memory in making sense of
experience and contributed greatly to the development of discourse analysis.

Hawthorne effect The phenomenon in productivity just because those

whereby when changes are introduced changes have been tried. An entirely
into a work environment in order to useless change may therefore appear to
bring about an increase in productiv- work unless the effects are tested over
ity, there may be a temporary increase a reasonable period of time. Hawthorne
H 159

effects illustrate the importance of and in particular to their adopting

social factors and expectations in the behaviours that are known predictors of
working environment. See also organi- health (or otherwise). A strong belief in
sational psychology, self-fulfilling prophecy, the efficacy of these behaviours has also
placebo effect. been linked with the placebo effect.
HCI See human–computer interaction. health psychology Originally health
head-related transfer function psychology was concerned with the
(HRTF) The way that sounds become psychological factors in medical condi-
distorted by the unique shape of one’s tions. It has now become a broad term
own ears and head. to group together the areas of psychol-
ogy that are concerned with different
health belief model A theory which aspects of both physical and mental
argues that the health beliefs people health and illness.
have are directly linked to their actions,

Hebb, Donald (1904–1985)

Donald Hebb was an influential Canadian neuropsychologist, who was con-
cerned with exploring how learning and experience impacted on the brain.
He argued that it was the repetition of connections between neurones which
stimulates synapse development, making familiar or more practised connec-
tions more likely to direct the neural impulse than novel or unfamiliar ones.
Hebb challenged the mechanistic stimulus–response models of the behav-
iourists, arguing that the connection was also mediated by the organism,
making it S–O–R (stimulus–organism–response) rather than S–R (stimulus–­
response). Although disregarded for a while, more recently his theoretical
work has become widely accepted as the basis for neural network theory,
and neurological research shows that synaptic knobs do become enlarged as
stronger neural pathways are formed, as he proposed.

Hebb’s theory of synaptic learning something pleasant or unpleasant. For

Hebb argued that it was the repetition instance, a government ruling that stu-
of connections between neurones which dent loans were to be halved would have
stimulated the development of synapses, direct hedonic relevance for students. It
forming cell assemblies so that familiar would not, however, be personalised. See
or more practised connections are more also personalism, attribution.
likely to direct the neural impulse than hedonism In philosophy, hedonism is
novel or unfamiliar ones. the idea that pleasure or happiness is
hedonic relevance The issue of whether the highest good. In psychology, it is the
a cause leads to effects that have direct idea that it is fundamental to human
positive or negative consequences for the beings to seek pleasure and to avoid
person concerned. A cause has hedonic pain, and that this in itself is a valid
relevance for someone if it produces explanation of much behaviour.
160  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

helping Giving aid or assistance to some- gerated to the idea that (a) only the right
one. Psychologists have studied helping hemisphere is involved, and (b) artists and
behaviour as a contrast to bystander apa- musicians are therefore right-brain peo-
thy, and find that our ‘natural’ response ple, as opposed to writers and accountants
seems to be to help others who appear to who are left-brainers. (Incidentally, it has
need it, but that this can be impeded by also been shown that trained musicians
social and/or cognitive anxieties. tend to generate left-hemisphere activity
See also reciprocal altruism. when listening to music.) There are some
neurological tendencies towards hemi-
helplessness theory See learned helpless- sphere bias – for example, the location
ness. of most (but not all) language function-
hemianopia Cortical blindness that ing on the left hemisphere, and evidence
results from damage to the primary visual that the left side of the face (controlled by
cortex in one hemisphere, and is therefore the right hemisphere) is more expressive
restricted to one half of the visual field. of emotion. But these tendencies do not
justify the widespread popular beliefs that
hemiplegia Damage to one side of the
have grown up about this area. See also
primary motor cortex, which results in an
inability to move the other side of the
body. hemisphere dominance The obser-
vation that, in most individuals, one
hemispatial neglect A failure to attend
cerebral hemisphere of the brain is more
to stimuli on one side of the perceptual
influential or has greater control over
field, opposite to the side of the brain
the body than the other side, thus pos-
lesion producing the neglect.
sibly producing right or left handedness,
hemisphere bias The idea in popular cul- etc.
ture that there is a distinction between
hemispherectomy An operation that
right-brain activities and left-brain
involves the removal of one entire
activities, that engaging in these different
cerebral hemisphere. Studies of left hemi-
activities generates different approaches
spherectomy in severely brain-damaged
to life in general, and that people can be
patients have shown interesting, often
divided into ‘right-brain’ and ‘left-brain’
puzzling recovery of language function-
types. This belief involves an extensive
ing and linguistic memory that was not
mythology that has been built up from
evident when the damaged hemisphere
a few valid neurological observations.
was in situ. These cases call into ques-
While there is some evidence that logic
tion the accepted idea that language is
and calculation, for example, tends to
firmly localised on the left hemisphere,
involve the left hemisphere more than
and they rather suggest a hologram-
the right, there is (a) some activity on
like storage mechanism whereby each
both, and (b) no justification for the
hemisphere is capable of taking over
idea that the right cerebral hemisphere is
the functions of the other but does not
therefore more emotional because emo-
do so in everyday functioning. See also
tions are the opposite of logic. Similarly,
hemisphere dominance, split-brain studies.
the observation that activities such as art
appreciation or listening to music (for hemodynamic methods Ways of ana-
non-musicians) tend to involve more lysing brain activity by recording blood
activity in the right brain has been exag- flow (e.g. PET scans).
H 161

hemodynamic response function gence, put forward by Jensen in 1969 on

(HRF) Changes in the BOLD response the basis of Cyril Burt’s fraudulent data
that occur over time. on twin studies. The controversy con-
hereditarian A term used to describe cerns not so much the estimate of 80
a theory or approach that emphasises per cent as the conclusions to be drawn
inherited mechanisms and genetic from any estimate of heritability.
influence, and excludes, or minimises, hermaphrodite An individual who pos-
other factors. See also genetic determin- sesses the primary sexual characteristics
ism, genetic reductionism. of both sexes at the same time. True her-
heredity The processes by which part maphrodites have gonads, one of which
of the biological potential of the parent has developed as an ovary and the other
is transmitted to the offspring. In sexual as a testis. They could therefore, theo-
reproduction, this involves half of the retically, produce an ovum and fertilise
genetic material of each parent combin- it themselves, and so potentially pro-
ing to form the complete genetic structure duce offspring without assistance from
of the offspring. See also chromosome, gene. any other individual. The condition
is extremely rare and is not likely to
heritability A statistical concept be the true explanation of unexpected
designed to indicate how much of a pregnancies.
given trait can be deemed to have come
about as a result of genetic influences. hermeneutics The study of meanings
The concept of heritability, while in social behaviour and experience. It is
widely accepted in behavioural genetics concerned with meanings on a number
and regarded as largely unproblematic of levels, ranging from the conscious
when applied to physical characteristics, and unconscious, personal and social
is often challenged when it is applied to to the cultural and sociopolitical levels.
behavioural or psychological charac- Rather than simply looking at the gen-
teristics because of its assumption that eralities of behaviour, or at statistical
transmission through families is evi- information, hermeneutics is concerned
dence that the trait concerned has been with the interpretation of experience,
inherited. This leads into the twin study and the ways in which various forms of
debates and a political history in which symbolism are used to convey meaning
the concept was seriously misused to in human life. See also account analysis.
inform racist and divisive social poli- heroin Heroin is a powerful analgesic of
cies. See also heritability estimate. the opiate group, originally developed as
heritability estimate A figure that a non-addictive painkiller. However, it
purports to state the proportion of was soon found that as a substance it is
influence exerted by genes on the indi- extremely addictive, producing tolerance
vidual’s development, despite the fact very rapidly, and leading to increased
that many developmental geneticists doses of the drug being necessary for
and psychologists (e.g. Hebb) have the same effect. It is probably the most
demonstrated unequivocally how insep- abused of all the narcotic drugs. In addi-
arable genetics and the environment tion to its analgesic properties, heroin
are. The most well-known ‘heritability induces profound mood changes, lead-
estimate’ is that of 80 per cent genetic ing to relief from tension and producing
influence on the variation in intelli- a state of drowsy contentment. Its use
162  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

and abuse as an illegal drug is most exercise, and it is picked up at the same
widespread in the poorer sector but receptor sites.
occurs throughout society. In addition hertz (Hz) A measure of frequency, one
to the problem of tolerance, addiction hertz being one cycle per second. In the
to heroin produces a high level of sus- audible range, the frequency determines
ceptibility to infection and disease. the pitch of a sound or tone. Tones of
In chemical terms, heroin has a struc- higher pitch produce more frequent
ture very similar to the endorphins and cycles and hence are said to be of a
enkephalins that are produced naturally higher frequency. See also frequency
in the brain in response to prolonged theory.

Hertzberg, Frederick (1923–2000)

Frederick Hertzberg was an influential organisational psychologist, whose
main contribution to applied psychology was concerned with developing an
understanding of employee motivation. His dual-factor theory of motivation
argued that there were two types of influencing factors: hygiene factors, which
were concerned with the basics of working life such as pay, relationships with
others, company policy, and the like; and motivator factors such as achieve-
ment, recognition, the work itself, and so on. Hygiene factors do not produce
positive motivation, but are often the cause of dissatisfaction at work, while
positive motivation depends on motivator factors.

heteroceptors Presynaptic areas that male/female relationships are acceptable

are able to receive a range of chemical and that homosexuality is abnormal,
messages from other neurones. See also inferior, to be despised or at best pitied.
synapse. See also homophobia, prejudice.
heterogeneity A set which is varied, or heterosexual Having sexual inclina-
showing a large number of differences. tions towards members of the other sex.
A heterogeneous sample is one in which See also homosexual.
the research participants are of many dif-
ferent kinds. ‘Hetero-’ as a prefix means heuristics Problem-solving strategies
‘different’ or ‘other’. See also homogeneity. that involve taking the most prob-
able or likely options from a possible
heteronomous morality The second set, rather than working systemati-
of Piaget’s stages of moral development, cally through all possible alternatives.
this is also known as the ‘moral realism’ Heuristics provide a way of reducing a
stage. At this point, morality is consid- complex problem to a manageable set
ered to be subject to the laws of others. of tasks with only a slight risk that the
In other words, the child accepts as solution lies among the alternatives
right and proper the rules given by an excluded at the start. Heuristics dif-
authority. See also autonomous morality. fer from algorithms in that they do not
heterosexism A judgemental approach guarantee a solution. See also problem-
which assumes that only conventional solving, decision-making.
H 163

hidden observer The term given to the motivated at the upper levels if they are
experience of a dispassionate ‘inner self’ seriously threatened in a more basic way.
that observes the individual in stressful For example, the need for dignity ceases
situations, or during day-to-day living. to matter if you look up and find you are
Such an experience is particularly com- in danger of being run down by a bus
mon during hypnosis, in which the (see Figure 34). On the other hand, the
hidden observer is felt to have experi- theory doesn't account for starving poets.
ences that are parallel to, but not the See also social needs.
same as, the hypnotised self. In psy- higher-order conditioning See second-
chotherapy, the objective part of the ary reinforcement.
therapist that comments on their feel-
ings and involvement with the patient hill climbing heuristic A basic heuris-
is called the ‘observing ego’. tic used in problem-solving, in which the
person focuses on ‘one step at a time’ –
hierarchy A structured form of organi-
in other words, on making moves that
sation constructed in levels, with each
appear to bring them closer to the over-
level overshadowing or dominating the
all goal.
lower ones. The idea of hierarchy is used
in many different ways. For instance, a hindsight bias The tendency to regard
hierarchy of concepts refers to the ways decisions or choices that have already
in which concepts may be stored in the been made as having been the only prac-
brain, such that general concepts contain tical or realistic option. Hindsight bias
within themselves smaller constituent describes the way that we are strongly
units. The analysis of organisations is predisposed to justify or rationalise the
almost always formulated in terms of hier- benefits of our previous decisions. As
archies. See, e.g., pandemonium model. a result, we often make these appear
to have been clearly thought out, or
hierarchy of human needs Maslow’s
simply a matter of logical choice (as in
hierarchy of human needs refers to the
conspiracy theories), when in reality
idea that needs become important in
those decisions were taken in a much
a systematic progression. Lower, more
more impulsive manner, or according
‘basic’ needs such as those for food and
to much less rational criteria. See also
security are important first, and ‘higher’
decision-making, cognitive dissonance.
needs such as those for beauty and self-
actualisation only become important once hippocampus Also sometimes referred
the lower levels have been satisfied. The to as the medial temporal lobe, this part
theory applies both developmentally of the limbic system seems to be the main
and to the mature person. According centre for the consolidation and stor-
to Maslow, children must be adequately age of memories in the brain. Its name
satisfied at one level before they start to derives from the Greek for ‘seahorse’,
develop motivations at the next level, reflecting its general shape. People with
so the higher stages are not reached for surgical damage to both sides of the
several years, and self-actualisation may hippocampus have subsequently experi-
take at least 30 years to achieve. Adults enced an inability to store or recall new
may be stuck at a low level if they have information, although earlier memories
never experienced sufficient satisfac- remain intact and can be retrieved at
tion at that level, but even those who will. A famous study of London taxi
have progressed higher may cease to be drivers (Woolett and Maguire, 2011)
164  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

to develop
all one’s

self-esteem needs:

and self-respect

social needs:
for friendship and
social acceptability

safety needs:
for safety and
freedom from danger

physiological needs:
for food, water and shelter

Figure 34  Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs

showed that the amount of time they treating the symptoms of their illness or
spend in the job correlates positively disorder.
with the volume of the right hippocam- holistic processing Cognitive pro-
pus, suggesting that the demanding cessing that involves integrating
level of memory processing in their information from different sources to
work produces increased development produce a meaningful whole (e.g. in face
of neural connections in this area. See recognition or everyday depth perception).
neural plasticity, grid cells, entorhinal cor-
tex. hologram A portrayal of a three-
dimensional image as a projection from
histogram An accurate type of bar chart a small unit or a two-dimensional sur-
in which the length and area of the bars face, in such a way that the image can
represents precisely the relative propor- be examined from different angles and
tions of the variables being illustrated. shows the appropriate motion parallax.
See also descriptive statistics. A complete holographic image may be
holistic Complete, treating its subject reconstructed from a proportion of an
matter as a coherent and indivisible original, although some clarity of detail
unit. For example, a holistic approach is lost. Understanding the perception
to medicine would involve dealing with of holograms poses a unique problem
the whole person, including their own to psychology, which as yet seems far
experiences, stresses and understand- from resolution. Holograms are also
ing of the situation, rather than simply of interest to psychologists because in
H 165

some ways the cerebral cortex appears cal stability is maintained in people and
to function similarly. It seems possible their families.
that information is not stored in a spe- homogeneity Similarity or likeness.
cific location, but is available in any Something that is homogeneous is the
large enough area of the cortex. See also same overall, showing little variability.
hemispherectomy. A homogeneous group of research par-
holophrase A single-word utterance ticipants will have been selected so that
that conveys the meaning of a whole all of them score similarly on essential
sentence in itself (e.g. ‘Lost!’). measures. For example, one might recruit
home range The area within which an a sample of 25-year-old middle-class
animal habitually forages for its food. This mothers, each with one pre-school child.
is not necessarily the same as the area that This would be a homogeneous sample for
an animal will defend against other mem- research on child-rearing (although not
bers of its species – many species have necessarily for research in other fields,
overlapping home ranges, but distinctive e.g. religious attitudes). A mixed sample
territories. See also ­territoriality. is described as heterogeneous. The pre-
fix ‘homo-’ means ‘the same’. It is not
homeostasis The process of main- related to the Latin ‘homo’, meaning
taining a stable condition or state by ‘man’. See also heterogeneity.
detecting and reducing differences from
a goal state. The classic simple exam- homogeneity of variance One of the cri-
ple is a central heating system where teria used for the selection of a parametric
the thermostat turns the boiler on statistics test. Homogeneity of variance
when the temperature drops and turns refers to the variance or ‘spread’ shown
it off when the temperature is high by the populations from which the data
enough. The basic process involved is samples have been taken. The purpose of
called negative feedback. The concept parametric analytical techniques such as
has been widely used to describe the the t-test is to compare the means of two
maintenance of physiological balance samples, in order to determine whether
in the body, with metabolic functions they are different enough to have come
kept at an optimal level through the from different populations. However, the
operation of mechanisms that correct formula for estimating the variance of
imbalances. Homeostasis in the human the parent population relies on the two
body is maintained through a variety of sample variances being similar, so if they
mechanisms, tightly mediated by the are not, a t-value would be misleading.
hypothalamus. Drives were considered For this reason, homogeneity of vari-
to arise directly from such homeostatic ance is an important criterion for using
mechanisms. For instance, the hun- a t-test, and variance is usually checked
ger drive is purportedly initiated when using an F-test (See F ratio). Note that
blood sugar levels in the body fall below finding a significant difference in the vari-
a certain level. This produces food- ances of the two samples might be just as
seeking behaviour, until food is ingested important as finding a difference in their
and satiation is reached. The concept of means (see Figure 35).
homeostasis plays an important part in homograph A word that has a single
systems theory and cybernetics, and can spelling but two or more different mean-
therefore be applied to how psychologi- ings, such as ‘set’ or ‘hamper’.
166  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience


90 95 100 105 110


60 80 100 120 140

Figure 35  Distributions with different variances

homophobia Hostility to homosexuals s­ ensitive. The term is also sometimes

as a group. See also reaction formation. used to express the ancient idea that
homophone A word that sounds simi- there is a miniature human operating
lar to another word, but which is spelt within the body (e.g. a ­miniature per-
differently and has a different meaning ceiver looking at the image received by
(e.g. ‘stair’ and ‘stare’). the eyes). See also homunculus ­problem.

homosexual Having sexual inclinations homunculus problem The problem of

towards others of the same sex. The pre- the ‘inner observer’ found in some mod-
fix ‘homo-’ is derived from the Greek, els of thinking or perception, which implies
meaning ‘the same’, and not from the that the brain is acting as if it were
Latin, meaning ‘man’. The term there- another observer, or small person, observ-
fore applies equally to men and women. ing the individual’s mental processes. It is
See also heterosexual. a problem because we would then need
to propose another ‘inner observer’ to
homunculus In physiological psychology, explain how the first observer makes sense
this refers to the two areas on the cerebral of what it sees, and so on, ad infinitem.
cortex on which areas of the body are
mapped in relation to motor and sensory hope A feeling of positive expectation –
functioning. The area is a representation the desire that a positive event or situ-
of the body in which size is propor- ation will come to pass. See also positive
tional to sensitivity, so a fingertip gets psychology.
relatively much more space than an area hormones Chemicals released into the
on the back because it is so much more bloodstream that produce changes in
H 167

the functioning of the body. Hormones and ‘objectifying’ of human behaviour

are produced by the glands of the produced by trivial laboratory investiga-
­endocrine system, which operate in close tions and behaviouristic attitudes within
conjunction with the hypothalamus. psychology. Instead, they argue that
hostile aggression Aggression in which psychologists should take more account
the objective is to inflict harm on the of the whole person, including attitudes,
other, as opposed to instrumental aggres- values and responses to social situations
sion, which is undertaken for some other (including experiments). To attempt to
purpose. See also aggression. study people in a fragmented way is, they
consider, to ignore the essence of what it
HPA See hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal is to be human. There are many human-
axis. istic psychologists, of whom Carl Rogers,
HRF See hemodynamic response f­unction. the originator of humanistic therapy, is
perhaps the most famous.
HRTF See head-related transfer function.
humour Communication that is amus-
hub-and-spoke model A model of
ing. Humour has primarily been studied
memory which proposes a central ‘hub’
in terms of its use in social processes, and
of semantic memory that is not depend-
in the hidden meanings of jokes. There is
ent on any particular mode, but which
no satisfactory theory of the psychologi-
feeds into a range of modes of representa-
cal processes involved when something
tion based on sensory and motor systems
is experienced as funny. There is a
such as vision, hearing and sensation.
widespread belief and growing evidence
hue The term used to describe a particu- that frequent use of humour and laugh-
lar wavelength, or tint, of a colour. It is ter is associated with positive physical
a subdivision of the broader categories and psychological health. Although it
of colours. For instance, there are differ- is sometimes asserted that humour is a
ent hues of green. right-brain activity, neurological evi-
human–computer interaction (HCI) dence shows that the prefrontal cortex is
The study of how human beings interact involved in processing humour, while
with and use computers, including ergo- the insula and the amygdala on both sides
nomic design, human-friendly displays of the brain are involved in appreciating
such as the WYSIWYG (what you see and enjoying it. Slapstick and cartoon
is what you get) system for documents, humour activates neurones across the
the desktop interface popularised by temporal and parietal lobes of the brain,
Mac and replicated in Windows, and while verbal humour involves the lan-
studies of just what people actually use guage areas of the left temporal lobe.
computers for. humours of the body The dominant
humanistic psychology An approach theories of personality and of physical and
within psychology that emphasises the mental health over some 2,000 years, until
whole person and their scope for change. the nineteenth century, were in terms of
Humanistic psychologists reject the the balance between four types of bodily
reductionist approach of many researchers, fluids or humours: blood, phlegm, black
which sees human action simply as col- bile and yellow bile. These were linked
lections of separate mechanisms, and they with personality characteristics: a pre-
also argue against the dehumanisation dominance of blood produced a ‘­sanguine’
168  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

personality – confident, joyful and opti- in children, sometimes referred to as

mistic; phlegm produced a ‘phlegmatic’ hyperkinesis. There is controversy over
personality: calm, hard-working and deep the reality of the condition, but there
thinking; black bile produced a ‘melan- are some children whose activity is
cholic’ personality, artistic but with a maintained at such an extreme level
tendency to depression, and a predomi- that the label seems to be unavoidable.
nance of yellow bile produced a ‘choleric’ It is also clear that many children who
personality, impatient and easily inclined are labelled as hyperactive are just rather
to anger. Everyday expressions such as more active than their parents or teach-
being in ‘a bad humour’ hark back to this ers find convenient. The condition is
theory. See theory of the humours strongly associated with difficulties in
Huntingdon’s disease Also known as maintaining attention, leading to bore-
Huntingdon’s chorea, this is a genetic dis- dom, and it may be this aspect, rather
ease that involves contorted postures and than the activity level itself, which
flailing limbs (chorea). It occurs through is fundamental. Hyperactivity can be
the degeneration or death of inhibi- effectively treated with drugs related
tory neurones in the indirect pathway to amphetamines. Although these drugs
between the basal ganglia and the thala- are usually used as stimulants, they also
mus. The indirect pathway acts to reduce help to maintain attention, and it seems
unwanted muscular movement, while to be this effect that is useful to hyper-
the direct pathway acts to increase or active children. The term hyperactivity
accelerate it. Overactivity of the indirect has been replaced with attention deficit
pathway produces movement inhibition hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
as in Parkinson’s disease, while overactiv- hypercomplex cell A type of cell, dis-
ity of the direct pathway produces chorea, covered by Hubel and Wiesel, which are
as in Huntingdon’s disease. See also hyper- located in the thalamus and the visual cor-
kinetic, hypokinetic. tex and receive information from complex
hygiene factors Factors in the working cells concerning basic images occurring
environment, identified by Hertzberg, in the visual field. Hypercomplex cells
which are concerned with the work- collate this information, so as to respond
ing conditions of the individual, such to simple patterns and shapes, and are
as shift organisation, staff facilities and thought to represent the basis of figure-
organisational structure. In investi- ground perception (see Figure 36).
gations of job satisfaction, Hertzberg hyperkinesis See hyperactivity.
found that bad hygiene factors contrib-
uted considerably to job dissatisfaction, hyperkinetic An increase in movement,
but that incentives known as ‘motiva- often involuntary. See Huntingdon’s dis-
tors’ (e.g. promotion prospects and a ease, basal ganglia.
sense of goals) were necessary to pro- hyperlexic Hyperlexic children are
duce high levels of job satisfaction. See those who learn to read extremely
also organisational psychology. quickly, with little apparent difficulty.
hyper- A prefix indicating a high or See also dyslexia.
excessive level of some function. hyperphagia Excessive eating that may
hyperactivity A condition of excessive be induced by lesions to the hypothala-
and apparently uncontrollable ­activity mus. See also set weight.
H 169

hypercomplex cell

complex cells

simple cells

Figure 36  Cell organisation in the visual cortex

hyperscanning Recording the activ- called a hypnotic trance, in which they

ity of two or more different brains at feel totally controlled by the hypnotist.
the same time. Hyperscanning has Researchers have argued that hypnosis is
been shown to be a useful technique just a matter of highly suggestible people
in investigating the neural correlates of role-playing a trance state, although oth-
experiences such as trust or empathy. ers argue that EEG records of a changed
hyperthymestic syndrome A distinc- pattern of brain activity during hypnosis
tive example of autobiographical memory, are evidence of a special state. See also
concerning an exceptional ability to hypnotherapist, autohypnosis.
remember the events of one’s own life. hypnotherapist A practitioner who uses
hypnagogic imagery Vivid visual hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. It has
imagery that is experienced during the been argued that hypnosis itself has no
transition from waking to sleep. It often direct therapeutic effects, but that it can
takes the form of an unusually clear be used effectively within a cognitive-
image of an object that has been the behavioural approach for purposes such
subject of intense concentration during as reducing anxiety.
the day, but the most common image is hypokinetic Lacking in spontaneous
of falling. Hypnopompic imagery, which movement, as in Parkinson’s disease. See
is rarer, is a similar kind of imagery that also hyperkinetic.
occurs during waking. hypothalamus A small but important
hypnosis An altered state of awareness part of the brain, located immediately
(or consciousness) usually induced by below the thalamus (hence the name).
voluntarily allowing one’s actions to be The hypothalamus is generally con-
directed by another person (the hypno- cerned with maintaining homeostasis in
tist). The major characteristics of the the body, and its functions seem to be
state are heightened suggestibility and partly localised. For instance, lesions to
concentration of attention on the hyp- specific nuclei within the hypothalamus
notist. Some research participants appear in rats have been shown to produce
to achieve a very high level of this state, excessive eating, resulting in obesity.
170  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis tion as to what would happen in a given

(HPA) A neural pathway that is acti- situation. An empirical investigation is
vated during stress, producing changes then set up to test the hypothesis (i.e.
in stress-related hormones. to see if the prediction was true). If the
hypothesis An idea that is not proven, hypothesis is to be retained because the
or which is advanced as a tentative prediction worked, that would be taken
suggestion or possible explanation. In as support for the theory from which the
terms of formal experimental method, hypothesis was derived. On the other
a hypothesis is an idea, derived logi- hand, if the hypothesis is refuted, that
cally and consistently from a specific would be taken (in an idealised world) as
psychological theory, which contains evidence against the original theory, and
an explicit prediction stating the likely an alternative explanation would have
outcome if particular conditions apply to be found. See also Type I error, Type
and the theory is true. This prediction II error, paradigm.
can then be verified or refuted by some hypovolemic thirst Also known as
kind of empirical investigation, usually osmotic thirst, this is the thirst that
an experiment. See also null hypothesis. arises when the body’s internal fluids
hypothesis testing See hypothetico- have been depleted, as opposed to thirst
deductive method. brought on by advertising or other
social pressures.
hypothetical construct An idea or fac-
tor that is not empirically evident, or hysteria A physical symptom, with
demonstrable in reality, but is proposed no apparent physical cause, but which
as a theoretical explanation for some appears to have some psychological func-
phenomenon or experience. tion. An example would be temporary
blindness or a paralysed arm that pre-
hypothetico-deductive method The vented someone from performing a job
technique of investigation outlined by which they hated but dared not leave.
Karl Popper as being central to the scien- Such symptoms are not under voluntary
tific method. It consists of investigating control. See also psychoanalysis.
by means of the formulation of an explicit
hypothesis containing an explicit predic- Hz See hertz.
IAT See implicit association test. idealism A tendency to believe that
ICD See International Statistical events will occur, and people will behave,
Classification of Diseases and Related in the best possible way. An idealist will
Health Problems. wish and hope that other people, as well
as themselves, will behave for the best.
iconic representation The coding or
representing of memories by utilising identical twins See monozygotic twins.
sensory images (from the Greek ‘icon’, identification A process seen as essential
meaning ‘image’). Iconic representa- by both social learning and psychoana-
tion is usually used to refer to visual lytic theorists because it is an efficient
imagery and was considered to be the way of acquiring new characteristics. It
second mode of representation to develop, is the second stage of the social learning
according to Bruner. See also enactive process outlined by Bandura, the first of
representation, symbolic representation, which is imitation. Identification refers to
eidetic imagery. the internalisation of imitative learning,
ICSS See intercranial self-stimulation. such that it becomes incorporated into
the individual’s self-concept. For instance,
id The primitive part of the uncon- a person starting a new job may spend
scious personality, according to Freud, the first couple of days consciously imi-
characterised by extreme emotional tating others in that role. After a while,
reactions and demands for immediate they come to internalise the new role
gratification. The function of the id is and are able to generalise their learn-
to fulfil instinctual needs, but it oper- ing to novel situations. Freud proposed
ates according to the pleasure principle that models would be chosen when they
and may be satisfied by fantasising the were seen as successful in solving those
desired object. Therefore, the infant has problems which the person found most
to begin to develop the ego in order to urgent, or had power over. During the
deal with reality. Oedipal phase, the strongest identifica-
ideal self-image The internalised con- tion is with the parent of the same sex as
cept of the perfect version of ourselves the child, and so an appropriate gender
that, according to Rogers, is held by identity is formed. A person may identify
every individual. The ideal self-­concept with a particular individual, or with a
is used as a yardstick by which the actual particular social role.
self’s behaviour is judged. Accordingly,
identifier codes Sets of letters or digits
it expresses the person’s internalised
used to disguise the identity of individu-
conditions of worth. Highly neurotic
als participating in research.
clients are often distinguished by an
unrealistically high ideal self-concept, identity The sense an individual has
resulting in continual anxiety and a of the kind of person that they are.
recurrent sense of failure. According to Eric Erikson, the major

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
172  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

task of adolescence is to establish a sta- represents an idiographic approach,

ble sense of identity that will remain whereas most other psychometric
relatively constant as the person moves approaches, which are concerned with
between different situations. A failure comparing people with one another,
to achieve a secure identity results in do not. Because it is concerned primar-
identity diffusion, which leaves the ily with individuals, who may change
young adult unable to enter into com- over time, idiographic research places a
mitments or close relationships for fear greater emphasis on validity than on reli-
of being taken over by the other person. ability. See also nomothetic.
A more recent approach is to hold that idiolect An individualised form of
everyone has available a range of identi- language use, specific to a particular indi-
ties that may be called upon in different vidual or small group. See also dialect.
social contexts.
idiosyncratic Special to that particular
identity formation The process of form- individual; characteristic of that person
ing an identity. The identifications but not of most people.
made throughout development play
an important role, and adolescents in idiot savants People of very low general
particular will try out different kinds of intelligence who have an exceptional
identity and use feedback from others ability in one specific area, such as being
to decide which to retain and which to able to perform very elaborate mental
abandon. See also social identification. arithmetic extremely quickly.

ideology A comprehensive belief sys- illusion Something that tricks the senses
tem with an implication for acting into a false interpretation of what is
in prescribed ways, such as Marxism. there. Illusions may operate in any sen-
When the term is used to refer to psy- sory mode (e.g. the McGurk illusion is
chological theories, it usually has a an example of an auditory illusion).
critical overtone. For example, calling However, the best-understood ones are
behaviourism an ideology implies that visual illusions. These have been exten-
its adherents have an irrational com- sively studied because they offer a chance
mitment to the theory. to see how the visual system works. See
also constancy scaling, pareidolia.
ideomotor apraxia A condition resulting
from damage to the left parietal lobe, in illusory conjunction When the features
which people have difficulty in planning of two different stimuli are mistakenly
and carrying out an action, for example combined to produce a perception of a
in response to a request, even though single object.
they are able to copy such an action. illusory correlation The impression
idiographic Concerning or describ- that two events or facts are connected
ing the functioning of individuals, as because they happen at the same time
opposed to searching for general laws when really there is no such connection
of behaviour. Idiographic approaches to between them. This is another source of
human personality examine characteris- bias in decision-making.
tics that are considered to be common illustrators Non-verbal signals that
to all individuals but which, in their serve to amplify or demonstrate what
operation, make each person unique. someone is saying. See also affect display,
For instance, personal construct theory emblems.
I 173

imagery Mental representations that rec- which the individual becomes so deeply
reate sensory impressions. Visual imagery involved in the data that they become
refers to an impression of something as it largely unaware of other issues.
would be directly seen; auditory imagery impact bias An over-estimation of reac-
is a representation of something being tions to loss, exaggerating intensity and/
heard. An image is usually of a fairly or duration. See also memory bias.
specific object, but may sometimes be
more diffuse (e.g. an image of autumnal implacable experimenter The situa-
colours). The study of imagery has been tion in classic experimental research in
a major area in memory research, as it which the experimenter appears entirely
forms one of the main systems for the unaffected by the participant’s behav-
encoding and representation of memories. iour. This was a significantly influential
See also hallucination, iconic representation. factor in Milgram’s studies of obedience.
See also demand characteristics.
imitation The understanding and repro-
duction of the actions of other people. implementation intentions Plans for
This is distinct from simply copying a action that are consciously aimed at
specific action or sequence of behaviour, achieving a specific goal (e.g. weight
which is generally described as mimicry. loss), based on specific information
Imitation is a social learning process about how that goal could be achieved.
that is common in young mammals but implicit Unspoken and/or assumed. The
particularly important in humans of term is also used to refer to cognitive
all ages. It provides an extremely rapid processes that are not available to the
form of learning and a mechanism of conscious mind.
early socialisation. See also identification.
implicit association test (IAT) A test
immediacy of reinforcement The con- that provides an implicit measure of rac-
cept in operant conditioning that, in order ism by recording response times to the
for a particular behaviour to be learned, categorisation of words and names.
it must be reinforced immediately (i.e.
implicit attitudes Attitudes that are
as soon as it has taken place). Delayed
not overtly expressed, but which form
reinforcements could mean that alterna-
the cognitive underpinnings of general
tive behaviours occur in the meantime
statements and beliefs. For example, the
and become accidentally strengthened
idea that individualism is the dominant
through becoming associated with the
feature of human psychology is a com-
reinforcement. See also Law of Effect,
monly held but implicit attitude among
superstitious learning.
North American researchers. See also
immediacy principle The idea in social representations, cultural psychology,
language theory that the person is ana- prejudice.
lysing for meaning as soon as they hear implicit learning The learning of com-
the first syllable of a spoken word. plex information without any awareness
immediate memory A term occasion- that it has been learned. See also sub-
ally used instead of short-term memory. liminal perception.
immersion A term used in phenom- implicit memory Memory that does not
enological research and some other rely on conscious recollection. See also
approaches to qualitative research, in explicit memory, non-declarative memory.
174  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

implicit memory bias The way that tests way as possible. See also self-­presentation,
of implicit memory show a tendency to social self, social desirability scale.
better recall of negative information imprinting A rapid learning process
than of neutral or positive information. that occurs during a critical period
See also memory bias, interpretive bias, shortly after birth in precocial animals
impact bias. such as ducks, geese and horses, lead-
implicit personality theory Ideas about ing to diligent following of the mother
how personality traits are grouped as she moves around. The ‘following’
together which are taken for granted behaviour can be elicited by any mov-
in everyday living. For example, traits ing object during the hours after birth,
such as ‘ambitious’ may automatically be and the animal appears to have a strong
grouped with ‘aggressive’ and ‘energetic’, innate tendency to learn about and in
or ‘kind’ might be grouped with ‘gentle’ some way identify with the object. The
and ‘peacable’. This means that individu- learning is very resistant to change, and
als who are known to have one particular later in life social and sexual behaviour
characteristic are often reacted towards may be directed at animals or objects
as if they also possessed the full range that resemble the imprinted stimulus.
of associated traits. They are treated Attempts have been made to explain
in accordance with the unspoken and the attachment of human infants to their
assumed theory of personality held by the mothers as a form of imprinting, but the
people whom they encounter. See also two processes are quite different, and it
personal construct, halo effect. seems that the main features which they
implosion therapy Otherwise known had in common at the time when the
as flooding, this refers to a technique of theory was proposed was that neither
behaviour therapy in which the phobic could be satisfactorily explained.
individual receives direct and extended impulsivity A behavioural tendency
exposure to the feared stimulus until they to act without reflection, or to seek
become relaxed with it. For instance, immediate rewards without thought for
someone who has had a car accident and subsequent needs.
is frightened of going out may be repeat-
in vitro Using laboratory methods. The
edly shown a film of cars approaching
term is usually used to refer to ‘test-tube’
them. As they become used to this, the
conception, in contrast to in vivo meth-
fear dies away and, through classical con-
ditioning, a more relaxed attitude becomes
associated with the stimulus. See also sys- in vivo Using natural methods, as in
tematic desensitisation. real life. Usually used to refer to concep-
tion that has occurred through sexual
impression formation The process of
intercourse, as opposed to the creation
creating favourable or unfavourable
of embryos using in vitro methods.
impressions on other people. The study
of impression formation has included inattentional blindness A failure to
research into primacy effects, non-verbal detect something appearing in the
communication and stereotyping, since all visual field because attention is directed
of these contribute to the judgements away from it. The classic example of this
people make about one another. is the invisible gorilla study.
impression management The presenta- incentive A stimulus that has value, either
tion of the self to others in as favourable a positive or negative, for an organism.
I 175

incentive theory A theory of motiva- lated at a totally subconscious level.

tion which distinguishes between the Typically, this has been preceded by an
expectation that a goal can be achieved acquisition period, in which ideas are
(incentive motivation) and the strength experimented with and tested out, and
of the need for the goal (drive motiva- is followed by a period of insight, and
tion). The amount of effort made to then intense creative activity, in which
achieve a goal is a function of both kinds the artist/writer/creator produces the
of motivation, so high drive alone may be final work. Although not all creative
ineffective if paired with low incentive. individuals appear to operate within
For example, I would very much like a this four-stage model, it seems to be a
million pounds, but do not expect suc- common sequence for many, and the
cess, so I am not doing anything about incubation period – in which work on
it. Equally, high incentive (I am sure I the idea seems, on the surface, to have
could get spam for dinner if I tried) will ceased – is its distinctive feature. See
not generate goal (or spam) seeking if my also creativity.
drive is low because I do not like the stuff. independent-measures design The
Practically, the theory indicates that if kind of study that involves comparing
someone is not working towards a goal, it the scores or responses from two or more
is necessary to know whether to increase separate groups of people, such that one
need (life will be really wonderful if I can group experiences one of the experi-
pass my psychology exam) or incentive mental conditions and the other group
(there is still enough time to look up all experiences a different condition. See
the terms I do not understand). also repeated-measures design.
incest Sexual activity with a close relative. independent self A form of social iden-
Because children born as a result of incest tification in which the person’s goals and
will be likely to show undesirable genetic beliefs are seen as entirely separate from
consequences (inbreeding), incest is those around them. See also allocen-
prohibited and usually illegal in most soci- trism, collectivism.
eties. Domestic sexual abuse often involves
incest. See also Westermarck effect. independent t-test A two-sample sta-
tistical test for interval or ratio data
incidental learning Learning that takes in which the two samples consist of
place without conscious awareness or separate and independent individu-
intention, simply as a result of what the als, which means that the test has to
animal or person is doing. See also latent be able to account for variations in the
learning. scores arising purely from individual
inclusive fitness An evaluation of an differences. See levels of measurement,
animal’s likelihood of survival by com- dependent t-test.
parison with others of the same species. independent variable In its clas-
This particular form of evaluation takes sic research context, this means the
‘survival’ as referring to the perpetua- variable, or set of conditions, which is
tion of the animal’s genes, rather than manipulated by an experimenter to bring
the survival of the individual. See also about a result – that is, to cause an effect
evolution, sociobiology. in an experiment. An independent vari-
incubation period The period during able may have two or more conditions,
the creative process in which ideas and research participants’ responses to
seem to develop and become formu- each of them are studied. Independent
176  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

variables may be existing features (e.g. ual, and that although social contexts
males versus females) or be created by may exert influences, these are only
the experiment (e.g. dark versus light contributing factors to behaviour rather
conditions). The variable is described as than determining it. The opposite of
independent because it is not affected by social determinism, or in other contexts
the experimental procedures. In statistics, of collectivism.
the term is used slightly differently, to individuation The process of becom-
refer to one of the types of influence on a ing separate. It is used particularly
given set of scores. In analysis of variance, about people during the transition from
for example, each type of influence – adolescence to adulthood when they
each independent variable – is referred separate from and become independent
to as a factor, and there may be several of their families. Jung felt that individu-
independent variables in a given set of ation could not be fully achieved before
research data. See also dependent variable. middle age.
indexing In grounded theory, this is the induction Deducing general principles
process of identifying and labelling groups from a collection of specific instances.
or categories. In writing, it is the tedious Theories such as psychodynamics and
process of developing an alphabetical list learned helplessness have been arrived
of key terms and their locations in a book at by a process of induction. It can be
or other lengthy document. a creative process leading to a theoreti-
indirect reciprocity A name given to cal statement that efficiently combines
a form of altruism that involves help- a large number of individual facts.
ing other people who may never be in Induction contrasts with deduction,
a position to reciprocate (e.g. who one which works in the opposite direction.
may never meet again). The assumption The term can also be used to refer to
is that there is still some kind of benefit something being created in another
or exchange involved, such as reputation person or thing. For example, if we say
enhancement, and the term derives from that page 75 is really exciting, this may
the determination of certain theorists induce in you a wish to turn to that page –
to deny the existence of simple altruis- or it may induce a feeling of disbelief.
tic behaviour, as in the empathy-altruism inductive methodology An approach
model. See also reciprocal altruism. to research that starts with observation
individual differences The study and and data collection, guided as much as
measurement of the significant ways in possible by the phenomena being inves-
which individuals differ from each other. tigated. Theory comes later by a process
Some studies of individual differences of induction. Grounded theory is a par-
deal only with intelligence test scores, ticularly clear example of this approach.
but the area is usually taken to include inductive thematic analysis This is
any reasonably stable characteristics or a form of thematic qualitative analysis
abilities. It therefore includes personality which allows themes to emerge from the
traits and psychological dysfunctions. analysis of the data, rather than apply-
ing predetermined themes derived from
individualism A reductionist approach
theory. See data-driven technique.
to knowledge or social understanding
which holds that what human beings do industrial psychology The application
originates entirely within the individ- of psychology to industrial situations.
I 177

Industrial psychologists study the effects inferior colliculus A set (nucleus) of

of environmental influences on people cells in the midbrain that carries out a
at work, of organisational influences, preliminary decoding of auditory infor-
such as the effects of different man- mation, much as the nucleus known as
agement structures or styles, of social the superior colliculus does in the visual
relationships within an industrial set- system.
ting, or of sources of stress and industrial inferior occipital gyrus This is a key
accidents. See also applied psychology. area in the visual cortex that helps with
infancy The period of human develop- facial recognition. Neurones in this area
ment before the child is able to speak, respond preferentially to face shapes
usually taken as the first year or two of life. even in small babies, and develop fur-
ther as we mature. It has strong links
infant-directed speech See motherese.
with the superior temporal sulcus, which
infantile autism See autism. is concerned with facial expression, and
also with the fusiform face area, which
infantile sexuality A supposition,
is concerned with recognising familiar
originating with Freud, that the sensual
faces. See also face recognition unit.
pleasures and motivations of infants
have a sexual basis. The issue became inferior parietal lobule This is a large
one of great controversy, and in some area where the occipital and parietal
respects rests on the definition of sexu- lobes of the cerebrum meet, and it con-
ality. However, it is also the case that tains areas known to process language.
Freud was indicating a previously unrec- Neurological studies have shown that
ognised aspect of infant functioning this area is involved in preparing and
when he pointed out the pleasure that understanding speech, decoding words,
all infants obtain from activities such as and generally processing linguistic
oral stimulation and masturbation. information, including linking together
auditory and visual input when we are
inferential statistics Statistics in which
understanding what others are saying to
assessments about probability are made.
us. The area has links with Wernicke's
Inferential statistics usually take the
area and with Broca's area, as well as
form of statistical tests, which examine
with both the visual cortex and the audi-
the characteristics of the data sets and
tory cortex. See also language pathways.
estimate the likelihood that these have
arisen purely through chance. See also information processing An approach
hypothetico-deductive method, descriptive which analyses cognitive processes in
statistics, null hypothesis. terms of the manipulations of informa-
tion that are involved. As computers
inferential test A statistical test which
have become capable of progressively
allows the researcher to make estimates
more sophisticated operations, informa-
of probability, such that it becomes
tion processing has become accepted
possible to state how likely to unlikely
as a plausible approach to understand-
it is that this result would have been
ing perception, decision-making, etc.,
obtained by chance. See statistical sig-
although it can sometimes fail to take
nificance, t-test, Type I error.
into account the implications of social
inferior Towards the bottom or lower cognition. The approach is more directly
edge. See also anterior, posterior, superior. involved with computers when they are
178  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

used to run models of particular cogni- presentations of the stimulus.

tive processes (known as a simulation) to The term inhibition is generally
see how the model would work in prac- used to refer to a damping down
tice. See also mental chronometry. or restraining of a behaviour, as
information theory An approach to a result of overuse or some other
understanding the functioning of the kind of direct stimulation.
brain in terms of processing of informa- (iii) The idea of a specific memory
tion. Information theory uses concepts becoming lost or distorted as a
and techniques developed by engineers result of further information. See
studying the flow of information and interference.
has played an important role in the (iv) Suppression of a social response
study of selective attention. or emotional reaction.

informed consent An agreement to inhibition of return The reduced prob-

participate in a research project or ability of returning one’s attention to a
other event that is based on full knowl- stimulus or object that has just recently
edge and awareness of what is involved, been attended to.
including any foreseeable physical, psy- inhibitory synapse A synapse that
chological or social consequences. See operates in such a way that the nerve
also presumptive consent, prior general cell which receives its message becomes
consent, ethical issues. less rather than more likely to fire, so
infrasound Sound that is too low in the passage of the neural message is
pitch to be detected by the human ear. inhibited, rather than passed on. Both
Some animals, notably pigeons and inhibitory and excitatory synapses are
whales, are able to detect infrasound necessary for the formation of neural
of extremely low frequencies, and it pathways in the brain.
has been suggested that they may use innate Literally meaning inborn. It also
geological sources of infrasound to help means unlearned, or present at birth,
them to navigate. See also ultrasound. and is used synonymously with inher-
in-group A name given to the main ited or genetic. Compare congenital.
group being referred to when describing innate releasing mechanism (IRM)
intergroup behaviour. If social identifica- A term used by Tinbergen to refer to
tion is seen as being all about ‘them’ and the stimulus that triggers off an instinc-
‘us’, then the in-group is ‘us’, while the tive behaviour. Examples are the moving
out-group is ‘them’. shape that stimulates pecking in a young
inhibition herring-­gull chick, and that which pro-
vokes ‘freezing’ in turkey chicks. The
(i) The process by which a neu- behaviour released by an IRM has direct
rone becomes less likely to fire. survival value, either in avoidance of pred-
Inhibitory synapses raise the thresh- ators or in obtaining food. Currently, the
old of response for the next neurone, term sign stimulus is preferred for referring
thus rendering it likely to fire only to these signals, as it avoids the implicit
in response to extreme stimuli. assumptions about internal mechanisms
(ii) A process in learning whereby a contained within the term IRM.
response becomes increasingly inner ear The third main division of
less likely to occur with repeated the ear. It is that part of the ear with
I 179

direct connections to the brain via the the solution to a problem, usually
auditory nerve. The inner ear contains involving a restructuring of the
the ­cochlea – a long, fluid-filled tube person’s perceptions. The pro-
containing hair cells that transduce the cess was regarded as particularly
vibrations of sound information into important by Gestalt psycholo-
electrical impulses. It also contains the gists.
semicircular canals, which are the major (ii) An awareness of one’s own psy-
sensors for equilibrioception, detecting chological processes, unconscious
the orientation of the body and motion fears and wishes, etc. Forms of
in a similar fashion (i.e. by means of psychotherapy that work specifi-
hair cells that fire when stimulated by cally to increase insight, such
motion or vibration). See also middle ear. as psychoanalysis and humanis-
tic therapy, are often known as
inner scribe The part of the visuo-spatial
‘insight therapies’.
scratch pad that deals with spatial and
movement information. insight learning Learning that occurs as
insecure attachment A type of attach- a result of a sudden flash of inspiration, in
ment in which the infant lacks certainty which the solution to a particular prob-
and confidence in its relationship with its lem or task is perceived in an instant. See
primary caregiver. Insecure attachments also learning set, aha! experience.
are generally classified into two types: insomnia A general name given to the
insecure/anxious attachment, and inse- inability to achieve regular sleep. There
cure/avoidant attachment. Infants with are many different kinds of insomnia,
insecure/anxious attachment show high and also many causes of it, but one of
levels of stress on separation and are dif- the most common is stress or tension.
ficult to console when reunited with the However, sleep research shows that
caregiver. Those with insecure/avoid- many insomniacs do actually sleep for
ant attachments are less demonstrative far more hours than they realise: they
although still distressed on separation, dream that they are lying awake. See
and tend to avoid contact when reunited also sleep cycles.
with the caregiver. There is some evi-
dence that these attachment styles may instinct A term now avoided as much
sometimes carry over to adulthood, and as possible, but once used to refer to
fMRI studies have found differences in those aspects of human experience that
prefrontal cortex activity between them. were deemed to have been inherited
Those with avoidant attachment styles and to be immutable. The concept of
show higher activity in the lateral pre- an instinct is always directed towards
frontal cortex in response to relationship function (e.g. ‘an instinct for’ security
problems, while those with secure attach- or motherhood), and is therefore of very
ment styles show greater activity in the little value in describing or explain-
orbitofrontal cortex, implying a more ana- ing behaviour itself. An instinct for
lytical and less emotional approach. See security might manifest itself in a vari-
also secure attachment. ety of ways. To one person, it might
mean having money safely invested; to
insight another, it might mean having a com-
fortable home; while to yet another,
(i) In learning or creativity, a sud- it might mean becoming increasingly
den and complete realisation of self-reliant and able to survive with as
180  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

little money as possible. Such potential in institutions fail to take the process of
diversity of behaviour means that the institutionalisation into account is that
concept itself is of dubious value, and they themselves are subject to it.
has largely been replaced by the term instrumental aggression Aggression that
instinctive behaviour. occurs because it will result, directly or
instinctive behaviour Behaviour that indirectly, in a desired outcome for the
occurs as a result of the direct action of individual showing the aggression (i.e.
genes. Such behaviour typically shows it serves a purpose).
certain distinctive characteristics: instrumental learning Learning that
occurs as a direct result of the beneficial
(i) stereotype (the behaviour is or pleasant consequences which it has
­stereotyped, being fixed and not for that individual. The term is often
modifiable by the individual); used synonymously with operant condi-
(ii) there is a complex sequence tioning.
of behaviour, not just a reflex insula A region of the cerebral cortex
response; that is buried beneath the temporal lobes.
(iii) it arises in individuals even if The insula is involved in pain and gusta-
reared apart from their own tory perception and has also been shown
­species; to have links with the amygdala which
(iv) it does not require prior learning becomes active in a wide range of emo-
or practice; and tional experiences, including disgust,
(v) it is species-specific behaviour. anger and happiness, and social emotions
such as gratitude, embarrassment, pride,
Such behaviour appears to be relatively awe and guilt.
common in fish and birds, but rather
integrative agnosia A form of agnosia in
less so among the higher animals, which
which people have difficulty combining
tend to rely more on adapting their
parts into wholes. It is usually diagnosed
behaviour through learning. See also
using Gestalt-based perception tasks.
imprinting, critical period.
intellectualisation A way of coping
institutionalisation The effect on a per-
with anxieties by denying the emo-
son of living in an institution for a long
tional component of a situation, and
time. Institutions such as psychiatric
concentrating on an abstract logical
hospitals are likely to develop proce-
account of the details of the situation
dures that are very different from those
and one’s own response to it. It is one of
in the outside world. As the inmates
the defence mechanisms.
adapt to the regime, they develop pat-
terns of motivation and behaviour that intelligence In general, the ability of
could prevent them from function- an individual to understand the world
ing successfully in the outside world. and work out appropriate courses of
Ironically, the phenomenon operates action. Within psychology, there is no
most clearly in just those institutions more precise definition that is gener-
(e.g. mental hospitals and prisons) that ally accepted, although the old claim
are supposed to improve the client’s that ‘intelligence is what intelligence
ability to function within society. It has tests measure’ is uncomfortably accu-
been suggested that the reason why staff rate in terms of how it is often viewed
I 181

in ­psychological research. See also the child’s mental age (obtained by

Intelligence A, B, C, intelligence quotient, using a variety of age-related tests) by its
intelligence test, triarchic intelligence. chronological age and then multiplying
Intelligence A, B, C Classifications the result by 100. This meant that 100
developed by Hebb and Vernon in an became the normative figure – a child
attempt to express the relative contribu- who had a mental age appropriate for its
tions of experience and inheritance to chronological age would score 100, chil-
an individual’s intelligence. The term dren who were advanced for their years
Intelligence A was used to describe the would score above 100, and those who
total potential intelligence of an indi- were behind would score below 100.
vidual, given that particular genotype Although Binet repeatedly expressed his
and an ideal environment from concep- concern that this should not be taken
tion. Intelligence B was conceived as an as indicative of a child’s potential to
unknown proportion of Intelligence A learn, but simply of its achievements so
– that amount of their potential which far, IQ scores have been systematically
the individual had been able to realise misused to represent a static measure
throughout their life. Intelligence C of the individual’s intellectual capac-
referred to the unknown proportion of ity. In addition, despite the normative
Intelligence B that can be measured nature of IQ scores, in many cases, they
using an intelligence test. In formulat- have been erroneously treated as equal-
ing this model, Hebb was applying the interval data and used as the basis of
genetic distinction between genotype elaborate statistical calculations such
and phenotype, and arguing that to talk as those underpinning the concept of
of the relative contributions of genet- heritability. Such research formed the
ics and environment as if they were basis for such outcomes as compulsory
alternatives or could be quantified was sterilisation laws in the USA (see eugen-
inherently misleading (see Figure 37). ics) and differential schooling systems
in many countries and contributed to
intelligence quotient (IQ) A score the concepts of racial inferiority that
devised by Binet in an attempt to express resulted in the attempted genocide of
the relationship between a child’s men- the Jews and Gypsies in the Second
tal age and its actual or chronological age. World War. Although the original
The quotient was obtained by dividing formulation of IQ had some diagnostic

Intelligence B
Intelligence A
Intelligence C

Figure 37  Intelligence A, B & C

182  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

value, its widespread misuse and abuse that an exchange takes place. The term
in society have resulted in its use being is used particularly with reference to
regarded with considerable suspicion. social interaction.
See also mental handicap, neurodiversity. interactionist The interactionist per-
intelligence test A standardised set of spective within physiological psychology
tasks from which intelligence can be is a direct contrast to the traditional
estimated. All tests should have been approaches of reductionism. Rather than
fully assessed for reliability and validity, seeing physiology as the direct cause of
but a great variety is now available, to behaviour, an interactionist perspective
some extent reflecting problems that emphasises how environment, cogni-
have been identified during the his- tion and physiology may all have a
tory of mental testing. Of the most reciprocal effect on one another, such
widely used tests, the Stanford–Binet that each may influence the other in
test is a direct descendant of the origi- achieving a given effect. Within this
nal test devised by Binet to give a single approach, physiological variables that
measure of IQ. The WAIS provides 12 are usually regarded as causes may
subscales that measure different aspects equally well be seen as results.
of intelligence. Raven’s progressive matri-
intercranial self-stimulation (ICSS)
ces attempt to eliminate cultural bias by
Electrical self-stimulation of the brain,
having items and administration that do
in which electrodes are placed in one
not depend on the use of language. The
of the pleasure centres of the brain, and
British Ability Scale was an attempt to
the individual is able to stimulate it
incorporate later psychological work on
intelligent performance, such as Piaget’s
ideas. interdependent self A form of social
identification in which the individual’s
intentional stance This can be defined
beliefs and goals are strongly linked
as the tendency to explain or predict
with those of other members of their
the behaviour of others in terms of their
family or social group. See also collectiv-
intentions or intentional states. It has been
ism, allocentrism, individualism.
articulated into four different orders of
intentionality, depending on the sophis- interference The concept in memory
tication of the assumptions made about theory that information may become
the actor. See also zero-order intentional- lost or distorted because of the storage
ity, first-order intentionality, second-order of additional information. The interfer-
intentionality, third-order intentionality. ence theory of forgetting was a popular
approach in memory research through-
intentions Plans for action or goals
out the 1950s and 1960s, and it centred
towards which actions are directed. See
around the idea that memories could
also conative domain, paracingulate cortex.
become displaced because of the storage
inter-observer reliability The extent of similar information. Interference was
to which two observers observing the considered to be of two kinds:
same events agree about what they have
observed. Also known as inter-rater (i) proactive interference, in which
­reliability. material that had been learned
interaction A situation in which one first interfered with the acquisi-
thing reciprocally affects another, such tion of later information; and
I 183

(ii) retroactive interference, in which internal–external scale A scale origi-

information that had been nally devised by Rotter in the 1960s
acquired at a later stage interfered to measure whether a person believes
with the retrieval of previously the causes of events to originate within
learned material. themselves (emotions, abilities, effort) or
outside (powerful other people, luck).
intergroup behaviour The behaviour See locus of control for one use of such a
of two distinct groups towards one scale, and attribution theory for another.
another. See also social identity theory.
internal locus of control One extreme
intergroup conflict Aggression or hostil- of locus of control which refers to a belief
ity between different social groups. See that control of events, or more spe-
also social identity theory, prejudice. cifically of reinforcements, comes from
intergroup rivalry Rivalry between inside the person. See also external locus
groups, which in certain circumstances of control.
can be created simply by dividing some internal validity In psychometrics, the
people into two groups, giving the groups term is used to refer to the extent to
different names, and putting them in which an individual item in a test meas-
competition for resources. See also mini- ures the same thing as the other items
mal group paradigm. relating to the same factor in that test.
intermittent reinforcement Reinforce­ In phenomenological research, the term is
ment which is given only in some used for a form of validity which com-
instances of the desired behaviour and pares the researcher's insights with the
not every time that behaviour occurs. participants’ own judgements. This
See also schedule of reinforcement. is very different from other forms of
validity, as it operates from an entirely
internal attributions Attributions in different epistemology. See also validity,
which the chosen cause is internal to construct validity.
the person concerned (e.g. perceiving
your examination success as having been internalisation Making something part
caused by your own hard work and/or abil- of oneself. Freud was concerned with the
ity, rather than by luck). The alternative child internalising the moral values of
would be to see the result as arising from its parents, as expressed in their system
circumstances, in which case they would of rewards and punishments. The term
be described as ­external (e.g. perceiv- is now used more broadly, particularly
ing your examination success as having in areas such as conformity, where its use
been caused by just the right questions distinguishes research participants who
coming up rather than by your own hard have fully adopted and internalised cer-
work). Internal causes are often equated tain ideas from those who express them
to dispositional attributions, although this for expediency.
sometimes creates conceptual problems International Statistical Classification
(is hard work a ­disposition?). of Diseases and Related Health
internal consistency A measure of relia- Problems (ICD) This is the main alter-
bility that looks at the similarity of results native to the Diagnostic and Statistical
produced by those different elements in Manual of Mental Disorders. It is produced
a psychometric test which are deemed to by the World Health Organization and
measure the same characteristic or trait. differs from the DSM in that it covers
184  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

health as a whole, including mental interposition See superposition.

disorders but not primarily focusing on
them. Its classification of mental dis-
orders differs significantly from that of
DSM-V (e.g. it classifies schizotypal (i) The sense made of events or
disorder as a mild or arrested form of stimuli by people in their every-
schizophrenia, whereas DSM-V clas- day lives.
sifies it as a personality disorder). The (ii) Meaningful translation from one
two systems also disagree on the clas- language to another often carried
sification of other kinds of personality out in the immediate context.
disorders, and even how many there are. (iii) A trained skill used by therapists,
It is the more common system used for which aims to identify significant
diagnosis outside the USA. unconscious conflicts in order to
clarify and deal with them.
interneurones Neurones within the
central nervous system that connect sen-
sory input (brought by sensory neurones) In psychotherapy, it refers to the activity
with motor output (carried by motor neu- of the therapist in pointing out underly-
rones). Also called connector neurones. ing meanings in the patient’s activities
or cognitions. In psychodynamic therapy,
interoception Sensitivity to bodily stim- interpretations are made to uncover the
uli, and in particular the perception of defence mechanisms of the patient and
movement and pain within the body. to describe the patient’s transference
Interoception may be conscious or uncon- reactions, with the aim of making the
scious. See also kinaesthesia, proprioception. patient’s unconscious processes explicit.
interpersonal Occurring between interpretive bias The tendency for people
people. The term may apply to an inter- to perceive ambiguous stimuli or situa-
action between two or more people, tions as being potentially threatening.
to feelings between people, or to other
psychological processes by which two or interpretive repertoire The range of
more people influence one another. images and metaphors used in conver-
sation to make sense of or illustrate a
interpersonal attraction The study of particular perspective or set of ideas.
what determines whether a person will
find another individual attractive. After interpretivism An approach to social
decades of research investigating a great research which starts from the position
range of subtle variables, it has emerged that it is the meanings of any given experi-
that people are attracted most to those ence which are important. Interpretivism
whom they find physically attractive and developed within psychology in opposi-
who are geographically close to them. tion to the idea that it is meaningful to
study objective reality. Personal construct
interpersonal intelligence A form of theory is a good example of interpretiv-
intelligence that is concerned with how ism. See also hermeneutics.
effectively the person is able to interact
with other people. It includes communi- interpretative phenomenological analy-
cative and empathic skills as well as the sis (IPA) is an approach to idiographic
ability to relate well to others. See also qualitative research which is based on par-
multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence. ticipants’ accounts with a focus on their
I 185

experience and meanings. Developed usually have a list of open questions,

and promoted by Jonathan Smith, the which indicate to the participant the
term is usually abbreviated to IPA as this areas for discussion, but allow new
is easier to say. areas of interest to be explored, as in
interquartile range The spread of a semi-structured interviews. A selection
set of scores between the end of the interview may also be planned in more
first quartile and the start of the fourth or less detail, or be conducted without
quartile (i.e. between the 25th and 75th any prior consideration of what infor-
percentage points) of a distribution. See mation is wanted and how it is to be
also semi-interquartile range. obtained. Research has shown inter-
views to be an inaccurate method of
inter-rater reliability The extent to selecting people for jobs, but this may
which two independent raters of the be because the interviews studied had
same object, behaviour or event (e.g. not been carefully constructed with
of the attractiveness of photographs), clear objectives. See also depth inter-
or on the way that the same data-set view, focus group, rapport interview and
should be coded or evaluated. A high transcription.
inter-rater reliability is essential if a
measure or test is to be relied on. See interview schedule A set of questions
also reliability. and their organisation or sequencing
which has been designed for use in inter-
interstitial fluid The fluid that sur-
view research.
rounds cells in the body and brain.
interval scale See equal-interval scale. interview transcript A precise written
description of the verbal exchanges or
intervening variable An unobservable other (usually verbal) activities which
process that is proposed to account for have taken place during an interview.
the relationship between input and
output. The characteristics of inter- interviewer effects The usually
vening variables can be studied by unwanted effects that an interviewer
manipulating the independent variable can have on the respondent to an
and observing the effects on the depend- interview. The respondent may, for
ent variable. example, be influenced by their val-
ues, motivation to obtain a particular
interview A conversation between a result, or the personal qualities of the
professional and a respondent designed interviewer. These effects can operate
to provide the professional with a cer- through the structuring of interview
tain kind of information. The nature questions, leading the participants to
of the interview will be influenced by talk about particular topics in a par-
its function, which may be an evalu- ticular way, through non-verbal cues
ation of the respondent (for a job, by the interviewer, or other features of
therapeutic purpose, or research). The the interview which affect the process
form of the interview may be fully without either participant being aware
specified in advance, as in a structured of them. Researchers working within a
interview, and resemble a verbally positivist paradigm would regard inter-
administered questionnaire – a form viewer effects as a contamination of
of interview commonly used in mar- the objective reality that the research
keting research. Research interviews is investigating, and therefore to be
186  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

eliminated if possible. Constructionist perspectives, such as those outlined in

researchers see the interview itself as James’ ‘Principles of Psychology’, which
defined by the interaction between in many cases are still of use to modern
the interviewer and respondent, in psychology. With the advent of behav-
which case it would make no sense to iourism in the first part of the twentieth
talk about eliminating the effect of the century, introspectionism as a technique
interviewer. Instead, it should be reflex- became disregarded, but in recent years
ively reported as accurately as possible. it has re-emerged to a limited extent
See also depth interview, focus group. within the phenomenology school of
intrapersonal Within the person – a term modern psychologists, and also, in a
used to refer to internal processes that do structured form, through the use of pro-
not involve interaction with others. tocol analysis.

intrapersonal intelligence A form of introversion A dimension of personal-

intelligence proposed by Gardner, con- ity in which people are quiet, reserved,
cerning the awareness the individual has and find social situations stressful. In the
of their own internal habits and thought Eysenck Personality Inventory, it is the
processes See multiple intelligences. opposite of extraversion. See also ambivert.

intrinsic Internal, or deriving from intuiting This is the third stage of phenom-
internal, pre-existing factors. See also enological research, in which the researcher
intrinsic motivation, extrinsic. takes an open-minded approach to the
data and identifies insights which arise as
intrinsic motivation Motivation that a result. See also internal validity.
comes from the nature of an activity
rather than from an external reward intuitive definitions Definitions that
(extrinsic motivation). Examples are being have been adopted or used because they
motivated by pride in achievement or ‘feel right’ to the person using them,
pleasure derived from the activity. rather than because they have been
verified according to extrinsic or objec-
introspection The process of self-­ tive criteria.
examination, or looking within one’s
own experience in order to gain invariants Things that don’t vary. In
insight into psychological phenomena. Gibson’s theory of ecological perception,
Although notoriously unreliable in these are the properties of the optic array
many respects, introspection can some- that don’t change when other aspects do.
times provide valuable insights that invasiveness A term used in neuropsy-
could otherwise be missed. chology to refer to whether a measuring
introspectionism A school of thought, technique is located entirely externally,
prevalent in the early years of psychol- as in fMRI scans, or whether it involves
ogy as an independent discipline from adjustments to the internal state of the
philosophy, in which investigations were body (e.g. the ingestion of radioactive
conducted through systematic and often isotopes prior to PET scans).
detailed introspection by one or two inverse problem The problem that
highly trained psychologists. Although results from taking measurements of
castigated as ‘armchair psychology’ by event-related potential at the level of the
the early behaviourists, this technique scalp, and trying to infer the specific
established several important theoretical neural activity which has produced
I 187

that result, out of a potentially infinite in the ventromedial frontal cortex. The
number of possibilities. See also dipole task involves a card game in which peo-
modelling. ple have to learn to avoid making risky
invisible gorilla A now-classic study by choices, producing a net loss, in favour
Simons and Chabris (1999), in which of less risky and more rewarding choices.
participants were so focused on count- IPA see interpretative phenomenological
ing passes in a basketball game that analysis.
they entirely failed to notice a person
ipsative Assessed or measured by com-
in a gorilla suit crossing the front of the
parison with the self. Ipsative scales
screen image and even stopping in mid-
involve the individual using their own
screen to gesture. It is cited as a clear
values or behaviour as the yardstick by
illustration of ­inattentional blindness.
which comparisons and evaluations are
invisible observer The idea in an made. See also normative.
observational study that familiarity with
the observer's presence will eventu- ipsilateral Belonging to, or relevant to,
ally mean that the observer is no the same side. The prefix ‘ips-’ usually
longer noticed and has no effect on the means ‘of one’s own’.
behaviour of those being observed. In IQ See intelligence quotient.
hypnosis, the term is sometimes used for
IRM See innate releasing mechanism.
that part of consciousness which is aware
and detached from the hypnotic state iteration A complete sequence of pro-
and observing what is going on. cessing steps or stages. In data analysis,
involuntary response A reaction or for example, some procedures for quali-
reflex which is produced to a stimulus tative analysis require the analysis to
regardless of the individual’s conscious undergo several iterations – i.e. they
intervention or inclinations. See also require the analytical process to be
unconditioned response. repeated several times, with each repeti-
tion of the procedure being performed
iodopsin A form of light-sensitive pig- on the information obtained from the
ment found in the cone cells of the retina, previous one. Each full sequence, or
which responds to coloured light by iteration, reveals different levels of
changing the electrical polarity of the meaning in the data. See also grounded
cell, and so contributing to an electrical theory.
impulse. See also rhodopsin, photopsin.
iterative A procedure in which the
ionotropic receptors Receptors that same action or procedure is carried out
open or close in ionic channels in repeatedly, in order to achieve further
response to the presence of a particular refinement or a closer approach to a
neurotransmitter. goal. Each round of action gets closer to
Iowa gambling task A problem-solving the objective until it is achieved or suf-
task sometimes used to identify lesions ficiently well approximated.
Jahoda, Marie (1907–2001)
Marie Jahoda was a social psychologist who maintained a firm belief in
equity and social justice throughout her life. Born and educated in Austria,
she was imprisoned in 1936 for supporting the socialist movement against a
political background of growing support for fascism. Released in 1937 as a
result of foreign appeals, she went to Cambridge University for the duration
of the war, spent from 1945 to 1958 in the USA before returning to Britain,
where she was influential in the development of the psychology of prejudice.
Her most famous work was a detailed longitudinal case study of the psychol-
ogy of unemployment, drawing data and examples from Marienthal, where
a sudden shut-down of a flax mill had removed the only significant source
of employment in the village, and showing how initial resilience eventually
morphed into despair.

James, William (1842–1910)

Widely considered to be one of the ‘founding figures’ of modern psychology,
James exerted most of his influence through his major textbook ‘Principles
of Psychology’, published in 1890, in which he explored the nature of
the human mind. He took the view that consciousness could either come
through the ‘front door’ (i.e. learned from scratch by the individual), or
through the ‘back door’ (i.e. shaped by our evolutionary history). Many of his
insights into the nature of experience are still taken as the starting point for
the teaching of psychological topics such as emotions (as in the James–Lange
theory) and infant cognition. His approach to investigation is considered a
prototypical example of introspectionism, and in later years he became more
concerned with philosophy than with psychology itself.

James–Lange theory An early theory those changes. See also alarm reaction,
of emotion which argued that the Cannon–Bard theory.
experience of emotion arises from the jargon aphasia A condition arising from
perception of physiological changes in brain damage in which the person’s speech
the body, brought about by the emo- is reasonably grammatical, but they have
tional stimulus. In other words, the severe problems in accessing the appro-
physiological changes occur first, and priate words for what they want to say
the emotion is simply the perception of

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and tend to replace them with different, Jungian Pertaining to the psychoana-
sometimes similar words. To the listener, lytic system developed by Carl Jung,
therefore, they appear to be producing sometimes also referred to as analytical
meaningless jargon. See also neologism. psychology.
jet lag A syndrome in which a person’s cir- just noticeable difference (jnd) The
cadian rhythms become out of phase with smallest change of stimulus that an indi-
the surrounding environment, as a result vidual is able to detect consistently for
of the rapid crossing of time zones dur- 50 per cent of the time. The amount
ing long-distance travel. This produces of the jnd varies as a proportion of the
feelings of extreme fatigue, and in some intensity of the stimulus that is chang-
cases disorientation, sometimes lasting for ing. For instance, a relatively larger
several days until the individual has fully change is necessary before a difference in
adjusted to a new time system. the volume of a loud sound is detected,
jnd See just noticeable difference. than for a relatively quiet sound. See
also Fechner’s law, Weber’s law.
joint attention The sharing of attention
between two or more people, all focus- just world hypothesis The idea that
ing on the same object or location. See everything works out fairly in the end,
also gaze cueing, postural echo. so that people, by and large, get what
they deserve.
judgement In cognitive psychology,
the term is taken to mean an assess- juvenile delinquent A young person
ment of the probability of a given event who has been convicted of a criminal
occurring, usually based on incomplete offence.

