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Access to New Cultures

Globalization makes it easier than ever to access foreign culture, including food, movies, music,
and art. This free flow of people, goods, art, and information is the reason you can have Thai
food delivered to your apartment as you listen to your favorite UK-based artist or stream a
Bollywood movie.

2. The Spread of Technology and Innovation

Many countries around the world remain constantly connected, so knowledge and technological
advances travel quickly. Because knowledge also transfers so fast, this means that scientific
advances made in Asia can be at work in the United States in a matter of days.

There is an exchange and spread of ideas such as religion, music, food, and
traditions within different cultures. Globalization has increased the spread of
popular culture easily and efficiently from the developed countries of the
North throughout the world. Many media markets in undeveloped countries
are saturated with productions from the Northern developed countries.
Many have tried to silence the cultural expression, but due to the large
globalization of our world the values and cultural taste are underway in the
globalization process.
Individuals who travel around the world for business or leisure and try different
foods, listen to different music, read different books, gain exposure to different
media outlets, and learn to express themselves, even poorly, in another
language gain a broader perspective on the world. Their new knowledge helps
develop stronger empathy and appreciation for people of other cultures.

Quick Technological Advances

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