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1 mg/ml into the tissues, to prevent

local necrosis. Blanching along the course of
the infused vein, sometimes without obvious
extravasation, may be attributed to vasa vasorum
1. INDICATIONS AND USAGE constriction with increased permeability of the
vein wall, permitting some leakage. This also
Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml is indicated for: may progress on rare occasions to superficial
slough. Hence, if blanching occurs, consider
of respiratory distress due to changing the infusion site at intervals to allow the
bronchospasm.   effects of local vasoconstriction to subside.
——Rapid relief of hypersensitivity reaction to

drugs and other allergens. Antidote for Extravasation Ischemia:

——Prolongation of the action of infiltration
To prevent sloughing and necrosis in areas in
anesthetics.   which extravasation has taken place, infiltrate
——Adrenaline may be of value in restoring
the area with 10 mL to 15 mL of saline solution
cardiac rhythm in cardiac arrest. However, containing from 5 mg to 10 mg of phentolamine,
it is not used in cardiac failure or in an adrenergic blocking agent. Use a syringe
hemorrhagic, traumatic or cardiogenic shock. with a fine hypodermic needle, with the solution
—— Treatment of mucosal congestion of hay fever
being infiltrated liberally throughout the area,
rhinitis and acute sinusitis. which is easily identified by its cold, hard,
——Relief of bronchial asthmatic paroxysms.  
and pallid appearance. Sympathetic blockade
——Symptomatic relief of serum sickness with phentolamine causes immediate and
urticarial and angioneurotic edema. conspicuous local hyperemic changes if the area
——Relaxation of uterine musculature and is infiltrated within 12 hours.
inhibition of uterine contractions.  
——Hemostatic agent in syncope due to complete 5.4 Pulmonary Edema
heart block or carotid sinus hypersensitivity There is risk of pulmonary edema because of the
and for resuscitation in cardiac arrest peripheral constriction and cardiac stimulation
following anesthetic accidents. produced.

5.5 Renal Impairment

2. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Intravenously administered Adrenaline initially
may produce constriction of renal blood vessels
Parenteral drug products should be inspected and decrease urine formation.
visually for particulate matter prior to
administration, whenever solution and container 5.6 Cardiac Arrhythmias
permit. Discard any unused portion. Adrenaline may induce cardiac arrhythmias in
patients, especially those patients suffering from
Adrenaline may be added to sodium chloride 0.9% heart disease, organic heart disease, or who are
injection. Whole blood or plasma, if indicated to receiving drugs that sensitize the myocardium.
increase blood volume, should be administered
separately. 5.7 Prolonged Hypertension
Blood volume depletion should always be Patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors
corrected as fully as possible before any (MAOI) or antidepressants of the triptyline
vasopressor is administered. When, as an or imipramine types may experience severe,
emergency measure, intra-aortic pressures must prolonged hypertension when given Adrenaline.
be maintained to prevent cerebral or coronary
artery ischemia, Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml can
be administered before and concurrently with 6. ADVERSE REACTIONS
blood volume replacement.
The following adverse reactions associated with
Whenever possible, give infusions of Adrenaline the use of Adrenaline were identified in the
S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml into a large vein. Avoid literature. Because these reactions are reported
using a catheter tie-in technique, because the voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it
obstruction to blood flow around the tubing may is not always possible to estimate their frequency
cause stasis and increased local concentration reliably or to establish a causal relationship to
of the drug. Occlusive vascular diseases (for drug exposure.
example, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, diabetic
endarteritis, Berger’s disease) are more likely to Cardiovascular disorders: tachycardia,
occur in the lower than in the upper extremity; supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular
therefore, avoid the veins of the leg in elderly arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, myocardial
patients or in those suffering from such infarction, limb ischemia, pulmonary edema
disorders. There is potential for gangrene in a Gastrointestinal disorders: Nausea, vomiting
lower extremity when infusions of catecholamine General disorders and administrative site
are given in an ankle vein. conditions: Chest pain, extravasation
Metabolic: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, insulin
To provide hemodynamic support in septic shock resistance, hypokalemia, lactic acidosis
associated hypotension in adult patients, the Nervous system disorders: Headache,
suggested dosing infusion rate of intravenously nervousness, paresthesia, tremor, stroke, central
administered Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml nervous system bleeding
is 0.05 mcg/kg/min to 2 mcg/kg/min, and is Psychiatric disorders: Excitability
titrated to achieve a desired mean arterial Renal disorders: Renal insufficiency
pressure (MAP). The dosage may be adjusted Respiratory disorders: Pulmonary edema, rales
periodically, such as every 10-15 minutes, in Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders:
increments of 0.05 mcg/kg/min to 0.2 mcg/kg/min, Diaphoresis, pallor, piloerection, skin blanching,
to achieve the desired blood pressure goal. skin necrosis with extravasation.

