Champak JULY 1st 2021

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NAGS Pb acl) POVISAFE Se a) | Rinse-Free & Non-Sticky TET Secure Outside Please contact for more information: SUNCARE FORMULATIONS PVT. LTD. Ph; 8447977889/ 999, 011-46108735, Mall: CHAMPAK JULY (FIRST) 2021 No. 1049, Storytim Playing In The Rain Harvesting Rainwater A New Friend 13 The Best Day Ever 20 The #idden Tunnel 29 Nabbing The Burglars a7 Bamby’s Birthday Cake 47 Co Cover Page F ‘The menseon season brings with i becuiiful weather, hot yummy snacks and amazing memories. What do you like ‘about this season? Share with you on ‘ Editor, Publisher & Printor: Paresh Nath EDITORIAL, ADVERTISEMENT & PUBLICATION OFFICE: (Deh Press Buldng, E-8, Jnancewala Estee, Rani Jranel Marg, New Geli tHG08s Pron: 4T20HRER 28520857-€2 Fax” H1-19-2960502). Printed, Published and Edited by Paresh Neth on toh cf Debi Press Pata Prokashan Prvie Umied at ES. Jnendewala. Estate, [New Dehi- 110985. Printed by PSPC Press Privte Limted. 50 DLE lds Avea Phase |, Fartiaed, Hatyens-121009, Edicr- Paresh Nath “This copy is sold an the condition that jursdction forall dsoutes ‘concaming tala, eubserpion and publzhed maller wil bo in courte! {erures! tuna a De Tile regidered vith Govt of india 2s tale mark. Cheeky feature is regered wih tha Gort. Contents rust not be ceprodced inary manner \winout permission. The names of to characters used In all 1evon and Somfeion atlas are finus. Soltaddonsad @ampod envelopes nus be enciosed with all manuscrpis oherwice the roected materia wl not ® FOUNDER VISHWA NATH 1917-2002 Things to do Colour Me 7 funtime 10 Where Do Animals Hide In The Rains?12 Who Am 1? 18 Hidden Picture 23 Board-A-Game 24 Dot To Dot 28 footprint Find 33 Smart 4 Complete The Picture 36 Solve It 4a Spot The Difference 46 Damru And Musical Notes set Cheeka 26 Dadaji And Monsoon 42 Thinking Sciq—Boil Water With Ice 19 from Young Readers 44 be retumed, Rates Inland: Single copy Re 26, (without CD) 4 year Rs 600, 2 years Re 1000, 'Subsc"pion shoud be reitind tyeugh money oxdersibank dats and ‘crequesdrawninfevour of Delhi Prakashan Viton Put. Lid, £-Oterdewolan Estate, Hani Jnansi Road, New Def-110055. Ph 91-1-413e8e6 Ext 119,205,264 Nab Smethatsapp: 08588813408. Vpps nt scsepled Sends your torles, poems, drawings, and crafts a. \wilelochampak@deltipres in and WhatsApp us at 8657402248, 1+ Sond arcs tate hindi @dalhiprese sn { Send invtalin and press releases at inves prasseleasegtelnigress be Wee to the edter at edter@depresa ti 1 sunscipion at subsciptongdainipressin atlas comCrempukitagazine ae hips wim youtube cerfserChampakSeO Manoj Roy ) itter-patter. Pitter-patter. As the first drops of rain fell on the dry soils of Champakvan, the entire forest was filled with an earthy scent. Jumpy monkey looked out of his window and said “Oh! [e's raining!” He was excited and quickly climbed down the tree. “Look, friends! It’s raining! The first rain is always special,” he called out. 4 Soon Cheeku rabbit, Sally squirrel and Rocky dog came out of their homes. “T was waiting for it to rain,” said Sally. “Thanks, Jumpy, for telling us!” “Hey, but I was already dancing to announce the arrival of the rains, but no one paid attention,” grumbled Panny peacock. “Sorry, Panay,” smiled Jumpy. “Yes, it was you who informed us! Happy now?” CHAMPAK Before Jumpy could finish, Panay spread out his feathers and started dancing, “J will sleep peacefully today,” said Blacky bear with a sigh of relief. “The heat was killing me!” “All right, but where’s Catty cat?” asked Rocky, looking around. “Where else? She must be hiding in her house to escape the rain!” said Meeku mouse gently sailing a paper boat in a puddle, “She doesn't like rain.” “But why?” asked Sally, surprised. “Maybe she catches a cold by getting wet in the J tain?” said Bobo bull. “No, but we are standing in the rain. We aren’t getting wet. We all have umbrellas,” said Meeku. “Then, what's the reason?” Rocky asked. “She doesn’t like to get her fur dirty in the rain,” said Mecku. The others were puzzled. “Lv’s normal to get a little dirty during the rains, Why be bothered about that?” asked Sally. “Yes, you’re right! She should be here with us,” said Blacky. “Wait. I'll call her,” said Bobo and he called her out. July (First) 2021 “I won’t come out in the rain! I'll get dirty! I don’t like that!” Catty answered. “You won't! We all have umbrellas. Don't worry,” said Jumpy. Catty finally agreed to come out and slowly stepped out of her house. Seeing the dirty mud around, she almost went back inside. But when she saw the others outside, she pulled herself together, opened her umbrella and walked out. “Come, come! Don’t worry! We're all here. We'll just enjoy the tain for a while and then go back home,” said Sally. “Just breathe in that fresh ais,” said Rocky, taking in a lungful. “You won't enjoy this sitting at home.” “Yes, you're right!” said Catty while making a face at the dirty puddles around her. “Yuck!” she said, seeing Meeku s paper boats in the puddles. “How can you touch that dirty water?” Mecku was amused, and mischievously, he jumped into the puddle and said, “Like this!” Dirty water splashed on Catty’s fur and made black spots on it. Catty was shocked. “How dare you?” she said, her eyes bulging in anger. “I'll teach you a lesson!” ‘And she ran after Meeku, She dropped her umbrella, and her sandals came off too, She ran through the puddles and caught Meeku. “Now tell me! Why did you do that?” she asked furiously. “For your own good, Catty! Look, now you won’t be bothered about getting dirty anymore! Otherwise, you wouldn’t even step out during the rain?” “Whaaa...” Catty’s mouth remained open. She looked at her feet. They were covered in mud, but she was not bothered anymore. But she was still cross with Mecku. She said, “What do you mean? Did you do it on purpose?” “Of course! If I had not” “All right, I understand!” said Catry, relaxing hes grasp of Meeku. “But don’t do it again.” “T promise, I won't!” said Meeku. ‘The other animals had also reached them. They thought that Meeku must have received a good beating. But seeing Catty apologise and thank Meeku instead, they