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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Developmental Needs Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed

Learning Objectives Intervention

of the PD Program

1. KRA 1, Objective 1. KRA 1, Objective To apply new Applying new Year Round Learning and
3. 3. Applied a 2. Collaborated with learnings from learnings from Development Team
range of teaching colleagues in the attending attending
strategies to conduct and courses/seminars/ courses/seminars/
develop critical and application of workshops/Learnin workshops/Learnin
creative thinking, as research to enrich g Action Cells g Action Cells
well as other higher knowledge of (LAC)/E- (LAC)/E-learning/W
order thinking content and learning/Webinars ebinars
skills. pedagogy.

2. KRA 2. Objective 2. KRA 4, Objective To apply new Applying new Year Round Learning and
4. Worked with 11. Interpreted learnings from learnings from Development Team
colleagues to collaboratively attending attending
model and share monitoring and courses/seminars/ courses/seminars/
effective evaluation strategies workshops/Learnin workshops/Learnin
techniques in the of attainment data g Action Cells g Action Cells
management of to support learner (LAC)/E- (LAC)/E-learning/W
classroom structure progress and learning/Webinars ebinars
to engage learners, achievement.
individually or in
groups, in
discovery and
hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning

3. KRA 3, Objective
8. Reviewed with
colleagues, teacher
and learner
feedback to plan,
facilitate and enrich
teaching practice.

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