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Name: Gift Chingwanga.

Class: EPE NC1

1. A concerned citizen of Zimbabwe

The new pandemic of substance abuse

This is a report on causes, effects and solution of drug abuse especially amongst the youth of
today’s society. Indeed drug abuse has truly grasped the young generation of today .A society
that is pledged by drug abuse produces unproductive citizens.
For example drug abuse is one of the most largest causes of attempted suicides or suicides,
meaning that our future in today’s is slowly being erased. Infact, most organized criminal
activities like theft have drug abuse or alcohol as their root which is becoming out of control.
Further more, upon research the abuse of substances has been found to be one of the causes of
health related diseases like cancer and asthma to list a few.
Also, my own view in maybe solving the issue of substance abuse is to increases the funds that
go into police departments that deal with any drug related criminal offenses. In addition, I feel
like the justice legal system does not handle drug offenses properly at all in Zimbabwe. The
punishment in any drug related criminal activities should be reviewed and handed a harsher and
greater sentencing in attempt to end drug abuse.
Some of the youth spiral into drug activities because they would be unemployed an have to
much time on their hands their I feel like if jobs are created and drug abuse maybe solved. Lastly
I think it’s very much in our country’s best interest to facilitate more rehabilitation institutions to
help some of the recovering addicts.
Even though the countries economy is not exactly at its best, there is a financial bearer between
us and this goal of a drug free society at least something can be done.


The area under study was Harare Mabvuku Tafara Zimbabwe. The study used qualitative in-
depth interviews. It provides experience based data collection platforms. This helped in
understanding drug abuse among the youth of Zimbabwean.

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


In-depth interviews were conducted to establish the emerging trends and of substance use among
youth in Mabvuku Tafara. The researchers used an in-depth interview guide to solicit data from

the street children. In order to further the exploration of the issues under inquiry, key informant
interviews were youth age between 18 and 30years.

Before commencement of data collection, participants were informed about the objectives of the
study, what they were expected to do, that participation was voluntary.


First in my research I have some to know that one of the cause of drug abuse is that there is a
ready market for buying drugs. The reason for the availability of drugs is because of drug
trafficking being done in Zimbabwe. For instance, in a receant case a South African woman was
arrested at the airport trying to smuggle 10 kgs of cocaine from Columbia into Zimbabwe. If
drug a available in the market the drug abuse can never end.
Sometimes the youth spiral into drug abuse because they are unemployed an feel helpless.
Simultaneously poverty and unstable back grounds make the youth vulnerable and maybe
tempted to use drugs as to escape life’s troubles and peer pressure also causes drug abuse.
Effects of drug abuse are hallucinations, respiratory related diseases, low blood pressure, mental
illness , lung cancer, bronchitis and chronin.


1. Drug abuse moved from predominately abusing glue and marijuana to the use emerging
substances that are now available to the youth of Mabvuku Tafara.

2. The emerging identified substances being used by street children include bronclee ,, cane
sprit, PP, tablets (blue, white and pink) and codeine, and ZED. Some of the interviewed
participants confirmed that they used the likes of cocaine and bronclee.

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


3. “The youth in Mabvuku used to abuse glue mostly but due to the discovery of other
substances such as musombodia and maragadu, bronclee and tablets, older street children
are now mostly involved in the use of these substances.

4. These findings confirm that there are changes in the substances abused by street children
in Zimbabwe. However, the emerging trend of substance abuse among street children

involve the use of emerging substances such as bronclee, mangemba, musombodia, PP,
tablets (blue white and pink), cane sprits that were identified by the study.

5. I have found that these drug are retailed in certain places and areas all going by the name
base or (goshto). The person who distributes the drugs has code names like“ geziman or


1. “I use blue diamond, codeine and mangemba”(Anesu a girl 18 years old).

2. “I am using PP, bronclee, and cocaine (Tendai 23 years old).


1. The age found to be involved in drug abuse are the youth aged between the age of 16 to
30 years.

2. Most youth spiral into drug abuse because of their poor backgrounds.

3. Unemployment eventually leads to drug abuse as the youth would then feel helpless

4. The girl child is also being involved in drug abuse and then sexwork to sustain her

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


5. Drugs are easily accessible in the community.


1. Improving the department of drug abuse at police stations.

2. Increasing the punishment handed to drug related crimes.

3. Putting in place more rehabilitation centers.

My name is Gift Chingwanga

I am a concerned citizen of Zimbabwe.