Jung, Carl Gustav (1875–1961)

Jung was an early disciple and collaborator of Freud but separated from him
in 1913 to investigate the unconscious basis for symbolism and myths, which
he believed existed in similar forms in all cultures. He argued that the uncon-
scious keeps contact with ancient insights which were lost to the conscious
mind as industrial society developed. Jung’s analytical psychology was based on
the idea of archetypes – powerful symbols that are embedded deep in the col-
lective unconscious of humankind. Certain everyday occurrences or symbols
are invested with powerful significance through synchronicity – a direct con-
nection with the collective unconscious. Archetypes, Jung believed, exert an
unrecognised influence, identifiable through everyday symbols and through
dreams. For a time, Jung’s theorising led him to an involvement with para-
psychology, giving him a reputation for mysticism. His idea of psychological
types is the basis for the Myers Briggs Type Indicator – a reasonably popu-
lar psychometric test used in occupational psychology. He also developed the
concept of introversion–extraversion, which was subsequently adopted by
Eysenck (perhaps the least similar psychologist possible).
Kelly, George (1905–1966)
George Kelly founded personal construct theory, which formed the basis of
cognitive approaches to psychotherapy. Kelly was impressed by the different
ways in which people perceive and understand the same events. He proposed
that all cognition is based on personal constructs, by which we distinguish
between people and events by the criteria that we have learned are most use-
ful. His concept of ‘constructive alternativism’ pointed out that we cannot
deal in absolute truths, and proposed that we should focus instead on the var-
ied ways in which people make sense of their worlds. Kelly’s theory is based
around the idea of ‘man as scientist’ – that we are continually searching for
better ways of understanding and prediction.
Kelly also generated the memorable quote: ‘If you don't know what’s
wrong with the patient, ask him. He may tell you,’ which was a direct chal-
lenge to the dominant ethos of the time, which assumed that the expert is
the only one who knows anything. He developed the repertory grid as a way
of recording constructs, and he was rather disappointed that the test became
better known than the much more important theory behind it. He pointed
out that most psychological theories account for the behaviour of ‘subjects’,
but not for the activities of psychologists, whereas a good theory would be
reflexive – both applying to itself and explaining its own existence.

key example The use of a specific case in kibbutz An Israeli community in which
preference to others in a study because property and responsibility are held in
it represents a significant example of, or common by all members of the kibbutz
provides important information about, (kibbutzniks). Many kibbutzim have
the topic under investigation. communal child-rearing systems, which
key word method A mnemonic tech- were intensively studied in the 1960s.
nique for learning the meanings of The then-current theoretical ideas on
technical or foreign terms. It involves mother–infant bonding implied that
identifying a familiar word derived from children would become psychologically
the sound of the unknown one. A visual damaged if they were not kept with their
image is formed linking this key word mother, but little evidence for this was
with the meaning of the word to be found among the communally reared chil-
learned. The visual image forms a link dren of the kibbutzim. See also metapelet.
between the perceived sound of the new kin selection A concept put forward in
word and its meaning. sociobiology, kin selection involves the

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idea that an individual may protect their lesions of the amygdala. It consists of
genes for the future by protecting not unusual calmness and tameness, dietary
just their offspring, but other relatives changes, and an increased tendency to
who share them. Since siblings share examine objects with the mouth. It has
on average 50 per cent of their genes, been proposed that these changes arise
the individual can ensure that a propor- from objects having lost their emotional
tion of the genes survive by protecting connotations for the animal, owing to
their siblings. The concept is used to the lesions.
explain behaviour that is apparently knowledge-based errors Mistakes
altruistic, such as the self-sacrificing or errors that arise from the people
behaviour of worker ants. It is, however, concerned having the wrong factual
open to question how far the behaviour information, and so taking inappropri-
of ants has relevance for human beings, ate actions when an emergency arises.
and examples from animals closer to Compare skill-based errors.
humans on the phylogenetic scale are dis-
tinctly lacking. knowledge effect The tendency to
assume that other people possess the
kinaesthesia A form of sensory percep- same information as you do.
tion that identifies movement of the
body or parts of the body. It involves knowledge frame The set of assump-
receptors in the muscles, tendons, joints, tions and information within which
and the vestibular system of the inner a particular problem is located. The
ear, some of which are also involved knowledge frame defines what counts
in proprioception, but the difference is as relevant information and needs to be
that kinaesthesia involves the percep- taken into account when making deci-
tion of movement while proprioception sions and selecting what information
involves the perception of position. See is to be discarded or ignored. See also
also equilibrioception. decision-making.

kinaesthetic To do with sensations of knowledge-lean problems Problems that

movement. can be solved without the need to apply
specifically relevant prior k­ nowledge.
kinesics The study of human movement
knowledge-rich problems Problems
patterns and the types of communica-
that can only be solved with the use of
tion that use them. Kinesics is a major
considerable background information.
area in the study of non-verbal commu-
nication, involving gestures and changes Korsakoff’s syndrome A condition
of posture and gait. acquired by long-term alcoholics who have
combined heavy drinking with eating
Klinefelter’s syndrome A condition
too little, resulting in an extended period
in which a man has inherited an extra
of thiamine deficiency. Korsakoff’s syn-
X-chromosome, having an XXY group
drome patients demonstrate severe and
of sex chromosomes instead of an XY
apparently irreversible proactive amnesia,
pair. Such individuals are usually clearly
such that they are unable to retain new
male, but can sometimes show some
information, while still maintaining their
female secondary sexual characteristics.
repertoire of basic skills. While conversa-
Kluver-Bucy syndrome A syndrome tional topics remain on a general level,
observed in monkeys after bilateral many Korsakoff sufferers remain undi-
192  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

agnosed. An attempt to retrieve current kurtosis The overall shape of the nor-
information often reveals the deficit. mal distribution curve – that is, how
Kruskal–Wallis test A test for statis- much the scores in a particular sample
tically significant differences between cluster towards the middle or towards
three or more samples, which can be the ends of the distribution, making
used when analysis of variance is not the curve tall and thin or wide and flat.
appropriate. See also levels of measure- See also skewed distribution curve, positive
ment. skew, leptokurtic, platykurtic.
labelling When a label is applied to laboratory observation A non-­
someone, there is a tendency for that interventional study of the behaviour
person to be seen, both by others and of individuals, groups or animals which
often also by themselves, as having all of takes place in a formal research setting.
the characteristics implied by the label, LACS See Leeds Attributional Coding
and being nothing more than that. System.
Therefore, labelling someone as schizo-
phrenic or depressive can cause them to LAD See language acquisition device.
be treated as less than a whole person, laddering A technique drawn from per-
since all of their behaviour is likely to sonal construct therapy, which involves
be interpreted in terms of the illness, asking questions that become progres-
as schizophrenic or depressed behav- sively more personal or intense, with
iour. This tendency can be resisted by each being based on the response to the
insisting on referring to ‘a person with previous question.
depression’ rather than ‘a depressive’,
laissez-faire Allowing people to get on
but the tendency remains difficult to
with things in their own way. It is used
avoid. The study of labelling and its
to indicate a leadership style in which
implications is an important part of
most of the responsibility for action is
social psychology and has been so ever
left with the group, rather than assumed
since the discovery of the self-fulfilling
by the leader, but has also been applied
prophecy. See also stereotype.
to child-rearing styles. Groups with
labile Changeable, or likely to alter ­laissez-faire leadership tend not to be as
rapidly. The term is often used of emo- productive as others, but some findings
tional states or autonomic arousal. suggest that they continue to ­operate

Laing, R.D. (1927–1989)

The psychiatrist R.D. Laing was most famous for applying the philosophical
approach of existentialism to psychiatry and social psychology. In doing so,
he examined some of the less positive aspects of social living such as the
mind games or ‘knots’ that people use to confound and manipulate others
emotionally. He developed a major alternative explanation for schizophre-
nia, in which he asserted that the primary cause of schizophrenia was not
medical, but social, arising from disturbed relationships within the family.
Although refuted by the medical establishment at the time, and challenged
by some later researchers, his work drew attention to the importance of social
stressors, and the influences that these exert on vulnerable people. See also
vulnerability model.

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194  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

better than other groups when the may not be identical with its seman-
leader is absent. tic characteristics (e.g. describing
Lamarckian genetics The theory of someone as ‘burning’ with enthusiasm).
genetic transmission proposed by Lamarck Psychologists have also studied social
at the beginning of the twentieth century. aspects of language use, such as the
This model proposed that characteristics impact of accents or sexist language, and
which an individual acquires during their recently much research attention has
own lifetime can be passed on to their off- been devoted to discourse analysis (look-
spring. For example, it was suggested that ing at the way in which language is used
giraffes had acquired long necks because in complete conversations). See also par-
they had had to stretch upwards for food, alanguage, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics,
and the elongation caused by stretching verbal deprivation hypothesis, language
had been inherited by the next generation. areas, McGurk illusion.
Although now thoroughly discredited as a language acquisition A term used to
model, Lamarckian genetics influenced a describe how language is learned by
number of other theories, most notably small children. The term ‘acquisition’
Piaget’s model of cognitive development. See is used in preference to ‘learning’ as
also genetics, Mendelian genetics. a result of heated debates about the
language The complex system of commu- precise mechanisms involved. It is con-
nication that involves the organisation sidered to be more non-committal. See
of words into meaningful combinations. language acquisition device.
Although most people would agree that language acquisition device (LAD)
the use of language is a distinctively A mechanism proposed by Chomsky
human attribute, the lack of a precise to explain the extreme rapidity with
definition of what exactly language is which young children develop speech.
makes it difficult to decide whether such He argued that the young infant is born
phenomena as bird songs, bee dances, or with an innate language acquisition
whatever can be taught to chimpanzees device, which enables it to extract basic
in this line, should be called language. rules of grammar from the speech heard
However, it is generally accepted that around it. Moreover, Chomsky asserted
language involves symbolic representa- that this occurs as a more or less auto-
tion, and that there are distinct rules matic process – all that is required is that
concerning acceptable combinations of the child hears or experiences language
the elements of language (usually words) used by others. In view of an increasing
which do not permit all possible com- body of research indicating that human
binations to be regarded as meaningful. interaction forms a fundamental part
Language can be studied on a number of speech acquisition, later theorists
of levels, which may be broadly classi- have modified this concept, preferring
fied as lexical (concerning the word units instead to talk of a language acquisition
themselves and their referents), syntac- system, or LAS, which allows for rather
tic (concerning the rules for combining more active involvement on the part of
words into meaningful utterances) and the child than simply passive decoding.
semantic (concerning the meaning of See also deep structure, surface structure.
what is said). The use of analogy and
metaphor in language means that the language areas Specific parts of the
lexical characteristics of an utterance cerebral cortex, usually (although not
L 195

always) located on the left hemisphere, also involves connections with the
and mediating the functions of lan- supramarginal gyrus, which is associated
guage. For many decades, three main with both word choice and empathy.
language areas were identified: Broca’s Speaking itself involves several areas in
area, which is largely responsible for the frontal lobes, including the prefron-
speech production and the formula- tal cortex which deals with intentions as
tion of appropriate words; Wernicke’s well as the premotor cortex and Broca's
area, which is concerned with the com- area (Figure 38). See also N400, P600.
prehension of speech; and the angular larynx The organ in the neck of mammals
gyrus, which receives information con- that is involved in sound production.
cerned with the written word from the The larynx is particularly important in
visual cortex and converts it into sound- human beings as its flexibility offers a
equivalent representations for decoding wide range of possible phonemes, making
in Wernicke’s area. However, modern possible the use of spoken language.
scanning research shows that the actual
processes of language are more complex. late selection models Models of selective
See language pathways. attention which suggest that any filter-
ing or selection occurs at a late stage in
language pathways Different types of cognitive processing, rather than when
language information take different the information is first received. See
routes through the brain. Hearing and also filter models.
understanding speech, for example,
involves neurological processing in a latency period In Freudian theory, the
special area below the primary auditory period from the end of the Oedipal
cortex, which identifies speech sounds stage around six years, until the onset
as meaningful, and then passes that of puberty and the beginnings of genital
information on to the inferior parietal sexuality. Freud saw this as a relatively
lobule, where it connects with visual calm period of the child’s development.
information about facial movements latent Unrevealed and inoperative,
from the speaker: lip-reading is an but nonetheless present and liable to
intrinsic part of the brain’s processing of become active or relevant if situations
spoken language. Understanding speech change. See also latent learning.

Figure 38  Some language pathways in the brain

196  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Lashley, Karl (1890–1958)

Karl Lashley was one of the first significant researchers into the relationship
between memory and the cerebral cortex of the brain. His most significant
discoveries were the principle of mass action and the principle of equipotenti-
ality. The principle of mass action states that with regard to memory, it is the
overall amount of functioning cortex that is important rather than specific
areas, and the principle of equipotentiality was concerned with how other
areas of the cortex could take over memory functions in response to brain
damage. Lashley’s research, although outdated in the light of recent brain
scanning, was important in highlighting that, although some brain functions
were localised, higher ones such as memory and thinking appeared to utilise
the whole cortex rather than small areas.

latent content The underlying and usu- nerve from the eyes. The first synapse
ally hidden meanings in the account of the optic nerve is found at this point,
provided by a patient in psychoanalysis. and some basic perceptual organisation
The term is usually used about dreams, seems to occur here, namely the sorting
which Freud thought were particularly of the visual information by means of
rich in indications of unconscious pro- simple cells, complex cells and hypercomplex
cesses for anyone who could see past the cells, such that hypercomplex cells fire in
manifest content. See also dreamwork. response to simple patterns and shapes.
latent learning A system of learning, first lateral hypothalamus (LH) A part of
demonstrated in 1932 by Tolman, who the hypothalamus that has been shown
presented clear empirical evidence that to affect the intake of food in experi-
even laboratory rats could form internal mental animals, and is thought to be
cognitive representations of a complex implicated in human eating disorders.
maze (e.g. in Figure 39), and that learning Electrical stimulation of the lateral
need not necessarily be manifested imme- hypothalamus induces eating behaviour
diately in behaviour but might remain in some animals, while its removal or
latent until it was advantageous to use it. destruction results in the animal ceas-
Latent learning was important as a con- ing to eat. See also ESB.
cept because it provided a counter to the lateral inhibition The reduction of
behaviourist argument that learning and activity in one neurone caused by the
changes in behaviour were synonymous. activation of a neighbouring neurone.
lateral On the side of the body or body lateral inter-parietal area (LIP) An
segment. See also medial, ventral, dorsal. area of the brain that responds to rel-
lateral fissure A long fissure, found evant environmental stimuli in the
at the side of each cerebral hemisphere, planning of the direction of eye move-
which serves as the boundary between ments. See also visual system.
the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe. lateral prefrontal cortex A part of
lateral geniculate nuclei A group of cells the brain that appears to be actively
found in the thalamus, which receive involved in tasks requiring the con-
information carried along the optic trol or evaluation of neutral stimuli or
L 197

one-way doors

start box goal box

Figure 39  A maze used to test latent learning

information. See also prefrontal cortex, sterile and hidebound problem-solving

multiple-demand network. practices, both in management and in
lateral premotor cortex This is part of day-to-day problem-solving. Divergent
the premotor cortex. It receives visual thinking has a similar meaning. See also
information from the parietal lobe and creativity, brainstorming, groupthink.
is particularly concerned with acting on laterality Specialisation of function
objects in the immediate environment, on one side. The term is used both of
such as reaching for a cup of tea or tap- handedness and of the specialisation of
ping a screen. See also medial premotor function in either the left or right hemi-
cortex. sphere of the brain. See, e.g., language
lateral thinking Thinking that involves areas.
a ‘sideways leap’ from conventional Latin square An experimental design
attempts to solve a problem, and which in which the set of conditions is
reaches a solution by adopting novel presented as if in a grid, with each con-
tactics or by reformulating the problem dition appearing once in each column
in an unusual manner. Lateral thinking and once in each row. Each condition
has been promoted since the 1960s by therefore has the same average position
Edward de Bono, and involved a search in the sequence. Each of four partici-
for originality and flexibility in men- pants experiences a different row of
tal operations that would counteract the square, to eliminate order effects.
198  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

However, in the usual form, a Latin connection between a stimulus and a

square does not avoid the possible influ- response would be established by the
ence of one condition on the next (see repetition of their association. In other
Figure 40). words, if they occurred together often
Latin square counterbalancing A enough, they would become associ-
way of organising the conditions of an ated together, and learning would have
experiment in order to control for order occurred. This concept was later devel-
or practice effects. It is similar to the oped more fully by Pavlov in his research
ABBA design, but suitable for three or on classical conditioning.
more conditions. Law of Mass Action A principle
Law of Effect The principle, developed formulated by Lashley as a result of
by Thorndike in 1911, that a response investigations into the role of the asso-
which was followed by a pleasant con- ciation cortex in learning. He found that
sequence would be more likely to be much of the cerebral cortex appeared to
repeated. This idea was developed and have non-localised functioning, but
amplified by B.F. Skinner in his work on instead seemed to function as a mass –
operant conditioning. the more there was of it, the more effec-
tive the learning ; or alternatively,
Law of Effort A principle developed as the greater the amount destroyed, the
a result of investigations into imprinting greater the learning impediment. See
in ducklings, in which it was observed also equipotentiality.
that the more effort a duckling had to
put into following its imprinted ‘par- Law of Parsimony See Occam’s razor.
ent’ around, the stronger the attachment Law of Prägnanz The principle by
bond would become. which meaningfulness and the organisa-
Law of Exercise The principle of associa- tion of visual stimuli occurs, according
tive learning, which stated that a learned to Gestalt psychologists. The Law of

Figure 40  A Latin square

L 199

Prägnanz is concerned with the ways in have emerged from empirical studies in
which perceptual organisation occurs organisational psychology. One division
through the subsidiary principles of is between task-oriented leaders whose
proximity, similarity, closure and ‘good efforts are directed towards getting the
Gestalt’, such that we see meaningful job done, and maintenance-oriented
figures against backgrounds, rather than leaders who pay more attention to
just a jumbled mass of disparate elements ensuring that the group is working
of visual information (see Figure 41). together well. Other forms of leadership
lay epistemology An approach articu- are authoritarian, authoritative (main-
lated by Kruglanski, lay epistemology taining authority through example
represents an attempt to structure the and negotiation), democratic (working
processes by which social attributions through persuasion and consensus), and
and social representations become incor- laissez-faire (largely leaving the group to
porated into the individual’s personal find its own solutions). Similar styles
knowledge frameworks and used as have been identified in studies of par-
‘common sense’. One of the distinc- enting. See also child-rearing styles.
tive processes identified in studies of learned helplessness A concept dem-
lay epistemology is that of ‘freezing’, onstrated experimentally by Martin
in which the person latches on to one Seligman in the 1970s. He showed that
specific explanation and then does not animals which had received unpleasant
change it, even in the face of directly experiences about which they could do
contradictory information: a mecha- nothing were less ready to undertake
nism commonly found in conspiracy action in a similar situation but where
theories. a relatively simple response would avert
an unpleasant experience. Instead, the
lay knowledge The everyday informa-
animals would remain passive and do
tion or beliefs held by ordinary people.
little to help themselves, not even strug-
leadership style Patterns of behav- gling. Seligman drew parallels between
iour by designated group leaders that the behaviours shown by animals in this
condition and the behaviours associ-
ated with depression in humans. From
these parallels, he developed helpless-
ness theory, which proposes that (some)
depression may result from a belief of
having no control over bad events.
Subsequently, the theory was revised by
Seligman and others in terms of attribu-
tion theory. See also learned optimism.
learned optimism A process proposed
by Martin Seligman in the 1990s.
Having spent several of the previous
decades exploring learned helplessness,
Seligman then turned his attention to
positive thinking and identified a style
Figure 41  Gestalt principles of of thinking characterised by distinctive
perception attributional patterns and a deliberate
200  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

attempt to identify positive aspects of

events. His research showed learned
optimism to be mentally healthy and a

time taken to complete task

significant tool in stress management.
See also positive psychology.
learning A relatively permanent change
in knowledge, behaviour or understand-
ing that results from experience. Innate
behaviours, maturation and fatigue are
excluded. Learning used to be claimed
as the core phenomenon of psychol-
ogy, although in practice the field often
seemed to have operated by producing
a theory and then defining learning as number of trials
being whatever that theory explains. Figure 42  A learning curve
Specialist areas include modelling and
imitation, motor skills, insight, the forma- problems in certain ways, which has
tion of schemata, creativity, habituation been acquired through experience with
and conditioning. The learning of spe- similar types of problems. Possession of
cific skills such as language are areas of a learning set means that the individual
study in their own right. See also behav- is likely to look for that kind of solution
iourism, connectionism. in preference to any alternative strategy.
learning curve The graph obtained Where problems are similar, learning
when a measure of competence is plot- sets may be advantageous, but they may
ted against the number of learning trials prove a hindrance to the individual
the animal or person has had. The learn- faced with a problem that requires a
ing curve has a characteristic shape, but novel approach. See also insight learning.
this is usually achieved rather artificially,
learning theory A theory about how
by averaging together a large number of
learning occurs. Note that, as discussed
learning curves. Individual curves may
under learning, the theory is not spe-
be much less regular (see Figure 42).
cifically about what learning is, since
learning difficulty A general term used that tends to be assumed at the outset,
to refer to people with limited cognitive although its definition may be modified
ability who would in earlier days have as the theory develops. Some theories,
been said to have mental handicap. It such as operant conditioning, are pre-
is often used in the form ‘people with sented as accounting for practically all
learning difficulties’ in an attempt to learning, while others deal with a par-
reduce the effect of labelling. The term ticular type (e.g. insight learning). There
is somewhat unsatisfactory because, by are also theories for specific phenomena
only referring to learning, it understates such as transfer of training and modelling.
the difficulties experienced by this Leeds Attributional Coding System
group of people and their carers. See (LACS) A technique for attributional
specific learning difficulties, neurodiversity. analysis developed by Stratton et al. in
learning set A generalised style of learn- 1986, in which attributions made during
ing, or state of preparedness to solve interviews and other verbatim sources
L 201

are analysed in terms of five dimensions: leucotomy A form of psychosurgery that

stable/unstable, global/specific, internal/ involves severing the main connections
external, personal/universal, and control- between the frontal lobe and the rest of
lable/uncontrollable. As an alternative the brain. Leucotomy was introduced as
to covariance theory, the LACS has been a less drastic alternative to lobotomy and
found to be useful in family therapy, as has been shown to produce difficulty
well as in other contexts (e.g. the qualita- with decision-making and a limitation
tive analysis of information provided by of impulsive behaviour. Rarely carried
focus groups). out in the modern world, although not
yet entirely defunct, it is a contentious
left brain A commonly used term indica-
operation, since its effects (i) are irre-
tive of a popular misconception about
versible and (ii) can be seen as a form of
brain functioning. See also hemisphere bias.
social control.
left hemisphere The left half of the cer-
ebrum. The cerebrum is divided into two levels of analysis Ways of describing
hemispheres by a deep fissure. In most a phenomenon, for example, a human
people, the left hemisphere contains the activity, at different degrees of specific-
language areas and is also thought to be ity or generality. For example, an arm
concerned with the general functions movement might be described at the
of logic and numeracy. It is sometimes physiological level in terms of muscle or
referred to as the dominant hemisphere, motor nerve actions, or at the interper-
as functions from the left hemisphere sonal level as an aggressive act designed
will usually override those from the right to intimidate. Different levels of analy-
hemisphere. However, differences in sis cannot readily be converted into
functions between the two areas have each other (see reductionism), so several
been seriously exaggerated. See hemi- levels of analysis are needed for a full
sphere bias. description or understanding of com-
plex events, especially human activity.
lemma A word used to describe a hypo-
thetical early, abstract form of a word levels of explanation See levels of analysis.
that has not yet been outputted by the levels of measurement Types of meas-
speech system. urement that differ in how far they can
leptokurtic A statistical distribution of be manipulated mathematically. The
scores with very few extremes, so the lowest level of measurement is known as
curve appears pointed towards the cen- nominal data, which is information that
tre. See also normal distribution, kurtosis. cannot be ranged on a scale but can only
be organised into different categories. The
lesbian A female person who is sexually
next level is ordinal data, which are data
attracted to members of her own sex.
that can be put into a definable order, or
lesion A term used to refer to damage to sequence, and so can be ranked, although
organic tissue, usually used by psycholo- no information can be provided about the
gists to refer to brain or neural injury. size of the difference between any two
Lesions may be surgical or accidental items. For example, if colours are arranged
and may take the form of cutting of in order of preference, it is possible to
specific fibres or pathways, or of gen- say that one colour is liked more than
eral damage (e.g. damage caused by the another, but it is not possible to be numer-
impact of a heavy object). ically precise about how much more it is
202  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

liked. The third level of measurement is which argues that information may be
equal-interval data, in which the meas- processed at a number of levels depend-
urements can be ordered on a scale that ing on how it is organised, linked with
has equal intervals (e.g. measurements other memories, tied in with emotional
of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or experience, and so on. Information that
Celsius). The highest level of measure- has been only superficially processed
ment is known as ratio data, which is or accepted passively will be readily
equal-interval data with an absolute zero, forgotten, and this is used to explain
such that it is possible to describe one the phenomenon of rapid forgetting
score as a precise proportion of another. previously characterised as short-term
Because temperature in degrees Celsius memory. Information that has been pro-
is only an interval scale, there is no sense cessed more deeply will be retained for
in which 40 degrees is twice as hot as 20 a longer period of time (see Figure 43).
degrees. However, height is a ratio scale,
so two metres is twice as high as one lexeme The basic unit of a language,
metre. See also nominal scale, ordinal scale. which may be a single word-like sound
or a whole word.
levels of processing A theory of mem-
ory proposed by Craik and Lockhart, lexical To do with words.

% words recalled correctly


visual auditory semantic

Figure 43  Levels of processing

Lewin, Kurt (1890–1947)

Kurt Lewin was one of the pioneers of social psychology, influencing many
future psychologists such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and Leon Festinger.
His field theory argued that social behaviour can only be understood in the
context of the full range of personal and social environments operating on
the individual: a view which challenged the S–R approach of the behav-
iourists. Lewin also founded and developed the idea of action research, on
the grounds that laboratory methods were simply inappropriate for studying
social or working experience, and undertook seminal work on leadership styles
and the processes of psychological change.
L 203

lexical decision task A task used in life coaching See coaching.

cognitive experiments that requires the life event An event that results in a
research participant to choose between major change in the life situation of
different words. a person. There is evidence that all
lexicalisation life events, even those that are funda-
mentally positive, impose some stress.
(i) The process of selecting a word Holmes and Rahe produced a ‘Life
based on the meaning that is Events Scale’, which gives weightings
intended. to different events, ranging from 100
(ii) The speech production process of for death of a spouse down to 12 for
translating a word’s meaning into Christmas and 11 for minor violations
its sound representation. of the law. The scale can be used to
(iii) How a sound’s meaning becomes provide a total score for all of the life
a base or ‘blueprint’ for the sound events experienced during, say, the last
itself, such that hearing the sound year. People who have experienced a lot
automatically links with the mean- of change will obtain a high score, and
ing. ‘Ow’ might be an example. high scores may indicate that a person
is at higher risk of illness or accidents.
Negative life events may also make
lexicon The set of words generally
some people more prone to depression.
taken to define a language. In the case of
artificial languages, such as Yerkish, the life script Cultural expectations or
lexicon is very much smaller than it is assumptions concerning how major life
for human languages. events are expected to proceed during a
person’s life.
LH See lateral hypothalamus. Also
sometimes used as an abbreviation for lifespan The entire period of a person’s
‘left-handed’. life. There has been a move within devel-
opmental psychology to study the whole
libido A term originally used by Freud lifespan rather than restrict the field to
to refer to sexual energy that is derived childhood. This approach has opened
from the id and is available to power up the adult years from 20 to 85 as an
mental and physical activity. Later, important period within which to study
Freud regarded libido as a general life development, but so far the obvious wor-
energy. In common usage, the connota- thiness of the objectives has not been
tion of sexual energy is still associated matched by exciting findings or theories.
with the term.
light adaptation The process by which
lie detector See polygraph. the photosensitive cells of the retina
lie-scale A subset of questions in a test adjust to changing levels of ­illumination.
designed to find out if the person is By varying their sensitivity to light, and
being honest in their answers. A typical also by varying the opening of the pupil
item would be ‘I have never told a lie in of the eye, in order to maximise light
my whole life’. Anyone agreeing to this intake in dim conditions, and minimise
statement is likely to be responding with it when conditions are bright, the indi-
social desirability as a stronger motiva- vidual adjusts their perception to accord
tion than accurate self-report. Put more with the amount of light available. See
simply, they are almost certainly lying. also dark adaptation.
204  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

lightness constancy The experience ends in the cortex of the frontal lobe, and
of a consistent level of illumination in includes the amygdala and anterior cingu-
different environments, even though late gyrus parts of the limbic system, the
objective measurements of the light basal ganglia and the thalamus.
available would show them to be widely limbic system A term used to refer to a
varied. For example, sitting under series of small structures buried deep in
electric light in the evening is often per- the centre of the brain, including the
ceived as ‘full light’, and as equivalent hippocampus, the amygdala, the cingulate
to daylight, despite the fact that in real- gyrus and the mamillary bodies. The lim-
ity, the light level is several thousand bic system is generally considered to be
times dimmer than sunlight. See also involved in relating the organism to its
perceptual constancy. environment, and its structures appear
Likert scale A five- or seven-point scale to be involved in several disparate
commonly used in attitude measurement. functions. These include the encoding
Typically, a Likert scale will express vari- of memories (the hippocampus), recol-
ation along a single dimension, such as lective memory (the mamillary bodies)
‘strongly agree – agree – neutral – disagree – motivation and emotion (the amyg-
strongly disagree’. See also ordinal scale. dala) and the detection of emotional
limbic circuit A loop of brain cell activity and cognitive conflicts (the cingu-
particularly associated with reward-based late gyrus) (Figure 44). See also limbic
learning. The limbic circuit begins and ­circuit, fornix.

Figure 44  The limbic system

L 205

limerence The infatuated emotion change cultural attitudes by making

often described as romantic love. The people more aware of the consequences
concept of limerence was developed of using words with disparaging impli-
by Tennov to distinguish between cations, such as calling young women
that emotion and the deeply affection- ‘chicks’. It is an interesting confirma-
ate companionship often developed tion of the approach that people who
in more long-term relationships. The wish to resist it have managed to con-
two emotions are quite different and vert the label of ‘political correctness’
have very different characteristics, so into an insult.
referring to them both as ‘love’ can be
linguistic intelligence A form of intel-
seriously misleading. See also loving.
ligence that is concerned with how
line of best fit The line in a scatter- competent or skilled the person is at
gram that has the minimum overall language. See multiple intelligences.
total distance from the data points. It
is the line from which the correlation is linguistic relativity hypothesis Some­
calculated. times also known as the Sapir–Whorf
hypothesis, this is the idea that thinking
linear regression A way of using corre- is dependent on the language used by
lations as inferential statistics, to estimate the individual – in other words, that the
the likelihood of other outcomes. Linear possession of words for a concept shapes
regression uses the regression line (aka a person’s thought. In the ‘strong’
the line of best fit) and makes predictions form of the hypothesis, words are seen
according to the probability of other to determine thought entirely, but a
examples falling along that line. See ‘weak’ form has become more generally
also regression. accepted, which states that the words
linguistic determinism The theory, put available serve to facilitate and amplify
forward by Benjamin Lee Whorf, that thought, and to indicate relationships
thinking and perception are determined between concepts, rather than actually
by the language we have available. The to determine them. See also linguistic
usual example is that Inuit Eskimos, determinism.
having many more words for different linguistics To do with language. The
kinds of snow than the English, will term linguistics is used to refer to the
be able to make finer discriminations study of language itself.
on the subject. The hypothesis has not
been validated experimentally perhaps LIP See lateral inter-parietal area.
because meaning is embedded in a whole lithium The basis for drugs used as a
combination of linguistic and cultural treatment for bipolar depression, effective
practices, and not in single words. The in most cases. The effect seems to be to
belief that the availability of certain prevent the manic phase so that the cycle
words or phrases influences thought does not continue, and so the depressive
and behaviour remains widespread. phase is also prevented. The method of
It is used in behavioural programmes, action of the drug is not known. Lithium
such as when training young children is an element that is close to sodium and
to use words like ‘also’ in order to con- potassium, so it is thought likely that it
sider alternative consequences of their alters neural transmission in the central
actions. It also underlies attempts to
206  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

nervous system. The drug has to be taken localised functions Functions, usually
continuously and it is dangerous, with of the cerebral cortex, that have been
significant side effects even in carefully shown to be located at a particular site.
controlled doses. Among the many localised cortical
functions are motor control, located in
Lloyd Morgan’s canon The principle an area alongside the central fissure, body
proposed by the nineteenth-century skin sensation, located on the other side
physiologist that animal behaviour should of the central fissure, vision, located in
never be explained in terms of higher- the striate cortex or visual cortex in the
level mental functioning if it could be occipital lobe, olfaction (the sense of
explained in terms of a more basic pro- smell), located in a strip at the base of
cess. This rule was particularly influential the temporal lobe, and the language areas.
with the behaviourists, but led to some
remarkably convoluted ways of explain- location constancy The way the per-
ing animal behaviour, as researchers ceptual system automatically modifies
tried to avoid describing processes such its estimations of place and distance,
as remembering or reasoning when faced depending on their location and the
with animals that were clearly doing both. location of the perceiver. Objects seen
The extremely mechanistic but not very from an alternative location are not per-
practical applications of Lloyd Morgan’s ceived as having changed their position,
canon provide good examples of some despite the fact that their background
of the shortcomings of reductionism as an has altered. Instead, they are seen as
approach. See also Occam’s razor. having remained constant, in the same
place. The perceptual constancies are often
lobe Generally used to refer to a used to illustrate how the received visual
rounded or fleshy lump; in the brain image is only a part of perception – what
the term usually relates to one of four is known on a cognitive or experiential
general sections of each cerebral hemi- level is an equally important part.
sphere, or one of the two halves of the locus of control (LOC) A concept at
cerebellum. See occipital lobe, parietal lobe, the core of a social learning theory devel-
frontal lobe, temporal lobe. oped by Rotter in the 1960s. It refers to
lobotomy A form of psychosurgery in the person's belief about where social
which the frontal lobes of the brain are reinforcements originate – whether they
removed. It was originally developed as are internal to the person, or external.
a method for making highly aggressive Someone with an internal locus of control
or unstable individuals more docile, but will tend to believe that marks gained
its use was both politically and psycho- by an essay depended on the amount of
logically suspect. It was largely replaced effort and ability applied to writing it.
by leucotomy, also controversial. As a Someone with an external locus of con-
general rule, both operations have been trol will tend to attribute those marks
replaced either by more specific ablation, to luck, predestination or the whims
or by chemical intervention. of the person doing the marking. LOC
can be measured using a variety of short
local knowledge cases A term used to self-report scales and has been found
refer to case studies which are concerned to relate meaningfully to how people
with specific and localised events. behave in a wide variety of situations,
L 207

Loftus, Elizabeth (1944–)

One of the most important figures in memory research, Elizabeth Loftus
provided unequivocal evidence for the way that human memories are easily
distorted by cues, context and unconscious hints from language. Her work
demonstrated the variability of eyewitness testimony and showed how unre-
liable identity parades were as a method of identifying criminal suspects.
Her research into memory errors such as the misinformation effect and the
creation of false memories was at times controversial, but it has contributed
significantly both to the academic understanding of memory processes and to
the legal uses of memory research.

supporting the construct validity of those if they do means that the conclusion is
scales. An internal LOC is more likely not necessarily true. Logic was of interest
to result in the individual making efforts in psychology because it can be regarded
to improve their situation, but whether as perfect reasoning and therefore was
this is useful depends on whether events used as a starting point for analysing how
actually are under their control or not. people reason. It turns out that people
A similar but not identical concept was are much more sophisticated and rather
developed more or less independently less rigid in their thinking than any logic
in attribution theory. See internal–external that has been invented, and there is not
scale, controllable attributions. too much similarity between the two
log-linear modelling A statistical processes. Logic was the basis for one of
technique for estimating the effect of the attempts to create a culture-fair intel-
independent variables on frequencies. ligence test, the Valentine Test Of Higher
The logarithm of the frequencies is used Reasoning Ability, but as logical reason-
because this has desirable mathematical ing can be learned, scores on that test, as
characteristics. It allows the effects of a with many others, are not independent
number of independent variables to be of education or culture.
estimated (where chi-square can only logical concepts Concepts that are
cope with one), and the interactions founded on clear and unambigu-
between them to be calculated. ous rules, without exception. Logical
logic A set of rules by which conclu- ­concepts are quite rare in everyday life.
sions can be reliably deduced from initial See also concept.
statements (propositions). Logic can be logical-mathematical skills Aspects of
applied without regard for the truth of intelligence that are concerned with
propositions. For example, the statement how well the person is able to deal with
‘All students work hard and those who abstract logical puzzles and mathemati-
work hard pass their exams; therefore all cal or symbolic problems. These skills
students pass their exams’ sounds logi- form part of the componential intelligence
cal. The fact that it is not true that all sector of triarchic intelligence. See also
students work hard or pass their exams multiple intelligences.
208  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

logistic regression A form of regres- in which he proposed that learning occurs

sion analysis designed for use when the through the increased activation and struc-
outcome or dependent variable is dichoto- tural reinforcement of neural pathways.
mous. The analysis provides a prediction long-term working memory An
of how much influence the independ- efficient form of memory storage, char-
ent variable will have on the either/ acteristic of experts’ cognition, in which
or state of the dependent variable (e.g. relevant information is rapidly stored in
the effect of alcohol consumption on long-term memory, but accessed through
becoming pregnant, after other aspects retrieval cues in working memory.
of diet have been taken into account).
longitudinal study A study that takes
logogen A cognitive unit of word rec- place over a period of time, and is con-
ognition, sometimes referred to as a cerned with studying some form of
‘dictionary unit’, and used in theories of development or change. Longitudinal
selective attention and reading. studies have been valuable in challeng-
long-term memory (LTM) A term ing many erroneous or commonly held
used to describe memories other than beliefs. For example, longitudinal studies
those that remain for a few seconds of the relationship between ageing and
only. According to the two-process the- intelligence suggest that intelligence, if
ory of memory, any information which used, continues to develop and increase
is retained for any length of time above throughout life, rather than declining
a few seconds is deemed to have been with age as was once thought. See also
stored in LTM, while that which lasts just cohort effect, cross-sectional study.
for a brief interval (such as a t­ elephone loss aversion A tendency in decision-
number that has just been looked up) is making to be more sensitive to potential
considered to have been stored in short- losses than to potential gains. The ten-
term memory. Many modern researchers dency may be stronger when the person
question this commonly accepted dis- is depressed.
tinction, arguing that it is unnecessary
love need A term used by some human-
and that it fails to discriminate between
istic psychologists to refer to the need
information retained for varying periods
for affection or positive regard from oth-
of time. One alternative to this approach
ers, which is seen as a fundamental part
has been the levels of processing theory,
of human nature.
which argues that the decisive factor
in determining how long information loving A usually intense and long-
is retained is how deeply it has been term form of emotional positive regard
rehearsed, organised and processed, and for another person. In psychology, it
that there is no need to postulate sepa- is often distinguished from the short-
rate memory stores. See also orthographic term infatuation known as limerence.
lexicon, long-term working memory. Maternal love has been shown to acti-
vate the globus pallidus and the substantia
long-term potentiation (LTP) Neurones nigra of the basal ganglia, and the Raphé
that are frequently stimulated by other nuclei of the medulla, as well as other
presynaptic neurones show an increase in areas of the brain known to be active in
the probability that they will be activated, emotion, such as the insula and the cin-
known as long-term potentiation. This gulate cortex. See also attachment.
links with Hebb’s theory of synaptic learning,
L 209

LSD See lysergic acid diethylamide. Lucid dreams can be induced in the
LTM See long-term memory. laboratory by delivering a prearranged
stimulus, such as a puff of air or a very
LTP See long-term potentiation. mild electric shock, during REM sleep.
lucid dreaming Dreams in which the lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) A
dreamer is aware that they are dream- recreational drug that forms a potent
ing. Sleep researchers have discovered hallucinogen when ingested, producing
that it is possible for lucid dreamers to visual disturbances, sometimes halluci-
‘control’ their dreams, making events nation, and a heightened or distorted
happen or characters appear by will. awareness of reality.
MA See mental age. of brain scan uses SQUID technology to
Machiavellianism A personality trait that detect changes in the magnetic activity
involves a manipulative approach to of the brain. See also magnetic resonance
interactions with other people, together imaging.
with a disregard of moral conventions magno cells Cells belonging to one of
and principles and an emphasis on the major visual pathways in the brain.
self-interest. Machiavellianism is con- Magno cells are found in the visual
sidered to be one of the Dark Triad of cortex, and carry information about
personality traits. brightness and depth. They are thought
to have evolved earlier than the com-
magical thinking The belief, common
plementary Parvo cells.
in young children and some adults, that
thinking of something makes it happen main effect The overall relationship
or be true. between a class of independent variable
and the dependent variable. The term is
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) A
used mainly in analysis of variance.
non-invasive technique in which the brain
is studied using a succession of elec- major hemisphere See dominant hemi-
tromagnetic waves, like radio waves, sphere.
which are passed through the brain. majority influence The effect of the
Water molecules in active brain cells opinions or actions of most of the peo-
respond to electromagnetic stimulation ple present or relevant, on the actions of
by producing their own electromagnetic a single individual. See conformity.
waves, which the MRI scanner detects
and records. A computer combines maladjustment A poor adjustment. The
hundreds of these measurements and term is used of people, particularly chil-
collates them, building up an image of dren and adolescents, whose behaviour
the electrical activity in different areas is judged to conflict strongly with the
of the brain. fMRI (functional magnetic expectations and requirements of society.
resonance imaging) is used to explore malapropism A common speech error
specific brain activities/functions, while that involves using a word which has
efMRI (event-related functional mag- a similar phonological form to the
netic resonance imaging) compares the intended one, but is inappropriate to the
electrical activity produced by two or context and intention of the utterance.
more events. See also brain scan. The term derives from the character Mrs.
magneto-encephalography (MEG) A Malaprop, in Sheridan’s play The Rivals.
brain scanning technique that is based on mamillary bodies A pair of small,
recording the electrical fields generated round bodies found below the thalamus
by the brain’s activity, by means of elec- and considered to be part of the limbic
trodes attached to the scalp. This type system. They have connections to the

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
M 211

anterior thalamus and are believed to relationships and/or multiple dependent

be important for recollective memory. variables.
mania An emotional disorder during mantra A word or phrase on which a per-
which there is elation, talkativeness, son concentrates as an aid to m­ editation.
impatience with others, overconfidence Traditionally, the mantra is derived from
and an uncontrolled flight of ideas. See Hindu scripture and has spiritual power.
also bipolar depression. marijuana A psychoactive drug that
manic depression An emotional dis- induces a feeling of lethargy and relaxa-
order in which there is an alternation tion when consumed. Marijuana is
between mania and depression. See also derived from the cannabis plant and
bipolar depression. may be consumed either by smoking the
manifest content The overt content of dried leaves or resin of the plant, or by
an account, usually of a dream. Dream eating small pieces of the resin. The use
interpretation involves seeing beyond of marijuana as a relaxant is extremely
the manifest content to understand the common in many areas of the world,
underlying meaning – the latent content. including Africa, the Middle East and
Central America. It is widely (although
manipulative skill A skill that involves often illegally) used as a recreational
direct action with the hands, usually in drug in Western industrial societies
terms of handling, manoeuvring and and is becoming increasingly accepted
placing of objects. as a therapy for those in constant pain.
Mann–Whitney test A two-sample Marijuana appears to exert its main
statistical test used for ordinal data or effects by increasing noradrenaline levels
interval data not deemed suitable for in the brain. It is increasingly avail-
a t-test, and independent samples. See able in medical preparations although
also statistical significance. research into such uses was limited by
legal restrictions for a long time.
MANOVA Multivariate analysis of
­variance – that is, analysis of ­variance masking A term used in cognitive
which deals with data involving ­complex research to refer to suppressing the

Marler, Peter (1928–2014)

Peter Marler has been a major figure in comparative psychology through
his work as an ethologist and neurobiologist. Among other discoveries, he
identified the use of natural concepts in monkeys and worked with other
famous figures on social relationships in the great apes and other primates.
Most importantly, Marler contributed significantly to our understanding
of the role of neural adaptation in learning, through a lifetime of research,
including work that clarified the relationship between environmental and
inherited aspects of birdsong, the role of critical and sensitive periods, and
the nature of species-specific learning.
212  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Marr, David (1945–1980)

David Marr is best known in psychology for his work in clarifying the way
that we process visual information to arrive at our perception of real-world
objects, people and animals. His work on the neural and computational stages
required to build up a fully three-dimensional representation of the outside
world from the neural input represented by the optic array has become the
basis of both medical and scientific understanding of visual processing.

p­ rocessing of a response by introduc- in order to be able to carry out tasks or

ing a second task requiring processing exercises.
immediately afterwards. There may still mastery play Play that leads to the
be some unconscious processing of the acquisition of new skills. This definition
first task taking place, but it is masked leaves open the question of whether
by the conscious demands of the second. children are motivated to achieve mas-
masochism Obtaining sexual gratifica- tery, or just cannot avoid learning when
tion from personal pain or humiliation. having fun. See also play.
Often associated with sadism. matched pairs see matched participant
massed practice Extended periods of design.
practice while learning a new skill, matched participant design A research
taken without breaks. Massed practice design in which different people are
has been found to be less effective than allocated to each of the experimental
distributed practice, which allows for con- conditions, but in which the participants
solidation of the learning. have been carefully matched on signifi-
mastery goals Personal goals that are to cant factors, e.g. if one group contains
do with acquiring competence and skills a single high-intelligence individual,

Maslow, Abraham H. (1908–1970)

Abraham Maslow is most famous for his theory of the hierarchy of human
needs. This model distinguished between deficit needs, such as safety,
and higher needs, such as self-actualisation. Although the theory is essen-
tially only a description, it has been widely used, especially in the personal
growth movement and in occupational psychology. Its emphasis on the idea
that human beings move beyond deficit needs in order to fulfil their human
potential made it much more attractive and relevant to the lives of ordinary
people than the dominant focus on negative drives such as fear and hunger.
Perhaps the main reason for the theory’s popularity, however, was the way
in which it provided other psychologists with a clear and tangible example
of the humanistic approach to psychology, at a time when behaviourism domi-
nated most psychological explanations for human activity.
M 213

then so does the other. The intention is the various disadvantages suffered by
to ensure that individual differences will these children, the theories of the time
act equally on each of the experimental (1940s) focused on the lack of consist-
conditions, rather than affecting one ent mothering. Bowlby added other
condition more than the others. evidence and concluded that any disrup-
tion of mothering, especially between
matching The name given to ensuring
the ages of 6 months and 3 years, was
that two sets of experimental materials
likely to have damaging long-term
or research participants are identical in
consequences. The belief that infants
all important respects. A matched task
should never be separated from their
or test has questions carefully selected to
mothers became stressed beyond any-
ensure that, in each test, the questions
thing Bowlby had claimed. It has been
are equivalent in difficulty and in the
suggested that the concept of mater-
type of problem posed. It is also desirable
nal deprivation was exploited in order
to select a group of people matched in
to remove women from employment
terms of age, sex and overall intelligence
and so release jobs for men at the end
levels, although other criteria may also
of the Second World War. If so, then
be used if required for the study.
similar calls might be expected during
matching hypothesis The idea that any other period of high male unem-
people will tend to form lasting relation- ployment. The concept of maternal
ships, particularly marriages, with those deprivation was soon challenged, and
of similar appearance, or at least a simi- much evidence has now been accumu-
lar degree of attractiveness. The concept lated showing that good development
is problematic, not least in terms of the is possible without the consistent pres-
use of ratings of attractiveness based on ence of a mother or mother substitute.
photographs of strangers. It forms part of However, the evidence does not show
research into impression formation. that good development is especially
easy under these circumstances. A fair
statement might be that, while around
1950 mothering could be thought of
(i) A theoretical position that as something that the infant either did
assumes that everything can be or did not receive, we now know that
explained in terms of physical the normal processes of mothering pro-
matter. It leads to a reductionist vide a great variety of physiological and
position that thoughts, feelings emotional effects, learning experiences,
and all manifestations of mind motivations, practice in social interac-
can be accounted for in terms of tion and no doubt much else besides.
physiological processes. Substituting for all of these may cer-
(ii) In everyday language, material- tainly be possible, but it is likely to be
ism refers to placing importance difficult. More recently, use of the term
on acquiring material posses- ‘mothering’ has been replaced by ‘car-
sions. egiving’ or ‘parenting’, on the grounds
that parents of either gender are able
maternal deprivation A concept pro- to provide the emotional and caring
posed by John Bowlby and Rene Spitz processes involved in the concept of
to account for the poor development of ‘mothering’. See also attachment, mater-
children brought up in institutions. Of nal privation.
214  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

maternal drive The tendency, usu- elling and many other functions, and
ally presumed to be innate, to engage designed to interact with a variety of
in caretaking behaviours such as nest- programming languages and symbol sets.
building, retrieving and suckling during maturation The term used to describe
the infancy of offspring. The tendency is behavioural or physical changes that
displayed by mothers, and sometimes by occur as a direct result of genetic action,
fathers, in many species. Use of the term but which emerge as the animal or
drive implies that there is some basic human matures or grows older. A clear
need to be maternal – an assumption example of maturation in terms of phys-
that should not be accepted uncriti- ical development are the changes that
cally. The term ‘maternal instinct’ is occur at puberty. In the 1920s, Gesell
sometimes used instead, but this is even proposed a theory that nearly all devel-
more likely to bring in assumptions for opment is controlled by maturation and
which there is inadequate evidence. so is independent of practice or experi-
The most misleading use of the terms ence. Modern approaches tend to take a
arises when meanings that have been more interactive stance.
developed by studying species such as
rats are applied uncritically to humans. MBD See minimal brain dysfunction.
maternal privation Rearing from birth McGurk illusion A striking auditory
without a mother. Strictly, priva- illusion that occurs when an auditory
tion means ‘never having had’, while stimulus is combined with a different
deprivation means having something but matching visual stimulus, resulting
taken away. Experiments involving in the perception of a third, different
total maternal privation have been car- event. For example, if someone is given
ried out on various species, although the auditory input of ‘baba’ while at the
not with humans. However, these are same time seeing someone making lip
typically classed as maternal depriva- movements of ‘gaga’, they will report –
tion studies, and in practice, the term quite definitely – hearing ‘dada’. It is
maternal deprivation is used for all vari- believed that this illusion arises from
ations of a shortage of mothering in the the way that speech perception is based
upbringing of young. on the fusion of multiple inputs.
mathematical modelling An approach mean The name given to the arithmetic
to understanding which involves average of a set of numbers, calculated
describing systems using mathematical by summing the numbers and dividing
symbols or expressions. this total by the number of figures in the
mathematical notation Specific symbols set. The mean is one of the three main
that describe mathematical operations measures of central tendency, but it can
or unknown quantities. only be used for equal-interval or ratio
levels of measurement.
mathematical-logical intelligence A
form of intelligence proposed by Gardner mean square Another term for the
as one of seven different types of intel- variance of a set of scores which is par-
ligence. See multiple intelligence. ticularly used when conducting analysis
of variance. See also measure of dispersion.
MATLAB A commercial computing
and programming environment, able to means-end analysis An approach to
handle complex computations, 3D mod- computer simulation and other forms
M 215

of problem-solving in which the solu- medial geniculate nucleus A set of cells

tions are calculated by comparing the in the thalamus that are associated with
final goal state with the current situa- auditory perception, in particular with
tion, and developing strategies, known locating and identifying sounds. See
as heuristics, designed to reduce the gap also lateral geniculate nuclei, audition.
between them.
medial pre-optic area (MPOA) A
measures of central tendency A col- region of the hypothalamus that responds
lective term for all of the statistical to pregnancy-related hormonal change
measures that provide information and triggers parental behaviours in
about the most typical distribution of many mammals.
scores. The mean is the most widely
medial prefrontal cortex The middle
used, but others may be more informa-
part of the prefrontal cortex. It appears to
tive in certain circumstances. For
contribute to the sense of self and iden-
example, when considering the spread
tity, for example by responding strongly
of incomes in a particular country, the
to the sound of one's own name, and
mean may be unduly affected by a few
also when we think about others close
extremely rich people. The median will
to us. The upper part of this region also
tell you the income of someone right in
becomes active when we think about
the middle of the range of possible earn-
other people's intentions. See also empa-
ings, while the mode will tell you the
thy, MRI, frontal lobe.
most common income (see Figure 45).
measures of dispersion A collective medial premotor cortex Often known
term for statistical measures that provide as the supplementary motor area, this
information about the way in which a part of the brain, which is located just in
distribution of scores is spread out. See front of the primary motor cortex, receives
also range, standard deviation, variance. strong proprioceptive signals and is asso-
ciated with spontaneous, well-learned
mechanoreception The sense which action sequences that don’t require much
responds to external pressure on the cognitive processing. Examples might
skin. See also thermoreception, nocicep- include rapid typing on a keyboard, or
tion, proprioception. (for a musician) playing a familiar tune
medial In or towards the middle. See on a well-known instrument. See also
also dorsal, ventral, lateral. lateral premotor cortex.

Figure 45  Measures of central tendency

216  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

medial temporal cortex This is an area cannot be observed directly, they should
located alongside a fold known as the not form part of scientific psychology.
rhinal sulcus, at the base of the temporal Cognitive psychologists, on the other
lobe (Figure 46). This area is primarily hand, regard them as the main subject
concerned with memory, forming a major matter of psychology. See also schema.
connection between the cerebral cortex medical model An overall approach to
and the hippocampus and dealing with abnormal behaviour or personality that
both episodic and semantic memory. See assumes an individual organic source of
also perirhinal cortex, entorhinal cortex. any disorder, mental or physical. This
median A measure of central tendency that implies that the task of treatment is to
is calculated as the middlemost score diagnose the condition and then cure
from a given set. Fifty per cent of the it. The medical model has been called
scores in a given set will fall at or below into question in relation to the less seri-
the median score, and 50 per cent fall at ous psychiatric disorders. One of several
or above it. The median is appropriate for problems with the medical model is that
use with ordinal levels of measurement. it tends to result in labelling.
mediating variable A variable which is not meditation A process of disciplining or
the focus of the main analysis in a study, training the mind, either to achieve an
but which is proposed to explain the con- internal focus or to achieve full appercep-
nection between two measured variables. tion of an external single stimulus, such
mediators Processes (e.g. memory, per- as a crystal or a chant. In either case,
ception, thinking) that occur in between it involves disregarding and eventually
a stimulus and a response. The early cutting out completely, all distracting
behaviourists claimed that as mediators thoughts and ideas. See also mindfulness.

Figure 46  The medial temporal cortex

M 217

medulla The lowest part of the brain, relates of memory. See also constructive
formed by an outward thickening from memory, two-process theory of memory,
the spinal cord. Also known as the autobiographical memory, hippocampus.
brainstem, the medulla mediates the memory bias The tendency to retrieve
autonomic functions of breathing, diges- more negative or unpleasant information
tion, heartbeat and blood pressure. from memory, than positive or pleasant
MEG See magneto-encephalography. information. See also mood congruity.
meiosis The process of cell division memory span A well-known measure
involved in sexual reproduction, in the of an individual’s capacity for retaining
formation of gametes (ova and sperma- small units of meaningless information
tozoa). Unlike the kind of cell division over a brief period of time. In a typical
that is involved in growth and tissue measure of memory span, a list of dig-
repair (see mitosis), this process involves its is read out to someone at a regular
the separation of pairs of chromosomes, pace. On completion of the list, the
such that the resulting cells are haploid individual is required to repeat what
(i.e. they have only half the normal they have heard, either forward or back-
number of chromosomes). In order ward. First observed by Miller, it has
to form a complete zygote, which can been repeatedly observed that the aver-
develop to form a new individual, these age span available to the individual is
cells must combine with another hap- of 7 ± 2 digits, and that this can only be
loid cell to make up the full complement increased by some system for chunking
of chromosomes. In this way, the newly the information into meaningful units.
formed individual comes to inherit half See also levels of processing, two-process
of its chromosomes from each parent. theory of memory, working memory.
meme The term given to a unit of culture memory trace In older texts sometimes
that is transmitted from person to person referred to as an engram, a memory
(or group to group) according to its per- trace is a hypothetical ‘image’ of what
ceived usefulness. The term has been is to be remembered, which has been
popularised by its use in social media con- encoded and which is stored for vary-
texts, where it refers to the rapid spread ing periods of time. The term memory
of an image, often adapted into different trace was originally associated with the
forms, a phrase or a jargon word. decay theory of forgetting, which holds
that memory traces die away if they are
memetics The study of the transition of
not strengthened by being recalled from
memes in popular culture.
time to time. As this approach is not
memory The general term given to the particularly open to empirical investi-
storage and subsequent retrieval of infor- gation, the term fell into disfavour as
mation. Memory has been intensively an explanation of forgetting for many
studied by psychologists throughout the years. With the advent of more sophisti-
history of psychology, and consequently cated cognitive research, and especially
involves an extensive range of theo- of forms of brain scanning which allow
retical approaches and fields of enquiry. observation of the active brain, the
These include the study of episodic term memory trace has returned to
memory and prospective memory, every- general use in a slightly modified form,
day memory, levels of processing, encoding now meaning a distinct memory which
and representation, and physiological cor- is recalled through specific stimulation.
218  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

menarche The beginning of menstrua- selecting a series of age-appropriate

tion during puberty. problems and tasks, a set of age norms
is developed, allowing each child to
Mendelian genetics The currently
be assessed in terms of how far they
accepted theoretical model of genetic
­measure up to these criteria. The level
transmission, Mendelian genetics pro-
of difficulty of items at which the child
poses that this occurs through the
starts to fail is compared to the norms.
passing on of discrete units of inherited
The average age of children who pass
­information – genes – which are fixed,
the items up to this point is found, and
and which change only through acciden-
this is regarded as the mental age of
tal mutation. Individual differences occur
the child being tested. Binet’s original
because reproductive cells are haploid,
formulation of IQ involved the com-
containing only half the number of genes
parison of mental age with the child’s
required for the complete organism, and
chronological age (‘real’ age).
so have to combine to produce a new
individual. The new individual therefore mental chronometry The study of the
inherits characteristics from each parent time taken to process information in the
and is thus different from either of them. brain. This is a significant measure in
The combination of Mendelian genet- both cognitive psychology and neurosci-
ics with Darwinian evolutionary theory ence since it is inferred that a longer time
proposes that those combinations and taken to respond to a stimulus implies that
accidental mutations which are favour- more processing time has been required,
able to the individual, in terms of helping and therefore more complex processing
it to survive, will be passed on because procedures have been involved. See also
that individual will then become fitter, information processing.
healthier, etc., and therefore more likely mental handicap An outdated term for
to reproduce successfully. See also evolu- people of very limited intelligence as
tion, genetics, Lamarckian genetics, sexual measured by intelligence tests. The term
reproduction, meiosis. ‘mental handicap’ is one in a long line
meninges The layers of membrane of labels that may have been scientifi-
­covering the brain, between the brain cally neutral when first used, but which
and the skull. Meningitis is inflamma- have become unacceptable as they pass
tion of these membranes. into the general language as terms of
abuse – for example, an earlier grading
menstruation The phase of the monthly
of such people was as idiots, imbeciles
menstrual cycle in which, if the woman
and morons. The term ‘mental defi-
is not pregnant, the blood and other
ciency’ was sometimes used, particularly
material that has built up in the uterus
for mental handicap that is believed to
following ovulation is discharged. Many
be due to brain damage, and ‘mental
cultures have beliefs about the dan-
retardation’ has also been widely used,
gerousness of women during or around
particularly in the American literature.
menstruation. The major Western ver-
These terms' current unpopularity is in
sion concerns premenstrual tension.
part due to a recognition that it is not
mental age (MA) A construction devel- very productive to attempt to distin-
oped by Binet in his early work on the guish between organic and non-organic
measurement of intelligence, mental age cases and in part a recognition that
refers to the abilities of the ­individual specific neural disorders such as dyslexia
compared to others of that society. By may produce effects which result in lim-
M 219

ited scoring on intelligence tests, even solving (see learning set), or to readiness
though other aspects of intelligence to perceive certain things rather than
remain unaffected. Since intelligence others (see perceptual set), or to a pre-
is generally highly valued in this cul- paredness to remember certain items of
ture, this can result in stigmatisation information in preference to others.
of those with low intelligence scores,
mentalising The process of inferring a
even though they have been measured
particular mental state in someone else,
by tests which many regard as unsatis-
or attributing mental states to other
factory. In particular, intelligence tests
people. See also animism.
are usually standardised on the ‘normal’
(dominant) population and they may mentalism The approach to psychology
have less validity when applied to other which attempted to study and describe
groups. In modern usage, learning diffi- the mind directly. The main tool of
culty has replaced mental handicap as the mentalist approach was introspec-
the official term, although this solution tion. The approach was widely used in
also has problems, notably in underval- the early years of psychology but was
uing the efforts demanded of those who strongly attacked by early behaviourists
care for people with such problems. See such as Watson and lost its popularity.
also labelling, specific learning difficulty, In recent years, it has been gaining influ-
neurodiversity, self-fulfilling prophecy. ence, mainly through the use of protocol
analysis techniques in cognitive studies.
mental imagery The use of imagined
pictures, or other sensory images, such mesencephalon Another term for the
as sounds or smells, to represent infor- midbrain. It forms the front part of the
mation in the mind. Mental imagery brainstem, and it is associated with sen-
involves recreating the apparent sensa- sory functions, movement, sleep and
tion, as part of the process of memory or wakefulness, arousal and temperature
thinking. See also iconic representation, regulation. Not to be confused with the
symbolic representation. metencephalon.
mental model An internal representa- mesolimbic pathway See reward path-
tion of a situation, event, process or way.
experience. See also concept, mental rep-
messenger RNA Also known as transfer
RNA, this is a form of RNA that carries
mental representation The form that coding information from the nucleus to
information takes in the brain. See also the site of protein synthesis. See also
imagery, memory, schema. ribonucleic acid, transcription.
mental retardation A general term for meta-analysis A research technique that
limited intelligence. The term tends to involves a statistical comparison of the
carry a misleading assumption that low outcomes of a number of different stud-
intelligence is due to either a slowness of ies in the same area, and an examination
mental functioning or slow intellectual of the general themes or trends which
development. For a fuller discussion, see can be identified as a result. Sometimes
mental handicap. illustrated using dot-plot diagrams, meta-
mental set A state of preparedness to analysis has become an increasingly
perform certain kinds of mental opera- important way of analysing the outcome
tions rather than others. Mental sets of multiple studies. However, meta-
may refer to particular kinds of problem- analysis can only be done by combining
220  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

studies that meet the same rigorous cri- metamemory Knowledge about how
teria, which means that it can ignore one’s memory works, or what its limita-
other, possibly important, evidence. See tions are. Such knowledge often directly
also meta-research. affects behaviour, such as a decision to
write a note to yourself to remind you of
meta-research Research that involves
something, or to adopt a specific revi-
examining multiple studies in a par-
sion technique to make remembering
ticular area, or ideally all of them.
easier. See also metacognition.
Nowadays it is used as a general term in
preference to meta-analysis, which refers metapelet The name given to a child-
specifically to the statistical analysis nurse or professional carer for children
of the outcomes of large collections of in an Israeli kibbutz. Such an indi-
studies. See also systematic review, meta- vidual, rather than the parents, carries
review, narrative review. the responsibility for the care of the
meta-review A form of meta-research in children, and oversees their day-to-day
which the relevant studies in a particu- experience and early learning.
lar area are evaluated and appraised. See
metaphor Using a word relevant to one
also document analysis, meta-analysis, sys-
thing when talking about another (e.g.
tematic review, narrative review.
‘The success of cognitive psychology
metacognition Cognition about cog- pulled the rug from under behaviour-
nition (i.e. awareness of one’s own ism’). The phrase ‘pulling a rug from
cognitive processes and how they work). under’ creates a powerful image that is
An overall term used to refer to per- much richer than if we just said ‘weak-
sonal knowledge about how cognitive ened’. The use of such figures of speech
processes work, which is often highly is such an important part of thinking
influential in cognitive development. and language that it has even been
The study of metacognition includes the claimed that all novel thinking depends
study of how people monitor and con- on the use of metaphor.
trol their own cognitive activity, such
as being aware of cognitive limitations metencephalon A name given to the
(knowing that you don’t know) or abili- section of the embryonic brain which
ties (knowing that you can learn certain eventually separates into the pons and
types of information readily). The act of the cerebellum. Not to be confused with
looking up a word in this dictionary, for the mesencephalon. See also subcortical
instance, is one that would be unlikely structures.
to happen without metacognition. method of loci A mnemonic technique
metalinguistic awareness Knowledge in which a mental image is formed that
about the nature, forms and functions visualises items to be remembered at
of language. It is possible to be a fully specific locations. Usually, the loca-
competent language user without meta- tions take the form of landmarks along
linguistic awareness, but the different a familiar walk or journey – something
ways in which people understand how that is already well known to the per-
language works are likely to influence son forming the image. By subsequently
how they interact with their world and visualising the journey, the individual
each other. It is therefore an important is reminded of the items to be remem-
area of study for psychologists. bered.
M 221

methodology The procedures adopted midbrain A part of the brain above the
for creating knowledge. Different brainstem, which includes part of the
schools of thought, including different reticular formation and the pons, and
approaches to research, use their own also the cerebellum. Sometimes called
methodology. Any account of research the mesencephalon, it is active in the
will need to describe the methodology integration of sensory input and motor
used in some detail, and will usually activity. See also superior colliculus, infe-
contain a justification for the choice of rior colliculus.
that particular methodology. middle ear The air-filled chamber of the
micro-electrode recording A means of ear that is separated from the outer canal
investigating neural activity by recording by the tympanic membrane, and which
the firing of single neurones. It consists of serves to amplify the received signal, in
a technique whereby microscopic elec- preparation for its transduction in the inner
trodes, sensitive to very small electrical ear. The middle ear contains three small
charges, are inserted into the appro- bones, known as the ossicles, which form
priate region of the brain or nervous a link from the tympanic membrane at
system. These electrodes record when one side of the chamber to the oval win-
their target cells fire. By means of this dow at the other. Each ossicle receives
technique, several discoveries have been the vibrations in turn and amplifies them
made, including the processing of visual slightly as it passes them on. In sequence,
information in the thalamus and the vis- the ossicles are the malleus (hammer
ual cortex, and the changes to neurones bone), the incus (anvil bone) and the sta-
involved during the imprinting process in pes (stirrup bone), named in accordance
young chicks. See also hypercomplex cell. with their overall shapes.

Milgram, Stanley (1953–1984)

One of the most famous of all social psychologists, Stanley Milgram con-
ducted research into a wide range of real-world social behaviours, but he is
most famous for his studies of obedience, in which he showed that, given the
right circumstances, even quite ordinary people were able to obey orders to
the extent of killing another person. Milgram proposed that we all have two
distinct states – the autonomous state in which we act as individuals, and
the agentic state in which we act as agents of others and suppress our own
consciences. The fact that all injury was simulated did not prevent a massive
ethical debate arising from Milgram’s work, resulting in the development
and application of strict ethical guidelines for psychological research.

