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Resources to Learn

January 2022 Andrés Santos
a. SQL Queries for Mere Mortals (link)
Good first approach to SQL for technicians
and non-techies. It is a very complete
book of 800 pages. Highly recommended
for the first contact with this world.

b. SQL Cookbook (link)
O'Reilly editorial book in which more
advanced concepts are reached.

c. SQL Practice Problems (link)

As its title indicates, it is just that. Practical
problems to finish strengthening the
theory learned.

Andrés Santos
a. W3Schools (link)
Web in which all the clauses with
examples are exposed.

b. SQLBolt (link)
Resource focused as a training program
that integrates a theory part with practical
examples. Webs
c. LeetCode (link)
It is a platform in which there are
exercises of different levels focused on the
technical interviews of the big techs.

Andrés Santos
a. We learn SQL (link)
Perfect channel to get into SQL. Very
short videos in which the base is

b. Edureka!(link)

Youtube Software-focused channel with a wide

variety of videos covering everything from
the very basics to more advanced
concepts in databases.

Channels c. (link)

It is an incredible project in which an
infinite number of courses can be found,
whatever the topic within software
development or data science. This free
training is given by professionals.

Andrés Santos
a. SQL for Data Science (link)
SQL course for beginners. Offered by UC

b. Analyzing Big Data with SQL (link)

Uses of SQL in Big Data with Apache Hive
and Apache Impala. Offered by Cloudera. Courses
c. Introduction to Data Science (link)
Specialized 4-course program offered by
IBM. Good introduction to data science.

Andrés Santos
1. Books:
a. SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
b. SQL Cookbook
c. SQL Practice Problems

2. Websites:
a. W3Schools
b. SQLBolt
c. LeetCode

Overview 3. Youtube channels:

a. We learn SQL
b. Edureka!

4. Courses:
a. SQL for Data Science
b. Analyzing Big Data with SQL
c. Introduction to Data Science

Andrés Santos
Resources to Learn

January 2022 Andrés Santos

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