Continuous Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml infusion Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

is generally required over several hours or days Reporting suspected adverse reactions after
until the patient’s hemodynamic status improves. authorization of the medicinal product is
The duration of perfusion or total cumulative important. It allows continued monitoring of the
dose cannot be predicted. benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Any
suspected adverse events should be reported to
After hemodynamic stabilization, wean incrementally the Ministry of Health according to the National
over time, such as by decreasing doses of Regulation by using an online form:
Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml every 30 minutes (
over a 12 to 24 hour period. getsequence.aspx?formType=AdversEffectMedic


Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml injectable solution.
Each ampoule contains: 7.1 Adrenaline’s Effects on Other Drugs
Active ingredient: adrenaline (Epinephrine) 1 mg Antihypertensives: Adrenaline may antagonize
5 glass ampoules of 1 ml adrenaline. the neuronal blockade produced by guanethidine
resulting in decreased antihypertensive effect
and requiring increased dosage of the latter.
7.2 Effects of Other Drugs on Adrenaline
Hypersensitivity to active ingredient or to any of Drugs antagonizing pressor effects
the excipients; ischemic heart diseases; —— α-blockers, such as phentolamine

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken-heart syndrome); —— Vasodilators, such as nitrates

cardiac Tachy-arrhythmias; organic cerebral —— Diuretics

damage; cerebral arteriosclerosis; closed angle —— Antihypertensives

Adrenaline should not be administered Drugs potentiating pressor effects
—— Sympathomimetics
during general anesthesia with chlorophorm,
—— β-blockers
trichloroethylene or cyclopropane and should
—— Tricyclic anti-depressants
be used with caution with other halogenated
—— Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
anesthetic’s (ex. halothane).
—— Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT)
Adrenaline should not be used in some areas,
like fingers and tongue, during local anesthesia inhibitors, such as entacapone
—— Clonidine
because vasoconstriction may cause tissue
—— Doxapram
—— Oxytocin
Adrenaline should not be administered during the
second phase of labor (see section 8).
Drugs potentiating arrythmogenic effects
—— β-blockers
—— Cyclopropane or halogenated hydrocarbon
anesthetics, such as halothane
—— Antihistamines
The solution should be colourless, almost
—— Thyroid hormones
colourless or slightly yellow, clear and without
—— Diuretics
visible particles.
—— Digitalis glycosides

Important information on some excipients:

Drugs potentiating hypokalemic effects
Adrenaline solution contains sodium —— Potassium depleting diuretics
metabisulphite, a sulphite which may rarely —— Corticosteroids
cause severe hypersensitivity reactions and —— Theophylline

