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Key Questions 5 How do cells become 5Pe Sized for different functions? €S Whot are stom cells? € What are some possible onefits ond issues associated swith stem coll research? Vocabulary embryo * differentiation © fotipotent « blastocyst * pluripotent » stem cell * multipotent Toking Notes Compore/Contrast Table As you read, create a table comparing the cbilty of different cell types to differentiate. FIGURE 10-1 Plant Cells vad Cell UV! jns an estimated Ay contai e human body ey 70 fone bunred trilion) els Thats stagger. TPE 90, 900,000.000 OE oct is ot quite as large as you might 9 in one ‘ ey times a single cell would ing number D how Vhy? toe ate think. Why? THY (00. to produc’ vide throu} jh mitos! to divide eas few 2847 rounds of cel v that many cells. It may surprise division can produce tha, you tole many cels. The resul y} cycles are truly amazing. The human 1s of those 47 ll YO? “siferent cell types. and every an oof distinctly 4 sO gl cell that starts te ENC How do From One Cell to Many €S How do cells become specialized for different functions? Each of us started life as just one cell. So, for that matter, did your pet dog, an earthworm, and the petun!a 8 the windowsill. Theseliving._ things pass through a developmental 227 called ai a Trorganism is gradually produced. During Hisvelopment process, an organism cells become more and ‘nore diferentiated and specialized for particular functions. Figure 10-18 shows some of the specialized cells found in the roots, stems, and leaves of a plant. pifferentiation wn as diferentiation (Aiur en shee y shun), Co nee tof an orgai sentated Lea pecels differentiate into man He hat produced free ee Mealy, dif Pee ssleonk celta prodiediand pele peice 2th as oO . Photosynthesis to perform certain css afalloulticellalarorganinny eee bai hater out the jobs we ned pera stay alive, Cuticle By the 8th cell divi sageysce the Sth cell | ofthe cells that int Nervous System By that secrete the worms Bi Mion outer covering begin to differentiate Pharynx After 9 to 11 cell divisions, calls in the feeding corgon differentiate 2E 10-19 Differentiation logans A ferilized rv develops into an adult worm after many call divisions. Daughter cells from each cell division follow specific path toward a rele as © nent. In the particular kind of cel Mopping. Differentiation The process of differentiation di cells ultimate identity, such as whether it will spend its life as a l. In some organisms, a cell’ role is rigidly PLE core ‘The adult microscopic Wor ‘The data table cell types in this notebook and answer the late Calculate the perc 1. Coleu pe is : amber represented by each ti —— using this formula: Infor Why does Number of cells in adult, 199 model for studying ce Total number of cells 4. Infor Why would it be more difficult 2. Coleulate Find both the number of cells and the te map the differentiation patterns ina percentage ofthe total represented by ellsin tissues oF jgferent organis™ such as a mammal? Organs not listed (“other”). The category includes cells from, among other organs, the intestine. Record the results in your table. EES - elegans make an ideal Jlular differentiation? Stem Cells and Development €S What are stem cell One of the m stions in biology is how all of the specialized, differentiated cell types in the body are formed from justa single cell, the fertilized zygote. Biologists say that the zygote is totipotent (toh T1» wh tunt), literally able to do everything, to develop — iaapay ype of clin thebody including the cells that make up he — extraembryonic membranes and placenta). Only the fertilized egg and the cells produced by the first few cell divisions of embryonic develop- ment totipotent ale Some adult solamander release es isa “secret” by which cells start the am are the cells that know that secret. calls never completely differentiate. What i ability do these ‘ cells retain? Cells recialized cells i rae Known s2ecialized cells from which sitlerentiated sitat the base of a Branching “stem of development trem vier types form. As you might itferent cel expect, stem cells are found in dhe early embryo, but they a in many places in the adult aah body. Adult Stem Cells. Cells in some tissues, like blood and skin, ha life span and must be tly replaced. Pools of adult stem cells, found in various locations throughout the body, produce the new celsnesded for these tissues. New blood cells diferentat from stem cells found in the bone martovs while many skin stem cells are found pugu Exocyorc Sto inhair follicles. Small clusters of adult stem cellsare even found inthe Cae Ahern’ the Remon theheart, and in skeletal muscle. The: cells are releFed onbryo develops into a hollow ball ‘muhl Tip wh tunt) stem_cells, because the types of of cells known as a blastocyst. toal 'ypes 0 differentiated cells they can form are usually limited to replacing cells. ‘actual body of the embryo develops issues wl from the inner cell moss, 0 cluster of sn the tissues where they are found. Rom the prea me cer of their ability to differentiate into ic Stem Cells Pluripotent embryonic stem cells are more > He More body's many cell types, versatile than adult stem cells, since they are capable of producing Frooties ery cell type in the body. In laboratory experiments, scientists have Sls managed to coax embryonic stem cells to differentiate into nerve _cal muscle celles and even sperm and egg cll Tn BSE When

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