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Martin & Matts Oathmark campaign Rules

 Each player will have army markers to move on map. These can be made to the maximum of
15k points with a max of 3000-point per army. (Excluding territory bonus) each player can
also have up to 5 dummy army tokens,
 Each player must number each marker and attach an army list to it
 Each player also has 2 scouting parties.

When a scouting party is adjacent to a territory with an army marker, they can attempt to scouting
roll: Roll 1 d10
1-2 no useful info gathered
3-6 army discloses 50% of troop composition or if fake army.
7-9 army discloses 75% troop composition or if fake army
10 100% disclosure or if fake.

When a scouting party is adjacent to a territory with an enemy scouting party in it can 'shake then
roll D10 1-2 your scouting party retreats 2 territories and misses next turn.
3-7 nothing happens
8-9 enemy scouting party retreats 2 territories and misses next turn
10 enemy scouts wiped out and removed from the game.
Scouts can move and scout an adjacent territory as one turn. If an army moves into the territory with
enemy scout

Map Rules

 Armies can only move one territory per turn (Unless a road has been built)
 All armies must start in a city when recruited
 Armies can move via sea 1 port per turn.

If the army moves by sea more than 2 ports roll on the below table

1: Storms have hit you hard as you travel when you land your army loses 25% of its points total.
2-3: Bad weather has delayed you add one turn of delay before you can arrive at your destination
4-9: Fairweather all the way you arrive in good order
10: Fair winds have pushed your ships faster than expected. If you have more than 2 ports in your
journey you may move to the next port for a free move

 Each Army must trace an unbroken (Controlled areas) line to a city they control. If they
cannot then they must move towards a territory that can trace an unbroken line or / attack a
territory to get back into supply. If an army cannot do that in 1 turn its next battle it will have
a -1 to morale/ activation checks. Any move after this one the army is still not connected it
will reduce the points by 25% each turn of the original army size (EG 2500 point army will
lose 625 points per turn & 1000 point army 250 points per Turn) once it arrives at 500 points
the army will scatter and no longer be available to the player. If the army is in a territory
with a port the army counts as tracing unbroken line of control if they control another port a
maximum of 3 ports away

 Each territory will be counted as controlled by the last 1000 point or greater army that
passed through it

Roll for weather for each kingdom at the start of a turn.

1. Sunny
2. Sunny
3. Sunny
4. Sunny
5. Foggy (Reduced to 18” line of sight)
6. Windy (Shoot reduced by 1)
7. Raining (Move reduced by 2)
8. Heatwave (Fight reduced by 1)
9. Snow (Defence reduced by 1)
10. Storm (Lightning spell randomly attacks unit on a roll of a 1 before the turn)

Additional campaign rules

 Kingdom starting army points up to maximum of 15,000
 Maximum army size of 3000 pts
 Each territory is worth 100 resource points per turn plus any bonus features (see resource
 For every extra terrain piece annexed you may draw an additional one off 250 resource
points to add to your kingdom total, then each round after it drops to the standard 100
 At the start of the campaign turn add up all territory’s including resources bonus and
calculate the total resource points and then declare how many resource points will be spent
on new units, casualty replacements or any terrain upgrades ie roads. Any unused points can
be pooled for future rounds. New units arrive in the capital at the end of the corresponding
campaign turn and available at the start of the next campaign turn. Casualty replacements
are allocated as and when needed and arrive the turn after being allocated.

Levy Troops
 Each undefended terrain piece can raise a local levy up to the value of 1,000 pts

A M F S D CD H Pts

6 6 1 0 8 1 1 10

 The levy race being dictated by the terrain type. So, for example plains would produce
human levy and if the terrain is unaligned then the race of your capital. However, the pts
cost is all the same, so I guess any troop type that is available.
 The maximum levy points that can be raised is 1,000 points
 If you wish you can swap 20% of levy to archers, so Shoot 1 in place of Fight 1
 You cannot attach a leader or champion to a levy unit, but can still benefit from Command
 Levy are attached to the territory and cannot move
 For defended terrain (Regular army points) you can still raise some levy based on the

Regular army points Additional levy points

1,000 pts 750 levy pts

1,500 pts 500 Levy pts

2,000 pts 250 levy pts

 The defending player can never use levy pts which when combined with regular points
exceed the attacking players total army points. So, for example if the attacker is fielding a
2,000-point army and the defender has a 2,000-point army it may not add levy pts.

Map, movement, and combat rules expanded

 At the start of each campaign game turn players roll for initiative. The initiative winner can
choose to either move first or last, with remaining players going in dice order.
 Each Kingdom then moves one army counter in turn.
 All players repeat this process until all army counters have been moved, or players declare
their turn is over.
 When all movement is done and once all players have declared their movement finished,
battles are then fought in the order they were initiated. This potentially prevents intended
movement being changed because of the outcome of a battle.
 If an army successfully annexed a territory it takes one full turn before it can start to
produce any corresponding troop types.
 If a defeated army retreats into an adjourning territory that is within its supply line, then it
will also need one full move to gather stragglers and replace casualties from its replacement
pool before it can attack. However, if the defeated army is attacked again by a different
army within the consolidation game turn, then only a percentage of its casualties are
replaced subject to a percentage dice roll. In addition, if it should lose the second battle then
any unallocated casualty replacements are deemed lost.

