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Name ……………………………………….

Primary 1/……………………………………..
Review unit 10
Supply the missing letters:

- -t C - -d S - - mer - - ring

F--l Wi - - er Cl - - dy Wi - - y

R - - ny Sun - - C--

Choose the correct answer:

1. It’s (sunny – windy) I play with my friends.
2. I go to the beach in (winter – summer).
3. Let’s (play – eat) football.
4. Let’s (go - swim) outside.
5. It’s cold and (sunny – rainy) in winter.
6. I can (hear – touch) my toys.
7. I can taste (flowers – fruits).
8. We (are – is) eating now.
9. He is (play – playing) football.
10. Is (she – they) cooking now?
11. Tina (is – are) going to the cinema.
12. I (am – are) doing my homework.
13. My sister is (sleep – sleeping)
14. Are (they – it) studying?
15. Put on your ice cap. It’s (sunny – snowing).
16. Shall we watch the (TV – radio)?
17. I can’t smell. I don’t have any (nose – mouth).
18. I can hear everything. I have got big (ears – eyes).
19. I have to brush my (teeth – doctor) and go to bed.
20. No more eating (chocolate – snowman).

1. Got – ears – big – I have.
2. Am – I – reading.
3. Are – eating – they?
4. Can – I – taste.
5. Sunny – it’s.
6. Play – let’s – football.
7. The weather – What’s – like?
8. are – These - oranges.
9. Swimming – are – they.
10.Is – that – a car.
11.Maha’s – kite – it’s.
Write a sentence:

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