were surprised. When Mecku recounted the incident to them later, they all laughed loudly@ CHAMPAK Harvesting Rainwater Jaibala Prakash hruy’s parents had to go abroad for a year. So they left Dhrav with his grandmother in Tamil Nadu. One day, he saw his grandmother sweeping the roof thoroughly. Grandma explained to him, “Dhruy, the rainy season will start soon. We need to clean the roof well before that.” Dhruy was surprised as the roof was quite clean. He told hes, “Grandma, the rains will wash off the dirt. So why clean it?” Grandma said with a smile, “I also have to mop the roof before the rains come.” Dhruv was puzzled, His grandmother showed him the water outlet in the corner of the roof and asked him, “Do you know what this is?” Dhruv replied, “Yes, I know this hole is attached to a pipe. The pipe carries all the rainwater that falls on the roof downstairs into the drains.” CHAMPAK Grandma laughed. “Your answer is only half correct, The rainwater is carried into the underground tank through this pipe and not into the drains.” Dhruv was surprised. “You mean you are collecting the rainwater in an underground tank? Why?” “We will use the rainwater to cook, wash clothes, bathe, etc,,” Grandma replied. Dhruv asked, “But, Grandma, why should you store rainwater, It rains every year here, and the whole city is flooded.” “You will find the answer to your question in the summer season. Now help me clean the roof,” she said so sternly that Dhruy had no choice but to listen. In the next few weeks, it rained and rained. There was water running down the streets. his window and thought, “Grandma really need not store the rainwater.” A few months later, came the blazing summer heat. Ponds, rivers, lakes and wells dried up. People had to queue up in front water tankers to fill a bucket of water. From his window, July (Firs!) 2021 Dhruv saw little girls and boys waiting for hours with pots and buckets for their turn. He ran to his grandmother and asked, “Shall I go and fetch 2 bucket of water for our house?” But Grandma only laughed and said, “We have enough water to last the summer. Come and sec.” She led him outside and opened the lid of the underground tank in the courtyard. Dhruy peeped in and gasped, “Wow, this tank is huge and filled with clean water.” Grandma explained, “This is the rainwater that fell on our roof. Now it will help us through the entire summer season.” Dhruy beamed with happiness and hugged his grandmother. “This is cool,” he said @ Teacher: why are you late for class? Dente ra a watch? Montu: Sir, | have a watch. But | didn’t get time to see the watch. Amayra Kawalkar, 5 years, Pune Mom: Where did the watermelon go? Daughter: The head of the watermelon was broken and blood was coming out... And within a few minutes, it died... Mom: What! Daughter: Actually, | was fers it aride te the i itchen from my room on my scooter, and it fell. Ranisha Mitra, 12 years, Kolkata Teacher: Where did Alexander the Great die? Student: On page number 46 of our history textbook. Pradyumna Shenoy, 11 years, Mumbai Man: | am looking for the book, ‘Fear of Heights’. Librarian: Sir, it’s on the tenth shelf. Vaibhav Srivastva, 14 years, Amritsar Why is six afraid of RTT Poe eeu (rT Core rac Omens ig Q. What is a potato with fever called? A. Aloo bhukhara. Anusha Jain, 11 years, Ghaziabad Q: What happens when you eat jelly? A; You start bouncing! Dhruti Taneja, 6 years, Noida Son: Dad, I’m hungry! Dad: Hi, hungry! Pm your dad. Kushal Kumar SV, 9 years, Bengaluru @ Why did the nurse need a red pen at work? A: In case she needed to draw blood. Darsh Bhuva, 9 years, Gujarat Knock! knock! Who's there? Ach Ach who? Please use your elbow while sneezing. Aaditya Pant, 12 years, Dehradun Three bears chatting tof he ee jar bear: ju know I stay into aed, hence my skin colour is as white as snow. Brown bear: Yes, it must be true. See, | stay ina jungle where the soil is brown and so P'm brown. Black bear: Hey...what do you mean? Then from where am I? Polar and Brown bear together: From the black forest? Bharvi Morajkar, 8 years, Mumbai WhatsApp us your jokes and riddles to 8657402248, or write to us at You can also send your jokes riddios to ‘Champak, Delhi Press, A-4, Shri Ram Industrial Estate, Wadala, Mumbai - 400031 Find us online at www. ‘ChampakMagazine and httos:/www, THESE BLACK-AND-WHITE BUTTONS ON THE KEYBOARD MAKE THESE CLEAR MUSICAL NOTES. ND [Sj DAMRU STARTED WORKING |, THESE MUSICAL NOTES ARE MELODIOUS, RIGHT? ~ NOW WHAT CLEAR NOT! pee Trai te asren nes] | |) (YES! SEE HOW BRIGHT AND CLEAN MY TEETH HAVE BECOME. SIMILARLY... xy @py) SO THIS IS CLEAR NOTES! (HEY! WHY ARE You BRUSHING MY KEYBOARD WITH TOOTHPASTE? YOU ONLY TOLD ME THAT THIS IS HOW WE GET CLEAR NOTES. ‘T DID THE SAME TO YOUR OTHER INSTRUMENTS. (FOOL! I WAS GIVING YOU AN JEXAMPLE. WE LEARN MUSICAL INOTES BY PRACTICE AND NOT BY BRUSHING WHAT! I CAN'T PLAY MUSIC ANYMORE! A New Friend Ilika Priye anav’s family had recently M shifted to a new house. It was in a quiet locality and the view was beautiful with trees and plants. Ata distance was a deserted road. In his imagination, Manav had always liked the idea of a quiet place to live but this was the fixst time he'd experienced it. He had many friends where he previously lived. It was always abuzz with activity, and the vehicles on the roads were constantly honking. Stray dogs and cats always followed him around, wagging - their tails. ‘This new place was nothing like that; the biggest difference was that he had no friends here and since schools were closed, he couldn’t make new friends, When his parents left for their offices in the morning, they asked him to lock the door from the inside and not open it for strangers. He was told to take down the name of any visitors, the purpose of their visit and to deny entry to anybody unless it was absolutely necessary. He had been given so many instructions for the first time that day; it made him nervous. He locked the door safely as soon as his parents left. He felt safer after that and lay on his bed and started to read a book. He could not concentrate. The stillness of the place was making him nervous. All he could hear was the