Milner, Brenda (1918–)

Brenda Milner was a pioneer in neuropsychology, working in the field for over
60 years, and contributing significantly to the understanding of memory in
the brain: she has been called the founder of neuropsychology. One of her
222  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

most famous studies was of H.M., who had experienced lesions to the hip-
pocampus leaving him unable to store new memories but with reasoning,
language and perception unaffected. Milner’s studies showed a distinction
between episodic and procedural memory, which introduced the idea of multi-
ple systems of memory in the brain.

mimicry The copying of a specific minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) The

action or sequence of behaviour without preferred choice from a number of terms
necessarily having any understanding of that have been proposed to account for,
the goals of the action. Most bird vocal- or at least label, a set of quite common
isations are considered to be mimicry childhood conditions which include
rather than imitation. hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder and
mind-body problem The problem of clumsiness (apraxia). They are the kind
how the physical, chemical and elec- of problems that could arise because
trical characteristics of the brain can of brain damage, but no organic dam-
produce sensations, thoughts and emo- age can be identified in these children.
tions in the mind. The conditions were therefore classified
as ‘minimal brain damage’, with the
mindblindness The inability of autistic implication that there was damage, but
individuals to comprehend that other it was too minimal to be detected. As
people have minds of their own, and psychologists came to realise that invis-
therefore different viewpoints. See also ible brain damage was not really a useful
theory of mind, false belief task. explanation of anything, alternative
mindfulness The practice of bringing terms were proposed such as minimal
one’s mental attention to the immedi- cerebral injury and eventually MBD.
ate present, and disregarding extraneous It is now becoming recognised that the
thoughts or stimuli concerned with various conditions have little in com-
aspects of living that are more distant mon, so we can hope that the search for
in either time or space. Mindfulness as a suitable term under which they can all
a technique combines Buddhist medi- be grouped will be abandoned.
tational techniques with approaches minimal group paradigm An approach
used in Gestalt therapy and is often to the study of social identification, in
considered to have begun in the 1970s, which minimal indicators of group
although it only achieved general popu- membership are shown to produce
larity in the 2010s. It has been shown reliable social effects. In a typical exam-
to have considerable psychological and ple, participants in a minimal group
physical health benefits, such as dealing paradigm experiment are allocated to
with stress and anxiety, attenuating pain, membership of a group according to
and assisting in dealing with drug addic- some arbitrary criterion, such as the
tion. See also meditation. toss of a coin. When asked to allocate
mindset A term which summarises dif- resources to members of their own or
ferent approaches in the beliefs people other groups, they then show a reliable
have about their intelligence and self- tendency to favour their own group
efficacy. See growth mindset, fixed mindset. above the others. Minimal group studies
M 223

have generated a number of hypoth- the same action seen performed by others
eses about social identification that (i.e. they appear to disregard the distinc-
have been supported by more realistic tion between self and other). They are
investigations, including the tendency often tuned to very precise actions, such
to accentuate differences between the as grasping, twisting or tearing, and do
in-group and the out-group, and to ste- not respond to robotic actions of the
reotype out-group members. However, same type. See also mirror systems.
such studies appear to be particularly
mirror self-recognition The ability to
susceptible to demand characteristics,
recognise oneself in the mirror. This is
as it is difficult to imagine what other
one of the key comparative techniques
behaviour could be expected from the
for assessing whether a given species has
cooperative participant whose only
a self-concept. It is usually assessed by
information is that they belong to either
placing a mark on an individual’s face
one group or another.
or head while they are asleep, and then
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality seeing how they respond when they see
Inven­tory (MMPI) One of the most it in a mirror – in particular, whether
famous questionnaire measures of they attempt to rub it off themselves, or
­personality, consisting of 550 items and off the image in the mirror.
providing eight scales or traits. The
objective evidence suggests limitations in mirror systems Specialised groups of
its use either as a clinical predictor or as a neurones found in the cerebrum that
guide to how people are likely to behave appear to reflect, or mimic, input from
in practice. However, it is still widely used other people. For example, interacting
in research. See also five-factor theory. with someone who is smiling at you pro-
duces a ‘smiling’ response among these
minor hemisphere The name given to neurones, and the neural node which is
the half of the cerebrum that does not activated when we feel disgusted is also
form the dominant hemisphere. In most activated when we see someone else
cases, this is the right hemisphere, but expressing disgust. The discovery of mir-
in some people the right hemisphere ror systems sets a strong physiological
is dominant and the left one forms the basis for empathy and social sensitivity,
minor, or non-dominant, hemisphere. and reinforces the importance of the
See also hemisphere bias. social nature of human evolution. See
minority influence The way that a also mirror neurone.
small group of people can sometimes mirroring The process of echoing or
produce social or cognitive change even sharing other people’s emotions, reac-
though the majority may be against tions or posture. See also echopraxia,
their ideas – e.g. the abolition of slavery echolalia, postural echo.
in Western countries. The key aspects
of minority influence are consistency misery-is-not-miserly effect The ten-
over time, clarity and persistence. dency for people who are depressed or
sad to be prepared to pay more for a
mirror neurone A neurone that is active
commodity or event than other people
in goal-directed actions designed to copy
would. See also mood.
or imitate the action of someone else.
Mirror neurones respond to the person’s misinformation effect The distorting
(or monkey’s) own actions, and also to effect of information presented after an
224  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

event, on eyewitness memory. See also MMN See mismatch negativity.

eyewitness testimony.
MMPI See Minnesota Multiphasic
mismatch negativity (MMN) A change Personality Inventory.
in event-related potential that happens
MMR Moderated multiple regression,
when an auditory stimulus is different
which is the technique generally used
from the prior auditory stimuli which
in a statistical analysis of the impact of a
the person has experienced.
moderating variable on research data.
missing fundamental phenomenon A
phenomenon in audition, whereby the mnemonic An aid to memory, which
fundamental note in a chord or complex can be achieved in any way, including
sound can be removed, but its absence leaving a note for oneself. Several dif-
is not perceived because the brain rein- ferent kinds of mnemonics have been
states it. identified and developed over time.
Many of them are concerned with form-
mitochondria Small energy-producing ing of mental images that will help
structures found inside the cell nucleus. the person to remember connections
Mitochondria also contain a form of between items, or lists. Some mnemon-
DNA that derives from nurturing in the ics rely on the use of visual imagery,
womb, and therefore maps genetic origins such as the method of loci or the key word
along the maternal line. Mitochondrial method. Other mnemonics rely on verbal
DNA has been widely used to map the processing, such as first-letter mnemon-
ancestral origins of the human species. ics, in which the first letter of each item
mitosis The process of cell division spells out a new word or a sentence, for
that results in each new cell possessing example ‘Richard Of York Gave Battle
a full complement of chromosomes – an In Vain’ for the colours of the spectrum
identical copy of the genes carried by (red, orange, yellow, etc.). The famous
the parent cell. This is the most com- ‘knot in the handkerchief’ was a com-
mon form of cell division, being the type mon mnemonic that combines visual
which is involved in tissue growth and and tactile cues to help the person to
repair; it contrasts with the form of cell remember, although now largely out-
division involved in sexual reproduction, dated owing to the preference for paper
which is called meiosis. Mitosis also made tissues producing a decline in the use of
possible the development of cloning. handkerchiefs.
Since each cell of the body carries the MNI template A ‘standard’ brain devel-
full genetic complement of that animal, oped by the Montreal Neurological
given the right medium for cell division Institute, which has been derived from
and growth, it is possible to recreate an the data from 305 individual brains and
identical animal from a cluster of parent is used for stereotactic normalisation. See
cells. But see mitochondria. also Talairach cooordinates.
mixed conditions Research designs mob psychology An approach to
that involve a combination of repeated-­ crowd psychology that sees members of
measures and independent-measures designs. crowds as reverting to a primitive state
mixed error effect A type of error of in which individual conscience and
speech in which the word given is incor- responsibility are entirely suppressed,
rect, but related to the correct one in and the person becomes entirely impul-
terms of both its meaning and its sound. sive and emotion-driven. This approach
M 225

to crowds was extremely popular in the has influenced the strength of a con-
early twentieth century, as it allowed nection between two variables. See also
the governments of the day to ignore or mediating variable.
dismiss people’s grievances. A modern-­ modes of representation Ways of ­coding
day equivalent of mob psychology information internally. Bruner identified
can be found in Zimbardo’s theory of a developmental sequence in representa-
deindividuation. More recently, crowd tion, arguing that the first mode to develop
researchers have taken a different view, was enactive representation, in which infor-
investigating the perceptions of people mation is stored as ‘muscle memories’. As
in crowds, which turn out to be rather the child’s experience widens, and the
more rational and balanced than might environment makes increasingly complex
be thought from conventional ‘mob’ demands, more sophisticated modes of
theories. representation are required – first iconic
modal To do with the mode. The modal representation (using images) and then
score in a data-set is the most com- symbolic representation (in which informa-
monly occurring value; modal scores tion is represented by symbols).
are those which have the same value as
modularity The idea that certain cogni-
the mode. See also levels of measurement,
tive functions or areas of the brain are
variation ratio.
limited to the performance of particu-
modal model of memory A simplistic lar tasks, and in the information they
approach to memory storage that sees ­possess.
information as passing from STM to
molar actions Actions that involve the
LTM by rehearsal and repetition, as
whole body (e.g. walking, jumping, turn-
put forward by Atkinson and Shiffrin.
ing around). Compare molecular actions.
Generations of students have shown
how this is not really a very effective molecular actions Actions that involve
memorising technique. See also levels of only part of the body, and in which the
processing. rest of the body is relatively stationary
(e.g. typing, writing, sewing). Compare
mode The most frequently occurring
molar actions.
score within a distribution. It is one of
the measures of central tendency. monetarised Particularly used in refer-
ence to sampling techniques and research
modelling Providing an example which
participants, this refers to people or
can be imitated, such that the imitator
research outcomes who or which may
is able to learn new styles of behav-
have been influenced by the existence
iour. Modelling is considered to be an
or offer of financial reward.
important aspect of social learning in
children because what is copied is more mongolism See Down’s syndrome.
general than the imitation of a specific monitoring The process of continually
behaviour. It is often used explicitly checking progress in a task by repeat-
in therapy, to show adults how to vary edly connecting current information
their styles of interaction with others. with the task requirements.
moderated multiple regression See monochromatism Seeing in one colour
MMR. only, usually interpreted as seeing in
moderating variable An unmeasured black and white. In other words, mono-
variable in a set of research data which chromatic individuals are those who
226  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

are entirely blind to all wavelengths of mood A temporary emotional state

colour. This is a rare condition, as most that is extended over time, forming an
colour blindness involves a lack of sensi- affective baseline for personal responses
tivity to a few wavelengths only. and reactions. See also mood congruity,
monocular depth cue An indication of misery-is-not-miserly effect.
how distant something is which can be mood congruity The observation that
detected just as well with only one eye emotional material is learned more
as it can with two. Monocular depth effectively if the participant’s mood
cues include relative size, height in the matches the affective value of the
plane, superposition, gradient of colour, material to be learned. See also state-
gradient of texture, shadow and motion dependent learning.
parallax (see Figure 47).
mood disorders Mental problems such
monotropy Bowlby’s original idea of as depression that manifest themselves
the way in which attachment develops as fluctuations or extremes in the per-
between the young infant and its mother. son’s general emotional state or mood.
Based on ideas from ethological studies of
imprinting, the theory stated that the rela- mood freezing A phenomenon observed
tionship which an infant formed with its by researchers in the 1980s, who gave a
mother was qualitatively different from placebo to participants, informing them
any other relationship which it formed that it would make it impossible for
with other people, and that if the bond them to change their moods. They then
was broken, through separation, dur- put them through a series of frustrating
ing the early years of life, then the child tasks and identified a number of strat-
could suffer permanent damage. This led egies that participants used instead of
to the maternal deprivation debate and reacting aggressively, including leaving
produced extensive research into attach- the situation, seeking distractions and
ment and mother–infant interaction. practicsing relaxation techniques. The
study particularly challenged the valid-
monozygotic (MZ) twins Identical twins ity of catharsis. See also mindfulness.
who have developed from the same fer-
tilised ovum which has subsequently mood-state-dependent memory Memory
split to develop as two independent foe- that is linked with the individual’s emo-
tuses. Monozygotic twins are identical tional state or mood (e.g. the way that
genetically and hence have been used memories about a partner’s inadequacies
in studies of the relative importance of or irritating behaviours are more likely to
genetics and environmental influences come back if someone is in an irritable
in development. See also dizygotic twins, or angry mood, while the same memories
heritability estimate. are totally forgotten when the person is

relative size height in plane superposition shadow

Figure 47  Monocular depth cues
M 227

in a more positive mood). See also state- moral norms Rules of conduct that are
dependent learning. based on social principles of right and
moral anxiety In Freudian theory, wrong, generally deriving from ideas
anxiety that arises from a fear of the about personal welfare. See also conven-
superego. As the superego has incorpo- tional norms.
rated the rewards and punishments of moral realism Another name given
the parents, it is able to inflict pain, and to the stage of heteronomous morality
if it becomes too powerful the person described by Piaget, in which the child
may live in a chronic state of anxiety. accepts fully the rules that are given to it
See also neurosis. by society and those in authority. See also
autonomous morality, moral development.
moral development This should refer to
the development of moral standards and moral therapy An early approach to
behaviour. In fact, the term has been humane treatment of the mentally dis-
taken over by a particular approach turbed, pioneered by Pinel shortly after
that concentrates on moral judgement. the French Revolution. The essence of
Piaget analysed tendencies in the devel- moral therapy was that mentally dis-
oping moral judgement of the child, turbed people should be treated not as
such as a progression away from a belief dangerous lunatics, but with dignity.
in absolute justice. Lawrence Kohlberg The therapy involved such measures as
developed Piaget’s ideas and produced discarding chains and constraints, and
a scheme of six stages of moral reason- providing clean living quarters and such
ing along which the child progresses. work as the patients were able to under-
While moral reasoning is important, take. It had a remarkably high success
the theory has been criticised both for rate, and eventually made a significant
the ways in which the stages are defined contribution to the reform of the care of
and for appearing to undervalue other the mentally ill.
aspects of moral development such as Moro reflex A reflex found in newborn
moral behaviour. See autonomous moral- babies in which the limbs are closed into
ity, conventional morality, pre-moral stage. the body and the hands are clenched.
moral disgust A form of disgust that The probable function of the reflex can
comes from a distasteful feeling about be seen when it is elicited by letting the
the moral standing of a person’s atti- baby slip while holding it and the Moro
tudes or actions, often in terms of their reflex causes the baby to cling on to its
disposition to engage in acts which caretaker (do not try this, take our word
are considered to be morally wrong. for it!). See also reflex.
Interestingly, moral disgust involves morpheme A unit of spoken language,
the same brain areas as physical disgust, in which basic speech sounds (phonemes)
while also involving activity in those have been combined to produce basic
areas of the frontal lobes which are con- syllables or simple words. A morpheme is
cerned with making social judgements. the smallest unit of speech that has any
moral emotions Emotions that are real meaning in communication.
connected with the propriety or sig- morphology The study of form, or com-
nificance of one’s own behaviour in plete units. In linguistics, morphology
relation to others, or others’ behaviour refers to the study of how morphemes
in relation to the self or third parties. are utilised and combined in speech. In
228  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

biology, it refers to the study of the form son to suppose that this care can only
and function of parts of the anatomy, or be provided by the biological mother or
the structure of the living being. by a woman, and parenting has become a
morphosyntax Linguistic rules con- preferred term.
cerned with word order and the motion parallax The apparent relative
grammatical elements of words. movement of objects in the visual field,

Moscovici, Serge (1927–2014)

Along with Tajfel, Moscovici was a central figure in the development of
European social psychology. His work in social representation theory at the
Ecole des Hautes Etudes et Sciences Sociales in Paris began in the early
1960s, with a study of the social role of psychoanalytic theory in French folk
wisdom, but was more clearly articulated two decades later, following a series
of psychological investigations into the mechanisms of social influence, such
as the role of minority influence in conformity, during the 1970s. Social repre-
sentation theory became one of the key theories in European social psychol-
ogy, expressing as it does the way in which cultural and social beliefs can be
transmitted and developed through individual and group interaction.

mother–infant interaction See parent– which occurs when the person doing
infant interaction. the perceiving moves around. Objects
in the foreground seem to move more
motherese A simplified form of speech than objects in the background, so that
that adults adopt when talking to babies. when a perceiver moves, such objects
Also known as infant-directed speech, appear to change their relative position
motherese is characterised by a gener- in the visual field. See also depth cue.
ally higher pitch, slower expression of
motivated forgetting A term for the for-
elongated vowels, and more pitch vari-
getting of information as a result of an
ability. Infants respond preferentially
unconscious unwillingness to remember
to this type of speech, and it has been
it (e.g. the forgetting of an impending
suggested that it assists their learning of
dental appointment, because you don’t
the relevant phonemes for their spoken
want to go). According to Freud, all
forgetting is motivated forgetting in
mothering Providing the physical, some way, either because it could lead
cognitive and emotional care and stim- to the recall of deeply buried child-
ulation required by an infant or child. hood traumas, or because the forgotten
Research indicates that this kind of information is symbolic of such trauma.
care can be provided by any adult or Other researchers have identified alter-
older child provided that they have an native explanations for many kinds of
appropriate commitment, a knowledge forgetting, but motivated forgetting is
of the needs of infants, and an ability still considered to be valid as an expla-
to respond to the signals offered by the nation for some instances of failure to
infant. There is therefore no sound rea- recall information.
M 229

motivation The general term given to motor aphasia A disorder of speaking

an inferred underlying state that ener- (see aphasia) that is due to problems
gises behaviour, causing it to take place. using the muscles of the tongue, lips, etc.
There has been extensive physiological
motor cortex Part of the cerebral cortex
research into the neural mechanisms
which is particularly involved in the
involved in motivational states such
coordination of voluntary movement. It
as hunger, thirst, the need for sex and
forms a strip running alongside the cen-
exploration of novelty. In addition, much
tral fissure, at the back of the frontal lobe.
research has emphasised the social
The area of the frontal lobe immediately
aspects of motivation – the need for posi-
before the motor cortex is known as the
tive regard from others, or the way that
premotor cortex, and this is where volun-
specific forms of behaviour may occur as
tary movement is planned and sequenced.
a result of the need to communicate or
See also prefrontal cortex, cerebellum.
interact in meaningful ways with other
people. While the majority of psychology motor end plate The part at the very end
textbooks limit discussions of motiva- of a motor neurone where the axon divides
tion to physiological factors and need into small dendrites, which spread out and
or drive theories, a more comprehensive make synaptic connections with receptor
formulation of human motivation might sites in the muscle fibres. The neurotrans-
incorporate a wider range of motives. mitter involved at the motor end plate is
These would include motivations arising acetylcholine.
from cognitive processes, such as cognitive
dissonance or personal constructs, factors motor neurone A nerve cell that trans-
involved in motivating personal action mits information in the form of electrical
such as self-efficacy beliefs, locus of con- impulses from the central nervous system to
trol, attributions and learned helplessness, the muscles of the body. This information
affiliative motivators such as empathy or forms a signal for muscular contraction,
positive regard, and sociocultural motiva- resulting in movement of the limbs or
tors such as social identifications and social body. Motor neurones tend to have their
representations. cell body located within the grey mat-
ter of the central nervous system itself,
motivators Specific incentives or aspects surrounded by dendrites that receive
of the environment that can induce cer- information from many other neurones.
tain forms of behaviour in the individual. The axon is elongated and reaches from
The term has been commonly used in the central nervous system to the muscle
management theory, where it includes fibre itself, where it spreads into dendrites
such items as the provision of personal to form the motor end plate. Motor neu-
career development for individuals at rones are usually myelinated, which speeds
work, or bonus payments which would up the passage of the impulse along the
encourage those in employment to work axon and allows more accurate timing.
harder. See also Hertzberg. See also connector neurone, sensory neu-
rone (see Figure 48).
motive A specific inferred reason put
forward to explain the likelihood of a motor program Stored action routines
particular behaviour occurring. See also that conform to preestablished patterns.
motor projection area The part of the
motor Referring to movement. cerebral cortex that is directly concerned
230  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience


cell body direction of impulse

motor end plate

axon myelin sheath

Figure 48  A motor neurone

Figure 49  The motor cortex & sensory cortex

with the mediation of physical actions. motor skill A skill that is physical, as
Also known as the primary motor cortex, opposed to a cognitive skill. The word
this area forms a strip running along- ‘motor’ in this context implies muscle
side the central fissure, on the side of movement. The study of motor skills
the frontal lobe. It runs directly paral- involves looking at the influence of
lel to the somatosensory projection area practice, feedback, and the develop-
and, in a manner similar to that of the ment of smooth muscular coordination,
organisation of the somatosensory area, and it was the main area for studying
different parts of the strip mediate activ- the acquisition and operation of skills.
ity in different parts of the body. The The area was strongly influenced by
most mobile parts of the body, such as Cambridge psychologists who became
the hands, have a large proportion of fascinated with the skills involved in
surface area representing them in the playing cricket and the training of
motor area (Figure 49). See also homun- fighter pilots during the Second World
culus, premotor cortex. War. Other major landmarks include a
M 231

study of cigar makers in Cuba, which members of several cultural groups live,
discovered that performance improved each bringing aspects of their previous
for at least the first 250 million cigars culture to bear on the life of the society.
rolled, and that the improvement multimodal A statistical distribution
followed a power law. See also automa- having more than one peak. Also,
tisation, bilateral transfer. perception, thought or action operat-
MPOA See medial pre-optic area. ing in several forms, or a therapy that
combines more than one therapeutic
MRI scans See magnetic resonance
multiple-demand network A set of
MS See multiple sclerosis.
brain regions, mainly in the prefrontal
MT An abbreviation for the middle cortex, that are shown by fMRI scans
temporal area of the visual cortex, also to be activated in a wide range of tasks
known as V5. involving cognitive control. The net-
mu oscillations A pattern of EEG work also includes regions of the lateral
­variations that are found across the prefrontal cortex and the anterior ­cingulate
sensory and motor cortex, and are most gyrus.
common when the person is at rest. multiple intelligences A theory of intel-
mu suppression The way that perform- ligence put forward by Gardner, which
ing actions involves a decrease in mu held that intelligence actually consists
oscillations in the brain. of seven distinct and independent abili-
ties, each of which should be assessed and
mu waves see mu oscillations. evaluated separately. The seven intel-
Müller–Lyer illusion A well-known ligences are linguistic intelligence, musical
geometric illusion that consists of two intelligence, mathematical-logical intelligence,
equal lines, one with ‘arrowheads’ and spatial intelligence, bodily-kinaesthetic
the other with lines forming ‘fishtails’ at intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and
the ends. See also visual illusions. intrapersonal intelligence. See also triarchic
intelligence, emotional intelligence.
multi-cell recordings The combined
activity of many neurones recorded multiple mothering Childcare that
individually at one electrode. Multi-cell is carried out by a number of different
recordings are usually measured by the people, usually in succession. Infants
number of action potentials per second. in institutions were often exposed to a
succession of caregivers, and it is widely
multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) accepted that this form of maternal dep-
A method of analysing fMRI data in rivation results in long-term difficulties
which the patterns of activity across the in forming relationships. These days,
cortex are linked to cognitive processes. considerable efforts are made to avoid
multi-method study A study that the repeated making and breaking of
involves several different approaches to attachments in children who have to be
conducting research. brought up in care. See also kibbutz.
multicultural Involving characteristics multiple personality A rare ­condition
and aspects of several different cultures in which a person functions with
simultaneously. The term is usually used two or more distinct personalities. ­The
to refer to modern societies in which ­personalities may alternate and may
232  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

appear to be quite unaware of each oth- predict the criterion. In our example,
ers’ existence. Multiple personality is we will be able to predict (for this sam-
not a form of schizophrenia, but a devel- ple) the number of friends we are likely
opment of a phenomenon that is quite to find by choosing certain combina-
common and normal in childhood. See tions of the independent variables.
also dissociative identity disorder. multiple resource theory The idea that
multiple regression A statistical tech- cognitive processing depends on several
nique by which the contribution each different processing resources, such as
independent variable makes to the crite- visual or semantic processing, which are
rion variable is calculated. For example, limited but work together.
we might have a criterion score of the multiple sclerosis (MS) A progressive
number of friends each person has, and degenerating illness that results in the
want to know the relative contribution person gradually losing motor coordi-
of factors such as attractiveness, wealth nation and control. MS is produced by
and age. Because these variables are the destruction or degeneration of the
themselves correlated with each other, myelin sheaths covering the axons of
it is difficult to say how important each nerve cells in many parts of the brain,
is on its own. In multiple regression, the thus slowing down the transmission of
strongest correlate of the criterion is information from one part of the brain
identified and then the scores on all the to another. The process by which this
other variables are rescaled to eliminate occurs is not yet fully understood.
their statistical association with that
multipolar neurones See connector
variable. The next strongest correlate
n­ eurones.
is then selected, and the two variables
combined to generate a multiple regres- multitasking Carrying out several tasks
sion coefficient. All variables are now at the same time – or, in neurological
rescaled to eliminate their correlation terms, in rapid succession. Multitasking
with this coefficient, and so the process requires both task switching and an abil-
goes on until a score is available for all of ity to retain awareness of future goals
the variables. At this stage, the correla- while dealing with immediate ones.
tion of each variable with the criterion multivariate analysis A general term
is completely independent of its cor- for statistical techniques such as mul-
relation with the other variables. So tiple regression and factor analysis that
in our example, the correlation of age processes the correlational relationships
with the number of friends is no longer between several variables. Multivariate
potentially boosted by the fact that analysis may be concerned with iden-
older people tend to be more wealthy, tifying significant differences, as in
or reduced if, in this sample, they are MANOVA, or significant correlations as
perceived as less attractive. The multi- in multiple regression.
ple regression coefficient is a measure of
how well the chosen set of independent multivariate analysis of variance see
variables predict the criterion, and the MANOVA.
calculation also shows how much each musical intelligence A form of intel-
measure independently contributes to ligence put forward by Gardner that is
the prediction. A major use of multiple concerned with musical comprehen-
regression is in constructing tests that sion and appreciation as well as musical
M 233

ability. See also multiple intelligences, inter- neurone than a steady progression. This
personal intelligence. system is particularly common in  the
central nervous system itself, and in
mutation A spontaneous or relatively
the receipt of sensory information and
sudden change in genetic structure that,
the transmission of motor impulses. In
because it is genetic, may be passed on
cases where a slightly slower progression
to offspring.
is not a disadvantage, as for example in
MVPA See multi-voxel pattern analysis. the autonomic nervous system, neurones
tend to be unmyelinated. The white
myelin sheath An insulating fatty
matter of the central nervous system
substance that is wrapped around the
consists of packed masses of myelinated
dendrons and axons of neurones in the
nerve fibres (see Figure 50).
central nervous system. The myelin
sheath is formed by Schwann cells, which myelinated Covered with a myelin
coil themselves around the axon, thus sheath.
preventing ionic transfer between the myelination The process of covering
inside of the neurone and the surround- the axons of neurones with a myelin
ing fluids. A small gap between each sheath, which speeds up neural transmis-
Schwann cell is known as the node of sion. In human infants, myelination can
Ranvier, and it is at these points that continue for some years after birth.
ionic transfer takes place. Because of
this arrangement, the electrical impulse myside bias The tendency for people to
travels along the neurone in a series of evaluate statements or ideas in terms of
jumps, which is a much faster method their own beliefs.
of passing information the length of the MZ twins See monozygotic twins.

Figure 50  A myelin sheath

nAch see need for achievement. light. One nanosecond (ns) is a bil-
nAff see need for affiliation. lionth of a second and is most likely to
be encountered in measurements of the
n-back This is a performance task that is speed with which a computer can per-
often used as a measure of working memory form its simplest operation (known as
capacity. The person is presented with the cycle time).
a continuous sequence of stimuli and
asked to identify when a new stimulus is narcissism A love of the self. The
the same as one that is a fixed number of more puritanical approaches to therapy
items (n) back in the list. The value of n regard narcissism as always undesirable,
varies, and the higher it is, the more dif- and when most of a person’s affections
ficult the task. A variant of this task is the are fixated upon themselves, this must
dual n-back, in which two different sets of be so. However, there is plenty of evi-
stimuli are presented together – ­usually dence that a healthy degree of affection
one visual and one auditory. The task for the self is essential for maintaining
requires considerable concentration, and self-esteem and productive function-
in fact, a variant of it is the central task in ing. In personality assessment, the trait
the board game/app of that name. of narcissism is one of the Dark Triad,
characterised by egotism, pride, grandi-
N170 A distinctive variation in the osity and a lack of empathy.
event-related potential pattern that hap-
pens when the person is looking at faces narcolepsy A condition in which the
rather than at other types of visual stim- person is subjected to sudden, short,
uli. See also face recognition. uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep. It
is much more extreme than the tendency
N400 This is an evoked potential response to sleep during psychology lectures, and
pattern appearing in EEGs when a word’s also much rarer.
meaning appears unexpectedly, or out of
context. narcotic Drugs that have both seda-
tive (encouraging sleep) and analgesic
naïve Inexperienced or without previ- (pain-relieving) properties. They are
ous exposure to the particular tasks or usually of the opiate family, such as
experiences being used in a specific ­morphine or heroin.
research project.
narrative review A literature review,
naming task A cognitive processing either introducing a piece of research or
task in which the person is presented published in its own right, that picks out
visually with a rapid sequence of words, interesting features in the literature and
and asked to pronounce them. discusses them, rather than attempting
nano- One billionth. One nanometer to give a comprehensive account of all
(nm) is a billionth of a metre and is used studies. The term is also used for reviews
as a measurement of the wavelength of of outcome evidence which combine

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
N 235

the results of studies descriptively rather natural concepts Concepts that appear
than in terms of their statistical rigour to emerge purely as a result of the a­ nimal
as in a meta-analysis. See also systematic or human’s interaction with their world.
review, meta-review. See also concept, concept formation, natu-
narrative therapy An approach to ral categories.
­therapy based in the idea that people live natural experiments Experiments in
their lives and relationships through nar- which variables vary and opportuni-
ratives that they have constructed, and ties exist to study their consequences,
that therapy can be effective by help- but this happens as a result of social,
ing them first to make their narratives ­biological or economic circumstances
explicit and then by helping them to cre- and without deliberate manipulation by
ate new and more functional narratives. the experimenter.
nativism A school of thought which natural science paradigm A ­framework
holds that the important determinants for scientific inquiry based on the
of development are directly inherited ­natural sciences of physics, chemistry
through genetic transmission. The and biology.
name implies that the emphasis is on
natural selection See evolution.
qualities which are inborn. Although
nativists do recognise that environ- nature –nurture debate The name given
mental factors may have an effect on to two opposed theoretical stances which
development, they consider such effects used to be common as psychological
to be minimal, with the main explana- debates. One stance emphasises ‘nature’,
tion for individual differences being the the inheritance of abilities or charac-
genotype of the individual. The matura- teristics, while the other emphasises
tional theory of Gesell is an example of ‘nurture’, learning or the effect of envi-
a nativist position. See also empiricism. ronmental influences. Nature–­nurture
debates represent a convenient way of
natural categories Types of concept
organising some theoretical issues, but
identified by Rosch, which seem to fit
are now recognised as deceptive in that
with everyday behaviour or activities,
they present a false dichotomy: almost
and so form a useful and unremarkable
every feature of human psychology has
way of grouping objects together. They
both a genetic and an environmental
may have superordinate or subordinate
component. See also empiricism, nativ-
concepts, but the central concept is one
ism, dialectics.
that relates to something which human
beings do. For example, the concept of naughty teddy A semi-legendary char-
chair has a superordinate concept of fur- acter introduced to modern psychology
niture, and many subordinate concepts, during a series of investigations of the
such as armchair or stool. However, all effects of context in Piagetian conservation
chairs share the same property, of being tasks. In investigations by McGarrigle,
things that people sit on, and in this the changes in shape of the experimental
respect ‘chair’ is a natural category. The substances were caused by a small teddy
comparative psychologist Peter Marler bear who ‘lived’ in a box on the experi-
suggested that natural categories may menter’s table and would periodically
even predate and form a precursor to emerge to alter the experimental mate-
language. rials. The small children being tested
236  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

had little ­trouble recognising that the with a drive or homeostatic motivation,
materials had, in fact, conserved their but others, such as a need for vitamin C,
volume or number despite the actions are not. The term has been extended to
of the toy bear. The studies were inter- non-physiological needs such as affilia-
preted as throwing some doubt on the tion and achievement motivation. See also
basic Piagetian assumptions concerning hierarchy of human needs.
children’s logical capacities. It was argued need for achievement (nAch) A pro-
that the Piagetian findings resulted from posed psychological need to achieve
the abstract nature of the conventional success in some or several areas. See also
tasks and their lack of context, rather achievement motivation.
than from the child’s inability to reason.
need for affiliation (nAff) A proposed
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) A psychological need to link with or
system for measuring the level of oxy- belong to other people. See also affilia-
genation in the blood. Areas of high tive needs.
blood oxygenation in the brain are con-
sidered to represent a higher degree of negative aftereffects Illusions that occur
neural activity. Consistent low oxygen immediately after continuous or very
is an indicator of poor physical health. intense stimulation of the visual sys-
tem with the same sensory information.
Necker cube A reversing figure, which Possibly as a consequence of the habitu-
appears to change its orientation ation of sensory neurones, the opposite
irrespective of the intentions of the experience to the previous stimulation
observer. The Necker cube was cited by is experienced. The best-known nega-
Gregory as an example of hypothesis test- tive aftereffects occur as a result of
ing in perception. Without perceptual looking at something very bright, such
cues to indicate which way round the as a light bulb or the sun. For some min-
figure should be seen, the brain alter- utes afterwards, the shape is perceived
nates from one plausible interpretation as a closed figure in the field of vision,
to the other (see Figure 51). and it is usually of the opposite colour
need A state of physiological deficit. to that which was seen. Colour afteref-
Many needs, such as thirst, are associated fects can also be induced by staring at a
brightly coloured object for a couple of
minutes and then transferring the gaze
to a plain background. Negative after-
effects also occur with movement. The
waterfall effect occurs when a subjective
impression of reversed movement is
experienced after continuous exposure
to movement in just one direction.
negative correlation A measure of the
consistency with which an increase in
one variable is accompanied by a decrease
in a second variable. For example, cogni-
tive capacity correlates negatively with
the number of units of alcohol consumed.
Figure 51  The Necker cube A relationship in the opposite direction is
N 237

called a positive correlation, and the meas- strengthens the probability of a behav-
ure of such relationships is the c­ orrelation iour, whereas punishment reduces or
coefficient. suppresses the target behaviour.
negative emotions Antisocial emotions negative skew A distortion of a normal
or emotions which are generally experi- distribution in which more of the scores
enced as unpleasant, such as fear, anger, are higher so that the peak of the curve is
jealousy, anxiety and disgust. Compare shifted towards the right. In a negatively
positive emotions. skewed distribution, the mode will be
negative feedback Information which is higher than the median, which in turn is
fed back within a system in such a way higher than the mean. See also kurtosis.
that it reduces the distance from a goal. negative state relief theory The idea that
Whereas positive feedback (e.g. when a helping behaviour originates in our seek-
microphone picks up from the speakers ing to alleviate the personal distress we
and the sound gets louder and louder) feel as a result of seeing others in need.
can make a system go out of control, negative triad A way of describing
negative feedback is essential for keep- characteristically ‘depressive’ negative
ing a system within limits and on target. beliefs. The triad consists of beliefs
A common example is a central heating about the self, the future and the world
system in which a higher temperature in general. Depressive individuals char-
causes the boiler to shut down. In this acteristically hold negative views on all
technical sense, an essay mark is only three of these. See also attribution.
negative feedback if it helps to make
subsequent essays move closer to the neglect
desired form. See cybernetics.
(i) A standard category of child abuse
negative incentive An object or experi-
indicating a substantial failure
ence that has the opposite effect to an
to provide what the child needs.
incentive, so that the organism works
Neglect is a form of passive abuse
to avoid or prevent it. See also negative
and may involve poor physical
care, a lack of cognitive stimulation
negative priming When an object or inadequate emotional warmth
that has previously been ignored sud- (see attachment). Neglected chil-
denly becomes the focus of attention. dren are often also actively abused.
Negative priming of this kind produces (ii) In neurological contexts, neglect
slower recognition and response rates. refers to the brain’s failing to
See also priming. recognise or acknowledge the
existence of part of the visual
negative reinforcement Reinforcement
field, despite receiving informa-
that involves the withdrawal or avoid-
tion about it. See also hemispatial
ance of something unpleasant or aversive.
neglect, extinction.
Behaviour that has been strengthened by
negative reinforcement – especially in the
case of avoidance learning – is extremely NEO A term used to summarise the
resistant to extinction. The term is often first three traits to be identified using
wrongly applied to punishment. Negative a combination of meta-analysis and
reinforcement, like all reinforcements, factor analysis. The letters stand for
238  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Neisser, Ulrich (1928–2012)

Ulrich Neisser was a major influence on the development of cognitive
­psychology during the second half of the twentieth century. He challenged
the mechanistic, linear processing models of cognition which were common
at that time, and developed a cognitive model which was much more con-
cerned with how people analyse and deal with the real world (see anticipatory
schema). He also undertook important research into human memory, show-
ing how time and social influence distort the details of factual memories, but
do not necessarily change their social or human meaning.

neuroticism, extraversion and openness neologisms Made-up words. In neuro-

to experience. See also five-factor theory, logical contexts, the word is often used
EPI, personality trait. to describe the words made up by people
neo-behaviourism A revised form of suffering from jargon aphasia.
behaviourism in which it is recognised neonate A newborn. For humans, the
that cognitive processes do play some neonatal period is usually taken to extend
role in determining behaviour. from birth to one month, the period of
neocortex Another name for the cer- greatest risk of death. Recently, it has
ebral cortex, which refers to the fact that been recognised that the first major
it is the latest part of the brain to have change in functioning occurs at around
evolved. There are six distinct layers in eight weeks, a time of an increase of con-
the neocortex which may represent dif- nections within the brain, and it has been
ferent modes of operation: for example, suggested that the neonatal period should
layer IV generally has connections with be extended up to the time when these
other parts of the cortex – although changes start.
not in the primary motor cortex. The neoteny The evolutionary model, pro-
precise functions of the layers of the posed by the biologist Stephen Jay
neocortex, however, are as yet unclear. Gould (among others), which argues
neocortical substrate The layer of neu- that human infants are born ‘prema-
rones immediately below the surface of turely’ in the sense that they are far more
the cerebral cortex, generally consisting helpless than most other young animals,
of white matter transmitting information and so have a long period of dependency
between different parts of the cortex. before they are capable of independent
existence. This extended dependency
neo-Freudians A term used to describe
period allows for more extensive brain
psychoanalytic theorists who accept
development biologically, and psycho-
Freud’s basic ideas, but have developed
logically for an extended learning period,
them further, often emphasising social
providing the human being with a highly
and cultural factors in psychodynamic
developed capacity for learning and the
processes. The British neo-Freudians
ability to adapt to numerous different
have concentrated on object relations
types of environment. See also evolution.
theory, which in turn has made the
study of attachments an important part nerve A fibre or system of fibres that con-
of developmental psychology. veys sensory information from the sense
N 239

receptors to the central nervous system, or the neurone receives sufficient neuro-
motor impulses from the central nervous transmitters into its receptor site. Also
system to muscle fibres. Afferent nerve known as the neurone’s action potential.
fibres consist of the axons or dendrons of See also myelin sheath.
sensory neurones bunched together to form neural network A group of brain cells, or
a thread-like structure, while efferent neurones, interconnected in such a way
nerve fibres consist of the axons of motor that they are all involved in some neu-
neurones arranged in a similar manner. rological function or process. The term is
nerve cell See neurone. also used by researchers in artificial intel-
ligence to refer to an interconnected group
nerve growth factor (NGF) A stimu-
of decision-making computational nodes,
lating protein that can be produced
forming a network that is involved in a
by the body in some circumstances,
particular function or process, although
and encourages the development or
it is more accurately referred to as an
regrowth of neural fibres. See also syn-
artificial ­neural network (ANN) in that
apse, synaptogenesis.
context. See also connectionism, parallel
nervous breakdown A nontechnical distributed processing.
term for a more or less complete loss of neural pathways The routes through
ability to cope with day-to-day living, the brain taken by sequences of neurones
showing itself in changes from the per- and the activation of nodes. Different
son’s normal behaviour, such as extreme neural pathways have been linked with
weepiness or anxiety, and general loss of different aspects of experience (e.g.
psychological well-being. visual pathways or reward pathways). See
nervous system The network of nerve also population vector.
fibres that run throughout the body, neural plasticity The ability of nerve
which includes the two main structures cells and brain tissue to adapt their func-
of the central nervous system – the brain tioning as they recover from injury or
and spinal cord. trauma. Neural plasticity is particularly
nested territories Territories that are strong in children, who often recover
located as smaller areas within larger from substantial brain damage with lit-
ones. For example, the female American tle long-term effect, as the remaining
jaçana maintains a large territory during brain tissue takes over the functions
the mating season, and several males of the damaged parts. Adults can also
occupy smaller territories nested within show surprisingly high levels of neural
it, with the female mating with all of plasticity, but whether this takes place
them. The female defends her large is complicated by the extremely high
territory against other females, and the levels of motivation required for the
males defend theirs against one another. effort of re-ordering neural pathways to
effect recovery, and the way in which
netnography Internet-based research many adults experiencing such injury
which has been carried out within an eth- see themselves as being permanently
nographic framework. See ethnography. damaged, and therefore fail to make the
neural To do with neurones. required efforts.
neural impulse The small burst of elec- neural substrate A term used to indi-
trical activity that is generated when cate those parts of the nervous system
240  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

that are concerned with a particular neuroeconomics The use of methods

psychological state or behaviour. and theories derived from neurologi-
neural tube A primitive type of spinal cal research to account for economic
cord, which consists of nerve fibres decision-­making.
running the length of the body, with a neuroethics The application of neuro-
hollow space in the centre. It is found in logical findings to ethical issues.
simple organisms such as flatworms and neurogenesis The process of generating
is thought to have been one of the first new nerve cells in the brain. See also
stages in the evolution of the brain and neuroblast.
nervous system.
neurogenetic determinism The reduction-
neuro- A combining prefix meaning to ist idea that human life and experience
do with nerve fibres or the nervous system are entirely caused by genetic and neural
(e.g. neuropsychology, neurotransmit- factors, rather than seeing them as con-
ter). The related adjective is neural. tributing towards experience through a
neuroanatomy The study of the struc- dynamic interaction with society and the
ture and composition of the nervous environment.
system. See also functional neuroanatomy. neurogenetics The study of the rela-
neuroblast A form of stem cell that will tionship between neural development
develop into a neurone. and genetic factors.

neurochemistry The study of the neuroimaging The use of scanning

chemical aspects of the nervous system, techniques to develop images of the
which includes the study of specific structure of, and changes to, the brain.
neurotransmitters and of ionic transfer The advent of improved brain scanning
within the neurone. has resulted in the rapid development
of neuroimaging as an area of research.
neurocognitive Concerning those
neuromuscular junction The synapse
aspects of cognitive functioning which
where nerve messages communicate with
are linked with or relate to brain struc-
muscle fibres. See also motor end plate.
tures or neural pathways.
neurone A cell that receives or relays
neuroconstructivism The term used
information within the nervous system.
to describe the interaction between
The information takes the form of elec-
brain capacity and the demands of the
trical impulses, which are passed from
environment, which leads to increased
one cell to another by means of synaptic
neural development and the develop-
transmission. There are generally consid-
ment of mature cognitive systems.
ered to be three main kinds of neurones:
neurodiversity The idea that neurologi-
cal differences such as dysgraphia, dyslexia, (i) sensory neurones, which receive
dyscalculia or autism reflect normal varia- information from the sense recep-
tions in brain development and should be tors and pass it to the ­central
encompassed in working or educational nervous system;
practice as simply reflecting unusual (ii) motor neurones, which transmit
modes of brain operation. The associated information from the central nerv-
adjective is neurodivergent. See specific ous system to the muscles, thus
learning difficulty, mental handicap. affecting actions; and
N 241

(iii) connector neurones, also known as in subjective experience as well as in

interneurones, which are mainly more general brain functioning, and
found within the central nervous many of the psychoactive drugs exert their
system, and which relay informa- effect either by blocking the uptake of
tion to and from several neurones. specific neurotransmitters or by prevent-
ing their dispersal and causing a build-up
See also neurotransmitter. of the substance within the synaptic cleft.
neuropsychology The study of brain new paradigm research An alterna-
processes, especially when damaged tive framework for research, based on
or faulty, to give an understanding of ­hermeneutics – in other words, emphasis-
behaviour, capability and conscious- ing the importance of social experience
ness. See also clinical neuropsychology. and social meaning. Traditional psycho-
neuroscience The scientific study of the logical methodology in the 1970s was
components, structure and function of seen as deterministic, tightly controlled
the brain and nervous system. and often artificial, resulting in socially
meaningless information. New paradigm
neurosis A broad category of psycho- research involved a rethinking of the
logical disturbances that are not believed relationship between the psychologist
to have an organic origin and which are and the person or persons who are the
not psychoses. The major neuroses are subject(s) of psychological enquiry. In
depression, chronic anxiety, hysteria, obses- new paradigm research, people are seen
sions and phobias. Usually, the sufferer as active collaborators or participants in
maintains contact with reality, recognis- the study, whose opinions and experi-
ing that the symptom is irrational but ences have value. This stands in direct
still unable to modify it. The term has contrast to conventional psychological
gone through several meanings since methodology, which tended to assume
the eighteenth century when it referred that its ‘subjects’ were there to be manip-
to a disease of the nervous system. The ulated or tricked by the experimenter,
usage indicates a belief about the source and that good empirical investigation
of the problem, and today neuroses are consisted of ‘controlling’, or preventing,
expected to have psychological causes, any human influences from individual
whether in the remote or recent past or subjects from affecting the research.
in the present.
neuroticism A personality trait indicat- New paradigm research was therefore
ing a tendency to be anxious. It is the closely linked to the growing interest
opposite of psychological stability and in ethical issues in psychology, to the
forms one of the central traits in the increased acceptance of qualitative analy-
five-factor theory of personality. sis, and to the approach to social enquiry
known as ethogenics. It tends to involve
neurotransmitter A chemical involved non-experimental methods of investi-
in synaptic transmission. There are many gation, such as interviewing people and
different chemicals that serve as neuro- asking them about their experiences,
transmitters, of which the best known or the dynamic real-world approaches
are serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, exemplified in action research. It also
noradrenaline, endorphin and enkephalin. tends to involve methods of analysis that
Neurotransmitters are highly influential are directly concerned with identifying
242  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

the social meaning in the material, gained prominence in opposition to

rather than with simple quantification. the influence of logical positivism. In a
NGF See nerve growth factor. psychological context, it refers to those
aspects of experience which are not
nicotine Sometimes described as one of directly observable, such as thinking
the most addictive drugs ever known, and knowing and other types of mental
nicotine is one of the most popular recrea- activity. Most cognitive psychology, and
tional drugs taken in industrial society. It a large part of modern social psychology,
is usually smoked, but sometimes chewed, could therefore be described as noetic.
and has been clearly implicated in lung
and mouth cancers, and in heart disease. noise Stimulation that does not carry
Its psychological effects include a slight any information. Often this will be a
sedative effect. Nicotine is picked up in sound, but noise can occur in any sen-
receptor sites in the motor end plate of the sory channel. Noise is of most interest
muscle fibres, thus reducing the uptake when it accompanies information
of acetylcholine. Consequently, nicotine (which would tend to be called the
withdrawal often leads to increasingly signal) and therefore makes it more dif-
restless sensations, as the muscles become ficult to detect or interpret the signal
more receptive to acetylcholine, and to accurately. A measure of detectability
increased lability of the autonomic nervous of a stimulus is to divide the strength
system, accentuating both positive and of the signal by the amount of noise –
negative emotional reactions. the signal-to-noise ratio. The term is also
used within psychology in its more usual
NIRS See near-infrared spectroscopy. sense of a strong auditory stimulus that
nociception The perception (and expe- may be of interest as a source of stress or
rience) of pain through the skin. of deafness.
nociceptor A pain receptor found in nominal scale See levels of measurement.
the skin that responds to mechanical, nomophobia Distress or anxiety caused
thermal or chemical stimuli. See also by not having a mobile phone immedi-
thermoreception, mechanireception, pain. ately to hand.
nocturnal To do with or taking place nomothetic Concerned with the forma-
during the night-time. For example, tion of general laws, usually of behaviour.
nocturnal enuresis is bed-wetting that Nomothetic principles are concerned
occurs at night, and nocturnal animals with that which is abstract, universal or
are those that are active at night. generally applicable to humankind. See
node of Ranvier The small spaces that also hermeneutic, ­idiographic.
occur between the Schwann cells form- nomothetic tests Tests that are con-
ing the myelin sheath along the axon of structed in order to make comparisons
the neurone. between people. Compare idiographic.
nodes The basic units in neural network non-committal agreement A general
models, nodes are groups of neurones expression of agreement or approval
that are activated in response to activity which does not imply any particular
from other parts of the network. opinion or stance on the part of the per-
noetic The origins of the term are son expressing it. See also non-directive
about relating to the intellect, and it therapy.
N 243

non-common effects Effects that are if they have higher status and are widely
specific to a particular behaviour or used even when the assumptions are
circumstance, rather than representing known to be violated. See also levels of
more general or widespread outcomes. measurement, test power.
non-contingent reinforcement Rein­ non-participant techniques A term
forcement that is not dependent on a that used to be applied to observations
particular action or response from the in which the observer (researcher)
organism involved. Such reinforcement takes no part in the activity which is
is often involved in superstitious learning. being observed. The term has become
non-declarative memory Memories ­obsolete since the word ‘participant’ is
that are used but not consciously pro- now used to refer to the people taking
cessed (e.g. the procedural knowledge part in the study.
involved in having a bath or drinking non-technological society A term used
a cup of tea). to describe societies that maintain their
non-directive therapy The group of traditional economic systems and cul-
therapies and counselling techniques tures, such as are found in some parts of
that consistently avoid making value Africa, Australia and South America.
judgements about what the client has In colonial times, such cultures were
done, is doing, or should do. See also often referred to as ‘primitive’, but a
client-centred therapy. deeper knowledge of them has shown
that their levels of sophistication are
non-invasive techniques Approaches
extremely high, but that they centre
to the study of the body or brain that
around a more ecologically balanced
do not involve penetrating the skin.
style of living, rather than around tech-
See EEGs, CAT scans, and MRI and
nological development. Consequently,
PET scans for examples of non-invasive
the term non-technological societies is
methods used in brain research.
increasingly used as providing a more
non-modal scores The scores in a data- accurate description.
set that are not modal. See also variation
non-verbal communication (NVC)
Communication through signals other
non-parametric statistics Statistical than those used in language (e.g. pos-
techniques such as rank correlation and ture, appearance, smell, and a range of
the Mann–Whitney U-test which do not specific behaviours such as pupil dila-
require that the data should fit require- tion, facial expression and the pattern
ments such as interval scaling and normal of eye contact). Extensively studied by
distribution. Because they use less of the Michael Argyle, non-verbal commu-
information in the data, they are usually nication takes place through a number
less powerful than parametric statistics. of different non-verbal cues, which can
The corresponding advantage is that be combined in various ways. Some
they make fewer assumptions about the researchers have estimated NVC as
nature of the data and so are less likely being more than four times as powerful
to give misleading results. In principle, as verbal communication, although one
non-parametric tests are preferable if could imagine that trying to teach the
they are able to demonstrate a result. In psychology syllabus non-verbally would
practice, parametric tests are treated as be rather laborious. An understanding
244  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

of the cues and use of non-verbal sig- human characteristics, he found that
nals forms the basis of most social skills they could be plotted as a frequency
training. distribution which consistently took
non-verbal cue A signal that conveys the form of a normal distribution curve,
some kind of communication to an also known as a Gaussian distribu-
observer without involving the use of tion. Many of the sources of data that
language. Non-verbal cues are usually psychologists deal with fit a normal dis-
considered to be of seven main types: tribution, either because the population
paralanguage, proxemics, posture, gesture, has that form or because the measure
facial expression, eye contact and dress. has been constructed deliberately to
Some theorists consider that ritual and provide it (e.g. intelligence tests). The
ritual symbolism should also be regarded normal ­distribution has therefore been
as an important medium of non-verbal an important basis for many parametric
communication. statistical tests, such as t-tests and analysis
of variance. Because it is clearly defined
noradrenaline A neurotransmitter and mathematically, it can easily be used to
hormone that is commonly involved in define aspects of a set of scores, particu-
emotional reactions as a main trans- larly to indicate the probability or the
mitter of the sympathetic division of the implausibility of any specific score. Once
autonomic nervous system, as well as the mean and the standard deviation of
within the brain itself. a normal curve are known, the frequency
norepinephrine The American name with which scores will be found a given
for noradrenaline. distance away from the mean can be
accurately computed. These frequencies
norm The range of values within
are given as tables of z-scores in statisti-
which the members of a particular pop-
cal texts. The values of utmost interest to
ulation can be expected to function.
psychology are those that will occur no
Psychometric tests will list different
more than 5 per cent or no more than
sets of standardised norms for various
1 per cent of the time, as these are the
groups of people (e.g. ‘women 35–50
conventional levels that count as evi-
years old’ or ‘5–7-year-old boys’). Users
dence against the null hypothesis. It is also
of the tests can then compare their
a feature of the normal distribution that
results with the norms for a compara-
the mean, the mode and the median have
ble population. Within developmental
the same value.
psychology, norms are used to deter-
mine whether a child is performing Problems with the normal distribution
so far out of the normal range as to arise because many sets of data are not
require special treatment. See also actually distributed precisely, or even
social norms. approximately, in this way. Yet the
convenience of tests based on the distri-
normal curve The bell-shaped curve
bution means that they are often used in
that is produced when data from a
any case, and we can usually only guess
population with a normal distribution are
at how much influence this has on the
plotted as a frequency distribution.
results of the studies. Tests that do not
normal distribution When Francis assume a normal distribution are known
Galton began measuring a number of as non-parametric statistics.
N 245

normality A state that is usually con- normativism Judgements of the ‘cor-

sidered to be unremarkable – the rectness’ of a way of thinking that are
opposite of abnormal. Three alternative based on how well it conforms with par-
approaches are often used in attempts to ticular norms or standards.
identify normal as opposed to abnormal NREM sleep Non-rapid eye movement
behaviour for the purposes of psycho- sleep – the stages of sleep in which rapid
logical classification. eye movements do not occur. See also
orthodox sleep, sleep cycles.
(i) Behaviour that is accepted as
usual, or as frequently occurring. nuclear family A family consisting of
Abnormal behaviour is then two parents, usually one of each sex,
regarded as behaviour that is and their offspring. The nuclear ­family
uncommon, or at least which is has been treated as the basic family
infrequently acknowledged. (In structure on which Western society is
some cases, such as the imagined based, so people have been concerned
‘seeing’ of a recently dead rela- to discover that it is much less common
tive, the experience may actually than had previously been supposed. In
be very common, although not fact, there are grounds for supposing
often openly acknowledged.) that it never was as common as had
(ii) Behaviour that conforms to been assumed.
accepted norms or social demands. nucleotides The four base chemicals
In this event, social consensus that make up DNA.
becomes a major factor in deci-
sions concerning normality and nucleus A dense area within the cell
abnormality. body that contains structures necessary
(iii) Statistically common behaviour, to the life and development of the cell,
irrespective of consensus. This including chromosomes and messenger
approach rests on the assump- ribonucleic acid.
tions of the Gaussian (normal) nucleus accumbens An area at the back
distribution. The problem with this of the amygdala which is associated with
approach is that people who are reward and positive reinforcement. It
statistically uncommon in a highly has been shown to be particularly active
valued direction (e.g. of extremely when thinking about or dealing with
high IQ) are also defined as friends or friendship.
abnormal. See also International
null hypothesis A prediction in a
Statistical Classification of Diseases
research study that the outcome of the
and Related Health Problems.
study could have been simply a con-
sequence of chance factors, and not
normative To do with, or expressing, a result of the experimental condi-
the norm. tions. The null hypothesis can never
normative social influence Social be totally ruled out, which is why it is
influence that ‘pushes’ the individual wrong to make statements such as, ‘The
towards conforming to the generally t-test is significant, so the hypothesis
accepted social norm. See also Asch is true’. Instead, the amount of confi-
effect. dence that can be placed in the results
246  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

of a study is expressed in terms of how used. A slightly more accurate way of

low the probability (p) is that the null describing the null hypothesis is to say
hypothesis is correct. This is known as that the results occurred through sam-
the significance level, or confidence pling error. This refers to whether the
level. In most student experiments, the sample of subjects in the study accu-
acceptable level of significance is set at rately represents its parent population.
p<.05. In other words, if the probabil- See also normal distribution, statistical
ity that the null hypothesis is correct is significance, statistics.
less than 0.05, or 1/20, the results will number neurones Neurones that are
be accepted. For research with more most likely to respond to numbers or sizes.
potentially damaging consequences,
more stringent significance levels are NVC See non-verbal communication.
obedience Within social psychology, the fact that objects have a continuing
obedience has been studied as the social existence and maintain the same physi-
phenomenon that enables an individual cal properties, even when they are not
to perform actions when instructed being attended to. See also object con-
to do so by someone else, and which cept, shape constancy, size constancy.
they would not consider when acting object orientation agnosia An inability
independently. Its study was largely ini- to identify the orientation of an object
tiated by an attempt to understand the (e.g. which way up it is), even though
behaviour of German troops and civil- the person can recognise and identify
ians during the Second World War and the object itself. See also object constancy.
was given an impetus by the work of
Milgram. His study of obedience shows object permanence See object concept.
how the demand characteristics of a situa- object relations theory A psychoanalytic
tion appear to enable people to suspend theory developed primarily by Melanie
their own conscience, and to perceive Klein and W. Ronald Fairbairn in
themselves as having had no option Britain as a reaction against Freud’s
but to obey. See also autonomous state, concentration on instincts. Objects are
implacable experimenter. the people, parts of people or things to
obesity Excessive weight. Obesity is whom the individual relates. Infants
usually defined in terms of body weight are believed to relate only to separate
being a certain percentage above the parts of people, such as the mother’s
ideal weight for that person’s age, sex breast. The ability to perceive the parts
and height. The percentage varies but as belonging to a whole person, with
is often either 15 or 30 per cent. This both their good and bad aspects, has to
vagueness is not crucial, as there is no be learned. Only a whole person can be
absolute standard for ‘ideal weight’, recognised as having their own feelings,
which is largely a cultural judgement. needs, etc., which ought to be respected,
so only a whole person can be the object
object concept The idea that objects of a mature relationship. Psychological
have a continuing existence, whether the disturbance in adults is believed to
individual is paying attention to them or result from problems in object relations
not. Although this has been disputed by in childhood, with the more severe con-
philosophers, the operational concept is ditions reflecting problems earlier in
an important one for the young child to development – hence the emphasis by
develop in their interactions with the Klein on the breast as the first, crucial,
world, and the way in which this hap- part object. Therapy is directed towards
pens has been extensively studied as part resolving the relationship with bad or
of cognitive development. persecutory objects internalised by the
object constancy The perceptual pro- patient so that they can make mature
cess by which adjustment is made to relationships with people and not just

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
248  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

use them as vehicles for their own grati- observer in the interaction under study.
fication. No matter how well controlled they are,
objectification A process of social rep- observational studies can only provide
resentation theory in which an idea correlational data, as without the direct
becomes associated with a specific object, manipulation of variables, such as those
category, person or item. Objectification that occur in an experiment, causality
using an object, category or item is cannot be inferred. The major methodo-
known as figuration, while that using peo- logical problem is that the presence of the
ple is known as personification. observer, particularly if filming is used, is
likely to influence the behaviour being
objective test A test that can be marked observed. See also participant observation.
without any need for subjective judge-
ments. For example, multiple-choice obsession An idea or image that per-
tests and intelligence tests are regarded sistently enters thought despite being
as objective by most psychologists. unwanted and recognised as abnormal.
See also compulsion.
objectivity The attempt to stand out-
side the research process so that no obsessive–compulsive disorder A neu-
personal feelings or beliefs will influ- rotic disorder in which the person is
ence the results. unable to resist spending a lot of time
in obsessional thoughts that are usually
observable behaviour Behaviour that absurd and/or obscene, and carrying
is visible and can therefore be used in out pointless rituals – compulsions. The
an observational study or a behavioural condition is extremely distressing and
assessment. The concept of observable associated with a high level of anxiety.
behaviour is mainly contrasted with In extreme cases, the person may spend
internal psychological processes such as so much time on the ritual thoughts
cognition. and acts that they are unable to do any-
observational learning Learning that thing else at all. Psychoanalysis regards
occurs as a result of observing the behav- it as a personality disorder in which tre-
iour of others. As such, observational mendous efforts have been made to
learning includes the two processes of suppress and control emotions, with the
imitation and identification, and is an obsessions and compulsions being the
important component of social learning denied aspects of the self that are break-
theory. ing through the defences. Behavioural
approaches view this as an outcome of
observational study A study that involves
conditioning processes in which the ritual
watching what happens, in a given con-
is reinforced because it provides tempo-
text, rather than intervening and causing
rary relief from the anxiety of tackling
changes. Observational studies may take
some real task. Biomedical aproaches
place in a variety of conditions, ranging
focus on suppressing anxiety symptoms.
from a highly controlled laboratory set-
ting to uncontrolled ‘field’ conditions. Occam’s razor A scientific princi-
Similarly, the observation itself may be ple which states that, given a choice
undertaken in a number of ways, rang- between two possible solutions or theo-
ing from the use of electronic equipment, retical explanations for a given problem,
to the presence of a human observer, the simpler one of the two should be
and to the active participation of the adopted. It is also known as the law of
O 249

parsimony. Lloyd Morgan’s canon applies focus. Detection of these slight move-
a version of this idea to animal behav- ments is an example of kinaesthesia.
iour, often inappropriately.
oedema A blood clot occurring among
occipital face area (OFA) An area of the neurones of the central nervous system,
the visual cortex that responds prefer- which can produce a stroke or aneurism.
entially to faces, but does not process
Oedipus complex In Freudian theory, a
facial identity. See also fusiform face area,
process occurring during the phallic stage
extrastriate body area, face recognition unit.
(around three to five years) in which
occipital lobe The lobe of the brain that the child wishes to possess the parent of
is found right at the back of the head. the opposite sex, and so sees the same-
The occipital lobe contains the visual sex parent as a rival. As this parent is
cortex of the cerebrum. See also frontal also powerful and successful, the child
lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe. will feel threatened, but also tends to
occupational psychology The use of resolve the conflict by identifying with
psychological knowledge and principles the rival parent. Neo-Freudians, particu-
in the study of people at work, or in any larly of the object relations theory school,
productive occupation. Occupational have shifted the emphasis on to earlier
psychology and industrial psychology are relationships with the mother, so that
closely linked, but occupational psy- Oedipal conflicts have come to be seen
chology has a wider range than just the either as occurring at a younger age or as
study of people in industrial situations, less important as a source of psychologi-
as it includes such occupations as that cal disturbance. The Oedipal process is
of housewife, novelist and unemployed regarded as applying just as much to girls
person. See also organisational psychology. as to boys. See also Electra complex.

ocular dominance columns Arrange­ OFA See occipital face area.

ments of cells in the visual cortex of the olfaction The sense of smell.
brain, identified by the Nobel prizewin-
olfactory bulb A part of the limbic sys-
ners Hubel and Wiesel. They found that
tem which is particularly concerned
cells dealing with the same elements of
with interpreting smells. It is very pro-
visual stimulation (see simple, complex
nounced in fish and other animals with
and hypercomplex cells) were arranged
limited cerebral mass but is less evident
in columns running perpendicular to
in humans. It receives information from
the surface of the brain, and that these
the olfactory epithelium and has further
columns alternated in a highly regular
links across the brain, but particularly
fashion between those receiving visual
with the amygdala, the hippocampus and
information from the right eye and
the olfactory cortex.
those receiving information from the
left eye. It is thought that this arrange- olfactory cortex A strip of the cerebral
ment helps the brain to compare the cortex that runs along the base of each
different images from the two eyes – temporal lobe and receives information
using binocular disparity as a depth cue from the scent receptors in the nose.
(see Figure 52). This area is concerned with the analysis
and interpretation of smells.
oculomotor cues Depth cues that are
generated by the slight movements of olfactory epithelium An area in the
the eye muscles as the eyes change their higher part of the nose that detects the
250  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

stimulus from left eye

stimulus from right eye


layer of visual cortex




Figure 52  Ocular dominance columns

minute chemical particles conveying omission bias A general preference for

smell information. Nerve cells present risking harm through inaction rather
in the olfactory epithelium pass this than risking harm through action.
information on to the olfactory cortex. one-sample test A statistical test which
olfactory perception Awareness of, can be used when the data originates
and the ability to identify, olfactory from a single sample, or group of research
stimulation. participants.
one-tailed prediction A prediction that
olfactory tubercle This is an area in
states the direction of a difference or
the olfactory cortex which has been
correlation – that is, which states which
described as one of the best-connected
will be the larger of two or more sets of
areas of the brain, with more than 20
scores, or whether the correlation will
different sources of incoming smell-
be positive or negative.
related information from many other
areas of the brain, and a similar number one-tailed test The use of statistical tests
of pathways for outgoing information. It when a hypothesis clearly predicts only
has been described as the ‘olfactory con- one direction of outcome. Suppose the
trol centre’. See also olfactory epithelium, research hypothesis is that distraction
brainstem, amygdala. by loud noise will reduce the amount
O 251

remembered. When you examine the more commonly used vehicles for this,
memory scores of the distraction group, but online research can also encompass
you merely need to test whether they document analysis or other methods. See
are significantly lower than the mean also online research panel, netnography.
for the control group. This may amount
online research panel A bank of poten-
to a significance level of p<.05, meaning
tial research participants which has been
that their mean falls within the lower
made available through the internet,
5 per cent of the normal d­ istribution of
and involves online contact with the
possible outcomes. If your assumption is
researcher. There are several commercial
wrong and in fact, loud noise facilitates
online research panels which provide
remembering, the use of a one-tailed test
samples for researchers, although there
has been inappropriate. Compare this
is some doubt about the validity of using
judgement with that for a two-tailed test.
monetarised samples in this way.
one-trial learning A very rapid form of
online sample A group of research par-
learning, through classical conditioning, in
ticipants whose selection and activity is
which just one experience is sufficient
entirely internet-based. See also sample.
for a lasting learned association to occur.
Most examples of one-trial learning are ontogenic To do with individual devel-
concerned with food or pain and are thus opment. See also ontogeny.
regarded as being linked to very basic sur- ontogeny The origins and development
vival mechanisms. If consumption of a of the individual. The most well-known
specific food is followed by vomiting, or if use of the word is probably in the phrase
contact with a specific stimulus is followed ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’,
by a painful experience, then a strong which is a biological principle that was
avoidance behaviour will result which popular at the beginning of the twen-
is highly resistant to extinction. Forms of tieth century, stating that the stages
one-trial learning that are specific to the of growth of each individual member
species and which seem to have a biologi- of a species mirror the evolutionary
cal basis are examples of prepared learning. development of the species itself. For
One-trial learning has also been associ- instance, much was made of the idea
ated with instances of superstitious learning. that the human foetus in its early stages
one-way ANOVA An analysis of vari- has structures which resemble gills,
ance carried out on the scores on a single a tail, etc. Although this idea is now
variable of a number of groups (e.g. the regarded as contentious, or even dubi-
exam results of four sets of students). It ous, it was highly influential at the time.
compares the variance within the groups For example, Piaget’s study of cognitive
with the variance between the means of development in the child was undertaken
each group to calculate an F ratio. This because of his interest in the evolution
calculation can indicate whether the of abstract thinking and formal logic. By
group means differ significantly more looking at how children developed logi-
than would be expected from just the cal processes, he hoped to identify the
variation between individuals. evolutionary stages by which rational
thought had evolved.
online research Research that is car-
ried out using the internet in one form ontological To do with being or exist-
or another. Social media is one of the ence. See also ontology.
252  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

ontology The branch of physiology tioning of voluntary behaviour. Unless

­concerned with the existence of things behaviour that has some kind of effect
and how they have come to be as they in the environment is produced sponta-
are. Compare ontogeny. neously, the Law of Effect cannot come
OOB See out-of-body experience. into play, and the organism’s behaviour
will continue to be emitted more or less
open field test A measure of ­anxiety randomly. See operant conditioning.
and/or independence, used mainly
with animals but sometimes also with operant conditioning A process of
small children. It involves a wide open, stimulus–response learning of voluntary
unprotected area in which the animal or behaviour, which occurs through the
child is placed, and symptoms of anxi- consequence of actions produced by an
ety (clinging to mother or toys, animal organism (an animal or human being).
droppings, etc.) are recorded. The idea is that the learning of an appro-
priate action or operant is likely to be
open questions Questions that may be reinforced (strengthened) if the action is
asked during research or a therapeutic followed by a pleasant consequence (see
interview that are phrased so that a Law of Effect). This increases the prob-
detailed answer is required. An exam- ability that the action will occur again.
ple would be: ‘Can you tell me about Reinforcement in operant conditioning
any ways that studying psychology has can be positive or negative. If it is posi-
helped you gain insight into your own tive, the action is directly rewarded; if it
behaviour?’ Such questions invite the is negative, it is indirectly rewarded by
participant to respond in terms of their the removal or avoidance of something
own thinking and so are likely to be unpleasant. Operant conditioning was
more productive than closed questions. controversially claimed by B.F. Skinner
open-structure interview A method to be the basis of all human behaviour,
of carrying out an interview for research even language. The other major type
purposes in which the conversation is of conditioning is classical conditioning.
allowed to roam pretty freely, as long See also partial reinforcement, primary
as a set of defined topics are covered. reinforcement, secondary reinforcement,
Compare structured interview. reinforcement schedule.
open system A system that is open to operant strength This is a term used
receive energy or information. Open to describe how strongly a response
systems are therefore able to develop, acquired through operant conditioning
and will tolerate new structures within has been learned. There are two main
them, in contrast to closed systems. measures of operant strength – resistance
to extinction and response rate.
openness to experience One of the
main factors in the five-factor theory of operation span the maximum number
personality, which reflects a tendency of items on a list that a person can recall
to welcome new experiences and to be accurately more than 50 per cent of the
ready to change impressions. time. See also digit span.
operant Any unit of behaviour that operational definition A definition that
has an effect (of any kind) on the identifies something by its effects. An
environment. Also known as operant operational definition may not form an
behaviour, it is the basis of the condi- ideal definitive statement, expressing all
O 253

aspects of the topic being defined, but it milk) contain small amounts of naturally
needs to be good enough to allow some occurring opiates. Opiates are widely used
empirical investigation of the topic. For both as clinical and as recreational drugs,
instance, systematic work on sustained and in general are highly addictive.
attention only became possible when opponent processing A theory originally
researchers adopted the operational proposed by Hering as an explanation
definition of attention as being the for negative aftereffects – especially those
detection of relatively small changes in concerned with colour. Hering located
stimuli from within a varied background opponent processing as occurring in the
(e.g. picking out one particular signal rod and cone cells of the retina, although
on a radar screen). Failures to detect the more recent research indicates that it
target stimuli were accepted as evidence takes place in the second retinal layer,
of failure to attend. Although this was which consists of bipolar neurones. The
not an ideal definition of attention idea is that cells, or groups of cells, have
itself, it served as a useful operational two different and complementary modes
definition. Apart from giving clear of operation. One group of cells responds
rules by which the phenomenon can be to red stimuli when in one mode, and to
identified, the definition also has to be green stimuli when in the other, a second
close enough to the accepted meaning group responds to blue or yellow stimuli,
to be acceptable to most researchers. and a third group responds to light or
However, the use of operational defini- dark. Overstimulation of any one system
tions can at times lead to conceptual through continuous presentation of just
confusion, such as the use of self-serving one of the paired stimuli results in com-
choices in group tasks as an operational pensation when the stimulation stops
definition of rivalry or aggression. See – the opposite stimulus is experienced as
also signal-detection task. the cells gradually return to normal func-
operations Manipulations of objects or tioning. See also negative aftereffects.
concepts. The major use within psychol-
ogy is in Piaget’s theory, which is largely opportunity sampling An approach
about the different kinds of cognitive to sampling (it is hardly a method) in
operations, particularly logical manipu- which research participants are taken
lations, which are carried out by children into the research as they become avail-
at different ages. See also concrete opera- able. Opportunity sampling is liable
tional stage, formal operational stage. to produce a highly biased sample, but
this may not matter for certain research
opiates Drugs that have both anal- objectives.
gesic (pain-relieving) and narcotic
(sleep-inducing) effects. Opiates include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
naturally occurring drugs such as opium A pattern of behaviour in children in
and morphine, drugs synthesised from which they react negatively to author-
those natural substances, such as heroin, ity and to attempts to control them. It
and some synthesised chemicals that have is not as extreme as conduct disorder but
the same properties. There are also sev- is sufficiently problematic for caregivers
eral naturally occurring opiates, of which to have been classified as a disorder in
the most well known are the endorphins DSM-V rather than ordinary childhood
and enkephalins, which act as neurotrans- tendencies to test out rules and follow
mitters in the brain. Some foodstuffs (e.g. their own wishes. It has been suggested
254  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

that much of the problem arises because the eye from the outside world. Strictly
parents are showing the characteristic speaking, it is the pattern of light reach-
ODD pattern in relation to their part- ing a single point on the retina, from
ners and their children, but this idea all directions, but the term is generally
has not been taken up enthusiastically used to refer to the broader image.
by the adults concerned – or it may just optic ataxia This is the inability to use
be that doing something harmless and vision to guide action accurately, even
pleasant does not need controlling. though the person may not have any
opsins Light-sensitive receptors. particular visual or voluntary movement
optic To do with the eye and vision. deficits. Effectively, they fail to coordi-
nate their muscular actions, and so do
optic apraxia A variant of simultanagnosia not make the appropriate adjustments to
in which the person has difficulty using their eye movements at the right time. It
vision to guide actions, such as hand is thought to result from damage to the
movements, because they have problems occipitoparietal junction. See also optic
with the motor planning involved in apraxia.
moving eyes and hands simultaneously.
optic chiasma A point within the brain
See also optic ataxia.
where the optic nerves from each eye
optic array The way in which the con- meet. At this point, nerve fibres carrying
tents of the visual field are represented messages from the left side of each retina
on the retina of the eye. The photorecep- combine, and pass on the left side of the
tor cells of the retina can be visualised thalamus and then to the visual cortex on
as a series of dots, forming an image the left hemisphere. Those carrying mes-
like that on a TV screen. The optic sages from the right side of each retina
array is the way in which those dots combine and pass on to the right side of
are responding to information entering the brain (Figure 53). This crossover and

optic nerve

optic chiasma
(from below)


visual cortex

Figure 53  The optic chiasma

O 255

recombination of nerve fibres is thought orbitofrontal cortex An area on the

to be instrumental in depth perception, ventral surface of the frontal lobes, above
specifically in the process of binocular the eye sockets, also known as the
disparity, in which the image from each orbitofrontal gyrus, which has recipro-
eye is compared. A similar process occurs cal connections with the main parts of
with audition, allowing the direction of the limbic system. It is involved in attach-
sounds to be identified. ment, motivation and regulating social
optic flow The way that aspects of behaviour. It has also been shown to be
the visual field change their relation- directly concerned with the immediate
ships as the person moves around their motivational value of rewards, calculat-
environment. An important feature of ing internal and external contexts and
Gibson’s ecological perception, optic flow adjusting the value of rewards accord-
(aka ­visual flow) removes the need for ing to their context and immediate
hypothesis testing in, for example, depth relevance. See also emotional regulation.
perception. See also optic array. orbitofrontal gyrus See orbitofrontal
optic nerve The axons of the ganglion cortex.
cells in the retina, which bunch together order effect An experimental effect
and carry visual information from the that arises as a result of the order in
eye to the lateral geniculate nuclei of the which two tasks are presented. Order
thalamus. The place where the optic effects are of two main kinds:
nerve leaves the retina is the blind spot.
optimistic bias A characteristic belief (i) practice effects, where the research
that bad things will happen to other participant becomes more skilled
people rather than to ourselves. at a given task as a result of prac-
oral To do with the mouth. Oral func- tice, and so performs better in
tioning is particularly important for the later conditions of the experi-
young infant and seems to be a major ment; and
source of pleasure. The oral region is (ii) fatigue effects, where the research
quite mature in good time for birth, participant becomes tired or
and the newborn is able to coordinate bored as the study progresses, and
sucking, swallowing and breathing. In so performs worse in later experi-
Freudian theory, the oral stage is the mental conditions. See also
first of the psychosexual stages, and ABBA design, counterbalancing.
fixation at the oral stage is said to pro-
duce adult tendencies such as greed, ordinal scale A system of measurement
mania and depression, and a tendency in which the basic units can be ranked.
to engage in oral behaviours such as See also levels of measurement, rank.
smoking and lecturing. ordinate The vertical or y-axis on a
orbicularis oculi The muscle in the face graph. By convention, this axis usu-
that closes the eyelids, and is the mus- ally carries the measure of outcome, or
cle stimulated when using the eyeblink dependent variable (see Figure 54). See
response measure. also abscissa.
orbito- A prefix meaning close to, or orectic To do with desire or appetite.
at the level of, the eye sockets (the The term is only likely to be encoun-
‘orbits’). tered in contrast with cognitive.
256  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience






5 10 15 20 25
Figure 54  The ordinate and abscissa of a graph

organ of Corti The structure in the inner and which distinguish it from others. In
ear that produces the transduction of vibra- psychological terms, organisational cul-
tion into electrical impulses, which are tures can be seen as social representations,
then transmitted to the brain for interpre- closely linked with the social identifica-
tation. The organ of Corti consists of two tions of the working groups within the
membranes – the basilar membrane and organisation, and gaining their strength
the tectorial membrane, between which from the extent to which the shared
are hair cells that trigger off an electrical beliefs, social identification and social rep-
impulse when vibrated. This then passes resentations in different working groups
to the fibres of the auditory nerve, which overlap with one another.
are embedded in the basilar membrane.
See also frequency theory, place theory. organisational psychology The study of
how people act and interact in organisa-
organic disorder A disorder that is
tions. Although sometimes regarded as
known, or at least believed, to be due to
a part of occupational psychology, organi-
a physiological or organic malfunction.
sational psychology is increasingly
The extent to which psychological dis-
accepted as an area of study in its own
orders result directly from organic brain
right. It is distinguished from industrial
dysfunction is one of the major con-
psychology in that it includes the public
troversies in the field. Psychiatrists are
sector and voluntary organisations.
more likely than psychologists to believe
that disorders are organic. The term is organism A term used during the behav-
sometimes used as a contrast (e.g. to dis- iourist era of psychology to describe
tinguish organic psychoses from those that animals and human beings when talking
are better understood psychologically, in terms of simple (stimulus–response)
and are called ‘functional’ psychoses). learning processes or motivational states,
organisational culture The set of implicit such as hunger or thirst drives. The use
beliefs, customs and conventions that of the term in preference to ‘animal’ or
are typical of a particular organisation, ‘person’ was intended to signify:
O 257

(i) the way in which stimulus– keeping the body very still, dilation
response learning is applied to all of the blood vessels in the head, EEG
active creatures alike, as the basic changes, and alterations to muscle tone,
building block of behaviour; and pupil dilation, heart rate and breath-
(ii) the dispassionate objectivity of the ing. This combination of physiological
scientist, whereby people were to changes means that the individual is
be regarded simply as units which more prepared to receive the stimulus.
emitted behaviour, irrespective of The opposite pattern, when a stimulus
sentimental human values. is being excluded, is called the defensive
reflex. See also attention.
See also social responsibility of science.
orofacial dyspraxia An impairment of
orgone energy A basic energy proposed speech that involves a problem in car-
by Wilhelm Reich to be the activat- rying out the coordinated movements
ing universal life force. Although it involved in speaking. See also dyspraxia.
bears some similarity to Freud’s con-
cept of the libido, Reich took his ideas orthodox sleep Ordinary, quiescent
very much further, arguing that orgone sleep that does not involve rapid eye
energy is a physical energy that can movements (REM) or the experience
be accumulated by special devices and of dreaming. Orthodox sleep occurs at
can be utilised directly for therapeutic four levels or stages, which correlate
purposes. Orgone energy, he argued, is with the subjective experience of being
the source and motivation of all life and lightly or deeply asleep, and with each
is generated by free sexual expression, showing characteristic EEG patterns.
among other things. Many members Stage 1 sleep is entered first, and is
of the psychological community at the the lightest form of sleep, with a fairly
time (from the 1940s to the 1950s) regular EEG pattern. Some dream-
found Reich’s claims extreme; the state ing may take place during this stage.
saw them as directly fraudulent and The sleeper then progresses through
prosecuted Reich accordingly. the stages to the deepest level of stage
4, in which the EEG is very irregular
orientation The angle at which some- with large spikes. In this stage, it is very
thing is arranged or exists. When used difficult to awaken the sleeper, and in
to refer to an individual’s theoretical children bed-wetting, night terrors and
stance, it means the attitude or position sleepwalking may occur. The pattern
which that individual adopts towards a changes through the period of sleeping
specific theory or school of thought. (see sleep cycles). Orthodox sleep is also
orienting Changing attention from one called NREM (non-rapid eye movement)
focus to another. See also covert orient- sleep. See also paradoxical sleep.
ing, orienting reflex.
orthographic lexicon The part of long-
orienting reflex A set of physiological term memory that stores word spellings.
and behavioural changes that occur
in response to an unexpected stimulus orthographic neighbours A term used
which attracts the attention of the indi- in cognitive research to refer to the
vidual. The orienting reflex includes number of words that can be formed
positioning of the body towards the from a target word, by changing one of
sound or other stimulus and then its letters.
258  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

orthography A system of writing. they come into contact with the eardrum,
osmoreceptors Although not empiri- or tympanic membrane. This marks the
cally established, osmoreceptors are boundary between the outer ear and the
thought to be receptors in the brain that middle ear, and vibrates in response to the
respond to changes in fluid composition air pressure. See also inner ear.
in brain cells, and so are thought to act outliers Scores or results which are so
as signals to the brain for the experience very different from the mean or other
of thirst. measure of central tendency that they
osmotic thirst See hypovolemic thirst. stand out from most of the other scores.

other-race effect The finding that overcompensation An excessive

memory for people of a similar ethnic response in attempting to overcome a
background to the observer is gener- disadvantage or difficulty. There is usu-
ally better than memory for the faces of ally an implication that the person who
­people of different ethnic backgrounds. does this is abnormally affected by the
See also face recognition. original problem. For example, a short
person who goes to exceptional lengths
otoliths Small particles of a bony sub- to disguise or compensate for their
stance that float in the fluid-filled height would be judged to be ­excessively
semicircular canals of the inner ear. The sensitive about it. The term is more
canals are lined with hair cells, which often used as a derogatory expression in
produce an electrical impulse when the lay language than in psychology, where
otoliths come into contact with them. it has no technical meaning. See also
In this way, movement and turbulence compensation.
of the fluid in the semicircular canals
are detected, which is an important fac- overextension The tendency, found
tor in the sense of balance. particularly in young children acquiring
a language, to apply words too widely
out-of-body experience (OOB) The (e.g. calling all animals ‘doggy’). See
subjective experience that the person is also overgeneralisation.
floating outside of their body, and only
connected to it very loosely. Sometimes overgeneralisation The situation that
experienced during dreaming, OOBs occurs when findings from research
are also characteristic of near-death are extended beyond their implica-
experiences. In parapsychology, they tions (e.g. when the extent of drug use
are believed by some to enable remote in a small group of students is used to
viewing of real-world objects. make claims about drug usage in the
general population). The term was also
outcome variable See dependent ­variable. used by Piaget to identify a character-
outer ear The part of the ear that is in istic of the preoperational stage, which
direct contact with the outside world. It was that young children would over-
includes the pinna and the lobe (the two generalise rules that they had learned
external parts of the ear itself) and the and apply them inappropriately.
auditory canal. The pinna and lobe serve Piaget argued that the characteristic
to direct sound waves into the auditory disappeared as the child matured, but
canal, and they pass along it in the form this may not be as clear-cut an issue as
of waves of changing air pressure until he assumed.
O 259

overt Apparent or obvious to the own-race effect The finding that peo-
observer. ple are more able to recognise faces of
people from their own ethnic group
overt orienting The visible sign that
than they are of those of another e­ thnic
someone’s attention has been drawn
group. This has been taken by some
to an object or phenomenon, shown by
social theorists as evidence of implicit
movements of the eyes, head or body.
racism, but, apart from in known racist
See also orienting reflex.
individuals, there is no neural indica-
ovum An egg. The female contribution tion that this effect is also linked with
to reproduction that requires fertilisa- negative affect. See also own-age bias.
tion by a male sperm. See also zygote.
oxytocin A peptide hormone released
own-age bias A phenomenon observed by the pituitary gland, which is involved
in eyewitness testimony, whereby people in attachment formation and is also
are more likely to identify someone involved in orgasm, lactation, and uter-
round about their own age as the cul- nine contractions during labour. See
prit, rather than much older or younger also vasopressin.
p-value The probability of a statisti- extremely popular in the study of mem-
cal outcome like the one that has been ory throughout the 1950s and 1960s, and
observed, if the null hypothesis is correct. demonstrated processes such as the pri-
P600 An event-related potential that macy effect, but in more recent times has
occurs in the temporal lobe, and seems been heavily criticised for its artificiality.
to be associated with the processing of pairing Presenting two stimuli in such
grammatical anomalies. It implies that a way that they always occur together.
syntactic structure is as important in lan- pairwise comparisons A term used in
guage processing as lexical knowledge, analysis of variance which describes com-
although not the same. paring two specific means from a larger
paedophilia A condition in which an set, in order to identify whether those
adult is sexually attracted to children two are significantly different.
and can only achieve sexual arousal PALS An acronym used in some psychol-
with them. See also sexual abuse. ogy syllabuses indicating Psychological
pain A state of acute discomfort brought Applied Learning Scenarios (i.e. aspects
about by stimulation of pain receptors, of real-world experience that are used to
or nociceptors, in the nervous system. demonstrate the operation of psycholog-
Pain can take several forms, and may be ical processes).
chronic or acute. See also nociception, pandemonium model A hierarchical
phantom limb. model of cognition, first proposed in
pain anxiety Fear or nervousness that the late 1960s, which forms an inter-
pain will be likely to occur. There is esting example of bottom-up processing.
also a model of pain perception bearing It was mainly concerned with feature
the same name which states that some recognition in perception, and how the
people become hyper-vigilant and over- identification of features can be com-
anxious about pain because they have bined to result in meaningful percepts.
developed what amounts to a phobia The model proposes a hierarchical
about it. As a result, these people tend organisation of ‘sub-demons’, ‘cognitive
to interpret ordinary states of discom- demons’ and ‘decision demons’. There
fort as more painful than another person are myriads of sub-demons, each of which
might. is tuned in to detecting specific aspects of
a stimulus, such as the specific letters in a
pair bonding A long-enduring rela- word. When a stimulus occurs, the appro-
tionship or attachment with a single priate sub-demon shrieks. The more
individual partner. similar the stimulus is to the demon’s
paired-associate learning A learning template, the louder it shrieks. The
task that involves the association or decision demon at the next level in the
linking together of two stimuli, usually hierarchy is faced with the task of decid-
words. This form of learning task was ing which of the shrieking sub-demons
DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
P 261

best represents the stimulus, taking into involved in empathy, and also in theory of
account other shrieking sub-demons mind (TOM).
responding to subsequent stimuli (hence paradigm The framework of assump-
the name ‘pandemonium model’). As tions or beliefs within which a
the overall picture becomes more com- particular item of knowledge is located.
plex, general cognitive demons come Literally, a paradigm is a set of beliefs
into action, which operate at a higher that are shared by a scientific commu-
level and represent complete concepts or nity, and which are used to interpret
schemata. Because of the idea of competi- factual information. Perhaps the clear-
tion between the demons at each level, est example of the power of a paradigm
this model is well able to cope with the can be seen in the ‘school chemistry
explanation of our response to ambiguous syndrome’, in which, despite rhetoric
stimuli, but some consider it to be less sat- about learning from direct observation,
isfactory in explaining some of the more thousands of children fail to obtain the
general aspects of active cognition. ‘correct’ results from their project work,
panic attack An anxiety disorder in but what is actually written up is the
which the person experiences sudden result that the scientific community
and unpredictable attacks of acute anxi- believes should have happened, rather
ety or terror that have no organic cause, than the one which actually did.
and which are not a response to any paradigm shift A time when the basic
threat in the environment. The anxiety paradigm of a particular science is
is increased by the fact that the person rejected and a completely new para-
does not know when another attack will digm becomes the standard. The shift to
happen, and cannot make any sense of a new paradigm is expected to resolve
what is happening to them. some of the weaknesses in the previous
Papez circuit A neural pathway based paradigm.
in and around the limbic system. It was paradigm specificity This occurs when
originally thought to be the source of the findings from a piece of research
feelings of emotion, but this idea has cannot be replicated unless all of the
not been supported by more recent neu- assumptions and conventions of expla-
rological observation. nation and procedure are also adopted
paracingulate cortex The area of the by the would-be replicator. In other
inner cerebrum immediately above the words, the findings apply only within
cingulate gyrus. It becomes particularly one specific knowledge paradigm, and
active in decoding and predicting social cannot be generalised outside of that
intentions. The anterior part of this region context.
is active in predicting them – both our paradox A situation in which two or
own and other people’s intentions, and more rules combine to give an impossible
has links with the prefrontal cortex. The outcome, such as the Cretan who said ‘all
posterior part of the paracingulate cortex Cretans are liars’. Paradoxes have been
becomes active when we are think- much studied in logic and mathematics,
ing about ourselves and how our own but for psychologists, the chief interest
behaviour connects with, or impacts, is in those that trap people into appar-
other people. The paracingulate cortex ently crazy behaviour (see double bind
is thought to be a significant brain area for an example). Some therapists believe
262  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

that many symptoms result from para- parallax See motion parallax.
doxes in the person’s life and so are best parallel distributed processing (PDP)
treated with a ‘counter-paradox’ designed A computer simulation system which
to free them. A common example would works on the principle that human rea-
be to instruct the person to have their soning often involves the simultaneous
‘uncontrollable’ symptom at a particular operation of more than one sequence of
time. If they have the symptom, then it arguments. Consequently, PDP involves
shows that they can control it. If they do simulation programs that operate several
not have the symptom, this shows that different logic chains simultaneously,
the symptom can be prevented (i.e. it is with considerable cross-linking between
controllable). As with any other power- them. The particular value of this
ful therapeutic technique, paradoxical approach appears to be that it is capa-
injunctions can be ineffective and poten- ble of producing novel or unexpected
tially harmful unless they are used with outcomes in computer problem-solving.
respect and sympathetic understanding The general approach to computer simu-
for the patient. lation expressed by this technique is also
paradoxical sleep A name given to known as connectionism.
the type of sleep in which rapid eye
parallel evolution See convergent
movements occur (it is also called
e­ volution.
rapid eye movement [REM] sleep), and
during which dreaming takes place. It parallel play A form of play in which
was named ‘paradoxical’ in the 1960s, two or more children play alongside
as a result of the discovery that EEG each other without direct interaction.
patterns shown in this type of sleep sug- It is common in young children before
gested that the sleeper was only sleeping social play becomes usual.
lightly and would wake easily, whereas
parallel processing The processing of
in reality, they proved very difficult to
information in such a way that more
wake by some stimuli (e.g. loud noises)
than one set of operations is happen-
but easy to waken by more meaningful
ing simultaneously. Models of parallel
events (e.g. having their name spoken).
processing were introduced to cognitive
See also orthodox sleep, sleep cycles.
psychology in an attempt to account for
paralanguage The non-verbal cues that the extremely rapid ways in which peo-
are used during speech and include ple can search for information, taking
speech sounds, such as ‘er’ and ‘um’, several features into account apparently
the timing of utterances or inflections all at the same time.
and accents. Paralanguage is an impor-
parameter A mathematical measure
tant part of communication through
of some characteristic of a population,
speech but provides information inde-
such as the mean. The same measure in
pendently of the actual verbal aspects of
a sample is called a statistic.
the communication. A measure of the
importance of paralanguage to speech is parametric statistics Statistical tech-
the way that in written language, punc- niques that have been developed on the
tuation is needed to substitute for the assumption that the data are of a certain
additional information normally added type. In particular, the measure should
through tones of voice or pauses. be an equal-interval scale, the scores
P 263

should be drawn from a normal distri- telepathy. A considerable amount of

bution, and different samples should be their work is also devoted to the study
independent of each other – the choice of deception (i.e. how fraudulent ‘psy-
of items or scores in one sample should chics’ manage to persuade people to
not have affected the choice of items or believe in clairvoyance, ESP, etc.).
scores in another. Because construction
parasympathetic division The division
of parametric statistical tests is based on
of the autonomic nervous system that
these assumptions, using them on data
comes into action during quiescent
that do not fit the assumptions can give
emotions, such as contentment or sor-
misleading results, although there seem
row. The parasympathetic division is
to be no clear answers about how serious
also concerned with processes for restor-
a problem this is. Parametric statistics
ing and conserving bodily resources such
are usually preferred because, by using
as digestion, and storing glycogen and
more of the information available in the
other reserves that have been depleted
data, they are more powerful in detect-
by the action of the sympathetic division
ing significant effects. The alternative
of the autonomic nervous system.
is to use non-parametric statistics that do
not make the same assumptions about pareidolia The tendency to misinterpret
the data. However, although there are a stimulus as an object or meaningful
non-parametric versions of correlation pattern, such as seeing faces in clouds or
and t-test, there are not always non- vegetables, or hearing hidden messages
parametric versions of more complex in music. See illusion.
techniques such as analysis of variance parenting A term used instead of moth-
and factor analysis. See also levels of ering either to emphasise that any adult
measurement. could be providing the care, or to refer
paranoia A disorder in which the person to a specific aspect of care of the young
is dominated by thoughts of persecu- that is undertaken by either parent.
tion, grandeur and sometimes jealousy. parent–infant interaction The forms
Intellectual functioning is not impaired, of interaction between caregivers (who
and great ingenuity may be shown in may or may not be the mother) and
interpreting every event to fit with the infants, particularly in the first few
paranoid belief. Most conspiracy theories months of life. This interaction has been
are essentially manifestations of paranoia. extensively studied to provide informa-
paranoid schizophrenia A schizo- tion about the beginnings of attachment,
phrenic condition of which the main and has been found to be very complex.
feature is paranoia, but the consistency Previously called mother–infant inter-
of the beliefs found in paranoia is miss- action, it has been shown that parents
ing. See also schizophrenia. of either gender are able to provide the
sensitive responsiveness which forms
parapsychology The study of phenom-
the basis of attachment. See also trans-
ena that resemble psychological or
action, contingency.
physical events, but cannot be explained
by accepted principles or mechanisms. parietal lobe The large area of the cer-
Parapsychologists investigate instances ebrum located behind the central fissure
of apparent clairvoyance, psychokine- and above the occipital lobe. See also
sis, ESP (extrasensory perception) and frontal lobe, temporal lobe.
264  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Parkinson’s disease A progressive neural apparent correlation between health

disease that mostly affects older people, and IQ may be much reduced.
producing gradual loss of motor con- partial reinforcement Reinforcement in
trol, noticeable trembling of the limbs, an operant conditioning process that is not
and eventually resulting in paralysis. given every time the desired behaviour is
Parkinson’s disease is known to be caused shown, but only some of the time. This
by dopamine deficiency in the brain, and is also known as intermittent reinforce-
the symptoms can sometimes be allevi- ment and produces a somewhat slower
ated by treatment with a drug known as but stronger form of learning that is more
L-dopa, which is converted into dopa- resistant to extinction. See also reinforce-
mine in the brain itself. Unfortunately, ment schedule.
this form of treatment also has distress-
ing side effects, so it is not regarded as participant The title given to someone
a fully satisfactory method of manag- taking part in research who is not the
ing the disease. Long-term use of many researcher. It has replaced the term ‘sub-
antipsychotic drugs can produce a set of ject’, which was felt to imply (or recognise)
symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, that there was a one-way process in which
known as drug-induced Parkinsonism. researchers operated on passive subjects
See also hypokinetic. who had less awareness or control of what
was happening. Using the term ‘partici-
parsimonious Parsimonious explanation pant’ reminds us that research is a mutual
is the form of explanation that is the most venture in which everyone involved has
efficient, or requires the fewest number of hypotheses about what is happening and
adjustments, conditions or iterations to intentions about what should happen.
be complete. See also Occam’s razor.
participant observation A research tech-
parsimony principle See Occam’s razor. nique in which the researcher takes a
parsing The process of analysing sets of full role in the group being studied, often
words or sentences to identify the syntac- without the other members being aware
tic structures that determine how they are of the research. In this way, the distortion
grouped. produced by the presence of an observer is
part-whole effect The way that a facial minimised, and the researcher can obtain
feature is more easily recognised if it is a fuller appreciation of the experiences of
presented as part of a whole face, than if the group. See also action research, obser-
it is presented on its own. See also face vational study, passive observation.
recognition. particularistic meanings Meanings of
partial correlation A calculation of words or phrases that are entirely depend-
the correlation between two variables ent on the context in which they are
which is adjusted so that the influence uttered. See also universalistic meanings.
of the correlation of each of them with Parvo cells Cells that form part of a
a third variable is eliminated. For exam- major visual pathway in the brain.
ple, in a given sample, physical health Parvo cells are found in the visual cortex
and IQ might correlate, but it may be and carry information about colour and
that each of these variables correlates fine detail. They are thought to have
with the quality of diet. Once the cor- evolved more recently than the com-
relation with diet is ‘partialled out’, the plementary magno cells.
P 265

passive observation A form of observa- ground organisation (i.e. the inherent

tion in which the researcher is physically tendency for our perceptual system to
present but takes no active part in what is organise sensory data into meaningful
going on. Compare participant observation. figures set against backgrounds). This
pattern perception The way in which organisational principle produces our
different perceptual features of shapes ability to perceive patterns. It is also evi-
or figures are recognised as belong- dent in the perception of other sensory
ing together and forming a pattern of modes, such as music or speech percep-
stimuli, rather than being separate and tion, which involve pattern perception
discrete. Without pattern perception, in linking and distinguishing the differ-
our subjective experience would sim- ent components of the information.
ply be of patches of light and dark, or pattern recognition The ability to
of patches of colour, without any link- identify or recognise two-dimensional
ing of the stimuli into meaningful units. patterns, such as fingerprints or cartoon
The basis of pattern perception is figure- images. See also pattern perception.

Pavlov, Ivan P. (1849–1936)

Despite his personal identification as a physiologist, Pavlov became one of the
most well-known figures in psychology’s history. His discovery of conditioned
reflexes while studying digestion in dogs led to a systematic investigation of
learning processes and established the principles of classical conditioning.
These were taken as a foundation concept in behaviourism by J.B. Watson,
and so influenced the development of psychology throughout the twentieth
century. Pavlov was Professor of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental
Medicine in St Petersburg for nearly 50 years, between 1890 and 1939, and
remained in post under Lenin despite being an outspoken opponent of the
Bolsheviks. There are sometimes advantages to being an internationally rec-
ognised, prestigious scientist.

Pavlovian conditioning See classical PDP See parallel distributed processing.

conditioning. peak experience The rare experience
payoff matrix In game theory, this is a of feeling for a moment complete and
matrix that lists the costs and benefits at one with oneself and the world.
to the players which would result from Maslow regarded peak experiences as
the differing decisions of players. important, but not essential, aspects of
PDD-NOS This stands for ‘pervasive self-­actualisation.
developmental disorders not otherwise Pearson’s product–moment correla-
specified’ (i.e. problems developed in tion (r) A measure of correlation that
childhood that appear to fit the cat- uses interval data (see levels of measure-
egory of autistic spectrum disorders, but ment). It is a parametric test that makes
don’t have a clear label or reflect a the standard assumptions about the data.
known grouping of symptoms). It is the preferred measure of correla-
266  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

tion if the data are suitable. If not, then now forms part of cognitive psychology.
Spearman’s rank–order correlation coeffi- Perception can be distinguished from
cient is generally used, at least for smaller sensation, which concerns the stimula-
numbers, although for large samples its tion of sensory receptors and may also
outcomes are deemed to be so similar to be restricted to the earlier stages of pro-
Pearson’s that the latter is used to assess cessing incoming information. However,
significance. See also statistics. there is no fully agreed definition. Some
pecking order An idea taken from the theorists, such as Ulric Neisser, regard
observation that chickens seem to have perception as identical to the rest of cog-
a social hierarchy in which anyone can nition, and so would make little or no
peck those below them, but not those distinction between the two. Perception
above. The unfortunate character at includes several distinct areas, such as
the bottom is under attack from all of visual perception, person perception, audi-
the others, and is literally ‘henpecked’. tory perception, and the perception of
The term has been extended to describe other forms of information such as noci-
any social hierarchy in which there is a ception, or gustatory, tactile or olfactory
clear and specific definition of the order stimulation.
in which people or animals are domi- perceptual constancy The way in
nant. This is more technically known which a person’s perception adjusts
as a dominance hierarchy and in its strict itself so that the world is seen as
form turns out to be surprisingly rare in constant, despite the changes in stimu-
animal societies. lation detected by the sense organs.
peer group A group composed of people The perceptual constancies enable us
from similar backgrounds and of equal to perceive events more accurately in
status. The term is most commonly used terms of their meaning (e.g. people are
to indicate that the group is composed seen as the same size, however far away
of children of equal age. they are). There are many forms of per-
ceptual constancy, of which the most
penis envy In psychoanalytic theory, the studied have been the visual phenom-
envy that girls are claimed to feel about ena of size constancy, shape constancy,
the fact that boys have a penis and they colour constancy and location constancy.
do not. Freud believed that women
experience penis envy throughout their perceptual cycle The cognitive process
lives, but this is now a deeply unfashion- described by Neisser, in which actions
able point of view for which Freud has are directed by a combination of our
received his fair share of interpretations. expectations and our direct experi-
ence. The cycle involves anticipatory
percept The impression which the schemas which direct our exploration of
person receives of that which is being the perceptual world. That exploration
perceived. The percept is the subjective samples perceptual information from
or internal experience that represents the real world, which in turn directs
an object or event in the external world. action, which modifies our anticipatory
See also representation. schemas. So we are constantly using
perception The process by which we information from our actions and atten-
analyse and make sense of incoming sen- tion to revise our expectations, and
sory information. Perception has been those expectations are then directing
studied extensively by psychologists, and our actions and attention.
P 267

perceptual defence The idea that the periaqueductal grey Grey matter in
perceptual system has higher thresh- the midbrain that has been shown to be
olds for perceiving information that is involved in nociception.
psychologically threatening to the indi- peripheral dyslexia A form of disrup-
vidual, meaning that such information tion of the reading process resulting
is less likely to be detected or recog- from spatial and attentional distur-
nised. See also defence mechanism. bances, and also disruption of the ability
perceptual organisation The structur- to compute word forms. Pure alexia is an
ing of visual information, in such a way example of peripheral dyslexia. See also
that it becomes possible to detect figures dyslexia.
against backgrounds, and patterns. See peripheral nervous system A term for
also pattern perception. those parts of the nervous system that
perceptual set A state of readiness or are not included in the central nervous
preparedness to perceive certain kinds system (the brain and spinal cord). The
of information rather than other kinds. peripheral nervous system accordingly
Perceptual set is a powerful phenom- includes the autonomic nervous system
enon that links closely with selective and the somatic nervous system, which is
attention and which can be affected by composed of motor and sensory neurones
a range of circumstances, such as prior carrying information to and from the
experience, emotion, motivation, cul- central nervous system.
ture and habit. See also mental set. peripheral traits Personality or attitude
perceptual span The field of view in traits that are not particularly funda-
reading. It has been shown that expert mental to the person’s sense of self or
readers have a wider visual span than identity, and can therefore be fairly eas-
novice readers (i.e. they can take in ily changed.
more words before and after the word perirhinal cortex An area close to the
they are focusing on at a given glance). hippocampus which is concerned with
perfect correlation An exact, one-to-one recognition and familiarity. It has
correlation, in which one variable always strong links with the sensory pathways
increases or decreases in perfect propor- and codes whether an object or experi-
tion to the amount that the other variable ence is familiar or unfamiliar. See also
increases. Perfect correlations may be entorhinal cortex, rhinal sulcus.
either positive or negative, have a numer- permastore Another name for long-term
ical value of 1, and are extremely rare. memory storage.
performance A term used in experimen- perseveration The failure to change
tal psychology for the level of competence focus in a task, or to act differently from
that a person or animal achieves on a par- a previous response when asked – typical
ticular task. of those with prefrontal cortex damage.
performance decrement A measure of See also Wisconsin card-sorting test.
the increase in the number of failures person identity node (PIN) An abstract
or misses achieved by a research partici- level of representation proposed as part
pant on a particular task, over a specified of the ways that we recognise people.
period of time – in other words, how The idea is that the person identity
much worse they get at doing the task. node links with face recognition units
268  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

and with other stored semantic memory person was actively making sense of the
about that person and is activated when world by formulating hypotheses about
the person, or information about them it, and then testing them, much as a sci-
such as their name, is encountered. entist investigates their chosen subject
person perception The application of area. By identifying the special, personal
methods of studying and understanding set of constructs that the individual uses,
perception to the perception of people. a therapist would be far better placed to
Person perception is fundamental to the understand that person and to assist them
process of understanding other people with their problems in living. Kelly’s was
and often, by implication, ourselves. It therefore an idiographic theory, concerned
has been found to have the usual fea- with the uniqueness of the individual and
tures of perception when it is operating how they understood their world. The
in conditions in which the object is form of assessment known as the reper-
complex and the conditions are difficult. tory grid, which Kelly developed, allows
That is, it is highly influenced by set and the therapist to identify the individual’s
expectations, and by the needs, fears and own constructs in order to use them in
wishes of the observer. Person perception analysing that person’s experience. See
is an active and highly researched area also laddering.
within psychology, involving the study personal growth The development of
of attribution, non-verbal communication, character and personal qualities such as
interpersonal attitudes and social memory. tolerance or self-efficacy as the person
personal attributions Attributions which becomes more mature. According to
are seen to apply just because that particu- Carl Rogers, personal growth is another
lar person was involved. They therefore way of describing the process of self-­
tend to relate to some unique or identi- actualisation – the development and
fying characteristic of that person. For making real of one’s talents and abilities.
example, passing a very high-level music Personal growth may occur in response to
examination on the cello would be likely life events, or as a result of therapy. See
to be attributed to the special character- also post-traumatic personal growth, client-
istic of exceptionally high talent. If the centred therapy, actualising tendency.
attributed causal sequence would have personal space The distance that peo-
happened whoever was involved, it is ple keep between themselves and others
classed as ‘universal’. Some writers, such during everyday activities. This distance
as Seligman, treat personal attributions as will vary depending on the individual’s
being the same as internal attributions. culture, the circumstances, and their
personal constructs A unique set of relationship with the other person – we
ideas about the world and the people in tend to position ourselves more closely to
it, which each individual develops and intimate friends than we do to strangers.
uses to make sense of the world and to Personal space is a manifestation of prox-
function effectively in it. Personal con- emics and an important non-verbal cue. It
structs were proposed by George Kelly as is often described in terms of territoriality.
the individual theories that people use to personalism The degree to which
generate hypotheses in order to explain the actions of others are perceived
their experience. Kelly’s model of the as directed particularly towards your-
person was of ‘man as scientist’ – that the self. There is evidence that we tend to
P 269

overestimate the extent to which this sonality inventory designed to compare

happens (i.e. we over-personalise). See individuals or projective tests such as the
also attribution, hedonic relevance. thematic apperception test or the Rorschach
personality Those relatively enduring inkblot test. Alternatively, they may be
features of an individual that account for idiographic, often based on phenomenology,
their characteristic ways of behaving. We such as the repertory grid or the Q-sort.
put this forward as a useful definition, but personality disorder A term for the
many alternatives would be possible. The very broad class of psychological disor-
differences are not a matter of accuracy, ders that seem to arise from long-term
but of deciding which approach to the characteristics of the person. Roughly
subject is most likely to be productive. speaking, the term applies to conditions
Some uses of the term ‘personality’ refer that reflect what the person is, rather
to patterns of behaviour rather than their than how they behave (behaviour dis-
causes or, more narrowly, to the social orders). Examples include psychopathic
roles that a person adopts. Some theories personality and paranoia.
are concerned with the way in which personality dynamics An approach to
the structures underlying personality are understanding behaviour in terms of
formed (e.g. Freud), and in general, the the active interplay of aspects of the
psychodynamic approaches stress person- personality structure. Freud’s account
ality as an integrated whole, more than of personality in terms of interactions
the sum of its parts (see personality dynam- between the id, ego and superego is the
ics). Other theories are trying to attain classic example.
a biological basis (e.g. Eysenck’s type
theory). Another approach is to measure personality inventory A personal-
different aspects of people on the assump- ity test that takes the form of a set of
tion that their behaviour is the product straightforward questions about the
of many traits. In some respects, type and individual’s behaviour, which is used to
trait theory have come together with the build up a personality profile or to assess
five-factor theory. Completely different personality traits quantitatively accord-
is the line taken by many psychologists, ing to a predetermined set of criteria.
such as Walter Mischel, who claims that See also trait theory.
there is little evidence of stable structures personality profile A system for describ-
within people that cause them to behave ing the outcome of a personality test
in certain ways. Instead, he suggests that, that assesses the individual in terms of
as far as human behaviour is consistent at predefined traits. Rather than just pro-
all, it is consistent because people tend viding a single score as the outcome of
to spend their time in particular kinds the test, an image of how the individual
of environments and so behave in recog- has scored on each of the set of traits is
nisable ways. Mischel would claim that given, usually graphically.
there is no such thing as personality as
personality trait A dimension of person-
defined above.
ality, such as affability or introversion.
personality assessment A system for Trait theories of personality tend to
measuring the personality character- assume that traits are (a) stable and (b)
istics of different people. Personality inherited, although not all trait theorists
assessments may be nomothetic, using the hold these beliefs to the same degree.
format of objective testing, as in a per- Personality tests are usually based on
270  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

trait theories, although they vary in the phantosmia A sensory illusion that con-
actual traits they attempt to measure. sists of the experience of a non-existent
personification A form of objectification smell. See olfaction.
in which the idea becomes associated pharmacodynamics The biochemical
with a particular individual (e.g. the and physiological effects of drugs on the
identification of a particular economic body.
ideology as ‘Thatcherism’).
pharmacokinesis Muscular movements
persuasion The social process of encour- or spasms that result from the actions
aging a person to act or think in a of drugs rather than originating with a
particular way or towards a specific goal. disorder. The spasms characteristic of
See also attitude. Parkinson’s disease, and once thought
PET scans See positron emission tomog- to be an inevitable symptom, have now
raphy. been shown to be pharmacokinetic in
PGO waves A characteristic waveform
of electrical activity in the brain often phenomenal consciousness The con-
found in REM sleep. They get their name tent of immediate awareness, sometimes
because they originate in the pons, go also described as the ‘raw’, or unpro-
through to the lateral geniculate nuclei, cessed, feeling of sensation.
and then pass on to the occipital cortex. phenomenal field A term used by per-
phallic stage The third psychosexual stage ceptual theorists to describe the totality,
in Freudian theory, in which the child’s or complete picture, of what is being
interest focuses on the penis. Having perceived.
based a significant part of personality phenomenological research Research,
development on something possessed by usually interview-based, which operates
only half of the species, Freud’s theory from a phenomenological perspective
ran into all kinds of complications, and and is therefore concerned with seeing
some accusations of male chauvinism, events, people and the world in general
about this stage. The phallic stage ends from the point of view of the research
with the Oedipus conflict and is generally participant. Conducting phenom-
concerned with issues of potency. The enological research involves analysing
term ‘phallic’ is used when the emphasis research interviews through four stages:
is on symbolic aspects of the penis. bracketing (setting aside presupposi-
phantom limb The experience, by people tions), analysing (looking at the whole
who have had a limb amputated, of sen- experience and selecting the focus and
sations as if they still had the limb. It is of scope of the study), intuiting (explor-
interest to psychologists partly because of ing the data) and finally describing, in
what it says about pain perception, partly which insights from the previous stages
because of its therapeutic challenges, and are pulled together to form a coherent
partly because it is informative about how account. See also phenomenology.
the body image is maintained. phenomenology The position that the
phantom pain Pain which is experi- only reality of which we can be directly
enced as coming from a part of the body aware is conscious experience. It there-
that has been amputated. See also body fore attempts to study the ways that
image, phantom limb. consciousness develops and operates.
P 271

Phenomenology was initiated within is widely used in illuminated advertising

philosophy and has had its main appli- signs, and can sometimes be very con-
cation within sociology. In psychology, vincing. Should the lights be arranged
it provided the impetus for constructivist in a circle, the perceived circular motion
theories. is seen as describing a circle of smaller
phenotype The developed organism that diameter than the actual arrangement
results from the interaction of the genetic of the lights. It is thought that the phi
characteristics which were inherited phenomenon is a manifestation of the
from the parents, and the environment Gestalt psychologists’ principle of closure
in which development occurs. Although occurring with dynamic stimuli rather
the term carries an idea of an end product, than with static ones. See visual illu-
the phenotype is a dynamic rather than a sions.
static phenomenon that, as both genetic phobia A neurotic disorder in which
and environmental influence continue there is a strong and persistent fear of
throughout life, is constantly developing objects or situations that is not justi-
and changing. See also genotype. fied by any danger that they pose. The
phenotype-first An approach to genetic sufferer will be aware that the fear is
analysis that involves comparing many irrational, but will make strenuous
different phenotypes in order to explore attempts to avoid the feared situation.
or identify genetic differences. See also Often the symptoms can best be seen as
genotype-first. attempts to avoid the (very unpleasant)
sensations of anxiety, rather than being
pheromones Chemicals that are closely tied to the feared object. Phobias
released into the atmosphere from the may be attached to a wide range of situa-
body and which provide a form of com- tions, and particular forms are indicated
munication, as they are detected by by putting the appropriate term (usually
other members of the species. Many in Latin or Greek form) in front of the
species release distinctive pheromones word, as in agoraphobia and claustro-
to signal sexual receptiveness, and syn- phobia. Specific phobias can usually be
thesised pheromones are often used by treated effectively by behaviour therapy,
animal breeders to facilitate the mating but many of them, such as agoraphobia,
of their animals. Although pheromone incorporate a fear of social interaction,
detection appears to be linked to the and are more difficult to treat.
sense of smell, it is not identical to it, as
many pheromones seem to exert a direct phobic disorder The standard term used
effect on hormone balance. to cover all of the phobias.

phi phenomenon An illusion of move- phobic reaction The full range of

ment brought about by the sequencing behaviours shown by a person suffering
in the illumination of adjacent lights. If from a phobia.
one light comes on when the other goes phoneme A basic unit of spoken
off, and the light next to it goes on when l­anguage – a speech sound. Phonemes
that goes off, what is perceived (assum- are not the same as syllables. A one-
ing it happens reasonably quickly) is an syllable word such as ‘cat’, for instance,
impression of one light moving across is made up of three distinct phonemes
from the location of the first one to the that are combined to produce the syl-
location of the last. This ­phenomenon lable, or morpheme.
272  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

phoneme restoration The way that a improved teaching of reading in schools,

listener will often ‘fill in’ a missing pho- with varying outcomes. See also dyslexia.
neme in order to make cognitive sense of phonology The study of fundamental
the utterance that they are listening to. speech sounds, how they differ in their
phonemics The study of regularities use within a language and between dif-
and distinctive patterns in the combi- ferent languages.
nation of phonemes in spoken language. photopsin A light-sensitive chemical in
Compare phonetics. the retina that responds to coloured light.
phonetic spelling Methods of spelling There are different types of photopsin,
that are exactly equivalent to the sounds responding to different wavelengths. See
of the spoken words. In English, there- also rhodopsin.
fore, phonetic spelling bears very little photoreceptors Cells in the retina that
resemblance to written English. respond to light and so are necessary for
phonetics The study of speech sounds vision.
in terms of their physical properties phrenology The theory, popular in the
rather than their use to create meaning- nineteenth century, that if someone
ful speech (phonemics). had a particular ability, then the rel-
phonological To do with the perception evant area of their brain would be larger,
of words as sounds. and would affect the shape of the skull.
Phrenologists aimed to map the bulges
phonological dysgraphia A condition in the skull caused by this greater brain
in which familiar words can be written development and believed that men-
easily, but non-words cannot. See also tal faculties could be measured in this
dysgraphia. way. The belief was so widely shared
phonological dyslexia The ability to read that phrenological evidence was even
real words more easily than non-words. accepted in law courts. In fact, a whole
See also dyslexia, peripheral dyslexia. industry developed in which the technol-
ogy of skull measurement and pictorial
phonological lexicon The abstract speech
representation of the recordings received
sounds that make up known words. The
much greater attention than the validity
phonological lexicon is slightly, or some-
of the results. Many psychologists claim
times considerably, different for each
that current personality assessment does
not make the same mistake.
phonological loop A part of the working
phylogenetic scale An approximate
memory model that stores verbal infor-
scale that attempts to chart an evolu-
mation as temporary auditory images.
tionary progression through different
phonological mediation The idea that types and groups of species to human
reading for understanding is depend- beings. Species are ranked in order of
ent on converting the visual input of approximate similarity to humans, with
the word to its speech equivalent. The primates being closest and thus seen as
alternative view is that the processes higher up the phylogenetic scale, and
of understanding written words and with fish and reptiles being seen as sig-
transcoding text into speech are two sep- nificantly lower down. The concept of
arate, but interlinked, cognitive tasks. the phylogenetic scale is an inherently
Both theories have led to proposals for misleading one, implying as it does that
P 273

evolution proceeds in a linear fashion, shared characteristics, such as increased

and that other species can be seen as heart rate and sweating, redirection of
steps towards an ultimate goal, but the blood supply, dilated pupils, and other
concept of species similarity which it adjustments to bodily function that pro-
contains is sometimes useful in evalu- vide the body with additional energy,
ating studies in comparative psychology. strength or responsiveness. See also
If we want to generalise to human alarm reaction, autonomic nervous system,
behaviour, it makes more sense to take galvanic skin response.
examples from other primate groups, or physiological correlate A physical
at least mammals, than it does to take change that accompanies a behavioural
them from species that are far less closely or psychological response. The term is
related, such as birds, insects or fish. used to avoid making assumptions about
phylogeny The evolutionary processes causality. It may be recognised, for
by which a species develops its charac- instance, that a cognitive event such as
teristics. See also ontogeny. concentration or sleep is accompanied
physical abuse Physical abuse may by physiological changes in the body.
involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poi- However, the relationship between
soning, burning or scalding, drowning, the physiological change and the event
suffocating or otherwise causing physical itself is not a simplistic causal one, and
harm to a person. Physical harm may also so the term ‘physiological correlate’ is
be caused when a parent or carer fabri- adopted as a description.
cates the symptoms of, or deliberately physiological determinism The belief
induces, illness in a child. Sometimes that psychological processes are directly
called non-accidental injury or NAI. See caused by physiological processes. See
child abuse. also determinism.
physical punishment Punishment physiological needs Identified by
that involves some identifiable mate- Maslow as being the lowest level in his
rial consequence, such as keeping a hierarchy of human needs, physiological
child in after school, or loss of pocket needs are the requirements for physical
money. Although corporal punishment functioning, such as the needs for food,
is included in this category, the term water, etc.
physical punishment is used to describe physiological psychology The study of
a wider range of punishments than sim- the way in which human behaviour and
ple physical chastisement. Compare cognition are influenced or informed
psychological punishment. by processes that take place physically
physiological arousal A general concept within the body. The term ‘physiological’
used to describe a combination of physi- is preferred to ‘biological’ because such
cal and physiological reactions to threat, influences are usually exerted by whole
excitement or sexual stimulation. There systems of physical functioning operating
is a dispute among researchers about the together, as is demonstrated, for exam-
extent to which a general concept of ple, in the fight or flight response, or the
‘arousal’ is useful since there are many sensory information-processing systems.
different forms of arousal for different Physiological psychology is often seen as
states. Nonetheless, there are gener- being inherently reductionist as it explains
ally considered to be several commonly behaviour in terms of the actions of
274  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

neurones and chemicals, but many pie chart A diagram that presents fre-
physiological psychologists maintain an quency data in the form of a circle
interactionist approach to the subject, in divided into ‘slices’. The size of each slice
which physiological factors are seen as indicates the proportion of the complete
contributing to or influencing behaviour data-set that the variable makes up.
but not necessarily determining it.
pilomotor response The response of the
physiological reductionism The claim hair of the body standing on end at times
that the best way to understand psycho- of extreme fear or rage. In many animals,
logical processes is to reduce them to this forms an impressive signal, resulting
their underlying physiological mecha- in the animal looking much larger and,
nisms, and to study the latter. This presumably, more fearsome to a would-
approach assumes that physiological be attacker. It is also sometimes used to
determinism operates, and usually takes fluff up the hair to provide added protec-
the form of attempting to explain all tion from cold. In human beings, owing
psychological processes in terms of brain to the shortness and near invisibility of
function. See reductionism. much body hair, the pilomotor response
physiology The functioning of physi- simply results in the skin appearance
cal systems in the body, such as the known as goose pimples, as the contrac-
regulation of blood flow and digestive tion of the small muscle at the base of
processes. ‘Physiology’ used on its own each hair pulls the surrounding skin into
usually refers to the workings of the a small bump. The response is not par-
body as a whole, living unit. ticularly intimidating to others.

Piaget, Jean (1896–1980)

Piaget started his psychological studies wanting to understand how mathe-
matical and scientific thinking had developed in human culture. His concept
of genetic epistemology (‘genetic’ refers to development, not genes) led him to
begin his explorations of the nature of human knowledge by studying how
thinking develops in the child. Sixty years, 50 books and 500 papers later,
he was still working on this. Piaget’s theory is based on the idea that cogni-
tive development occurs through the reduction of egocentrism, and through
equilibration, dealing with new experiences by the processes of schema devel-
opment through assimilation and accommodation. Like most of the classic
developmental theories, Piaget’s was based on stages, in this case of cognitive
functioning – the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete oper-
ational stage and the formal operational stage. Piaget insisted that children’s
logic is appropriate to their stage, and not just an inadequate version of adult
thinking. Piaget’s theory continues to be extremely influential, especially in
education, but he underestimated the abilities of the child by concentrating
on reasoning about the physical world – it is now recognised that the child’s
social reasoning is more sophisticated. See also adaptation, conservation, moral
development, naughty teddy, operation, reversibility.
P 275

pilot test The testing of an initial ver- pity A form of concern about someone
sion of a questionnaire by administering else’s situation, which involves an indica-
it to a smaller sample of respondents. tion of awareness of the negative aspects
The idea of piloting is to identify prob- of it and a sense of feeling sorry for them.
lems with either the questions or the
pivot words Words that children seem
proposed method of analysis.
to use in the earliest stage of language
PIN See person identity node. acquisition, as a base to which a large
pineal gland A gland situated centrally number of other words (called open
in the brain, which was once thought to words) can be attached (e.g. ‘allgone
be the seat of the soul. The pineal gland car’, ‘allgone Daddy’, ‘nasty allgone’).
is known to be involved in the hormo- Pivot words were once thought to be
nal changes which signal the onset of the basis of grammar, and it was hoped
puberty and is also involved in diurnal to extend the concept to utterances
rhythms and seasonal hormonal varia- of three or more words. The idea is no
tion, although the precise functioning longer widely used in theories of lan-
of the gland is far from established. guage development.

pinna The dish-like part of the outer pixel A minimal spatial unit (e.g. a dot
ear that helps directs sound into the on a computer screen). See also voxel.
ear canal. The shape of each ear is dis- PK See psychokinesis.
tinctive, and evidence shows that the
distinctive pattern of sound reflection place cells Neurones in the hippocampus
from an individual’s pinna is actively that are closely linked with location in
recognised in the cognitive processing of space. They respond when a person or
external sounds. See also audition. animal is in a particular location in allo-
centric space (i.e. in response to their own
pitch The property of sound that relates
to the frequency of the sound wave, and
allows different sounds to be experienced place theory The idea that the pitch
as ranging from low to high. High pitches or frequency of a sound is identified by
have more vibrations per second (hertz) the brain in terms of the specific region
than low pitches, and the general range of the organ of Corti that is stimulated,
of perception of sounds by the human with high tones triggering off the hair
ear spans from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Other cells nearest to the oval window, while
animals can perceive sounds outside this lower tones stimulate hair cells further
range (e.g. elephants and whales are along the cochlea.
able to detect very low-pitched sounds,
placebo A fake or dummy form of medi-
while bats notably perceive sounds that
cation that is given during experimental
are pitched at higher levels than humans
trials investigating the effects of drugs,
can detect). See also frequency theory,
or which purports to be a medical treat-
place theory.
ment when no alternative is apparent or
pituitary gland The main or ‘master con- desirable. A placebo resembles the drug
trol’ gland of the endocrine system. The it is representing but has no measurable
pituitary gland has a direct link with the effect on the body. In research, it allows
hypothalamus and secretes hormones that control of experimental effects such as
carry signals to all of the other glands, the influence of beliefs, by ­comparing
stimulating their operations. the results of those people who have
276  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

had the drug and those who have had platykurtic A distribution of scores
the placebo. In most such studies, a with many examples of extremes, such
double-­blind control will be used, such that the normal distribution curve
that experimenter effects are also con- appears flattened. See also kurtosis.
trolled, as the experimenter is not aware play There is no satisfactory definition
of who has taken the placebo and who of play. Either it is defined by exclusion,
has taken the drug. See placebo effect. which amounts to saying it is not work,
placebo effect The positive effects caused or the definition makes assumptions that
by taking a placebo along with a belief fail to capture the appropriate range of
that the treatment will work. Although activities. Such a situation is usually
previously thought to have been a simple an indication that there is no adequate
self-delusion, research has indicated that theory. Our ignorance about play comes
the placebo effect activates a complex under two headings – functions and cause.
neurological process, triggering neuro- Function is concerned with the role that
transmitters linked with reward pathways play has in the development of the indi-
such as dopamine and endorphins, and stim- vidual, and how it came to be present in
ulating neural pathways which are able to the species. Theories here concentrate
mitigate pain, generate positive emotional on the fact that much play results in the
reactions, and increase self-awareness. See development of skills that will be useful
also mindfulness, self-fulfilling prophecy. later in life, but that play is uncoupled
from serious consequences, and so can
planned comparisons in analysis of vari-
be indulged in safely by the immature
ance, these are checks for significance or
organism. The issue of cause – whether
other relationships in the data which have
a particular child will play in a particular
been explicitly stated before the analysis
situation – is even less well understood,
was carried out. Compare unplanned com-
with most work having been done under
the heading of exploration. Clues to both
planum temporale A triangular region function and cause can be found by study-
located just behind the auditory cortex ing the forms that play takes. Most of this
which forms the heart of Wernicke's research has concentrated on pre-school
area, allowing speech-related sounds children, as many of their activities
to be integrated with non-sound infor- involve play, and there is relatively little
mation in order to facilitate language research into adult play. See also fantasy.
understanding. See also language areas.
play therapy A range of techniques in
plasticity This refers to the brain’s abil- the diagnosis and treatment of children
ity to change as a result of experience. that exploit the child’s tendency to
It used to be thought that neural plas- play. Often materials such as puppets,
ticity only lasted until puberty, but it is dolls or just a piece of string may be
now clear that some degree of plasticity provided and kept for the child between
remains throughout the whole lifespan. sessions. In play, the child will explore
However, while neural plasticity (as in concerns that cannot be expressed in
recovering from brain damage or abla- words, and the therapist both learns
tion) happens virtually automatically in about the child’s problems and can help
children, plasticity in later life is strongly the child to find ways of dealing with
related to effort and ­persistence. anxieties and difficulties.
P 277

pleasure centre A part of the brain element in overall body height results
that has been shown not to exist, inter- from the action of several genes contrib-
est in this area resulted from studies uting to the development of different
in the 1970s showing that stimulation parts of the body. Genetic research
of an area of the limbic system created indicates that most physical character-
sensations of pleasure. More recent neu- istics are actually polygenic, and that
rological investigations indicate that phenotypic development caused by the
these outcomes resulted from a com- action of a single gene is actually quite
plex reward pathway rather than a single rare. Phenotypic characteristics that are
‘pleasure centre’. See also ESB. polygenic show continuous variation in
pleasure principle In Freudian theory, the population, as height does.
the basic function of the id is to pursue polygraph A device used to measure
pleasure. In infancy, with a high degree autonomic arousal. A polygraph takes
of dependency on caregivers, and before measurements of a number of different
the ego with its reality principle has devel- indices and provides a multiple read-
oped, pleasure must be achieved either out (‘poly’ is from the Greek, meaning
through dependency on caretakers or ‘many’). Typically, a polygraph will take
through fantasy. In this context, Freud measurements of blood pressure and
wrote of pleasure as the reduction of heart rate, EEG, galvanic skin response
tension, as if all stimulation or arousal, and muscular tension. By such means,
at least for the infant, is unpleasant. it is possible to tell when an individual
pluralistic ignorance This occurs when is under stress, and so polygraphs are
everyone in a group believes something often used as lie detectors. A consider-
but no one expresses it, and so each per- able amount of controversy surrounds
son thinks they are alone in their belief. their use in criminal investigation, as it
Cases of bystander apathy and crowd is not possible to distinguish the stress
behaviour may depend at least partly produced by telling lies from that pro-
on pluralistic ignorance combined with duced by other factors (e.g. anxiety on
conformity to the presumed beliefs of behalf of someone else, anxiety caused
the rest of the group. The concept also by being wired up to a complicated
informs the idea of a ‘silent majority’. machine, or physical pain).

point of subjective equality (PSE) The polymorphism The process of occurring

value of a continuously variable stimulus in several different forms.
at which it appears to be identical to a pons A region in the lower part of the
standard stimulus. It is not usually meas- brain that serves to connect the two
urable directly but derived by a variety halves of the cerebellum, and which may
of psychophysics techniques. For exam- also be involved in mediating dreaming
ple, judgements may be obtained from sleep.
a research participant about whether a Ponzo illusion A geometric illusion con-
series of lines are larger or smaller than sisting of two equal-length horizontal
the standard line, and the point at which lines, arranged one above the other, and
they switch from larger to smaller is flanked by two straight lines that are
called the point of subjective equality. angled towards one another at the top.
polygenic Resulting from the action of The line in the narrower gap appears
many genes. For example, the genetic longer. The illusion is thought to work as
278  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

a visual illusion because it resembles the in one variable is accompanied by an

perspective produced by looking straight increase in a second variable. For exam-
at parallel tracks such as railway lines. ple, reaction time correlates positively
pop-out The way that a single disparate with the number of units of alcohol
object among a set of others appears to consumed: the more alcohol, the longer
stand out from the rest, by comparison the reaction time. A relationship in the
with the way that a number of such fea- opposite direction is called a negative
tures scattered among others seem to correlation and the statistic describ-
have much the same visual qualities, and ing such relationships is the correlation
merge into the whole pattern. ­coefficient.
positive emotions Emotions which are
population All of the cases within a
generally regarded as pleasant or reward-
given definition (e.g. all of the women in
ing. People experience a much larger
the UK, all of the schools in Huddersfield
range of positive emotions than is gen-
or all of the people in a given laboratory
erally recognised, including happiness,
class). Psychological research is nearly
contentment, joy, gratitude, serenity,
always only able to take a sample from
hope, amusement, satisfaction, and so on.
a large population, although researchers
Although historically the tendency has
will often want to generalise their results
been to focus on the negative aspects of
to the whole of the population. See also
emotion, more recently researchers into
WEIRD populations.
positive psychology have begun to develop
population norms A set of scores which our understanding of the effects of posi-
describes the proportions of a given pop- tive emotions, which have been shown
ulation, such as teenagers or women aged to have beneficial effects on physical as
30–40, that are expected to achieve well as mental health. See also negative
particular scores on a test or some other emotions.
measurement. Psychometric tests have
positive psychology A relatively recent
sets of population norms that describe
innovation in psychology introduced by
the proportions of different populations
Martin Seligman at the beginning of the
who would score at or above different
twenty-first century. The movement
levels on the test. The norms can be
proposes that psychology has been lim-
used to judge whether an individual is
ited by its focus on negative states, and
scoring within the normal range, or to
should now develop ways of cultivat-
predict the numbers in a representative
ing positive aspects of human life. It is
sample who will score above the level of
said that, on a happiness scale, we have
interest. See also norms, standardisation.
become quite good at moving people
population vector A calculation of from −5 to −2, but have not developed
how neural impulses come to be chan- any ways of moving people from +2
nelled along neural pathways, given the to +5. Michael Argyle and Abraham
amount and direction of the firing of Maslow could be seen as pioneers in
the neurones concerned. It is arrived at this area with their work on happiness
by summing the preferred directions of and self-actualisation, respectively.
firing (vectors) of a large group of par-
positive regard Liking, affection or
ticular neurones (i.e. a population).
love for another person. The term was
positive correlation A measure of the used by Carl Rogers to describe what he
consistency with which an increase considered to be one of the two basic
P 279

needs of the human being – the need In social psychology, it refers to a ten-
for positive regard from others. This, dency to evaluate individuals more
he believed, could either be conditional positively than groups or things.
upon appropriate behaviour or uncondi- positron emission tomography (PET)
tional, but as a basic need, it would have A non-invasive technique for investigat-
to be satisfied. Rogers’ form of therapy ing brain functioning, PET scans work by
requires that the therapist provides the detecting the blood supply to different
client with unconditional positive regard. regions of the brain. Each time a nerve
See also self-actualisation. cell fires, it depletes its reserves and must
positive reinforcement Reinforcement be replenished from nutrients carried in
which provides something that the organ- the bloodstream. Blood vessels respond
ism wants, likes or needs – a reward of by increasing the blood supply to that
some kind. It is the essential component area. PET scans detect radioactive glucose
in operant conditioning. See also negative introduced into the brain’s blood supply,
reinforcement. using receptors placed on the scalp. The
positive skew A distortion of a normal receptors feed information about the dis-
distribution in which more of the scores tribution of the blood in the brain to a
are lower so that the peak of the curve computer, which combines the informa-
is shifted towards the left. In a positively tion to produce an image of the currently
skewed distribution, the mode will be active parts of the brain.
lower than the median, which in turn is posterior Towards the back, or behind.
lower than the mean. See also anterior, superior, inferior.
positivism A belief that reliable infor- posterior paracingulate cortex The part
mation can only be obtained about of the paracingulate cortex which becomes
events that can be observed directly. active when we are thinking about our
It therefore claims that science should personal interactions with others. See
only deal with observables and not with also anterior paracingulate cortex.
hypothetical constructs. Behaviourism
post hoc tests Tests carried out after an
in its more primitive forms has been
analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, in
the clearest example of a positivistic
order to find out what the results of the
approach within psychology. An even
test actually mean.
more restrictive version, called logical
positivism, claims that a hypothesis can post-hypnotic amnesia The forgetting
only be regarded as scientific if there is of information as a result of a suggestion
a way in which it can potentially be dis- made while the subject was under hypno-
proved by empirical observation. Logical sis, and which occurs after the hypnotic
positivism has been largely abandoned state has finished. Post-hypnotic amne-
or superseded, but it was always more sia is commonly described by subjects as
popular among philosophers of science feeling like tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
than among psychologists, who mostly forgetting, and can often last for several
just got on with the job of studying days.
hypothesised psychological processes post-hypnotic suggestion A suggestion
such as motivation. See also noetic. made to someone while they are in a
positivity bias A tendency in human hypnotic state, which concerns behav-
decision-making to focus on positive iour that they will undertake once the
statements rather than negative ones. hypnotic fugue is over. In the case of
280  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

relatively trivial forms of behaviour, this post-synaptic potential (PSP) The

is often performed by the participant, temporary depolarisation of a neurone
who typically says that they ‘just felt like after it has fired – in other words, how
doing it’. Post-hypnotic suggestion has ready a neurone is to fire again after it
sometimes been presented by Hollywood has just done so. Some PSPs are excita-
film-makers as being so powerful that tory, meaning that the probability of
it could force a subject to act against firing is higher, while others are inhibi-
their will, but this represents part of tory, making further firing less likely.
the Hollywood mythology of hypnotism, See also excitation, inhibition, synapse.
which bears little resemblance to the real post-traumatic amnesia Amnesia which
thing. It is not possible to force someone results from some kind of accident, such
to do anything against their will, either as that resulting from a blow to the head
during hypnosis or through post-hypnotic or from severe brain damage.
suggestion – the state of hypnosis itself
necessarily involves the willing coopera- post-traumatic growth The observation
tion of the person throughout. that experiencing traumatic events such
as a major disaster or personal tragedy
postmodernism An epistemological
can sometimes result in increased per-
approach that developed as a reaction
sonal growth, as the person re-evaluates
to the modernist theories dominating
their life and values and develops new
society, art and architecture in the first
and more positive ways of interacting
half of the twentieth century. In psy-
with the world. See also post-traumatic
chology, it took the form of opposition
stress disorder.
to determinist approaches such as behav-
iourism, which emphasised objectivity to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
the exclusion of all else. Postmodernist A set of symptoms commonly found fol-
psychology rejected the objective ideal, lowing any kind of extremely disturbing
arguing that it was (i) unattainable and experience. Research on concentration
(ii) unrepresentative of human experi- camp victims indicates that the disorder
ence, and emphasised the importance may persist over many years, and it has
of relative viewpoints and the social been found to be a common response
construction of reality. See also social in victims of rape, political torture and
constructionism, discourse analysis. major disasters. The symptoms of PTSD
are varied from one individual to the
postpartum depression Depression in
next, but can be generally classified
a mother within a few months of the
into four types: changes in emotional
birth of her baby, to be distinguished
and physical reactions; an increase in
from ‘the blues’, which is very common
negative moods and thoughts; avoid-
around the third day after the birth, but
ance of potentially stressful situations
which is not depression and does not
or those reminiscent of the traumatic
persist. Some evidence is beginning to
experience; and intrusive memories, or
emerge which suggests that depression
‘flashbacks’, both in waking life and in
in women is no more common follow-
dreaming. PTSD can be substantially
ing birth than it is in other women of
reduced by therapy.
the same age. If this turns out to be the
case, then there will be little reason to postural echo Sometimes referred to
suppose that postpartum depression is in as ‘mirroring’, this is a non-verbal sig-
any way caused by pregnancy or birth. nal which often indicates friendliness,
P 281

or that two people are in substantial whole of human history can be

agreement. While the participants are viewed in terms of the use and/or
engaged in social exchange (such as a abuse of power. See also status.
conversation), they may be seen to be (ii) When applied to a statistical
adopting (usually unconsciously) the test, this refers to the ability of
same posture, or mirroring each other’s the test to identify an effect, or
posture if they are face to face. Postural reject the null hypothesis, when
echo is often used consciously by thera- an effect is present. In any test,
pists and salesmen to produce a feeling the power increases as the sample
of rapport in the client. See also chame- size is increased, but some tests are
leon effect. intrinsically more powerful than
posture A powerful non-verbal cue that others. In general, tests that use
is commonly used to indicate attitudes more of the information in the
or emotions. It is about the positioning data are more powerful. So a t-test,
of the body and the relative arrange- which calculates the amounts by
ment of the limbs. Posture is commonly, which scores differ, is more power-
although usually unconsciously, taken as ful than a sign test, which merely
a communicative signal, and may make uses information about whether
a considerable difference to how a verbal scores are larger or smaller.
message is understood (see Figure 55). Parametric statistics are more pow-
See also non-verbal communication, pos- erful than non-­parametric statistics
tural echo. for this reason.

power A word that has several mean- power law A law propounded by Stevens
ings, but generally contains the idea of which states that the subjective strength
the ability to make things happen. In of a stimulus is equal to the physical
psychology, its main two uses are: strength of the stimulus raised to a power
(squared, cubed, etc.). Like Fechner’s law,
(i) In social terms, the ability to the power law relates to the fact that as a
direct, command or control social stimulus becomes stronger, larger changes
resources, and thereby the behav- are required in order to achieve the same
iour of other people. Power has psychological effect. The power law
always been a significant socio- differs from Fechner’s law in the math-
political motivator, and almost the ematical expression of the relationship.

