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THEME AND TOPIC: Social organization, partners of lifes , that´s because in this chapter the
author show how despite the problems and their young age the kids try to survive in unknown

EXTRACT: page 18-19

1st at all good morning we have the pleasure to analyze an extract from the novel “Lord of the
flies by William Golding in 1954 our commentary is going to be about an extract from the
chapter 1 of the novel where the author establishes the first moment after the plan crash, and
a kid woke up on an unknown place.

In these pages we can read the organization between the children after they realized there
weren´t any grown-up. That “organization” was about assigning the roles that each one was
going to take. The pages were mainly about the leader´s assignment , which despite the
difficulties could be achieved.

In this pages we identified three mainly characters Ralph , Piggy and Jack which their
relationship is not the best but despite their differences they know how to agree each other

Now talking about the language that the author used in this chapter , well in the whole book ,
we think it´s between semiformal and colloquial because he is focus in a young audience , I
mean maybe between 13- and part of the twenty´s or maybe even more ,because if the age
would be younger , the children wouldn´t find this book attractive and after, we mean the
people who are in their forty’s fifty’s or more, they would like to read something about history,
wars, politic I don´t know but as the children , they would find this book a little boring , and
that´s why the author is focus in that age range.

We think the author is attempting to show how although the problems on the place they were,
including lack of help, they were always trying to survive and at the same time keep
themselves calm despite being alone.

In our perspective if we were them maybe we wouldn´t take that situation so calm, therefore
we could be paranoid and start to lose our mind.
Now , before to conclude , we think these pages are related with the themeSocial organization,
and topic partners of life that´s because in this chapter the author show how despite the
problems and their young age the kids try to survive in unknown place

We learned in this chapter that if you keep calm and don´t lose your mind you could survive in
any situation like the characters did.

We really like this extract because it was funny to read and easy to understand, this extract has
teach us a little about the main characters of this character

Before to conclude we think the theme in this extract was

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