Electrical Power Engineering NC1



Greetings to you ladies and gentlemen, Professor Amon Murwira the Minister of Higher and
Tertiary Education, my colleagues, graduates, parents, respected members of the Ministry of
Education in attendance today. I am Mrs Chipfakacha representing the department of electrical
power engineering , in honor of your presence stand in front of you to congratulate and
acknowledge the great work done by both the electrical power engineering lecturers and
graduates today.
First and foremost, it is truly wonderful to produce fine engineering graduates that are ready to
venture and take on the world. Msasa Industrial Training College is recognized as an institution
of exallence internationally as many of our students end up overseas in countries like
Mozambique, South Africa , Tanzania and so on and I’m sure to hear many great things to come
from today’s Electrical Power Engineering graduates in the near future. Um proud to say that I
found it effortless in working and teaching this graduates as they were so very eager to learn. We
well an truly produced a prosperous young batch of innovative Engineering graduates.
Moreso, discipline is on of the traits I came to love about this ounce young students. In terms of
discipline the Electrical Power Engineering graduates showed it during their course here at
Msasa Industrial Training College. Um very proud to say that even when there was any news of
misbehaving class I never in a million years would think that it would be the class of these
engineering graduates today.
Further more, the whole department of electrical power engineering has truly done it’s part in
empowering young bright individuals that we bear witness today. Such sights are the one’s that

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


give me the burning will to come to the best industrial college every because in it is so rewarding
to see these blank canvases turn into true works of art.
The power of education is to empower people and this is no exception either. Infact maybe this
is the best group of individuals that our department has produced in a long time, with almost all
the students having graduated with distinctions. This is the most certisfing feeling one can ever
get in the career and for the department and I we celebrate because we have done our job well

I only wish all the best to you as you continue into your endeavors, I trust that you will show the
same morals, respect and ethics that we came to expect from you during your three year at Msasa
Industrial Training College. I expected you to take all the teaches you learnt from our of us to
where ever you will end up, also raising the status of our institution in the process. We as a
department strive to produce the best electricians that we can and we can rest easy knowing that
we have done our job very well. Your outstanding results are a testimony and proof to this. I
believe even the parents and respected members here today can all agree with this.
The resolve shown by the Electrical Power Engineering graduates during their time here at
Msasa Industrial Training College is second to none. An advice to those who maybe think of
enrollment here at our college must surely see the benefits to making that decision. I can only
sum it all up to pour joy and happiness to produce such fine young people that will surely make
an impact in society.
Our students took action and followed their dreams of becoming electricians and we’re very
much successful in doing so. I believe that everyone has the same potential in them to do the
This year our Electrical Power Engineering graduates have truly accomplished a lot during
particularly a countless number if times, after all the challenges they faced and persevered I can
say it’s finally time time to celebrate their achievements. To the parents and relatives in
attendance today I hope you were sure to pick out wonderful gift for Msasa’s graduates today but
as for me I will see them through with these words of wisdom. “Live your lives as you would

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


climb a mountain , an occasional glance at the summit to keep the main goal in mind but many
beautiful scenes are to be observed at each vantage point.”
More explicitly, if I was asked to sum up the graduates of this year in one single word it would
be examplary. Meanly because they would endure every hardship that came along head on and
with unwavering passion for education. This only made our jobs much easier as the Electrical
Power Engineering department and we are grateful for such a bright bunch of young students.
We can only hope to find more students like the one we had this year in our enrollments.

Over the years I have seen dreams becoming reality this is because when one truly sets his mind
on something nothing is impossible and from there the sky is well and truly the limit. And I can
say that was the case will all the graduates, there hardwork has paid off. Now with a National
certificate or there 3 D certificate they can succeed in land a career job. This I can guarantee for
all the graduates here today.
Nevertheless, the passion I have bear witnessed from my fellow colleagues here at Msasa is
nothing less than exceptional. They are the one’s that help mold the graduates we have today and
they have done that very well and are good people to work with. They also had setbacks but
would always pull through for the benefit and pleasure of creating the best electricians to run the
industries of today. And I think I would be fitting to give the whole department a big round of
Lastly, thank you very much for your time and to those who dream of having a life skill like the
one our Electrical Engineering graduates have aquired MSASA INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
COLLEGE is the right place to achieve that dream. Please give another round of applause to the
next speaker as I am taking my leave.

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


Communication Practical Assignment One

1. Substance abuse has shown some terrible effects in our society in the youth.Do some
research on the causes and effects of substance abuse. Use a schematic report in trying to
answer this question.
2. Your institution is to hold a graduation ceremony and you are to write a 30 minute speech
to be delivered by our HOD at the graduation pertaining your department.

Electrical Power Engineering NC1


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