Figure 55  Posture

282  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

practical intelligence A form of intelli- Freud proposed that the preconscious

gence that is characterised by the ability lies between the unconscious and the
to deal effectively with real-world prob- conscious mind, which it more closely
lems and difficulties as they arise. It resembles. Although we are not gener-
does not necessarily correlate with more ally aware of preconscious knowledge, a
abstract forms of intelligence. See also particularly vivid example would be the
triarchic intelligence. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
practice effect An experimental effect in predictive validity See validity.
which apparent changes in the dependent predictor variable An experimental
variable occur as a result of the person variable that appears to be able to pre-
practising the task during the course of dict an outcome.
the experiment, learning to do it bet-
ter and improving their performance. preferential looking An observational
Practice effects are usually controlled by approach in the study of infant cogni-
counterbalancing the order of presenta- tion, in which two stimuli are presented
tion of the conditions of the study. simultaneously and the amount of time
the infant spends looking at each of
pragmatics An approach to studying lan- them is recorded. Conclusions are then
guage that concentrates on the functions drawn about the greater significance for
which language performs, rather than on the infant of the preferred stimulus.
the structure of the language itself (lin-
guistics). See also discourse analysis. prefrontal cortex This is the area on
the frontal lobes that is located in front
precocial animals Animals that can of the premotor cortex. The prefrontal
move about as soon, or almost as soon, cortex is involved in planning and the
as they are born or hatched. Research higher-level control or regulation of
into imprinting has traditionally centred action. So, for instance, the prefrontal
around work with precocial animals, as cortex would be involved with select-
they show the phenomenon in a clear ing relevant actions to satisfy intentions,
and unambiguous form. It is a rapid and while the premotor cortex prepares those
quite distinctive form of attachment. actions in response to internal or exter-
precognition A knowledge of future nal situations, the motor cortex initiates
events that is not based on judgement the activity itself, and the cerebellum
but on an apparently direct perception coordinates the smooth movement of the
of them. As a branch of parapsychology, action. Interestingly, areas of the prefron-
precognition requires more than the tal cortex are also involved in emotional
certainty that dinner will be provided states such as happiness, and link with
this evening and implies a special form the amygdala to regulate or inhibit the
of knowledge, different from any that is expression of negative emotions such as
understood by psychologists. Anyone anger. See also contention scheduling, FAS
who could operate precognition reliably test, dysexecutive syndrome, paracingulate
would presumably be either very rich or cortex.
very depressed. prejudice Literally meaning ‘pre-
preconscious Thoughts and knowledge judgement’, prejudice refers to the
that are not at present in the conscious, maintenance of a prior attitude irrespec-
but which are not repressed and so can tive of new or contradictory information.
be brought into consciousness at will. It is commonly used in connection with
P 283

negative or discriminatory social atti- effects on the immature baby of being

tudes, such as racism or sexism. It may exposed to intense environmental stimu-
also refer to a predetermined favour- lation at a time when the nervous system
able judgement by which the individual is biologically adapted to the protective
ignores relevant negative information. environment of the womb.
Negative prejudice such as racial preju- pre-moral stage The first of Kohlberg’s
dice has been shown to have a powerful three levels of moral development, in
emotional element, involving increased which moral judgements are seen
activity in the amygdala, and in this entirely instrumentally, in terms of
respect is quite different from stereotyp- whether or not the individual is likely
ing. See also stereotype. to be detected and/or punished.
prelinguistic thought The forms that premotor cortex This is the area imme-
thinking takes in children before they diately in front of the motor cortex. It is
have developed language abilities. It is the part of the brain that prepares the
thought that knowing about prelinguis- motor cortex for physical actions. and is
tic thought may help us to understand important for linking actions with infor-
the extent to which adult thought may mation from the environment. Located
be independent of language. towards the rear of the frontal lobe
premature A term used to describe (Figure 56), it forms a strip of cortex run-
babies who are born before gestation is ning alongside and immediately before
complete. New obstetric techniques the motor projection area. It receives
mean that premature babies now survive information from the prefrontal cortex
from a much earlier stage of development and processes that information into
than was previously thought possible. directions for specific actions, which it
Psychologists are concerned about the then passes on to the motor cortex. The

Figure 56  Areas of the frontal lobe

284  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

lateral premotor cortex links actions with complaint about a particular symptom.
visual objects; the medial premotor cortex This is called the presenting symptom –
deals with self-generated actions using a reminder that some other symptom
proprioceptive input as well as input from may be the real problem, which may
the prefrontal cortex. See also frontal lobe, only emerge in the course of therapy.
pyramidal motor system, cerebellum. A major dispute about evaluating dif-
preoperational stage The second of ferent forms of therapy is based on the
Piaget’s stages of cognitive develop- issue of whether resolving the present-
ment. During this stage, children are ing symptom counts as a success. Many
unable to think in terms of logical con- behaviourists will work only on the pre-
cepts such as conservation or reversibility, senting symptom and end therapy once
and they are dominated by perceptual it is eliminated. Psychodynamic and cog-
features of their world. The stage starts nitive therapists are more likely to see the
from about two years of age, at the end presenting symptom as a kind of ticket
of the sensorimotor stage, when object that enables the patient to get into ther-
permanence is first seen. It ends at about apy so that they can then start to deal
seven years when the child starts the with underlying problems.
concrete operational stage. presumptive consent A technique
prepared learning The finding that, to used when it is not practical to obtain
some extent, organisms are biologically informed consent from participants in a
prepared to learn certain associations specific research programme. A large set
very easily. The most common example of people are asked to give their views on
is that animals which experience nau- the acceptability of the proposed proce-
sea will associate this sensation with dure. Although the people giving their
whatever they last ate, rather than with views will not be taking part in the actual
other kinds of stimuli, even if these research, it is assumed that their views are
were more intense and more recent. It representative of the general public, so if
is sometimes called the ‘Garcia effect’ they deem the procedure to be accept-
after its discoverer, but it is also known able, it can be used. See also ethical issues.
as the ‘sauce Béarnaise phenomenon’ primacy effect An effect of the presenta-
after an account by Martin Seligman tion of stimuli whereby those items that
of an experience of being sick, due to a are presented first tend to be recalled
stomach virus, after eating a steak with more readily than those that are pre-
his favourite sauce, and being unable sented later on. Primacy effects do not
to face eating it ever again. In fact, the only occur with simple memory tasks but
effects can be overcome, and Seligman have their counterparts in person percep-
has had a lot of free meals while people tion, too, whereby those characteristics of
have tested the phenomenon’s perma- a person that are first encountered tend
nence. See also one-trial learning. to be applied more readily than any char-
pre-processing A term used in fMRI acteristics which emerge or are learned
imaging to describe the stages in between later. In memory studies, the primacy
the initial data collection and the anal- effect is part of the serial position effect.
ysis of that data. See also serial position curve.
presenting symptom A client will usu- primary abilities The fundamental
ally come into therapy on the basis of a mental abilities suggested by Thurstone
P 285

as forming the basis of intelligence. There primary reinforcement A reinforcement

were considered to be seven of these: that satisfies a basic need or drive in the
memory, verbal ability, word fluency, organism. See operant conditioning, sec-
number, spatial awareness, perceptual ondary reinforcement.
discrimination and reasoning.
primary sexual characteristics Those
primary appraisal An initial assessment signs of someone’s gender that are
(e.g. of how strong a stressor is). See also directly concerned with reproduction.
transactional model of stress. These include the genitalia – the penis
and testicles in the man and the vagina
primary auditory cortex The area of
and clitoris in the woman. See also sec-
the cerebral cortex that is responsible
ondary sexual characteristics.
for processing hearing. See also auditory
cortex, sensory projection area. primary visual cortex (V1) The area
on the cerebral cortex that receives visual
primary drives Drives that satisfy a input from the lateral geniculate nuclei,
fundamental physiological need, such and begins to combine simple visual
as the need for food or water. See also features into more complex ones. See
secondary drives. also visual cortex, simple cell, hypercom-
primary language pathway This is a plex cell.
neural pathway which runs from those primer question A question asked to
language areas concerned with process- introduce a topic, whose function is
ing understanding, such as Wernicke’s really to prepare the respondent for the
area and the interior parietal lobule, to the questions that will be following.
motor areas involved in speech produc-
tion, such as Broca’s area and the area of priming Generating a state of readiness
the frontal lobe immediately surround- or preparedness to receive or respond to
ing it. See also language areas. certain types of information. See also
associative priming, primer question.
primary motor cortex The area of the
cerebral cortex that is responsible for car- principle of closure Probably the most
rying out voluntary movements of the powerful of the Gestalt principles of per-
body. See also motor projection area, sen- ceptual organisation, the principle of
sory projection area. closure refers to the perceptual tendency
towards complete forms and shapes. For
primary process In Freudian theory, the example, a set of disconnected lines is
more primitive kind of mental process likely to be seen as indicating an incom-
that is present in the functioning of plete shape if this is at all possible, rather
the id from birth. It is seen as the way than simply being taken as a group of
in which the unconscious operates later independent stimuli. The principle of
in life, being governed by the pleasure closure also extends into the perception
­principle and not following the same laws of movement, in the form of stroboscopic
as conscious or secondary process think- motion and the phi phenomenon.
ing. For example, primary processes
take no account of time and space, so principle of parsimony See Occam’s razor.
unconscious memories of frightening principle of proximity One of the
childhood events are just as real, pow- Gestalt principles of perceptual organisa-
erful and present as current perceptions. tion, which states that stimuli which
286  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

occur close to one another will tend to to store new information. See also anter-
be perceived as being grouped together, ograde amnesia.
all other things being equal. proactive interference The situation
principle of similarity One of the that occurs when information which has
Gestalt principles of perceptual organisa- already been learned interferes with the
tion, which states that similar stimuli will learning of new material. Proactive inter-
tend to be perceived as being grouped ference is particularly common when
together, all other things being equal. someone is trying to learn a set of similar
tasks within a relatively short period of
principle of truth The rather question-
time. It may account for the primacy effect.
able idea that our mental representations
of assertions or their implications are probabilistic concept A concept that
generally only concerned with what is involves a set of characteristics which
true, and tend to disregard or ignore false its members are likely to share but
information. need not necessarily do so. For exam-
ple, ‘chair’ is a probabilistic concept in
prior general consent When a large
that one of its distinctive features is that
pool of research participants are given
chairs usually have four legs. However,
a general briefing before a study, which
there are many styles of chair which do
includes the fact that they might be
not fit into that category – it is prob-
misinformed about its true purpose, or
able, but not necessary. In practice,
experience some emotional stress dur-
most concepts used by human beings are
ing the procedure. Those who consent
probabilistic in nature. See also classical
to this form the group from which the
concept, natural categories, prototypes.
actual research participants are drawn.
The assumption is that there will be probability The likelihood that an
full debriefing after the procedure has event will occur. Formally, the prob-
been completed. See also ethical issues, ability is calculated by dividing the
informed consent, presumptive consent. number of ways the event could occur
by the number of all possible events.
prisoner’s dilemma A classic game used
For example, the probability of getting
to identify strategic choices, in which
a red apple out of a barrel on a sin-
the person is required to choose between
gle trial is given by the number of red
the best collective strategy, which is
apples divided by the total number of
cooperation, and the best individual
fruits (e.g. red apples + green apples +
strategy, which is non-cooperation. See
oranges) in the barrel. The probability
also game theory, payoff matrix.
of getting a red apple ranges from 0 (no
privation A lack, throughout develop- red apples, so zero probability of get-
ment, of some requirement. Privation ting one) to 1 (nothing but red apples
should be distinguished from depriva- so you are certain to get one). Most
tion, in which the requirement was use of statistics in psychology amounts
available for a period and then removed. to assessing the probability of a result.
Experiments in which animals are raised If the probability is very low, then the
with no contact with a mother are assumptions of the null hypothesis are
­privation studies, even though they are unlikely to be valid. See also binomial
often referred to as maternal deprivation. distribution, statistical significance.
proactive amnesia A disorder of probe A stimulus, such as a word or a
­memory in which the person is unable digit, which is used to explore some-
P 287

thing (e.g. how much information is product–moment correlation See

retained in short-term memory). In this Pearson’s product–moment correlation.
example, the research participant would professional competence An ethical
hear a sequence of digits read out, and principle which emphasises the impor-
would then be told a specific number tance of training and expertise when
and asked if that had been included in giving advice in serious matters which
the list. The number would be acting as emerge in therapy or during the course
the probe. of psychological research. See also e­ thical
probe question A tentative question issues.
in an interview designed to introduce programmed learning A technique
a particular topic and test whether it for applying operant conditioning to
would be worth following up with more classroom learning. The information is
detailed questions. broken down into small units and pre-
problem-solving The study of the vari- sented to the student in such a way that
ous strategies used by people, computers one unit leads naturally on to the next.
and sometimes animals to achieve solu- Each unit involves some kind of simple
tions, usually of highly specified puzzles. test question. If the student gets it right,
By having the problem clearly specified, they move on to the next stage; if they
it is hoped that the detailed cognitive pro- get it wrong, they go back over the rele-
cesses involved in problem-solving will vant material again. The idea is that this
become apparent. However, it is not clear approach maximises positive reinforce-
whether the findings from such research ment (knowledge of correct answers) for
have applications to more complex the student, thus maximising interest in
human problems, such as how to pass an and application to the learning process.
examination or pay the mortgage. More As an example of pure operant condi-
recent research has tended to focus on tioning, programmed learning has been
enumerating the huge number of heuristics criticised on the grounds that knowl-
and biases in typical human decision- edge of results is a cognitive rather
making. See also brainstorming, belief bias, than a behavioural reinforcement.
creativity, heuristics, Einstellung, functional In classroom practice, the absence of
fixedness, groupthink, Stroop effect. social interaction between student and
problem space The name given to the teacher has often presented its own dif-
difference between the desired outcome ficulties, and programmed learning has
or solution to a problem, and the point tended to be introduced in a manner
that the problem-solver has currently that is far more limited than Skinner
reached. Early computer simulations of originally envisaged.
problem-solving involved using heuristics progress monitoring The name given
to reduce the problem space, and so to a general heuristic in which very slow
bring the solution nearer. progress towards a goal triggers a change
procedural knowledge Knowledge of of strategy. In everyday terms, it might
processes or action sequences (e.g. how be referred to as impatience.
to make a cup of tea). Procedural knowl- projection One of the ego-defence
edge appears to be stored in a different mechanisms identified by Freud, which
way to declarative knowledge, as is shown involves the individual attributing their
by the fact that it is rarely affected by own unconscious motives and ideas to
brain damage producing amnesia. another person, or to an ambiguous situ-
288  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

ation. For example, a person who has prospective memory The type of mem-
not come to terms with their own sexual ory that is concerned with remembering
drives might come to believe that many to do things – in other words, memory
other people engage in ‘bad’ sexual prac- for things which have yet to happen,
tices. Like other defence mechanisms, this such as a dental appointment. See also
is an unconscious process, but it is often event-based prospective memory.
a useful signal to a therapist of issues that protocol A plan of the steps or stages
particularly concern the client. involved in the solution of a problem, or
projective test A form of personality the steps to be undertaken in a research
assessment that involves presenting peo- project. Also used to refer to spoken
ple with ambiguous stimuli, and requiring reports of such stages. See also algorithm.
them to indicate how they would inter-
protocol analysis A form of quali-
pret each stimulus. The idea is that the
tative analysis used by cognitive
reply will indicate some of the concerns
psychologists, in which the research
of the individual’s unconscious mind –
participant attempts to verbalise the
themes and events that particularly con-
protocols or steps involved in a specific
cern them at a subconscious level will be
procedure (e.g. making a decision, or
projected on to the ambiguous material.
composing a piece of music). Protocol
Well-known examples of projective tests
analysis has stimulated renewed interest
are the Rorschach inkblot test and the the-
in introspection, and also in how subjec-
matic apperception test.
tive experience often differs from the
proper name anomia Serious and recur- cognitive processing itself – in other
rent difficulty in retrieving proper words, how what people think they have
names (e.g. of people or cities). been doing is often quite different from
proprioception The perception of the what they actually have been doing.
positioning of the limbs, and of move- proto-declarative pointing Pointing
ment. Proprioception and kinaesthesia that elicits joint attention (e.g. indicating
are commonly considered to represent that the other person should look at the
a sixth and seventh basic sense, which thing the pointer is pointing at).
deal with internal rather than external
proto-imperative pointing In child-
sensory information. See also proprio-
hood, pointing which implies that the
ceptors, interoception.
child wants something. See also proto-
proprioceptors Sensory neurones in the declarative pointing.
muscles, joints, tendons and inner ear
proto-themes Early ideas about themes,
that convey information to the central
which may possibly emerge from the data
nervous system about body position.
during the course of a grounded theory
prosocial behaviour The opposite of analysis.
antisocial behaviour. The term ‘prosocial’
prototypes Specific examples of a con-
is used to refer to behaviour that involves
cept or a category that are considered
helping others or making a positive ges-
to be, or designed to be, typical of that
ture towards them in some way. It is
concept or category. Prototypes need
commonly used in discussions of bystander
to have all of the salient features of the
intervention and altruistic behaviour.
category, but should not have additional
prosopagnosia A form of agnosia that is features. For example, a prototypical
specific to an inability to recognise faces. chair would have four legs, a seat and a
P 289

back, but would not include arms, foot- psi The ability to perform paranormal
rests, or other non-essential features. tasks. See parapsychology.
proxemics The study of personal space PSP See post-synaptic potential.
and the use of touch as non-verbal cues
psyche The mind. Psychology was origi-
in communication.
nally defined as the study of the mind.
proximo-distal A sequence of develop-
ment identified by Gesell in early studies psychedelic drugs Drugs that induce
of infant development of motor coordi- altered states of awareness, commonly
nation and incorporated into his theory resulting in heightened perceptions of
of maturation. Gesell observed that motor colour and sensory imagery. Psychedelic
control appeared to be acquired over the drugs have been used as recreational
more central regions of the body first, drugs for centuries, but were named ‘psy-
and only later did the extremities (hands chedelic’ during the 1960s, as a result
and feet) become coordinated. From of their association with a particularly
this, he argued that development pro- vivid form of visual art involving massed
ceeded in an orderly direction, which he swirling of colours and similar imagery.
called proximo-distal (‘from near to far’). Drugs classified as psychedelic include
See also cephalo-caudal. the hallucinogens (e.g. mescaline, LSD
and psilocybin).
Prozac An antidepressant drug which
works by blocking the breakdown of the psychiatry The medical treatment of
neurotransmitter serotonin in the syn- abnormal behaviour or of mental distur-
apse, causing a build-up so that there are bance. Psychiatrists are always medically
higher levels available than normal. qualified, and psychiatric approaches
tend to emphasise physical methods
PRP See psychological refractory period. of treatment (such as chemotherapy),
PSE See point of subjective equality. although there is increased acceptance of
pseudomutuality A process that occurs psychotherapeutic approaches, in which
in families whereby everybody pretends they may work in very similar ways to
to be in agreement and everyone denies some clinical psychologists. Within the
that there is any conflict. Their com- UK’s National Health Service, psychia-
mitment to keeping up this appearance trists have a statutory responsibility to
prevents them (or the family therapist) deal with all of the cases sent to them.
from tackling the real problems in their Psychologists do not have this require-
relationships. ment, and may therefore be able to
spend more time on fewer patients.
pseudo-neglect Increased attention
being given to the left side of the space psychoactive drugs Drugs that affect
that the person is in, despite the lack of psychological experience such as moods,
any lesion or brain abnormality which consciousness or awareness. Although
might produce that effect. The effect this is a very general term, it is most often
became known through experimental applied to the groups of drugs commonly
demonstrations but appears to be an used for psychological purposes, such as
ordinary aspect of cognition. See also anti-anxiety drugs, sedatives, tranquillisers,
neglect, hemispatial neglect. antidepressants, stimulants and hallucinogens.
pseudowords Strings of letters that can psychoanalysis The method of psy-
be pronounced as if they were real words chological treatment originated by
(e.g. froom, struglich). Freud and developed by various of his
290  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

f­ollowers, the neo-Freudians. The major have been empirically disproved. See
features of psychoanalysis are the use of also continuity hypothesis.
free association to uncover defence mech-
psychobiology See biopsychology.
anisms that may then be interpreted
by the psychoanalyst in order to bring psychodrama A set of therapeutic tech-
unconscious material into consciousness. niques, originally introduced by Jacob
One of Freud’s major insights was that Moreno in 1925, in which people are
transference and counter-transference are helped to act out troublesome emotions
not obstructions to therapy, but should or situations. Regarding the situation
be a fundamental part of the process. as a play, and helped by the therapist
The term is not applied to the methods and usually other group members, the
of those such as Carl Jung, who broke patient can try out alternative ways of
away from Freud and whose approach is responding in safety allowing them to
called analytical psychology. understand the problem better.
psychoanalytic theory The theory of psychodynamic A term used to describe
personality development and human all of the theories of human function-
functioning developed by Freud. ing that are based on the interplay of
Psychoanalytic theory was continually unconscious drives and other forces
elaborated and refined by Freud during within the person. Psychoanalytic theory
his lifetime, and the process has con- is the clearest example, and the term
tinued since his death, so there is no ‘psychodynamic’ is often used to refer
single ‘psychoanalytic theory’, but many. specifically to this class of theories.
However, they usually contain the ideas
psychodynamic therapy Forms of psycho-
of the unconscious with its effects on eve-
therapy that are based in psychoanalytic
ryday behaviour, psychosexual stages of
theory but are generally less intensive, and
development, and the personality struc-
shorter, than psychoanalysis.
ture of id, ego and superego. Freud gave
the theory a strong biological flavour, psychogenic Having a psychologi-
and the assumption that adult behaviour cal origin or cause. The term is used
is powerfully influenced by childhood particularly of disorders for which no
experiences remains fundamental to organic cause can be identified, so it is
the approach. One major development assumed, by default, that the cause is
of the theory came from object relations psychological. See also organic disorder.
theory, which emphasised the impor-
psychokinesis (PK) Bringing about a
tance of experiences from very early
physical effect at a distance by psycholog-
infancy. Psychoanalytic theory has had
ical or, more accurately, parapsychological
an extremely wide influence on Western
culture (e.g. in the understanding of art
and literature). Many of Freud’s original psycholinguistics The study of psy-
insights such as those concerning defence chological aspects of language and the
mechanisms are now regarded as common relationships between language and other
sense. The theory has been attacked as psychological processes. Psycholinguistics
unscientific, on the grounds that it does deals with such questions as the inter-
not make claims which can be tested dependence of language and thought,
empirically. It has also been attacked language acquisition, the ways in
on the grounds that several of its claims which social experience and language
P 291

a­ cquisition interact, reading and pragmat- psychological refractory period (PRP)

ics. Psycholinguistics is therefore a much The name given to an effect observed in
broader field than linguistics, which is cognitive research whereby the person
concerned with the origins and form of takes longer to respond to the second of
language itself. two stimuli than to the first, if the two
psychological assistant A career grade in are presented close together in time.
the UK that allows psychology graduates psychological technician Another term
to work in clinical psychology departments. for a psychological assistant, but also used
They undertake routine psychological for a psychology graduate working in
tasks such as the scoring of psychometric non-clinical psychology departments.
tests, research, or the organising of thera-
peutic events. The grade is frequently psychology Psychology has been defined
used to gain appropriate experience in various ways, depending on the incli-
before training as a clinical psychologist. nations of researchers at the time when
psychological determinism The idea the definition was formulated. It has
that all psychological processes have been variously defined as ‘the study of
been directly caused by something, the mind’, ‘the study of behaviour’, ‘the
whether that be unconscious motives study of human experience’ and ‘the
or fixations, as suggested by psychoana- study of mental life’. It is difficult to
lytic theorists, or the patterns of firing of produce a definition which will satisfy
nerve cells in the brain brought about everyone, although we can state that it
by conditioned responses to stimuli. involves the study of human and animal
behaviour and experience, examined
psychological field This was a funda- from a number of different viewpoints
mental aspect of Lewin’s field theory, and using a variety of techniques, most
which emphasised that human behav- of which emphasise the importance of
iour should be seen in context, as empirical evidence in support of explan-
opposed to the behaviourist approach of atory theory. The field of psychology is
seeing it simply in terms of action units. divided, often somewhat arbitrarily, into
The psychological field is seen as part of different areas, each of which has its own
the overall life space in which human style. Some qualifiers of the term, such
experience takes place. as developmental, social and comparative
psychological punishment Punishment psychology, refer to particular kinds of
that does not necessarily involve an subject matter, with newer areas (e.g.
explicit penalty, but which is more con- community psychology) being added as the
cerned with the communication of social discipline expands. Some refer to basic
expectation and the disappointment/sad- psychological processes such as cogni-
ness of people for whom the miscreant tive psychology, perception and motivation.
cares. Psychological punishment typically Some define the scope or indicate a
requires some form of an act of atone- theoretical or empirical approach to the
ment, such as an apology or an attempt to study, such as neuropsychology and experi-
right the wrong. Some research has indi- mental psychology, respectively. Other
cated that psychological punishment is titles – clinical, educational, occupational –
more influential than physical punishment refer to the psychological professions,
in changing behaviour and in developing while the term applied psychology refers
strong consciences in children. to a general orientation towards using
292  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

p­sychological concepts in real-life situa- impulsivity and antisocial behaviour.

tions that cuts across the whole field. It is considered to be one of the Dark
psychometric test A form of assess- Triad. See also psychopathic personality.
ment designed to measure aspects of the psychopharmacology The study of the
individual’s psychological functioning. psychological effects of drugs. See also
Tests may be ipsative or normative, and psychoactive drugs.
in the latter case are validated through psychophysics The study of the rela-
the development of group norms, estab- tionship between the experience of
lishing likely results for given age groups physical stimuli and the physical stim-
or other categories. Psychometric tests uli themselves (e.g. the study of the
include intelligence tests, personality relationship between perceived levels
assessments, creativity tests, and a whole of sound, and levels of sound as meas-
range of other tests used for personnel ured by physical instruments). See also
selection, such as vocational guidance Fechner’s law, power law.
tests. See also gamification.
psychophysiological disorder See
psychometrics The measurement (usually p­ sychosomatic illness.
through questionnaires or inventories) of
psychological characteristics – ‘mental psychophysiology Sometimes used with
testing’. See psychometric test. the same meaning as physiological psychol-
ogy but usually having a more restricted
psychomotor retardation The slowing meaning. In its restricted use, the term
down of speech and movement found in refers to studies that use non-intrusive
severe depression. methods of monitoring physiological
psychopathic personality A form of processes (e.g. surface electrodes) to pro-
personality disorder in which the per- vide information about psychological
son lacks anxiety and guilt, disregards processes. See also physiological correlate.
society’s laws and conventions, and has psychosexual stages In Freud’s theory
no concern for other people. They may of personality development, the pro-
also be impulsive and aggressive. The gression of bodily aspects through which
condition does not fit readily into psy- pleasure is sought and towards which
chological classifications, but the term biological drives are directed. The
is extensively used in legal situations stages are the oral stage, anal stage, phallic
and allows certain kinds of offender to stage, latency period and genital stage. As
be treated in special hospitals. It is also with any stage theory, each stage must be
sometimes called ‘antisocial personality completed more or less satisfactorily in
disorder’. See also psychopathy. order for the next to be tackled. Failure
psychopathology The study of deviation to complete a stage implies that a signif-
from ‘normal’ behaviour or psychologi- icant part of the person’s resources will
cal functioning. remain invested in that primitive source
of gratification, and their personality
psychopathy A condition of personality
will show relevant tendencies, such as
that involves high levels of aggression
fixation, throughout adult life.
which are not tempered by any sense of
guilt or empathy with the victim. In per- psychosis A term used to cover the most
sonality assessment, psychopathy is a trait severe mental disorders, such as schizo-
incorporating selfishness, callousness, phrenia and bipolar depression. The person
P 293

in a psychotic state loses contact with lobe of the brain in order to induce qui-
reality (see reality testing), has severe dis- escent behaviour in highly agitated,
turbances of thought and emotion that aggressive or psychotic individuals. A
are not open to being changed by con- similar operation, leucotomy, involves
trary evidence, and has little or no insight the severing of the connections between
into their condition. Compare neurosis. the frontal lobe and the rest of the brain,
psychosocial A label for possible causes of leaving it in place, and produces similar
a mental health condition that excludes effects. Although largely discredited as a
the possibility of a physical origin. technique by neuropsychologists, in some
areas psychosurgery is still performed to
psychosocial stages The term given to control psychotic behaviour. It is one of the
the eight life stages proposed by Erikson. more contentious aspects of psychiatry.
Each stage involves a basic conflict that
the individual needs to resolve, and psychotherapy Usually, this term covers
which in turn provides a foundation for the whole range of psychologically based
the later stages. In brief, the eight con- treatments by which trained practition-
flicts are as follows: ers help people who have psychological
problems. Sometimes the term is used in
a more restricted way, most commonly
(i) trust/mistrust; to refer to forms of treatment in which
(ii) autonomy/doubt; a psychotherapist and a single client
(iii) initiative/guilt; tackle the client’s problems by talking.
(iv) industry/inferiority; Specific forms of psychotherapy may
(v) identity/role confusion; be identified by additional terms. For
(vi) intimacy/isolation; example, psychodynamic psychotherapy
(vii) generativity/stagnation; and covers forms of psychotherapy that have
(viii) integrity/despair. been based on one of the psychodynamic
theories. Some other forms include non-
These basic conflicts arise at progressive
directive therapy, cognitive therapy and
stages throughout a person’s life, right
rational–emotive behaviour therapy. See
up to old age, and present the individual
also counselling, WEG.
with a set of age-specific challenges to
tackle. psychotic Suffering from a psychosis
or showing some psychotic symptoms.
psychosomatic illness An illness that
However, the term is more commonly
has its cause in psychological factors.
used to refer to the personality trait named
Although the symptoms and discomfort
psychoticism by H.J. Eysenck, which he
of psychosomatic illness are genuine, and
claimed as a third dimension of person-
often highly distressing to the patient,
ality, complementing extraversion and
the illness itself does not originate from
a physical disorder of the body, but from
some kind of mental disturbance or dis- psychotic behaviour Behaviour which
comfort, often unconscious in nature. is comparable to that shown by a person
suffering from a psychosis.
psychosurgery The use of surgical
intervention in the brain to control psychoticism An item on the Eysenck
behaviour. The most well-known form Personality Questionnaire indicating
of psychosurgery is the operation known a tendency to be solitary, hostile, and
as lobotomy – the removal of the frontal lacking feelings for other people.
294  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

psychotropic drugs This term liter- published studies Studies which have
ally refers to drugs that will promote or been peer-reviewed and accepted for
effect psychological growth. It was first publication by an academic journal.
used to describe the ‘mind-expanding’ punctuated equilibrium An approach
hallucinogens such as mescaline, psilocy- to the understanding of evolution which
bin and LSD. The term is in common argues that evolutionary development is
misuse nowadays, referring to any drug not inevitably slow and continuous, but
that has an effect on mood, such as can sometimes consist of long periods of
tranquillisers, which are more properly relative stability, followed by periods of
referred to as psychoactive drugs. sudden and rapid change which occur
PTSD See post-traumatic stress disorder. as a result of alterations in the environ-
puberty The stage of physical growth mental demands to which the organism
during which the child becomes capa- was previously adapted.
ble of reproduction. The occurrence of punishment The application of some
puberty is genetically controlled and so is kind of penalty or unpleasant event in
a maturation process. In girls, it is taken order to suppress an unwanted form of
to start at the onset of menstruation, behaviour. Although punishment is com-
and in boys at the first presence of live monly used as a means of behavioural
sperm in the urine. As the latter sign is control, there is some evidence to suggest
not readily visible, the growth of pubic that it is of limited value by comparison
hair is more commonly used. Although with more directive approaches such as
puberty is regarded as a period preceding the direct rewarding of desired behaviour
adolescence, there is no clear definition of which occurs in operant conditioning. Note
its end. It can be taken as lasting until the that punishment is not a form of negative
basic physiological structures required reinforcement. See also physical punish-
for reproduction have achieved a form ment, psychological punishment.
recognisably similar to the adult state.
pupil dilation The enlarging of the
Substantial psychological adjustments
pupil of the eye. This happens mainly:
are required during puberty to cope with
changing body shape and appearance,
novel hormonal balances and associ- (i) in darkness, or dim lighting,
ated emotional changes, and changing when the pupil enlarges so as to
sexual identity. Because the early stages allow more effective vision;
of puberty are so visible, the substantial (ii) under the influence of certain
variations in age of onset (roughly from drugs, in particular amphetamines
10 to 14 years) can cause problems for and narcotic drugs (see also bella-
both early and late developers. The aver- donna); and
age age of onset of puberty seems to have (iii) when the individual looks at
decreased by several years over the last someone or something which
century, which suggests that adjustments they like or are fond of.
are being demanded at an earlier stage of
As such, pupil dilation is a very powerful
psychological maturity.
non-verbal cue, indicating interpersonal
publication bias The tendency of jour- attraction or empathy, and several stud-
nal editors to accept only positive and/ ies have shown that people respond
or novel results for publication, and to more positively to others with dilated
ignore replications. See replication crisis. pupils (one reason for the low lighting
P 295

that is common in many restaurants and a word list) does not affect how other
nightclubs). items in the sequence are processed.
pure alexia A form of reading difficulty pure word deafness A form of auditory
in which people can spell out words by agnosia in which the person can iden-
letter but have difficulty recognising the tify sounds around them, and music,
whole word. The time taken to read a but is unable to make sense of spoken
word increases in direct proportion with words.
the length of that word. See also alexia.
pyramidal motor system A set of con-
pure deletion The assumption that nections or pathways in the brain that
removing a component from a cognitive is concerned with processing deliberate
processing task will not affect the pro- movement. It links the premotor and
cessing of other items in the sequence. motor areas of the cerebrum with sensory
See also pure insertion. input at the thalamus, and then passes
pure insertion This is an assumption neural instructions on to the medulla,
sometimes made in neuro-cognitive spinal cord and ultimately the muscles to
research that adding an extra compo- effect movement. See also extrapyrami-
nent to a task (e.g. an extra word in dal motor system.
Q-sort A test often utilised in conjunc- qualitative data Data that are acquired
tion with client-centred therapy to evaluate in natural forms such as images, speech
the individual’s self-esteem in their own or text, rather than as numerical scores.
terms. The Q-sort consists of a set of qualitative difference A difference in
cards, each of which provides a short kind, not simply in amount. If two things
statement about character or personality are qualitatively different, this implies
that may be positive, neutral or negative. that arithmetic comparisons between
Clients are asked to sort the cards into them are not appropriate – that they
piles that express how closely the state- are of a different nature, like chalk and
ments fit with their own self-concept (e.g. cheese. See also quantitative difference.
‘very like me’ and ‘unlike me’). When all
the cards have been sorted, the client is qualitative–quantitative distinction A
asked to sort them again, but this time controversial and now somewhat dated
in terms of their ideal self – ‘myself as I division within psychology over whether
would like to be’. The similarity or oth- ‘true’ psychological research should be
erwise between the two sets of card-sorts quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative
provides a correlation coefficient indicative research was the dominant paradigm
of the individual’s self-esteem. Among for many decades, with a long history
other uses, the Q-sort has been employed from the beginnings of psychology and
in studies of the efficacy of client-centred claiming to be closest to the methodolo-
therapy. gies of the physical sciences. Qualitative
research, although always present in the
quadrantanopia A form of cortical discipline, came back into prominence
blindness that is restricted to a quarter through newer paradigms such as social
of the visual field. See also scotoma, constructionism and the ability to connect
hemianopia, blindsight. with disciplines such as sociology and
qualitative analysis An approach to anthropology. In order to preserve the
the analysis of psychological informa- divide, quantitative researchers had to
tion which takes as its starting point the disparage qualitative research for its lack
idea that the human and social meaning of statistical reliability and generalisable
of the information is the most impor- findings, while qualitative researchers
tant feature of the data. Qualitative had to disparage quantitative research for
analysis is therefore not concerned with its lack of ecological validity and being lim-
reducing psychological information to ited to finding out what the researcher
numerical data (quantitative analysis), could specify before doing the research.
but is concerned with identifying ways of However, it is now generally recognised
extracting meaning in a systematic and that the two are not in conflict but com-
reliable manner. See also account analy- plement one another, and most modern
sis, ethogenics, thematic qualitative analysis, psychological research projects combine
grounded theory. the benefits of both approaches.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
Q 297

qualitative research Techniques for quartile A point marking out a segment

obtaining psychological information of a data-set, representing one-quarter of
which take the meaning of the informa- the total number of scores. The interquar-
tion as the focus of analysis. The most tile range is the range of scores after the
common techniques used in qualitative highest and lowest quarters have been
research are interviews and case studies. excluded. See statistics, semi-interquartile
These methods allow greater freedom range.
for the person who is the target of such
quasi-experiments Experiments in
research to determine what information
which the independent variable has
is generated, so the quality and richness
more than one condition, but these
of information are greater, but at the cost
have not actually been manipulated
of making reliability difficult to achieve.
by the experimenter. Examples include
See also account analysis, discourse analy-
experiments in which men form one
sis, grounded theory, hermeneutics, new
participant group and women the other.
paradigm research, observational study,
reliability/validity tradeoff. questionnaire A research tool that
quantitative To do with numbers involves presenting a series of questions
and quantities. See also qualitative–­ to participants, in a form which can be
quantitative distinction. answered physically on paper, electroni-
cally, by computer or app, or verbally
quantitative analysis An approach to to a researcher. While it appears to be
psychological information that is primar- a relatively simple way of collecting
ily concerned with obtaining numerical data, designing a good questionnaire is
information, which can then be ana- much more complex than it seems: it
lysed and assessed for probability using requires in-depth consideration of how
statistics. Quantitative methods require answers will be analysed and conclu-
the researcher to define the items to sions drawn at the early planning stage,
be measured in advance and to control rigorous piloting, and also avoiding the
the situation so that only that informa- temptation to collect additional infor-
tion is recorded. The result is that high mation that will not ultimately serve the
levels of reliability can be obtained and research. The longer the questionnaire,
measured, but there are frequently prob- the less likely people are to respond to
lems with validity. Although traditional it. See also questionnaire fallacy, response
psychology has often tended to assume rate, response bias.
that only quantitative analysis is worth-
while, recently many psychologists have questionnaire fallacy The belief that
become increasingly concerned with the providing people with boxes to tick in
qualitative analysis of information, in addi- a questionnaire will enable you to find
tion to quantitative techniques. See also out what they actually do. The main
psychometrics, reliability/validity tradeoff. problem with this delusion (apart from
its consequences) is the way that people
quantitative data Data that are acquired will always find a box to tick, even when
as numerical scores rather than images, their behaviour is entirely unrepresented
speech or text. by the options. There are other problems,
quantitative difference A difference too, such as the fact that people generally
in amount, rather than a difference in lie to questionnaires (because the ques-
kind. See also qualitative difference. tions don’t fit their own ­circumstances),
298  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

and the way that boxes make issues size in the original population. For
appear to be discrete categories, whereas instance, in a study of student attitudes to
real life is a great deal fuzzier. their college, the sample would be picked
quota sampling A system for obtaining a to represent the same proportions of dif-
research sample that involves identifying ferent types of students as were found in
a set of representative subgroups within the college as a whole – if 10 per cent of
the population, and selecting a number of the students were on day-release courses,
research participants from each of these then 10 per cent of the sample would be
subgroups. The size of each subgroup in drawn from the day-release students. See
the sample depends on its proportional also sampling procedure.
race differences Group differences and ­reporting the final composition in a
between different races identified by the given research project.
use of psychometric tests. Because these
random sampling The process of select-
tests usually measure something valued
ing a sample for an experiment or other
by elitist white Anglo-Saxon cultures,
empirical study, in such a way that any
and because their objectivity has been
member of the population has an equal
overestimated, findings of lower scores
chance of being selected. Random sam-
(e.g. on intelligence tests) by ethnic
pling, when carried out appropriately,
minority groups have been used as the
is considered to be the strongest sam-
basis for claims of racial superiority.
pling technique for avoiding bias in
These claims then led to a rather more
participant selection. If all members of
careful inspection of the evidence, and
the population have an equally likely
it is now recognised that neither race
chance of being selected, then as long
nor intelligence can be defined or meas-
as the sample is large enough it should
ured with enough accuracy to justify
reflect all the characteristics of its par-
claims about the relationships between
ent population.
them. See also WEIRD samples.
racism Discrimination, prejudice or randomisation A process of sorting par-
unfair practice towards someone that ticipants or experimental conditions
occurs purely on the basis of their ethnic into a random order so that no con-
group or skin colour. See also authoritar- sistent pattern will be operating. For
ian personality, own-race effect. example, if you recruit 20 volunteers
from a class, the first 10 to volunteer
radial glial cells Cells that support and may differ in motivation or altruism
guide neurones in the developing nerv- from the last 10. It would be important
ous system from the neural tube to their to randomise the order of these people
final destination. in an experiment, rather than just put-
random assignment A research pro- ting the first 10 research participants to
cedure in which participants are volunteer into the first condition and
assigned at random to different research the rest into the second. See also coun-
­conditions – that is, that any partici- terbalancing.
pant has an equally likely chance of
range The difference between the high-
being selected for any condition. The
est and lowest values of a set of scores.
idea is that random assignment pre-
The range is the simplest and crudest
vents bias by having participants with
measure of dispersion. See Figure 57.
different characteristics in groups
that are to be compared. However, it rank To put a set of scores into order by
can also produce groups with unequal size. The word can also mean the position
characteristics, especially with small of an item within a set of ranked scores.
samples, so it is always worth checking Ranking provides no information about

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
300  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience



semi-interquartile range
Figure 57  Range and median

how far apart adjacent scores may be, course of sleep. Over the lifespan, the
and so provides only ordinal data which time spent in REM sleep decreases
must then be treated by techniques of from about eight hours in the newborn
non-parametric statistics. See also levels of to about 1.5 hours in the elderly. The
measurement. function of REM sleep is disputed, with
theories ranging from those that see it
rank correlation coefficient See
as functional, either in physiological
Spearman’s rank–order correlation coeffi­
restorative processes or as the phase in
which the information acquired during
Raphé nuclei This is a cluster of nuclei the previous day is processed, to theories
located in the medulla, which is particu- that it is left over from a previous stage
larly active in reward pathways in the of evolution. REM sleep is also known
brain. See also orbitofrontal cortex, ven- as paradoxical sleep. See also sleep cycles.
tral striatum, loving. rapport A feeling of psychological com-
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep A fort in interaction with another person,
form of sleep in which the body remains based on feelings of trust and empathy.
comatose except for the eye muscles, It is used particularly about the rela-
which move rapidly and continuously. tionship that is necessary between a
When woken from REM sleep, people psychotherapist and their client, or
often report dreaming, and if an external between a tester and their subject.
stimulus, such as being lightly sprayed rapport interview An interview that is
with cold water, is applied at this time, designed and carried out in such a way
the dream content is likely to reflect the as to encourage positive feeling (rap-
stimulus – in this example, the person port) between the participant and the
might dream of being out in the rain. interviewer.
REM sleep occurs in phases through-
out the night. Each phase usually lasts RAS See reticular activating system.
about 20 minutes, before the person rate coding The idea that the informa-
passes on to one of the deeper, quies- tional content of a neurone may relate to
cent levels of sleep. The phases become the number of times it will fire in one sec-
longer and more frequent during the ond. See also volley principle, summation.
R 301

rating scale A system of measurement, claimed as a starting point the famous

usually of attitudes, in which a per- statement ‘I think, therefore I am’, as
son is asked to evaluate some stimulus a demonstration both that pure reason
material or an idea on the basis of a pre- could establish the fact of his existence,
determined scale that expresses degrees and also that only the exercise of rea-
of liking or preference. See Likert scale. son, and not observation, could make
ratio scale See equal-interval scale, levels the claim of demonstrating existence.
of measurement. Try ‘I send emojis, therefore I am’ or ‘I
think, therefore I am Descartes’. See also
rational–emotive behaviour therapy empiricism.
(REBT) A form of cognitive therapy,
developed by Albert Ellis, based on the Raven’s progressive matrices An intel-
idea that people make common logical ligence test that is designed to be a
errors (e.g. believing that it is necessary culture-fair test. The test consists of a series
to be competent in every way, to be of grids or matrices of eight patterns, from
loved by everyone, and to have what- which the ninth pattern can be deduced
ever one wants immediately). REBT logically, and a set of answers, of which
takes the form of persuading the client, one is the missing ninth pattern and is
by cognitive, emotional and behav- therefore correct. The special feature of
ioural means, to see things differently the test is that it is entirely non-verbal,
(i.e. correctly) so that their behaviour and it is even possible to administer it
will be less self-destructive. to someone with whom the tester shares
no language at all. Despite the attempt
rationalisation of Raven to make the test independent
of culture, it still reflects some cultural
(i) Providing apparently reason- assumptions and experiences. Three
able and worthy explanations for examples of these assumptions are:
one’s behaviour that are designed
to conceal from oneself, or from (i) solving a puzzle whenever it is
others, the less acceptable cause presented to you;
of the behaviour (e.g. ‘We don’t (ii) geometric shapes can be manipu-
employ older people because the lated according to rules; and
customers wouldn't like it’). The (iii) familiarity with two-dimensional
process was identified by Freud as representation (line drawings).
one of the major defence mecha-
nisms, but it often takes the form In some cultures, too, manipulation of
of the basic attributional error. and/or interest in abstract forms of this
(ii) The process of adjusting informa- kind are not regarded as particularly
tion so that it makes rational sense desirable human activities.
to the receiver, as in Bartlett’s
‘War of the Ghosts’ study of con- raw data Data in the form in which it
structive memory. was collected, before being processed
(‘cooked’) by statistical analysis or qual-
rationalism A philosophical theory itative methods.
most strongly represented by Descartes, raw primal sketch A basic image
that knowledge of the world can only be extracted from the optic array, and
obtained by the exercise of reason. He formed by linking edges and surfaces.
302  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

The raw primal sketch forms part of reactive aggression Aggression that
Marr’s computational theory of perception, arises as a direct response to a perceived
which is a bottom-up approach showing threat. See also instrumental aggression.
how the basic elements of the optic
reactive depression Depression that
array can be combined to form mean-
occurs following an event such as a
ingful representations of objects.
bereavement, which is thought to be likely
reactance In general usage the term refers to have caused the disorder.
to the tendency of people to be made reactivity Being influenced by or
uncomfortable by any restriction of their responsive to something. An organism
freedom of choice. Once such pressure is that is responding strongly may be said
perceived, people will often act in oppo- to be highly reactive.
sition to it. In psychological research,
reactance is used to describe when partic- reading span The largest number of
ipation in a study changes the participant sentences, read for understanding, from
in some way, thereby also changing the which someone can recall all of the
responses that they are likely to produce. words 50 per cent of the time. See also
Reactance of this kind is a common but threshold of response.
little recognised aspect of psychological real-world research Research that is
research, as human beings tend to think conducted in or has very direct applica-
about and learn from their immedi- tion to the lives lived by people outside
ate situation as well as past experience. of the academic context originating the
People are therefore very different from research. See action research, ecological
the naïve ‘subjects’ commonly assumed validity, field study.
in the research projects of the twentieth
century. See also practice effects. realistic conflict theory A model of
intergroup conflict that emphasises com-
reaction formation A defence mechanism petition for resources or goals as the
by which a person resists and denies an origin of the conflict.
unacceptable motive or experience by
acting as if the opposite were true. The reality anxiety In Freud’s classification
classic example of a reaction forma- of anxiety, he included those situations
tion occurs in homophobia, in which the in which the anxiety is justified by a real
individual suppresses their own homo- external threat. This is reality anxiety.
sexual inclinations so strongly that they See also moral anxiety.
become extremely hostile to anyone reality principle In Freudian theory,
expressing overt homosexuality. the principle on which the ego operates.
Whereas the pleasure principle is innate,
reaction time A measure of how quickly
the child has to learn about reality and
a person can produce an accurate
how to operate in order to balance its
response to a stimulus. Reaction time has
own needs with the demands of the real
been used by psychological researchers
world. This developmental process is
in a wide range of investigations, includ-
fundamental to the formation of the ego.
ing ageing, decision-making, drug effects
and vigilance. It provides a rapid and reli- reality testing A fundamental human
able measure that is highly sensitive to tendency to check out one’s understand-
disturbance by additional or extraneous ing of the real world, particularly one’s
factors. See also additive ­factors method. role in and influence on both physical
R 303

and social reality. From infancy through false alarms is plotted against the signal
early childhood, there is progressive level.
development of the ability to distinguish recency effect A learning effect in
between fantasy and reality. People which the items that were presented
will sometimes deliberately cause an most recently in a sequence are more
undesirable outcome because it is more likely to be recalled than those which
important to them to test their under- occurred earlier on. See also primacy
standing of reality. A failure to make the effect.
distinction in adulthood is taken as an
indication of psychosis. Personal construct receptive field The region of space appar-
theory is largely concerned with the pre- ent to the eyes that elicits a neuronal
cise forms that reality testing takes. response. The term is also sometimes
used to refer to the area of the retina that,
reappraisal Re-evaluating information, when stimulated, activates a particular
in such a way as to see whether or not set of neurones in the visual cortex.
it has acquired a new function or can be
used in a different way. The term is also receptor The term is usually used to
used in emotion regulation, in which the mean sense receptor – a specialised
person identifies and re-evaluates their cell or group of cells that picks up sen-
emotional responses to an event, as a first sory information, either from within
step in changing the personal meaning of (see proprioception) or from outside the
that event. body, and converts it into electrical
impulses for transmission to the central
reasoning A general term given to nervous system. For example, the light-
those mental activities that are investi- sensitive rod cells and cone cells of the
gated in studies of logical thinking and eye are receptors, as are the hair cells
problem-­solving. Although underplayed in the organ of Corti in the ear, and the
for much of the twentieth century, the pressure-­sensitive cells in the skin.
study of reasoning is now a significant
aspect of cognitive psychology. receptor site A location on the dendrite
of a neurone, opposite a synaptic knob,
REBT See rational–emotive behaviour which is sensitive to and readily absorbs
therapy. a specific chemical. The appropriate
recall The first and strongest of the chemical is released into the synaptic
four forms of remembering identi- cleft from vesicles on the synaptic knob
fied by Ebbinghaus, recall refers to the of the opposing neurone and functions as
retrieval of information on demand a neurotransmitter, rendering the receiv-
from memory storage. The other forms ing neurone more or less ready to fire.
of remembering, in order, are recogni- Receptor sites may also pick up chemicals
tion, reconstruction and relearning savings. with a similar structure, and many psy-
choactive drugs exert their effect by being
recapitulation theory The now out- taken up at receptor sites appropriate for
dated idea that individual development other chemicals. The hallucinogens LSD
retraces the steps of the evolution of the and psilocybin are picked up at receptor
species. See also ontogeny. sites sensitive to the neurotransmitter
receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) serotonin, while opiates such as heroin and
curve In signal-detectability theory, a graph morphine are picked up at sites appropri-
in which the probability of hits and ate for the enkephalins and endorphins.
304  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

recessive gene A gene that carries a which are received from someone are
developmental characteristic that only reciprocated (i.e. the same degree of
shows in the phenotype when the individ- positive feeling is directed towards that
ual inherits a matching gene on the other person).
chromosome. If the paired gene – the
reciprocity A general term for pro-
allele – is of a different type and dominant,
cesses in which action in one direction
then the recessive gene will not influence
is responded to by an equivalent action
that individual’s development, although
back. It is often used in interpersonal
it could be passed on to children. Many
psychology to describe relationships in
common characteristics, such as red hair
which both members contribute equally
or blue eyes, and some genetic disorders,
to one another, and is used in comparative
such as sickle-cell anaemia, are carried
psychology to describe mutually beneficial
on recessive genes, which means they
relationships between different animals.
can skip whole generations and appear in
The term is also used as a component of
children of later generations.
moral development, when the child rec-
recidivism Repeated legal offences, such ognises that it is appropriate to return
that the person concerned, the recidivist, favours.
appears in court on several occasions, not
just once. A certain amount of work on recognition
juvenile delinquents reported by Rutter
suggests that recidivism is strongly linked (i) The ability to know that a stimu-
with a continually stressful home life, at lus was present among stimuli
least for teenagers. that had been encountered
previously. Generally found to
reciprocal altruism Helping behaviour
be easier than recall, as in rec-
that occurs in a social context such
ognising that you met a person
that an individual person or animal
previously, rather than trying to
who receives help, in turn helps the
recall the person you were talk-
individual who originally helped them.
ing to last week.
Reciprocal altruistic behaviour often
(ii) In memory theory, the second
occurs over extended periods of time,
‘level’ of remembering identi-
and may not be recognised by a short-
fied by Ebbinghaus, in which the
term ethological study.
person is unable to retrieve an
reciprocal inhibition An approach to item of information without cue-
behaviour therapy which aims to break ing, but can identify it as correct
a learned connection between stimuli when they see or hear it.
by attaching an incompatible response (iii) In social terms, a level of respect
to one of them (e.g. by inducing a or positive acknowledgement, as
relaxation response to a stimulus and in the observation that some-
so breaking a connection between that one’s community service has
stimulus and fear). See also implosion been recognised by an award.
therapy, systematic desensitisation.
reciprocal liking The name given to a Ebbinghaus, working with lists of non-
positive relationship between two or sense syllables, demonstrated that
more people in which each participant material which cannot be recalled may
likes the other(s). Positive feelings nonetheless be recognised as having
R 305

been in a previously learned set of recreational drugs Drugs that are

information. See also reconstruction, consumed primarily for enjoyment or
relearning savings, face. appreciation of their effects, rather than
recognition heuristic Using informa- for medicinal purposes. These include
tion that is recognised as familiar or legal drugs such as alcohol, nicotine
having been encountered before as the and caffeine, and illegal drugs such as
basis for decision-making. marijuana, amphetamines and heroin. The
use of recreational drugs in some form
recognition memory test A memory occurs in all known human societies,
test in which people are asked to state and in some cultures, it includes the
whether they have seen a given item use of very powerful hallucinogens such
before, or not. See also recognition. as mescaline. In general, the more pow-
recollection Remembering specific erful drugs are consumed within some
information, usually from a particu- kind of ritual setting, while less potent
lar episode. Recollection is generally ones such as marijuana are taken more
context-­dependent and can be assisted casually. Within Western societies,
by using relevant memory cues. See also however, the rituals are confined to sub-
recognition, reconstruction. cultural habits and are not often used as
a framework for the experience of the
reconsolidation The updating of a mem-
drug itself.
ory trace which was previously forgotten
but has now been reactivated, such that red-green colour blindness The most
it forms appropriate connections with common form of colour blindness, in
other memories. See also consolidation. which the person affected is unable to
distinguish between wavelengths of red
reconstruction Also sometimes known
and the matching wavelengths of green.
as redintegration, this is the third of
It has proved difficult to explain this in
the four basic forms by which memory
terms of the conventional trichromatism
may be demonstrated, according to the
theory of colour vision, and the predom-
work of Ebbinghaus. Once people have
inance of red-green colour blindness has
learned a list of nonsense syllables, in
been taken as evidence for the idea of
the event of their being unable to rec-
opponent processing.
ognise or recall the items learned, they
are often able to reconstruct the list in redintegration See reconstruction.
its original sequence, if provided with reductionism A form of argument
the relevant items. Although they will which takes the view that an event,
not experience a specific memory of the behaviour or phenomenon can be
list, one particular sequence ‘feels more understood as being nothing but its
right’ than any other arrangement. See component or constituent parts. For
also recognition, relearning savings. instance, the behaviourist insistence
recovered memories Memories from that human experience can be seen as
childhood, usually traumatic ones, that nothing but combinations of stimulus–
have been retrieved in later life. Some response learning, or the sociobiological
people are reluctant to believe that view that behaviour can be understood
memories of sexual abuse recovered dur- as nothing but the action of ‘selfish
ing therapy are memories of real events. genes’, are both reductionist arguments.
See also sexual abuse. Although often superficially appealing,
306  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

the reductionist argument ignores other reflecting The verbal technique of re-
levels of explanation, such as a cogni- stating what the other person has said,
tive explanation or experiential/social in order to ensure that the listener has
factors, in understanding the phenom- gained a proper understanding of what
enon, and as such can only provide they meant. It is particularly important
a limited understanding of the event in non-directive therapy.
under study. Note that even if the most reflex A direct response to stimula-
extreme reductionist position is true, tion that occurs automatically, without
and all human functioning is the result any decision-making input from the
of the activities of subatomic particles, central nervous system (e.g. the leg jerk
it would be nonsense to try to explain which occurs when the knee is tapped).
a human activity such as a joke in these Reflexes are often referred to as invol-
terms. See also emergent properties. untary responses, to distinguish them
redundancy A term used mostly in from the voluntary behaviour of deliber-
information theory for the extent to ate action. They are usually mediated
which a message does not provide new directly by the spinal cord rather than by
information. Redundant material, like the brain itself, although that subgroup
the letters replaced by xs in this senx- is sometimes identified explicitly as ‘spi-
encx, can xx put back quite easilx. nal reflexes’. See also reflex arc.
Because language is highly redundant, reflex arc The term given to the
we can interpret messages accurately sequence of neurones involved in the
even when they are received in noisy simplest unit of behaviour, the reflex. In
conditions. In fact, the lower the signal- its most basic form, the reflex arc con-
to-noise ratio, the more redundancy is sists of three types of neurone:
needed in the message.
refereed journal A journal which (i) the sensory neurone, which carries
uses the peer review system – that is, the information concerning the
appraisal by other researchers in the stimulus to the spinal cord;
field – to accept or reject research papers (ii) the connector neurone within the
for publication. See also publication bias. spinal cord, which picks up the
reference group A social group that information from the sensory
is taken by an individual as providing neurone and reroutes it; and
standards for the modelling of that per- (iii) the motor neurone, which passes
son’s own behaviour. The individual the message from the connec-
concerned may not actually belong to tor neurone to the muscle fibres,
the reference group itself, but sees the causing them to contract and
group as directly relevant to their own the reflex action to occur (Figure
lifestyle or situation. 58). Because reflex arcs follow
well-defined paths, the failure to
referent informational influence A
display an appropriate reflex can
form of influence characterised by refer-
indicate precise forms of damage
ring to a group norm – either real or
to the nervous system. Reflexes are
therefore used to test newborns,
referential The use of words to refer to where other responses are less
objects, events, or phenomena. available. See, e.g., Babinski reflex.
R 307

Figure 58  The reflex arc

reflexivity The interplay of influence and feel as they did at a much

and outcome, such that the outcome younger age. The usual objective
becomes the influence, and produces is to re-experience a traumatic
another outcome, which then again event so that it can be properly
becomes the influence. dealt with in the supportive con-
refractory period The period of a few mil- text of therapy. Hypnosis is often
liseconds immediately after a neurone has used to help the process.
fired and before it is completely restored (iii) In statistics, measures of the extent
to full functioning. The refractory period to which one variable depends
has two parts: (i) the absolute refractory on another. It is most commonly
period, in which no amount of stimula- encountered in linear regression –
tion will make the neurone fire and (ii) the equation of the straight line
the relative refractory period, in which the that provides the best fit (or
neurone will fire only in response to a smallest total discrepancy) when
particularly strong stimulus. dependent variable scores are
plotted against the independent
refutation The challenging or rejection variable.
of an idea or hypothesis: a central con-
cept in hypothetico-deductive methods of
regression analysis A form of correla-
tional study which applies information
regression In general usage, any return about the regression line to the data in
to a previous or simpler state. There are order to predict additional or potential
three further contexts that adjust its outcomes. See also multiple regression.
regression line The line that, when
(i) In psychodynamic theory, a retreat drawn through the data points of two
under stress to an earlier psycho- related variables, has the best fit to
sexual stage. them. The regression line indicates the
(ii) A technique in therapy in which direction and form of the relationship
the patient is encouraged to think between the two variables.
308  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

regulator One of the types of non-verbal another person or in some other ­animate
cues classified by Ekman and Friesen, form.
regulators are those cues that regulate or reinforcement The process of strength-
structure social interaction. Examples of ening learning. See also reinforcer.
these are the time sequences and turn-
taking of conversations, small noises reinforcement affect model A theory
such as ‘uh-huh’ made to indicate of attraction which says that sharing
agreement during a conversation and a positive experience, or at least being
to signify that someone is still listening, with someone else at the time of a posi-
and eye contact. See also affect display. tive experience, leads to liking.

rehearsal A term used to mean prac- reinforcement contingencies The cir-

tice when applied to a memory task. cumstances under which reinforcement
Rehearsal is the repetition of the mate- will be given. These may vary naturally
rial to be learned. or be systematically varied, as in the
case of behaviour shaping.
reification Treating ideas or concepts as
reinforcement schedule A particular
if they were objects or facts (e.g. starting
pattern of applying partial reinforcement.
from the fact that people can be seen
There are four main types of reinforce-
to behave more or less intelligently,
ment schedules, each of which produces
and going on to assume that there is
a distinctive effect on the pattern of
a ‘thing’ called intelligence). It is easy
responding. Schedules may be either
to slip into reification when talking
fixed or variable. If they are fixed,
about cognitive processes. For exam-
then reinforcement is given according
ple, in Broadbent’s filter model, there
to a predetermined pattern; if they are
is a box labelled ‘filter’, which is used
variable, it is given according to a ran-
to indicate a process. The mistake is to
domised sequence that averages out at a
represent it as if it must be a mechanism.
particular number. Reinforcement may
Another form of this error in psychol-
also depend on the number of responses
ogy is to define a possible phenomenon
that have been made since the last rein-
and then assume it is a fact which then
forcement, or the time interval which
has to be explained. For example, there
has elapsed since the last reinforce-
was a long period in which different
ment was given. The four schedules are
theories were proposed to account for
fixed-ratio reinforcement, fixed-interval
some children being obedient and oth-
reinforcement, variable-ratio reinforce-
ers being disobedient before researchers
ment and variable-interval reinforcement.
observed real children and found that
Fixed-ratio reinforcement produces a
none were either consistently obedient
rapid rate of response but a low resist-
or consistently disobedient. The fact
ance to extinction. Fixed-interval
that we have a good explanation for
reinforcement produces a low response
something (e.g. male aggressiveness)
rate and a low resistance to extinction.
does not prove that the thing exists as
Variable-ratio reinforcement produces a
an entity in itself, independently of the
high rate of response with a high resist-
context in which it is manifest. See also
ance to extinction. Variable-interval
reinforcement produces a steady, regular
reincarnation The belief that after rate of response and a high resistance to
death, people are reborn either as extinction. See also behaviour shaping.
R 309

reinforcer Something that strengthens are ­perceived. It changes in direct pro-

a learned response, and which makes a portion to the intensity of the initial
learned response more likely to occur stimulus. The law known as Fechner’s
again. In classical conditioning, the rein- law expresses this relationship. See also
forcer is simply the repetition of the just noticeable difference.
pairing of the unconditioned and con-
relaxation training A range of tech-
ditioned stimuli. In operant conditioning,
niques used to bring about a relaxed
the reinforcer is the event that occurs
state in the individual. It is usually
as a consequence of the operant behav-
used as a component in therapy (e.g.
iour, making it more likely to occur
in maintaining a relaxed state in a pho-
again, and which may be either positive
bic disorder patient as they approach the
or negative. See Law of Effect.
feared object). Many of the techniques
related-measures design A design used in used in psychotherapy are based on
experiments in which the same research methods developed for meditation, such
participants are used in both the experi- as yoga, or are variations on hypnotic
mental and the control conditions. Since induction procedures. Edmund Jacobson
each person’s score is compared with one popularised the approach with a proce-
obtained from the same participant, this dure in which the subject concentrates
technique allows the experimenter to on and relaxes, different groups of mus-
control for individual differences (e.g. in cles in turn. Biofeedback can also be used.
IQ level or motivation). However, it does See also mindfulness.
mean that order effects are likely to become
relay neurone A neurone found within
important in the study, and so related-
the spinal cord and the brain that forms
measures designs often involve the use
multiple connections with several other
of counterbalancing as a control. It is also
neurones and allows information to be
known as a repeated-measures design, or a
routed in several different directions
correlated-participants design. The paired
simultaneously. Relay neurones are also
t-test is used in related-­measures designs
known as connector neurones or multipo-
lar neurones.
relational self The tendency to define
relearning savings The fourth (and
ourselves in terms of our relationships
weakest) level of remembering iden-
with others.
tified by Ebbinghaus in his work on
relative refractory period The period memory processes. He found that there
after a neurone has fired when it will were situations where all traces of mem-
only respond to a stimulus of unusual ory of a specific set of items appeared to
strength. This occurs after the absolute have been lost, in that the set could not
refractory period, when it will not fire at be recalled, recognised or reconstructed;
all, and reflects the cell’s renewal of ionic but when the set of items was encoun-
resources after the burst of electrical tered again, it would take less time to
energy in the form of the electrical impulse. relearn than a comparable set that had
relative threshold The degree by which not previously been learned.
a stimulus must increase in order for releaser Something that acts as a sig-
the increase to be perceived. The nal to trigger off a particular response,
threshold is set at the point where 50 ­usually an inherited one. See also IRM,
per cent of changes of that magnitude sign stimulus.
310  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

reliability The consistency of a measure – are attempting to measure the same

how likely it is to produce the same thing. The data sets may be two presen-
results if used again in the same cir- tations of the same test, or a comparison
cumstances. Reliability is a significant of the two sets of scores obtained by
concern in the development of psycho- comparing one half of the items with the
metric tests, and is usually assessed by other half (split-half reliability). The reli-
one of three methods: ability coefficient is usually calculated
as a statistic of correlation indicating the
(i) test-retest, in which the same test reliability of the test.
is administered to the same par- reliability/validity tradeoff The argu-
ticipants after a period of time ment that the quest for perfect reliability
has elapsed; in a research project about human beings
(ii) split-half testing, in which the means that the project will therefore
score that the person achieves lose validity since human beings are con-
on one half of the test items is stantly changing and adapting, so it is
compared with that obtained on unrealistic to expect entirely consistent
the other half (with both admin- outcomes from the same individual on
istered at the same time), to see if different occasions. Trying to maximise
they give similar outcomes; and reliability also runs a general risk that it
(iii) alternate-forms testing, in which is the most superficial and unimportant
two matched versions of the test aspects that are easiest to measure which
are given to the same people on are likely to be most consistent.
two different occasions, with
their results being compared. REM sleep See rapid eye movement sleep.
reminiscence bump The way that older
Reliability is an important requirement people generally remember events that
of any measure that purports to apply happened in their twenties more clearly
to more than just a single individual than those that happened at other times
or case, whether it be a test, a physi- in their lives. It is thought that this is
ological measurement, an observational because throughout their lives there has
procedure, or whatever. The other often been more retrieval of memories
essential requirement is validity. A concerning this time of life than about
major difficulty in assessing reliability is other times.
that scores on successive occasions may Remote Associates Test A test of cog-
differ either because of practice effects or nitive functioning that involves finding
because the participants have actually a word which relates to three other
developed or changed in some other stimulus words.
way. George Kelly said that reliability
repair process A speech act in which an
is a measure of how insensitive a test
attempt is made to correct a misleading
is to people changing. More broadly,
utterance or some other source of mis-
reliability should be demonstrated over
the period for which the function being
measured is believed to be stable. See repeated-measures design See related-
also reliability/validity tradeoff. measures design.
reliability coefficient A measure of the repeated-measures t-test See dependent
agreement between two sets of data that t-test.
R 311

repertory grid A technique developed to the way that many ‘classic’ find-
by George Kelly for utilising a person’s ings have proven difficult to replicate.
personal constructs to examine the sig- There can be many reasons for this, e.g.
nificant people in their world, and so inappropriate sampling. But see also file-
identify actual or potential sources of drawer problem, reliability/validity tradeoff,
psychological discomfort or stress. The WEIRD samples.
repertory grid is an idiographic technique, representation
which enables a therapist to see the
patient’s world as they see it – a valuable
first step in most forms of therapy. The (i) In cognitive psychology, this
repertory grid is also used more generally refers to the various ways that
in research to indicate how people per- knowledge or information is held
ceive and understand their worlds. in the brain, such as imagery,
schemata and concepts.
repetition suppression The observation (ii) When one thing stands for, pro-
that repetition of a stimulus tends to vides an image of, or can be used
produce lower levels of brain activity in in place of another. Theories of
response. See also habituation. language are concerned with the
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimu- extent to which words represent
lation A form of transcranial magnetic things, while cognitive theories
stimulation that involves repeated admin- are concerned with how percep-
istration of the stimulation in quick tion represents reality.
succession. Generally abbreviated to
rTMS, it may be inhibitory or excitatory, representative sample A sample of
depending on how it is actually adminis- participants in a study which has all
tered. See also transcranial direct currrent the important characteristics of its
stimulation. parent population, so that it can be
replication Repeating an experiment to regarded as typical of that population
ensure that the results are reliable, and for research purposes. There are several
not due to the particular circumstances or different techniques for obtaining a rep-
chance at the time of the first experiment. resentative sample, which include quota
Psychology experiments are particularly sampling and random sampling. There is
open to influence from incidental factors, increasing evidence that samples drawn
such as the expectations of participants, from WEIRD populations (western edu-
and so should always be replicated. cated industrial rich and democratic)
However, they are not, for a variety of are not actually representative of
reasons – it is difficult to get grants for rep- human beings in general.
lications, difficult to get them published, representativeness heuristic A short-
and most experimenters would rather run cut used in decision-making where the
their own new experiment than someone choice falls on the item or information
else’s old one. The result is that many of that appears to be most representative,
the most famous findings have never been or typical, of the whole set.
replicated and are not reliable. See also repression A defence mechanism by
file-drawer problem. which unacceptable thoughts or desires
replication crisis A source of concern are forced into the unconscious. As with
in modern psychology which relates all defence mechanisms, psychological
312  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

relief is paid for by having to distort residual difference In partial correlations,

one’s perception of reality. this is how far an observed set of scores
reproductive fitness How well an ani- actually differs from the amount of differ-
mal is suited to reproduce. Those that ence which would be predicted by a linear
have a higher degree of reproductive fit- regression. In other words, it comes from
ness will, in general, have more viable a comparison between the difference that
offspring, so that their inherited char- would have been predicted, and the dif-
acteristics are likely to become more ference which has actually been obtained.
common in the population. Note that resilience The ability to ‘bounce
the main interest here is in genetically back’ or recover rapidly from setbacks.
coded characteristics, so while being Setbacks in this context may be physi-
a rock star might increase the number cal, psychological or social. Resilience is
of offspring, there may be no relevant a powerful sign of psychological health.
genetic characteristics to pass on. resistance In psychotherapy, the (often
research A planned investigation of unconscious) attempts by the patient
some phenomenon which generally to prevent the therapist from being
fulfils a number of criteria: specifying a effective. In psychoanalysis particu-
research question that it is trying to answer; larly, resistance is seen as an inevitable
sometimes investigating one or more response of the unconscious to the ther-
hypotheses that are specified in advance apeutic process of bringing significant
(but see inductive methodology); using a issues to consciousness. When a patient
procedure or research protocol that can rejects one of the therapist’s interpreta-
be described to other researchers; using tions, this will be regarded as resistance
an acceptable method of analysing the and may be taken as an indication that
data; drawing appropriate conclusions; the interpretation was approaching a
making a report in enough detail that the particularly important defence mecha-
research can be replicated and the findings nism. However, it must sometimes be
evaluated (but see also idiographic.) the case that patients reject interpreta-
research participant See participant. tions simply because they are wrong.
research protocol The set of established resistance to extinction The length of
procedures which should be followed time for which a learned response will
when undertaking tasks for a specific carry on without any further reinforce-
research project. See also standardised ment. Resistance to extinction is often
procedures. used as a measure of operant strength – in
other words, to indicate how strongly
research question The overall aim or something has been learned. See also
purpose of the research: the question(s) spontaneous recovery.
stated when planning the research that
the research will try to answer. This is resource holding power (RHP) An
not the same as the hypothesis, as a single evaluation of the strength or fitness
research project may evaluate several of an animal competitor, expressed in
different hypotheses in addressing the terms of how well it is able to protect or
main research question, and inductive defend its territory or resources against
approaches such as grounded theory, competitors.
avoid stating hypotheses in advance of respect See unconditional respect for
data collection. ­persons.
R 313

response bias The tendency that people connectivity between areas of the brain
have to produce experimental responses or networks is measured. This gives an
which are socially desirable, or which they idea of the brain’s ‘resting state’, which
think that the experimenter expects. For can then be compared with how the
example, a study involving a comparison scan looks when the person is actively
of reactions to sexually explicit material engaged in a specific task. See also
with reactions to neutral material may fMRI, default mode network.
show a difference that results from the restricted code A code of language
person’s unwillingness to appear overly use identified by Bernstein, which is
concerned with sexual matters, or from characterised by a high proportion of
their embarrassment. If this is not directly personal pronouns, a relatively limited
the topic under study, it will result in a vocabulary, and a considerable reli-
response bias that could obscure other ance on shared assumptions on the part
experimental findings. See also confound- of the speaker and listener. Bernstein
ing variable, experimenter effects. saw restricted code speech as mainly
response conflict Situations in which being used by working-class individuals,
two or more possible responses are avail- whereas its counterpart, elaborated code,
able, which may be equally desirable, or was mainly used by middle-class people.
in which the desired response may not Because of the high dependency on con-
be the easiest or most appropriate. See text in restricted code speech, Bernstein
also approach–avoidance conflict. argued that this made its speakers less
able to deal with abstract concepts and
response generalisation The tendency related forms of knowledge – a version of
to produce a learned response in con- the verbal deprivation hypothesis that was
ditions that are similar, although not highly criticised, notably by Labov, who
identical, to those under which the showed that users of restricted codes
response was learned. In general, the demonstrated abstract reasoning just as
more similar the conditions are, the readily as elaborated code users. While
stronger the response will be. This is these criticisms were undoubtedly justi-
known as the generalisation gradient. fied, they also distracted attention from
response rate The frequency with Bernstein's concerns about the way that
which a response or unit of behaviour the education system systematically
occurs in a set period of time. Response rewards the use of elaborated codes of
rate is often used as a measure of oper- language, implying that those habitu-
ant strength, or as an indicator of how ally using restricted codes might be at a
strongly something has been learned. disadvantage.
reticular activating system (RAS) A
resting potential The ionic balance
set of neural pathways that are directly
between the chemical composition
involved in attention, sleep and wake-
of the external fluid and the internal
fulness. The RAS appears to operate as
chemical components of a neurone when
a kind of switching or energising mech-
it is not firing. See also action potential.
anism for whole areas of the cerebral
resting state paradigm A way of looking cortex in the event of wakefulness and
at the brain during scanning sessions, alertness. It originates in the reticular
in which the person is not asked to formation, the surgical removal of which
perform any tasks, and the functional results in permanent unconsciousness.
314  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

reticular formation A region of the eye, and the image on the retina is con-
lower portion of the brain connecting verted into electrical impulses by the rod
the medulla and the midbrain, which has and cone cells. The point on the retina
extensive neural connections, and is gen- where the image is focused most sharply
erally divided into three areas: the raphé is known as the fovea and corresponds to
nuclei, the parvocellular nuclei, and a set the point where visual attention is con-
of larger cells known as the gigantocellu- centrated in normal perception. The rest
lar nuclei. Its networks control a number of the retina covers the remainder of the
of autonomic functions, including car- visual field (see Figure 59).
diovascular control, pain modulation,
retinal disparity The difference in the
sleep and consciousness, and habituation.
visual image projected onto each retina
Lesions in different parts of the reticular
caused by the slightly different positions
formation have been shown to produce
of the two eyes. Closer objects produce
either hypersomnia or insomnia in ani-
more retinal disparity, so the visual
mals. See reticular activating system.
system uses the difference to judge dis-
retina The three-cell-deep layer on the tance. See also depth perception.
back inner surface of the eyeball. The retinal flow The changing patterns of
layer furthest away from the lens con- light on the retina which are produced by
sists of light-sensitive rod cells and cone the fact that the observer is moving around
cells, the next layer consists of bipolar in its environment. It is a key process in
neurones, and the third layer consists Gibson’s theory of ecological perception.
of ganglion cells with elongated axons
that cross the retina and join together at retinal ganglion cells Cells that col-
the blind spot to form the optic nerve. lect information from the receptive
The retina forms a ‘screen’ on which an cells in the retina, and take it into the
image is projected from the pupil of the brain, bunching together to form the

bipolar neurones

ganglion cells

rod cells

cone cells


direction of light
Figure 59  The structure of the retina
R 315

optic nerve and terminating in the lateral retrieval processes The cognitive oper-
geniculate nuclei of the thalamus. ations involved in recalling information
retinal image The inverted image of the stored in long-term memory.
external world that is cast on the retina retroactive interference The phenom-
by light rays entering the eye through enon that occurs when new information
the pupil, and focused by the lens before which is being learned interferes with
falling on the layer of rod cells and cone the ability to recall information which
cells in the retina. was learned previously. For example, a
retinal size The term used to refer to the tennis player who takes up squash may
size of the image that an object casts on find that their tennis deteriorates for
the retina. This will vary in proportion a while. See also proactive interference,
to the distance away from the object. transfer of training.
For example, a 2-metre pole viewed retrograde amnesia The form of amnesia
from 40 metres will cast an image whose (memory disorder) in which the person
retinal size is half that of a 2-metre pole affected is unable to remember things
seen from 20 metres. However, due to that happened before the event which
the process of size constancy, the size of rendered them amnesiac. Retrograde
the object that is actually perceived by amnesia usually occurs after some form
the person does not coincide with its of brain damage but can occur in a
retinal size, and even in young infants minor form after a concussion. It is not
some amount of compensation for dis- uncommon for people who have been
tance seems to occur. in an accident involving severe con-
retinopy See retinopic organisation. cussion to lose all memory of the few
minutes leading up to the accident. See
retinotopic organisation The way that
also anterograde amnesia.
the receptive fields of neurones may be
organised in a way which reflects the retrograde memory Memory for events
way that the retinal image is organised. that happened before brain damage
The phrase is sometimes abbreviated which led to amnesia. See also retrograde
to retinopy. See also simple cell, complex amnesia, anterograde amnesia, anterograde
cell, ocular dominance columns. memory.
retrieval A term used to refer to the pro- retrospective memory Memories of
cess of remembering things, in which people, events or situations that have
the information is ‘retrieved’ or brought been experienced in the past.
back from some kind of storage system.
See also explicit memory. retrospective study A study that
involves collecting data about events
retrieval cue An item of information which happened in the past. When
that links with other information stored information is being provided by peo-
in memory, and so allows that other ple about their past, the possibility of
information to be brought to the surface memory distortions is obvious. Many
and recalled. See also cue. epidemiological studies have been
retrieval-induced forgetting Forgetting retrospective, using data from the pre-
that occurs when the retrieval of a memory vious records of patients or clients. The
causes inhibition of related or competing weaknesses of this technique are the
memories. See also interference. inadequacy of documented information
316  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

in the recording of salient or influen- work to maintain. The concept is particu-

tial events in a person’s life, and the larly important in the theory of operant
tendency for researchers to focus exclu- conditioning, where reward forms positive
sively on the particular feature that reinforcement for learned behaviour.
they are interested in, and to ignore reward pathway There appear to be
other information. Where straightfor- several ‘reward pathways’ in the brain.
ward research on medical conditions is However, the term is generally used to
concerned, this may not be a problem, refer to a series of neural connections
but the technique has been used for far involving the neurotransmitter dopa-
broader research, notably Bowlby’s work mine, which connects an area of the
on maternal deprivation, which greatly midbrain to the ventral striatum of the
influenced views of childcare practice forebrain, and also receives inputs from
from the 1950s to the 1970s. the limbic system and the prefrontal cor-
reversal learning Learning that an act tex, and which is sometimes referred to
or process which had previously been as the mesolimbic pathway. It is linked
rewarded is no longer rewarded. See also with pleasure, positive reinforcement,
extinction. and the salience of incentives. See also
ESB, orbitofrontal cortex.
reverse inference This is the process of
arguing backwards from neural activa- rhetoric The study of how language is
tion to infer that a particular cognitive used to persuade others. Rhetoric was
process is going on. an important part of education from
the early Greeks to the mid-nineteenth
reversibility The operation of returning
century but came to be seen as inferior
something to its original state by revers-
to the search for scientific certainties.
ing the process that transformed it in the
As it explicitly recognises the extent to
first case. The concept of reversibility
which thinking is affected by ideology,
plays an important part in Piaget’s theory
it is favoured by social constructionists.
of cognitive development. Understanding
See also social constructionism, discourse
that an operation is reversible allows one
to understand important aspects of the
world. For example, if a ball of Plasticine rhodopsin A light-sensitive chemical
can be rolled out into a sausage shape, it in the retinal cells of the eye, which
can also be rolled back into a ball; if A is responds to changes in light or dark. See
larger than B, then B is smaller than A; if also rod cells, photopsin.
3 squared is 9, then the square root of 9 is rhinal sulcus A deep groove in the base of
3. Piaget saw an understanding of revers- the temporal lobe of the brain, at the point
ibility as an essential part of the concrete where the cortex is folded underneath
operational stage. In particular, it is neces- itself. A number of fundamental aspects of
sary before conservation can be acquired. memory are located alongside this sulcus.
reward Something that is provided for See, e.g., medial temporal cortex.
an organism, animal or human after a Rhine cards See Zener cards.
desired piece of behaviour has occurred,
and which takes the form of something RHP See resource holding power.
that the organism wants, needs or likes. ribonucleic acid (RNA) A chemical
The behavioural definition of reward is found in the cells of the body, which is
that it is a stimulus which an animal will involved in genetic protein synthesis,
R 317

and is capable of duplicating genetic (i.e. riskier than the average of the
material, DNA, for use elsewhere in individual decisions). There are several
the body. It is generated from an unzip- possible explanations for the risky shift,
ping of the two strands of DNA and is one being that it is an example of diffu-
much more active and changeable than sion of responsibility, and a second being
DNA. So it can carry messages based the ‘risk as value hypothesis’, that risk-
on the structure of DNA and bring taking is socially valued and so people
about changes in the body based on the will want to be seen by the group as
individual’s genetics. It has also been more daring. However, some psycholo-
thought to be involved in learning pro- gists question whether it really happens
cesses. See messenger RNA. consistently. See group polarisation.
Ribot’s law The observation that rite of passage A ritual that marks the
­people with amnesia still typically retain progress from one stage of life to the
memories from early in their lives. next. All societies have their own rites
of passage, with weddings, funerals, and
right brain A commonly used term
those rituals that mark the transition
indicative of a popular misconception
from childhood or adolescence into
about brain functioning. See hemisphere
adulthood having been most studied by
right hemisphere The half of the ritual A strictly defined pattern of
­cerebrum situated to the right side of the behaviour that carries a significant
head. It is mainly concerned with the social meaning in a well-defined con-
functioning of the left side of the body, text. Marriage ceremonies are a clear
and of the right side of the retina in example of culturally defined ritu-
each eye. Following a series of split-brain als, but the term is used more widely
studies by Sperry, it was found that this to include any meaningful patterns of
half of the brain was particularly adept behaviour carried out according to strict
at spatial and artistic tasks, whereas the rules, such as the handwashing ritual of
left hemisphere was more readily con- an obsessional person, Sunday dinner, or
cerned with language and number. The a task that a family might be asked to
implications of this observation subse- undertake regularly as part of therapy.
quently became greatly exaggerated: see
hemisphere bias. ritualisation Types of animal communi-
cation that take the form of stereotyped
rigour A term used to refer to the sequences of actions, communicating
meticulousness and accuracy of research species-specific messages, such as oppo-
methods and procedures. sition to intruders or intent to mate.
Ringlemann effect The observation Ritualised actions of this kind are
that the efforts individuals put into a genetically determined, and not easily
task is likely to decrease with the num- modified according to the demands of
ber of others involved. See also social the situation. See also innate releasing
loafing. mechanism.
risky shift The finding that when a RNA See ribonucleic acid, messenger RNA.
group of people makes a decision, it robotics The area of research that
tends to be riskier than the decision that involves the development of mechani-
they would each have made i­ndividually cal systems which can perform a set of
318  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

actions in a manner comparable to that excuse to apply parametric tests such as

of a human being. Many highly success- the t-test to data that would really war-
ful robotic systems have been developed rant non-parametric statistics. See also
and applied, particularly in the manufac- test power.
turing industries. They have involved ROC curve See receiver-operating char-
considerable research, not just into acteristic curve.
movement systems, but also into the
development of such techniques as opti- rod cells Light-sensitive cells in the
cal scanning devices, which can identify retina of the eye, which respond to
and respond to anomalies or changes in very small amounts of light but are not
the appearance of the material being sensitive to colour. They contain the
manufactured. As such, robotics is gen- photosensitive chemical rhodopsin and
erally considered to form a major branch are found in all parts of the retina except
of research into artificial intelligence. the fovea, which is made up of cone cells.
Rod cells are most concentrated towards
robustness The ability of a statistical test the edge of the retina, where their
to operate in a reasonably appropriate extreme sensitivity provides acute detec-
manner, even if it is used inappropri- tion of movement in peripheral vision,
ately, with the wrong type of data. The and allows very faint objects to be seen.
concept of robustness is relatively ­little Night vision is due to the sensitivity of
understood but is often used as an rod cells. See also dark adaptation.

