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Nama :Dandi Rizki


Linguistic language
Defenition of Semantic

 Semantics is the study of meanings. The term is derived from

Greek semanen (to signify or mean). It concerned with the
relation between words or other symbols and objects or
concepts to which they refer.As an empirical study of world
meaning in existing language.semantics is a brnch of
Types of Meaning Semantic

 We have known that semantic is the study

of meanings. Meaning comprise not one,
but some kinds of meaning. Leech
divides meaning into seven, they are
called seven types of meanings, namely:
Conceptual Meaning

 Conceptual meaning is also called denotative or

cognitive meaning. To make clear, it is worth
nothing the two principles by Leech, the principles
of contrastiveness and principle of structure.
Connotative Meaning

 Connotative meaning is concerned with the communicative

value and expression has by virtue of what it refers to over
its purely conceptual Content.Leech noted that connative
meaning is aimed at. The real word experience one
associates with an expression when one uses or hears it.
This is related to the meaning of an expression with the
musical representation and visual art of it. For example, the
meaning of the word baby reflect at drawing of a baby or an
imitation of a baby cry.
Affective Meaning

 Affective meaning refers to meaning, which reflect the

individual feeling of the speaker including his attitude to the
speakers object the expresses.for example,wit the object of
getting people to be quiet,we might say : I’m terribly sorry
to interrupt, but I wonder if you would be so kind as to lower
your voices a little. Politeness is include here, and factor
such as a voice timbre is also necessary to affect
Social Meaning

 If we are concerned with meaning, which is determined by its

social circumstances we are dealing with social meaning.
The social circumstances can easily be seen in social
relationship between the speaker and hearer that is
frequently in usage of words according to social status. For
example, sentences : They chucked the stone at the cops,
and then did a bunk with the loot. - After casting a stone at
the police, they absconded with the money.
Reflected Meaning

 This sort of meaning arises in cases of multiple conceptual

meaning. A sense of a word makes our reference to
another sense. For example, the synonymous expression
of the comforter and the holy ghost, both refer to Third
Person of Trinity. Those two expression are used in church
service, of which according to Geoffrey Leech these
expressions are influenced by everyday non religious
meanings of comfort and ghost. So the comforter sounds
warm and comforting, while the Holy Ghost sounds
Collective Meaning
 Collocative meaning is the words, which are considered to have individual
lexical items or share common ground in meaning but may be
distinguish in their occurance. For example, pretty and handsome
mean good looking, but they can be distinguished in their occurance
with the nouns followed, as list below : Pretty handsome Girl
oy Woman man Flower car Garden vessel The words, like
green also collocatives with grass, and dark with night. The term
collocate is a linguistic term to stand for the collocative words.
Thematic Meaning

 The seven types of meaning, that is thematic meaning is what

is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer
organizes the message in terms of ordering, focus and
emphasis. It is the choice among expressions which have
the same sense but different in communicative values.
Let’s examine the sentences below : - The boy kills the
snake. – The snake is killed by the boy.

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