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HTC 115 UNIT 2

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each transport mode.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each different mode of transportation:

The advantages of air transportation are that it is a direct root, fast speed, rapid service, social and
political significance, and classy travel. The downsides of air transportation include high costs, jet lag,
incapability for huge volume cargoes, accidents that are invariably disastrous, and the need to follow
international rules. The benefits of road transportation include flexibility, dependability, door-to-door
service, cost-effectiveness, supplementing other forms of transportation, and rapid travel over short
distances. The disadvantages of road travel are slow speed, restricted carrying capacity, accidents, non-
coaches that are not very pleasant, and comfort that is dependent on road conditions. Railways have the
benefit of being cheaper for long-distance travel, having a big load capacity, providing dependable
service, being faster than road transport, and having the chance to observe landscapes headed straight.
Railways' disadvantages include inflexibility, unsuitability for mountainous terrain, difficulty in rural
areas, and a lack of dining car facilities. Lastly, Water transportation is a highly inefficient mode of
transportation. It takes a long time to travel or transport something. In fact, streams are bending.
However, the benefits of water transport include cheap, large carrying capacity, and the development of
international and regional industries.

2. How the transportation system of a certain destination affects its tourism industry.

Event tourism has grown as a significant segment of global tourism plans and recreational behavior. The
significance of transportation stems not only from the role it plays in the growth of the national
socioeconomic complex, but also from the significant role it plays in the amplification of interactions
between nations. The function of transportation in the transport of goods and people has a significant
impact on other sectors of the global economy, especially international tourism. Without transportation,
there would be no travel and tourist business, and individuals would not be able to visit other areas they
wanted to see. As a result, transportation growth is connected to tourist development; as international
tourism develops, does as well international transportation. Tourists may chose between four major
modes of transportation to reach their destinations, based on various of criteria. Having a stable and
effective transportation system is one of the factors that contribute to the nation's social and economic
growth. Tourist cannot be totally developed without transportation, as transportation is what brings

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