5.1 Blood Volume Replacement

Correct blood volume depletion before any
vasopressor is administered.
8.1 Pregnancy
5.2 Acute Hypertension Pregnancy Category C: Adrenaline has been
Titrate Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml infusion while shown to have developmental effects in rabbits
monitoring vital signs. Invasive arterial blood at a subcutaneous dose of 1.2 mg/kg
pressure monitoring and central venous pressure (approximately 30 times the maximum
monitoring are recommended. Because of varying recommended daily subcutaneous or
response to adrenaline, dangerously high blood intramuscular dose on a mg/m² basis), in mice at
pressure may occur. a subcutaneous dose of 1 mg/kg (approximately
7 times the maximum recommended daily
5.3 Extravasation subcutaneous or intramuscular dose on a mg/m²
The infusion site should be checked frequently basis), and in hamsters at a subcutaneous
for free flow. Avoid extravasation of Adrenaline dose of 0.5 mg/kg (approximately 5 times the
maximum recommended daily subcutaneous or 11.3 Pharmacokinetics
intramuscular dose on a mg/m2 basis). These Following intravenous injection, adrenaline is
effects were not seen in mice at a subcutaneous rapidly cleared from the plasma with an effective
dose of 0.5 mg/kg (approximately 3 times the half-life of < 5 min. A pharmacokinetic steady
maximum recommended daily subcutaneous or state following continuous intravenous infusion is
intramuscular dose on a mg/m2 basis). Although achieved within 10-15 min. In patients with septic
there are no adequate and well-controlled shock, adrenaline displays dose-proportional
studies in pregnant women, Adrenaline crosses pharmacokinetics in the infusion dose range of
the placenta (but not the blood-brain barrier) and 0.03 to 1.7 mcg/kg/min.
could lead to fetal anoxia, spontaneous abortion
or both. Data from animal studies have shown Adrenaline is extensively metabolized with only a
that Adrenaline interferes with ovum implantation small amount excreted unchanged. Adrenaline
and fetus survival in rabbits and has teratogenic is rapidly degraded to vanillylmandelic acid, an
potential. inactive metabolite, by monoamine oxidase and
catechol-O-methyltransferase that are abundantly
8.2 Labor and Delivery expressed in the liver, kidneys and other
Adrenaline usually inhibits spontaneous or extraneuronal tissues. The tissues with the
oxytocin induced contractions of the pregnant highest contribution to removal of circulating
human uterus and may delay the second stage of exogenous adrenaline are the liver (32%),
labor. Avoid Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml during kidneys (25%), skeletal muscle (20%), and
the second stage of labor. In dosage sufficient mesenteric organs (12%).
to reduce uterine contractions, the drug may
cause a prolonged period of uterine atony with 11.4 Special Populations
hemorrhage. Avoid Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml Elderly
in obstetrics when maternal blood pressure In a pharmacokinetic study of 45-minute Adrenaline
exceeds 130/80 mmHg. infusions given to healthy men aged 20 to 25
years and healthy men aged 60 to 65 years,
8.3 Nursing Mothers the mean plasma metabolic clearance rate of
Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml is distributed into Adrenaline at steady state was greater among
breast milk. Avoid breast-feeding in mothers the older men (144.8 versus 78 mL/kg/min for a
receiving infusion of Adrenaline. 14.3 ng/kg/min infusion).

8.4 Pediatric Use Body Weight

Safety and effectiveness of Adrenaline in Body weight has been found to influence
pediatric patients with septic shock have not Adrenaline pharmacokinetics. Higher body
been established. weight was associated with a higher plasma
Adrenaline clearance and a lower concentration
8.5 Geriatric Use plateau.
Clinical studies of Adrenaline did not include
sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over
to determine whether they respond differently 12. NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY
from younger subjects. Other reported clinical
experience has not identified differences in 12.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis,
responses between the elderly and younger Impairment of Fertility
patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly Adequate carcinogenesis studies have not been
patient should be cautious, usually starting at reported. An equivocal response of Adrenaline
the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the was found when tested in Salmonella typhimurium
greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or strain TA 100 in the absence of metabolic
cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or activation system (S9) and negative in the
other drug therapy. presence of activation system (S9).

