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Analysis: Cost, Revenue, and Profit

Ladasha Noel

Southern New Hampshire University

BUS-225 Critical Business Skills for Success

Professor Johnnie January 30, 2022

BUS-225 Module 4 Assignment

The importance of data is to process data and interpret important insights from them; data

analysis uses two particular forms of data, which are qualitative and quantitative data

(Technology HQ, 2021).

For me to better understand the data I had to create a data visualization. Now that the

visualization was created, I had a better understanding of the data. After carefully analyzing the

visualization, I found that the company is meeting its 25% profit goal. Here is why. From

January to May the profit was down, but the new product had just launched within those months,

so it was still early in the year. No worries though because in June profit had gone up and

continued to go up through December. Although the profit for the first five months were in the

negative stage, it turned up profit the rest of the seven months. Cost of goods sold (COGS) such

as labor and materials and overhead had positive results for the entire year. Total revenue also

had positive results throughout the year.

I have chosen a column chart in excel for my visualization. This first visualization

represents my findings, I have chosen this graph because I wanted to find out the data of the cost

of goods sold, revenue and profit from month to month so I could come to results of my findings.

With this data that I have created in excel, I am representing labor, materials, and

overhead percentage, as well as the achievement of the company 25% profit goal. This

visualization is representing my results of my findings. As you can see, in this visual I believe

that the company is meeting its profit goal. Which brings me to the kind of graphic that I have

selected; I have selected another column graph, because I wanted to see the percentage of the

labor, materials, overhead, and profit (goal). It also works for data like these. The graphs tell us

that January to April labor, materials, and overhead stayed steady, so with the COGS being

successful throughout the year, we know that the company’s 25% profit goal was successful too.

Hopefully the product continues to be successful next year as well.

Moreover, with adding of the visual representations it helped me to analyze and

understand the data that was on the spread sheet better. Because before, I was looking at the

spread sheet and it was confusing to me, until I put the data in a visualization, then it helped me

tell this story.

Yes, the target audience does influence the way I display information, because as a

business leader I want to make sure that I am providing clear, accurate, and relevant information,

so my audience could get a clear understanding of the data that I have provided. Therefore,

would also know and understand the product sales for each month.
HQ, Technology, (February 1, 2021). Importance of Data Analytics in the Modern World, what
is Data Analytics. Retrieved on (January 29, 2021).

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