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Unit 5 Investment

Spreading the risk

Word Definition Translation

chance (n) something that may happen

combination (n) two or more things that you use or mix

diversification (n) to put money into several different
types of investment instead of only
one or two
economic (adj) relating to trade, industry and the
management of money
goal (n) something that you hope to achieve

gradually (adv) happening slowly or over a long

period of time
high-risk (adj) involving a possibility of failure

investor (n) someone who gives money to a

company, business or bank in order to
get a profit
lose (v) to stop having a particular attitude,
quality, ability, etc. or to gradually
have less of it
low-risk (adj) likely to be safe or without problems

portfolio (n) a group of stocks owned by a

particular person or company
spread (v) to share or divide something among
several people or things

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