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TO: Mr. Wagner

FROM: Becca Wilds

DATE: April 11, 2022

SUBJECT: Restaurant Proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing the Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation. IN
order to continue with this simulation, I am required to first establish the name and location of
my restaurant.Please review the proposed restaurant provided below and indicate if I have your
approval to use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of this memo and returning
it to me.

Proposed Restaurant:
The name of my restaurant is ”What's the Scoops?” The theme for my restaurant is to feel the
old school vibe of an ice cream parlor. I am going to play around with pastel colors and really
make sure there is a pop of black and white checkered flooring and decorations. The signature
thing at my restaurant is to release a new scoop (flavor) of ice cream every Sunday. Just as if
you hear the new scoop (drama/news) weekly. The ice cream parlor will be located in San
Francisco, California.

Restaurant Reasoning:
I have always loved trying different flavors of ice cream. It is a fun concept to play around with,
whether that's the store theme, colors or even flavors. Having it located in a popular vacation
spot, California, is a great place for new customers and attractions.

□I approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.
□I do not approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.

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