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Impromptu Speaking

Please watch Video 4 - Toastmasters Intl. Impromptu Speaking.
Identify and discuss the techniques in Delivering Your Impromptu Speech.

Construct an organized framework for your presentation.

• It is important to take a few moments to think about the main points you want to
make when you are given a topic for an impromptu speech, especially if you do not
have much time to prepare.
• You will be able to deliver your ideas in a manner that is logical and convincing if you
take the time to develop a crystal-clear structure for your speech.

Make sure to use language that is concrete and specific.

• Since impromptu speeches are frequently constrained to a predetermined amount of

time, it is essential to ensure that each and every word counts.
• Making use of language that is concrete and specific will assist you in conveying
your message in a manner that is both clear and succinct.

Make connections between your ideas by using transitions.

• Transitions are essential components of any kind of speech, but they play a
particularly vital role in impromptu presentations.
• You can create a connection between your ideas and make your speech flow more
smoothly by using transitions.

Use vocal variety to keep your audience engaged.

• When giving an impromptu speech, it is essential to make use of a wide range of

vocal styles.
• When you speak to an audience, it is important to vary your pitch, volume, and rate
so that they remain engaged and interested in what you have to say.

Make sure you have your prepared remarks down pat.

• Even though impromptu speeches are typically delivered with very little to no prior
preparation, it is still a good idea to practice your speech before you deliver it.
• When it comes time for you to deliver your speech, you will feel more prepared, self-
assured, and at ease as a result of doing this.

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