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Dear families,

My name is Marianela Perlaza, and I am the Art teacher for grades k-5. I am happy to welcome
you and your child to my class this year. I am extremely pleased to teach the bright students. I
graduated from Liberty University with a major in Art. I love reading books and I completely
agree with the fact that reading helps you grow and I will try my best to inculcate this good habit
in your child as well.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you with your children so that we can all work together
and grow your child. It is imperative for you to attend all the parents’ seminars and meetings so
that you know how your child is performing. Also, I do not only focus on academics but other
activities and making your child a good human being, because that’s what ultimately matters. For
all this, I will need your help, and I am sure to get it.

In case you would like to discuss your child’s performance, or if he or she has any problems in
the classroom, then you can call me at 713-930-7303 or email me at
In case you would like to meet in person, I would highly appreciate you fixing the meeting at
least a day in prior.

The following are some of our art room procedures, please encourage your child to follow them:
come in and sit quietly, listen quietly for instructions, use the art supplies safely and correctly.

Grading policies:


1. The student/parent must request the retest/redo opportunity from the teacher within 5 days of
the grade being posted on the Home Access Center.

2. Late work will not qualify for retest/redo.

3. All retest/redo assignments must be completed by the Thursday before the end of the grading
period.  The student must be scheduled prior to that Thursday.   


It is always our expectation that students will complete and turn in all assignments within the
timeline set by the teacher.

 A “Z” in the grade book indicates that the assignment has not been turned in and the student still
has the opportunity to complete the assignment. 

Late work will not be accepted during the final week (5 school days) of the grading period.  
Yours Sincerely,

Marianela Perlaza

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