tick-tock from the clock. He tried to focus on his book but was soon distracted by a strange sound. He looked around but could not see anybody. Where was the sound coming from? It came again, and he glanced towards the light bulb. He saw a lizard staring at him near the bulb. ‘The lizard was making the sound. “Lizard?” Manav made a face. He was scared. “How can I chase it away?” he wondered. He picked up a stick and hit the wall with it. ‘The lizard went further up. Manav’s stick could not reach it up there, but Manav felt relieved when the lizard moved further away; he started reading his book again. But the fear of the lizard in his room had not left him, and he looked back to see where it had gone, He jumped with fear when he found it sitting a little lower down from the bulb this time. It was still staring at him. Manav was frightened and went to the other room. The thought of the lizard kept bothering him. Awhile later as he scanned the room, he saw the lizard near the bulb in this room too and screamed. The lizard was staring at him but scurried off as he screamed. “What type of a house is this? I hope the lizard is not a ghost?” He was horrified CHAMPAK but calmed himself the very next moment, saying, “There are no ghosts.” When his parents came back in the evening, he was relieved. His mother asked whether there were any visitors. Although he denied having any visitors, he could not forget the incident about the lizard. He told her, “Ma, I don’t like lizards, and there was one in my room.” “Ohl Has a lizard been troubling you, my son? I will chase it away,” his mother said, and she chased the lizard out of the house with a long broom. Manav sighed with telief. At night, when he went to his room to sleep after dinner he jumped at the sight of the lizard on the wall. “Ma, the lizard is back,” he shouted ‘As soon as his mother came with the broom, the lizard scurried outside. “Now I can scare it away just by showing it this broom!” | his mother laughed. ) “There’s no need to be so scared of lizards, son. Lizards like to live with humans, and that is why they come around when they see us. Poor thing was probably feeling lonely too. It saw a lovely boy like you and rushed in to be with you,” Manav’s father came in and said with a chuckle. This helped Manav to get over his fear. He was no longer scared of it but he still did not like its presence in his room. Even after being chased hundreds of times, it always chose to come back. The lizard sat on the wall of his room and continuously stared at him. ‘Manav tried to think of a way to get sid of it. One day he closed all doors and windows to his room when he noticed the lizard was not inside yet. He lay on his bed and started to read his book. ‘After some time, when his eyes moved across the wall, he shouted, “You arc back again!” The lizard crawled behind the bulb as he screamed. “L am not going to rest till I chase it away today.” ‘Manav was about to get up when he heard aloud buzzing sound. ‘He turned around and discovered a huge insect flying in his room. 16 “It is a huge insect, and it can bite,” Manav said, really scared. He wanted to get down from the bed and run out, but the insect flew and sat on the bed. The insect started to move towards Manav with its long legs. Manav picked up his book and tried to. kill it, but the insect did not fly away and continued walking towards Manav with a vengeance. Before Manav could do anything, the lizard jumped on his bed, grabbed the insect in its mouth, and left the room, taking the insect with it. A little while later, when the lizard returned, it did not have the insect in its mouth. The lizard took its usual place beside the bulb and stared at Manav, Manav looked back at it with a fecling of gratefulness, love and surprise. He no longer felt anger or hatred towards it. He went and told his parents all about it, “Ma, I realised it is not just dogs and cats we can be friends with; any living being can become our friend.” “We always chase the lizards away, but I think we can become friends with them, too,” Manay said innocently. “OF course! Every living thing has some good and some bad qualities.” “When we develop a friendship with somebody, we can teach them good things and help them overcome their bad qualities.” “We can teach them a few ways to avoid danger as well. Your lizard friend doesn’t July (First) 2021 even want anything more than to look at you from the wall” his mother said, smiling. Manav felt happy then. He had found a new friend here. ‘Tiny and silent but still lovely! He drew a few pictures of lizards and pasted them on his wall to welcome his new friend @ . Twill surely crack if you drop me down, T will smile when you smile. Who am 1? . I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high. After I go in, everything becomes tight. Who am I? . My neighbor makes mistakes. I get rid of them. Who am I? |. Two ina corner, One ina room, Zero ina house, but one ina shelter. Who am 1? ). Tear me off and scratch my head, what once red is now black. Who am I? MrssyIIOW VG Adee] ‘py vesodg'¢ Mmeu9g*z youu y ‘T eT WD CUM :suoMsuy Which state has the longest coastline in India ? A) Maharashtra 8) Tamilnadu C) Andhra Pradesh D) Gujarat . When did India play its first cricket Test Match? A) 1922 B) 1932 c) 1942 b) 1952 . Kiran Bedi is the A) first woman TAS officer 8) first woman advocate ¢) first woman IPS officer D) first woman judge . What is numismatics? A) the study of coins B) the study of numbers C) the study of stamps D) the study of space ve DE 82 OT eMoUy MOA 0g YoNW MOH :ss2MsUY BOIL WATER WITH ICE Discover how heat and cold react! © Glass bottle with cap Think about it How does the water boil with ice? The boiling point of water depends on the temperature and the air pressure. Water boils at 100°C at standard sea-level pressure. This can change if the air pressure changes. For example, if you go up a mountain and try to boil water, the air pressure is lower so the temperature at which water boils is also lower. Usually, when water boils, bubbles form. These bubbles are not ait; itis water that is changing from a liquid to a gas, and that water vapour