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Zain Ul Abideen Shahzaib Chaudhary

Assignment #:


Modelling and Simulation

Course Instructor:

Sir Afraz Danish

Physical Simulation

It's an exciting time in materials engineering. It seems that new materials appear almost every day.
Some, like low-alloy carbon steels and exotic stainless steels, are new variations on a familiar theme.
Others, such as aluminium lithium alloys, titanium aluminides, aluminium iron-cerium alloys, metal
matrix composites, and powder metals, are less well understood materials destined for exotic
applications. The challenge presented by each of these materials, whether familiar or exotic, is to
find ways to produce and process them so they will function properly in their intended applications.
Math Modelling

An early mathematical model was formed for the psychology of perception. Things to include or
ignore: Whether the perceiving was going on inside or outside, if inside, what size the room is, the
temperature, noise level, type of stimulus, distance from the stimulus, length of the stimulus if it is a
card, colour of the stimulus card, shortest perceptible difference in the length of the stimulus
card, .By focusing on just two variables, (Magnitude of the stimulus and the least perceptible
difference in the magnitudes of the stimuli) the concept of 'just noticeable difference' was
constructed and the Weber-Fechner Law formulated.

Onboard New Retail Employees with 360° VR

With a 360° VR activity, newly onboarded retail employees practice operating their POS system and
interacting with virtual customers. Learner's practice processing returns, answering questions about
merchandise, and handling irate customers before stepping foot behind their actual retail counter.

This VR activity allows learners to practice their customer service skills without sacrificing the
reputation of their organization. After completing this VR onboarding activity, employees will feel
more prepared to address customers’ needs with ease on Day 1.


Physical Modelling is best of all the modelling due to its physical existence. We can determine the
structure view presentation working and also can test it accordingly. It could be best as it has
existence in real world and can be understand by most of the people

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