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2/8/2020 Multi-2 Diamonds (Multi Two Diamonds): Bridge Bidding Convention

Any defense to a Multi 2 Diamonds opening becomes a matter of partnership agreement and must be based on
the principle of which seat and/or position at the table decides to defend and/or enter the auction. This
element is paramount in deciding the significance of any overcall. Any defense mechanism is also a matter of
partnership agreement, but the partnership should determine whether an initial pass in the immediate seat, in
order to discover the suit of the opener, followed by a bid equals a valid bid or an act of balancing. Also, the
partnership must determine in advance the meanings of any:

1. Double

2. The bid of any unbid suit plus No Trump

3. the significance of any overcall on the Three Level. Several operable defense options are listed below
and may serve as the foundation for a partnership understanding.

1. Any Double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening by the First Seat is a Takeout Double.

South West Meaning

2D X Takeout Double
2H The same as a Takeout Double of a weak 2H opening
2S Natural and shows a 5-card Spade suit
2N Balanced distribution and 16-19 HCPs
3C Natural and indicates an opening bid
3D Natural and indicates an opening bid
3H Natural and indicates an opening bid
3S Natural and indicates more values than 2S
3N To play; possibly a good Minor trick-taking suit
4C Strong values with 5-card Heart suit and 5-card Club suit *

4D Strong values with 5-card Heart suit and 5-card Diamond suit *

4H Natural and shows a 5-card Heart suit; stronger values than 3 H

4S Natural and shows a 5-card Spade suit; stronger values than 3 S

4N Promises a strong two-suited holding with both Minor suits **

* With a 5-card Spade suit and a 5-card Club suit, the recommendation is to Pass first, followed by a first bid
of 4 Clubs, if possible.

** With lesser values, an immediate overcall of 3 Diamonds, followed by a rebid of 4 Clubs, if possible,
should be understood to mean the same thing, a two-suiter in both Minor suits.

2. Any Double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening by the First Seat promises a strong No Trump.

South West Meaning

2D X Shows a strong No Trump of 16-18 HCPs
2H The same as a Takeout Double of a weak 2S opening
2S The same as a Takeout Double of a weak 2H opening
2N Promises a two-suited holding with both Minor suits 1/2
2/8/2020 Multi-2 Diamonds (Multi Two Diamonds): Bridge Bidding Convention

3C Natural and indicates an opening bid

3D Natural and indicates an opening bid
3H Natural and indicates an opening bid
3S Natural and indicates an opening bid
3N To play; possibly a good Minor trick-taking suit
4C Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Club suit
4D Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Diamond suit

3. Any Double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening by the First Seat is a Two-Way.

South West Meaning

2D X Shows a No Trump range of 13-16 HCPs or
X Shows a holding of 19 HCPs plus, any shape
2H Natural and indicates an opening bid
2S Natural and indicates an opening bid
2N Shows a No Trump range of 16-18 HCPs
3C Natural and indicates an opening bid
3D Natural and indicates an opening bid
3H Natural and indicates an opening bid
3S Natural and indicates an opening bid
3N To play; possibly a good Minor trick-taking suit
4C Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Club suit
4D Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Diamond suit 2/2

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