Rogers, Carl R. (1902–1987)

Carl Rogers was one of the most significant humanistic psychologists of the
1950s and 1960s. He regarded human beings as having two basic needs – for
positive regard and for self-actualisation, which he saw as a process rather than
as a goal state. His therapy emphasised providing the client with uncondi-
tional positive regard, which would free them from approval-seeking so that
they could explore their own self-actualisation needs. To this end, Rogers
developed client-centred therapy, which focuses on helping the client (not the
patient) grow in their own way, and so is non-directive. It also emphasises
the development of a positive self-concept, and helps the client to challenge
impractical conditions of worth brought about by an unrealistically perfect
ideal self-image. Part of client-centred therapy involves the therapist honestly
reflecting their understandings and feelings back to the client – a practice
that aims to reduce incongruence between how clients see themselves and
how others see them.

Rogerian A term applied to methods of has been studied particularly in groups in

counselling or psychotherapy that are which a role is likely to be allocated to
based on the work of Carl Rogers. See each member – leader, fixer, clown, loyal
also non-directive therapy. member, etc. Any individual is likely to
role The part that each individual is play different roles in different groups,
expected to play in a social situation. This and may t­ herefore ­experience role con-
R 319

flict when two groups come into contact a society have concerning the ways in
(e.g. when adolescents encounter their which people ought to behave when
family while in the company of their they are playing a social role in that
friends). Roles may be held very briefly society. Behaviour that does not con-
(e.g. the one who has the next turn), form to role expectations, at least in
over long periods (e.g. child), or perma- general terms, will usually meet with
nently (e.g. gender role). See also role social sanctions of some kind (e.g. the
behaviour, role confusion, role count, role exclusion of the person from the group).
expectation, role play.
role play Adopting a particular role
role behaviour Behaviour that is con- temporarily and behaving, as nearly as
sidered to be appropriate for someone possible, like a person who actually holds
who is playing a specific social role. For that role. Role play is widely used in train-
instance, someone playing the role of ing situations and is an effective way of
a shop assistant is expected to behave helping people to understand what it feels
in certain ways, to be smart and alert, like to have the given role. It also allows
and to demonstrate specific behaviours them to practise the role before being
such as asking if a customer needs to fully committed to it. Acting out a role
be served or requires information about often shifts a person’s opinions towards
prices, etc. Other kinds of behaviour of those they have been working with.
which the person may be equally capable Preparatory role play may also help to
(e.g. ballroom dancing) are completely reduce anxiety and improve performance
inappropriate to the social role of shop in stressful situations such as interviews.
assistant. See also role expectation.
Rorschach inkblot test A projective test
role confusion In Erikson’s develop- based on psychoanalytic theory, in which
mental theory, a state in which the participants are shown large and elabo-
identity is not well defined. It may be rate inkblot patterns, and invited to
regarded as a temporary state (this can interpret them in terms of images that
occur at any time of life, but is particu- the blots might represent. The idea is
larly common during adolescence) or as that the responses which they make will
the long-term consequence of having indicate the concerns of the unconscious
failed to establish a clear identity during mind. The Rorschach test has been
adolescence. See also psychosocial stages. found to have poor reliability.
role count The sum total of social roles Rosenthal effect The finding by Robert
that an individual plays. The concept Rosenthal and others that people’s
becomes particularly important in the expectations can have an effect on an
case of those who have recently retired. outcome that is being observed. The
The process of retirement results in a term is used particularly in connection
drastic reduction in the number of social with the finding that when teachers
roles played by the individual, and some were told that a group of children were
researchers consider that it is important very bright, those children subsequently
for the retired person to replace at least performed better than a similar group
some of those social roles in alternative that the teachers had been told were
social activities. See also disengagement. generally dull. The term is also used for
role expectation The implicit but none- various forms of experimenter effect and
theless very clear ideas that members of self-fulfilling prophecy. See also labelling.
320  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Rosch, Eleanor (1938–)

Eleanor Rosch is a cognitive psychologist specialising in linguistic and non-
linguistic aspects of cognitive representation. Her work on categorisation
led to the prototype theory of concept formation which argued that con-
cepts were built around a central typical model. She was also responsible for
opening up research into natural categories, and the subsequent distinction
between basic and higher-level concepts.

Rowe, Dorothy (1930–2019)

Dorothy Rowe contributed significantly to the understanding of depression.
Through her work, she showed how the medical model of mental illness
failed to deal with the underlying mental models and beliefs of depressive
patients, and how personal construct theory provided a useful alternative
approach. She made several significant media appearances, during which she
promoted the idea that ‘just world’ beliefs exacerbated fear and anxiety as
responses to disasters, which in turn led to considerable improvements in
therapy for depressed people.

rostral To do with the anterior side of a rule-based errors Errors that arise because
body part, organ or whole animal. See an established set of rules or procedures
also caudal. have been misapplied – in other words,
rTMS See repetitive transcranial magnetic used in inappropriate c­ ircumstances.

Rutter, Michael (1933–2021)

Sir Michael Rutter was knighted for his services to child psychology and
child psychiatry. His re-evaluation of the concept of maternal deprivation in
the early 1970s did much to bring attachment theory into a modern context,
challenging the oversimplified views of maternal influence and clarifying
how disturbed social relationships could produce problems in both childhood
and adolescence. His later research into school experiences highlighted a
number of social and experiential factors affecting both school performance
and delinquency.
saccade Rapid, unconscious jerks and whole of the original population impos-
tremors that are made continuously by sible. Many statistical techniques are
the eye and are thought to be instru- concerned with indicating the reliabil-
mental in preventing habituation of the ity of a conclusion based on a sample,
retinal image. but cannot identify whether the sample
SAD See seasonal affective disorder. is typical of that population or not. A
considerable amount of experimental
sadism A psychosexual disorder in methodology is concerned with ensur-
which a person obtains sexual arousal ing, as far as possible, that the samples
by inflicting pain or humiliation on involved in the study are representative
another person. See also masochism. of their population, but there is accu-
safety needs The second level of mulating evidence that even if a sample
Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, safety is representative of its immediate popu-
needs refer to needs for security, shelter lation (e.g. Americans), it may not
and freedom from attack. These needs represent human beings in general. See
become important once basic physiologi- WEIRD populations.
cal needs have been satisfied. Once the sampling error The extent to which the
safety needs in turn have been satisfied, results obtained from research may not
according to Maslow, the next level be truly representative of their popula-
of needs, namely social needs, become tion, simply because of the fact that
important. they have been obtained in the real
salience Something that is particularly world, and, in psychology, from real
noticeable, relevant or likely to be per- human beings each of which is unique.
ceived. The salience of an object or Most statistical techniques can be seen
event may be due to its physical proper- as ways of addressing or minimising
ties, such as brightness and clarity, or it sampling error (Figure 60). See also null
might arise because the object or event hypothesis, statistical analysis.
relates to needs, emotional states or sampling procedure The procedure by
meanings on the part of the perceiver. which a sample is acquired. Sampling
sample A part of a population which is procedures need to be carefully defined
studied so that the researcher can make and reported so that it is possible to
generalisations about the whole of the judge whether the results obtained
original population. Samples can be for that sample can be generalised to
gathered by means of several different the population or to other samples.
procedures, which include quota sam- Technically, the ideal form is random
pling and random sampling. Nearly all sampling, in which members of a popu-
psychological research is carried out on lation are selected at random, with
samples because the size of populations each having had an equal chance of
or some other factor makes studying the being chosen. In practice, truly random

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
322  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Figure 60  Sampling error

s­ ampling is difficult to achieve because satiation Satiation is defined operation-

of such influences as volunteer bias. A ally as the point at which an animal will
further disadvantage is that a random no longer seek food. It is usually used in
sample needs to be quite large to ensure investigations of hunger or other moti-
a close fit to the parent population. vational states, and it implies that the
More sophisticated forms, such as strati- underlying need is temporarily satisfied.
fied sampling, are designed to represent
satisficing The heuristic strategy in
the population in all important aspects,
decision-­making that involves settling
and so allow reliable conclusions to be
on the first solution which satisfies the
drawn from a smaller sample. However,
person’s minimal requirements. The
in practice, opportunity sampling is prob-
alternative extreme is maximising, in
ably the most common technique.
which the person attempts to find the
sanction Some kind of deliberate nega- perfect solution. People who repeatedly
tive consequence that is applied to a attempt maximisation spend a lot of
person or group in response to undesired time being disappointed.
behaviour. Sanctions may include the
saturation This term is usually used
withdrawal of privilege or opportunity,
with reference to colour, and indicates
as well as direct punishment or other
how ‘rich’ a particular hue is. However,
unpleasant consequences.
it may also refer to other forms of stim-
Sapir–Whorf hypothesis The idea uli, and in general it is concerned with
that our thinking and understanding the intensity of content. For instance,
are determined by the properties of the ‘saturation advertising’ occurs when an
language we use for thinking and com- advertising campaign is so intense that
municating: in other words, the theory it is considered to have achieved the
of linguistic determinism. Benjamin Lee maximum effective exposure to its tar-
Whorf developed the theory in the get audience.
1950s, arguing that people in different
savant syndrome See idiot savants.
societies have different understandings
of the world, and sometimes of inter- savings method A method of measur-
personal interaction, because the words ing memory identified by Ebbinghaus in
available to them shape their under- 1885, in which material that appears to
standing and are not the same as those have been entirely forgotten can none-
in other languages. theless be relearned more quickly than
S 323

similar material being encountered for that the relationship between the two
the first time. See also relearning savings. variables can be seen in the way in
scaffolding The setting up of psycho- which the scores are scattered within
logical support structures that help the area described by the diagram (see
someone to build a firmer foundation Figure 61). More widely scattered points
for their choices, beliefs or learning. indicate a weaker correlation. See also
The term is used in personal construct line of best fit.
theory and is also a significant part of scatterplot See scattergram.
Vygotsky’s model of adult influence on schedule of reinforcement See rein-
the child’s cognitive development. See forcement schedule.
zone of proximal development.
schema A hypothetical model of the
scaling The process of organising way in which information is stored by
recorded measures into a scale. By doing the brain. It is used to direct action,
this, measures can be given values with and in understanding the relation-
known arithmetical relationships to ships between events. A schema would
each other, and statistical analyses can include all of the information relating
be undertaken. Scaling is particularly to a particular event or type of event,
important in psychology because many including representations of previ-
of our phenomena cannot be measured ous actions, theoretical and practical
directly, being either subjective or too knowledge about the event, and ideas
complex. See also z-score, stannine score, and opinions about it. The idea of the
levels of measurement. schema was used by Bartlett to explain
scanning See brain scan. how memories become adjusted to
scapegoat theory The idea that prejudice existing knowledge; formed a major part
arises from people seeking to blame oth- of the theory of cognitive development put
ers for their own negative circumstances. forward by Piaget; and was also central
According to scapegoat theory, poor liv- in Neisser’s cognitive theory. The idea
ing conditions, economic depression and of schemata, and their extension and
frustrating situations lead people to react development through experience, pro-
in hostile ways to others, and this reac- vides a useful model for understanding
tion is likely to focus on any individuals
who are present but do not belong to
the person’s own peer group. Scapegoat
theory has been put forward as an expla-
nation for the growth of racism and
sexism during times when economic cir-
cumstances are difficult. Y
scattergram Also sometimes called a
scattergraph, this is a diagram used to
illustrate correlations, in which the ver-
tical axis (the ordinate) represents the
values of one set of scores, and the hori-
zontal axis (the abscissa) represents the
other set. Each pair of scores is plotted X
as a point on the diagram. This means Figure 61  A scattergram
324  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

how many different levels of compre- be thought of as resulting from a fear

hension can be involved in both new of the school, hence the term ‘school
and familiar situations. See also antici- phobia’, but is now often seen as being
patory schema, constructive memory. a fear of being away from the home.
schizoid Showing tendencies towards This is usually associated with the fear
schizophrenia, but not the extreme form. either of some disaster happening to the
The term is therefore used for any indi- mother or of the parents leaving during
cation of a mismatch between thought the child’s absence. Sometimes these
and feeling, and a lack of interest in and fears have a rational basis (e.g. when
ability to form social relationships. there is serious discord between the par-
ents or when the child has often been
schizophregenic families The idea that threatened with abandonment). See
some families operate in a way that makes also attachment, separation anxiety.
it likely that the children will become
Schwann cell A fatty cell that wraps
schizophrenic. One therapist claimed that
itself around the axon or dendron of a
it takes three generations to create a
neuron, to form the myelin sheath.
schizophrenic. The claim has been largely
abandoned, partly because of a lack of scientific rigour The degree of objec-
evidence, but also because it became used tivity and precision required to ensure
to blame the parents of schizophrenic that research observations are valid as
people, sometimes unreasonably. evidence for their research topic, and
not merely anecdotal or idiosyncratic.
schizophrenia A broad group of psycho-
See anecdotal evidence, rigour.
ses in which emotion is blunted or is not
coordinated with thought and behav- scotoma A small area of blindness in
iour, and in which thought appears to the visual field, originating in the pri-
be disordered. Typical symptoms of mary visual cortex.
schizophrenia are hallucinations, incoher- SCR Skin conductance response. More
ent speech and thought, and delusions. commonly referred to as galvanic skin
People suffering from schizophrenia are response.
unlikely to maintain social relationships
script A concept that was particularly
or to look after themselves adequately.
articulated by Schank and Abelson
There is considerable controversy over
(1977), this term refers to the implicit
whether schizophrenia is an organic dis-
set of social expectations and assump-
order, or whether it happens as a result
tions which operate in the course of
of life experiences, particularly growing
everyday interaction. People act in
up in certain kinds of family. One of the
accordance with these expectations as
reasons why this dispute has not been
if their part was ‘scripted’. The classic
resolved is that there is no very clear and
example of this is the restaurant script,
widely accepted definition of schizophre-
in which the roles of customer, waiter,
nia, and the diagnosis of the condition
etc. are highly prescribed, with certain
varies widely in different countries. See
actions being expected at certain times.
also Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Schank and Abelson demonstrated that
Mental Disorders, existentialism.
the application of a particular script
school refusal (school phobia) The to a given situation can channel and
insistence by a child on staying at home structure what is perceived from that
rather than going to school. It used to situation – a different script will lead
S 325

to the individual noticing different fea- include psychological needs by claim-

tures and remembering different facts ing that they must have acquired drive
as salient. Scripts are, for the most part, properties through association with pri-
unconscious and assumed. It is notice- mary drives such as hunger.
able that people are more likely to secondary process In psychoanalytic
remember deviations from a script (e.g. theory, secondary process refers to con-
not being asked if coffee is wanted at scious rational thought. It is so-called
the end of a restaurant meal) than they in order to distinguish it from primary
are to remember events which conform processes, which are the workings of the
to the script itself. See also schema, social unconscious.
secondary reinforcement Something
sd See standard deviation. that has acquired the property of being
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) able to reinforce learned behaviour
A disturbance of affect in the form of because it has previously been associ-
depressed mood, which coincides with ated with a primary reinforcement. For
the reduction of daylight during winter example, if a ‘click’ is sounded each
months. People who suffer from SAD time a rat in a Skinner box is rewarded
experience major depressive episodes with a food pellet, the noise becomes
each year. Naturally, the condition only associated with the reward. If the
operates in populations that live a long behaviour then undergoes extinction, it
way from the equator. It can be treated can return and be maintained simply by
by prolonged exposure to bright light, making the sound of the ‘click’, with no
called ‘phototherapy’. food reward being necessary. Moreover,
a new behaviour can be increased if it
seasonal territoriality A form of terri-
is just followed by the click. The noise
toriality that occurs only for a particular
has developed reinforcing properties
period, such as the mating season or the
and has become a secondary reinforcer,
time of rearing young. Most forms of ter-
simply as a result of its association with
ritoriality among animals are seasonal
the primary reinforcer. There are many
(i.e. most animals only actively defend
different kinds of secondary reinforcer –
their territories against potential com-
in human terms, the most frequently
petitors at relevant times of the year).
encountered one is almost certainly
secondary appraisal A term used in stress money.
and coping therapy to describe the per-
secondary sexual characteristics
son’s assessment of the coping resources
Physical characteristics such as beards
they have available for use. See also pri-
or breasts that are normally found in
mary appraisal, transactional model of stress.
mature members of one sex only, but
secondary circular reactions Circular which are not the actual sex organs. See
reactions that have progressed beyond also primary sexual characteristics.
involving the infant’s own body, and
second-order conditioning A two-stage
which now operate through manipu-
conditioning process, in which an initial
lating objects, although still in a fixed
association with a stimulus is learned,
repeated pattern.
and then another condition or stimulus
secondary drives Within drive-reduction becomes associated with the learned
theories of motivation, the attempt to one and is learned in its turn.
326  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

second-order intentionality A degree most well-known example of this occurs

of intentional stance which makes the when someone is concentrating on one
inference that the individual acting has particular conversation amidst a large
not only beliefs and desires but also has amount of background noise, some of
beliefs about other people’s beliefs. So which may actually be louder than the
an act may represent an attempt to get conversation being attended to. This
others to respond in certain ways. See was dubbed the cocktail party effect in
also first-order intentionality, third-order the 1950s, and gave rise to a considera-
intentionality. ble amount of research, often involving
secure attachment A type of attach- dichotic listening tasks and split-span tests.
ment in which the infant (or older The research gave rise to several dif-
person) is confident in the relationship, ferent filter models, which eventually
and therefore able to cope easily with showed that there is a considerable
separation. Securely attached infants amount of unconscious semantic pro-
will show moderate degrees of upset on cessing even of unattended information.
being left by their primary caregiver, but See also exogenous orienting.
this soon passes, and they will greet the selective exposure A preference to receive
person positively when reunited. See cognitive input that will strengthen our
also insecure attachment. existing views, and a tendency to avoid
sedative A drug that has a calming information which will challenge them.
effect on the individual, usually produc- See also confirmation bias.
ing drowsiness. This is often achieved selective perception The human ten-
by dampening the activity of the auto- dency to perceive what is expected
nomic nervous system. Sedatives are or anticipated. The term is not only
known to produce considerable tolerance broader than selective attention but also
in the body, with progressively increas- has to do with sets and expectations. See
ing amounts of the drug being required also anticipatory schema.
to produce the same effect. The most selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
well-known sedatives are the barbiturates, (SSRIs) The collective name for a group
which were traditionally prescribed as of antidepressant drugs that affect the
sleeping tablets, although this practice is uptake or reuptake of the neurotransmit-
now less common. Although there are ter serotonin (e.g. Prozac).
known to be large numbers of people who
are addicted to barbiturates, the addic- self-actualisation A concept central to
tion is usually induced through medical the humanistic theories of both Maslow
­prescription – barbiturates are not com- and Rogers, although used in a differ-
monly used as recreational drugs. ent way by each. Broadly speaking,
self-actualisation refers to the making real
segementation The process of dividing (actualising) of human potential, so it
things into parts. In cognitive psychol- involves the individual developing their
ogy, this generally refers to dividing the abilities to the full, exploring options and
sounds of speech, which are ­virtually con- skills, and experiencing life as fully as pos-
tinuous, into separate words or p­ honemes. sible. For Maslow, self-actualisation takes
selective attention Attention that is the form of a ‘peak experience’, which is
channelled towards certain stimuli and only attained once all of the ‘lower’ lev-
ignores the presence of others. The els of the hierarchy of needs have been
S 327

satisfied (i.e. needs such as safety needs Self-concept is often considered to have
and physiological needs). Accordingly, two major dimensions – a descriptive
self-actualisation is seen as a relatively component, known as the self-image,
uncommon event, which occurs only in and an evaluative component, known
a few special individuals. as self-esteem, although in practice the
term is more commonly used to refer to
In Rogers’ theory, by contrast, self-­
the evaluative side of self-perception.
actualisation is seen as a continuous
process of self-exploration and develop- self-consciousness An exaggerated
ment that forms an undeniable need for awareness of one’s own behaviour, feel-
the individual. Most people have ways of ings and appearance, combined with
developing their potential in day-to-day a belief that other people are equally
living, through hobbies, interests and aware, interested and critical. Self-
the like, and most recreational pursuits consciousness is often particularly
involve some degree of trying to learn extreme during adolescence.
or to improve one’s abilities. However, self-efficacy beliefs The belief in one’s
in some individuals, the need for self- own power to act effectively, or to influ-
actualisation comes into conflict with ence events. Particularly associated
the need for positive regard from others. with the work of Albert Bandura (e.g.
Self-exploration is seen as potentially Bandura, 1997), self-efficacy theory
threatening, in that it might incur disap- argues that high self-efficacy beliefs
proval and censure from other people. contribute directly to a positive sense of
Accordingly, such people suppress their agency in dealing with the world. They
need for self-actualisation, and Rogers are therefore closely linked with an
sees this as the foundation of neurosis, internal locus of control. People with high
because the person experiences a discrep- self-efficacy beliefs have been shown
ancy between the way that they actually to make more efforts to achieve results
act, and their ‘inner self’. However, if and to respond productively to feedback,
they have a relationship involving whereas those with low self-efficacy
unconditional positive regard from some- beliefs show a tendency to give up easily
one, the person becomes able to explore and to fail to use feedback to improve
their need for self-actualisation, and to their performance. Although they are
balance the two needs in such a way as closely linked with and perceived as a
to achieve personal growth and maturity. major contributor to self-esteem, self-
Providing such unconditional positive efficacy beliefs can be highly specific,
regard forms the basis of Roger’s client- relating only to particular types of task.
centred therapy. However, there is some suggestion that
self-awareness The conscious feeling of people do show a general tendency
an ongoing, consistent sense of being a towards high or low self-efficacy beliefs
particular person. in a wide range of contexts. Bandura
argues that it is often psychologically
self-categorisation A process of decid-
healthier for an individual to have
ing that we, personally, fit into certain
slightly higher self-efficacy beliefs than
social, psychological or physical catego-
the evidence would warrant since that
ries. See social identity theory.
will encourage them to take on more
self-concept The sum total of the ways difficult tasks, and to persist at those
in which the individual sees themselves. tasks in the face of initial difficulty.
328  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

This in turn increases their likelihood effect – is now considered to be a major

of success. Some developmental psy- social influence that needs control in
chologists believe that a strong sense psychological investigation. See also
of self-efficacy is built up in infants double-blind control, experimenter effects.
and small children through contingen-
self-handicapping A tendency to set up
cies provided by caregivers. See also
personal situations or challenges in such
Dunning-Kruger effect, mindset.
a way that failure is inevitable.
self-esteem The personal evaluation
self-image The internal picture that
that individuals make of themselves,
individuals have of themselves; a kind
their sense of their own worth, or their
of internal description, which is built up
capabilities. Excessively low self-esteem
through interaction with the environ-
is regarded as indicating a likelihood of
ment and feedback from other people.
psychological disturbance and is particu-
The self-image may include knowledge
larly characteristic of depression. High
about hair colour (although not attitudes
self-esteem is generally seen as a positive
towards it), and the social roles played by
adjustment and can be a goal of therapy,
that individual. The person’s attitude to
although people like Hitler and Donald
self-image plays an important part in their
Trump appear to have had very high
level of self-esteem. Most people operate
self-esteem. There are several simple
a self-image that gives an exaggerated
questionnaires that have been developed
idea of their own attractiveness, and this
for measuring self-esteem, as well as more
seems to be necessary for psychological
sophisticated tests such as the Q-sort.
well-being. See also body image, identity.
self-fulfilling prophecy A statement
self-monitoring Being alert to how we
that comes true as a result of having
come across to other people so that we
been made. The classic example of the
can improve, or at least predict more
self-fulfilling prophecy in action came
effectively our effect in social situations.
from work by Rosenthal and Fode, in
Talking to oneself can also be a form of
which undergraduate students were
self-monitoring behaviour.
given a set of experimental rats to train
in maze-running. Despite the fact that self-perception theory The idea that
there were no observable behavioural we gain knowledge about ourselves by
differences between the rats at the observing our own behaviour (e.g. ‘I
start of the experiment, the students must have been hungry because I ate
were told that they could expect some an extra sandwich’). Overtly, such an
to be very quick at learning the maze, approach may appear naïve, yet there
while others would be very slow. The is considerable evidence to suggest that
rats performed according to these pre- people do make attributions about their
dictions, because the predictions had own behaviour, based on how they have
induced expectations on the part of the seen themselves acting or reacting.
students that affected how they handled
self-persuasion The modification of a
the animals during training. Further
person’s beliefs to become consistent
studies by Rosenthal and his colleagues
with what they observe about their own
demonstrated the power of expecta-
tions held by teachers towards their
pupils, and the self-fulfilling prophecy – self-presentation The process of showing
sometimes referred to as the Pygmalion a public self to others. Self-presentation
S 329

commonly involves enhancing those used particularly in attribution theory to

features believed to be regarded by oth- refer to causal beliefs that are adopted
ers as positive, while restricting those because they are favourable to the
that might be seen as more negative. See ­individual.
impression management. semantic To do with meaning; the
self-report Data in the form of reports intended communication or meaning
that people make about their own that underlies any utterance or signal.
actions or experiences. More broadly, The word ‘semantic’ is usually used in
any data provided directly by research contrast with syntactic, referring to the
participants when they fill in question- structure of the communication (e.g.
naires or inventories. sentence structure). Such contrasts are
self-serving bias A bias in a person’s particularly useful in examining the use
thinking that serves a personal pur- of language in communication.
pose, such as maintaining self-esteem or semantic coding Storing information
cognitive consistency. The concept is in memory on the basis of its meaning,

Seligman, Martin E.P. (1942–)

Martin Seligman first achieved fame by reporting a personal experience of
prepared learning when he became sick after eating his favourite sauce. His
interest in one-trial learning led to research into responses to aversive stim-
uli, which in turn led to his observations of learned helplessness, in which dogs
gave up attempting to escape from shock as a consequence of previous futile
attempts to escape. Seligman drew parallels with depression in humans,
but the theory was not fully supported in subsequent research until it was
reformulated by bringing in aspects of attribution theory. This resulted in the
idea of a depressive attributional style, which proved useful in various forms
of therapy. Seligman continued to study the prediction of behaviour from
attributional style, and subsequently developed the theory of learned optimism
and the area of the discipline known as positive psychology.

Selye, Hans (1907–1962)

Hans Selye was responsible for developing the fundamental model of stress
and how it affects the body that is still used today. His early work on endocri-
nology led to observations about how stressful situations produce hormonal
changes; and by examining the effects of both short- and long-term stress,
Selye was able to identify what became known as the general adaptation syn-
drome, later linked to a number of illnesses and maladaptations. Although
some of the specifics of his model have been challenged, its overall validity
remains widely accepted, and it has proved the jumping-off point for much
further research, not least into the health benefits of positive thinking.
330  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

rather than using other characteristics, semantic priming A form of cognitive

such as imagery. priming that is based on meaning, as
semantic conditioning A condition- opposed to visual appearance or other
ing process that uses a stimulus–response features.
form of learning such as operant or classi- semantic relations grammar A theo-
cal conditioning, in which the individual retical approach to understanding the
is trained to respond to the meaning of way in which very small children put
a word or phrase. Although the percep- words together, which emphasises the
tion of meaning is a cognitive rather than meaning, or intention, underlying the
a behavioural event, studies of seman- utterance. The short sentences and lim-
tic conditioning are reported to show ited utterances of the child are viewed
all the characteristics of behavioural as telegraphic speech, signalling the most
conditioning, such as generalisation and important parts of the communication,
discrimination. However, there is a cer- and only becoming more refined in terms
tain amount of evidence to indicate that of additional words or word endings later
semantic conditioning only ‘works’ if the on. The theory was developed by Roger
research participants catch on to what the Brown in opposition to the view of lan-
study is about, and decide to cooperate. guage acquisition developed by Chomsky,
semantic dementia This is a progressive which largely ignored what the child
degenerative neural disorder that involves was intending to communicate and con-
a gradual loss of semantic memory. Most centrated instead on the structure of the
commonly, the patient gradually loses utterance. See also psycholinguistics.
their awareness of the meanings of words, semanticisation The cognitive process
which means it is also sometimes classi- by which episodic memories can gradu-
fied as a progressive aphasia. ally change into semantic memories over
semantic differential A technique devel- time.
oped by Osgood for discovering the semantics The study of meaning.
underlying nuances and features that
people associate with individual words. semicircular canals Structures in the
Research participants are provided with inner ear that detect the overall move-
bipolar lists of features and asked to rate ment of the body, and are particularly
each word according to those features. concerned with the sense of balance.
Usually, a small number of rather general The canals are filled with a fluid that
features (e.g. weak–strong, active–passive, contains small bony particles known as
good–bad) emerge as providing most of otoliths, in suspension. As the fluid moves
the variation. in the canals, the otoliths make contact
with hair cells that line the edges, which
semantic memory Memory that is
produce an electrical impulse. This is then
concerned with meaningful facts and
passed to the brain, particularly to those
processes (i.e. how to do things). For
regions of the cerebellum that are con-
example, people with amnesia may for-
cerned with balance and equilibrium.
get knowledge-based information, but
they rarely forget such things as what a semi-interquartile range The central
dog is, how to walk, boil a kettle or write. half of the interquartile range, cutting out
These are all examples of semantic mem- the uppermost and lowermost quartiles,
ory. See also episodic memory, procedural and so excluding extreme scores from the
knowledge, hub-and-spoke model. analysis. This measure can give a rough
S 331

indication of the variance of ordinal due to d­ egenerative conditions such as

data. Alzheimer’s syndrome, which can also
semiology The study of symbolism and affect younger people. See also dementia.
meanings in everyday life. Semiologists sensation Anything that is experi-
are interested in the metaphors, rituals enced through the senses; a general
and symbols that form a large part of our term which is used to refer to sound,
everyday activity, but of which we are visual experiences, smell, taste, tactile
almost entirely unconscious. or kinaesthetic experiences. It is usually
semiotics The study of patterns in used when it would be inappropriate or
communication of all kinds, including misleading to describe the particular
language, ritual, non-verbal communication form that the experience will take or
and animal communication. Although has taken. See also perception.
primarily concerned with the meanings sensation seeking An approach to
within such communication, the study everyday choices in which the person
of semiotics also sees the form of the deliberately selects options that will
communication as providing important maximise emotional or physical chal-
clues to that meaning. In other words, a lenges. Sometimes considered to be a
clear distinction between meaning and personality trait in its own right.
form is not considered appropriate, as the
form will influence the meaning, and the sensitive period A time period during
intended meaning will affect the choice development in which a given capac-
of the form. For example, a reminder ity or form of learning can be acquired
from the boss to staff in an office about most easily. Sensitive periods are dis-
switching off unnecessary lights could be tinguished from critical periods by the
delivered as spoken communication, a fact that the capacity can be acquired
handwritten memo, or a formally typed outside the set period, although with
memo. Although the words might be greater effort.
identical, the form affects the meaning sensitivity training Training in
of the communication. interpersonal skills, such as effective lis-
semi-structured interview An interview tening and encouragement. Training
in which the respondent is encouraged for counsellors, psychotherapists and clin-
to talk freely, but is guided by topics ical psychologists almost always involves
which need to be addressed. Some semi- some form of sensitivity training.
structured interview schedules require sensorimotor stage The first of Piaget’s
that topics are addressed in a particu- four stages of cognitive development, in
lar sequence, while others allow the which the immediate cognitive task that
conversation to flow freely and address the child faces is the decoding of sensory
omitted topics by direct questions information and the coordination of
towards the end of the session. See also motor action. The first step in achieving
focus group, structured interview, open- this, according to Piaget, is the reduc-
structure interview. tion of the infant’s egocentricity to the
senile dementia A loss of intellec- point where it can distinguish between
tual capacity that apparently occurs ‘me’ and ‘not me’, and has formed its
through a deterioration of the brain. first schema, the body-schema. Another
The deterioration may not be directly important milestone during this period
attributable to ageing, and is often is the development of object constancy.
332  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

See also concrete operational stage, formal but we may also experience auditory,
operational stage, preoperational stage. tactile and gustatory illusions, or illu-
sensorimotor transformation The sions from any other sense. See also
connection between knowledge of the phantom pain, phantosmia.
position of the body and the position of sensory neurone A neurone that car-
objects in space, which allows us to act ries information from a sense organ or
on objects in our environment. sensory receptor to the central nervous
sensory adaptation The process by system. Sensory neurones are usually
which our senses adjust their sensitiv- bipolar, which means that the cell body
ity to the surrounding environment. occurs in between the two ends, each of
For instance, at night when background which branches into dendrites. They are
sound levels tend to be low, the ear will also myelinated, which allows them to
detect sounds that are far fainter than transmit information extremely quickly
those which can be detected during the (see Figure 62).
daytime. Similarly, the rod and cone cells sensory pathways Groups of neurones
of the retina become more sensitive in in the brain and nervous system which
dim light and less sensitive in bright work together and in sequence to route
light. See also dark adaptation. sensory information from the sense
sensory memory An ephemeral fast- receptors (eyes, ears, etc.) to the areas
fading memory of very recent stimuli. in the brain which are involved in pro-
Includes echoic memory and iconic repre- cessing that information and making it
sentation. meaningful for the organism. Sensory
pathways typically pass through several
sensory-functional distinction The different brain structures – the thala-
idea that semantic features are grouped mus, for example, contains significant
together in the brain according to decoding points for auditory and visual
their function and physical properties. information – and the major senses
However, there are cases where the two often transmit information along more
types of property have been shown to be than one neural pathway. See also olfac-
distinct (e.g. some people show selec- tion, gustation, nociception.
tive impairments in category-specific
cognition, but not for functional tasks). sensory projection area Areas of the
See also autopagnosia. cerebral cortex that receive sensory infor-
mation, usually via the thalamus. There
sensory illusion An illusion that is spe- are four major sensory projection areas
cific to one particular sense. The most on each cerebral hemisphere, namely the
common of these are visual illusions, somatosensory projection area, the visual

sense receptor cell body

synaptic knobs
in skin axon
node of Ranvier

myelin sheath

direction of impulse
Figure 62  A sensory neurone
S 333

cortex (also sometimes referred to as the septum pellucidum See septum.

striate cortex), the auditory cortex and sequence organisation The way that a
the olfactory cortex. As there appears to conversation follows a particular pat-
be some kind of correlation between the tern of alternating contributions. See
amount of stimulation and the amount conversation analysis, discourse analysis,
or region of the sensory areas stimu- social organisation.
lated, it was originally thought that the
sensation was ‘projected’ onto the area serial Occurring in sequence, one item
as if onto a screen, hence the name. at a time. For instance, a serial mem-
The actual process is inevitably far more ory search occurs when the memory is
complex. See, e.g., ventral visual stream, searched for items with a definite pat-
also motor cortex. tern, one item after another.

sensory threshold The point at which serial position curve A graph which
50 per cent of stimuli will be detected. shows the probability of recalling an
The nature of the stimulus will depend item against the position that item had
on the sense being investigated (e.g. in the original list of items that was
faintness of light or speed of exposure learned. The curve shows higher proba-
for visual thresholds, and volume or bilities for the earliest and latest items in
pitch of sound for auditory thresholds). the list, indicating primacy and recency
See also threshold. effects. The curve has also been used to
distinguish the operation of long-term
separation anxiety The signs of anxi- and short-term memory, although this is
ety and distress shown by a young child rather more contentious.
or other animals when a caregiver to
whom they have an attachment leaves serial processing The processing of infor-
them alone in a strange situation. mation one item at a time. Many early
Traumatic experiences of separation, cognitive models assume serial process-
or repeated threats of abandonment (‘If ing in, for example, problem-solving or the
you’re bad, we’ll put you in a home’) in decoding of language, although recent
early childhood are believed to produce evidence suggests that in fact informa-
‘separation anxiety’, in which the child tion is often processed on several levels
is in a continual state of anxiety about simultaneously (parallel processing).
the possibility of losing its primary car- serial reaction time task A measure of
egivers. School refusal may also reflect implicit learning in which people are
separation anxiety. See also strange situ- presented with sets of items that involve
ation technique. a repeating sequence, and are asked to
septum The septum is a thin double respond as quickly as possible to each
membrane, located below the corpus cal- item.
losum, which links the corpus callosum serial reproduction A research technique
with the fornix. It is sometimes known developed by Bartlett and used for study-
as the septum pellucidum. This structure ing the distortions produced by memory.
is not the same as the septal nuclei, or In the classic model, one research par-
septal area, which is located next to the ticipant is given information and then
olfactory areas. Rather, it is linked with reports it to a second person, who then
the nucleus accumbens and appears to be passes it on to a third, and so on. An
associated with pleasurable sensations. alternative approach is for the same per-
334  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

son to produce successive versions of the they would resume eating but would eat
material. The progressive distortions in only enough to maintain the new body
the information provide insight into the weight. It has been suggested that simi-
types of changes that occur as the mate- lar mechanisms might be implicated in
rial is stored in memory. the case of obesity in humans. See also
serotonin A neurotransmitter that is satiation.
involved in a variety of brain processes, setting The social, personal, economic,
especially those concerned with moods, environmental or other type of con-
and including motivation, sleeping, text within which a study takes place.
relaxation and pain. The hallucinogens Settings can be important in generat-
LSD and psilocybin appear to be picked ing expectations and mental sets from
up at serotonin receptor sites, although research participants, which in turn
the precise mechanisms by which these can influence research outcomes. The
drugs operate are not fully understood. clinical psychologist Timothy Leary
In some texts, serotonin is referred to as emphasised both set and setting as
5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT. important aspects of understanding the
set A state of preparedness or readiness experiences produced by hallucinogenic
for a particular type of experience. Set and other psychoactive drugs.
has been demonstrated with most forms sex differences Differences between the
of cognitive process, but the most strik- sexes. Some psychologists reserve this
ing examples of it are perceptual set and term for biologically based differences,
learning set. In each case, information with gender differences being used for
that is relevant to the prepared state is socially derived features. However, the
picked up far more quickly and easily distinction is difficult to apply in practice,
than information that is not relevant. and it seems likely that few differences
See also anticipatory schema. between the sexes are either purely bio-
set weight A predetermined body logical or purely social in origin.
weight, which seems to form the ‘natu- sex-linked trait An inherited tendency
ral’ weight of the animal concerned. that appears only in members of one
The idea of set weight arose from stud- sex. The genes for such traits are car-
ies of the hypothalamus, in which it was ried on the pair of chromosomes that
observed that rats with lesions in particu- determine the biological sex of the
lar areas of the hypothalamus would eat individual. Because the structure of this
more than usual. At first, it was thought pair of chromosomes differs substan-
that these areas represented ‘feeding tially in males and females, sex-linked
centres’, but later findings showed that traits operate differently for the two
the increased intake only lasted until sexes. For example, colour blindness,
they had reached a certain body weight. which is recessive and carried on the
At that point, the rats would adjust X-chromosome alone, will only be appar-
their food intake to stay at that level. ent in females who have inherited it on
Experimental lesions in other areas both of their X-chromosomes. If it is
of the hypothalamus produced effects carried on only one of them, then the
in the opposite direction – rats would gene for normal colour vision on the
cease to eat until their body weight had other X-chromosome will dominate.
dropped to a certain point, whereupon However, colour blindness will always
S 335

appear in males who carry it on the ences that are widely held in society. As
only X-chromosome they have. There many of these assumptions have been
are therefore more colour-blind men developed to justify an unfair treatment
than colour-blind women. It is worth of women (see rationalisation), sexism
noting, however, that very few biologi- is often taken to mean discrimination
cal sex-linked traits of this type appear against women.
to have any direct connection with sexual abuse Sexual abuse is a form of
psychological processes. This is partly child abuse in which a child or young
because genetic psychological pro- person is forced or enticed to take part
cesses, if they exist at all, are likely to in sexual activities, whether or not the
be polygenic. In human psychology, it is child knows the meaning of what is
the ­phenotype –the ever-developing out- happening. The activities may involve
come of the interaction between genetic physical contact, including assault by
and environmental influence – that is penetration (for example, rape or oral
the focus of interest. See also haemo- sex) or non-penetrative acts such as
philia, Y-chromosome. masturbation, kissing, rubbing and
sex-role behaviour Behaviour that is touching outside of clothing. They may
influenced by the person’s beliefs about also include non-contact activities,
what is appropriate for members of their such as involving children in watching
own sex. The term can also be used to sexual activities, internet pornography,
refer to behaviour that conforms to soci- encouraging children to behave in sexu-
ety’s definition of appropriate gender ally inappropriate ways, or grooming a
behaviour. child in preparation for abuse (includ-
ing via the internet). Sexual abuse is
sex-role learning The processes by
not solely perpetrated by adult males.
which a child or adolescent acquires an
Women can also commit acts of sexual
understanding of what is appropriate
abuse, as can other children. See child
behaviour for their own sex, as opposed
abuse, emotional abuse.
to appropriate behaviour for members
of the other sex. Sex-role learning starts sexual reproduction Forms of reproduc-
very early in life, and three-year-olds tion that depend on combining genetic
have quite a clear idea of which gender- material from a male and a female.
related behaviours their parents think The term is usually used in contrast to
are appropriate. ‘asexual reproduction’ in which the off-
spring is produced entirely from genetic
sex stereotypes Beliefs that are held
material provided by a single parent
in the culture about sex differences and
organism. Sexual reproduction has the
appropriate sex-role behaviour. Like all
major advantage of producing new com-
stereotypes, they make a useful starting
binations of genetic material and so
point for knowing what to expect from a
increasing the diversity of the species. As
person, but they easily become mislead-
the process requires cooperation between
ing if used in preference to observing
two members of the same species, it has
what the person is actually like.
resulted in the development of a great
sexism Discrimination against a person variety of interesting features, such as
on the basis of their sex. It is often more courtship rituals, an ability to refrain
subtle than racism because it is likely to from eating the sexual partner before
be based on assumptions about sex differ- their contribution to reproduction is
336  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

complete, and biological motivations to on the brain, usually electrical stimu-

ensure that the behaviour is undertaken, lation of the limbic system, and which
however unlikely the required activi- ceases abruptly when the stimulation is
ties appear. Sexual reproduction is also switched off. See also ESB.
widely regarded as being more fun than shape constancy The perceptual adjust-
asexual reproduction. ment which is made by the visual
sexual selection The idea that a particu- system when viewing objects from dif-
lar trait has evolved because it enhances ferent angles, such that the retinal image
the chances that the individual will be varies. For instance, a cup seen from
selected for mating by members of the above casts a retinal image that is very
other sex in their species. different from that of a cup seen from
shadowing A task extensively used in the side, yet it is perceived as having a
studies of selective attention. Shadowing constant shape (see Figure 63). See also
involves the audible repetition of a spoken colour constancy, size constancy.
message as it is received by the listener. In shaping See behaviour shaping.
the classic experiments, participants were shared variance The amount by which
presented with two messages simultane- correlations measuring different vari-
ously, one through each side of a pair of ables overlap.
headphones (a dichotic listening task). They
were asked to attend to only one of these shock therapy See electroconvulsive
messages, and in order to ensure that they therapy.
were doing so, they would be required to short-term memory (STM) Memory
‘shadow’ the message. In this way, the that lasts for only a few seconds (e.g.
effects of information input to both the the kind of memory that is used when
non-attended and the attended ear could entering a digital security key into a
be assessed, as the spoken words would secure website). The concept of short-
show what the person was consciously term memory was first introduced by
noticing, and indicate whether key words William James (1890) and has been
in the unattended message, such as their used extensively in psychological theo-
own names, had been registered. ries of memory ever since. One of its
sham rage An extreme form of uncon- notable characteristics is its vulnerabil-
trolled rage, produced by direct action ity, either through a rapid decay of the

Figure 63  Shape constancy

S 337

Sherif, Carolyn (1922–1982)

Carolyn Sherif (née Carolyn Wood) trained as a social psychologist before
WWII and became interested in Mustafer Sherif's social norms and attitude
change. From 1944, they worked closely on many projects and also married,
but due to the prevalent sexism of the time she was not credited as a co-
author: their joint work was accredited only to her husband (they married in
1945). Despite this, she pioneered research into group conflict, notably the
famous Robbers Cave Experiment, and co-wrote several books and papers. In
later years she conducted research into gender identity and became actively
involved in promoting the involvement and recognition of women in US

memory trace or through displacement sibling rivalry The commonly observed

by new material. This means that in jealousy between siblings, which may
order to retain material for any length of start from a competition for attention
time, it is necessary to rehearse it con- and affection from the parents, but can
tinuously. Another characteristic is its then generalise to other aspects of their
limited capacity, with old information lives.
being displaced to make room for new. SIDS See sudden infant death syndrome.
This limited memory was identified by
Miller as consisting of 7 ± 2 items, but sign stimulus A stimulus that triggers
the amount of information contained a fixed action pattern in a particular spe-
in those seven items could be extended cies.
by chunking information into meaning- sign test The simplest of non-parametric
ful larger units. Some theorists, notably statistical tests. When the phenomenon
Atkinson and Shiffrin, see short-term being studied can only take one of two
memory as an initial stage for material values with known probabilities, the
entering long-term memory, although difference between the observed fre-
they also see it as a completely differ- quency and the expected frequency can
ent type of memory store. In recent be checked for significance. The simplest
years, the levels of processing approach case for this simple test is when the two
to memory has implied that the exist- values are equally probable, as in toss-
ence of two separate memory stores is ing an unbiased coin, or the gender of
an unnecessary refinement, and that the participants selected randomly from
characteristics of STM can be seen sim- the population. It can also be used as
ply as the effects of the very superficial a simple test of equal numbers when a
processing that information receives continuous distribution is divided into
when it is first perceived. See also work- two parts e.g. the number of adults aged
ing memory, graphemic buffer. less than or more than 50 years.
sibling A word used to refer to a brother signal-detectability theory A theory
or sister, which has the advantage of not about how weak signals are detected
denoting the gender of the person being despite the presence of background
referred to. noise. By making simplifying assumptions
338  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

(in particular, that only the level of significance level A level at which
noise and the level of signal are to be it is judged that a statistical finding is
considered, and that when both are pre- unlikely to have occurred by chance.
sent the levels simply add to the total Because chance variation is unlikely,
sensation, rather than interacting or the finding is taken to suggest that a
cancelling each other out), it has been genuine effect may be operating. The
possible to produce a mathematical significance level has to be set before
analysis of the process of detecting sig- research begins, and should relate to
nals. This approach has been effective the implications that a finding would
in certain restricted cases, and much of have. The lowest significance level
the theory is incorporated in the receiver- conventionally used in psychological
operating characteristic (ROC) curve. research is a probability of less than
signal-detection task A task used to 0.05 (expressed as p<.05). But this level
investigate how long a person can per- of ‘significance’ would still occur in 1
form effectively when asked to identify out of every 20 studies on average if no
one particular type of signal appearing at effect at all was operating. So obtaining
random intervals amid other distracting this level could just mean that yours was
stimuli. The task might be auditory (e.g. that 1 in 20 chance. If practical use is to
a tone lasting slightly longer than other be made of a finding, it is more usual to
tones that are sounded at intervals), or require a probability of less than 0.01,
it might be visual (e.g. the detection of or a 1 in 100 likelihood that it could
one special shape appearing among other have occurred by chance. If you were
shapes). Some signal-detection tasks are going to use the research to claim that
replications of the displays that a radar a proven treatment for a serious condi-
operator would scan, allowing research- tion should be abandoned and replaced
ers to identify potential sources of error by a new one, you would demand a
and to investigate possible alleviating much higher significance level. Note
measures. See also sustained attention. that however extreme the significance
level, it will never totally exclude the
signal-detection theory (i) A math- possibility that the finding was due to
ematical approach to understanding chance. Therefore, while the possibil-
a person’s response to information in ity that no effect is operating (the null
terms of their physiological sensitivity hypothesis) may be rejected, it can never
to it, or alternatively (ii) their decision be disproved. See also effect size.
threshold of responding.
significance testing The process of
signal-to-noise ratio The ratio obtained using statistical tests to estimate the prob-
by dividing a measure of the strength of ability of how far a set of results have
the information in a signal by a meas- differed from a random set, and may
ure of the noise that surrounds it during therefore reflect a true influence or fac-
transmission. It gives a measure of how tor. See also null hypothesis.
easy it will be to perceive the signal
accurately. For example, a human voice significant difference A difference
in a loud disco will have a low signal- between two sets of scores that has
to-noise ratio and will be difficult to achieved a specified significance level.
understand. similarity principle One of the Gestalt
significance See statistical significance. principles of perception which holds that
S 339

in the absence of other information, at the same time as the location of the
we will tend to group together stimuli object. See also optic apraxia.
that are similar, and regard them as simultaneous conditioning A variant of
somehow ‘linked’ or ‘belonging’ to one classical conditioning in which the uncon-
another. See also closure. ditioned stimulus is presented at exactly
simple cell A type of neurone found in the same time as the conditioned stimu-
the lateral geniculate nuclei of the thalamus, lus. See also delayed conditioning, trace
and also in the visual cortex, which will conditioning.
fire only when a very specific stimulus single-blind control An experimental
occurs within the visual field. First iden- control in which the research par-
tified by Hubel and Wiesel, simple cells ticipants in a study are unaware of the
will respond either to a particular dot or hypothesis that is being investigated, but
line in a specific part of the visual field, the researcher is aware of it. See also
or to a line at a particular orientation in double-blind control.
any part of the visual field. There is also
evidence that something like 90 per cent single-case design See case study.
of these cells can adapt their functioning single-unit recording See single-cell
if early visual experience is limited. After recording.
a critical period, their functioning becomes
single-cell recording Also known as
relatively fixed. It is thought possible that
single-unit recording or micro-electrode
disorders of the arrangements of simple or
recording, this is the measurement of
complex cells may produce astigmatism. See
the electrical reaction of a single neu-
also hypercomplex cell.
rone in response to a stimulus. Because
simulation Any process of modelling or it is an invasive method, it is usually
imitating an actual real-life event. The only conducted on animals or peo-
term is often used in psychology to refer ple already undergoing brain surgery.
to apparatus that mimics a real situation Research into neuronal activity in the
in which training can be more safely temporal lobe has shown a high degree
carried out (e.g. aeroplane cockpit of ­specificity – for example, in one case,
simulators), to people who act as if they a person showed activity in a single neu-
have psychological or physical condi- rone when looking at a picture of the
tions (e.g. faking epileptic seizures) and Eiffel Tower, but not to other famous
in computer simulation. monuments; while in another, a spe-
simulation theory The idea that we can cific cell was activated when looking at
begin to understand other people’s emo- pictures of a famous film star, but not
tions or mental states by simulating that to other film stars, or even to pictures
state in ourselves. See also facial feed- of the same star when she was with her
back hypothesis, mirror systems. husband. The idea is that these cells
have learned to ‘tune in’ to specific
simultanagnosia The inability to per- features of the environment. See also
ceive more than one thing at a time. hypercomplex cell, grandmother cell.
For example, someone with simultana-
gnosia might have difficulty in using SIT See social identity theory.
vision to guide their hand movements situational attribution In attribution the-
towards an object, as they are not able ory, this refers to explaining a person’s
to perceive the location of their hand behaviour or experiences as arising from
340  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

the situation that they are in, rather skill The performance of a task at a
than from the personality or other inter- high level of competence. Motor skills
nal characteristic of that person (which (e.g. riding a bicycle) and cognitive
would be a dispositional attribution). See skills (e.g. playing chess) have been
also fundamental attributional error. studied separately, although many com-
size constancy The perceptual process by mon skills (e.g. writing an exam essay)
which objects are judged to be consistent involve components of both. Skills
in size, regardless of the actual dimen- improve through feedback and through
sions of the image that they cast on the the deliberate use of strategies. Master
retina of the eye. An object viewed from chess players spend up to four hours
a distance will produce a retinal image each day analysing moves and working
that is very different in size from the out the strategies by which they may
same object seen at close quarters, but have discovered the optimal move. So
the perceptual system adjusts its recog- just doing a lot of handwriting or taking
nition of the object, such that in both notes in lectures does not necessarily
cases the size is seen as being the same. In make you better at it.
extreme conditions, size constancy may skill acquisition The processes by
break down (e.g. when cars or people are which skills are learned or acquired.
viewed from the top of a skyscraper). See There have been several models of skill
also colour constancy, shape constancy. acquisition, but all of them include the
skewed distribution curve A version of idea that informed practice, with feed-
the normal distribution curve which is not back, is absolutely necessary. See also
symmetrical, in that one side is extended autonomous stage of skill acquisition, cog-
further than another. For example, a nitive stage of skill acquisition.
curve plotted from measurements of sim- skill-based errors Errors that have
ple reaction times will be skewed, because come about because the individuals
while there is a physiological limit to how concerned did not have the expertise or
quickly someone can react to the stimulus, training to deal with the situation. See
there is no limit to how long they can take. also knowledge-based errors.
So a curve drawn from such measures will
tend to ‘lean’ towards the left but have a skin conductance response (SCR) See
‘tail’ that stretches out to the right. This galvanic skin response.
is known as a positive skew. A curve that Skinner box A device developed by
‘leans’ in the other direction is referred to B.F. Skinner for investigating oper-
as negatively skewed (see Figure 64). See ant conditioning. A typical Skinner box
also measures of central tendency, kurtosis. will contain a lever, a food delivery

mean median mode

Figure 64  A skewed distribution
S 341

Skinner, Burrhus Frederick (1904–1990)

Skinner has been described as the most important American psychologist of
the twentieth century. His work began with an investigation of the ways in
which environments could produce regularities in behaviour, leading him to
invent the Skinner box and the cumulative recorder. This led him to the prin-
ciples of operant conditioning, which extended the work of Pavlov and Watson
by accounting for the production of novel behaviour. Skinner’s work was
largely responsible for the widespread influence of behaviourism in American
psychology throughout the twentieth century, and his later books such as
Verbal Behaviour, Walden Two and Beyond Freedom and Dignity reflected his
belief that all human experience could be explained in behaviourist terms.
He worked at Harvard for most of his career, and received a tremendous
number of awards in recognition of his contribution to psychology, including
no less than 25 honorary doctorates.

chute and a signal light. When a hun- cooperate, and is not inevitable. The
gry small animal such as a laboratory preliminary phase of getting the animal
rat is placed in the box, its explora- to push the lever for the first time will
tory behaviour eventually results in be quicker if a behaviour-shaping proce-
its pressing the lever, at which point a dure is employed. The signal light can
food pellet is delivered. This reinforces be used as a discriminatory stimulus, and
the lever-pressing action, rendering the Skinner box may be set to deliver
the animal more likely to repeat it. partial reinforcement according to a rein-
The process results in the learning of forcement schedule (see Figure 65).
lever pressing as a means of obtaining
food, although the experience of one sleep cycles Patterns of sleeping that
of the authors suggests that this only involve changes in EEG recordings pro-
happens if the animal feels inclined to duced by a sleeper, and corresponding

food light

food delivery

Figure 65  A Skinner box

342  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

differences in how easy the person finds not be accessible on testing soon after
it to wake up. During a typical night, the acquisition. However, it may be
sleepers pass through the different ­levels recalled the next day.
of sleep in a cyclic fashion between slippery slope argument The argument,
five and seven times. Levels 1 and 2 often made, that an innocent or innoc-
are light sleep characterised by irregu- uous first step will eventually lead to a
lar EEG patterns; the deeper levels 3 much larger and undesirable outcome.
and 4 show regular wave patterns in See also fallacy.
EEG recordings. Typically, the sleeper
will cycle through the levels every 40 SMA See supplementary motor area.
to 80 minutes, and then enter REM smoothing A process used in brain map-
sleep for a period before starting a new ping studies in which the random activity
cycle. During a period of normal sleep, of neurones is smoothed out by describ-
deeper stages become shorter and then ing the probability of activity generated
cease completely, while the REM stage by each voxel according to a normal dis-
becomes longer. See also orthodox sleep, tribution curve. Similar approaches have
rapid eye movement sleep (see Figure 66). been used in other areas, e.g. in psycho-
physics, where conversion of scores (e.g.
sleep spindles Distinctive patterns on of light detection) into their logarithmic
EEG sleep records, which show short values produced a smoother curve (e.g.
bursts of very rapid, high-amplitude activ- Fechner's law, decibel scale).
ity contrasting with the less intensive and
lower-amplitude pattern that is dominant snapshot methodologies Methods of
most of the time. See also sleep cycles. conducting research into complex
systems which occur once only – for
sleeper effect An experimental effect example, questionnaire studies adminis-
that is not apparent immediately but tered on a single occasion – and so are
which may appear later. For example, unable to take into account changes
an item might be stored in memory but over time. See also questionnaire fallacy.


level of sleep




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
hours after falling asleep
Figure 66  Sleep cycles
S 343

SNARC effect This stands for ‘spatial-­ social bonds These are connections
numerical association of response between individuals or between an indi-
codes’ and has to do with the connec- vidual and the group, which involve a
tion between motor and brain activity. sense of loyalty towards the individual
Typically, people who are asked to make or group, and often a sense of well-being
judgements about numbers such as or positive affect in its presence. See
whether they are odd or even tend also friendship, relationship, social identi-
to react faster with their left hand for fication.
small numbers, but faster with their
social class The classification of people
right hand for larger ones. The effect is
according to their occupations and eco-
reduced if transcranial magnetic stimula-
nomic circumstances. Naturally, such
tion is applied to both lobes of the brain.
a classification generates all kinds of
snowball sampling A method of obtain- problems, but the finding of widespread
ing research participants whereby a differences between different classes is
small group is selected, who in turn find consistent enough to motivate research-
other participants, who in their turn ers to continue to categorise people in
find others. In other words, a sampling this way. The term socio-economic status
technique that taps into pre-existing is generally used in current practice, in
social networks in order to obtain a order to avoid the undesirable implica-
reasonable sample size. See also random tions of ‘class’. It is important to recognise
sampling, representative sample, sampling that social class in itself cannot be an
procedure. explanation of anything, although it is
sociability The ability to engage in an often used as one. A problem in inter-
appropriate range of social relationships preting social class differences is that,
and activities. The different forms that since different classes can differ in almost
sociability takes at different ages and every way possible (education, income,
the means by which it develops is one health, smoking, religious attitudes, etc.),
of the major topics of developmental psy- it is not usually possible to say what is the
chology. cause of any particular difference. The
most commonly used criterion for allo-
social attribution A branch of attribu- cating social class in the UK is called the
tion theory that attempts to integrate the Registrar General’s Classification, which
social orientations of European social consists of a list of occupations allocated
psychology with analysis of the nature of into groups from 1 to 5.
individual everyday explanation. Where
more traditional versions of attribution social cognition
theory, such as the covariance approach,
have treated attribution as the product (i) The branch of social psychology
of individual cognitive processes, social concerned with people’s under-
attribution emphasises the social nature standing of what is going on in
of many of the explanations adopted social interaction. This tends to
by people, and tends to focus more on be mainly concerned with iden-
intergroup similarities and differences tifying different forms of social
than on individual problem-solving. assumptions and social explana-
See also lay epistemology, social identity tion. Social cognition therefore
theory, social representations. includes the study of social schemata
344  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

and scripts, as well as social repre- by breaking some. However, in the case
sentations and social attribution. of social beliefs (e.g. whether a social-
(ii) In developmental psychology, an ist form of government leads to greater
approach to cognitive develop- prosperity), we have no such access to
ment which states that social direct factual information and conse-
interaction is the most important quently will come to depend more on
factor in the development of the the views of others. Here, social com-
young child’s cognition. Work in parison comes into play, as we will be
this field has produced some re- more likely to accept the views of those
evaluation of the classic Piagetian we consider to be similar to ourselves
findings concerning conservation than of those we see as different. See also
and egocentricity, as it appears that social ­representations.
the traditional responses obtained social constructionism The position
from children were more a prod- taken by some social psychologists that
uct of the child’s interpretation of social reality is constructed between
the social demands of the experi- people, rather than being an objective
mental situation (saying what the phenomenon of which there can only
experimenter wanted to hear, be one true description. More broadly,
etc.) than with any inability to it is a position in the social sciences
conserve or decentre on the part that meaning is socially constructed
of the child. Work by Judy Dunn through interaction, especially through
and others indicates that children discourse. Therefore, it is more useful to
show cognitive abilities within study the social construction of mean-
social interactions at much earlier ing than to attempt to study the ‘reality’
ages than they can show them in that our meanings are about. See also
the context of physical science, account analysis, constructivism, positiv-
which was the basis of Piaget’s ism, transaction, discourse analysis.
investigations. Other studies have
examined the influence of social social desirability scale A set of items
expectation and modelling in cog- hidden in psychometric tests or self-report
nitive development. questionnaires that detects whether the
person taking the test is exaggerating
their positive qualities in order to appear
social comparison Social comparison more socially acceptable.
is concerned with the way we auto-
matically draw comparisons between social determinism The view that
different groups and individuals. It leads human behaviour and experience are
to a number of outcomes, including social caused by social and cultural forces.
identification, as people assess the relative Therefore, culture and society should
status, power, etc. of their own group be studied as existing in their own
relative to others. Festinger also pro- right, and not just explained as the out-
posed that social comparison leads to a come of the actions of large numbers of
tendency towards shared beliefs, particu- ­individual people.
larly with respect to social judgements. social exchange theory The idea that
In the case of beliefs about the physical social functioning operates according to
world, beliefs can be directly tested – we a basic rule that people should b­ enefit
can observe directly that glass is fragile from a social exchange to about the
S 345

same extent as they have contributed to self-esteem, the individual will come to
it. See also equity theory. identify with the group and to incorpo-
social exclusion A term, becoming pop- rate group membership as part of their
ular with politicians, that refers to the self-image. If such comparisons do not
effect of conditions that prevent people reflect positively on the self-concept,
from benefitting from full participation the individual will seek to leave the
in society. Poverty and disability are group (social mobility), to distance
what people usually have in mind, and themselves from it, or to alter the per-
referring to social exclusion suggests ceived status of the group to which they
that problems arise more from the ways belong (social change). Social identifi-
in which society excludes these people cation may also lead to the emergence
than from lack of money, learning or of shared beliefs, or social representations,
mobility. See also labelling. within a given group.

social facilitation The finding that perfor- Social identity theory is a core theory
mance is usually improved by the presence in the school of thought known as
of others. Simple and well-rehearsed tasks European social psychology. This school
are most likely to be facilitated, so if the is particularly distinguished from the
presence of others is a source of arousal, majority of social psychological theories
the phenomenon follows the Yerkes– by its emphasis on the realities of social
Dodson law. See also coaction. and political experience in terms of dif-
ferences in social status, relative power
social identification The process by and access to economic resources. Other
which individuals identify themselves theories of this school include social
with the groups to which they belong, representation theory and some ver-
especially by searching for differences sions of attribution theory. See also social
between their group and other groups. comparison, minimal group paradigm.
See social identity theory.
social impact theory An American social
social identity theory (SIT) The the-
psychological theory proposed by Latané,
ory, developed particularly by Tajfel,
in which the strength of social impact in
which proposes that membership of
phenomena such as conformity is per-
social groups actually forms a highly sig-
ceived as increasing with the number,
nificant part of the self-concept, rather
immediacy and strength of the sources.
than being a kind of external act or
In other words, social impact or social
role. Social identity theory draws on
pressure is higher if there are more people
two fundamental psychological mecha-
exerting it, if those people are closer to
nisms. The first of these is the cognitive
the individual rather than distant, and
mechanism of categorisation, whereby
if they are important people rather than
objects, events and people are classi-
simply random strangers. The second
fied into categories. The second is the
aspect of the theory concerns diffusion
tendency for people to seek sources of
of impact, proposing that the strength or
positive self-esteem. The outcome of
influence of a source decreases with the
these two processes is social identifica-
number, immediacy and importance of
tion, as the tendency to categorise also
the targets towards which it is directed.
leads people to compare their social
groups with others. If their group mem- Social impact theory has been hailed by
bership provides a source of positive some social psychologists as p­ roviding
346  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

a higher-order model that can account imitation and identification). In general,

for a number of diverse findings in social development is seen as a con-
social psychology. However, it has also tinuous learning process, rather than as
been sharply criticised for its reduc- happening in stages, and many theorists
tionist approach, in that it sees social consider that it continues throughout
influences simply as the product of the adult life. See also stage theories, model-
actions of individuals, and fails to take ling, locus of control.
account of either the emergent properties
social loafing The situation that occurs
of social groups, or the importance of
when a person engaged in collective
social contexts. It therefore represents a
action becomes less active, allowing
direct contrast to the school of thought
the rest of the group to put in the effort.
in social psychology known as European
Social loafing is considered to be one
social psychology.
of the factors involved in crowd behav-
social influence The influence exerted iour, but contrasts with deindividuation.
on an individual by other people, social
social media Internet platforms which
groups, social institutions, or inter-
facilitate interaction between individu-
nalised social norms or beliefs. See also
als, such as Instagram and Facebook,
rather than simply presenting informa-
social intelligence The ability to under- tion. See aso algorithm, deindividuation,
stand complex social interactions and to trolling.
respond appropriately in complex social
situations. See also emotional intelligence. social needs The third level in Maslow’s
hierarchy of human needs is concerned
social intelligence hypothesis The idea with group identity and membership,
that the need for high levels of social love, and positive interaction with oth-
intelligence produced the evolutionary ers. According to Maslow, social needs
pressure that resulted in the evolution become important once the basic physi-
of higher cognitive processes and other ological needs and safety needs have been
aspects of intelligence such as increased satisfied. Once the social needs have
brain size. been adequately met, aesthetic needs
social interaction A process in which become important. At the top of the
two people or animals directly influ- hierarchy is self-actualisation, which
ence each other’s behaviour. Social Maslow considers to be possible only
interaction is the core phenomenon of once all the other levels of need are sat-
social psychology, and the complex regu- isfied. Many psychologists criticise this
lation of forms of social interaction is model of human needs on the grounds
an important part of the young child’s that it does not account for many
socialisation. instances of human behaviour in which
‘higher’ needs are apparently put before
social learning theory An approach to
basic ones, the classic example being
child development which states that
the case of the ‘starving poet’. There are
children develop cognitively through
also many examples of prosocial behav-
learning from the other people around
iour in the face of physical deprivation.
them. Social learning theory emphasises
the processes by which children come to social networking Interpersonal inter-
adopt the rules, norms and assumptions action which takes place through
of their society (e.g. operant conditioning, specific platforms on the internet which
S 347

are designed to facilitate interaction seen as particularly typical of American

between individuals, rather than to con- social psychology, and the group-
vey information as such. Communication based, highly contextual form of social
through social networks may consist ­psychology that has become known as
of verbal comment or report, video-­ European social psychology.
sharing or images. See social media. social referencing In neuroscience,
social neuroscience A growing field this refers to the way that a previously
that links social behaviour to neurologi- neutral stimulus may become associated
cal processes within the brain. See, for with someone else’s positive or negative
example, mirror systems. emotional response, and as a result, be
social norms Forms of behaviour that either regarded positively or avoided by
are widespread within a society and/ another person.
or are widely accepted as appropriate. social representations A concept
Often it is the second condition that developed and articulated by Moscovici
is more important. For example, there (e.g. Moscovici, 1984), social represen-
are probably more people in society who tations are the shared beliefs adopted
abuse children than who work profes- by groups of people and used to explain
sionally for their welfare and protection. social experience. Social representa-
Yet concern for children, rather than tions vary in scope from the large-scale
abuse of them, is accepted as the norm. ideological beliefs shared by a society in
Acceptance of a person in a society is general, to smaller-scale beliefs adopted
usually based on the extent to which by members of a specific social group or
that person follows, or at least expresses subculture. Despite their shared nature,
agreement with, social norms. See also social representations are dynamic,
conventional norms. negotiated through social interaction
social organisation The pattern of and conversation, and modified or
social conventions and assumptions adapted as they become incorporated
underlying human activity. See also into the world knowledge of the individ-
sequence organisation, discourse analysis. ual. One of the major contributions to
the group of theories known as European
social psychology The branch of psy- social psychology, social representations
chology that is particularly concerned act as the cognitive interface between
with the nature and form of social individual action and ideology, and
interaction and how people come to have been studied in terms of several
influence each others’ behaviour. As social movements, including changes in
such, it includes the study of social health and dietary beliefs over time. See
phenomena, such as conformity, obedi- also lay epistemology, social attribution.
ence and non-verbal communication, as
well as aspects of social cognition such social responsibility of science The
as social perception, attitudes and attribu- principle that scientific research occurs
tion, and constructivist approaches such within a social context and affects real
as discourse analysis. One significant dis- people, and therefore should reflect
tinction in social psychology is between ethical and responsible values and prac-
the problem-centred and individualistic tices. See ethical issues.
(some say reductionist) approaches to social revolution The period between
the understanding of social phenomena the 1990s and 2010s in which the influ-
348  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

ence of social factors became increasingly sociobiology A reductionist approach to

recognised in different areas of psychol- the study of social behaviour, in which
ogy. See also cognitive revolution. the identification of a ‘unit of natural
social role See role. selection’ that could possibly form the
basis for a social phenomenon is taken
social schema A form of schema that as an ‘explanation’ for the phenom-
is particularly concerned with social enon. The ‘unit of natural selection’
cognition and social interaction. As is referred to as a ‘gene’, although it is
with other forms of schema, the social not biologically equivalent to the gene
schema serves not just to assimilate and as studied by geneticists. All behaviour
interpret experience, but also to direct is seen as being directed towards the
action. A number of different types of perpetuation and replication of genes.
social schema have been identified, Even altruistic behaviour is interpreted in
among them scripts, role-schemata, terms of the perpetuation of the ‘selfish
which are particularly concerned with gene’, through the mechanism known
the social roles to be played in soci- as kin selection.
ety, and person-schemata, which are
concerned with structuring and apply- There are many weaknesses in the
ing knowledge about people. In view sociobiological approach, one of which
of the overwhelming evidence for the is its retrospective approach to method-
importance of social factors in the ology, in which explanation involves
development of the self-concept, the three stages:
self-schema has also been identified as
a type of social schema. (i) the identification of some kind of
‘universal’ in behaviour;
social sciences A collective term for
(ii) the identification of a possible
those academic disciplines that involve
‘unit of natural selection’ that
the study of human beings interacting
could produce such behaviour;
with one another. As such, it includes
psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguis-
(iii) the development of a plausible
tics, economics, history and geography.
account of how that behaviour
social self The aspect of one’s self that is could (or, more often, ‘must’)
shown to other people. have evolved.
social skill learning The approach
to social interaction that treats it as a Other objections stem from the highly
learned skill. With this basis, socialisa- selective approach both to the ‘uni-
tion is understood using learning theories versals’ of behaviour – which usually
and studies of skill acquisition. Social emphasise only the more negative
skills training has been used to help human traits – and those examples of
people with psychological problems animal behaviour taken as evidence, in
(e.g. loneliness). which behavioural variations are largely
socialisation The processes by which a ignored, and only cases that support the
child becomes integrated into society by argument are acknowledged.
adopting its norms and values, acquiring sociocognitive conflict A form of dis-
the necessary skills of social interaction, continuity or contradiction between
and learning to adopt acceptable roles. the individual’s personal awareness or
S 349

cognitions, and their knowledge of what is now generally referred to as antisocial

is accepted or acceptable in their soci- personality disorder.
ety. The avoidance of sociocognitive solipsism The belief that only oneself
conflict can be a significant motivator and one’s experience exists. It refers to a
for people, acting in a similar way to philosophical position adopted in order
cognitive dissonance. to explore the question of what we can
socio-economic status An elaborate know, rather than to a psychological
way of referring to social class while disturbance.
attempting to avoid the unwanted soma The cell body.
implications and problems of definition
and distinctions involved in the con- somatic To do with bodily structure or
cept of class. functioning.
sociolinguistics The study of social somatic marker hypothesis The idea
forms of language, and the ways in that states of the body (such as emo-
which language is used in society. tional states or moods) which have been
Sociolinguistics inevitably shows con- associated with previous behaviours can
siderable overlap with, and can make be a significant factor in decision-making.
contributions to, social psychology (e.g. Somatic markers are thought to form a
in the study of the social influence of link between the cortical memories of
accents and dialect and in the study events or behaviour, and the emotional
of elaborated and restricted codes of lan- feelings registered in the amygdala and
guage). associated areas. It has been proposed
that these somatic markers are stored in
sociology The systematic study of socie-
the ventromedial frontal cortex.
ties and other social institutions, their
effects on people, and how people oper- somatic nervous system The network
ate within them. There is some overlap of nerve fibres that carries messages
between sociology and social psychology. from around the body to and from the
central nervous system. ‘Somatic’ means
sociometry An approach to attitude
‘of the body’, and this nervous system
measurement that involves charting
consists mainly of sensory and motor
the links and affiliations in a particular
neurones throughout the body, linked
group of people. Sociometric diagrams
by the spinal cord and the brain. This
usually consist of circles representing
allows bodily sensations, movement
the individuals, with arrows repre-
and experience to be recognised in the
senting the direction of influence or
central processing areas of the nerv-
affiliation between those people.
ous system. See also autonomic nervous
sociopathy A personality disorder marked system.
by an inability to form lasting commit-
ments or relationships, egocentric and somatic theory of emotion The idea
impulsive thinking, and a disregard for that emotion arises as a result of bodily
social consequences. It has been noted changes. See also James–Lange theory.
that relatively high numbers of success- somatic therapies The treatment of psy-
ful business people and politicians score chological disturbance by using physical
strongly on psychometric measures of techniques that have a direct effect on
sociopathy, without it being regarded as the body (e.g. chemotherapy, ECT or
a clinical problem. In clinical terms, it psychosurgery).
350  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

somato- A prefix indicating ‘to do with slender physique; (ii) endomorphs, who
the body’. were plump and rounded in shape; and
somatosensation Sensory information (iii) mesomorphs, who were sturdy and
about the state of the body. There are muscular. Sheldon saw this as indica-
many different forms of somatosensa- tive of personality, considering that
tion, which includes internal senses ectomorphs tended to be introverted
such as kinaesthesia, nociception and and were often nervous and intellectual
information about internal discomfort, types, endomorphs tended to be friendly
as well as information about equilibrio- and relaxed people, and mesomorphs
ception, proprioception, etc. tended to be noisy, hearty and often cal-
lous in their interpersonal interactions.
somatosensory projection area A strip Although Sheldon’s studies involved
running alongside the central fissure, in an impressive sample size, they were
the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex. methodologically flawed and took little
Also known as the sensory projection account of experimenter bias (see exper-
area, this is particularly concerned with imenter effects) or self-fulfilling prophecies
the sensation of touch. Different parts (see Figure 67).
of the somatosensory area correspond to
different areas of the body; those parts of spaced practice See distributed practice.
the body that are more sensitive have a spastic Affected by muscular spasms.
correspondingly greater amount of sur- The term used to refer to people suf-
face area on this strip of the cortex. fering from cerebral palsy, but as it then
somatotype An overall body shape, entered the common language as a
which has been thought by some derogatory label for clumsiness, it is now
researchers to provide an indication of rarely used within psychology.
personality. One of the most famous spatial intelligence The ability to rec-
researchers in this area was Sheldon, ognise and manipulate shapes, patterns,
who classified human bodies into three areas or locations. See also multiple intel-
main groups: (i) ectomorphs, with a tall, ligences.

