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Fernandez, Josh S.

BSN 2-3


assessment Diagnosis analysis Planning implementa rationale evaluation

Subjective- Ineffective Inflammatio After 8 (indipenden -With After 8
nahihirapan airway n of the hours of t) secretions hours of
akong clearance lungs, air nursing -Monitor in the nursing
huminga, at related to sacs filled intervention respiratory airway the intervention
sumusuka inability to with pus the patients pattern respiratory the patients
ako ng maintain and other breathing rate will breathing
plema, clear airway liquids. will have no increase will have no
Objective- as Presence of more more
(+) sputum characterize obstruction adventitious adventitious
production, d by (+) in the sound when -it is sound when
shallow sputum airways. auscultated. preferable auscultated
breathing (+) crackles -Assist with for the
(+) crackles clearing client to
Gargles secretions cough up
from secretions.
pharynx by Gentle
offering suctioning
wipes and of the
gentle posterior
suction of pharynx
the oral may
pharynx if stimulate
necessary coughing
and help

-Provide -chest
postural physical
drainage, therapy
percussion helps
And mobilize
vibration as bronchial
ordered secretions

-Administer Broncho
medications dilators
such as decrease
bronchodila airway
tors or resistance
inhaled secondary
steroid as to
ordered. bronchocon

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