floats to the surface as bubbles. Tn our experiment, when we stop the water from boiling and transfer it into the glass bottle, we let the water vapour cool off and it begins to condense, causing the air pressure to drop in the bottle. Now, the air pressure inside the glass bottle is lower than the pressure outside it so the water acts like itis up in the mountain, Since the pressure is lower, the boiling point is also lower. Once we add ice cubes, we drop the pressure even more as more of the water vapour condenses. Now the boiling point drops even further, hence, the water begins to boil again even though we don’t add any heat. In other words, we tricked the water to boil at a lower temperature by decreasing the pressure when we placed the ice cube on the bottle. elce cubes © Boiling water 1. Ask an adult to fill half the glass bottle with boiling water. oS 2. Screw the cap on tight after you see steam coming out of the bottle’s mouth. Ask an adult to place the bottle upside down ona flat surface, Ye 3, Put an ice cube | on the flat bottom of the bottle, which is now upside down. How does a pressure cooker cook faster? A pressure cooker cooks faster by increasing the atmospheric pressure inside it. When the pressure inside the cooker is high, it increases the boiling point of water as more water vapour forms, This way, the cooking is done much faster because the water becomes really hot and cooks the food before it becomes steam and escapes, Once you put the ice cube on the bottle, the water inside starts bubbling. The Best Day Evet Tulika Prashant (44 ere is the TV remote?” Dad asked Naina. “Where is the TV remote?” Naina asked Nimmi, in turn, Naina and Nimmi were sisters. Naina was seven years old, and Nimmi, two years old. Nimmi didn’t remember anything about the remote. They looked under the sofa, and they 20 found a red crayon, but not the remote. They searched under the TV unit, and they found Barbie’s lost shoe, but not the remote. ‘They searched under the dining table, and they found lost wheels of the fire truck, but not the remote. They searched in the kitchen cabinet, on their dad’s desk, in the stationery drawer, under the pillow, above the printer, inside CHAMPAK the toy basket and the storage area. ‘They found these things, in order, which had been missing since the day before— mom’s mobile charger, a toothpaste tube, car keys, a spatula, Naina’s science notebook, Nimmi’s pair of socks and a pair of headphones. Random searching wasn’t going well, so Naina thought of an idea—becoming a detective. She packed her detective bag with a notebook, a pen and a magnifying glass inside it. She took out her notebook and started writing the clues. Nimmi copied her and brought her bag, a notebook and a pencil and started scribbling. Naina wrote in her notebook: Q Who was watching the TV before the remote was lost? A. Nimmi. Q What did she do after watching TV? A, Played with her toys. Q Where did she get the toys? A. The toy room. Woohoo! She'd found the clue. The remote would be in the toy room! Happily, Naina started searching every shelf and inside all the storage boxes. Nimmi followed her. However, the remote was July (Firs!) 2021 nowhere. It made them sad. It was already afternoon by then; they were tired and bored too. So, after lunch, they decided to build a camp in the living room. Naina made a square with four chairs and then, using bedsheets and clothes clips, put up a beautiful tent. Inside the tent, they read a storybook, played with cars and engines, and did some colouring: After playing there for a long time, they decided to change the game. They put back the chairs near the dining table and laid a beach at the sea on the living room floor, using yellow and blue sheets. ‘The beach was then ready for further additions. Naina put two umbrellas on the yellow sheet. She also made a shark fin using cardboard and put them on the blue sheet. “This still looks incomplete,” Naina thought. She brought seashells and arranged them ‘on the sheets. Finally, the beach was set. “Hmm... now it looks just perfect,” Naina said happily, “but something is still missing... yes! Lemonade.” She prepared two glasses of lemonade. Naina and Nimmi happily enjoyed cool and tasty lemonade and played on the beach setting for some time. “Tt is getting hot. Let’s go swimming,” said Naina to Nimmi, “Oh no! There are sharks! It is too dangcrous to swim now.” ‘Then, they removed the fins from the blue sheet and enjoyed swimming for a long time. By then, it was time to play outside. So, they cleaned up the area and went out to 22 ‘ARISING PUBTECH SOLUTIONS play. There, they walked, jumped, ran, and hopped, and then came back home. Finally, it was dinner time, The whole family had a sumptuous dinner together. Naina and Nimmi were very tired after playing all day long, so they went to bed. “It was the best day ever,” said Naina drowsily. “Tt was the best day ever,” said Nimmi mote drowsily. And they slept. ‘The detective bags were still lying in the toy room. So, mom decided to put them back on the shelf. Nimmi’s bag rattled a lot. Mom opened it, and there it was... the TV remote. It had been lying there the whole day@ CHAMPAK 1310) (2) Dy \0C7N\, | scaeeemenmer nas POC Rone , , CX *Players: 2. or more You Need: Dice, pawns, notebook and pencil Instructions: © Roll the dice and move that many steps forward. Do the action written on each tile. © If you land on a frog, take 1 step forward. If you land on an earthworm, you lose a turn. © If you land on a grasshopper, fly 3 steps forward. . © If you land on a dragonfly, take 2 ateps back. ble) hi rs ab AFROG SQUIGGLE LIKE a HOP LIKE EN Cl ttt ING ~ gti ieee TIN ‘CHEEKU, ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE EARTH WAS FORMED FROM A MASS OF ROCK THAT BROKE AWAY FROM THE SUN? I READ IT IN A BOOK! GREAT! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE FINALLY STARTED READING BOOKS! ‘YES, BECAUSE BOOKS GIVE) US A LOT OF KNOWLEDGE. AND IT IS NOT JUST THE EARTH! A LOT OF OTHER PLANETS LIKE MARS, VENUS AND SATURN WERE ALL FORMED LIKE THIS. YES, SOLID BODIES FALL OFF FROM THE SUN AND THE STARS AND SOMETIMES EVEN HIT THE EARTH...THESE ARE CALLED METEORITES. SUDDENLY THERE WAS A LOUD NOISE OF SOMETHING FALLING. T HOPE THAT WAS NOT A METEORITE. [NO! IT LOOKS LIKE BITTU HAS FALLEN DOWN. OUCH! BROKE MY BACK! WHILE WE TALKED ABOUT THE SUN AND THE STARS BREAKING APART! STOP JOKING. HELP ME GET LIP. AS THEY WALKED BITTU TO HIS HOUSE THEY SAW DINKU DONKEY LtweINe. | |[*" Eronv- || suosreR veRszOn... WHAT HAPPENED TO WHAT HAPPENED? TWAS MAD AT THE WASHERMAN AND KICKED) HIS POTTED PLANTS. ‘AND BROKE YOUR LEG... IT WAS WHEN ‘THE WASHERMAN GOT ANGRY AND [PUSHED ME DOWN!) POOR DINKU, (MEEKU, THAT BULL HAS} YOU THINK THE WASHERMAN || |LA BUMP ON ITS HEAD. THAT TO |ANYONE CAN| DOESN'T TREAT your DARE TO TOUCH MEP ‘SEEMS LIKE HE GOT HURT. THEN HOW (OH THAT! I WAS TRYING DID YOU GET ||TO CRACK OPEN THE EARTH, THIS BUMP ON|| SO I JUMPED INTO THE GROUND AND HURT MYSELF!) ‘OH! ATLEAST THE EARTH DIDN'T CRACK! Join the dots according to the numbers and complete the picture. AE ™ 7 — i 4 7n lunne Rehan Sheikh A.V ondays were always iritating N J for Hansika, a young gisl from ALY LL Dehradun studying in grade 5. Like any other child, she did not like to go to school but what could she do? Her parents would not listen to her! “fll tell your father to open up a tea stall for you nearby, then. No problem.” This simple sentence scared her, and she drew the line there. Hansike’s only interests in going to school were her friends and the lunch break. That was when the students were allowed to go to the school courtyard and play. “What will we play today, Hansika?” asked hse fiend Mohit July (First) 2021 “We'll play hide-and-scek today!” “Yes, that will be great. There are many places to hide as well here,” said Tina. The game and the turns were decided. Hansika and Tina went to hide, whilst Mohit was given the difficult, yet interesting task of finding them. “One... two... three... four... five... six... ” Mohit counted until Hansika ran from behind and tumbled upon him where he was leaning his head on the wall. “What happened, Hansika? Why did you push me?” Mohit got angry as he'd got a bit hurt. As Tina saw Hansika rushing towards Mohit, she also rushed to see what the matter was. “What happened?” Tina asked Hansika whose eyes were wide open—she was surprised. “Come with me, guys! Pll show you something interesting!” Everyone was excited to find out what she was talking about. They marched forward with Hansika leading the troop. ‘The children already had their ideas about imaginary worlds—Tina thought of a magic lamp as in Aladdin’s story, while Mohit thought of an alien with long arms, a thin bright green body, a large egg-like head and big bulging eyes whose UFO might have run out of fuel. “Look here!” Everyone leaned over to see what it was. But they could see nothing except the school’s boundary wall, a big tree beside them and some bushes and long dry grass. “T can’t see anything, Hansika!” Tina said. 30 As Hansika started removing the grasses and bushes, the children were amazed to see a tunnel at 2 low height. Their mouths bung loose, and their eyes widened in amazement. “Let’s go into this tunnel! What say?” Mohit could not control his curiosity to see what was inside. sd “But the break will end soon, I think!” ‘Tina reminded them. “We'll go into the tunnel tomorrow at the beginning of the break... I don’t think it’s too deep anyway,” Hansika said. While everyone was nodding their heads, the bell rang, and the students rushed into their classes. Hansika could not sleep all night; her curiosity was burning. As soon as the daylight cracked, Hansika ran to her parents’ bedroom; it was only five in the morning. When she entered, she saw them in a deep sleep. Her father was snoring so loudly that Hansika thought that she should take some earthquake safety precautions as his snores were enough to bring tremors to the house, at least. She patted her mother’s back. “What happened, Hansika?” her mother mumbled, though already looking tense. “Mummy, don’t I have school?” Hansika asked with a fresh, bright face. “School is at 7 AMI Go to sleep now!” Hansika’s mother was surprised. The one, CHAMPAK who never wanted to go to school had woken up so early! Hansika went to her bedroom and lay down again. She tried to sleep but could not. She wished for time to fly. Soon, the clock struck 6:30 AM, and Hansika was excited. She got ready, took her backpack and opened the door. The bus had just arrived. ‘The bus driver was surprised and said, “Hansika, what happened today? This is the first time in five years when I did not have to honk five or six times for you to get out of your house!” With a wide smile, Hansika went to her seat, secured by her two friends. “Hansika, we can’t control our excitement!” Mohit whispered to her. “Neither can I,” she replied. ‘The bus rocked from one side to the other, Some children chattered amongst themselves, while others sang rough tunes. Some like Hansika and her friends whispered to cach other. ‘The bus finally reached the school. The three friends could not pay much attention to their studies as they were busy thinking about what could be inside the tunnel. Was there a whole new world inside? Or was it only a drain? They were drowning in wild imaginings. Tring! Tring! Tring! The school bell rang. It was the call for the lunch break. Hansika and her friends were the first ones to reach the playground. “Who will go first?” asked Tina. July (First) 2021 “You,” Mohit said, pointing at Hansika. “You,” Hansika said, pointing at Tina. “No, no you,” Tina said, pointing at Mohit. The discussion soon turned into chaos but after 2 few minutes, they teached a decision. “The one who found the tunnel will go first,” Tina said, looking at Hansika. “Then let’s go.” Hansika removed the shrubs and grasses, and entered, “Come, nothing's here After Hansika went in, Tina followed her. After Tina assured Mohit that there was nothing wild, he stretched his arms, and with unsteady feet, slowly crawled inside. ‘The passageway was dark and crooked. Sometimes, there were bad smells, but they were too focused to worry about that. “T can sce some light in the distance,” Hansika announced. On hearing this, the children smiled, their