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Management Lab(Python)

Lab Manual
School Of Management and Liberal Studies
The NorthCap University, Gurugram
Management Lab(python) Lab Manual
BSP 502
Faculty Incharge
Ms Ishita

NorthCap University, Gurugram- 122001, India

Session 2022-23

Published by:

School of Management and Liberal Studies

The NorthCap University Gurugram

S. Practical Page Date of Date of Signatur
N No. Practical Submissio e
o n

Write a program to find  sum
of two numbers
2 Write a program difference
of two numbers
3 Write a program to find
largest of two numbers

4 Write a program to find

largest of three numbers

5 Write a program to check

whether a year is leap
year or not

6 Write a program to find a

number is even or odd.

7 WAP to find factorial of a

number using for and
while loop.

8 WAP to print table of a

number using for and
while loop

9 WAP to check whether a

number is prime or not
10 WAP to print Fibonacci

11 WAP to reverse a string

using string slicing

12 WAP to check whether a

number is palindrome or

13 WAP to swap first and last

element in a list

14 WAP to find sum of all

elements in a list using
sum() and loop

15 WAP to create a
dictionary with employee
name and salary

16 WAP to count number of

characters in a string using

17 WAP to find size of tuple

18 WAP to add three

numbers using functions
19 WAP to create a class
rectangle and find the
perimeter of a rectangle

20 WAP using Pandas to

create and display a one-
dimensional array-like
object containing an array
of data.

21 Pandas program to add,

subtract, multiple and
divide two Pandas Series

Student Name and Roll Number:

Semester /Section:
Link to Code:
Faculty Signature:
Practical 1: - WAP to find sum of two numbers in python


OUTPUT (with Screenshot)


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