Roll Percentage

1-2 25%

3-5 50%

6-8 75%

9-10 100%
Battle Scenarios table

Dice roll D20 Battle type

1-2 Pitched battle

3-4 Oathmarks

5-6 Campaign game 2

7-8 Chance Engagement

9-10 Wind & Rain

11-12 Make up a game?

13 The Road to kings (Page 58 bane of kings)

14 The Great Sentinels (Page 60 bane of kings)

15 Battle for the High Seat (Page 63 bane of kings)

16 Etched in Ice (Page 65 bane of kings)

17 The Frozen River (Page 66 bane of kings)

18 The Ice palace (Page 68 bane of kings)

19 Lost in the Hills (Page 44 Oathbreakers)

20 Secure the Road (Page 45 Oathbreakers)

Character promotion
 If you have a captain that is involved in 5 winning battles you can promote him to a
general. (Points cost stay the same as a captain) However, you can only have as
many generals as your terrain type allows.
Terrain Cap
 Despite how many territories you may have in your Kingdom the maximum number
you may use to build army’s is capped at 16 territories and with a maximum of only
two of the same terrain types. You can if you wish hold open territory slots
Terrain exchange
 If you wish, you can choose to use resource points to swap an existing territory and
troop type for a new one. This needs to be limited to only one change per turn and
can only be from a territory you actually have within your kingdom. The transition
takes one full turn and neither the old or new troop type can be used until this has
been completed.
Troop exchange
Each turn you may swap out and exchange up to 25% of your army’s points value for
new troop types. This can only be pulled from your 16 fixed territory’s
Victory points
 If you win a battle, for every 500pts of troops you fight rounded up you receive 1
victory point. So, for example if you fight and win a battle and your opponent has a
3,000-point army you will receive 6 VP`s
To give the game some balance and reflect that even by losing you gain some
experience, the losing side will also get some VP`s based on 50% of the winner. In
the above case 3 VP`s. Once you reach 15 VP`s you can exchange them for extra
troop points equal to 100 troop points for every 1 VP. The new army must start in
your capital.
Neutral City’s and Kingdom’s
 Each Neutral city can produce all troop types from the race list associated with the
 The Neutral kingdom can also field any troop types generated from the other 6
kingdom terrain tiles plus one extra troop type chosen by the defending player.
(Excluding Dragons)
 Each Neutral Kingdom starts with one 3000-point army in its capital and 1d3 armies
each of 3000 pts plus between 3 and 5 dummy armies. Up to a combined maximum
of 7.
 Once attacked the opposing player takes control of the Kingdom and will randomly
roll for the positioning of the Dummy and real army’s counters.
 After the first round of combat the Neutral player Acts as the opponent and can
move units freely within the neutral kingdom boundary’s
 Neutral Kingdoms can never invade or move out of its own territory.
 Neutral kingdoms do not generate o receive resource points.
 If a Neutral city is captured then it will revert back to only producing unit types
linked to the city.


 Resources are generated each round and can be pooled and or allocated to either
manpower or infrastructure. Manpower covers the recruit of new armies, or
replacing battlefield casualties and Infrastructure includes upgrading your resource
tiles or building roads etc

Resource generation table

Captured terrain tile after one full turn of occupation (One off bonus) 250pts
Each terrain tile there after 100pts
If a terrain tile contains a River or Lake +15pts
If a terrain tile is a costal tile (Excluding ports) +15pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 1 port +50pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 2 port * +75pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 3 port * +100pts
If a terrain tile contains a forest, woods, logging camp, glade or grotto +30pts
If a terrain tile contains Hills or Dells +25pts
If a terrain tile contains Grasslands +30pts
If a terrain tile contains plains or moors +25pts
If a terrain tile contains Mountains, caverns or caves +15pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 1 forge or smithy +50pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 2 forge or smithy * +75pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 3 forge or smithy * +100pts
If a terrain tile contains an Iron Mine +50pts
If a terrain tile contains a Silver Mine +150 pts
If a terrain tile contains a Gold Mine +200pts
If a terrain tile contains a road * +15pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 1 Farm * +50pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 2 Farm * +75pts
If a terrain tile contains a level 3 Farm * +100pts
If a terrain tile contains a Level 1 Timber mill or Lumber yard +50pts
If a terrain tile contains a Level 2 Timber mill or Lumber yard * +75pts
If a terrain tile contains a Level 3 Timber mill or Lumber yard * +100pts
If a terrain tile contains Towers or a Monastery +30pts
Only available as an upgrade *

Resource upgrades

 Terrain tiles can be upgraded by investing additional resources.

 Each level of upgrade needs to be fully completed before the next level can be
started and takes 2 turn to complete. For example, if you are going for a level 3
facility then it will take 4 turns to upgrade.
Resource cost table

Level 2 port 75pts

Level 3 port 100pts
Level 2 Farm 75pts
Level 3 Farm 100pts
Level 2 forge or smithy 75pts
Level 3 forge or smithy 100pts
Level 2 Timber mill/Lumber yard 75pts
Level 3 Timber mill/Lumber yard 100pts
One section of Road (two rounds to complete) 150pts
Troop recruitment/replacement cost 1pt each
Roads allow for faster and easier movement so not only give a small resource bonus but
triple the rate that units can move across friendly land tiles. So, if you have at least two
friendly territory tiles which are adjacent to each other instead of being able to just move
one territory tile per turn you can move up to 3 territory tiles per turn.

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