teeth glimmering in the darkness. “Maybe we have come to a fantasy world!” Mohit felt exhilarated. ‘The friends crawled and crawled. They were close to the exit, and the bright light forced them to shut their eyes. “I can heat car horns,” declared Tina. “We all can... I was not aware that the angels of the fantasy world had started using cars as well... ” Mohit said. “Maybe they have modernised,” insisted Hansika. Thump! Thump! f Thump! The three | friends fell out onto | the ground but were | not at all hurt. When | they opened their eyes, they saw the same road, the same people and even the same Mohan Uncle, 32 drowsing at his achar stote. “I think we have come outside j the school!” rejoiced Hansika. “Yes!” agreed her two friends. “Let's get some achar\” said }) Tina, but the school bell rang. ‘They crawled back to their school. Hansika covered the secret tunnel with the grass and shrubs, and they went to their class. “What an amazing discovery we made today!” whispered Mohit. “Yes, we can eat achar every day now!” said Tina, a lover of achars. “But what do we name our secret tunnel?” Hansika asked. “The Hidden Tunnel?” Tina suggested. “Yes, that would be great!” cheered Hansika. ‘They were very happy with their discovery. From then onwards, Hansika never hesitated about going to school! @ F is} e: Es A ch c| | ry i 2 is 3 = & " i i Ey k e st Seema eters Umbrella By Pooja Nandanwat Make a fully functional umbrella 1 to play using chart paper. y You will need: 2 square colour chart papers, black chart paper, white chart paper, scissors, punching machine, glue a am om, Peete eee ee ee Pe ee ee ee ee ee ee Bee 1. Fold the coloured paper 2, Fold the diagonal 3. Fold cach side diagonally and vertically, lines on two opposite as shown. as shown in the picture. squares inwards. The paper will be divided into 4 squares. 4. Now, fold each flap 5. Make markings on 6. Cut them as per the inwards on all sides. Do both the folded sheets, markings and unfold them. the same for the other as shown. colour chart paper. Tn al al 1 1 ‘ i 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 I i : : : : : : : : h 7. Take the paper with the 8. Glue both the 9. Cut two holes on double cut and fold it in reverse, _sheets together, as, the pointy edges of as shown in the picture. shown in the picture. the umbrella, Your umbrella is ready! ( 10. Make a thin tube by rolling black chart paper and. insert it into the umbrella’ 11. To secure it, roll a piece of black chart paper and stick it on both the pointy edges. Decorate the umbrella. ‘Tey making this yourself at home! Send your ereations to us at or take a photo and send it to us at +91 8657402248 Nabbing the Burglars S Varalakshmi ona and her friend, Kajal, were returning home when a commotion drew their attention. A crowd was gathered in front of their neighbour's house, Mr Kumar. A police jeep was parked outside, and three policemen were talking to him. Curious, the girls went closer. They learnt that Mr Kumar’s house had been burgled the previous night while he had been away with his family on vacation. pag 2P20 from the onlookers, the poice also made enquiries about the two beggars standing nearby, One was lame and the other was blind. The blind man was unable to help, mentioning his handicap while the lame beggar informed them that he had seen three men around that time, all hefty and sporting ponytails. After taking notes, the police left. ‘The next day, Kajal left for Mona’s house to spend few days with her as her parents were away. The gitls one st-floot balcony overlooking the road and idly watched people on the streets, pa AE ty Except for the beggars, most of them were familiar faces. Just then, a car came and three hefty men sporting ponytails got out. Mona drew Kajal’s attention to them. Excited, Kajal asked, “Do you think it’s them?” Mona admitted she wasn’t sure and checked the beggar’s reaction, but his face was expressionless. ‘The men entered a building, which had a sign saying GYM. ‘Then the girls were called inside, and 38 their discussion ended. Later, around midnight, Mona heard a distinct sound. She quickly awoke Kajal, and the girls pecked out from the first-floor window. They saw two men completely covered in blankets moving stealthily on Mr Anand’s porch, He was their neighbour, right opposite their house. Mr Anand, too, was away on vacation. Since it was pitch dark, the girls couldn’t make out much. They called the police immediately. ‘When they arrived, the gitls briefed them about everything, However, except for the two beggars loitering on the street, there was no one, When the police asked them, the lame beggar said he had again seen the same three hefty men sporting ponytails. The girls exchanged glances. They had seen only two men. Where did the third one spring from? They were covered in blankets from head to toe, too. How then could the beggar give such an accurate description? ‘The police asked, “Have you seen them around here during the daytime?” ‘The beggar said vaguely, “They do look familiar, but I can’t place them.” Surely the beggar would remember the three men he saw yesterday? Or maybe they were not the same ones? ‘The girls wondered. After the police left, the girls discussed the situation, Mona said, “It is obvious that the burglar is aware of everyone’s movement; he strikes when an owner goes for a vacation. We saw two people, but the beggar insists he saw three men. Who are they? I think we have to go tomorrow evening to the gym to enquire.” ‘The next day, at the gym, Mona asked the manager smoothly, “My uncle is making a film and is looking for three well-muscled men with ponytails for the part of the henchmen. Do you know anyone who might be interested?” Grinning, the man said, “Yes, they were here yesterday, But those guys won't be interested as their father is a wealthy bigshot filmmaker. They are brothers and July (Firs!) 2021 are training for their father’s film in which they will have the lead roles!” Disappointed, the girls thanked him and left. Kajal quipped, “My head is reeling,” Mona smiled but said, “That won't help. Since these guys are loaded, I think we can safely rule them