endomorph mesomorph ectomorph

Figure 67  Somatotypes
S 351

spatial resolution How accurately it is (particularly primates) can be taught

possible to measure the exact location a language, the fact remains that only
of something, or how close it is to some- humans develop this complex means of
thing else. In digital records, it has to communication spontaneously, and it
do with the accuracy of an image when occurs in all human societies, so making
enlarged. See also temporal resolution. it a species-specific behaviour. There are
Spearman’s rank–order correlation many other examples of species-specific
coefficient A measure of correlation behaviour. Courtship rituals in different
that can be applied to ordinal data and species have been extensively studied,
which is usually used for small samples. and it is thought that the development
In the event of it being used for a larger of elaborate mating patterns serves to
sample (e.g. over 60 pairs of scores), prevent inappropriate cross-mating
the final coefficient obtained from the between members of similar species. It
test is considered to be equivalent to is usually assumed that if a behaviour is
a Pearson’s product–moment correlation species-specific, it is likely to have an
coefficient. See also scattergram. innate component.

special child A term adopted to refer specific hunger Hunger that is directed
to all children whose qualities or abili- towards a specific food or kind of food
ties are well outside the normal range. (e.g. a hunger for sweet foods or for
It represents an attempt to avoid the salt). Specific hungers are often experi-
automatically negative implications of enced during pregnancy and may serve
terms such as ‘mentally handicapped’ the function of supplying specific nutri-
and ‘retarded’, and to make an associa- tional needs.
tion between children who need special specific learning difficulty (SpLD)
resources because of some disadvantage This is a general term used to describe
and those who need special attention difficulty with particular aspects of
because they are exceptionally gifted in learning. The most common SpLDs are
some way. More recently, the expres- dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia and dysp-
sion ‘children with special needs’ has raxia, and, more contentiously, ADHD.
been adopted to reduce the possibility Use of these terms aims to avoid stigma
of labelling. and labelling by placing the emphasis
special needs Generally used for chil- on neurological deficits which may be
dren with extra educational needs open to specific remedial interventions.
because of learning disabilities such as It remains to be seen how long this
dyslexia. Children with an official des- will endure before these in their turn
ignation of having special needs are become stigmatised. See mental handi-
entitled to relevant extra resources. See cap, neurodiversity.
specific learning difficulties. spectrogram A graph that plots the
species-specific behaviour Behaviour frequency of sound against time, so an
that occurs in all members of a given spe- intense sound will make a taller, denser
cies and which does not appear to take (and therefore darker) image, while
place in animals of other, even closely a faint one will make a small, lighter
related species. One obvious exam- image (see Figure 68).
ple is language in humans. Whether speech acts Segments of speech that
or not one believes that other animals are intended to bring about some effect.
352  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

software were notoriously inaccurate,

but modern versions have proven inval-
uable in alleviating the mind-numbing
process of transcription, which is gener-
ally seen as an essential part of analysing
interview data.
Figure 68  A sound spectrogram speed-accuracy tradeoff The rela-
tionship between the time taken to
The focusing of attention on to speech perform a given task, and the accuracy
acts is one attempt to narrow down the with which it is completed. The speed-
study of language to more specific areas accuracy tradeoff is a negative correlation
so that it becomes more manageable, since accuracy tends to decrease as speed
and is also an attempt to draw attention increases. It is therefore also sometimes
to the way that people use language to formulated as a deliberate option in
achieve particular ends. See also dis- strategic decision-making.
course analysis. spillover effect In reading, rare words
speech register A mode of language use are looked at for longer than common
that is tailored to the social context in words. An increased length of visual
which it is used, and which involves fixation applies to the word immedi-
different styles of grammar and often a ately following it as well, which is the
different vocabulary. Speech registers spillover effect.
range from the formal, used in highly spinal cord The bundle of nerve fibres
structured social situations such as an that runs up the channel within the
official address or a lecture, to the inti- stacked array of bones forming the spine.
mate, used only between those with very The spinal cord forms a pathway between
close relationships and comprising a the somatic nervous system and the brain,
number of shared assumptions and a high mediates some basic functions such as
level of implicit meaning. Conversations pain reflexes and, in the higher segments,
with friends, using an affiliative speech some of the functioning of the autonomic
register, will involve different kinds of nervous system. In cross-section, the spi-
language use from the consultative reg- nal cord can be shown to consist of an
ister involved in, for example, asking a outer layer of white matter, with an inner
stranger for directions. See also accent, part of grey matter, and a small central
dialect, psycholinguistics. canal at the core, which contains cer-
speech therapy The profession that ebrospinal fluid. As the spinal cord is the
helps people who have some kind of medium through which the brain trans-
problem with verbal communication. mits information to the body, lesions of
Speech therapists use many techniques the spinal cord can result in paralysis.
from psychology, particularly behav- The extent of the paralysis depends on
ioural methods, and are increasingly how far up the spinal cord the lesion
paying attention to social factors in the occurs: lesions closer to the brain tend to
disruption of communication. produce a more total paralysis.
speech-to-text software Computer spinoreticular pathway A pathway of
applications that convert spoken words nerve fibres passing from the spinal cord
to written text. Early versions of this through the reticular formation and into
S 353

the thalamus. It is particularly involved digits from different ears, but instead
in nociception. reported a succession from one ear only
or from each ear in turn, thus implying
SpLD See specific learning difficulties.
a ‘filtering’ approach to attention. See
split-brain studies Studies of people also sustained attention, filter models.
in whom the corpus callosum and the
spontaneous recovery The sud-
optic chiasma are severed – a procedure
den reappearance of a habituated or a
known as commisurectomy. Originally
learned response after it has undergone
resulting from an operation on humans
extinction due to lack of reinforce-
as an attempt to control severe epilepsy,
ment. Spontaneous recovery occurs
the condition was found to permit the
during a period in which the eliciting
study of the independent functioning
stimulus is not presented, and has been
of the two cerebral hemispheres. This
demonstrated in both operant and clas-
work extended knowledge of localisa-
sical conditioning. If the spontaneous
tion of function in the brain (e.g. the
response is reinforced, it can lead to the
finding that logical/mathematical func-
reappearance of the learned behaviour
tioning tends to be stronger in the left
at full strength, very quickly.
hemisphere, while artistic abilities
and spatial awareness are more highly spontaneous remission When an ill-
developed in the right hemisphere). It ness or disorder disappears and appears
also led to the discovery that the two to have been ‘cured’ without any par-
halves of the brain could operate virtu- ticular medical treatment or therapy.
ally independently as decision-making spoonerism An error of speech that
and intelligent structures, and could be involves swapping the initial conso-
independently conscious. Experiences nants of words – as in the classic phrase
such as anarchic hand syndrome could ‘fighting a liar’ as opposed to ‘lighting
result if the two halves of the brain were a fire’.
in conflict. See also hemisphere bias.
spreading activation theory The idea
split-half reliability A technique for that activating a set of neurones which
assessing the reliability of a psychomet- correspond to a particular concept or
ric test by calculating a score from the word in the brain will cause neural acti-
first one-half of the items and then the vation to spread to other, related words
other half, in order to see whether the or concepts. While a popular idea in
two scores agree. cognitive psychology, it depends on a one-
split-personality See multiple personal- to-one correlation between neurones
ity. Do not see schizophrenia! and concepts that has yet to be demon-
split-span tests Tests first developed
SPSS The Statistical Package for the
by Broadbent to study selective atten-
Social Sciences: A computer calculation
tion, in which a succession of digits
package commonly used in quantitative
is presented to an individual through
research, capable of undertaking com-
headphones, with two different digits
plex statistical analysis with very large
presented simultaneously, one to each
ear. Broadbent observed that, when
asked to repeat the digits they had SQUID A device used to detect changes
heard, research participants did not mix in the tiny magnetic fields generated by
354  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

electrical activity from neurones in the stage theories Many theories in devel-
brain. The acronym stands for ‘supercon- opmental psychology are based on the
ducting quantum interference device’. concept of development from stage to
See also brain scan. stage. Major examples are Freud’s psycho-
SSRIs See selective serotonin reuptake sexual stages, Gesell’s maturational stages,
inhibitors. Piaget’s cognitive stages, Erikson’s psy-
chosocial stages and Kohlberg’s stages
stabilised retinal image The ­finding of moral development. In all cases, it is
that rod and cone cells in the retina assumed that each stage must be com-
habituate quickly if they are exposed to pleted more or less successfully before
a stable image. This does not normally the next stage can be adequately tack-
occur because of saccades, but has been led. This means that stages will occur in
achieved experimentally by the use of a fixed order since later stages depend
small projectors and screens attached to on earlier ones. The theories differ in
contact lenses. The effect of maintaining whether they see the transition from one
the image of an object at a fixed position stage to the next as gradual or abrupt,
on the retina is that the person ceases to and in what happens to the earlier stages.
be able to see it (see Figure 69). Some, such as Kohlberg’s, assume the
stable attributions Attributions in which earlier stage becomes irrelevant and is
the cause that has been identified is of abandoned once a new stage is reached.
a kind that will apply again in similar Freud sees the earlier stage as something
situations in the future. For example, to be relinquished if possible, but likely
believing that you have failed a sum- to continue to exert an influence. Piaget,
mer exam because of your hayfever is a Erikson and Gesell see earlier stages
stable attribution, in that you are likely as built on and incorporated into later
also to have hayfever for future summer functioning, but no longer used in their
exams. original form. Another developmental



contact lens

Figure 69  Creating stabilised retinal images

S 355

stage theorist, Heinz Werner, saw earlier standard deviation. The conversion used
stages as more primitive modes of func- most often is to z-scores, and these are
tioning that may still have their uses in sometimes referred to as standard scores.
certain circumstances, and which can See also stannine score.
still be used when the occasion arises – standardisation Establishing a set of
a rather more positive view of the process standardised procedures for a test, with the
that Freud identified as regression. Broadly aim of ensuring that results are compara-
speaking, stage theories imply qualitative ble when obtained in different settings.
differences in functioning at different ages The term can refer either to procedures
and can be contrasted with behavioural for administering the test, or to data that
approaches such as social learning theory, indicate the expected range of scores in
which assume that the same or similar specified populations (norms).
processes apply throughout the lifespan.
standardised instructions A predeter-
standard deviation (sd) A statisti- mined set of instructions which is given
cal measure of dispersion in a normally in the same manner and using the same
distributed population. Calculation of words to each person taking part in a
the standard deviation is a basic step in given experimental procedure. The use
parametric statistics. Simply knowing that of standardised instructions is intended
two scores are five points apart tells you to provide a control against experi-
nothing unless you know how widely the menter effects in research or testing, but
scores in the population are dispersed. If its somewhat robotic quality renders
the sd is 1, then a difference of five points it of dubious value when dealing with
indicates a wide divergence on what human beings.
is being measured. If the sd is 100, five
standardised procedures A set of
points represent no real difference at all.
experimental procedures, or a sequence
The sd is the square root of the variance
of events, which has been established in
(see Figure 70). See also z-score.
advance such that it will be carried out
standard error A measure of variance, in the same way for each person. This
which expresses the standard deviation is one way of controlling unconscious
of a particular sample or set of samples. experimenter effects that could influence
standard scores Scores that have been the results of a study.
converted to a standard form, gener- standardised responses Preestablished
ally but not inevitably in relation to the and regularly patterned ways of respond-



−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
mean standard deviations
Figure 70  Standard deviations from the mean
356  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

ing to questions or situations. Often used condition such as a personality trait. For
in questionnaires, they present problems example, state anxiety might reflect
in that they often present an unrealis- anxiety brought about by, say, a test-
tic picture of what people actually do or ing situation, while trait anxiety would
think. See e.g. questionnaire fallacy. reflect a more general and ongoing ten-
dency towards anxious behaviour. Other
Stanford–Binet test An extensively used
states might include hunger, sexual
intelligence test, which was developed at
desire or expectation. See also emotion.
Stanford University in 1916, using Binet’s
test as a starting point. The test has been state anxiety Anxiety that can be
revised several times but has a major limi- explained by the situation the person is
tation in only giving a single IQ score. in rather than being seen as a charac-
Later tests such as the Wechsler Adult teristic of that person. See trait anxiety.
Intelligence Scale and the British Abilities state-dependent learning Learning that
Scale provide independent measures of is recalled most effectively when the
various aspects of intelligence. individual is in the same physiological
stannine score A form of standard score state as when the information was origi-
which has been obtained by dividing nally learned. For instance, information
the range into nine sectors and taking learned when someone is under the
the middlemost score as the typical one. influence of alcohol is often most readily
See also ordinal data, median. recalled at times when the person is again
under the influence. State-dependent
startle-eyeblink measure A measure learning has been demonstrated with a
obtained by placing electrodes under range of drugs, including amphetamines
the eye, which can detect the tighten- and tranquillisers.
ing of the eye muscles of an eyeblink, as
a startle response. The eyeblink becomes statistic A number expressing a measure
more frequent in response to threat or of some aspect of a sample. Measures of a
fear, and can also be elicited by sudden population are called parameters.
stimuli that startle the individual. statistical independent variable A fac-
startle probe A stimulus designed tor that is known to have influenced the
to elicit a startle response so that the data in a statistical test, and which may
researcher can observe consequent be the direct focus of analysis. See also
changes in behaviour or neural activity. independent variable.
statistical significance A statement of
startle response A pattern of rapid
how likely it is that the outcome of a
reactions to a sudden and unexpected
study or comparison has simply occurred
stimulus. It can vary from whole body
through chance factors. Statistical signif-
flexion, particularly in infants, to a
icance is usually expressed in terms of a
brief reflex action of the eye muscles. In
ratio of ‘p’ (e.g. ‘p is less than [or equal to]
infants, it is similar to the Moro reflex
0.05’ or ‘p is less than [or equal to] 0.01’).
but not quite identical.
In such expressions, ‘p’ stands for the
state A term with many meanings, probability that the null hypothesis is cor-
but in psychological contexts usually rect (i.e. the probability that the results
used to describe a temporary condition have simply occurred through sampling
influenced by the immediate environ- error). Before a study is conducted, the
ment and contrasted with an ongoing level of significance considered to be
S 357

acceptable to the researcher will have ence for keeping things the way they are
been decided; p<.05 means that there rather than acting to change them. It is
is only a 5 per cent chance (or less) of a common heuristic in decision-making
the null hypothesis being correct, and but frequently encountered in other
this may be acceptable to the researcher. walks of life as well.
Alternatively, in a study with important stem and leaf diagram An elementary
social or ethical implications, such as the form of graphical representation in
testing of a new drug, a far more stringent which a set of numbers is shown with
level of significance might be required, the tens arranged vertically as a ‘stem’
such as p<.0001, and this too will have and the units arranged horizontally as
been decided in advance. Given the ‘leaves’. See also pie chart, histogram.
highly variable nature of the subject
matter in psychology, the concept of sta- stem cell A non-differentiated cell
tistical significance is at the core of most that has the capacity to develop into
psychological research. See also Type I a variety of specialised cells depend-
error. ing on its chemical and neurological
environment. Stem cells are plentiful
statistical test A mathematical proce- in embryos and neonates, producing
dure designed to identify whether it is physical development, and in adults
likely that a particular set of results has can be found in blood marrow and some
occurred purely by chance. There are other areas of the body. One of the
many different statistical tests, each of most exciting developments in mod-
which is appropriate for different con- ern physiology, stem cell therapy offers
ditions and types of data. Selecting the the potential for self-repair of damaged
appropriate test for the research is rather organs and regeneration of nerve tissue.
important because using the wrong test See also neuroblast.
can give completely invalid results. See
stereopsis Another term for binocular
also statistical significance, t-test, Type I
disparity: the small differences between
error, Type II error.
the retinal images received by the two
statistics Mathematical techniques eyes, which is a significant cue in depth
designed to summarise raw data and perception.
indicate the conclusions that can be
stereoscope A device much used by
drawn. Statistical techniques are largely
early investigators of perception, which
concerned with either summarising
allows a researcher to present two dif-
information (descriptive statistics) or
ferent pictures to a research participant
determining whether a given result could
simultaneously, one to each eye. Also
easily have been obtained by chance
popular as an early recreational device, a
(inferential statistics). See also hypothetico-
stereoscope can also produce 3d images,
deductive method, non-parametric statistics,
if the two pictures are similar but differ
parametric statistics.
enough to mimic binocular disparity.
status The perceived measure of social
stereoscopic vision Vision that allows
worth or measure of an individual’s
direct perception of depth or of a three-
standing in a social group. See also face,
dimensional image. It is achieved by
integrating information received through
status quo bias Not a preference for two eyes simultaneously. The cortex
heavy rock bands, but a general prefer- integrates the information from equiva-
358  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

lent parts of the retina, which will be stereotaxis A technique for identifying
receiving slightly different patterns from precise locations within the brain. It
the same source because of the distance uses an external 3D frame of reference
between the eyes, and uses those differ- based on three orthogonal coordinates,
ences to construct stereoscopic vision. generally labelled x, y and z. See also
This can only occur in animals with fron- stereotactic normalisation.
tally mounted eyes, such as humans and stereotype A belief about a class of peo-
other primates, cats and owls, and cannot ple that is then applied to individual
take place in animals such as rabbits or members of the class, to express expec-
blackbirds, which have eyes at the side of tations about the person. Stereotypes
the head. Stereoscopic vision is particu- enable us to begin interaction with
larly useful for the accurate judging of strangers with an expectation of bet-
distance, through the process of binocular ter than chance success in choosing
disparity, and it is thought that this may an appropriate style and topic of
provide an evolutionary explanation for conversation. They can therefore be
its development in the largely arboreal seen as highly functional in a setting
(tree-living) primate group. that involves frequent interactions
stereotactic normalisation The first with people of whom one has limited
step in the process of dealing with indi- knowledge. The view of stereotypes as
vidual differences in brain functioning undesirable arises from assuming either
by averaging them out to produce a com- that they will be inaccurate or that they
mon map of functioning. This first step will persist despite contrary informa-
involves mapping each individual brain tion. Neither assumption is necessarily
(which will vary in size and proportions) true. If a stereotype is inaccurate, nega-
onto a standard reference brain. This tive and adhered to despite contrary
is followed by a smoothing process, in information, it qualifies to be called
which the individual differences in results a prejudice. Neurological studies have
from all of the different brains are aver- shown that the two involve quite differ-
aged out, by redistributing brain activity ent areas of the brain, with stereotyping
from neighbouring voxels so that they involving cognitive activity in the pre-
emphasise the main activity and mini- frontal cortex, while prejudice involves
mise other, irrelevant neural activation. activity in the amygdala, implying a
See also stereotaxis, Talairach coordinates. strong emotional element.

Sternberg, Robert (1949–)

Robert Sternberg presented a major critique of IQ tests and measures of intel-
ligence, arguing that the practical and creative aspects of intelligence were
just as important as the relatively limited number of abilities tested by con-
ventional IQ tests, and proposing a triarchic theory of intelligence as an alter-
native. Sternberg also conducted research into loving and cognitive styles
and has had a productive career as an American educational psychologist,
academic and consultant.
S 359

steroid hormones Hormones that are will not occur in the presence of simi-
able to get inside a cell and bind to lar ones. Unlike stimulus generalisation,
DNA structures. In this way, they influ- which occurs without prior training,
ence the creation of new proteins inside stimulus discrimination is learned by
the body. the organism through reinforcement.
stigma A mark or identifier that singles Responses made in the presence of one
out a person for social shame, and is stimulus are reinforced, while those
therefore likely to be a source of embar- made to the other are not. In this way,
rassment. the organism comes to discriminate
between the two.
stimulants Drugs that produce height-
ened activity of the central nervous stimulus generalisation The phe-
system often used to combat fatigue nomenon that occurs when a learned
or tedium. The most commonly used response is produced to a stimulus dif-
stimulant is probably caffeine, which is ferent from the one to which it was
consumed daily in the form of tea, cof- originally learned. Stimulus generalisa-
fee or cola by many people worldwide. tion often shows a generalisation gradient
In medical use, amphetamines are one of whereby the response is strongest to
the most common groups of stimulants those stimuli that are most similar to
and have also been used as recreational the original.
drugs for the same purpose, as is cocaine. stimulus–response learning Learning
One of the more common uses of that occurs as a result of the association
amphetamines is as an appetite suppres- between a stimulus and some kind of
sant, and many other stimulants appear behavioural response. In general, there
to have similar properties, although to a are thought to be two basic forms of
lesser degree. stimulus–response learning – classical
stimulus Any event to which an conditioning and operant conditioning.
organism – human, animal or plant – Some psychologists classify one-trial
responds. ‘Stimulus’ is a general term learning, in which such an association
that avoids specifying the form in which is formed as a result of only one learn-
stimulation is presented. Essentially, it ing trial or experience, as a third form,
refers to anything that is detected by while others regard it as a special form
the sensory equipment possessed by the of classical conditioning.
organism. STM See short-term memory.
stimulus deprivation An experimen- storm and stress A model of adolescence
tal condition in which sensory input which holds that hormonal disturbances
is reduced to a minimum. Early stud- coupled with a battle for increasing
ies found that the condition produced independence make it almost inevitable
extreme cognitive disturbances, but that the adolescent’s relationship with
later replications found much weaker its parents at this time will be character-
consequences. ised by temper tantrums and rebellion.
stimulus discrimination The form However, this is only one model of ado-
of discrimination shown in stimulus– lescence, and in many cases, adolescents
response learning in which a response experience a much more peaceful pas-
will occur to one specific stimulus but sage into adulthood.
360  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

strange situation technique A stand- sought (as when apparently sane peo-
ardised method developed by Mary ple jump out of aeroplanes for fun) and
Ainsworth to study attachments in one- is an important source of motivation.
year-old children. The child is brought The term is also sometimes used for the
into an unfamiliar environment by source of the stress (noise, poor hous-
its mother, then a stranger enters and ing, etc.), although it would be clearer
the mother leaves. Finally, the mother if such conditions were always called
returns. The reactions of the child are ‘stressors’.
recorded in a standard way, and the qual- stressor Something that causes stress.
ity of the attachment is judged. Ainsworth
classified attachments as either secure striate cortex See visual cortex.
(Type B), anxious (Type A) or ambiva- striatum The part where the brainstem
lent (Type C). This technique has made joins the bottom of the cerebral hemi-
it possible to study the consequences of spheres, forming part of the basal ganglia.
these different forms of attachment.
stroboscopic motion The phenomenon
stratified sampling A technique of col- that forms the basis of film projection,
lecting a sample that is designed to make whereby a series of separate pictures
the sample represent, as accurately as shown in rapid succession will seem
possible, the population from which it to produce a continuous movement.
was recruited. The major groupings (e.g. Stroboscopic motion can also be dem-
social class) in the population are iden- onstrated using lights that flicker on and
tified, and the sample is recruited from off, as in the phi phenomenon, and takes its
each of these groupings so that each can name from the brief appearance of each
be analysed separately if necessary. See image; in the same way that a stroboscope
also opportunity sampling, quota sampling, (a light that flashes rapidly on and off)
random sampling. produces a succession of ‘flash pictures’.
straw man fallacy Appearing to stroke A general term for the disabling
challenge or discredit an idea by mis- problem arising from the disruption to
representing it and then refuting the the blood supply of the brain, caused
misrepresentation. by bleeding or the blocking of a blood
stress Usually, the effect on a person vessel. A common mnemonic to inform
of being subjected to noxious stimula- people about what to do if they think
tion, or the threat of such stimulation, someone is having a stroke is the acro-
particularly when they are unable to nym FAST, which stands for:
avoid or terminate the condition. Major
changes in one’s life (life events) have •• Face weakness. Is one side of the
been found to be a common source of person’s face drooping? Can they
stress that leave people vulnerable to smile properly?
depression. Hans Selye found similar •• Arm weakness. Can the person
physiological and psychological reac- raise both of their arms, and keep
tions to prolonged stress, regardless of them raised for ten seconds or
the nature of the source (see general more?
adaptation syndrome). While stress is •• Speech problems. Can they speak
unpleasant and often damaging, it is clearly, or has their speech become
also recognised that it may be actively slurred?
S 361

•• Time. If the person has any of these structured interview An interview

three symptoms, you should call which follows a predetermined script,
medical help immediately, so nor- in which the questions, prompts and
mal blood supply can be restored as sequencing are all determined before-
quickly as possible. hand and little is left to the discretion of
the interviewer. In this respect, a struc-
See also aneurism. tured interview is essentially a verbally
Stroop effect A reliable experimental administered questionnaire. See also
effect that demonstrates how powerful semi-structured interview.
routine cognitive processing can be. structured observation A form of
The Stroop effect is normally demon- observing in which the behaviour that
strated using colour names. Two sets is to be observed has been carefully pre-
of different colour names (orange, red, coded, and the observation takes the
blue, etc.) are written on cards. One set form of recording when and how often
is written in the appropriate colour for these precoded behaviours occur. See
the word, while the other set is written behavioural coding.
in a different colour (e.g. ‘orange’ writ- STS See superior temporal sulcus.
ten in green ink). On being asked to
identify the colours in each list, research study skills The set of techniques, strat-
participants take longer to process the egies and behaviour patterns that form
information on the cards that contain a structured approach to learning, often
the discrepant information. Reading based on psychological theory, but also
the colour name occurs as an automatic on experiences acquired and transmit-
cognitive subroutine, which interferes ted less formally. Study skills can be
with the recognition of the colour itself. related to the theoretical area of meta-
See also problem-solving, go/no-go test. cognition, but are usually treated as a
separate topic in their own right – as in
structuralism An approach to theory Appendix 2 of this book. They include
in which psychological phenomena are such features of effective study as read-
explained as the natural outcome of the ing skills, effective revision techniques,
way in which the organism is structured. organising study time and examination
The proposed structures may be physi- strategies. See also mnemonic.
cal and open to direct examination (e.g. subconscious Material of which the
accounts of aggression based on inter- person is not consciously aware but
preting brain structure) or hypothetical. which could be made conscious if
Examples of the latter are Freud’s per- required. The term has the same mean-
sonality structure and Piaget’s cognitive ing as preconscious but is not so strictly
structures. Structuralist approaches in tied to Freudian theory. In popular
anthropology and sociology are con- discourse, it is often confused with the
cerned with the social structures within Freudian unconscious.
which people function, although these
are often taken to be outward manifes- subcortex A general name for the parts
tations of mental structures. The term is of the brain below the cerebral cortex –
also applied to attempts to understand that is, for all of the brain except the
how language works by examining its cerebrum itself.
structure. Structural theories are con- subcortical structures Those parts
trasted with functional approaches. of the brain that are found below the
362  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

c­ erebrum – in other words, all the parts result in energy being made available for
of the brain except for the cerebral hemi- purposes that are valued by society. A
spheres (see Figure 71). more general term is displacement.
subgoals Goals that allow a person to subliminal perception Perception which
progress some way towards an ultimate occurs in such a way that the person is
goal but are easier to reach. See also unconscious of it. Several studies have
superordinate goals. demonstrated that information may
subjective Subjective impressions are be absorbed by the perceptual system
ideas that originate from the individual’s extremely rapidly, and in such a way
own personal ideas or experience. This that it does not penetrate to conscious-
is not quite the same as phenomenologi- ness, but may nonetheless influence
cal, although it is similar, but subjective people at an unconscious level. Studies
impressions or interpretations may that involved presenting threatening
also incorporate external information. or offensive stimuli subliminally have
Subjective information has typically demonstrated marked alteration in the
been mistrusted in classic psychologi- person’s arousal level as a consequence.
cal research because it is personal and Subliminal advertising is prohibited in
liable to be open to bias. More recently, the UK by the Broadcasting Act but is
subjective data has been recognised as permitted in private locations such as
potentially valuable research material. supermarkets, provided that a notice is
See, e.g., new paradigm research, account displayed informing the public that this
analysis. is occurring. In such cases, it normally
takes the form of faint auditory messages
sublimation In Freudian theory, the embedded in music.
redirection of instinctual energies
towards more socially acceptable goals. subscales Measuring scales that form
During development, direct expression smaller parts of more general measuring
of psychosexual drives is prohibited and scales. For example, a general measure of
the energies are diverted into substitute verbal intelligence might actually consist
activities that are more acceptable. In of a number of subscales, each testing a
this way, society’s restrictions on the different aspect of people’s abilities to
direct gratification of instinctual needs use words (e.g. a comprehension test, a


hypothalamus corpus
pituitary gland
activating system medulla

spinal cord
Figure 71  Subcortical structures
S 363

vocabulary test and a sentence comple- sulci The plural of sulcus.

tion test).
sulcus A groove or fissure in the cerebral
subset A group or set, usually of data, cortex.
which forms a distinctive or identifiable
sum of squares A calculation used in
part of a larger set.
analysis of variance, which indicates the
substantia nigra A part of the basal amount of variation in each of the dif-
ganglia which plays an important role ferent subgroups of the analysis. It is
in attachment and reward. It has been obtained by calculating how much each
shown to be particularly activated by score differs from the mean, squaring
maternal love. See also loving. each difference, and adding them up.
subtising The capacity to identify summation The cumulative effect of
immediately, and without counting, an several neurones transmitting infor-
exact quantity of objects. mation to one neurone at the same
subvocal speech Using features of speech time. If a single synaptic transmission is
without producing speech sounds. The received, from one other neurone only,
term is often used about movements of it is unlikely to be enough to produce
the vocal apparatus while reading or a response in the next cell. However,
talking to oneself. It was of interest to the total effect brought about by several
early behaviourists who wanted to study receptor sites receiving the neurotrans-
thinking but believed it was only possi- mitter at the same time will produce the
ble to study observable behaviours. They effect. See also synapse.
therefore suggested that thinking is really sunk-cost effect A common decision-
invisible subvocal speech. However, stud- making trap in which people continue
ies involving curare showed that this idea, to invest additional resources to justify a
although convenient, was not in fact true. previous commitment that has so far not
successive approximation See behaviour been achieved (‘We’ve put too much in
shaping. to give up now’). See also entrapment.
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) superego In Freudian theory, the third
Also called cot death or crib death. Babies component of personality, which forms
appear to go through a vulnerable after the id and ego have become estab-
period at around two to four months lished. The superego is formed in early
of age, and during this time a signifi- childhood by internalising the parents’
cant number are found dead in their system of rewards and punishments
cots, having shown little or no sign so that the child comes to operate
of illness or any other warning signal. according to these rules even when the
Some research suggests that it may be parents are not present. It is not quite
associated with a failure to learn how to the same thing as the conscience, as it
restart breathing early in life following retains an infantile version of the par-
apnoea, but most research has concen- ents’ rules, which according to Freud
trated on possible medical causes. Cot are likely to be severe and intolerant.
deaths are of major concern to psychol- The adult conscience is more realistic
ogists because they are not uncommon and sophisticated, and so may come
and form an extremely distressing form into conflict with the superego. See
of bereavement. also psychoanalysis.
364  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

superior Towards the top, or above. See superstitious learning An operant condi-
also inferior, posterior, anterior. tioning process in which the occurrence
superior colliculi A group of cells in of a cue at the same time as a reinforcer
the midbrain that form part of the visual gives that cue control of the operant
system by playing a significant role in behaviour. If you notice that a particu-
processing incoming visual information. lar person is nearby every time you win
on a slot machine, the presence of that
superior olivary nuclei Nuclei in the person may make it more likely that you
medulla that are involved in auditory will play. It is a form of autoshaping but
perception. is so named because it usually refers to
superior parietal lobule Part of the situations where the association is acci-
temporal lobe which is tucked down dental, so the conditioning produces an
deep into the central fissure. It has been arbitrary or superstitious connection.
shown to become active in happiness, See also one-trial learning.
and also in changes of state such as sink- supplementary motor area (SMA)
ing into sleep. Characteristically happy Another name for the medial premotor
people have been shown to have more cortex. This is the part of the premotor
grey matter in this area than those who cortex that receives proprioceptive infor-
report themselves as generally unhappy. mation about how parts of the body are
superior temporal sulcus (STS) This positioned, important in preparing and
is a groove at the top of the temporal planning movement. See also pyramidal
lobes which defines an area concerned motor system.
with facial recognition and detecting supramarginal gyrus This is an area
and interpreting social cues. It responds on the rear underside of the cerebrum
to the changeable aspects of a face – which forms part of the general fusi-
important for identifying cues in social form face area. It becomes particularly
interaction and interpreting speech, but active when dealing with the mean-
less so for face recognition. See also empa- ings of words, and with word choices.
thy, language areas, fusiform face area. Interestingly, it is also active in empathy,
superordinate goals Overarching goals which might explain its links with adja-
that shape and give general structure cent areas concerned with the decoding
to more immediate goals. For example, of facial expressions.
someone might have a general goal of
surface dysgraphia A condition that
becoming a professional athlete. This
results from brain damage, and results in
would involve several subgoals such
poor spelling of irregular words but with
as winning competitions. But they
reasonable spelling of regular words and
might also have a superordinate goal of
often the ability to spell non-words ‘cor-
ultimately becoming an Olympic cham-
rectly’. See dysgraphia.
pion, which would influence how they
approached competing and training. surface dyslexia Dyslexia in which the
problems are only with the forms of the
superposition One of the monocu-
words themselves, and the person has
lar depth cues in which an object that
no difficulties with their meaning. See
obscures another is perceived to be
also deep dyslexia.
nearer to the viewer. Sometimes incor-
rectly written as superimposition, which surface structure The term coined
is a tautology. by Chomsky to refer to the pattern of
S 365

grammar and sentence structure that suggested is that all of these factors
is found in a particular language, and relate to the degree of arousal experi-
which distinguishes it from other lan- enced by people as they are carrying out
guages. The term is used in contrast with the task. See also selective attention.
deep structure, which, Chomsky argues, switch cost The additional time taken
is common to all languages and which for a cognitive task which involves
forms the fundamental set of principles rejecting a previous schema and adopt-
inherited by the young child, which it ing a new one.
uses to decode the surface structure of
the language that it hears around it from syllogism A type of problem that
birth. The process of transformational involves two statements or premises, and
grammar was developed as a method of a conclusion. This type of problem is
identifying the deep structure compo- often used in studies of deductive reason-
nents of specific phrases or sentences in ing, where the conclusion may or may
a particular language. not follow logically from the premises.
symbol grounding problem The prob-
survey A technique of investigation
lem of defining exactly what a concept
that involves collecting information,
is (i.e. what a symbol represents) with-
attitudes or opinions from large numbers
out actually referring to that concept.
of people, usually by the use of careful
sampling procedures. Although a survey symbolic interactionism A way of
rarely allows for in-depth investigation understanding social behaviour by
of a topic, it can be extremely valu- describing it in terms of social roles
able for investigating general patterns and role behaviour. The use of symbolic
of human behaviour such as surveys of interactionism allows researchers to dis-
sleeping habits or attitudes. tance themselves from the individual
people concerned, and to look at what is
sustained attention Also referred to as happening in terms of social behaviour,
vigilance in many accounts, this refers expectations and assumptions.
to an extended period of concentration
symbolic representation The third of
on a relatively simple task. Studies of
the modes of representation described by
sustained attention became important
Bruner, in which information is stored as
during the Second World War with
symbols, such as numbers, words or signs.
the development of complex defence
Bruner argued that this mode of represen-
technology, since errors brought on
tation enables the child to organise and
by fatigue or distraction could have
categorise information, and to perceive
serious effects, especially in the case
relationships which might not otherwise
of radar surveillance. Overall, studies
have been readily identifiable. As such,
of sustained attention have tended to
he regards the development of symbolic
take the form of signal-detection tasks.
representation, especially through the use
Performance on these has been shown
of language, as being of paramount impor-
to be positively affected by such vari-
tance in cognitive development. See also
ables as the presence of others, a limited
enactive representation, iconic representation.
amount of extraneous noise, a high
degree of introversion in the individual sympathetic division One of the two
concerned, and, common during the divisions of the autonomic nervous sys-
war, the influence of amphetamine. One tem, the sympathetic division is the set
theoretical explanation which has been of nerve fibres that, when stimulated,
366  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

increase arousal and may trigger off the synaptic button See synaptic knob.
fight or flight response, producing a rapid
synaptic cleft The small gap between a
burst of energy and preparing the body
synaptic knob and the receptor site on the
for action. The operation of the sym-
adjacent neurone.
pathetic division is accompanied by
the release of adrenaline into the blood- synaptic knob A swelling at the end
stream, which serves to maintain the of the dendrite, which contains small
activated state of the body over a longer pockets known as synaptic vesicles.
period of time. See also stress, anxiety. Each vesicle contains a small amount
sympathy A feeling of compassion of a particular neurotransmitter, which
for another person, brought about by is released into the synaptic cleft when
awareness of their negative circum- stimulated by an electrical impulse pass-
stance or situation. ing along the dendrite.

synaesthesia A condition in which synaptic plasticity The ability of syn-

information from different sensory apses to grow and become more effective
modes becomes confused, so sounds may when frequently activated. Although the
be perceived as tastes, or touch as sound. idea was first proposed by Donald Hebb
While pure synaesthesia is relatively rare, back in 1949, synaptic plasticity used to
synaesthetic imagery appears to be a rea- be thought of as relatively rare and lim-
sonably frequent form of memory coding. ited to pre-pubertal children. However,
studies of recovery from strokes and other
synapse The term given to a junction forms of brain damage indicate that high
point between two neurones by means of levels of synaptic growth and adaptation
which information is transmitted from in adults are not only possible but likely,
one neurone to the next. Synapses may given sufficient effort and motivation.
be inhibitory or excitatory (i.e. they may See neural plasticity.
render the next neurone less or more
likely to fire). Normally, stimulation synaptic transmission The transmis-
from several synapses (summation) will sion of information from one neurone
be required for the full effect on the next to another by means of electrochemi-
neurone to be achieved (see Figure 72). cal processes. When the neural impulse

synaptic cleft

synaptic knob
dendrite of
next neurone
synaptic vesicles

receptor site

direction of impulse


Figure 72  The synapse

S 367

arrives at the end of the dendrites of a form what is accepted by users of the
given neurone, it reaches a small button language as a grammatical sentence or
known as the synaptic button. Vesicles phrase.
in the synaptic button release a neuro- system 1 thinking This is a term used to
transmitter into the synapse – the gap describe our everyday thinking, which
between it and a dendrite of the oppos- tends to be rapid and intuitive, but is
ing neurone. That part of the dendrite is also often inaccurate and subject to
specialised to form a receptor site, which bias. The distinction between this and
will pick up only that neurotransmitter, system 2 thinking was clarified by Daniel
or a chemical with a similar structure. Kahnemann, based on several decades of
The absorption of the neurotransmitter research into decision-making and every-
produces chemical changes in the cell. day heuristics.
Should enough receptor sites be stimu-
lated in this way, the next neurone will system 2 thinking By comparison with
either fire, or have a raised threshold of system 1 thinking, this is logical, deliber-
response such that it will not fire easily. ate thinking, which is usually precise
See also summation, inhibitory synapse, and more accurate, but slower.
excitatory synapse. systematic desensitisation One of
synaptic vesicle The small reservoirs the ways in which classical condition-
found on the synaptic button which ing has been applied to the treatment
contain the neurotransmitter chemical. of phobias. The process of systematic
See also synapse. desensitisation involves the learning
(conditioning) of new responses to the
synaptogenesis The process by which feared stimulus. The new response is
the axons and dendrites of nerve cells deliberately incompatible with the old
grow and form new synapses. It is aided response of fear so that once it has been
by a protein known as NGF, or nerve learned, the phobia is extinguished.
growth factor. See neural plasticity. Usually, relaxation training is used to
synchronicity A concept developed by provide the new response, and the
Jung, in which he argued that certain person gradually learns to relax in the
events and ideas possess a resonance presence of the stimulus. A hierarchical
with deeper, more meaningful layers of list of feared stimuli is drawn up, and the
experience than most, and so have far training process begins with the least
greater psychological or even psychic frightening situation. Once the new
implications than ordinary events or response to this has been learned, the
ideas. person moves on to the next situation.
Since the learning takes place gradually,
syndrome A set of symptoms or physi-
with each stage building on the gains
ological events that tend to occur
of the previous one, the new response
together, forming a functional group.
gradually comes to supplant the old one
syntactic To do with grammatical struc- and the phobia dies. See also implosion
ture and organisation, rather than with therapy.
meaning. See also semantic, syntax.
systematic review An attempt to evalu-
syntax The set of rules and principles ate relevant published research papers
concerning the structure of a language; in a specific area for the purpose of
how the words should be combined to discussing explanations or hypotheses.
368  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

The use of the term makes a claim that puters to analyse complex systems and
the review has followed rigorous criteria develop ways of improving their func-
in identifying and selecting the mate- tioning.
rial, and in the processes of analysing systems theory A set of theories based
and combining it, while also acknowl- around the idea that all complex sys-
edging that a fully comprehensive tems will share certain properties. Thus,
review of all research papers in the area it should be possible to transfer ideas
may not be practical. See also narrative obtained from studying one kind of sys-
review, meta-review. tem to one that is very different. Often
systems analysis The analysis of a com- this has meant taking principles from
plex process. In social sciences, the term engineering systems (including guided
is taken to mean analysing intercon- missiles) and applying them to the
nected groups of people and the social behaviour of individuals or to groups
systems that influence them. Systems such as families. See also family therapy,
analysis also includes the use of com- cybernetics, negative feedback.
T group A form of encounter group multiplying the scores by 10, adding 50
popular in the 1960s and 1970s, which and rounding up the result to the nearest
was intended to produce a close, thera- whole number. Although this changes
peutic relationship between the group the means and standard deviations of the
members. T groups were free-floating scores, it retains the proportions of the
and unstructured, involving a high data so enabling it for use with correla-
degree of self-revelation on the part of tions and other statistical tests.
members. The aim was to break down t-test Probably the most widely used
established defence mechanisms and statistical test within psychology, t is
remove barriers to open communica- a parametric statistic that is obtained by
tion with other people. However, they comparing the means of two data samples
fell out of popularity as an alternative in order to determine whether any dif-
view emerged that defence mechanisms ferences which occur between them are
should not be broken down unless the statistically significant. The null hypoth-
person also receives constructive help esis of any given study will predict that
in dealing with whatever it is that they any differences which have occurred
were defending against. For this and between two sets of data have occurred
other reasons, T groups were accused of simply by chance. In other words, all
being more destructive than helpful and of the scores have come from the same
are now largely extinct. population, and differences between the
T maze A device used to assess learn- means are simply due to random varia-
ing in laboratory rats or other animals, tion. On the other hand, if the means of
consisting of a straight passage from the two sets of data are very different,
a starting box leading to a junction at it is unlikely that they have come from
which the animal is obliged to make the same population; they are more
either a right or left turn to reach a goal likely to have resulted from two differ-
box, which may or may not contain a ent populations. In that case, the null
reward. hypothesis would be refuted. The t-test
looks at the mean of each set of data,
T scaling A way of adjusting test results
bearing in mind the standard deviation
that have produced skewed distribution
of each one. By giving a final statistic
curves, such that they end up with a
that expresses the strength of the dif-
shape which is close enough to a normal
ferences between the two samples, it
distribution to justify the use of paramet-
allows the user to assess just how likely
ric statistics. See also kurtosis.
it is that these differences have arisen
T scores Commonly used in educa- by chance. The t-test is one of the more
tional research, these are an alternative powerful tests in that it is able to detect
to z-scores which avoids the problem of significance when present, and it is also
negative numbers from those below the very robust (i.e. it can cope if the condi-
mean. The conversion is achieved by tions of its use do not conform strictly
DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
370  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

to those for parametric tests). See also F locations on the left/right axis, y as loca-
ratio, test power. tions on the front-back axis, and z as
TA See transactional analysis. locations on the top-down axis.
task switching The cognitive act of
tabula rasa A blank slate. It is used as
changing from one cognitive frame-
a summary term for Locke’s theory that
work to another – for example, making
humans are born with no knowledge or
a conscious effort to change schema or
mental structures, so that their mental
perspective. See also Wisconsin card-
processes are entirely formed by experi-
sorting test, multitasking.
ence. Since slates have not been used
in education for some time, the meta- task-resource artefact The finding
phor of a new smartphone with no apps that performance on a task will suffer if
might convey the idea more effectively. another task or activity is taking up the
relevant cognitive resources. See system
tachistoscope (t-scope) A device used
2 thinking.
to present visual stimuli for precise
amounts of time and/or at precise lev- taste buds See taste receptors.
els of intensity. Tachistoscope studies taste receptors These are cells which
are frequently used to demonstrate the are grouped into sets, known as taste
power of set in perception and were used buds, which are the main source of
extensively by cognitive and social psy- gustatory perception. They are mainly
chologists during the 1950s and 1960s. located on the tongue, around the rest
tactile stimulation Information that is of the mouth, and in the upper part
received through the sense of touch. of the digestive tract. Their role is the
transduction of chemical inputs from
Talairach coordinates These are ways of
food or other substances into electrical
describing precise locations in the brain.
impulses which are then transmitted to
They relate to an atlas of the brain cre-
the areas of the brain concerned with
ated by Talairach and Tournoux in 1988,
sensory perception. See also gustation.
which used the anatomical data from a
single post-mortem brain to define x as TAT See thematic apperception test.

Tajfel, Henri (1919–1982)

Following his experiences as a Polish Jew in the Holocaust, Tajfel devel-
oped a major analysis of prejudice and intergroup conflict. His work began with
explorations of the cognitive dimensions of prejudice, but it soon led him to
recognise the importance of motivational factors, and in particular the sense
of belonging involved in group membership. Tajfel conducted experiments
in which ‘minimal groups’ were artificially put together on some unimpor-
tant basis, and showed that the members still developed loyalty to their own
group, and intergroup rivalry if put in conflict for resources. Tajfel saw group
membership as fundamental to an individual’s identity, and his social identity
theory in which the identity and functioning of the individual are seen as a
product of their social and cultural setting was a major factor in the develop-
ment of European social psychology.
T 371

taxonomy A system of classification teleology A form of logical reasoning in

that groups members of a data-set into which the outcome is regarded as respon-
successive levels. The classic taxonomy sible for the cause (e.g. ‘It rains to make
is the biological classification of organ- the flowers grow’). This type of thinking
isms that includes ‘orders’, each of is regarded by logicians as a mistake, by
which contains many kinds of ‘genus’, developmentalists as immature thinking,
which in turn contain many ‘species’. and in systems theory as valid in some
tDCS See transcranial direct current circumstances. In philosophy, teleology
stimulation. refers to the study of ultimate purpose – a
teleological approach to scientific inves-
tectopulvinar pathway Like the geniculo- tigation is one in which describing the
striate pathway, this transmits information function that something has is considered
from the retina through the lateral genicu- to be an adequate form of explanation, as
late nuclei to the primary visual cortex. In in many biological explanations, or in
fish, reptiles and amphibians it is the only sociobiology.
pathway connecting these areas, suggest-
ing an earlier evolutionary history. It plays telepathy The communication of cog-
a significant role in the coordination of nitions (thoughts, etc.) by means other
vision and movement. than those understood in conventional
science. There is considerable dispute
telegraphic speech Concise speech that as to whether the phenomenon occurs,
leaves out redundant words, as in a tel- and its definition precludes rational
egram, but still conveys the essential explanation – if a communication can
meaning. Telegraphic speech is used be explained, it is not telepathy. See also
by children of around two years of age, extrasensory perception, parapsychology.
who typically combine only two or
three words at a time in each utterance. temperament The stable aspects of the
Identified as such by Roger Brown, it character of an individual, which are
formed the basis of his approach to often regarded as biologically rooted and
language acquisition, which rejected as providing the fundamental disposi-
the prevailing structural approaches to tions that, through interaction with the
infant speech and instead focused on environment, produce the personality.
the child’s communicative intentions. template An abstract model or schema
The overall approach was known as that indicates what something is usually
semantic relations grammar. like, or how it generally fits together.
telemetry Sending measurements over
template matching theory A theory
a distance, using radio frequencies or
of pattern recognition which holds that
more recently, WiFi or Bluetooth.
we identify objects by comparing their
Telemetry is used to monitor the physi-
images to general templates that we
ological responses of freely moving
have stored in memory and assessing the
individuals such as athletes, children at
degree of ‘fit’ between them.
play and migrating birds.
temporal Concerning time, or the expe-
telencephalon Part of the forebrain,
rience of time.
which consists of the two cerebral hemi-
spheres, the basal ganglia and the limbic temporal coding Conveying informa-
system. tion through the timing of events. In
372  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

neuroscience, this generally refers to play a significant role in theory of mind,

the way that populations of neurones and damage to this region can produce
synchronise their firing in response to impairment of moral decision-making
different strengths of signal. See also and sometimes out-of-body experiences
volley principle. (OOBs). It is connected to the frontal
lobes by the arcuate fasciculus.
temporal contiguity Two events occur-
ring next to each other in time. Temporal tender-mindedness A personality char-
contiguity is an important factor in con- acteristic put forward by William James,
ditioning since it is usually necessary for and later elaborated by H.J. Eysenck,
the unconditioned stimulus to be close in characterised by a gentle, optimistic
time to the response or reinforcement. and idealistic approach to the world.
A common cognitive error is to assume Its opposite, tough-mindedness, is char-
that because B happens soon after A, A acterised by a harsher, more pessimistic
must have caused B. approach.
temporal lobe The area of the cerebrum teratogens Substances or agents that
found below the lateral fissure at the side can affect foetus development, such as
of each cerebral hemisphere. It was once alcohol or pollution.
thought to be the seat of the soul, and terminal button See synaptic knob.
of time perception, although there is little
formal evidence for this. The temporal territoriality The defence and protec-
lobe does, however, contain the olfac- tion of one area to the exclusion of
tory cortex and the auditory cortex. It tucks other members of the species. It has
underneath itself at the sides, and this is been studied mainly by ethologists, with
where important personal areas such as particular reference to those aggressive
those for memory and person recognition acts that deter potential sexual compet-
are located. See also temporoparietal junc- itors. The concept has been extended
tion, hippocampus, fusiform gyrus. speculatively, and with varying degrees
of sense, to account for all manner of
temporal resolution How accurately it human behaviour, ranging from inter-
is possible to measure when something national warfare to crowd violence and
is happening, or how long it takes. See stress in high-density housing. See also
also spatial resolution. personal space.
temporal summation A situation where tertiary circular reactions The final
the accumulation of stimuli arriving stage of circular reactions in Piaget’s the-
close together in time produces an effect ory of cognitive development, in which
that would not happen if the stimuli the infant introduces variations in the
arrived at longer intervals. Some nerve repeated behaviour. These variations
impulses are passed from one neurone to change successively, eventually becom-
another through summation. ing very different from the behaviour
with which the infant started out.
temporoparietal junction An area of
the brain where the temporal and parietal tertium quid The possibility that what
lobes meet. It incorporates information looks like a relationship between two
from the visual, auditory and somatosen- variables may actually have been caused
sory systems, and also from the thalamus by a third variable, acting indepen-
and the limbic system. It is known to dently on each of the others.
T 373

test A standardised means of assessing the with users than the data would strictly
abilities or characteristics of individuals. warrant. See also levels of measurement,
See also intelligence, personality, projective robustness, t-test.
test, psychometrics, reliability, validity.
test profile The (usually graphic)
test administration A standard way of portrayal of the characteristics of an
presenting a psychometric test to ensure individual as assessed by a test or test
that results obtained from respondents battery. A test profile involves the
by different testers are comparable. See presentation of a range of scores from
also standardised instructions. a series of subtests, rather than a single
test assumptions The criteria which overall score, and is therefore gener-
data should meet in order for a given ally used in presenting the outcomes of
test to give accurate results. See, e.g., ­personality inventories.
parametric test, levels of measurement. test-retest A method of assessing the
test battery A combination of reliability of a measure by applying the
psychometric tests that provides a com- same measure, or test, on two separate
prehensive account of an individual’s occasions and correlating the results.
functioning, such as a set of tests used test standardisation The administra-
for the assessment of memory disorders tion of a test to a large sample of the
or reading skills. population, ideally a representative sam-
test construction The process of ple, which serves to provide norms
developing a psychometric test. Test against which the results of particular
construction is a complex process, individuals or groups can be compared.
involving many stages. For example, test statistic The final number obtained
each individual test item must be evalu- when a statistical test has been carried
ated in terms of its own discriminatory out. The test statistic is then compared
power and also against relevant group with the appropriate critical value for
norms, following which any combina- that test, in order to identify whether
tion of test items must be appraised the results have achieved statistical sig-
through factor analysis and other forms nificance.
of multivariate analysis in order to estab-
testee An ugly word for a person to
lish construct validity. The final test must
whom a test is administered.
also undergo reliability evaluations, and
will need to be interpreted in terms of testes Male gonads – glands that form
relevant and recent group norms. It is part of the endocrine system of the body,
the test construction process which dis- which are particularly responsible for
tinguishes a valid psychometric test from the manufacture of androgens.
a simple questionnaire. testing effect The way that learning
test items The individual items in a psy- is enhanced by spending some of the
chometric test. learning time retrieving information,
rather than concentrating on commit-
test power The potential that a par-
ting it to memory. An important thing
ticular statistical test has to detect
to know when revising for exams.
significance if it is there in the data.
Some tests are better at this than others, testosterone A male sex hormone
and these tests are often more popular (androgen) that is responsible for the
374  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

development of the primary sexual charac- unconscious mind. Typically, research

teristics of males and plays a major role in participants will be shown about eight
sexual and related activities throughout or ten different pictures and asked to
life. explain what is happening in each one.
tetrachromatism A theory of colour thematic qualitative analysis A form
vision which assumes that there are four of qualitative analysis in which the sali-
primary colours – red, blue, green and ent material is organised into distinct
yellow. See also trichromatism. themes. The themes may be data-driven,
texture gradient The loss of visual in which case they are identified during
definition of objects with increasing dis- the analysis itself by grouping together
tance, such that the details are seen less recurrent ideas or concepts that seem
clearly and general textures appear to be to represent significant concerns which
smoother. Gibson’s ecological perception are being expressed by the interviewees.
theory argues that textural changes in Alternatively, themes may be identified
the visual field are the source of most before the data are collected, in which
depth perception, and that top-down mod- case they have generally been derived
els of perception which assume that it from theory, and will usually relate to
relies on hypothesis testing are largely explicit hypotheses. See also grounded
unnecessary in the explanation of usual theory.
experience in everyday life. themes The general term used to refer
thalamus A structure of the brain found to topics or ideas which can be grouped
just below the cerebrum, in which infor- together in some meaningful way, and
mation is received from the sensory occur repeatedly during the course of a
receptors and relayed to the cerebral qualitative analysis.
cortex. It is involved in some basic infor- theory An overall explanation given for
mation processing – for example, Hubel a set of observations, which links them
and Wiesel found the basics of pattern all into a coherent pattern or model.
perception to be related to the arrange- According to the generally accepted
ment of simple, complex and hypercomplex approach, scientific theories are of no
cells in the lateral geniculate nuclei of the value unless they give rise to hypoth-
thalamus. eses that can be tested against reality
Thanatos The name of the Greek god and can be shown to be false. However,
of death, which was used by Freud to exceptions to this are often made in the
refer to the death instinct – a concept case of theories that are particularly
he developed in order to account for the appropriate to the mood of their times,
interpersonal and intrapersonal aggres- such as sociobiology or psychoanalysis. See
sion of the First World War. also hypothetico-deductive method, positiv-
thematic apperception test (TAT) A
projective test in which research partici- theory-driven analysis An approach to
pants are asked to interpret and explain data analysis, particularly common with
ambiguous scenes. The nature of their thematic qualitative analysis, in which the
response (e.g. whether they perceive essential issues or themes that are being
a recumbent figure as dead, drunk or used to structure the data have been
sleeping) is taken as an indicator of derived beforehand, from theory. This
hidden anxieties or defences of the contrasts with data-driven techniques,
T 375

which tend to be more reflexive, and in to come about through the action of par-
which the themes of the analysis emerge ticular body fluids. The four types are:
from the data themselves – for example,
in grounded theory. (i) choleric, thought to result from
an excess of yellow bile and
theory-led investigation An approach
producing an impatient, easily
to research in which the topic of study,
angered personality;
and/or the way in which it is under-
(ii) sanguine, from blood, producing
taken, has been derived entirely from
a cheerful and relaxed individual;
theoretical perspectives rather than
(iii) melancholic, from black bile,
from empirical research or social need.
producing a depressive and
theory-theory Particularly used in neu- mournful person;
roscience, this is the idea that human ( iv) phlegmatic, from phlegm, pro-
social understanding is based on formu- ducing a calm, unmoved and
lating theories about mental states and sometimes insensitive individual.
how they govern behaviour, and storing
them as explicit knowledge. See also That this was a popular theory can be
personal constructs. seen in the way in which many words
theory of mind (TOM) An approach have retained meanings that derive
in child psychology in which the child’s directly from the theory, such as san-
understanding of other people’s cogni- guine or phlegmatic. It was this theory
tions and emotions is the focus of study. of the origins of human personality
The idea is that the child develops a that led to the word ‘humour’, which
theory of mind between four and six had previously only meant bodily fluid,
years of age as a fundamental aspect of coming to mean ‘mood’ or ‘temper’, as
its cognitive development, which means in being in a good or bad humour. (see
that it becomes able to understand that Figure 73). See also humours.
other people may not think the same
therapeutic A term used to refer to
way as the child itself. The area has gen-
something that is useful as an agent or
erated many interesting ideas and issues
tool in therapy.
that are being vigorously investigated.
Many characteristics shown by autistic therapy The treatment of an individual
children can be summarised by the idea by physical or psychological means.
that they have not developed a theory When applied to physiological treat-
of mind. See also paracingulate cortex, ments, the term implies that the client is
mindblindness, false belief task. ill and should be cured. See also behaviour
therapy, client-centred therapy, cognitive
theory of reasoned action The idea
therapy, family therapy, Gestalt therapy,
that intention determines behaviour,
medical model, psychoanalysis, psychother-
and that intention itself is determined
apy, rational–emotive behaviour therapy,
by perceived norms, attitudes and behav-
systemic therapy, transactional analysis.
ioural control.
theory of the humours A type theory of thermoreception The perception of
personality originating from the second- temperature by specialised receptors in
century bc, and popular throughout the the skin.
Middle Ages. It identified four main types theta rhythm This is a distinctive, high-
of personality, each of which was supposed amplitude and rhythmical pattern of
376  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

sociable active
outgoing optimistic
talkative impulsive
responsive changeable
easygoing exciteable
lively aggressive
sanguine choleric
carefree restless
leadership touchy
stable unstable
calm moody
even-tempered anxious
phlegmatic melancholic rigid
controlled sober
peaceful pessimistic
thoughtful reserved
careful unsociable
passive quiet

Figure 73  The humours and the EPI dimensions

electrical activity which is shown by the processes such as those referred to in

brain during normal waking activity. psychoanalytic literature are seen more
See EEG. as responses of affect or motivations.
time dimension Change over time, or of Most psychological investigations of
previous history/experience. It has been thinking have concentrated on problem-
argued that the time dimension should solving or concept formation. See also
be more explicitly recognised as a factor creativity, system 1 thinking.
in research with human beings, in view third-order intentionality A degree
of their dynamic and ever-changing of intentional stance which makes the
nature. See snapshot methodologies. inference that the person who is acting
thinking A general term which can be holds beliefs about what other people
defined in several different ways, for may believe about things or people, and
example: that these are directing that person’s
actions. An example might be acting in
the belief that your friend knows that
(i) The use of symbolic processes by
another friend of theirs knows how to
the brain.
sort out your computer. It may sound
(ii) Any chain or series of ideas.
complicated, but it happens remark-
(iii) Ideation, the sequence of pro-
ably often in day-to-day living. See
ducing ideas concerned with the
also second-order intentionality, first-order
solving of specific problems or
incongruities in models of reality.
third turn repair A process identified in
Thinking is usually taken to mean conversation analysis, in which the indi-
conscious cognitions. Unconscious vidual tries to repair a misunderstanding
T 377

or failure to communicate the next time 50 per cent of the time, while a relative
they have a turn in the conversation. threshold is the point at which a change
thought disorder A tendency to pro- in the intensity of a stimulus has been
duce sequences of ideas that appear detected. Differences between relative
unconnected or illogical to the observer. thresholds are sometimes referred to as
It is a symptom of schizophrenia. just noticeable differences (jnds).
timbre The tonal quality of a sound,
threat display A form of inherited
especially used of voices. Combinations
behaviour in which an animal acts in a
of different tones and harmonics give
manner that serves to emphasise its size
the sound its distinct timbre.
and strength, and so discourages com-
petitors, or attempts to do so. Threat time and motion A method of analys-
displays often involve exhibitions of ing working patterns developed by F.W.
natural weaponry (horns, tusks, teeth, Taylor in 1911, involving a systematic
etc.), of power and strength (beat- breakdown of movements and skills.
ing the chest, roaring) and also of size By breaking down work sequences into
(standing tall, engaging the pilomotor sequences of actions with maximum
response). All of these behaviours are economy and minimum effort, Taylor
designed to intimidate the other animal showed how productivity in industry
as much as possible. could be dramatically increased, and his
work is often considered to be the foun-
threshold The lowest level of stimula-
dation of ergonomics. Although it is still
tion at which an event can be detected.
used from time to time, it has proved to
Although the term ‘absolute threshold’
be of only limited value on the factory
may also be used, there is nothing abso-
floor, as people have an understandable
lute about it. There is no fixed point at
aversion to being treated as if they were
which a stimulus changes from invisible
to visible, just an increasing probability
that it will be detected. A threshold is time-based prospective memory A
therefore usually set at the point where form of prospective memory that involves
50 per cent of the signals are detected remembering to do things at the appro-
by the person. This point itself is eas- priate time.
ily influenced by factors such as sensory time perception The subjective aware-
adaptation, set and fatigue, so the thresh- ness of the passage of time, which does
old obtained will depend very much on not correspond precisely with objective
the conditions of the experiment. See time. Time perception has been studied
also relative threshold, word recognition experimentally to determine the effect
threshold. of various forms of cognitive tasks, and
threshold of response The point at of psychoactive drugs.
which a stimulus, or a change in a stim- time sampling An observational tech-
ulus, becomes detectable. Since these nique in which the occurrence of
can fluctuate from moment to moment, specified events is noted during suc-
the threshold itself is taken as the point cessive time intervals. The observer
where 50 per cent of trials indicate that may use a grid with each column rep-
the stimulus has been detected. An resenting, say, 60-second units, and
absolute threshold is the point where the each row being a defined event. The
presence of a stimulus has been detected observer moves to a new column every
378  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Tinbergen, Niko (1907–1988)

Nikolaas Tinbergen was a Dutch ethologist who conducted extensive
research into the role of inherited recognition signals and other aspects of
animal behaviour. In 1973, he shared the Nobel Prize with Karl Frisch and
Konrad Lorenz for their contributions to ethology. Among other things,
Tinbergen identified the importance of sign stimuli in setting off innate
releasing mechanisms and is best known for delineating the ‘four questions’
that need to be addressed in order to understand animal behaviour. These are
causation, ontogeny, evolution and function.