9. OVERDOSAGE There are no data from either animal or human

studies regarding potential for the impairment of
Myocardial ischemia and infarction, cardiomyopathy, fertility.
pulmonary edema, and renal insufficiency were
observed in literature reports of accidental 12.2 Animal Toxicology and/or Pharmacology
overdoses. Adrenaline was associated with metabolic effects,
decreased mesenteric, coronary and renal
Toxic effects of overdosage can be counteracted conductance in a sheep model of septic shock.
by injection of an alpha-adrenergic blocker Data from hemolysis study have shown that
(such as phentolamine mesylate) and a beta- Adrenaline at 1:1,000 dilution is non-hemolytic.
adrenergic blocker (such as propranolol). Adrenaline infusion significantly increased the
Rapid-acting vasodilators such as nitrites, or MAP (69 vs. 86 mmHg) and cardiac output (6.4
alpha-adrenergic blocking agents can be given vs. 7.1 L/min) and decreased renal blood flow
to counteract the marked pressor effect of large (330 vs. 247 mL/min).
doses of Adrenaline causing a sharp rise in the
blood pressure. Treatment of acute toxicity is
mainly supportive since Adrenaline is rapidly 13. CLINICAL STUDIES
inactivated in the body.
Treating Hypotension from Septic Shock with
Adrenaline overdosage can also cause transient Adrenaline
bradycardia followed by tachycardia, and these Fourteen clinical studies from the literature
may be accompanied by potentially fatal cardiac documented that Adrenaline increases the
arrhythmias. Premature ventricular contractions mean arterial pressure (MAP) in patients with
may appear within one minute after injection hypotension associated with septic shock.
and may be followed by multifocal ventricular
tachycardia (pre-fibrillation rhythm). Subsidence
of the ventricular effects may be followed by atrial 14. HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND
tachycardia and occasionally by atrioventricular HANDLING
block. Treatment of arrhythmias consists of
administration of a beta-adrenergic blocking drug Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml is a colourless,
such as propranolol. almost colourless or slightly yellow solution,
supplied in a box of 5 glass ampoules of 1 ml
10. DESCRIPTION Contains sodium metabisulphite, which may
rarely cause severe hypersensitivity reactions
This sterile solution may be added to sodium and bronchospasm in some patients.
chloride 0.9% injection by the intravenous route.
Adrenaline is a sympathomimetic (adrenergic) Store below 25°C. Do not freeze. Keep in the
agent designated chemically as 4-[1-hydroxy-2 original packaging and protect from light.
(methylamino) ethyl]-1,2 benzenediol, a white, Protect from alkalis and oxidizing agents.
microcrystalline powder. Solutions for intravenous use should be inspected
It has the following structural formula: visually for particulate matter, whenever solution
and container permit.
Any unused part and derived wastes should be
Do not use after the expiration date.


If possible, interrogate patients regarding any
pre-existing conditions, such as heart disease or
diabetes, medications that they are taking, or
any known hypersensitivity to sympathomimetic
Adrenaline S.A.L.F. 1 mg/ml drugs.
Solution for Injection.
Colourless, almost colourless or slightly yellow.
Each ampoule contains: 16. SHELF LIFE
Active ingredient: Adrenaline 1 mg
Excipients: Sodium chloride 8 mg, Sodium The expiry date of the product is indicated on the
metabisulphite 1 mg, Hydrochloric acid 1M 0.01 packaging materials.
mg, Water for injection q.s. to 1 ml.
11. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 160-10-34515-00
11.1 Mechanism of Action
Adrenaline acts on both alpha (α)- and beta (β)- 18. MANUFACTURER
adrenergic receptors. The mechanism of the rise
in blood pressure is 3-fold: a direct myocardial S.A.L.F. S.p.A. Laboratorio Farmacologico, Cenate
stimulation that increases the strength of Sotto, Italy.
ventricular contraction (positive inotropic action),
an increased heart rate (positive chronotropic
action), and peripheral vasoconstriction. 19. LICENSE HOLDER
11.2 Pharmacodynamics RAZ PHARMACEUTICS LTD., 6 Hamatechet St.,
Following intravenous administration of Adrenaline, Kadima, Israel.
increases in systolic blood pressure and heart
rate are observed. Decreases in systemic This leaflet format has been determined by
vascular resistance and diastolic blood pressure the Ministry of Health and the content has
are observed at low doses of adrenaline because been checked and approved in February 2018
of β2-mediated vasodilation, but are overtaken by
α1-mediated peripheral vasoconstriction at higher RAZR13
doses leading to increase in diastolic blood
pressure. The onset of blood pressure increase
following an intravenous dose of adrenaline is < 5
minutes and the time to offset blood pressure
response occurs within 20 min. Most vascular
beds are constricted including renal, splanchnic,
mucosal and skin.

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