out as suspects.” Suddenly, a car whizzed by and stopped with a screech near the beggars who jumped in alarm, As soon as the three brothers climbed out, the beggars started abusing therm. ‘The trio apologised and explained they had some problem with the brakes. Excited, Mona asked, “Did you see that?” Kajal said, “Yeah. They should get their car serviced soon.” Mona said, “No, not that! Did you see the beggars’ reactions? The so-called lame beggar fearing for his life jumped out of the way using his lame leg, His leg is perfect! And the horrified expression on the blind beggar’s face when he thought the car was going to hit them! That means he can see perfectly! Now we need to trap them, Come on.” Walking slowly near the beggars, Mona said loudly, “So you will stay with me till your parents return tomorrow?” Kajal said, “Oh, yes.” Then talking idly, they walked away, Out of carshot, Mona explained how she had wanted the beggars to know that Kajal’s house would be vacant that night. That would prompt them to strike and the trap would be set. ‘That night, the girls entered Kajal’s house through the backdoor with the housckey and hid behind a dark curtain in the hall. ‘Mona was sure that the burglars would enter the bedroom first, where people’s money and jewels arc usually kept. Around midnight, they heard someone approaching the house and meddling with the lock gently. ‘They held their breath as the duo came in wrapped in dark blankets from head to toc. Mona captured all this on video with her phone. Closing the door, the men threw away their blankets revealing their identities. 40 ‘They were the two beggars! And they were perfectly non-disabled! As predicted, they entered the bedroom. ‘They were trying to open the cupboards just as Mona stealthily walked towards the bedroom and quickly shut and locked the door from the outside. Mona then called the police and explained everything. Within minutes, the police arrived and apprehended the burglars. Mona also handed over the video for evidence. Soon they were joined by Mona's parents and the entire neighbourhood, who had woken up due to the commotion On learning what had happened, everyone, especially the police, congratulated and praised them for their detective work) Solve It Fill the empt are | eit ee pattern can only occur - _ once in each row. Find the value of the lychee: _ Find the value of the guava: 70, 68, 64, 58, @ , 40 @- a _ Find the value of the jamun: e + (A -s.. e-a@ + @ -@ -4 4 * Anwar onthe ae page. RIYA AND RAHUL WERE LOOKING OUT |THE WINDOW AND ENJOYING THE VIEW! CHILDREN, DON'T GO OUT IN THE RAIN, YOU MIGHT FALL SICK. DADAJ! AND MONSOON PPR NSO es T LOVE THE RAIN! LET'S GO OUTSIDE. JI YES, IT WILL BE FUN TO GET WET IN THE RAIN! ANYWAY, I AM BORED SITTING AT HOME. DADASI, GETTING WET FOR A YES AND IF WE FALL SICK, BUT WHAT IF YOU LUTTLE WHILE WON'T DO ANYTHING.) | WE WILL TAKE MEDICINE. GET HIGH FEVER? DADAII, NOTHING WILL RIVA, THE SYMPTOMS OF A COMMON FLU AND HAPPEN. IF WE GET FEVER, CORONAVIRUS ARE ALMOST THE SAME. SO IF YOU WE‘LL GO TO THE DOCTOR! GET A FEVER, WE'D ue TO DO THE | er-Pce TEST! PCR TEST! ON THE RISE AND ALL THESE DISEASES CAUSE FEVER. THAT IS WHY IF YOU FALL SICK, WE WILL HAVE TO DO TESTS TO SEE WHICH DISEASE YOU HAVE! ALSO, DUE TO CORONAVIRUS, HOSPITALS ARE CROWDED AND IF WE GET SICK UNNECESSARILY THEN THOSE WHO REALLY NEED HELP OF THE DOCTORS WILL SUFFER! yt) DADASI, THAT TRE YES, WE SHOULD DO OUR PART IN HELPING OUR FRONTLINE CORONA WARRIORS BY NOT GETTING SICK UNNECESSARILY. ANYWAY, IF YOU BOTH WANT TO ENJOY THE RAIN, THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO DO THAT! YES, DADAJE, WE CAN MAKE PAPER BOATS AND EAT SOME HOT PAKORASI Unnati Bonsal 10 years, Meerut Look Alike But Different ‘There is « boy with specs, With a blue coloured dress, He eries every time, He doesn’t know how to talk, He always shouts at me, ‘And no one likes him. There is « boy with specs, With a biue coloured dress, He never cries any time, He knows how to talk, He never shouts at me, ‘And everyone loves him. There are two little boys, Both have specs, ‘They look alike from outside, But are completely different from inside. Sounak Sarkar 9 years, Karnataka ‘Arya Dole 8 years, USA ‘The Four Secsons ‘The sua rose high Making no match to the cold wintery sigh Asi flew in 2 wink ‘And the autumn came justin syne With the sound of leaves rustling under Going slow and tender As the breeze started to blow calm and slow ‘The cold stepped in Just like a sewing pin ‘With the snow that fell across the streets Giving a thousand treats ‘The flowers started to bloom and grow Just io a row ‘The spring flourished the gardens ‘And that’s how it goes. Krishangi Obero! 11 years, Haryana Delisha Rawal 7 years, New Delhi Life With A Pet, Life with a pet, you don't have to sweat, it’s 2 piece of cake you think! Bat you ain’t prepared for the paw prints everywhere! Sleepless nights and a mess everywhere beware your hairband could go anywhere! ‘You need a paper shredder; no need to buy you already have one that’s why! ‘You go here you go there, there is a tal following you everywhere! They ask me if I have a sibling, I say yes He has four paws and makes a big messt The books, the shoes, the cute drools, sometimes I have to obey his rules! ‘The licks, the barks and snaggles at dark, the endless love comes with a paw mark! Life with a pet, its best experience you can get! Nivedita Jayashankar 10 yeors, Bengaluru Nimish Condit 8 years, Madhya Pradesh Once I Met A Unicom Out in the open what do I see, Is ita horse crying to eat a bee. Ob! Now I sce a shiny horn, I think its a Unicorn Letting her magical hair, Float free in the air. Her eyes filled with colourful glitter, Your heart will melt to see them flutter. Heer wings shine like gold, Such a creature cannot be sold. Her skin as white as the moon, All morning night and afternoon ‘Oh! There she goes up in the sky, Looking at me, trying to say hil Go pretty Unicorn join your friends, Thope this magical journey never ends Saanvi Agarwal 10 years, Kolkata Tree by our reader, Uisav Ambariya 9 years, Gujarat Send us jokes, riddles, drawings or stories with your fall name, age and address to: eee Ste ttls beats Trad ‘A-4,Shri Ram Industrial Estate Qtr ae preenaiiaa fadala, Mumbai-400031 yas QO witotochampek@daliprssin —§ @ @ ©) SpOt the Difference Circle 10 differences you can find between the two pictures. 