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Unk Ss Hu Body, Health and Hygiene 7 The Skeletal System The framework of bones in our body is called the skeleton. Its functions are: * to give form, shape and support to our body * to protect the inner organs like brain, heart, lungs, etc An adult has 206 bones in his/her body. The human skeleton consists of the skull, the backbone and the rib cage. There are two Pairs of limbs which are attached to two Pairs of girdles The skull is made up of eight flat bones. They are interlocked. Inside the skull is the brain. The skull Protects the brain. Our face is made up of 14 bones which protect the eyes, nose and tongue. The lower jaw can be moved but not the The hl Upper jaw. BH Backbone or spine The backbone is also known as the vertebral solumn. The backbone can bend because it is not made of a single bone. It is made up of 33 bones. These bones are called vertebrac. Each vertebrae has a hole in it. The delicate spinal cord passes through the vertebra. The rib cage protects the heart and. the fangs. Itis formed by 12 pairs of long curved bones called the ribs. They are joined to the backbone at the back. Most of them are joined to the breast- bone in front. The two pairs of lower ribs which are not attached to the breastbone are called floating ribs. [The Limbs (Arms and Legs) There are two pairs of limbs — a pair of forelimbs or arms and # pair of hindlimbs er legs. The arms are joined 10 the vertebral solumn with the help of the shoulder girdles and a pair of collar bones. In the upper arm, Rm cage Forelim’ there is a long bone called humerus. It fits into the shoulder girdle. The forearm has two bones Fingers, palm and wrist are made up of small bones. The bone in the upper leg is called femur. It bears the weight of the whole body. It fits into the hip girdle. The lower half of the leg has the shin bone and the calf bone. At the end of the legs are the feet which have a number of small bones. The point, where two separate bones meet, is called a joint. Joints enable us to bend and move. Bones are held together by tough tissues called ligaments, There are various kinds of joints in our body — joints in our fingers and toes, joints in our neck and head, joints in our shoulders, ete. Different joints help in different types of movements. Fascinating Fact -, Most people have 12 pairs of rib bones but i some have 13 pairs. Hinge Joint Hinge joint is present in the knees, elbows, toes and fingers. It is like the hinges of a door. Hinge joint allows movement in one direction only. Knee Joint Ball-and-Socket Joint In this type of joint, one end of the bone is round like a ball. It fits into the hollow part (socket) of the other bone. For example, round end of the humerus w of the upper arm) fits into the cup. socket of the shoulder bone. Also, the thi bone (femur) fits into the socket of the jj. bone. The ball-and-socket joint allow, movement in all the directions, Gliding Joint In this joint, bones can slide over each other. It is present in the wrist and ankles It allows side to side as well as backwarj and forward movements. Gliding Joint Pivot Joint The joint between two vertebrae is a pivot joint. It allows our head to move side- ways. The rounded end of one bone, twists around | in a hole in the other. » | jhe bones cannot move by themselves they need something to move them. | Muscles help them to move, Muscles are fade of tough elastic tissues, They are wrached to the bones by strong fibres »> Muscular System called tendons. Muscles can only pull at the bones. They cannot push, Hence, two muscles are required to move the bones in one direction. For example, when you raise your arm, the biceps muscle becomes shorter (contracts) and pulls up the arm. When you want to lower the arm the triceps muscle relaxes (lengthens). To lift something, the biceps muscle get shorter. The hinge joint of the elbow moves to move the arm down again, the triceps ‘muscle shortens and the biceps muscle gets longer. 2 The riage joint of the Be cereee ce dom the Incaps shorten ' and the biceps gat longer Kinds of Muscles ‘The muscles which are under our control, are called voluntary or skeletal muscles Muscles which are not under our control, are called involuntary or smooth muscles. They work automatically. They are found in the foodpipe, stomach, intestine, ete. The muscles of the heart are called cardiac muscles. They are involuntary muscles. Cardiac Muscles How do Muscles Work? Muscles work by contracting or shortening When a muscle contracts it becomes thicker and shorter. They produce movements in the bedy by pulling on the bones. Due to these mowements we are able to walk, jump, carry things. etc E Fascinating Fact - There are about 640 muacles in our body. ‘Together they make 40 per cent of our weet Looking after Our Bones and Muscles To keep our bones strong, we should take foods rich in calcium such as banana, milk, “55 etc. We must maintain good posture while sitting, standing, etc. We must also do some exercises or yogusanas. These actiy help in keeping our bones and muscie g\ geod shape. Exercises IN-TEXT QUESTIONS —. + ren to bows on ata be RS aed eae fou wos of nai Ses Bou: be ele pp vane soci Jent (5) pies foi re (3) ng le g, The conretion and retwxation of the muscles move bones. There are (Seen Chink & Answer —~ 1a Tick (/) he correct option, 1, Muscles are atiached to the bones by strong fibres called {b) cardiac muscles (e) nibs (d) jot (gytendons 2. Movements of the human body are produced by the contraction and relasayon OL (a) jonts (0) nerves (c) bones: (oy muscles. 4. Other name of backbone is {a) shaleton (pf vertebral column (6) joint (@) none of these 4 A point whore two separate bones meot (a)fint (b) ri (c) skeleton (d) tendons BE. Fain the blanks by choosing suitable words from the box. pect these vertebrae skull ligaments || covers and protects the brain. D. Put a (v) mark against the correct 1 ind (x) against the wrong statements, ‘The skeleton is made up of 206 muscles. Flat bones are found in the ribs. 3. The spine is the flexible part of the skeleton, We have one pair of limbs, There are 650 bones in the body. 5. Each movable joint has two sets of muscles. The muscles which are under our control are called involuntary muscles. E. Name the following, 1. The organ ot the body which is protected by the rib cage. Lungs & | The different types of joints. _+}\ Ne Pivot ; Gl Lins, & Pall The three types of muscles. Cours: XC ¢ \ F. Answer the following questions. 1. List two important functions of the skeleton. 2. What is a joint? 3. Name the different types of joints, What are their functions? 4. How do muscles work? G. Look at the pictures of different types of joints. Name the type of joint in each case. 6 ietels Srmect 4 HOTS Questions (Higher Order Thinking Skilty 1. Wine hip joint would have been made up of in 8 baler? Jussity your hinge joints, would it have been possible to 2 ee (i) Spondyfitis. (i@ Frozen shoulder faaies: A. Take a weight and place it on your palm. How long can you keep it? Note your time and ot three others in science notebook, B, Massure the bicep and tricep muscles of the hand of your partner and vice versa. Note them in your science notebook. ©, Stand in front of a wall stretching your right arm, Touch the wall, now shake your arm 45 mas. Now try again to touch the wail, See the result. Discuss with your teacher D. Vist a laboratory where the model of the human skeleton is available, Observe the shape anc mangement of bones in the skeleton system. Be Cite Skills When you meet # handicapped child, what do you feel about him? 1. Do you feel pity for hin? 2. Do you wart to talk to hie? 3, Do you want to play with him’? 4. Do you compare and realise how privileged you are? 5, Do you fee! that you should help him? 6. Do you foe! proud to make tnhands with Inn? 7. Do you ignore him? ce _

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