60 seconds, and a tick is placed against the direct operation of conditioning.

every event that occurs during the next See also Hawthorne effect.
60 seconds. The technique is used for tolerance Adaptation to the effects of a
observational studies of relatively fre- drug so that increasing doses are needed
quent events. See also event sampling. to achieve the same effect.
tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon TOM See theory of mind.
A phenomenon of memory in which
tomography A method of investigation
the individual experiences the feeling
of brain functioning, mostly used for
of knowing the desired information but
medical purposes, which involves build-
is temporarily unable to bring it to con-
ing up a three-dimensional picture of
the brain through a succession of X-ray
tit-for-tat A strategy in which partici- photographs or ultrasound images, in
pants adopt matching approaches, such order to identify abnormal structures or
that cooperation leads to cooperation, growths. See brain scanning.
while non-cooperation leads to non- tone The quality of sound expressed in
cooperation. See also game theory. terms of the number of different frequen-
TMS See transcranial magnetic stimulation. cies which make up that sound. A pure
tone consists of sounds of one frequency
token economy The application of B.F. only, but most sounds are combinations
Skinner’s techniques of operant condi- of several different frequencies at differ-
tioning to establish an environment in ing strengths, often with one frequency
which desired behaviour is reinforced being dominant over the others, which
with tokens that can then be exchanged then becomes identified as the pitch of
for goods or privileges. Token economy the sound.
is proposed as an efficient way of modi-
fying behaviour, especially of long-stay tonotopic map A conceptual map of
institutionalised patients. However, there responses to high- and low-pitched
is some evidence that any improve- sounds produced by the primary auditory
ments found in patients using token cortex. See also tonotopic organisation.
economy systems may be a by-product tonotopic organisation The princi-
of raising morale through providing ple that sounds which are close to
them, and the staff, with apparently one another in frequency stimulate
meaningful tasks, rather than through neurones which are also close to one
T 379

another. This appears to be how neu- obscene or offensive language, this is

rones in the organ of Corti in the cochlea not typical of all Tourette’s sufferers.
are organised. See also tonotopic map. It is thought to begin in early child-
hood and has similar characteristics to
top-down An approach to research that
­obsessive–compulsive disorder.
emphasises the general or higher-order
functions of the processes being studied trace conditioning A form of classical
as the first stage of analysis, by compari- conditioning in which the conditioned
son with bottom-up approaches which stimulus is presented immediately before
begin with the details and aim to com- the unconditioned stimulus, rather than
bine them to understand higher-order simultaneously. See also delayed condi-
levels. See also levels of analysis. tioning, simultaneous conditioning.
top-down processing A model that trace decay The vanishing of a memory
explains the nature of psychological pro- trace with time. See also echoic memory.
cessing using general or social functions tradition A distinctive pattern of
as the starting point. A good example behaviour or customary approach to
is Gregory’s theory of perception, which doing things that is shared by members
works on the principle that the brain is of a social group, and transmitted to
actively hypothesising about meanings new members over time.
for the information it is receiving, and
that those hypotheses determine how a trait An aspect of personality, such as
stimulus is perceived. See also bottom-up sociability, impulsiveness and conven-
approach, raw primal sketch. tionality. See also trait theory.
trait anxiety A source of personal anxi-
TOT See tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
ety, or tendency towards anxiety, which
TOTE Abbreviation of ‘Test Operate is believed to come from a personality
Test Exit’, proposed as the basic com- trait rather than an immediate reaction
ponent of planned actions by Miller, to situations. See also state anxiety.
Galanter and Pribram (1960). They
trait theory A theory of personality in
proposed that the organism ‘tests’
which personality is considered to con-
the environment, ‘operates’ on it to
sist of a collection of differing, usually
bring about change, ‘tests’ again to see
measurable traits. One of the best-
whether the outcome is satisfactory,
known examples is that of R.B. Cattell,
and, if so, ‘exits’ from the sequence. See
whose personality inventory measures 16
also negative feedback.
different personality factors (and so is
tough-mindedness A personality trait called the 16PF). See also Minnesota
characterised by an unsentimental, Multiphasic Personality Inventory, trait
practical and sometimes harsh approach anxiety.
to others. See tender-mindedness.
trance An altered state of awareness in
Tourette’s syndrome This is a psy- which decision-making and executive
chiatric disorder considered to have functions are partially suspended, and
neurological origins, which is character- attention is highly focused. Trance can
ised by repetitive actions such as motor be achieved by hypnosis, meditation,
tics or repeated vocalisations. Although some drugs and some clinical condi-
sometimes those repetitions are of tions. See also mindfulness.
380  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

tranquilliser A drug used to reduce transactional model of stress A model

stress or anxiety temporarily. of stress and coping in which the person
transaction A chain or sequence of first appraises the stressor, and then
interactions between two or more indi- assesses the resources they have avail-
viduals which is based on the idea that able to deal with it. See also primary
interactions can only be understood if it appraisal, secondary appraisal.
is recognised that each person influences transactional theory A theory of per-
the other. Each person acts on the basis ception developed by Ames in 1951,
of the meaning they give to how the which states that perception develops
other treats them, and that treatment is as a result of constant interaction with
itself the product of an attribution made the environment.
by the other person. For example, a baby transcendental meditation A tech-
becomes upset while feeding, the mother nique, derived from Hindu practice,
responds by being anxious during feeds, of sustained concentration on a brief
and this makes her treat the baby differ- phrase (mantra) in order to induce
ently, causing further upset to the baby, relaxation. See also altered states of
and so on. In general, transactions mean awareness, hypnosis, trance.
that two people negotiate the environ-
ment in which they will both have to transcoding The conversion of symbols
function in the future, rather than one from one form to another (e.g. from
person defining the environment for written symbols to spoken words).
the other. The concept of transactions is transcortical aphasia The term is used
particularly useful in the analysis of inter- to refer to a group of aphasias involving
actions between parent and infant, but different areas across the cortex, but all
can also be applied to most areas of social of which interfere with speech produc-
behaviour. See also coevolution, social tion and recognition in some way. See
constructionism, parent–infant interaction. also language areas.
transactional analysis (TA) A scheme transcortical sensory aphasia A
developed by Eric Berne for interpreting c­ ondition in which the person is able to
the way in which ego-states lead people repeat spoken words, but has very l­ittle
to relate to one another during interper- comprehension of both spoken and
sonal interaction. Each person in a given written language.
pair or dyad may operate as a Child, an
transcranial direct current stimula-
Adult or a Parent. Acting in a submis-
tion (tDCS) This is a procedure that
sive, dependent manner (Child) may
involves stimulating the brain exter-
provoke the partner of the dyad to adopt
nally, using a coil held over the scalp.
a parental role. Acting in a dominating
By interrupting the brain’s functions in
manner (Parent) may produce submis-
that region, it is considered to produce
sive behaviour from the other, etc.
a ‘virtual lesion’ in that particular area.
Transactional styles can become habit-
See also transcranial magnetic stimulation,
ual without the participants realising it,
cathodal tDCS, anodal tDCS.
leading to dysfunctional relationships.
The TA model has been usefully applied transcranial magnetic stimulation
in individual and group psychotherapy, (TMS) A method of investigating brain
particularly by uncovering the recurrent function by using short bursts of mag-
patterns of social interactions described netic stimulation, which can disrupt
in Berne’s 1973 book Games People Play. brain function in very localised areas of
T 381

the cortex, producing a ‘virtual lesion’, of a subsequent task. Positive transfer

and allowing researchers to explore how involves the facilitation of subsequent
this interferes with task processing. See learning, while negative transfer impedes
also repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula- it. See also proactive interference.
tion, transcranial direct current stimulation, transfer RNA (tRNA) This is a form
cathodal tDCS, anodal tDCS, brain scan. of nucleic acid that can move from one
transcription The process of convert- cell or part of the body to another. It
ing audio or videotape recordings into is closely related to and works alongside
written text. Preparing transcripts is an the genetic information contained in
essential early step in many forms of quali- DNA. See also messenger RNA.
tative research. A reasonably competent transference The way in which feelings
typist will take about six hours to tran- derived from a previous relationship
scribe one hour of tape, so even a basic may be transferred to someone new.
transcript is quite an investment of effort. This is particularly relevant in psychoa-
Some research methods such as conversa- nalysis, in which the analyst deliberately
tion analysis require much more detailed maintains a neutral, colourless person-
transcripts in which intonations, stresses, ality so that such transfer becomes easy
the exact length of pauses, grunts, etc. are for the patient (e.g. when the therapist
precisely indicated. In this context, the is responded to as the patient’s father).
development of speech-to-text software Transference is similar to projection, and
has been enthusiastically welcomed. was first regarded by Freud as a nuisance,
transcription factor A chemical prod- but is now regarded as an essential source
uct of a particular gene that affects how of information about the patient’s early
other genes function. relationships. Interpretation of transfer-
transducer ence has been claimed as the major or
only source of therapeutic change. See
(i) A device used to convert a bio- also counter-transference.
logical signal such as heartbeat or transformational grammar A set of
skin resistance into an electrical rules that specify how one sentence
signal suitable for recording. can be transformed into another in a
(ii) More generally, any sort of language, particularly converting deep
device or receptor cell that con- structure into surface structure. The
verts energy into a different form. concept was originally proposed by
Chomsky as part of his explanation of
transduction A term that is usually used how children acquire language. In this
of sensory receptors which receive infor- model, a complete set of transforma-
mation and convert it into electrical tional rules amounts to a grammatical
impulses – for example, the conversion of description of a language.
photons [light] into electrical energy by transgenerational transmission The
rod and cone cells in the retina, or vibra- passing on of environmentally acquired
tions (sound waves) into electrical energy characteristics to subsequent gen-
by hair cells in the cochlea. See also trans- erations (e.g. the underfeeding of one
ducer. generation of rats at a critical period
transfer of training A phenomenon may result in reduced size of the adult
in which the learning of one particular rats two generations later). Similarly,
task either helps or hinders the learning extreme malnutrition for a pregnant
382  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

woman may have subsequent effects on own sex and sex role, and do not usually
the child. experience problems of sexual identity.
transmitter substance See neurotrans- trapezoid body The area in the pons
mitter. where information from the auditory
transparency assumption This is the nerves from the two ears meets, and
assumption that lesions in the brain some crosses over, before it is passed
will not produce entirely new cognitive on to the thalamus and auditory cortex.
systems. Instead, they are thought sim- This area is instrumental in locating the
ply to influence pre-existing cognitive origin of sounds, as sounds from each
systems. The transparency assumption ear arrive at different times, unless the
is a major assumption of much cogni- origin of the sound is directly ahead or
tive neuropsychology, justifying the use of behind. Compare optic chiasma.
data from damaged or abnormal brains trauma
to infer functioning in the normal
brain. However, it has been challenged (i) An experience that, because of
by discoveries of neural plasticity (e.g. its intensity and unexpectedness,
in accident victims where the recov- is damaging. The initial reaction
ery from damage to specific pathways is shock, which may or may not
has sometimes been shown to generate be followed by recovery (see post-
entirely new pathways within the brain). traumatic stress disorder). Freud
came to believe that all neuroses
transsexual A person who changes sex,
were caused by childhood trau-
either from male to female or from female
mas that remained unresolved in
to male, usually through a course of hor-
the adult.
mone therapy and surgery. Although
(ii) In medicine, bodily injury caused
typically transsexuals have always expe-
by an external object.
rienced themselves as being ‘really’ the
other sex, the main part of transsexual-
ism involves the learning of a new sex triadic interactions In social psychology,
role. Many transsexuals have to spend this generally tends to mean interac-
an extensive period of time, usually a tions between three people, but it may
couple of years, passing as a member of also be used to refer to interactions
their desired sex before being allowed between two people and an object.
treatment which will lead to physiologi- trial-and-error learning Learning that
cal change. Using drugs to block puberty takes place as a result of trying out a vari-
makes the later transition easier but ety of responses to a given stimulus, until
requires an assumption that children can one response achieves the desired effect,
give informed consent to an extreme whereupon it becomes more likely to be
change and so is controversial. repeated. Thorndike proposed that trial
transvestite A person who enjoys dress- and error was the basis of all learning,
ing as a member of the opposite sex, but work on latent learning by Tolman
and may do so quite elaborately. Most brought this into question, as has subse-
transvestites are heterosexual, although quent cognitive research.
transvestism can sometimes be associ- triangular theory of love A theory
ated with homosexuality. Transvestites in of love developed by Sternberg in
general tend to be contented with their 1987 that identifies three significant
T 383

components: passion, intimacy and (iii) Componential intelligence, which

commitment. In Sternberg’s model, dif- is concerned with the cognitive
ferent forms of loving involve different mechanisms by which intelligent
proportions of the three components. behaviour is achieved. The com-
triangulation A method of research ponential sub-theory incorporates
that involves adopting several differ- an earlier theory of intelligence
ent approaches or methods of study, (Sternberg, 1977), in which
enabling comparison of their differ- components of intelligence are
ent outcomes. This makes it possible classified in terms of function and
to ‘home in’ on an idea if all the stud- level of generality.
ies give similar results or have similar
implications. For example, it is not The triarchic theory is therefore dis-
possible to undertake research that tinctive in that it treats intelligence
provides definitive proof of a connec- as a mental activity that is directed
tion between social violence and the towards purposive activity in the real
content of the mass media, yet many world, rather than as a reified, context-
different research methods have shown free cognitive ability. By integrating
strong correlations between the two. sociocultural and experiential intelli-
While no single method provides defin- gence with the specific tasks generally
itive evidence, the very similar findings involved in intelligence testing, it also
and implications of many different provides a theoretical framework for
approaches indicate that there may be the selection of appropriate content for
something valid in the argument. intelligence tests. See also reification, mul-
tiple intelligences.
In family therapy, triangulation refers to
a communication system in which one trichromatism A theory of colour vision
person is caught in the communications which proposes that it results from
between two others. It is often seen in perceiving combinations of the three
families where a child is being used so primary colours for light – red, blue
that the two parents can send contra- and green (not the same as the p­ rimary
dictory messages without coming into colours of red, blue and yellow for
direct conflict with each other. ­pigments).

triarchic intelligence A theory of intel- tricyclic antidepressants Antidepressant

ligence, outlined by Robert Sternberg, drugs that work by increasing the amount
which consists of three separate sub- of serotonin and noradrenaline available
theories. Each sub-theory concerns a to the synapse.
different aspect of manifest intelligence: trigram A standard item in studying
memory for meaningless material. It
(i) Contextual intelligence, which is consists of three letters in the order of
concerned with intelligence in a consonant, a vowel and a consonant
its sociocultural setting. (e.g. GIK).
(ii) Experiential intelligence, which is
concerned with how the indi- tRNA See transfer RNA.
vidual’s own past experience trolling A social media practice in
influences the way in which they which individuals repeatedly denigrate
approach a given task or situation. or abuse other individuals. Although
384  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Triesman, Anne (1935–2018)

The career of Anne Triesman as a psychologist spanned the areas of atten-
tion, object perception and memory. However, she is best known for her
attenuation model of selective attention, and later for her development of
feature integration theory: an approach to the study of attention which
emphasises the way that different kinds of attention may contribute to the
experience of attention as a whole.

trolling is a minority practice, the wide- argued that any intelligent act originates
spread nature of the internet means that from two different intelligence factors –
it has become a frequent experience of a ‘g’ (general) factor, common to all
those in the public eye. The anonym- behaviour, which is characteristic of the
ity offered by media platforms has been individual’s general functioning, and
shown to exaggerate this type of aggres- an ‘s’ factor, specific to the problem in
sion, which can contribute significantly hand, which is the relevant skill for that
to anxiety disorders on the part of the particular behaviour (e.g. mathemati-
recipient, particularly in adolescents. See cal, verbal, spatial and manipulative).
also deindividuation. two-factor theory of emotion The
Turner’s syndrome A genetic disorder idea that emotion results from both our
in which the individual has one fewer physiological state and our cognitive
chromosome than normal, resulting in assessments of what is going on. The
sexual abnormalities. cognitive appraisal determines the
twin study A research method which emotion we experience, while the phys-
involves exploring the similarities and dif- iological state determines its intensity.
ferences between pairs of identical twins Contrast with somatic theory of emotion.
which have been separated from infancy. two-point threshold A test of tactile
The idea is that differences between sensitivity that involves touching the
them will have arisen from environmen- skin with two points close together and
tal influences, while similarities must be measuring how far apart they have to be
genetic. Results from these studies have before the person feels two points, not
contributed to the nature/nurture debate, one.
but have always been contentious; partly two-process theory of memory First
due to dubious statistical manipulations proposed by William James, and devel-
and even fraudulent data in widely cited oped further by Miller and by Atkinson
early studies; partly due to the way that and Shiffrin, this theory holds that
adoption agencies have tended to find two distinct forms of memory exist,
adoptive parents of similar culture and each with its own characteristics –
socio-economic backgrounds, and partly ­immediate or short-term memory (STM)
due to the way that similarities have and long-term memory (LTM). There is
been exaggerated and differences largely a dispute as to how far these forms of
ignored or explained away. See nativism. memory are in fact distinct. See also
two-factor theory A model of intel- levels of processing, dual-memory theory,
ligence proposed by Spearman, who working memory.
T 385

two-tailed hypothesis A hypothesis or therapists can take notes, discuss and

that predicts a result from either end undergo training without too much
of a frequency distribution of the null interference in the group process.
hypothesis. For example, a prediction Type I error A statistical term for the
that scores will vary on a task from one mistake of rejecting the null hypothesis
day to the next would be two-tailed, when it should have been retained. In
whereas a prediction that scores would experimental as opposed to correlational
improve from one day to the next would studies, this would mean concluding
be one-tailed, as only one of the two that a difference in the dependent vari-
kinds of outcomes (improving or getting able is attributable to the independent
worse) is predicted. variable when in fact it was due to other
two-tailed test The use of a statistical factors (e.g. deciding that a difference in
test to investigate a two-tailed hypothesis. the performance of two classes was due
Suppose the research hypothesis is that to different teaching methods when in
distraction by loud noise will affect the fact it derived from individual differences
amount remembered. When you exam- in the students concerned). Statistical
ine the memory scores of the distraction significance levels are usually set so as
group, you need to test whether they to make Type I errors unlikely, but in
are significantly higher or lower than some circumstances, one would tolerate
the mean for the control group. This a high risk of Type I error (e.g. a cheap,
may amount to a significance level of safe and easy way to prevent cancer).
p<.05, meaning that their mean falls See also alpha level.
either within the lower 2.5 per cent or Type II error A statistical term for the
the upper 2.5 per cent of the normal dis- mistake of retaining the null hypothesis
tribution. Compare this judgement with when it should have been rejected. In
that for a one-tailed test. experimental studies, this would mean
two-way ANOVA An analysis of vari- concluding that the independent variable
ance applied to two sets of data. When had no effect on the dependent variable,
two or more data sets are analysed in when in fact it did have some influ-
this way, it becomes possible to test for ence. This is usually regarded as the less
the significance not just of differences costly kind of error (see Type I error).
between groups, but also of the interac- Note that this is not a statistical error,
tions between the variables. as statistics merely assess the probabil-
two-way mirror A sheet of glass with ity of relationships. The error arises in
a light coating of reflective material the conclusions that are drawn from the
which, when inserted in a wall, looks statistics.
like a mirror from the brightly lit side Type A and Type B behaviour As
but acts as a window from the dark side. outlined by Friedman and Rosenman
Two-way mirrors are used to observe (1974), these refer to styles of working
without being seen so that people do not shown by company executives. Type A
know they are being watched (which is individuals are typically anxious, driven
no longer ethically acceptable without people, who find it difficult to delegate
prior consent in psychological research). tasks to other people, and who tend to
They are used in focus group research worry about their work when at home.
and family therapy so that researchers Type B individuals may work just as hard
386  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

but have a more relaxed style, and they build. Jung also grouped people accord-
have an easy-going approach to prob- ing to personality type, most famously
lems, dealing with each difficulty as it introversion and extraversion, and his the-
arises rather than worrying about them ory forms the basis of the controversial
all. Friedman and Rosenman found MBTI personality test. The theory of the
these styles to correlate strongly with humours provides another example of an
susceptibility to heart disease, Type A early type theory of personality. A more
individuals being far more likely to suffer restricted approach in the study of per-
heart attacks than Type B individuals. sonality is the ‘narrow-band’ approach,
type theory A theory of personality in involving the identification of a single
which people are classified according type, such as the authoritarian personality.
to common characteristics. Sheldon typicality effect The way that cat-
grouped people according to types of egorisation happens more quickly with
physique – their somatotype – with a ‘typical’ example of the category than
personality characteristics supposedly it does with an example which differs
associated with particular kinds of bodily more strongly.
ultimate attribution error The way they can be sure of the other person’s
that people make attributions that will affection and warmth, and this means
enhance or defend their own in-group, that they can feel free to develop and
while making more negative attribu- explore new aspects of themselves.
tions for out-groups. See also fundamental Unconditional positive regard is usually
attributional error. provided by parents during childhood,
ultrasound Sound that is too high- although Rogers believes that it is not
pitched to be detected by human beings. tied to the early years of life. The for-
Ultrasound can be detected by many mation of such a basis of unconditional
animals, including dogs (it is the basis positive regard is at the heart of Rogers’
for ‘silent’ dog whistles) and cats. It has client-centred therapy.
also been shown, by dedicated research- unconditional respect for persons The
ers, that rats emit an ultrasonic screech recognition that each person is an auton-
after mating. See also infrasound. omous individual entitled to respect as a
unaccounted variance The proportion human being and the acknowledgement
of the data provided by a correlation test of their personal integrity. Although
which has not been explained by the this is the basis of most human rights
influence of other factors. See partial manifestos and political constitutions, it
correlation. has been under-represented in psychol-
ogy. However, the increased emphasis
unconditional positive regard A pre- on ethical issues and qualitative research
requisite for mental health and personal means that it is now becoming a signifi-
growth, according to Carl Rogers. Rogers cant concept.
identifies two basic human needs – the
need for positive regard from other peo- unconditioned response (UR) A
ple, and the need for self-­actualisation. response that occurs automatically to a
The person must satisfy both of these particular stimulus, and does not have
needs, but if their only experience of to be learned. For example, pulling the
positive regard is conditional upon hand away from an intensely hot sur-
‘good’ or appropriate behaviour, then face is an unconditioned response – it
much of their behaviour will be directed happens as a reflex, without the need for
towards obtaining that approval from conscious recognition of what is hap-
others. This means that they will not pening. See also classical conditioning,
feel free to explore their own potential conditioned response, conditioned stimulus,
and their need for self-actualisation unconditioned stimulus.
because of the fear of engendering social unconditioned stimulus (UCS) A
disapproval. However, most individuals stimulus that automatically produces
have at least one person at some time in a response in an organism (animal or
their life who gives them unconditional human being). The term ‘unconditioned’
positive regard. In that relationship, means ‘not learned’ – a stimulus of this

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
388  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

kind will produce an effect automati- underadditivity The observation that

cally, with no learning being necessary. there is less brain activity when two
It forms the basis for classical conditioning tasks are performed together than if
as the new, conditioned stimulus becomes each is performed separately.
linked with the unconditioned one. underspecification The use of simpli-
unconscious Lacking in conscious fied expressions to reduce the cognitive
awareness. The most important use of demands of speech processing.
the term is in psychoanalytic theory as uniform connectedness The observa-
a reference to mental activity that is tion in visual perception that objects
not available to consciousness because which are next to one another and have
it concerns material which is too uniform or very similar properties (e.g.
threatening to the ego to be recognised similar colours) will be seen as linked.
directly. Freud believed that the uncon- See also Gestalt principles of perception,
scious has its own way of working (see Law of Prägnanz.
primary process) which is different from
that of the conscious mind. For exam- unilateral neglect A problem encoun-
ple, there is no awareness of time in tered in clinical neuropsychology in which
the unconscious, so all threats are felt the person ignores information com-
as if they were still present, even if the ing from one side of the visual field.
source of the threat disappeared years Although the retina and optic nerve
ago. See also preconscious. appear to be working normally, there is
no cognitive recognition of input from
unconscious motive A motive of which that side, and as a consequence images,
the person is unaware but which contin- appraisals and other types of output
ues to have an effect on behaviour. For become unbalanced.
example, a student may underachieve
during exams owing to an unconscious unipolar depression A depression that
rebellion against parental pressure to is similar in form to a bipolar depression,
succeed. Although consciously they will but in which the manic phase is absent.
be trying to do as well as possible, their The person simply has the depressive
chosen revision strategies are ineffectual, periods without the swings to mania.
relying on rote learning or simply read- universal grammar The theory that
ing through notes, which ensures that there is some kind of basic, elementary
the student does not do as well as they grammar underlying all human lan-
could. Unconsciously, they have shied guages. It is not known whether such a
away from being too successful. Human thing exists, but it is a significant article
behaviour is often influenced by such of faith among most structural linguists
unconscious motives, and disentangling and considered to be the source of the
them such that the person becomes young child’s ability to acquire language
aware of what is going on can be one of easily and fluently. See also transforma-
the main tasks of a psychotherapist. tional grammar.
unconscious transference In eyewitness universalistic meanings Meanings of
testimony, this is the observation that a words or phrases that are abstract or
familiar but innocent face is sometimes general and not tied to a specific con-
misidentified as the perpetrator of a text or social meaning, e.g. ‘fairness’.
crime. See also particularistic meanings.
U 389

unplanned comparisons In analysis of introduce new areas of enquiry or lines

variance, these are checks for signifi- of research.
cance or other relationships which have Urbach Wiethe disease A brain disease
only been identified as useful after the that results in the destruction of the
analysis has been carried out. They amygdala and areas near to it.
are different from planned compari-
sons, because they are affected, or even utterance Something that is said; a sim-
directed, by the findings from the analy- ple unit of speech or language. The term
sis, and therefore require more stringent is often used when describing spoken
significance levels to be considered rel- language, as it avoids making assump-
evant. tions about the grammatical form of
what was said. Describing something
unresponsive wakefulness syndrome as a ‘sentence’ or a ‘phrase’ might not
See vegetative state. be accurate, but calling it an ‘utterance’
unusualness heuristic The use of unu- merely makes the assumption that it was
sual events or findings to stimulate or actually uttered.
V1 See primary visual cortex. involves the measure being compared
V4 A region just outside the striate with a measure obtained at the same
cortex that has been shown to respond time, such as comparing stated atti-
distinctively to colour. See also achro- tudes towards sex discrimination with
matopsia. behavioural measures of participation
in housework. More usually, a new test
V5 A region just outside the striate may be compared with the results from
cortex that has been shown to respond an existing and widely accepted test.
distinctively to movement. It is also
Construct validity refers to how far the
sometimes known as MT, which stands
measure being examined truly repre-
for the middle temporal visual cortex.
sents the theoretical construct that it
See also akinetopsia.
is supposed to measure. The most well-
valence A positive or negative weight- known example of this is the question of
ing (e.g. of emotional experience). how far intelligence tests truly measure
validity Validity refers to how far a intelligence. In this case, ‘intelligence’
given measure assesses what it was would be the theoretical construct, and
intended to measure. There are gener- the IQ score the measure being assessed
ally considered to be three main types of for construct validity. The assessment
validity – surface or face validity, criterion would be made by examining whether
validity and construct validity. Surface people with higher IQ scores in fact
validity is judged simply in terms of how behave in ways that would be judged
far the measure seems appropriate – it is as more intelligent. See also ecological
an assessment of how plausible the cho- validity.
sen measure is. A questionnaire item values Ideas or principles that are of
asking how people feel about sex dis- central importance to the individual,
crimination has surface validity in that and which are used to form an evalua-
it appears, on the surface, as though it tive standard against which your own
will allow us to find out about sex dis- or other peoples' actions or ideas are
crimination. judged.
Criterion validity occurs when the variable Anything that varies; some-
measure being used is compared with thing that can have different values.
some other measure or standard which Any measure of performance or behav-
assesses the same thing. Criterion valid- iour taken in a study is referred to as a
ity may be of two basic forms. Predictive variable because it can have different
validity involves the measure being com- values depending on circumstance. If its
pared with some future event, such as value depends on the particular experi-
assessing the validity of IQ tests by look- mental situation that was set up, then it
ing at how well they correlate with later is known as the dependent variable. The
examination success. Concurrent validity conditions set up by an experimenter in

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
V 391

a formal experiment also vary. Typically, ment produces a very rapid response rate
there is an experimental and a con- that is highly resistant to extinction. Many
trol condition, and often there may be naturally occurring reinforcement sched-
several variations of the experimental ules are in the form of a variable ratio. For
condition. For this reason, that, too, is example, a child who demands attention
known as a variable – the independent may only receive it unpredictably, and this
variable. Other features of a study can would result in a high level of demanding,
also vary (e.g. background noise or time which is very resistant to extinction. See
of day). If these variables are randomly also partial reinforcement.
distributed, so that they can affect any of variance A parametric measure of disper-
the conditions of the independent vari- sion, obtained by subtracting each score
able equally, then they are referred to as from the mean of the sample, squaring
random variables. However, if they are these differences, and averaging them.
likely to affect certain conditions of the Mathematically, it has the advantage
independent variable more than others, that scores which are only slightly dif-
they are known as confounding variables. ferent from the mean have very little
variable-interval reinforcement A rein- effect, while more extreme scores have
forcement schedule in which the delivery more influence because the differences
of a reinforcement depends on the are squared. The square root of the vari-
amount of time that has passed since the ance is the standard deviation. See F ratio.
last one was given. The amount of time variance ratio A statistical measure
between each rewarded response varies that describes precisely the way that
but works out to a set average within a scores are spread out around the mean.
given time period. For instance, a VI
10 schedule would mean that an aver- variation
age of 10 seconds would have to elapse
after each reinforcement before another (i) In statistics, it is the degree to
reward could be obtained, but the actual which scores in a set differ from
time might be less or more than that on the measure of central tendency
any given trial. Variable-interval rein- of that set. Variation is assessed in
forcement schedules tend to produce a different ways depending on the
steady response rate that is highly resistant data and can be measured using
to extinction. See also partial reinforcement. the standard deviation or the semi-
variable-ratio reinforcement Reinforce­ interquartile range, among others.
ment given during operant conditioning in (ii) In evolutionary or biological the-
such a way that not every response made ory, it is the extent to which the
is reinforced, only a certain proportion individuals in a particular species
of them. The ratio of reinforced to non- differ from one another. Individual
reinforced responses varies randomly but variation is the ultimate basis
will average out to a preset proportion. for evolutionary change: if all
For instance, a reinforcement schedule of members of a species were iden-
VR 10 would mean that, on average, 1 in tical, natural selection would be
every 10 responses would be rewarded, but impossible.
the number of responses which had to be
made before each reward given would be variation ratio A descriptive statistic
randomly varied. Variable-ratio reinforce- that expresses the proportion of scores
392  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

in a data-set which are not modal, as lower side of the auditory cortex to the
opposed to those which are. anterior temporal lobe. See dorsal stream,
vasoconstriction Constriction of blood dorsal auditory stream.
vessels. It occurs in the skin in response ventral stream Like dorsal stream, this is a
to cold, and also in conditions of threat term used in two different contexts: one
(when it would have the effect of reducing concerning neural pathways in the visual
bleeding from a wound). It can therefore system, and the other concerning neural
be used as an indicator of anxiety. pathways in the auditory system, so it is
vasodilation Dilation of blood vessels. important to establish the relevant con-
It occurs when attention is activated text if using or reading the term. However,
because it increases the blood supply to both ventral streams are concerned with
the brain and supports the processing of identification, either of objects or sounds,
information. while the dorsal streams are primarily
concerned with their locations. See ven-
vasopressin A peptide hormone tral auditory stream, ventral visual stream.
released by the pituitary gland, which is
involved in attachment formation and ventral striatum This is a part of the
may also have a wider role in reducing basal ganglia near the cerebellum, which
anxiety. See also oxytocin. is particularly associated with the limbic
circuit. It is active in learning the emo-
VBM See voxel-based morphometry. tional value of an action, and the reward
vegetative state A condition in which value of a decision, and has been shown
people appear totally inert, although to be involved in attachments and posi-
measures of brain activity indicate that tive emotions as well as rewards.
they are in a state of partial arousal. It is
ventral tegmental area A part of the
classified as a disorder of consciousness,
midbrain that is believed to be the origin
and after four weeks becomes described as
of the dopaminergic system associated
a persistent vegetative state. Legal defini-
with rewards. See also reward pathway.
tions vary in different countries, but after
three to six months it may be classified as ventral visual stream This neural
permanent, raising debates about eutha- pathway is primarily concerned with
nasia, although the fact that a few people identifying objects and events, regard-
have recovered from this condition makes less of where they actually are. For that
such decisions tricky. The existence of reason, it is involved in memory and
brain activity means that some prefer to semantics as well as object recognition.
call it unresponsive wakefulness syndrome It forms a pathway that extends from
rather than a vegetative state. the visual cortex to the temporal lobes.
See also dorsal visual stream, fusiform face
ventral Towards the bottom, sometimes
area, ventral stream.
referring to the front or forward part of
the body or body part. ‘Ventral’ comes ventricle Hollow areas in the brain that
from the Latin word for ‘belly’. See also contain cerebrospinal fluid.
dorsal, lateral, medial. ventrolateral prefrontal cortex A part
ventral auditory stream This neural of the prefrontal cortex in the frontal
pathway is concerned with identifying lobe of the cerebrum, located at the side
specific sounds and working out what and towards the bottom of each hemi-
they are or mean. It passes along the sphere. This area has been shown to be
V 393

involved in cognitive control and rule verbal deprivation hypothesis The

following – for example, keeping atten- idea, put forward by Bernstein and oth-
tion focused on the road while driving. ers, that the form of language learned by
See also dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a child could be a disadvantage when it
ventromedial prefrontal cortex. came to learning or handling abstract
ventromedial frontal cortex The area forms of information. Bernstein argued
on the frontal lobe of the brain towards that restricted codes of language, with
the bottom and also towards the midline their relatively limited vocabularies and
of the two hemispheres. It is thought to reliance on shared assumptions on the
be associated with decision-making. See part of the listener, meant that children
also Iowa gambling task, somatic marker would find the kind of conceptual and
hypothesis. abstract learning which they encoun-
tered in school inherently more difficult
ventromedial nucleus (VMH) A than children who use elaborated codes.
region of the hypothalamus that seems to This idea was hotly disputed by many
be particularly concerned with satiation. researchers, notably Labov, who dem-
Stimulation of this region in rats will onstrated that children who used highly
cause them to cease eating even when restricted codes of language, such as
previously they have shown strong signs Black American English, were per-
of hunger, and lesions in the region fectly capable of handling abstract and
result in rats becoming obese through theoretical concepts, so long as those
overeating. It is thought that some cases concepts were introduced in a setting in
of human obesity may arise from some which the children felt confident.
kind of disorder within this region of
the hypothalamus. verbal memory
ventromedial prefrontal cortex The
part of the prefrontal cortex towards the (i) The storing of mental images by
bottom of the frontal lobe and tucked using words as a form of coding
into the middle of the brain. This area for information. In this case, ver-
responds strongly when we are interact- bal memory is simply a variation
ing with friends, but not with strangers, of symbolic representation, with
and it plays an important role in emo- all the associated features and
tional regulation, particularly regulating advantages.
aggressive behaviour in interaction. It (ii) Memory for words. Much labo-
is also actively involved in processing ratory research on memory,
fearful situations and evaluating risk. especially in the early years,
See also friendship, aggression, amygdala. concentrated initially on ask-
ing people to memorise lists of
verbal behaviour Speech or speech- words, partly because they were
related actions, such as sign language. able to state clearly exactly what
The term was made popular by B.F. they remembered, which was not
Skinner, who used it as a way of deny- always easy with visual or audi-
ing the relevance of cognitive processes tory images. However, there is
in speech or language. considerable recent evidence to
verbal communication Communication suggest that this form of learning
that uses words to convey important is qualitatively different from the
messages. way in which people remember
394  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

connected prose or speech, and children who saw others being rewarded
even more different from every- for aggressive acts were more likely to
day memory. imitate them. Behaviour patterns may
(iii) In its most general sense, the be acquired or abandoned as a conse-
term verbal memory includes quence of seeing other people being
memory for speech and prose. rewarded or punished for them. See also
verbal skills These refer to the ability vigilance See sustained attention.
to use spoken communication in ways
which will have the desired impact on vignette A brief verbal story or account
the listener. They include aspects of used in research and clinical studies in
non-verbal communication to do with order to create impressions, attitudes or
spoken language, as well as the effective assumptions that can then be examined.
use of speech registers. See also linguistic visual To do with vision.
intelligence, speech register.
visual buffer A brief short-term memory
vesicle A small reservoir found at the store, proposed as a kind of echoic mem-
synaptic knob that contains a neurotrans- ory but for visual rather than auditory
mitter, and which breaks open and spills information.
that neurotransmitter into the synaptic
visual cache The part of the visuo-­spatial
cleft if it is stimulated by the arrival of an
scratch pad that stores information about
appropriate electrical impulse.
shape and colour. See also working
vestibular system The sense receptors ­memory.
that inform the body of orientation and
visual cliff Apparatus designed by
balance, brought about by the arrange-
Gibson and Walk to investigate
ment of semicircular canals in the inner
whether animals have an innate percep-
ear. It is important in the two senses of
tion of depth. A newborn animal (e.g. a
proprioception and kinaesthesia.
chick or goat kid) is placed on a centre
vicarious learning Learning through board over a sheet of strong glass that
observing what happens to others. covers a steep drop. If the animal shows
Vicarious learning was particularly fear or refuses to cross over the drop, it
investigated by Bandura in studies of is assumed that the ability to perceive
imitation in children. He found that depth is present. Since the animal is

thick glass sheet centre board checked pattern

“deep” side “shallow” side

Figure 74  A visual cliff

V 395

newly born, this cannot have been at the side of the visual field will usu-
learned, and therefore must be regarded ally cause us to turn slightly and focus
as innate. The results are more difficult on a new centre of visual attention. The
to interpret when human babies are visual field then covers a different, but
used since they are not mobile at birth overlapping, range of visual stimuli.
(see Figure 74). visual form agnosia The inability to
visual cortex That part of the cer- recognise or identify specific forms, or
ebral cortex which is responsible for the shapes, visually, even though the same
decoding of visual information. The forms or shapes may be recognised by
visual cortex is found at the back of the that person using touch.
brain, in the occipital lobe. Also known
visual illusions Figures that appear to
as the striate cortex, this area forms the
be other than they really are, as a result
main sensory projection area for vision.
of the ways in which the brain interprets
Electrical stimulation of this area pro-
information. Visual illusions have been
duces vivid visual sensations.
extensively studied by psychologists, as
visual discourse This is the set of it is thought that investigation of the
meanings and implications which are errors of perception can throw light on
communicated by visual images, and how normal perceptual processes work
can in themselves be the objects of (e.g. they formed a significant aspect
discourse analysis. See also semiotics, dis- of Gregory’s inferential theory of per-
course. ception). The visual illusions most
visual field The ‘scene’ or expanse of commonly studied by psychologists fall
visual information that is encompassed into three main categories:
by the retina at any moment. When we
are looking at something, the object (i) geometric illusions, usually in the
of our attention is at the centre of the form of simple line drawings (see
visual field, and we see it most clearly. Figure 75);
However, we also receive a visual (ii) illusions of movement, such as
impression of our surroundings, and this the phi phenomenon or the water-
stretches for quite a long way around fall effect; and
the focus of vision. A slight movement (iii) colour illusions.

the Poggendorf the Müller-Lyer the Ponzo

Figure 75  Some visual illusions
396  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

visual perception The analysis and visuo-spatial scratch pad A component

interpretation of information received of working memory that is considered to
and processed through the visual system. be a temporary memory store used par-
See also perception. ticularly to contain visual or graphical
images for very brief periods of time. See
visual representations Images or pictures
also inner scribe.
which convey ideas through graphics and
illustration rather than by using words. visual word form area (VWFA) An
area in the ventral visual stream that
visual search The process of scanning, responds preferentially to the visual
or looking for particular types or items presentation of strings of letters.
of information in the visual field.
VMH See ventromedial nucleus.
visual stimulation Any form of light
that reaches the retina and causes the vocalisation The production or articu-
rod or cone cells to react. The term is usu- lation of audible speech sounds. The
ally used to refer to a visual image that term is particularly used when referring
is received by the eye. See also stimulus. to the babbling or crying noises made by
babies before they have recognisable
visual system The general name given speech.
to the set of neurones and brain struc-
vocational guidance tests Psychometric
tures involved in the processing of
tests that are designed to help people to
visual information. The visual system
find out what kinds of jobs they are best
includes the eye, in particular the retina,
suited for.
the optic nerve, the optic chiasma, the lat-
eral geniculate nuclei of the thalamus and voice recognition systems Computer
the visual cortex. These areas and others systems that can analyse the distinc-
are linked by a number of pathways, the tive features of the human voice, and
most important of which are the dorsal respond to key words which have been
visual stream and the ventral visual stream spoken. The development of voice rec-
(Figure 76). See also lateral inter-parietal ognition systems forms a major area of
area, ocular dominance columns. research in the field of a­ rtificial intelli-

Figure 76  Visual pathways

V 397

gence, but represents no easy task, owing study of the collective mind developed
to the wide differences in articulation by Wilhelm Wundt in the 1890s.
shown by different people. Systems have volley principle In audition, and in sev-
now been developed that can interpret eral other sensory systems, the intensity
continuous speech (i.e. they do not of a stimulus is signalled by means of the
depend on the speaker saying each word rate at which electrical impulses are fired
separately), but they still need to learn to the brain. This signal can be achieved
the pronunciation of the speaker. This by each neurone firing very rapidly, but
is usually achieved by the individual owing to the absolute and relative refrac-
concerned reading out a set of key words tory periods, there is a limit to how fast
and phrases, which the computer sys- each neurone can fire. In the case of
tem uses as a baseline for identifying very intense stimuli, the neurones fire
their characteristic speech patterns, and in relays or volleys – a set of neurones
retains for when information is next will fire, closely followed by another
received from that person. See also arti- set, and then another. In this way, the
ficial intelligence, expert systems. brain receives a series of impulses at a
voice stress analyser A device for ana- rate that would not be possible for the
lysing the acoustic properties of the neurones if each was firing singly.
voice, which examines in particular the voluntary behaviour Behaviour that
minute variations of tone and pitch that forms a deliberate action on the part
occur as vowel sounds are produced. In of the individual. Such behaviour is
a relaxed voice, there are many of these usually contrasted with involuntary, or
variations, but they occur rapidly, and reflexive, behaviour. Operant condition-
the overall impression is that the sound ing and the higher forms of learning are
is smooth and regular. The variations usually concerned with the training of
can be seen clearly on a spectrograph, voluntary behaviour, except in the case
which gives a visual image of the sound. of biofeedback. Classical conditioning is
If someone is under stress, even though typically concerned with involuntary
they may try to keep their voice sound- behaviour.
ing normal, and although it may sound
the same to a listener, the effort of keep- volunteer effects Research outcomes
ing their vocal cords steady will mean that result from participants trying to be
that, when analysed by a spectrograph, helpful, or to behave in ways that they
the sound appears to be ‘flattened out’, believe are appropriate for the study
without the normal small variations. because they have volunteered and
Accordingly, the analysis of speech by want to be cooperative.
a spectrograph provides a sensitive and volunteer sample A method of sampling
reliable measure of stress. Voice stress that consists of using people who have
analysers are sometimes used in an volunteered to take part in the research
attempt to detect when a speaker such project. See also volunteer effects.
as a politician or someone doing busi-
voxel The 3D equivalent of a pixel (i.e.
ness on the telephone is lying. See also
a minimal volume-based unit).
galvanic skin response, polygraph.
voxel-based morphometry (VBM) A
voice timbre See timbre. technique used to separate and measure
Völkerpsychologie One of the earliest differences in the concentration of white
forms of social psychology, which was the and grey matter.
398  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

vulnerability model The idea that cer- and the condition will only develop
tain people have a predisposition to under certain conditions of stress or
conditions such as schizophrenia, but that damage. See also diathesis-stress model.
these dispositions are not deterministic VWFA See visual word form area.

Vygotsky, Lev Seminovich (1896–1934)

Vygotsky was one of the Soviet psychologists in the early twentieth century
who worked closely with the neuropsychologist Luria in an attempt to develop
a psychology in keeping with the ideals of Marxist ideology. However, he was
well informed about European psychology, including the work of Piaget in
Switzerland. Although he managed to continue to operate effectively while
alive, after he died (of tuberculosis), his work was suppressed by Stalin’s
regime, and it only re-emerged in the early 1960s. Vygotsky’s approach was
distinctive in that he was concerned with the interaction of cultural and
educational influence with the child’s cognitive development. This led to
the concept of the zone of proximal development, as a result of which his theory
has now become a major influence in modern developmental psychology.
His model of thought and language showed how language was used for both
cognitive structuring and communication by the young child.
Wada technique A method for gaze at a waterfall), then when they
detecting which cerebral hemisphere is look away at a stable background, they
dominant for speech, which consists of experience an illusion of movement in
anaesthetising one half of the brain and the opposite direction. In the case of
seeing whether the person’s speech is the waterfall, this involves the impres-
immediately affected or not. sion that the bank or surroundings are
moving steadily upwards. If the effect
WAIS See Wechsler Adult Intelligence is a result of the movement of a train,
Scale. then the train may appear to be moving
warrior gene A term given to a polymor- backwards when it stops at a station.
phism of the monoamine oxidase A gene weapon focus Studies of eyewitness tes-
that is associated with increased aggres- timony have shown that some aspects
sion, particularly in males. of a scene (e.g. a weapon) attract so
waterfall effect A special case of a nega- much attention that it impairs memory
tive aftereffect involving the perception of other details. See also eyewitness tes-
of steady movement. If someone looks timony.
steadily at movement that occurs con- Weber’s law A law discovered by Ernst
sistently in one direction (e.g. if they Weber in the early years of psychology,

Watson, John B. (1878–1958)

J.B. Watson is best known as the father of behaviourism. His main work was
conducted at Johns Hopkins University in America, where he rose to lead the
psychology department at the age of 31 years, following a scandal that caused
the resignation of the previous professor. (Another scandal forced his own res-
ignation in 1920, whereupon he left academic psychology and pursued a suc-
cessful career in advertising.) His work on learning in laboratory rats led him
to develop a model of stimulus–response learning, based on Pavlov’s research
into conditioned reflexes, which he cited in his APA presidential address in
1915. In this address, he first introduced the concept of behaviourism. He con-
tinued to develop the idea, and his book, Psychology from the Standpoint of a
Behaviourist (1919), could be argued to be the most influential in the history of
psychology. Another book, written with his ex-secretary and now wife Rosalie
Watson (née Rayner), entitled The Psychological Care of Infant and Child
(1928), attracted tremendous public debate, as a result of which behaviour-
ism became even more widely known and influential. Much of the history of
Western psychology in the second half of the twentieth century can be viewed
as attempts by psychology to break free of the influence of behaviourism.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
400  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

during which psychophysics was being ties. Extensive research has shown that
developed. The law states that the these are in almost all respects not rep-
amount by which a stimulus needs to be resentative of humanity in general. See
changed in order for the change to be representative sample.
noticeable (the just noticeable difference)
well-being A positive condition of
is a constant proportion of the strength of
mental and physical health, often iden-
the stimulus. The value of this constant
tified as a goal in positive psychology.
proportion is known as Weber’s constant.
In practical terms, the implication of Wernicke’s area The area of the cere-
Weber’s law is that stronger stimuli will bral cortex that is particularly concerned
need to increase or decrease by greater with the interpretation and under-
amounts than do smaller stimuli before standing of language. Damage to this
they are perceived as being different. See area produces aphasia or difficulties in
also Fechner’s law, power law. the comprehension of speech. See also
angular gyrus, Broca’s area, language
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
areas, planum temporale.
(WAIS) One of the major intelligence
tests, produced by David Wechsler. Westermarck effect The tendency not
Although it produces an overall IQ to feel sexually attracted as an adult
score, this can be subdivided under towards someone who was familiar in
two general headings of verbal IQ and the earliest years of life (e.g. a close sib-
performance IQ, each of which is com- ling). See incest.
posed of different sets of items (six sets white matter The term used to refer to
for verbal and five sets for performance the densely packed masses of myelinated
IQ). In principle, it is possible to iden- nerve fibres that are found in the cen-
tify specific kinds of disability or deficit tral nervous system. In the brain, this is
using such tests, but in practice, for dif- found on the inside, with grey matter
ferences between subset scores to be (consisting of unmyelinated fibres and
large enough to be significant, the defi- cell bodies) covering the outer surface.
cit in the person’s performance would In the spinal cord, this is reversed, the
be obvious anyway. white matter being on the outside and
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for the grey matter being on the inside, sur-
Children (WlSC) A version of the rounding the central canal.
WAIS designed for use with children. It Whorfian hypothesis See Sapir–Whorf
will measure IQ from 6 to 16 years. hypothesis.
WEG Acronym for warmth, empathy
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test A statisti-
and genuineness – the three therapist
cal test used for repeated-measures designs
attributes that have been proposed
and ordinal data to identify significant dif-
as the most important factors in the
ferences between two samples.
effectiveness of psychotherapy. WEG is
thought to be more important than any WlSC See Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
specific therapeutic technique. Children.
WEIRD samples Samples which withdrawal symptoms Temporary
have been drawn exclusively from physical disorders that occur as a result
populations from Western Educated of someone failing to receive their nor-
Industrial Rich and Democratic socie- mal dose of a drug on which they have
W 401

become dependent. Withdrawal symp- been abandoned relatively recently

toms can be quite severe, depending because of severe mental disturbance,
both on the drug concerned and on the and that it is that disturbance which is
extent to which the person has become responsible for their unusual behaviour
habituated to the drug. Many ordinary and restricted abilities.
drugs, such as caffeine, can produce
word blindness See alexia.
strong withdrawal symptoms if the indi-
vidual has previously had a high regular word length effect The finding that
intake and suddenly ceases to take the verbal memory span is decreased if
drug altogether. The existence or oth- longer words are presented.
erwise of withdrawal symptoms is one word meaning deafness A specific con-
of the main indicators of physiological dition in which the person has impaired
addiction. understanding of spoken language,
within-group variance A statistical although they have no difficulty under-
measure of the variation within a group. standing the written word.
It may be used to indicate something word recognition threshold A measure
about a population, or as a measure of the minimum degree of exposure to a
of variability in the scores within an word necessary for someone to identify
experimental condition, especially it. The normal procedure is to vary the
when using an analysis of variance. time during which the word is exposed.
within-subjects design A form of Other conditions could involve pre-
research design that takes two or more senting the word more or less faintly,
sets of measures from the same individ- or at different distances. The threshold is
uals, thereby controlling for individual usually taken to be the point at which
differences such as age or personality. the word is recognised 50 per cent of
See also related-measures design. the time, as the exposure necessary
will vary according to the conditions
Wisconsin card-sorting test This is a
under which the word is presented.
test of executive functioning in which
Recognition thresholds were tradition-
people are asked to match up cards con-
ally measured using a tachistoscope, but
taining numbers, shapes and colours,
modern research is more likely to utilise
according to one of those three crite-
computerised presentation.
ria. After a few goes, they are asked to
change criteria. Typically, people with word superiority effect The way that
prefrontal cortex damage show perse- letters can be detected more rapidly
veration (i.e. they fail to shift from the if they are presented in the context of
previous criterion to the new one). a word than if they are presented in a
wolf children Children found living in nonsense or random letter string. See
the wild, whose behaviour led people to also word recognition threshold.
believe that they had been brought up working memory An alternative
by wolves. Also known as feral children, to short-term memory, proposed by
such children were of great interest to Baddeley and Hitch, who put forward
psychologists in order to identify criti- the idea that immediate memory may
cal periods for abilities such as language be like a computer’s working memory.
acquisition. However, it is suspected The basic working memory system com-
that in most cases, the children had prises a central executive, a visuo-spatial
402  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

scratch pad, an articulatory loop and an worrying Cognitive activity charac-

input register. See also dorsolateral pre- terised by repetitive anxiety-provoking
frontal cortex. thoughts. It is one of the main symp-
working memory capacity The amount toms of anxiety disorders.
of information that can be held in work-
ing memory.

Wundt, Wilhelm M. (1832–1920)

Wundt is widely regarded as the ‘father of experimental psychology’. He
became Professor of Psychology at Leipzig University in 1875 and established
the first experimental psychology laboratory, where he investigated a num-
ber of different topics, the most well known of which were investigations
of the role of sensations, association and attention on consciousness, which led
to the publication of his textbook Grundzüge der physiologische Psychologie
(Fundamentals of Psychology) in 1873. Less well known in Britain and
America, however, were a series of investigations in social psychology, which
led to his 10-volume Völkerpsychologie, published between 1900 and 1920.
His wide interests, his development of systematic research methods, and his
central influence in academic circles meant that many others were attracted
to his laboratory, and took his approach as the model for the new discipline.
x A term normally used to represent a similarly structured X-chromosome,
raw score in a set of data, usually plot- but in men, it is paired with a small,
ted as the abscissa (or horizontal axis) of truncated chromosome known as a
a graph. The term is also used for any Y-chromosome (Figure 77).
unknown score or the value of an inde- X-ray tomography See tomography.
pendent variable.
xenophobia An irrational and exces-
X An abbreviation often used to refer to sive fear of strangers or strange (foreign)
the mean of a set of scores. cultures, which can become converted
x-axis The horizontal axis of a graph or into intense, jingoistic patriotism and/
chart. or racial or cultural prejudice.
XX An abbreviated reference to the
X-chromosome A distinctive chromo-
combination of chromosomes shown by
some, named for its appearance under
women. Men are referred to as XY. See
the microscope, which carries informa-
also X-chromosome, Y-chromosome.
tion that directs the development of
sexual characteristics. In women, the XXY syndrome See Klinefelter’s
X-chromosome is paired with another, ­syndrome.

female male

Figure 77  X and Y chromosomes

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
y A term used for scores from a second cessful’. Those who do not fit these
set of data usually plotted as the ordinate criteria are frequently allocated to other
(or vertical axis) of a graph; x is the less expensive forms of treatment (e.g.
term used to refer to those from the first behaviour therapy). Although this idea is
set. See also z-axis. only semi-serious, it contains more than
y-axis The vertical axis of a graph or a grain of truth in terms of the types of
chart. See also ordinate, abscissa. people with whom many psychoanalysts
feel they can be most effective.
Y-chromosome A distinctively shaped
chromosome whose presence as one of Yerkes–Dodson law An expression
a pair indicates that an individual is of the relationship between a person’s
male. The other of the pair will be an state of physiological arousal, and his or
X-chromosome. See also sex-linked trait. her performance of a task or job. When
plotted on a graph, it takes the form
Yates's correction This is a statistical cor- of an inverted U-curve. Up to a point,
rection used in a 2 × 2 chi-square test, which increased arousal improves performance,
allows for the fact that human behaviour but beyond that point, further increases in
is generally complex and multivariate, arousal will cause performance to deterio-
so attempting to describe it using such a rate. Furthermore, the shape of the curve
limited number of categories is much too will vary with the complexity of the task,
simplistic to represent the samples accu- simple tasks being less affected by or even
rately. See also representative sample. benefitting from high levels of arousal, and
YAVIS A term used to describe the showing a wider, flatter curve, and com-
typical client considered suitable for psy- plex tasks reaching their optimal level at a
choanalysis. The term stands for ‘young, relatively lower state of arousal, increasing
attractive, verbal, intelligent and suc- and falling off more sharply (Figure 78).

optimum level
standard of performance

level of arousal
Figure 78  The Yerkes–Dodson law

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
Y 405

Yerkish An artificial ‘language’ devel- what happens to one also happens to the
oped during experiments in chimpanzee other (e.g. if one receives a reward or
language training at the Yerkes primate punishment, the other does, too). This
laboratory in Georgia, USA. Initially makes it easier for the experimenter to
developed for use with a chimpanzee ensure that any differences which arise
named Lana, it consists of a series of between the two are produced by the
symbols used in a fairly arbitrary fashion independent variable, rather than by vari-
to stand for concepts and conjunctions. ations in experience.
There is considerable debate as to just Young–Helmholtz theory A theory of
how far Yerkish can be regarded as a colour vision which argues that colour
language rather than just an arbitrary is perceived through the stimulation
set of symbols. of receptors which are sensitive to red,
yoked control An experimental set-up green and blue light. Other colours can
in which the experimental group and be perceived by combinations of these
the control group are paired, such that three, in the same way as the coloured
any member of the experimental group dots on the screen of a colour television
has one of the control group receiving produce a complete spectrum by combi-
exactly the same experiences. The pairs nation. See also opponent processing.
are linked (‘yoked’) in such a way that
z-axis The axis of a three-dimensional their innate rhythms can be attached.
graph that is at right angles to both the For example, the daily alternation of
x-axis and the y-axis. light and dark is a zeitgeber that enables
the circadian rhythm to adjust to pre-
z-score A measure of how much a spe- cisely 24 hours.
cific score differs from the mean of its
group. Each raw score is converted to a zeitgeist The ‘spirit of the times’ – in
standard score, the z-score, which is the other words, the social and cultural cli-
number of standard deviations by which mate within which an event occurs or
the score differs from the mean. In a a theory is developed. Scientific theo-
normal distribution, knowing the z-score ries are very rarely, if ever, independent
gives a direct measure of the significance of their cultural climate, and the form
level. For example, a z-score of 1.96 that a theory takes and the information
identifies the point in a normal distri- which counts as acceptable evidence for
bution beyond which only 5 per cent of a theory can vary dramatically from one
the scores will fall. period to the next. By and large, those
scientific theories that become popular
Zeigarnik effect A consistent feature of tend to be the theories which ‘fit’ the
memory which is that a task or activity zeitgeist best. See also paradigm.
is more likely to be remembered if it has
been interrupted before completion. Zener cards A standard set of cards used
in experimental studies of extrasensory
zeitgeber A German word meaning perception. There are usually 25 cards,
‘time-giver’. The term is used mainly in each bearing one of five simple sym-
studies of circadian rhythms, referring to bols: cross, wave, circle, star or square
environmental events that provide the (Figure 79). In a typical experiment,
organism with a precise timing to which research participants are asked to guess

Figure 79  Zener cards

DOI: 10.4324/9781003158899
Z 407

which pattern is on a card that another the area of competence that a child is
participant (out of sight) is looking at. ready to develop into if provided with
These cards are also sometimes called the appropriate environmental and
Rhine cards See also parapsychology. social stimulation. It is identified as that
zero-order intentionality A level of which children cannot learn on their
intentional stance in which it is assumed own, but would be able to learn with
that the actor is acting directly (e.g. appropriate help. It is important that
instinctively) without having any par- parents and educators work within the
ticular beliefs or desires. ZPD because this is where the develop-
ment of competence can occur.
zero-sum game In games theory, the
class of games in which a fixed quantity zoology The study of animals. Zoology
of resources is distributed between the includes the study of animal physiol-
players so that for anyone to do better, ogy and animal behaviour. In the latter
someone else must do worse. Zero-sum area, it frequently overlaps with com-
games are of particular interest to social parative psychology.
psychologists because it has been found zoom fatigue The mental and physi-
that people may operate according to ological exhaustion brought about by
the same principles even when they excessive hours spent videoconferencing.
are not in a zero-sum situation. That zoom lens model The idea that our
is, people will sometimes work hard to visual attention can be either narrowed
ensure that others fare worse than them and tightly focused or broadened out –
even if this has no effect on their own much like the zoom lens on a camera.
gains, and in some cases may even mean
sacrificing them. zoomed out
Zöllner illusion A particularly power- (i) A mechanism, for example with
ful visual illusion in which parallel lines a camera, of expanding the field
appear to converge as a result of being of view. Often used as a metaphor
crossed by short diagonal lines set at for taking a wider perspective on
angles to the main ones (Figure 80). a problem
zone of proximal development (ZPD) (ii) A specific state of exhaustion
The term proposed by Vygotsky for resulting from too much time

Zimbardo, Philip (1933–)

Philip Zimbardo is a social psychologist best known for the Stanford Prison
experiment, a prison simulation in which he showed that interpersonal bru-
tality is not particularly dependent on manifest personality, but under cer-
tain conditions could be manifest by people who would normally not act in
such ways. Zimbardo went on to study shyness and other features of social
interaction, and also conducted an extensive research programme investi-
gating how ordinary people become capable of torture. More recently, his
research has focused on the more positive area of how ordinary people can
become heroes. See also deindividuation.
408  A–Z of psychology and neuroscience

Figure 80  The Zöllner illusion

in teaching and meetings con- of ­psychoanalysis after his break with

ducted using videoconferencing. Freud. Jung’s method is referred to as
analytical psychology.
ZPD See zone of proximal development. zygote An ovum, or egg, which has been
Zurich school The group of psycho- fertilised and so is capable of developing
analysts who joined Carl Gustav Jung into a young member of the species.
as he developed an alternative school
Appendix 1
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Appendix 2
Study notes – how to write
an essay

An essay has two purposes. One is that it is an attempt to answer a question (in
French, essayer means “to try”). The other is to show off to the person marking the
essay just how much you know about the subject and how good you are at organising
that knowledge.

Work out your answer

So the first thing you need to consider when choosing an essay topic is what your
answer should be. Not the details of your answer – its essence. Ask yourself what
you would say if a friend asked you that question in the cafeteria (it may be unlikely,
but that’s what your imagination is for!). If your answer would be ‘I dunno’, then
that probably isn’t the right essay question for you – either that or you haven’t really
thought about it enough.
To write a good essay, you need to be able to adopt a position – to give an answer
to the question – and then describe arguments or evidence which show that your
position or answer is the best one to adopt or at least a really good one. The idea
is to convince other people that you really know what you are talking about. That
means giving your essay a good, clear structure, and making sure that what you have
said all leads to the conclusion you draw – in other words, your answer.
Essays work best if you plan them out. If you don’t, you can end up just rambling,
with no clear direction. If you and the person reading your essay don’t know what
your question is, you’ll never know if you have succeeded in answering it! But once
you know the short answer to your essay question, you know where your arguments
are going, and what your conclusion will be. Your plan will set those out, which
helps you to stay on track.

Select your evidence

Your essay needs to be organised, and for that, you need to use paragraphs. So the
best way to plan your essay is as a list of paragraphs. Each paragraph should make
just one point, and back it up with some kind of argument or evidence – whatever
counts as important in the particular subject you are taking.
For example, in English literature, the evidence you would use would be refer-
ence to things in the text or direct quotations. In creative writing, it would be
examples drawn from your ideas, imagery or experience. In history, it would be
416  Study notes – how to write an essay

reference to source material of some kind. In psychology, it would always include

reference to psychological research, or critiques that have challenged research evi-
dence. Sometimes an important part of the essay question includes discussing a
theory, where critical evaluation becomes part of the evidence, along with relevant
research. Learning any subject involves learning what counts as evidence and what
doesn’t. By the time you are writing an essay, you should have a pretty fair idea of
what kind of evidence matters for that particular subject.
You are likely to find some of that material from internet sources. But remember
that there’s all sorts of rubbish on the internet, as well as good information, so you
have to be very clear which is which. Make sure that you only use material which
has come from, and has been attributed to, a reliable source. And if you take mate-
rial directly from an existing publication or internet source, even if you make small
changes to the wording, make sure you clearly attribute it. For example, you might
write: ‘discussing research ethics, Hayes says “all types of observation … raise ethical
issues”’ (Hayes, 2021, p. 86).
Failing to identify the text as not having been written by you is plagiarism.
That’s basically educational theft, and it is taken very seriously. It will almost cer-
tainly be detected because examiners and lecturers use efficient software which
trawls the net and identifies identical material. Plagiarism always results in some
kind of penalty, which could make all the difference to your overall grade. Also,
we are sure this won’t apply to you, but paying to have the essay written for you is
another form of educational malpractice, which is almost always detected and car-
ries the most severe penalties.

Plan your paragraphs

A paragraph states an idea and then amplifies it. Usually, it will be between 50 and
100 words long. (How long paragraphs should be all depends on how much you need
to say to amplify the point that it is making.) Knowing this means that you can work
out how many paragraphs you will need, according to how long your essay is supposed
to be. A 500-word essay will usually need about eight paragraphs, while a 1,500-word
essay will need about 12–18 or so. If it’s an exam essay, begin by working out how
much time you are supposed to give to the essay. In some exams, you can calculate
this by how many marks are given to the question, by comparison with the other
questions you have to answer. In all-essay exams, just divide the time of the exam by
the number of essays you need to write. Then deduct five minutes per essay for plan-
ning (believe us, it’s worth it!) and allow five minutes for writing each paragraph. So
45 minutes of exam time means eight paragraphs plus five minutes’ planning time.
Bearing that in mind, you can make up your essay plan as a list of paragraphs.
Two of them are done for you: the first, where you introduce the subject and outline
the main argument you are making – if you like, where you give the short answer to
the question – and the last, where you sum up how all that evidence shows that your
short answer was the best answer for this question. In between comes the detail of
your essay, so on the plan, number your paragraphs and list briefly what each point
is going to be. Don’t go into any details – a one-word reminder is plenty.
Once you’ve got your plan, you can expand all the points into paragraphs, and
while you’re writing you’ll know pretty well what you are going to say next. That
Study notes – how to write an essay 417

means that you can keep your arguments clear and incisive, and avoid unnecessary
Remember, though, that in many essays, you don’t just want to give your own
arguments – you also need to show that you are aware of any opposing ideas or other
arguments which might lead to different conclusions. A paragraph describing one
of those would begin by stating what it was (to prove that you know it) and then
give evidence or arguments for why it is wrong or irrelevant to this particular ques-
tion. So some paragraphs will be criticising other ideas, and some will be backing
up your own. In a well-balanced essay, this would normally be about half and half,
but it can vary depending on your subject. In a science essay, for example, the ideas
you are criticising might just be very old-fashioned ones, which would only need
a couple of paragraphs to describe, or in an English essay, you might concentrate
more on producing the evidence to support your own idea and not bother as much
with what other people have said. But if you are writing about a controversial topic,
or one where people have very strong views, then you definitely need to show that
you are familiar with the arguments on both sides of the case – and then challenge
the arguments of the side that you disagree with, saying why you don’t think they
should really count.

The essay task

How you go about organising your paragraphs and deciding what to put into them
depends on the task that your essay is trying to do. Often, the essay title itself will
give you an idea of how you are meant to go about writing the essay. Here is a list of
some of the more common essay tasks, and what they expect you to do.

Essay task What you have to do

Compare and Write about the similarities (compare) and the differences
contrast (contrast) between two things. That means writing some
paragraphs describing things they have in common, and
roughly an equal number of paragraphs describing ways that
they are different.
Criticise Write about the weak points of the topic, theory or idea
that you are writing about, or say what you think is wrong
with it. Describe criticisms that other people have made, as
well as giving some of your own if you can. But remember
to begin with at least one paragraph showing that you do
understand the idea or thing that you are criticising.
Discuss Write about both the good points and the bad points
of your topic, and try to look at whether there are any
implications or conclusions that would follow naturally from
it. Try to look at it from more than one point of view.
Describe Write about the topic plainly and simply. Give as much detail
as you can in the time or number of words, but stick to the
plain facts – don’t give your own opinions, or if you do keep
them for a very limited contribution right at the end.
418  Study notes – how to write an essay

Explain Give a set of reasons for why something happens or has

come about. That often means writing about the stages or
steps which have led up to it.
Illustrate Give specific examples that highlight or amplify the particular
topic which you are writing about (but don’t forget to
describe the topic first). Do not draw pictures as your answer,
unless you are sure that this is appropriate. It usually isn’t.
Outline Simply describe the main facts of the topic, but leave out
all of the unimportant details. Give as much information as
someone would need in order to be able to understand the
most important features of the topic you are describing.

Write clearly
Make sure, too, that you really have said what you mean to say. Even a small dif-
ference in spelling can change the meaning of a sentence, so it looks as though you
mean something completely different. To affect something, for example, means to
influence it. But to effect something means to bring it about or make it happen.
Confusing the two won’t be picked up by a spellchecker because they are both real
words. You don’t want a little spelling mistake to make it look as though you’re
talking nonsense, do you?

Getting it right
Not only that, but carelessness with grammar or spelling makes a really bad impres-
sion. So here are 16 of the most common spelling and grammatical problems – errors
which you need to avoid and rules which you need to follow:

1 Be consistent in singular and plural. Not ‘there is 23 of them’.

2 Latin words that end in ‘a’ tend to be plural (e.g. data and media). Therefore,
‘data are reported’.
3 Apostrophes give endless trouble. They indicate either a possessive (something
which belongs to the noun concerned) or an abbreviation (a word or part of a
word which has been shortened). But APOSTROPHES NEVER INDICATE
A PLURAL! ‘The department’s student’s…’ implies they only have one stu-
dent and you are about to be told about something that person possesses. If
the possession refers to several people, then the apostrophe comes after the s
(e.g. if it comes from several students, it is the students’ opinion). If the word
is already plural, such as people, the apostrophe comes after the plural word:
people’s party. Sometimes the spelling changes: the plural of family is families,
but the possessive relating to one family is family’s. The possessive of many
families is families’.
4 The usual use of an apostrophe as in ’s is as an abbreviation for his, hers or its
(e.g. “A student’s opinion” = one student – her opinion).
5 The other main use of an apostrophe is when it is used to indicate an abbrevia-
tion, or something missing, as in don’t for ‘do not’.
Study notes – how to write an essay 419

6 ‘Its’ is already possessive. It only gets an apostrophe if it is functioning as an

abbreviation of ‘it is’, as in ‘it’s a lovely day’.
7 ‘There’ is a place, ‘their’ refers to possessions. So do not write ‘we solved there
8 Sentences in the form of a question should always have a question mark at the
9 Try to split up sentences that have become too long and complicated. It’s gen-
erally a good idea to do the same for paragraphs when they become too long,
10 When a sentence or, worse, a paragraph starts with ‘this’, it is often unclear
what, in the preceding material, it refers to. Think of it as a vague hand-wave
backwards to what you have recently written. Make a rule to avoid using ‘this’
unless you say what ‘this’ is, or unless it is so clear that there couldn’t possibly
be any other subject. This (referring to the first sentence of this paragraph) also
reminds me that it is important to minimise the use of commas, but even more
important to use them correctly.
11 While we’re on the subject, A COMMA IS NOT THE SAME AS A FULL
STOP! A comma indicates that you are developing, or amplifying, the idea
behind your sentence. A full stop tells you that that particular statement or
idea has been completed. If you want to say more, you should introduce the
next idea – another point on the same topic, like this one – in the next sen-
tence. Using commas when you should be using full stops makes you appear
illiterate. That’s not an impression you want to give to anyone, really.
12 ‘Effect’ and ‘affect’ often cause problems for psychology students. They have
different meanings when they are used as nouns or verbs. For example, some-
thing can have an effect (noun). But if something ‘effects a change’ it means to
bring about a change. Similarly, an affect (noun) means a feeling or emotion,
while to affect things (verb) means to influence it. If in doubt, look up these
words in the main text of this dictionary.
13 A similar confusion between noun and verb occurs with practice (noun) as in
‘the practice of psychotherapy’ and practise (verb) as when you ‘practise your
guitar solos’. People do not usually get confused between ‘advice’ and ‘advise’,
which follow the same rule, so you may find you can use that to remember
whether you want to say practice or practise.
14 For some reason, when writing about activating a response, instead of writ-
ing ‘elicit’ people often write ‘illicit’, which is an adjective meaning that it is
underhand or illegal. Try not to confuse the two.
15 ‘This finding highlights that value for money is an important issue for custom-
ers’. Do not use ‘highlights’ – it is a cop-out to save you thinking of the word
you should really use. It makes the sentence ungrammatical, when it would
have been simpler and more informative to have used ‘shows’ or ‘suggests’. Or
should it have been ‘proves’ or ‘emphasises’?
16 Don’t begin a sentence with ‘So,…’ unless it is genuinely a logical conclusion
from the sentence or paragraph you have just written. It should not be used as a
general beginning for a topic, no matter how often you might hear people using
it that way in everyday life.
420  Study notes – how to write an essay

Pay attention to presentation

Finally, make sure you present your essay as neatly as you can. In an exam, there’s
not all that much you can do, but do remember that you are trying to impress your
examiner, and you won’t do that if your handwriting is so bad that they can’t deci-
pher what you have written. If you have an identifiable condition, like dyspraxia,
you can ask to use a computer in your exams. If you are writing an essay for an
assignment, make sure that you print it out, or if you really don’t have access to a
printer, write it out very neatly. Separate your paragraphs clearly, choose a clear
font and a readable line spacing, and leave proper margins. It might not get you
extra marks, but it all contributes to the impression that you really know what it is
that you are supposed to be doing, and have made an effort to do it well. And that
can only be a good thing!

Happy writing!

Nicky Hayes and Peter Stratton

Appendix 3
List of abbreviations

5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine
AA ambulatory assessment
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone
ADD attention deficit disorder
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
AI artificial intelligence
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIP anterior intraparietal area
ANN artificial neural network
ANOVA analysis of variance
ANS autonomic nervous system
BAS British Ability Scale
BOLD blood oxygen level dependency
CA conversation analysis
CAL computer-assisted learning
CAT (scan) computed axial tomography
CDS child-directed speech
CNS central nervous system
CR conditioned (or conditional) response
CS conditioned (or conditional) stimulus
CT (scan) the same as CAT scan
db decibel
df degrees of freedom
DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
DNA desoxyribonucleic acid
DSM-V Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition
DTI diffusion tensor imaging
DZ dizygotic
EBA extrastriate body area
ECG electrocardiogram
ECT electroconvulsive therapy
EEG electroencephalogram
efMRI event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging
EI emotional intelligence
EMA Ecological Momentary Assessment
422  List of abbreviations

EMG electromyography
EPI Eysenck Personality Inventory
EPQ Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
ERP event-related potential
ESB electrical stimulation of the brain
ESM Experience Sampling Method
ESN educationally subnormal
ESP extrasensory perception
EST electroshock therapy
FBA fusiform body area
FDR False Discovery Rate
FEF frontal eye field
FI fixed-interval reinforcement scale
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
FR fixed-ratio reinforcement scale
FRU face recognition unit
FTT failure to thrive
FWE Family Wise Error
g general intelligence factor
GAF Global Assessment of Functioning scale
GAS general adaptation syndrome
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GIGO garbage in garbage out
GPS general problem-solver
GSR galvanic skin response (or resistance)
GWAS genome-wide association study
HCI human–computer interaction
HPA hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
HRF hemodynamic response function
HRTF head-related transfer function
Hz hertz
IAT implicit association test
ICD  International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
ICSS intercranial self-stimulation
IPA interpretive phenomenological analysis
IQ intelligence quotient
IRM innate releasing mechanism
jnd just noticeable difference
LACS Leeds Attributional Coding System
LAD language acquisition device
LAS language acquisition system
LH lateral hypothalamus
LIP lateral inter-parietal area
LOC locus of control
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide
List of abbreviations 423

LTM long-term memory

LTP long-term potentiation
MA mental age
MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance
MBD minimal brain dysfunction
MEG magneto-encephalography
MMN mismatch negativity
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MMR moderated multiple regression
MNI template Montreal Neurological Institute template
MPOA medial pre-optic area
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MS multiple sclerosis
MT middle temporal
MVPA multi-voxel pattern analysis
MZ monozygotic
nAch need for achievement
nAff need for affiliation
NAI non-accidental injury
NEO neuroticism, extraversion and openness to experience
NGF nerve growth factor
NIRS near-infrared spectroscopy
nm nanometer
NREM non-rapid eye movement (sleep)
ns nanosecond
NVC non-verbal communication
ODD oppositional defiant disorder
OFA occipital face area
OOB out-of-body experience
p probability
PALS Psychological Applied Learning Scenarios
PDD-NOS pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified
PDP parallel distributed processing
PET positron emission tomography
PIN person identity node
PK psychokinesis
PRP psychological refractory period
PSE point of subjective equality
PSP post-synaptic potential
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
QA qualitative analysis
RAS reticular activating system
REBT rational emotive behaviour therapy
REM rapid eye movement (sleep)
RET rational emotive therapy
RHP resource holding power
424  List of abbreviations

RNA ribonucleic acid

ROC receiver operating characteristic
rTMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
SAD seasonal affective disorder
SCR skin conductance response
sd standard deviation
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
SIT social identity theory
SMA supplementary motor area
SNARC spatial-numerical association of response codes
S–O–R stimulus–organism–response
SpLD specific learning difficulty
SPSS statistical package for the social sciences
SQUID superconducting quantum interference device
S–R stimulus–response
SRT social representations theory
SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
STM short-term memory
STS superior temporal sulcus
t-scope tachistoscope
TA transactional analysis
TAT thematic apperception test
tDCS transcranial direct current stimulation
TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation
TOM theory of mind
TOT tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
TOTE Test, Operate, Test, Exit
tRNA transfer RNA
UCS unconditioned (or unconditional) stimulus
UR unconditioned (or unconditional) response
VBM voxel-based morphometry
VI variable interval reinforcement schedule
VMH ventro-medial nucleus
VR variable ratio reinforcement schedule
VWFA visual word form area
WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
WEG warmth, empathy and genuineness
WEIRD Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich and Democratic
WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
YAVIS young, attractive, verbal, intelligent and successful
ZPD zone of proximal development

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