'S Baw en Humans aren’t able to precisely predict the weather; however, we have advanced equipment that predicts the weather for us. Unlike us, frogs can’t rely on machines. They have a natural way of predicting the weather. When they know the weather is changing, they start making loud, high-pitched sounds that only grow louder, especially when there’s a storm coming. According to scientists, frogs croak louder when they want to attract mates. They also lay eggs in bodies of fresh water, which is easily found when it rains. Hence as soon as they know it’s going to rain, they start croaking to attract mates so that once it rains, they have enough freshwater bodies to lay their eggs. When frogs croak loudly, it means that it will rain within 24 hours. Saree UN) rca ent y rene at Pre ay err etree Bamby’s Birthday Cake Inderjeet Kaushik c¢ here is this aromatic smell coming from?” Bella mouse wondered and started sniffing around, With her little round eyes, she spied a kitchen at the corner of the house. Her hunger was now beyond control. “But what is this? The kitchen window is too high,” she said in dismay. “What do I do? How do I get in?” she wondered. Bella looked around the kitchen ) and saw a narrow pipe. With no | other option, she crept into it. But things got worse—Bella got stuck! She could not move forward into the kitchen or get back out. “Save me, save me! I am suffocating!” she screamed. Chaney cat, who was passing by, heard her cry and stopped. Seeing the mouse in trouble, she came forward to help her. “Oh no! Why has she come here? I won't be spared. I will die for sure,” Bella said in agitation. “Don't be scared. T won't hurt you, P've come here to help you,” Chancy assured her. “Help? Who needs your help? I don’t need your help. Now that I am trapped, you have come hete to gobble me up,” Bella squeaked nervously. “I know that mice are our food. But you are in trouble, and I am here to help you.” Bella was relieved to hear that. “If that is the case, I shall always be grateful to you, Chancy. Now, please, help me.” Chancy understood it would be tricky. She put on her thinking cap, and an idea struck her. The temple room was just across from the kitchen. The lamp there was filled with oil. She took the lamp and poured all the oil down the drain. The oil trickled down and made Bella’s body slippery. “Now, use all your strength to push yourself out. The surface is smooth, so it should be easier this time,” Chancy instructed, and Bella did the same. Chancy’s idea worked, and Bella slid out. “Chancy, thank you so much. Without your help, none of this would have been possible.” “Just like me, you are an animal. We should always help each other. I am glad I saved your life,” and so saying, Chancy went away. ‘A few days passed, and Bella forgot about Chancy’s help. One day, while about to enter a house in search of food, Bella saw Chancy again. “Here, drink this bowl of milk,” the house owner said as he put a bow! of milk down in front of Chancy. ‘As she was about to take a sip, Bella said, “Chancy, you've grown so thin and frail. Is everything alright?” “Tam doing well. How have you been?” Bella had actually come intending to drink the milk and had started the conversation so that she could do that easily. “Chancy, you are so simple and ignorant. The house owner has been feeding you diluted milk. He drinks thick milk from the buffalo in the backyard. This is the reason for your poor health.” Chancy thought about it for a while and agreed. “So, what should 1 do?” she asked. “There is only one thing to do. Go to the backyard and drink Bamby buffalo’s milk yourself to know the difference,” Bella encouraged. "She knew that Bamby would anger easily and misbehave with Chancy. CHAMPAK As soon as Chaney went towards the backyard, Bella drank all the milk in the bowl. Chancy walked up to Bamby and tried drinking the milk. Seeing this, Bamby kicked her angrily, and Chancy landed right back on the bowl. “Did you see, Chancy? Having drunk the milk just once, you've become powerful enough to fly,” Bella said and began laughing loudly. Chancy knew she had been tricked. “Yes, you were tight. Why did you not tell me this before?” With a smile on her face, Chaney continued, “It is also Bamby’s birthday today, and I was given a piece of cake to have with the milk. Iam thankful to you” “Did Bamby really give you a piece of cake?” Bella asked greedily. “Yes, and he still has some of it left. IE you want, you can have some too.” Tit for tat, Chancy thought to herself while lying. July (First) 2021 Bella went to the backyard and began circling Bamby, trying to get to the milk and cake. “Such a nuisance. First, the cat and now, the mouse! I will teach them a lesson.” Saying this, he stomped angrily on Bella’s tail. “Ouch! Bamby, please step away. You are standing on my tail,” Bella shticked in pain. “Not at all. You should be thanking me for only stepping on your tail and not your little body. I would have crushed you,” said Bamby. “How did the cake taste, Bella? Won’t you tell me?” Chancy looked at her sheepishly. “Please forgive me, Chancy. You were the one to save my life, and I sent you here to cause you pain selfishly. I have learnt my lesson. Please, save me.” Bella’s eyes welled up. At that moment, the house owner came to the backyard carrying a stack of hay. Seeing his food, Bamby moved away to eat, and Bella was spared. Her tail was hurt. a Chancy couldn't bear to see her in pain. She tied a piece of cloth around Bella’s wound and Bella felt embarrassed. She asked a for forgiveness againe Answers to puzzles Page 12: Where do Animals Page 23: Hidden Picture ———__—— Page 33: Footprint Find Hide in the Rains? i —aue Page 41: Solve It 50 July (First) 2027 CHAMANK, os tr Lair pte LE DELHI PRESS To subscribe to our magazines Call/SMS/WhatsApp: 08588843408, E-mail:, You can also subscribe online at

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