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mayor /meə[r]/ /'meiər/Đọc giọng UKĐọc giọng US


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* Các từ tương tự:

mayoral, mayoralty, mayoress, mayorship

However, I think that this is a negative development and both 22 people who study science and
literatureliterature and drama 23 should receive equal chanceequal chances 24. This is because lots of
humans were borned with no ability to be able to good at science but at literaturehave an innate ability
in literature and drama, other than science.25, if we deny or underestimate the importance of literature,
they would probably get harderfind it harder 26 to develop their actual talent in the future. In addition,
eventhougheven though science affectaffects 27 our life in many different ways, we can not live without
entertainment and literature or dramaliterature or drama 28 contribute such a major role in thatas they
play such a major role in our lives.29. The A 30typical example can be seen in the case of Bill Gates, athe
31 founder of Microsoft, hewho 32 once said that: “I would have maybe died maymany 33 years ago if it
had not been for the existence of literature”.34

In conclusion, althoughtalthough 35 how vital science isscience is vital , we can not deny the value of
literatureliterature and drama 36 in our daily life and I belive that this is a negative progress for the
above-mentioned37 arguments.

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