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First draft of classification tourism.

(revisado por el profe, tengo q hacer arreglos)

Your Name: Mercedes Garcia

Professor Lockett

Writing 2

Date: 4/28/2020
Different types OF tourism
To talk about the different types of tourism we first must define the
concept of tourism. The word tourism, according to the World Tourism
Organization, comes from the Latin tornus, which means moving from one place
to another to return to the place of origin. This concept includes recreational trips
of not more than one year in duration for leisure purposes. There are many forms
of tourism: family tourism, individual tourism, mass tourism, event tourism,
cultural tourism, etc.
Family tourism brings the family together, they travel to a common
destination and there they all get together, make visits to different places from
where they are. Many families live very far from each other, and this is the way to
be able to reunite, exchange experiences, encourage family relationships.
In individual or backpack tourism, the person travels alone most of the time
without the help of a tour guide or the help of a tour operator, moving from one
place to another, sometimes with the help of local transport, other times on foot
or in some cases in a rental car.
In contrast to the individual tourism the mass tourism, people travel in big
groups to beach hotels and travel on charter flights, so the trip is more
economical, at the hotel they have all the national food and drinks included in the
tour package. Some of these tourists use this trip to visit places of interest in the
surroundings too.
Event or business tourism brings together people whose main objective is
to attend a congress, seminar, or other event in some cases people use this type
of tourism because the trip is more cheaper than a normal trip and they share
entertainments activities as well. On the other hand, cultural tourism brings
together people of a higher cultural level who prefer to combine their leisure trips
with visits of an educational nature visiting museums, cultural parks, historical
buildings, archaeological sites, etc.
There are many other ways of doing tourism. Tourism has been, is and will be the
largest and most powerful industry in the world because people will always feel
the need to move from one place to another, to meet new places, to gather the
family that you haven't seen for a long time, to see how people of the area live
and know their customs and habits, to enrich yourself culturally by visiting
important and historical sites. People should all be able to go sightseeing to forget
stress and daily worries.

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