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Enterprises of today and Information Systems and Digital technologies

Functional systems are Silos

HR, Accounting, finance, IT, Marketing & sales, Manufacturing

Digital technology trends

HR – recruiting, resource management, legal compliances
Using cloud based on subscription model for managing HR activities, Darwin box/Success factor
Training – personalized learning & development
Expense compliances, PF compliances have been all digitized.
Online induction using Augmented virtuality

Accounting – keeping track of cost for day to day operations

Blockchain – auditing, tallying of transactions will become rudimentary.

Finance – Planning and managing of company resources for future

Blockchain based ledgers
Automation of investment decisions
Loan facilitating on the basis of automated credit analysis of customers
Automation of compliance systems

Manufacturing – production of goods & services

RFID for tracking of inventory
Using robots instead of manual labor
3D printing
Monitoring using IOT
Digital twin for design and product development

Marketing & sales – Sales and marketing of products and services

Warranty registration, claims have been digitized
Pricing analytics, SMAC for analyzing user behavior
Using AR for product showcasing
Using VR for real product experience

The complexity of managing a brand in the digital world has increased many folds in Metaverse.


Enterprise systems
Enterprise resource planning – captures transaction of all the functional systems to create a final general
ledger for the enterprise.
Robotic process automation.

Supply chain planning

Customer relationship management
Chat bots

Enterprise social network systems (unified communication system)

Enterprise systems are cross functional

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